Is it possible to create a second Yandex mail? How to create a second mailbox on Yandex? What to do if the user has forgotten his Yandex email

With any free email service you can create an unlimited number of emails. boxes. Yandex Mail is no exception. To create second Mailbox on Yandex and use two accounts at the same time, use two browsers.


In the first browser, which you use most often, log in to Yandex.Mail using your main account. In the second browser, for example, Internet Explorer, set by default to Windows system, create new account in Yandex.Mail. To do this, go to mail server"Yandex", located at the link: Click on the “Create mail” button. The registration window and its first step will appear on the screen. Enter your first name, last name and desired login in the appropriate fields. If the login is free, click the “Next” button.

In the next step, create a password, enter it in the special field and duplicate the confirmation field. Next, select a security question and enter the answer to it. After this, for account security or in case you lose your password, you can indicate your main e-mail and/or number mobile phone to recover your email password. The last thing you need to do is enter the captcha - the symbols from the picture at the bottom of the page. , check the box next to the line “I accept the terms of the user agreement” and click the “Register” button. You have registered a second mailbox on Yandex.Mail. Now you can use two mailboxes in different browsers so you don’t have to log out every time. account and do not enter a login-password pair.

You can also collect letters from the second mailbox to the first and from the first to the second. In other words, you can create a redirection of letters from one e-mail to another. To do this, in the account you use most often, follow the “Settings” link in the mail window. Select “Collect mail from other mailboxes” in the settings window, then enter the e-mail address and password for the mailbox from which you want to forward email to your account, then click the “Enable collector” button.

Hello. Today, I’ll tell you how to create a second mail on Yandex. Each of us may need to have several mailboxes. One, say, could be used for work, the second for registering on some forums, the third for personal correspondence, for example...

Let's say you really like mail on Yandex, you appreciate all the options that are offered to its users. And you would like to have a second box there. You have a question:

“How to create a second mail on Yandex?”

It all depends on whether you want to use multiple browsers or just one. Let's consider each of these options separately.

Do you want to use multiple browsers?

Then, in addition to your favorite one, download a few more. The most popular today are Firefox, Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Opera; you can use the same Internet Explorer. It all depends on your personal preferences.

  1. On the Yandex page click “Create mail”.
  2. On the page that opens first enter your first and last name(you can enter fictitious data if you do not want to provide real data). Next, you are required to come up with login- It all depends on your imagination; The main thing is that your option is not occupied by anyone.
  3. Come up with password and duplicate it in the field below. It is important that the password is complex enough (immediately avoid options like “qwerty” or “12345”). It would be best to enter some phrase in Russian in English letters. You can also include numbers and some punctuation marks in your password.
  4. Next you are required enter phone number, click “Get code” and enter what they will send you in the appropriate field.
    If you don't want to do this then you can click “I don’t have a phone”, select a security question (you can ask your own) and enter the answer to it.
  5. At the end, enter the captcha, accept the terms User Agreement (just check the box) and click " Register».

This is how easy it is to create a second box on Yandex. One thing: if you use different browsers, enter a unique login in each when creating mail! The password can be the same everywhere.

How to create a second mailbox on Yandex in one browser

Don't want to install multiple browsers on your computer? Nothing, everything can be done in one!

  • It's simple: go to the Yandex page, click on your login in the right top corner screen and select “Exit”. After this, all that remains is to click “Create mail” and follow the procedure described above.

This method has only one drawback: when logging into another account, you will always need to confirm your login and password.

Both methods described in this article allow you to create as many mailboxes as you like. I’ll finish here, today we covered the topic of how to create a second mail on Yandex. Now take action, write in the comments, share your successes and victories.

If you already have one mailbox, create a second one, a third one, etc. You can use any mail service:,, and others. It can be registered in the same way as the first one, using the same data (last name and first name).

You will need

  • - Internet browser;
  • - account on Yandex.


  • A fairly wide range of services today is offered by the Yandex mailbox. Go to home page project and click the “Create mail” link on the left side of the site. You will see a registration page mail account. Here you need to go through 3 steps sequentially: 2 registration steps and the last step to log into your account.
  • In the first step you need to enter your details, i.e. fill out the fields “First Name”, “Last Name” and come up with your login. If everything is clear with the first and last name, you will have to tinker a little with the login. Hundreds of users register on email services every day, so there are significantly fewer free and unique logins than a few years ago. If your chosen login is busy, use the recommendations that will appear below the field you fill in.
  • After completing this page, proceed to the next step by clicking the "Next" button. Here you also need to fill in all fields. First of all, you should come up with your password and enter it in the appropriate field. Please note that as you type your password, a comment bar will appear to indicate the complexity of the password you entered. It is advisable to create a password that is marked “Complex” or “Strong”.
  • Then you need to enter a password confirmation - this is done in case you entered the password by accident. If the passwords do not match, please enter again.
  • The next column is “Secret Question”. It is used to restore access to your email. Select one of the suggested questions and enter the answer in the field of the same name. Here it is recommended to use your own question - this will reduce the likelihood of your mailbox being hacked.
  • Next, enter a different e-mail. Because you register a second email address, indicate the mailbox that was the first. This technology allows you to contact support if you have technical questions or discover that your account is unavailable.
  • Don't forget about the "Mobile phone" field. Here you need to enter your phone number, with which you can restore access to your mailbox. To complete registration, enter the check numbers in the empty window, check the box next to “I accept the terms of the User Agreement” (which you should read) and click the “Register” button.
  • The final step is to activate the new email address. You shouldn't have any problems here.
  • Often this question is relevant only for users who have recently begun to explore the Internet. To register a second mailbox in Yandex mail, there are several ways to choose, this is a personal matter for everyone.

    Firstly, You can open another email in another browser. That is, if you have one mailbox in the Opera browser, then, accordingly, one more mail can be registered in one of any other browsers, their choice is wide: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and others.

    Secondly, register again in the same browser where the first mail was created, and log in and out of your account if necessary, go to the second mailbox.

    Third, set the parameter in the settings of one of the mailboxes "collection of letters". This is more of an auxiliary option that makes receiving and sending letters from different mailboxes more comfortable.

    Several browsers for creating mail in Yandex

    Work simultaneously in several browsers is the most popular alternative recommended by experienced users. This method is very convenient, you can install mail in two browsers at once, and using the parameter "remember passwords", when you enter the main page of the search engine, the mail window will instantly display the number of letters sent.

    Option to save passwords in browsers configured automatically and pops up instantly upon registration in the form of a small window with a question “Save password?”. If the window is not displayed when creating a mailbox, this function can be set manually if desired:

    • Go to browser settings;
    • Select the passwords and forms column;
    • Enable saving passwords.

    How to create a mailbox?

    Master this technology won't be difficult. To do this, proceed according to the following points:

    • Download two or three browsers. Most Popular: Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, as well as Yandex.Bar- applications from the famous search engine, with an impressive number additional options to quickly find the information you need, including making it easy to manage your mailbox.
    • In the two browsers you like most, register a mailbox by clicking on the button "Get mail".

    To get started, click on the “Create a new” button

    • Fill in all the lines required to register your email: first name, last name, login and password (create at your discretion), mobile phone. You don’t have to link your phone to a specific mailbox in , simply specifying mail from another service, for example, or google mail, if available.

    • After receiving the required data, the resource will offer to do selecting a security question, having given preference to one, you should remember or write down the information in case of restoring the user’s mailbox (forgot your login or password).
    • The next action is to enter into a specific field captcha(letters and numbers drawn in the picture), check the box by clicking on the small window next to the phrase "Confirm the user agreement."

    The mailbox is opened, you can select the background you like and read the welcome letter from the service with further instructions using mail.

    To secure step-by-step actions registering a mailbox in the Yandex system, it is recommended to watch this video:

    Mail on Yandex

    A short and clear video instruction that explains step by step how to create an email account on Yandex

    In another browser, to register a second mailbox, you should carry out all the above steps, only with a new login and password, but for greater convenience, it is recommended to have one password for different mailboxes, this will help in case of mail recovery on different services. Best of all, all mail resource data (logins and passwords) write down in a notepad or on any digital media(phone, tablet, etc.).

    Registering two accounts in one browser

    Quite a popular scheme among Internet users. Multiple mailboxes- a very hot topic among those who like to have two or more profiles in one social network. For those who are developing in the industry of creating websites of various topics or users who need virtual wallets on different services for withdrawing funds.

    You can create a second account on the mail service in this way:

    • Exit the first mailbox by clicking on the blue button, it will appear on the right, at the top of the mail page after clicking on the avatar (account photo).

    • The Internet portal will transfer the user to the main page of the search engine.
    • To register a new mailbox you need to click on the option Mail, then after switching to new page click on the blue link.

    • Fill registration form, the first and last name can be left the same as in the first box. You need to come up with a new login; you can enter the same password as in the previous mail.

    After completing the same steps as in the first case of registration, a second mailbox on the service.

    This method of creating a box allows you to repeat this action repeatedly, the only problem— the likelihood of getting confused when entering required account on this moment, which email is which password.

    To avoid incidents and unnecessary red tape with restoring access due to a password change, for convenience, you can record mailbox data (logins and passwords) on paper or digital media.

    Set the option “collect letters”

    For convenience of working with the first and second methods, there is method of using several boxes at once without "jumping" different browsers. Also this parameter systems postal service significantly alleviates the problem of endless login/logout to view emails from a specific account.

    The “letter collection” option is intended for quickly viewing sent information in all existing mailboxes, including third-party mail resources such as like, google accounts, mailboxes and many others.

    To configure the collection of letters:

    • Go to Mail Service Settings, press the button.

    • Enter the login and password for the email address from which you want to receive letters, then click on the button "Enable Collector".

    If you want to not only receive, but also send letters from one mailbox on behalf of the second mailbox, when setting up "letter collector" Instead of login, you need to enter the full address of the second mailbox. For example, login: valik589, full name of the mailbox: [email protected].

    • If all necessary steps are successfully completed, a corresponding message will be sent to your main email address.
    • Next, you will need to configure the processing parameters for this option. "collections of letters".

    Almost every search engine offers its users to create email. Moreover, any user can freely create not one, but several mailboxes. Although some users are afraid to create several boxes on one site, this is not against the rules and is absolutely normal. When wondering how to open another mail on a particular site, you should turn your attention to large search engines such as Yandex, Google,, since they offer their users many different services that can be very useful in some situations.

    Create a second mailbox

    • In order to create a second mailbox, you first need to go to the website of any search engine. If you have mail on it, you should log out of your old account. If you do not yet have an email in this search engine, then you can immediately proceed directly to registration.
    • It is worth noting that creating the second box is no different from the first. After you have visited the site, you should click on the “Create a mailbox” link located under the “Login” button. After this, you will find yourself on the first page of mailbox registration.
    • On this page, in the first two fields to fill out, you must enter the required personal data. To make it easier to restore access to your mailbox if you lose your password, you need to enter your real first and last name.
    • Now you need to come up with a login and enter it in the very last field on this page. It is worth paying attention to the fact that your new login should not copy an existing one, otherwise registration simply will not take place. To make this difficult job easier, most search engines offer users a list of free logins, one of which you can use.
    • As soon as the system checks the uniqueness of your login and writes that it is free, you should click on the “Next” button.
    • The next step is to come up with a password for your mailbox and enter it in the field next to the “Create a password” item. Your password must consist of at least 6 numbers. You should remember it, or better yet, write it down. And then duplicate the password in the section labeled “Repeat password.”
    • Now, to open another email, you will need to select a security question, thanks to which you can access your email if you forget your password. You can also come up with your own question. The answer should be typed in the adjacent field.
    • Then enter your mobile phone number. This measure is provided in case you forget your password; the administration will send a message to it with a code that will help restore access to your mailbox.
    • To confirm to the system that you are a real person, you need to enter the characters from the picture next to it in the last field, and then click the “Register” button. That's it, the new mailbox is open. Now you know how to create another email account, and if necessary, you will open several more mailboxes for yourself.