You need to go to the quickpic cloud. Cloud storage: how not to lose your favorite photos from your smartphone

With frequent photo and video shooting from a mobile phone, there is a need to store the resulting images and videos somewhere. The smartphone itself is not the best place for storage, since this method is not very reliable; the memory card can easily fail or simply get lost due to its small size. Perhaps the most optimal place to store files is a remote server or cloud, where you can not only organize the contents into folders, but also do post-processing - remove red-eye, perform retouching or adjust the brightness of the color scheme of the photograph. With a video, in turn, you can trim or simple edit, adding sequential overlay of frames or applying a number of effects. Of course, the choice of options for editing or post-processing is quite small, and is significantly inferior to standards such as Adobe Premiere or Photoshop, but for quick editing, the capabilities built into cloud storage will be quite sufficient. Today we will talk about two more services for remote storing files in the cloud, where you can quickly copy the results of your creativity directly from your mobile phone, and do this via regular mobile Internet if you have not yet acquired a 3G or LTE connection. This article is a continuation of the material published a month ago about such cloud services as, where we looked in detail at the advantages and disadvantages of these two incredibly convenient web applications.

Irista is the ultimate product from Canon

Official web page - link


Official page on the App Store - link

The cloud software solution from the leader in the photo industry is not very well known among the user masses. Initially, it was intended for owners of Canon cameras that support direct uploading of frames to the server with the possibility of their further structured organization in the form of photo albums. In fact, the program had the ability to upload RAW and JPEG photographs taken with a camera from any other manufacturer. In October last year, the European department of Canon presented to the public the Irista programs for Android and iOS, which expand the capabilities of the web service. From now on, owners of portable gadgets will also be able to use Irist to upload photos to cloud storage from Canon, where up to 15 gigabytes of disk space is available for free. Currently, you can only upload photos to Irista. As for video, the authors promise to add the ability to store videos in the near future.

What is this service? Essentially, this is a regular cloud storage that allows you to automatically download photos from your phone’s memory card, from a Windows or Mac computer (using a special client utility), as well as from any social networks. In fact, Irista is very different from other analog apps because of its social focus. By connecting your Google+, Facebook, Outlook or Flickr account, you can automatically download photos from any of them. The function of creating galleries, opening them to the public and generating links for viewing by users who are not registered in the system is also available.

You can attach tags to all photographs based on geographic or semantic characteristics. After adding tags, photos can be easily structured and combined into thematic groups, which directly affects navigation and transition between galleries.

Additional gadgets (such as editing tools, the ability to restore pictures that have been deleted, sorting and other functions designed to make it easier to organize photos) are completely absent from the service. However, the program is quite stable and is actively developing - literally every two weeks the manufacturing company releases regular updates, as a result new functions appear and old ones are tested, as a result of which Irista feels great on not the latest phone models. Copying and storing files in the cloud is very well organized here; no complaints can be made about the main functions and modules of the service. Everything works like a clock. An excellent and simple addition to the web version, which is slowly gaining its market share not only among owners of Canon products, but also among other amateur photographers.

QuickPic cloud - the best gallery for a smartphone

Official page on Google Play - link

Perhaps the best multimedia gallery that can be found in the official Android store. This time, developers from the Middle Kingdom from the company Cheetah Mobile managed to create an excellent gallery with backup functions, an excellent storage structure for multimedia objects, integrated mechanisms for editing photos and other incredibly useful features. The QuickPic server stands out from other analogues in the field of cloud storage of files in the cloud, namely photographs and videos, due to its functional power, speed, compactness and extreme simplicity.

One of the main features of the service is the ability to connect almost any cloud storage, from Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive to less famous Amazon, Baidu, Box, Flickr and other servers in our area (and you can work with all of them literally in one window without leaving the main working form). This approach immediately resonates with attentive users who value convenience and simplicity when working with galleries, using a minimum of clicks and taps.

If you don't want to connect to an external cloud, QuickPic's internal storage, called "CM Cloud", is available. In reality, this is a hardware solution based on server racks from Amazon. Its only and most important drawback is the small amount of disk space. By default, all registered users are allocated only 2 GB of server space for free, which is quite a bit if you prefer to store photos in an uncompressed state. Therefore, there is no need to do without third-party storage. You can read about each of them in detail in our articles (here and here).

Another valuable innovation that appeared in version 4.0 is auto-copying photos to the cloud when working with the service. Of course, in addition to the fully automatic method, all the same operations can be done manually by clicking just one icon on the panel and selecting “Copy” in the context menu.

Working with folders is also a pleasure. Every time you launch QuickPic, the application automatically scans the internal and external memory of the smartphone for the presence of multimedia objects, and adds them to the main working window so that the user knows exactly where the pictures and videos are located on his device. This feature allows you to structure images in storage in strict accordance with their location on the device. It won’t be particularly difficult to create a new working directory in order to subsequently place new pictures in it.

What image editing tools are available in QuickPic for Android? The user has the right to change the graphic resolution of the image, crop it (following the proportional dimensions or changing the resolution of the image), rotate it 90-180 degrees in any direction, and also apply a mirror image of the image in any plane.

In general, QuickPic deserves a lot of flattering reviews thanks to the constant improvement of its brainchild by its Chinese comrades, excellent optimization and successful operation without any noticeable lags even on entry-level smartphones. A very convenient client, even despite the minimal number of shortcomings (small amount of space on the company server for storing files in the cloud, possible occurrence of duplicates when using multiple storages).

The most famous services (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Yandex.Disk) were not touched upon in this series, but we have already described them earlier, and working with images in them is practically no different from interacting with all other file structures. In addition to the services described above, the use of more iconic and well-known analogues that allow storing files in the cloud would be quite appropriate.

Cheap memory cards from unverified manufacturers have flooded store shelves. The only problem with such drives is their unreliability and short lifespan. How often have you lost photos, videos and other important files because the card simply stopped working? To avoid such losses in the future, you can go two ways: transfer all files from your phone to your computer every evening, or give everything to your phone and set up cloud synchronization once.

Yes, I know, you have heard many times about cloud services, clouds, cloud synchronization, but you never got around to doing it. Which cloud to choose? What is the difference between them? Do I have to pay money for this? Let's figure this out right now.

The cloud is essentially, without going into details, your trouble-free flash drive to which you are connected via the Internet, to which the important files you specify are automatically saved and to which you have access from any device if it is connected to the network.

Such “online flash drives” differ in the amount of space provided to the user, ease of use and a number of additional options. If you are going to use cloud storage simply to store files there from your phone or computer, and also share them with your friends or colleagues, then the free space that the developers offer you will be enough. The only difference here is how much space one or another company offers.

1. Google Drive

The well-known Google service provides each Google user with a 15 gigabyte disk. For many, the application for working with this cloud service is already built into the firmware. Moreover, most of the users with a Google drive pre-installed in their smartphone firmware already have backup copies of their photos in the cloud, maybe even those that need to be deleted before anyone sees them - after all, the Google drive unobtrusively selects all the photos from the device and puts them together to cloud storage.

In general, if you close your eyes to this wayward behavior and take a closer look at the possibilities, then in addition to backing up photos, Google’s drive can work with text files, tables and presentations. However, for this you will need to install additional applications. The disk can also play video files without downloading them to the device and, most importantly, since we are talking primarily about photos, the disk offers to store photos in a compressed format, for which unlimited storage space is provided. That is, if you agree to let Google Drive process your photo, reducing the original size, then you can put an unlimited number of photos on your cloud drive for free. All you need to do is connect your Google account to start using the drive.

You can download Google Drive for mobile devices and PC at download page

2. Dropbox

One of the most popular cloud drives. The service provides “as much as” 2 gigabytes - the smallest amount of free space among all cloud services today. The creators of the cloud insistently demand money for everything - you will have to pay for almost any additional options, so know that even these 2 free gigabytes allocated to you are watered with generous capitalist tears. In addition to the meager volume, Dropbox uses a special and only folder for synchronization. The mobile application takes up twice as much space as the same Google Drive application, but at the same time it can only synchronize one folder, and even then - after the mandatory installation of another application on your computer. But, nevertheless, the cloud has many fans. A big significant advantage of the service is its interaction with third-party applications. Many reading programs synchronize book bookmarks via Dropbox, password managers are also able to store user files in the Dropbox cloud, and if now the competitive environment in the cloud services market allows in some applications to choose the preferred cloud for synchronization, then old users accustomed to Dropbox are unlikely to Will they switch to new clouds: habit is a powerful thing. And you still have a choice, but if 2 free gigabytes is enough for you and you are satisfied with forced installation of an application on your computer to enable cloud synchronization, then this cloud is for you.

The Dropbox client can be downloaded for both PC and mobile devices

3. Mega

Screenshot of the Mega cloud web interface

A cloud known for its enhanced security through end-to-end browser encryption. Because of this increased protection, you will not be able to reset your password and if you lose it, you will have to say goodbye to your data and create a new account. And this data can be stored in a free account of the Mega service as much as 50 gigabytes. The cloud is distinguished by high speed, an original way of downloading files using a browser and, as I wrote above, a high degree of protection. It has applications for all popular operating systems, but, interestingly and strangely, it is blocked in Kazakhstan. But only the website itself is blocked; you can easily synchronize your files using the mobile application, and open the cloud drive on your computer using the Chrome extension. Today this is the simplest, most convenient and largest cloud drive available for free. It doesn't support video streaming due to file encryption, but it does allow you to store lots of photos and files and share them with the people you choose.

Easy to use on a computer Chrome extension or application for Windows . Applications are also available for Mac and Linux . And on your smartphone, depending on the system, you can install an application for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.

4. Yandex.Disk

Screenshot of the Yandex.Disk web interface

The Russian search giant keeps its nose to the wind and does not lag behind trends, because the disk from Yandex is no less convenient a service than from the same Google, but it only provides a little less space - 10 gigabytes. The mobile application can synchronize your camera folder, transferring each new photo to cloud storage and leaving it there until you delete it from there. The developers even provided a recycle bin in their cloud service from which erroneously deleted files can be installed. A computer application is no longer just a client for synchronizing with a disk, but a whole combine with a variety of functions. One of them is Yandex screenshots. If you constantly take screenshots of your computer or part of it, then it is worth installing a program for Windows. The computer application also allows you to view most multimedia and text file formats and has a small built-in graphic editor.

The application can be downloaded for all popular operating systems on the download page of the official website.

5. Cloud Mail.Ru

Another search giant and another cloud storage. If you have a email account, then you already have your own personal cloud with a capacity of 25 gigabytes. You can set up auto-upload of photos from the camera folder or allow all folders from your gallery to be searched and uploaded to the cloud. Just like other well-thought-out modern cloud services, it can play video files from the cloud without downloading to the device.

All application installation files are collected on download page.

15 gigabytes. But you can increase the size of the cloud to 25 gigabytes by sending referral links to your friends. For each registered friend you get 5 gigabytes. And what’s great is that both you and he get these 5 gigabytes. It’s bad that it’s impossible to register in the cloud from a mobile application - you need to go through the registration procedure on a computer or in a browser. But in the mobile application, you can select any folders for synchronization and the files you specify will be saved to the cloud, from where you can not only download them at any time, but also give a link to the photo to anyone. Like other services, there is no need to download a video file to your device from the cloud to watch it.

The cloud is available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Mac, and Linux. There is also a web interface.

And I would like to highlight separately cloud drives created specifically for storing photos from mobile devices. They do not have client programs for PCs, or they do, but in them you can only get acquainted with the contents and see the remaining space, because their main purpose is precisely the safety of your photos. But such cloud services provide a large amount of file storage. Among them, I would like to highlight two applications in particular.

1. QuickPic

It was originally an image viewer app for smartphones, but after the app was purchased by Chinese company Cheetah Mobile, creators of programs such as Clean Master, Battery Doctor and CM Security, QuickPic Gallery now has the ability to automatically save your photos to the CM cloud where you You will be able to register using your Google or Facebook account. Initially, 2 gigabytes of cloud space are available, but for each invited Cheetah Mobile user they give another 1000 gigabytes. The maximum free cloud storage capacity is 5000 gigabytes.

You can also get to the cloud from your PC by following this link . In the cloud web interface you can view your photos, which for some reason are in the “Clean Master” folder. You cannot add anything to the cloud from your computer. But you can download photos from the cloud by checking the required boxes. Convenient, simple and capacious cloud.

Deego has a PC client with which you can save the necessary folders from your smartphone to your computer. But this client does not work in the best way, and in order to sort it out, it took a decent amount of man-hours from our editorial team. However, I would like to believe that in the future the interface will be improved and simplified, but for now, remember the full paths to your photos and carefully monitor where the application saves the files you restore. It is possible that such an inconvenient desktop client is due to the fact that the Degoo cloud is aiming to become completely mobile, and the desktop application is just a tribute to the old regime, and soon we will see even more services independent of the PC. Applications that work only with mobile devices are the first signs of progress that is inexorably moving us away from desktop computers.

The application can only be downloaded on Android and PC. Degoo doesn't have an iOS app yet.

We have already seen plenty of various online data storage services. Some are simply a network flash drive, others provide some additional functions, such as viewing slideshows or. However, the creators of the service decided to outdo everyone else and created an entire online OS with blackjack and songs. is an online service that provides you with 5 GB of data storage completely free of charge, as well as a wide variety of tools for their productive use. To start working with the service, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. After this, you are taken to your account, which looks like the operating system desktop.

At the top we see a panel with a row of buttons and a news feed; on the right there is a clock and an exit button. The main part is occupied by the work area with wallpaper, which can be changed in the settings. When you click on the button in the upper left corner, the main menu appears (shown in the screenshot). This reminds me of something, doesn’t it?

There are not many applications, but everything you need is there - a file manager, media player, office suite, chat, games, settings. Local Explorer allows you to upload files to and from the cloud, create new folders, move files, and so on - in general, everything that a decent file manager should be able to do.

Media Player can not only play music that you have personally downloaded, but also tracks from other users if they have shared them. At the same time, it independently finds and displays the album cover. It's a small thing, but it's nice!

When you try to launch Office Suite, a window appears asking you to select the type and name of the file to create. We can work with DOC, RTF, TXT, PPT and XLS formats. After this, the document is launched for editing in the familiar Zoho Suite. Of course, all changes made in the office editor are automatically saved in

What else do we have left there? We won’t dwell on the games, let’s just say that there are two of them and one of them is Tetris. Local chat is a means of communication only within the service and does not have integration with external IM systems. However, this chat is only one of several tools that make up the social component of the service. There is also the possibility of creating interest groups, a music and school network, and other social opportunities that, to be honest, I haven’t fully figured out.

In conclusion, it can be noted that is not only an extremely interesting, but also quite usable service. Thanks to its versatility and multifunctionality, everyone can find a worthy use for it. Storing data, listening to music, working with office documents, viewing images and galleries - all this and much more is possible with this service. In addition, there is a special

SM Backup - Secure Cloud is a free cloud file copying tool for Android phone or tablet. Sooner or later, software errors will take us by surprise. And we will not have access to the desired image, SMS messages and other personal data. Therefore, you need to back up and store the data separately from the device in advance. It is for such purposes that this file backup program exists.

Even if such an unpleasant situation happens as losing your phone, all the data will remain with you. After all, all files will be stored on the server, not on the device. By default you are given 5 GB, if you need more you will need to pay.

Sooner or later, every user has been caught off guard by hardware or software errors that can lead to data loss. Therefore, you should take care of the safety of your files in advance. Secure Cloud is a smart and extremely useful program for backing up photos, contacts, messages and other personal information. Backup can be carried out either at our request or according to a plan, for example, you can configure the backup to be carried out every day at 23:00 and at this time all data will be copied to the server, and upon completion you will receive a notification that the copying was successful.

Features of the Secure Cloud application on Android:

  • backup and restore: SMS, photos, calendar events, browser bookmarks, videos, avatars, call logs, input methods;
  • you are given 5 GB for free;
  • Reduce photo size by 90%;
  • convenient system for multiple accounts;
  • file transfers and downloads are protected by powerful encryption, ensuring secure storage;
  • full SMS backup and restoration;
  • set a copying schedule;
  • fast backup in just 0.08 s;
  • repeat data filters.

Download for free CM Backup - Secure Cloud without registration and SMS via the direct link below.

CM Backup is an application for backup via cloud storage, created by the developers of the already known to us, which I wrote about earlier (I advise you to read the article if you have not done so already :)).

But let's return to our program. For copies of your data, CM cloud provides you with 5 GB free of charge. For a fee, it is possible to increase the space up to 1 TB, but, in my opinion, this is not so necessary. I'll explain why.

CM Backup is not a cloud in the sense in which Google Drive or, for example, is. You can use the five gigabytes that you have there exclusively to create a backup on your Android device.

Moreover, you can not backup all the contents of your gadget, but only:

- contacts;

- call log

— SMS messages (I’ll write about this in more detail below);

- Your photo;

— calendar events;

- your alarm clocks;

— your personal dictionary;

- browser bookmarks.

What I liked was the clear interface, the presence of the Russian language (something Asian developers cannot always boast of, which, however, is understandable - they have more than enough of their own market 🙂), fairly fast data transfer speed, the ability to set a backup schedule. Additionally, your data is encrypted (AES-256) while in transit, uploaded, and stored on Amazon S3 servers. And this is very reliable.

Another interesting feature is that you can reduce the size of your photos on your device by 90% after backing up the originals.

And now a few words about what I didn’t like. When moving to another smartphone, I noticed that everything was copied except SMS. To transfer messages, CM Backup suggested installing some kind of application for SMS. And no options. I had to agree, but after the messages were transferred, set my favorite as default again. As a result, the SMS messages remained safe and sound. The main question - how to transfer contacts to Android - has been resolved. And I was especially pleased with the call log, which also migrated to the new device :)

I advise you to try the CM Backup cloud and decide for yourself whether to choose it or alternative solutions, of which there are many now offered.