The letter i is flashing on the ICQ icon. How to find out your ICQ - How to find out your ICQ number

Despite the fact that new versions of ICQ have a huge number of pleasant innovations, the ICQ developers still failed to get rid of some old “sins”. One of them is an incomprehensible notification system about some problems in the installation version of the messenger. Usually the user sees the letter i flashing on the ICQ icon and cannot do anything about it.

This icon can indicate anything. It’s good when the user, when hovering the cursor over the ICQ icon, can see a message about what specific problem arose in ICQ. But in most cases this does not happen - no message is displayed. Then you have to figure out for yourself what the problem is.

Some reasons for the blinking letter i on the ICQ icon are:

  • insecure password (sometimes during registration the system accepts a password, and only then checks it and, if the requirements do not meet, issues a corresponding message);
  • unauthorized access to data (occurs if the account was logged in from another device or IP address);
  • impossibility of authorization due to problems with the Internet;
  • disruption of the operation of any ICQ modules.


So, if the letter i is blinking on the ICQ icon and nothing happens when you hover the mouse cursor, you need the following options to solve the problem:

Surely, one of these methods should help solve the problem with the blinking letter i on the ICQ icon. The latter should be resorted to last, because you can always have time to reinstall the program, but there is no guarantee that the problem will not arise again.

The idea of ​​ICQ is as simple as an orange. When you install the program (which, by the way, is free), you are assigned a unique an identification number(UIN) is something like a phone number that you can share with your friends and acquaintances.

While you are working without connecting to the Internet, ICQ is quietly dozing in the far corner of your computer's memory. But as soon as you enter the Network, ICQ wakes up and sends a signal to its server - “Object number such and such has entered the network.” And at the same moment, the server forwards this signal to your friends (if, of course, they have their own copy of ICQ and have added your number to a special contact list in advance). As a result, a second after you log on to the Internet, friends and colleagues will learn about this joyful event. Even if ICQ could only do what is written above, then this would be enough to write the most enthusiastic ode to its creators. But ICQ can do much, immeasurably more!

ICQ - for friendsjust "ICQ"

Working with ICQ, you can send through its own server email(and even brightly colored greeting card) to any person from your contact list, and it will be received immediately after this subscriber logs into the Network.

Through ICQ you can transfer a file to your interlocutor or a voice message, however, this can be done, unlike letters, only online, that is, when both interlocutors are connected to the Internet at that moment.

It is not surprising that ICQ has been nicknamed an Internet pager.

But ICQ is more than a pager, rather a universal communicator.

If your counterpart, like you, is on the Internet, you can immediately invite him to chat in text mode. Clever ICQ has its own chat program for this case. Moreover, ICQ will connect your programs for voice communication, and you won’t have to look for each other on different servers. If you want to find new friends with similar interests, you can register on the ICQ server and add your name and coordinates to one of the many lists of interests, for example, the list of people who are passionate about electronic music or who live in Volgograd. And to top it all off, ICQ will provide you with your own home page - on it your friends will be able to find only the most brief information about your person and your ICQ number... In a word, this amazing, and also still free, program has a thousand and one talents.

The ICQ program is updated quite often, about once a month. But unfortunately, information about updates can not always be found on the official Mirabilis website. Therefore, my advice is to follow the messages of specialized news sites dedicated to software.

New versions of ICQ are also appearing on Russian ICQ sites, and there are already several dozen of them. Is it worth chasing program updates? Perhaps it's worth it. The innovations that the authors add to ICQ are very, very useful: for example, its latest versions can automatically remind you of the birthdays of your friends, while allowing you to send a beautiful virtual card, are equipped with their own system for searching information on the Internet... In a word, in ICQ “The storeroom will always have a lot of surprises for you. Don't forget that, in addition to the basic functions of ICQ (most of which you are unlikely to use anyway), you can easily get a dozen or two additional ones. New features for ICQ are implemented in the form of additional program modules (plug-ins), which you can download from the developer’s website. Thus, the ICQ Surf system will help you communicate with ICQ users who are on any site at the same time as you. Another plugin will allow you to save your contact list on the Internet on a special server from which it can be restored at any time. And one last thing. The official Russian version of ICQ, if it ever sees the light of day, will not be very soon. Therefore, domestic users, accustomed to the Russian-language interface, have only two options:

Download the “additive” created by Russian programmers, which Russifies the ICQ interface, and at the same time adds some new features to the program. In particular, along with the new ICQ you will also receive a completely Russified search system ICQ It, with which you can scour the Runet, armed with a dozen Russian search engines! You can download this utility on the Russian ICQ server - Just keep in mind that each version of the program requires its own version of the localization tool;

Use the services of an external translation program Lingoware (, in contrast to the product of domestic wizards recommended by the ICQ developers themselves. At the same time, the program will provide a Russian interface for a number of other system utilities(for example, popular WinZip archiver or Go!Zilla download manager). Although, in my far from objective opinion, domestic programmers did a much better job with the translation...

How does ICQ work? Let's start from the very beginning - with installation.

Installing ICQ

The distribution kit (that is, the installation kit) of ICQ is not difficult to find. The easiest thing is to go to the program’s home website at: or, by selecting the Download ICQ section.

However, in my opinion, it is much easier to find one of the many Russian servers dedicated to ICQ. And not only because downloading from these servers is much faster. On Russian sites, in addition to the program itself, you can also find numerous “patches” and cracks. Here are just a few addresses, as they say, offhand: http://alexagf.narо, In addition, new versions of ICQ can almost always be found on the largest software servers - such as 3Dfiles (“”), Russian Software Club ( or ListSoft (

In the end, you can always take the distribution package of the program from any pirated disk: since the program is free, no one will see any violation of the law in this action.

As a result, an ICQ installation archive should be created on your computer. Launch it, thereby starting the installation procedure.

Initial registration

In the first screen, the program will ask you about the type of your Internet connection via modem or network (Lan), and will also inquire about who it is actually dealing with - a newbie or an already registered user. You and I, apparently, will have to choose the first option.

The next screen will show us a small user questionnaire that we must fill out. And this is where the first “fork in the road” lies - in what language should this be done?

In principle, you can also use Russian - but only if you are determined to communicate only with your compatriots. Foreign users of ICQ, of course, will not be able to read Russian letters - instead, dubious “krakozyabrs” will appear before them. So it’s better to still use the Latin alphabet.

User information

On the first page of the questionnaire, you need to fill in at least two fields - select your network pseudonym (nickname) and password to log into the ICQ network.

Necessarily remember the password - without it you will not be able to change your settings, or simply connect to ICQ. And try to keep this password your little secret: knowing it, anyone can easily assign your ICQ number, forcing you to go through this whole procedure again.

However, newcomers who connect to ICQ now are not in danger of account theft - who needs a long 9-digit number? But with the “old people”, owners of short 5-7-digit numbers, such troubles sometimes happen...

Entering user information will continue in the second window: here you can enter your date of birth, information about your place of residence, as well as the languages ​​in which you can communicate.

Your ICQ number will be displayed in the next window. Remember it, or better yet, write it down: other ICQ users will call you on this number.

Assigning a number

Finally, the last window is called ICQ Service. Here you can leave everything unchanged; you shouldn’t just agree to installing the ICQ page as home page your browser.

But the checkbox next to the item “Add a Email signature including Online / Offline status to my outgoing Emails” can be checked: thanks to it, each of your letters will contain a small “postscript” indicating the sender’s ICQ number, as well as a tiny program icon that will be able to signal your presence “on the line”. It's a small thing, but nice.

So, after completing this entire procedure, you should have an installed and partially configured version of ICQ, as well as three important parameters - your username (nickname), password and ICQ number.

First launch of the program. ICQ interface

After installing ICQ and restarting your computer, a modest flower with pale petals will appear in the right corner of your taskbar - ICQ Netdetect Agent.

ICQ icon

The moment you access the Internet, the flower’s petals should turn bright green - this means that the connection to the ICQ server was successful. If the flower suddenly turns red, try again after some time. Click on the flower right click mouse and in the Context menu that opens, select Status /Available/Connect.

To open the main ICQ window, left-click on the flower. For now, it is empty - after all, you have not yet added a single name to your contact list. Don't be upset - this won't be the case. In the meantime, you can start setting up the program.


So here we have it main panel ICQ. Its central part is occupied by a contact list, in which the names of your regular interlocutors will be entered. For now, your contact list is empty, but don’t be upset: over time it will fill up and maybe even become larger than you want. I personally know several sociable citizens whose contact list includes more than a hundred names.

We have at least figured out the “internal” settings of the program. Now it’s time to get acquainted in more detail with the main window of the ICQ program, in which we will work. And above all with the contact list, notebook, in which you will enter the names of your friends and acquaintances.

Just below the contact list there is a button panel, each button of which hides an entire section of ICQ settings and tools.

The appearance of the ICQ window and the presence or absence of certain buttons depends on the operating mode of the program. In Simple mode, you can work with a single contact list and four buttons:

Add – menu for adding users to the contact list;

Find Users - this menu performs approximately the same function, only if you call Add to add a specific person to your contact list, then Find Users will help you find new friends based on the similarity of your hobbies;

Main – the main menu, which contains the most important parameters and commands. We are already familiar with some items: here you will again encounter the menu for changing user information, the command for adding users (“Add Users”), as well as the settings menu for ICQ itself (Preferences) and security settings (Security & Privacy);

Status – a symbol of your status in the ICQ network, state.

It seems that this is enough. But there is also an Advanced mode - when you switch to it, two new buttons will become available to you:

Services – services menu (you have to use it extremely rarely). The settings for an answering machine, Internet phone, SMS and a number of other services are hidden here.

My ICQ – user settings menu. Here you can view or change information about the user (View/Change My Details), change the ICQ user (if you have more than one ICQ number, you can activate any of them with your own settings and contact database).

Simple and advancedICQ operating modes

Moreover, in the left top corner two new buttons will appear in the contact list. Thanks to one of them, with the icon of a flower already familiar to you, you will be able to switch contact list modes. When the color is green, only active users who are online will be shown in the contact list. You can switch the contact list to another mode, in which the names from your contact list are divided into two groups. In the Online section you will see those who are in this moment just like you, they scour the Internet (their names are placed at the very top of the ICQ window and written blue color).

You can switch between simple and advanced modes of ICQ operation in the Main menu, where you will find the items “To Simple Mode” or “To Advanced Mode” depending on which mode you are in.

Setting up user information

Before we start working with ICQ, let's add a little more information about ourselves and our loved ones to the program. We have already entered some of the data we need when installing the program... But some remains, and it makes sense to engage in self-exposure right now.

Launch the program, click on the My ICQ or Main button. And then select the “View/Change My Details” menu.

Changing User Information

Your ICQ business card consists of a dozen sections. The first two of them, in theory, should practically not require any adjustments - after all, we indicated all the information when installing ICQ! Creativity begins with the third section. Most users prefer to leave the Home and Work pages empty - it’s somehow inconvenient to display their details for the entire Internet to see. You never know what kind of conversations you’ll have to conduct via ICQ, what people you’ll have to communicate with...

In the Personal Info section, you can indicate the address of your home page or corporate website, as well as, once again, your age data - there is no need to hide them! In the About section, you can type a short free text about yourself and your hobbies.

Interest Menu

The Interest menu serves to indicate your main passions: you can add up to four categories to your card (for example, music, cinema, family, lifestyle, sports, etc.), selecting them from a special list.

Preferences for each section can be specified. For example, are you interested in music? Feel free to select the appropriate section from the long list and in the next window you will see a list of subsections of this topic. If the keyword you need (for example, the name of the artist or genre) is not found in the list, it’s okay: you can enter them yourself into the special field at the bottom of the window, and then click the Add button.

In each topic, you can specify 5-6 keywords, which, if chosen correctly, can give the interlocutor a fairly clear idea of ​​​​your person. And most importantly - keywords, included in this menu, can be used to search for your fellow hobbyists through special ICQ search engines! This activity is incredibly exciting: imagine how great it is to find your hobby colleague somewhere in Zanzibar, or, conversely, in the next doorway. True, what can come out of this communication is a separate question... Of course, if you are not going to engage in various nonsense such as searching for random acquaintances on the Internet and you regret the extra five to ten minutes filling out these fields, leave them blank. It’s also calmer - revealing your soul to strangers is always somehow scary...

The Picture menu allows you to add a small photo (up to 7 kilobytes) to your card. To be honest, I personally have never seen photos in an ICQ card: either people are lazy, or they are once again afraid of something...

The last menu – Phone Book – allows you to add numbers to your business card contact numbers. This is what ICQ owners use willingly: near the nicknames of a good third of the “clients” included in my contact list, tiny icons indicating “mobile phone” loom. For obvious reasons, home and work telephone numbers are rarely indicated...

Your card is now complete. Other ICQ users included in your contact list fill out their forms in exactly the same way (perhaps not in such detail). And if you want to get acquainted with information about any of them, click on their name right mouse button (in ICQ this is what is used to call the Context Menu) and select User Details/Address Book.

Setting up ICQ parameters

By clicking on the ICQ Menu button in the lower left corner of the window and selecting Preferences, you will have access to the program settings.

Setting ICQ parameters – Preferences menu

Let me reassure you – it won’t take too long to set it up. The main thing is to remember to set up the Check E-Mail tab by entering your address Email, Name mail server and access password. Now ICQ will periodically, with the frequency you specify, check your Mailbox and if new messages are detected, it will signal this with a flashing exclamation point on your Taskbar. At the same time, visit other preferences tabs - now you already have enough experience and will be able to figure out what’s what on your own.

I also recommend that you immediately go to the Miscellaneous tab and uncheck the Show “Welcome To...” screen... menu. This way you can get rid of the annoying advertising window that appears before your eyes when you launch the program. In the same window, select the “Russian” option in the Multilingual Support window.

The Security&Privacy menu will help you configure your “black” and “white” lists - Ignore List, Invisible List, Visible List.

Security&Privacy menu

If someone really annoys you with their messages, add their name to your Invisible List. In this case, even after you log into the Network, you will be “invisible” to the annoying ICQ client. True, letters from him will continue to arrive, but this can also be corrected by sending the persistent one to the Ignore List. Visible List, on the contrary, will make you available to the people included in it in any mode. Here, in the Security&Privacy/General menu, you can configure the authorization mode: by default, any ICQ user can add you to their contact list without asking your permission. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, you can check the box next to the My authorization is required... item in the Contact List Authorization menu.

Search and add users

...We were just going to talk about adding users to the contact list! After all, in order to send someone messages via ICQ, call for a chat, etc., we first need to add these people to our contact list! And it’s still empty for us...

Adding users

Let's return to the main ICQ window. The Add/Find Users button will help you add the names of new recipients to your contact list. When you click on this button, the Search Wizard will get down to business and can find the person you need based on one or more parameters:

Nickname (nickname)

First and last name

E-mail address

ICQ number

Of course, it is best if you know the number of your potential interlocutor. How to recognize him? The simplest thing is to send an email asking for the number you are looking for.

If the person you are looking for has not yet tasted the delights of ICQ, you can easily push her down this vicious path. At your command, ICQ will itself send an email to the address you need with frank self-promotion, which will tell you everything: what exactly the program can do, and where to get it, and who exactly wants to make ICQ contact with you. And the name of this person will appear in a special folder of Highly Expected Persons - Future Users Watch.

But what if you are not looking for a specific person, but simply an abstract interlocutor who is close to your interests? Well, for this purpose, ICQ provides another type of search - by parameters, accessible through the Find Users button.

Search using the Find Users menu

In this menu you need to specify other parameters: age, language, country (and even city) of residence, gender... But the most useful ones are the Interest and Keywords fields. Remember how I strongly recommended filling them out in your ICQ questionnaire? Now these fields will allow you to find your future friends, if, of course, they, in turn, are not too lazy to fill them out.

The more search fields you fill in, the better. On the other hand, don’t be too picky: if you want, for example, to find a lady of about twenty, living in the city of Kharkov, who speaks German and karate, and, to top it all off, is passionate about breeding hamsters and the work of Mikhail Weller... I’m afraid that your search will be a success will not succeed (although who knows?).

Do not forget also that by default the Find Users system displays a list of only those of your hobby colleagues who are currently online. If you want to get full list, do not forget to uncheck the box next to the Show Only Online Users menu. Unfortunately, in this case, you won’t be able to find everyone at once: ICQ, for some reason, imposes restrictions on the number of people you can find in one search. This is how it turns out: if you make the request very specific, you won’t find anyone, set too few parameters, you’ll find it, but you won’t see it. There is no justice in the world!

Contact list

By right-clicking (or left - in ICQ you can configure any mode of operation) the mouse button on any name, you will open the Context menu through which you can select the type of contact you need with this person: send him a message, send a file, call him for a chat or a conversation by Internet phone. You can also send him a beautiful virtual holiday card, an SMS message to mobile phone and even a regular email...

Contact list menu

The list of ICQ capabilities is constantly growing, although most of us still use this universal communicator only to send simple text messages.

Just below, in the Offline section, you will see written red names of offline users who are not currently connected to the Internet. You can send a letter to these people using the same Context Menu. But that's all. Other ICQ communication capabilities are not available offline.

Pay attention to the icon divided in half flower in the upper left corner of the contact sheet.

In addition to sending messages, the ICQ contact list allows you to view the business card of each network member on your personal list. This is done in exactly the same way - by clicking the left button. In the menu that appears, you need to select the line User Details/Address Book... And then get to know someone else’s dossier to your heart’s content!

ICQ business card

Finally, pay attention to the Alert/Accept Modes menu - with it you can configure Extra options connections for that particular participant.

Take, for example, the Alert section: by activating the appropriate items in it, you can force ICQ to notify you the moment your friend logs on to the Internet or changes their status.

The Status section will allow you to become “invisible” (Invisible To User) for this user or, conversely, always available, regardless of your current status (Visible To User).

The Override Status Mode menu allows you to specify at what status messages are allowed to be received from this user (see statuses below). And in the Accept section, you can check the box next to the Pop Up Response Dialog item: now all messages from this user will “pop up” in front of your eyes automatically, that is, you will not need to click on the ICQ icon to receive them!

User properties

Receiving and sending messages

There should be no problems with receiving messages via ICQ: the moment your computer receives a letter from one of the ICQ users, the program flower in the system tray changes to a winking note icon. Click on it and the incoming letter will immediately be displayed on the screen. And by clicking on the Reply button, you can join the discussion. But when sending new messages, as they say, options are possible, and we will try to study them in this section.

So, left-click on the name of the person you need (it doesn’t matter which list - red or blue) and select the Send Message menu.

A message sending window will open in front of you.

Send message window

As you can see, everything is arranged quite simply: write your message in the lower field, click Send... And in the upper window we see the full protocol of the dialogue with the texts of both your messages and the interlocutor’s letters. But, in addition to this mode of operation, ICQ also provides another one, called Msg Mode. Once you click the button of the same name, the message sending window will take on a completely different look.

Msg Mode

Now we have only one window in front of us: the protocol of the conversation has been removed from sight. No big loss - after all, the message log is always available through the Context Menu of any user, and at the same time through the History button on the panel of the window itself.

However, to compensate, we now have new features available to us... and some new buttons!

First of all, the new Send By... menu next to the Send button catches your eye: now you can send your messages not only via ICQ, but also to an email address and even to SMS. Moreover, for sending you can choose any combination of these three channels or any one of them. No less interesting is the Multiple button, thanks to which you can send the same message to any number of recipients from your contact list. At least everyone at once!

But already at the stage of writing messages, you can do some tricks with it using the additional toolbar. Of course, ICQ is far from Word, but minimal means of formatting and “revitalizing” text are present here too.

Let's leave the first two buttons aside for now (the option to mute/unmute the sound does not apply to text tools, and the spell check function is only available when working with English text). But the rest of the buttons are much more interesting:

Incept Smiley. You can also add a “smiley” to a letter using simple text symbols :)… However, ICQ’s own emoticons are much more beautiful. Don't you think so?

ICQ emoticon library

Incept Emotion. The same set of emoticons, only expanded. Thanks to it, you can emotionally color not just one word or paragraph, but also set the tone of the entire text. This is in theory. In practice, emotions are used even less frequently than graphic emoticons.


Buttons Text Font, Text Color and Text Background. But this is much more interesting! By choosing the right font color and background, you can enliven and highlight your message much more than using the same emoticons. The same applies to the font type. But I personally don’t recommend using this opportunity. After all, it’s far from a fact that the exotic font you choose will end up on your recipient’s computer. And as a result of such experimentation, I don’t think you yourself would want to get a herd of “cracker finches” instead of a clear text...

Setting the status

By right-clicking the ICQ icon and selecting the My Status menu, you can manually set your ICQ network status when logging into the network. The basic, main status, which is set for you by default, implies complete openness: everyone sees you, knows that you are currently online and ready to communicate. But... situations are different, right? And sometimes you need to make it clear to your interlocutors that you are currently somewhat busy or completely unavailable.


What does each type of status mean?

? Available/Connect– Everything is fine, user is online, you can communicate!

? Free For Chat– The user invites you to a chat conversation.

? Away– A user is online, but left for a couple of minutes... or hours - depending on your luck :)

? Occupied- In place, but Very busy! Please send only important messages!!!

? DND (Do Not Disturb)– Don’t bother!!! In general, and under no pretext whatsoever! There will be no answer!

? Privacy (Invisible)– “Invisible” mode (the user is available only to some people included in the corresponding list. For others, he is as if absent and does not appear in the list of those connected to the Network).

? Offline– Complete disconnection from the ICQ network.

Installing and configuring the ICQ program is only half the battle. To communicate and get maximum pleasure from this process, you need to be able to manage it correctly. In this article you can learn some tips for convenient use of ICQ.

Privacy Settings

If you are ready to open your arms to the whole world and not worry that any ICQ user can add you as a friend, put a dot in the circle next to All users can add me to their contact lists.

If you are humane, but to a certain extent, and want other users to ask permission before adding you somewhere, check the box next to Add to my contact lists only with my permission.

What else? Oh, yes: You can become visible, or you can become invisible (online, of course). If hiding from people is not your plan and you want other users to know whether you are online or not, check the box next to Allow others to see my “Online/Offline” status on the Internet.

Now click the Launch button. ICQ starts loading. When it is ready to work, a program welcome window will appear in front of you, and a green flower - the ICQ logo - will “bloom” on the taskbar.


Remember that spam and viruses are very often sent through ICQ. Therefore, we recommend that you never open messages from strangers. clear to users ICQ, and under no circumstances follow the links indicated in the messages, as this will 100% be either spam or malware. After all, if an infection occurs, it will be very long and difficult to remove viruses. We wish you to receive only the messages you want.

How ICQ works

Let's move on to the program window. The program asks you to add the user to your contact list. You are polite, respond favorably to the request. Click the Add button. The following Add Contact window opens.

Before you add a user to your contact list, you need to find him. It's logical. Is not it? We won’t contact the police, we’ll do it simpler: we’ll enter the information you have about this person into the empty fields: first name, last name, year of birth, email address, ICQ number. Naturally, the more cells you fill in, the more successful the search will be.

Who seeks will always find. This is true, but partially. After all, you can easily find something completely different, or rather, not the one you were looking for. No problem. Drink some tea and press the button New search, just don't forget to change your search parameters.

Suppose you found someone, and this person made you happy: he appeared in your contact list with the mark Contact not from the list. If you want him to make you even more happy and to show off on your list, right-click on his nickname and from the displayed context menu select the Add to contact list line. An adding window will open in front of you. In it, select the group where you want to add a new user. Check the box, and then your interlocutor will be able to make himself happy: add you to his contact list. Next - click the Next button. There is a window in front of you again, here you will be asked why you would like to see this person in the list of your users. Interest Ask, of course... You don't have to answer. This is just a formality. Once again Next.

After all these intricacies, instead of the words Contact not from the list, the message Waiting for authorization will appear.

How to “get noticed” on the Internet? Everything is simple here. You need to right-click on the flower on the taskbar. Then select My online status.

Then think carefully and come to the only right decision: if you want no one to disturb you, but want to be able to send messages, set the status to away or busy. If you don't mind chatting, go online.

Sending messages

Now let's try to send a message. Click on the name of the user you would like to write to. A dialog box will appear. Write a message and click send.

You can find out whether a user is online or not by looking at the flower icon. If it is green, it means the person is in place, and if it is red, it means he is absent.

When they answer you, you will see the tab of this window blink on the taskbar. Also, if you have speakers connected, the received letter will be accompanied by a cheerful musical chord. At first, of course, you will start to shudder. Then you’ll get used to it and, when you hear the chord, stop flinching. Both you and your cat...

ICQ has quite a large selection of such sound effects.


Now let's look at the buttons.

On off. sound- use it if you are tired of the sound, or vice versa, if you want to receive a message to the sounds of fanfare (in some versions this function is located on the panel in the Main or Menu tab).

Insert emoticon icon ( Emoticons) - using this button you can add emoticons (funny faces) to your messages. Emoticons are very useful feature. Sometimes, when you don’t have any words to answer a person, and the person is waiting for your answer like manna from heaven, then you can always send him an emoticon. A laughing face - and you don’t need to say anything.

Text font- Using this button you can change the color of messages and select different types of fonts. Remember the children's horror story? In one blue-blue room there was a blue-blue guy sitting, so you can send the recipient something very blue... And, if desired, purple.

Message background- set the background color of messages and add a background image if desired.

Do not apply user color and font settings- what does it mean? For example, your interlocutor wrote in dark letters on a dark background and you cannot read anything (why your interlocutor needed this - we won’t figure it out) - this is where this button will come in handy.

Clear message session window- use this button if your message screen is overloaded with information and you want to write on an empty field.

Message history- in this window you can see all correspondence with this user. Sometimes it is very useful to look and find out what you wrote there.

Perhaps we have figured out all the necessary things to use ICQ. Let's take a little rest ourselves, the cat is already bored, and let's give the program a rest. We leave ICQ.

To permanently close ICQ, select the Offline/Disconnected status or the Close ICQ line in the main menu of the program.