Mozilla disable update. Procedure to disable update in Mozilla Mozilla firefox in android disable tab update

Sometimes Mozilla Firefox users need to use old version this browser. This need may arise, for example, when working with some plugins that technical reasons are not compatible with newer versions. In this case it is necessary disable Mozilla update. How to do this is written in detail in our article today.

By default, when installing the Mozilla Firefox browser automatic update launched. That is, the browser, regardless of our participation, from time to time checks for program updates, downloads them, if any, and independently installs and updates. The same applies to its individual extensions.

How to disable Mozilla automatic updates

As already mentioned, updating Mozilla Firefox may cause some plugins installed in the browser to not work. So, for example, a plugin for working with electronic digital signature may not work in a new version of the browser, but at the same time cope perfectly with its tasks in older (previous) versions of this browser, for example. For this reason, Mozilla automatic updates should be disabled.

In order to properly disable automatic updates in Mozilla Firefox, you need to perform some operations on your computer. Why "right"? Because sometimes simply disabling updates in your browser settings is not enough. In this case, you need to change and delete some data.

The first thing to do if the browser has already been updated to a new version is, of course, to uninstall it and then install the version that is required.

After reinstalling Mozilla, find the folder updates on your computer located at:


Besides the folder updates, there are also 2 files located here active-update.xml And updates.xml. We delete them - both the folder and the files. The address where all this is located may differ slightly, but is basically the same.

…\Program Files (x86)\ Mozilla Firefox\defaults

In the folder we see the file channel-prefs.js. Open it with text editor and at the very end of the file we change the word “release” to “no”. Save and close (Do not delete the file!!!).

Now launch the browser and open Settings.

On the left side of the menu click Additionally, then select in the right part of the window Updates where to install Never check for updates...

If desired, you can configure other browser settings if necessary, for example, set as home page desired site, etc.

Then open the menu Add-ons

On the menu Extensions on the right side, uncheck the option Automatically update add-ons. Perhaps this point does not play a special role in solving the problem how to disable mozilla update, but to be sure, it’s worth doing this, so that neither the browser version nor any of its extensions are updated anymore.

You can also click Set all add-ons to manual update mode.

All. This is enough for so that Mozilla will never be updated again. At the same time, if you still need to update your browser, you can use the link from the settings menu About the browser.

Automatically updated. However, occasionally Mozilla Firefox after an update starts to work somehow wrong or stops working altogether, in which case you need to roll back Firefox. It will not be possible to roll back Mozila to a previous version through the settings since this browser does not provide such a function. Therefore, to roll back Firefox to previous version you need to download this previous version, which worked fine before the update, but first you need to disable automatic Firefox updates.

How to disable Firefox updates

Before you roll back Mozilla Firefox to a previous version, you must disable Firefox updates, otherwise, after installing the previous version, it will automatically update again.

To roll back the version of Mozilla Firefox you need to disable updates

You can disable Mozilla Firefox updates in its settings. To do this, you must first open them by clicking on the menu bar ToolsSettings.

How to disable Mozilla Firefox update

In the page that opens called Settings, go to additional settings by clicking on Advanced. IN additional settings you need to go to updates and put a dot at the point Never check for updates (not recommended: compromises security). When you manage to disable the update in Mozilla, it will not update itself and therefore you can try to roll back the Firefox update.

How to rollback Mozilla

To roll back the version of Firefox to the previous one you need to download the previous one working version, and you can find it out through your browser settings.

To rollback in Mozilla you need to know the previous version

In the additional settings on the Updates tab, you need to click the button labeled Show update history. A window called Update Log will open in which you can view all previous versions of the browser you have installed.

If after updating Firefox it does not work, then you need to roll back the version of Mozilla

Select the previous version and click on Details. A page will open on which you can download this version, and to download it, click the button that says Download Firefox.

To roll back an update in Mozilla, you need to download the previous version.

The file will be downloaded to your computer and all you have to do is find it and launch the browser installation.


Many users know how to disable all telemetry in the Mozilla Firefox browser from the browser settings by unchecking a couple of checkboxes. They consider themselves guru in this simple matter and in this moment already want to leave this site, not anticipating anything new for themselves.

Friends, don’t rush - we will now completely disable it, and not just the part that the manufacturers allowed us.

Telemetry is the collection and transmission to manufacturers, in background, various technical data, usage statistics, logs, browser crash messages, and so on. Your home address, phone number, bank card PIN code, shoe size... yet no one is interested or needed, even for free.

These are continuous impersonal numbers and signals. In fact, there is no harm to the user from their collection and transmission. But, these are still separate computing processes, which theoretically slow down the work of the Internet browser negligibly.

In addition, also not very much, the overall baud rate and the volume of traffic increases. Small data packets interfere with large and necessary packets that you are waiting for, for example, by sending search engine query.

And these uncontrolled browser actions greatly irritate various conspirators and fans of absolute privacy. Let's disable all telemetry in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

How to disable data collection in the Mozilla Firefox browser

I will show how to completely disable data collection in the browser using the example of the Mozilla Firefox Quantum version (58.0.2). First let me remind you...

Where do you need to uncheck the boxes in your browser settings?

We go to these same settings through three stripes on the right top corner browser windows...

...and in the “Privacy and Security” section, scroll down to the “Firefox Data Collection and Use” item. Here we uncheck both boxes...

This will be limited to simple inexperienced users, but you and I are almost hackers, right? Therefore, we go further and deeper.

Disable telemetry in Mozilla Firefox

I once wrote to you about secret browser settings and there we used the Mozilla Firefox browser settings editor - today we use it again.

We type it into the address bar of the browser (be sure to use your hands, not just copy and paste)…


... and press “Enter” on your chic keyboard. We find ourselves in a very interesting, but at the same time, dangerous settings editor for Mozilla Firefox...

You have to be very careful and careful with it so as not to accidentally kill your favorite browser.

In the search field we write (here you can copy and paste) the word...


From the results obtained, we only need the following 13 lines...

  1. browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.telemetry
  2. browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry
  4. toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled
  5. toolkit.telemetry.bhrPing.enabled
  6. toolkit.telemetry.enabled
  7. toolkit.telemetry.firstShutdownPing.enabled
  8. toolkit.telemetry.newProfilePing.enabled
  9. toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun
  10. toolkit.telemetry.server
  11. toolkit.telemetry.shutdownPingSender.enabled
  12. toolkit.telemetry.unified
  13. toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled

You need to double-click the left button computer mouse for each individual line from our list, switch the value to “false” (disabled)…

The same can be done by calling context menu right click mouse and clicking on “Switch”...

In the line “toolkit.telemetry.server” I had to manually enter the new value “false”...

By the way, you can bypass entering “telemetry” in the search field and paste individual copied lines from our list. This way it’s even easier and less likely to make a mistake - there will be only one line in the search result window...

That's all. You can close the tab with the settings editor and restart Mozilla browser Firefox. Now it will be easier for him to breathe and he will work even faster. It is unlikely that you will notice this visually, but believe me, it is so.

So you have learned how to disable all telemetry in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Tell your friends and acquaintances about this - share the link to this article.

By the way, you will probably also be interested in: how to speed up the Internet by 450% and as much as possible optimize it in one click.

Until new useful ones computer programs And .


I'm just reviewing programs! Any complaints - to their manufacturers!

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Disable automatic updates for Mozilla Firefox

The time of bank clients as client applications has already passed. Most banks switched to online versions clients. Most often, these applications are based on Java. But setting up the “Required Java Version” + “Required Browser Version” combination is often difficult. In most cases, the Mozilla Firefox browser is suitable. Everything works, but then Firefox is updated and problems begin: then a new version Firefox stops supporting banking clients, the new version blocks the old ones Java versions Runtime Environment. And since bank clients do not keep up with Java updates, sometimes it is necessary to use older versions of it. We tell and show how to disable automatic updates of Mozilla Firefox.

Old versions (absolutely any) can be found on this site:

Let's say we need version 43 of Firefox, download it and install it.

In order to disable automatic updating of Mozilla Firefox you must:

  1. In your browser's address bar, type about:config

    and press Enter

  2. In the page that opens, confirm that you will be careful. Attention! You really need to be careful! Incorrect actions can make the browser inoperable!
  3. In line Search(just below address bar) type app.update

    The settings will be filtered, only those that begin with the entered phrase will remain.

  4. Next we switch two parameters:
    • automatic browser update
    • app.update.enabled- browser update

    These parameters have boolean values ​​(true/false). After double-clicking on each of them, the text in these lines will become bold, the state will switch to “User Installed”, and the value will become false.

  5. Close your browser and open it again.
  6. After these steps, the browser will stop updating in automatic mode. And to update it, open Menu(to the left of the address bar) > Click on the ? at the bottom > Select " About Firefox» > In the window that opens, click on the “Check for updates” button. After checking, the same button will prompt you to update with the version number.

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It's no secret that today browsers collect information about users to make their product more convenient, and therefore more popular. Many people probably know that you can disable telemetry in the Firefox browser, unchecking a few boxes in the settings. However, in this way we can only partially protect yourself from data collection browser. In this article we will look at how you can completely disable telemetry in Firefox, and thereby slightly increase the speed of the browser.

Why does the browser collect data?

Browser manufacturers collect data or telemetry in order to determine user behavior– statistics of clicks, logs, number of freezes, operating time and much more. etc. Only technical data is sent to the browser server; no one will forward information about your number credit card or preferred sites.

Technical data and statistics are necessary in order to make the browser more convenient , taking into account the preferences of most users. Thus, thanks to telemetry, you and I influence the characteristics and functionality of the browser. However, there is also a flip side to the coin - Firefox constantly sending data is insignificant slow down his work, and also increase the volume of traffic. This is completely invisible to the owners powerful computers connected to high speed unlimited internet. But on weak machines with limited traffic, disabling data collection in Firefox can significantly speed up the browser and save money.

How to disable telemetry in Mozilla

First, disable data transfer in the settings of the browser itself. To do this, go to Menu – Settings:

In the browser window that opens, go to the tab Privacy and Security. Scroll the page to Firefox Data Collection and Use and uncheck the boxes if there are any.

Thus, we have disabled only a small part of the information collected by the browser. Now you need prevent Firefox from collecting data completely. To do this we will use the editor Firefox settings. To open it, enter the following into the browser line:


Important: do not copy and paste this address, but type it into the line manually

A warning about a possible withdrawal of the warranty will pop up, which we ignore by clicking on I take the risk.

In the window that appears, you should be especially careful, because minor changes in these settings can lead to irreparable consequences and the crash of the entire browser.

In the search box located at the top, enter the word telemetry. Many lines containing this word will appear. We need to change the value true on false for 13 settings. To do this, double-click on the line.

So, here are 13 settings in which we change the value true on false, i.e. deactivate them:













The toolkit.telemetry.server setting can be disabled by just double-clicking on the line with the left mouse button and entering the word in the window false manually.

To simplify the process of disabling telemetry lines, I recommend copy lines from the list one by one and paste them into the search window. After pressing Enter, only one line will appear, so you will definitely not make a mistake and will not accidentally disable any important command.

That's all, now you can close the settings tab, the changes will take effect immediately. You may not feel like Firefox will work faster, but browser performance will definitely increase.