Start numbering from page 2 word. How to number pages in Word

In the process of writing an essay, diploma or book, we all use a text editor Microsoft documents Word. Proper formatting should generally include page numbering within the document. Many people have difficulties and do not know how to number pages in Word, although it is quite simple to do.

This article describes in detail how to number pages in Word, choose the numbering location, format, and also exclude numbering of any document page.

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In all versions older than Word 2003, numbering is the same. The screenshots below are based on Word 2017, but they will also work for older versions.

To add numbering in an open document, go to the “Insert” tab. In the “Header and Footer” section, click “Page Number” and select a numbering position. In the screenshot below, I have chosen the footer location with centered placement.

After this action, numbering will appear at the end of each page, as well as displaying a header and footer. To close the display of headers and footers, click the “Close Header and Footers Window” button.

If desired, you can change the numbering format, for example, by making the numbers not Arabic, but Roman. To do this, again go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Page Numbers” item open “Page Number Format”.

Here you can choose appearance, as well as what number the numbering will begin with. Why this may be required you will find out in the next paragraph.

Removing numbering from the title page

In most educational institutions, one of the requirements for document formatting is the absence of numbering on the title (first) page. If you simply enable page numbering, as shown above, then the numbering will be on the first sheet. To start numbering from the first page, but not display it on the title page, you must do the following.

Go to the “Layout” tab and click on the “Page Setup” link, as shown in the picture below.

Go to the “Paper Sources” tab and check the “Distinguish between first page headers and footers” checkbox. After that, click OK.

Now numbering is carried out as before, but its number is not displayed on the first page, in our case number 1.

When you want the numbering not to be displayed on the first page (title page), but on the second so that it starts with the number 1, you need to set the numbering from 0 in the menu “Insert” - “Page Number” - “Page Number Format”. the first page will start with number 0 without display, and the second page will start with number 1, the third page with number 2 and so on.

Numbering from the third page

Let's complicate the task a little. We need the numbering to be present, but not displayed on the first and second pages. After all, the first page is usually the title page, the second can be a table of contents, where numbering is also not required.

To number from the third page you will need to do an operation called “Page Break”. First, return all numbering settings to default if you have hidden the numbering display on the cover page. Let's assume that on this moment you have numbering enabled from the first page and the number 1 is displayed on the title page, the number 2 on the second page and so on.

For convenience, turn on the display of all characters in Word. To do this, on the “Home” tab, click on the “Display all signs” button.

Now that you have all the characters in your documents displayed, including spaces and empty lines, left-click on the last character on the first page of the document. Then on the “Layout” tab, click “Breaks” - “Next Page”.

Do the same steps with the second page of the document. If you did everything correctly, then the enabled display of all characters function will show you break lines at the end of the first and second pages. In the picture below they are shown with red arrows.

Now the third page is numbered 1. If you want it to be numbered 3, then in the menu “Insert” - “Page Number” - “Page Number Format” set the value to “Start from 3”.

There is only one problem left, on the first two pages we have page numbers displayed. To remove them, select the first page, go to the “Layout” tab - “Page Options”. Next, in the “Paper Source” tab, check the box next to “Distinguish between first page headers and footers.”

Do the same on next page your document.

Thus, we were able to make sure that the numbering on the first two pages was not displayed and started from the third, and from the number we wanted.

By the way, this method with a break, allows you to start numbering not only from the third page, but from absolutely any one.

To remove numbering, double-click on any page number and press the DEL key. All numbers will be removed from the document.

Page numbering in Word 2003

There are still quite a few people who use the outdated Word 2003. In it, page numbering is done in a slightly different order than for newer versions of the program.

IN open file Word 2003 click in top menu“Insert” - “Page numbers”.

Set the position of the numbers (for example, at the bottom of the page) and alignment (for example, to the right). By unchecking the “Number on the first page” item, you can disable numbering on the title page of the document.

Click on the "Format" button. Specify the numbering format (for example, Roman numerals), and also specify which digit to start page numbering with.

After making changes, click OK and all pages will become numbered.

To number from the third or any other page in Word 2003, first turn on the display of all characters. After that, move the cursor to the last character on the first page and click on horizontal menu“Insert” - “Page Break”. Do the same on the second one. From now on, numbering will start from the third page.

Page numbering is one of the most common tasks that users face when creating text documents. As a rule, regular page numbering does not cause difficulties. But, if the user is faced with the need to number pages in Word from page 2, then this very often causes problems. In this article we will talk about how you can solve this problem in the text editor Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Step No. 1. Do the usual page numbering.

In order to number pages in Word from page 2, you must first do the usual page numbering. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Page Numbering” button there.

After this, a menu will appear with several options for placing page numbering. In this menu you need to select the numbering option that suits you. For example, you can choose to place the numbering at top left, top center, top right, etc.

After choosing where to place the numbering, page numbers will appear on the pages of the document. This means you can proceed to the next step.

Step No. 2. Turn off the display of the first page number.

Now, in order to number pages in Word from page 2, you need to disable the display of the page number on the first page of the document. To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small button to the right of “Page Settings”.

This will open a window with page settings settings. In this window, you need to enable the “Distinguish headers and footers on the first page” function and save the settings by clicking on the “Ok” button.

As a result, the page number will disappear from the first page of your document, and the second page will receive number 2. If this option for numbering pages from page 2 suits you, then you can finish here. If you need page 2 to get number 1, then follow the next step.

Step No. 3. Start page numbering from scratch.

Most users who need to number pages in Word from page 2 want page 2 of the document to be numbered 1. Fortunately, implementing this numbering option is quite simple. To do this, you need to go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Page Number” button and select the “Page Number Format” menu item.

Users text editor Word often comes across document numbering. Using standard numbering is very easy. But when you need to number pages in Word starting from sheet 2, unexpected difficulties arise. So how to number the pages in the usual way It won't work anymore. Let's take a closer look at how you can number a document from the second page in Word 2007 and 2010.

Second sheet with number “Two”

If you want the second page to be numbered 2 and the first sheet to be unnumbered, follow these steps. First you need to number all the pages of the entire document.

Second page numbered "1"

There is a situation when you need to make numbering from the second sheet under the number “One”. The first sheet should remain unnumbered. Initially, you need to do the usual numbering. And after that, you need to open the “Insert” tab in the “Header and Footers” area and click on the “Page Number” button. Select "Page Number Format" from the drop-down menu.

Set "Start at:" and page numbering at "number 0".

As a result, the first page will be numbered “0”. The second one is numbered “1”. If you need to hide the page number on the first sheet, then set the “Special header and footer for the first page”. The first method shows more clearly how to remove the page number from the first sheet.

Summer is almost here - it’s time not only for vacations and relaxation, but also a busy time for students and students. Exams, diplomas, coursework - all this requires constant work with texts and electronic documents.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: just sit and press the keys on the keyboard, typing your text little by little. Yes, just typing a text is very easy, but in order to successfully pass a coursework, for example, it also needs to be beautifully designed!

Most frequently asked question and at the same time the complexity is like numbering pages in Word. It may seem that everything is quite simple. And indeed, if you need to put a number on each sheet, starting from the first to the last, then this should not cause any difficulties. What if, say, you need to number pages in Word, starting from the third or fifth, for example, and the first ones should remain without a serial number?

We think that even a fairly experienced user will not be able to cope with such a task. And even more so for a student or schoolchild whose head is already boiling from exam fever. In this article we will tell you in detail and in order how all this can be done. Let's start with the simplest and gradually complicate the problem and give answers to it.

Our examples are based on the version Microsoft programs Word 2007 is the most popular today. But these tips are also suitable for later versions: Word 2010 or 2013 and 2016. The menu items and names will be similar or even completely the same.

So, let's go!

First, let's watch the video tutorials, and then we will analyze everything in detail in the text version.

How to number pages in Word 2007-2016 from first to last

This is the simplest task and the solution will be as simple as the saying “in two clicks”.

After you have typed all the text of the document (although this is not necessary, and you can do everything before typing), in the top ribbon menu go to “Insert” and click “Page Number”.