Find a person in contact without registration, classmates. Odnoklassniki social network search for people without registration

About one hundred million people are registered on the Odnoklassniki social network. different countries and each of them has their own account, their own social circle, their favorite groups and pages. In this huge sea of ​​faces, it is so easy to get lost for a person who has not yet fully understood all the numerous functions of this site. And, if you can’t figure out how to find “my page” in Odnoklassniki - by last name, phone number or something else - that’s exactly what we’ll tell you about here.

My page, profile, account - this is the name of the address you created on this social network, from which you start your journey through the site each time. All the photos you post are also attached to it, and you make friends right there. If you are reading this article, then you needed to find your page on the website. There may be two reasons for this:

  • You entered through another profile and want to see yours;
  • You cannot log into the site and find your account there.

We will tell you what to do in each of these cases and by what parameters you can find your profile among millions of others.

And if you still don’t quite understand what it is, read your other article.

How to find your page in Odnoklassniki?

Option one: you logged in from someone else’s or a new account and don’t know how to find a link in Odnoklassniki to your old page

Option two: you can't figure out how to log into your profile

In the event that you have left your account and now do not know how to return there, and also, perhaps, you have safely forgotten your username and password - do not despair! You can easily find your page in Odnoklassniki by the phone number that you indicated during registration. Here's how to do it:

We are glad if everything worked out for you. And if you still have questions, you can always contact us in the comments and the answer will not take long to come!

Find my page

Many users of social networks are faced with the problem of finding the person they need among countless other users. You may need to find former classmate, with whom you studied in the third grade, or a girl with whom you once vacationed at a children's camp. I myself wondered how to find a person on Odnoklassniki.

You can search for users using several parameters, and the more information you have, the easier it will be for you to find a specific person. It’s best if, in addition to his first and last name, you know his city of residence and age. It should also be taken into account that not all users provide their real data and install a real photo on the page.

By name

If you don’t know much information about a person, and you want to find out how to find a person by name in Odnoklassniki, then for this you will need:

Important! If you have not found a person, then you can try to enter his nickname, if you know it, or various variations of the name, for example, Olya, Olga, Olechka, etc., since some users do not use their full names when registering (about read how to change your name).

Around town

I also want to tell you how to find a person in your classmates in the city if you know the locality in which he lives. To do this you will need:

  1. Do the same steps as with searching for a person by name.
  2. On the right side of the screen, select the “Location” section.
  3. Select a country and then indicate a locality.
  4. Find in the list that appears the desired user.

Other options

Odnoklassniki provides its users with the opportunity to search for friends, classmates, relatives and colleagues using the following parameters:

  • age or date of birth. In the appropriate column, indicate the necessary data, for example, 27-28 years old or select the year and month of birth;
  • educational institution. When searching, you can indicate the school or university where the user you are looking for studied;
  • resort. Perhaps you need to find the person with whom you vacationed at sea. For this purpose there is a special column “Place of rest”;
  • place of military service. If you want to find a colleague, you need to enter the number and address of the military unit in the appropriate column.

With this, I want to finish my article on how to search for people in Odnoklassniki. I hope that the information will be useful, and you will be able to find your colleagues, relatives or just acquaintances without much difficulty. Don't forget what big amount The information you have, the greater your chances of finding the right person on the site. Read about how to open your profile so your friends can find it

Finding people is an integral part of human life. Every day, thousands of requests to search for loved ones, classmates, former acquaintances and other personalities pass through the Internet. However, few people know about such services as searching for people in Odnoklassniki on Google and Yandex sites

These are very clear and well-functioning people search engines that allow you to search for people by criteria such as age, place of residence, study and work. We will discuss how to use searching for people in Odnoklassniki without registration later in the article.

Via Yandex People

The first on the list is the well-known Yandex search engine, but in our case it is a search engine not just for queries, but for people. The service contains clear interface for any type of user and has an easy data filling form. Next will be given detailed instructions how to find a person on the social network Odnoklassniki without any registration.

As you can see in the picture, after entering the request “Sergey Petrov”, all users with this first and last name on the Odnoklassniki social network are displayed.

Via Google Search

The next service is less intuitive due to the lack of any visual search modes, but is also effective. Here we will need to enter before each request. This means that the search will be conducted in the circles of one social network Odnoklassniki. The detailed search scheme is below:

As a result, the search engine displays all users by this request from the social network Odnoklassniki. It will be clearer to use a search in Yandex, of course, than in Google, but if you don’t have any difficulties, then it’s a matter of taste.

To summarize, I would like to say that these are the two most effective and fastest ways to find a person. To use the search for people in Odnoklassniki without registration, you only need to go to the service and enter data about the person, which is very accessible and understandable.

Not every one of us is a member of absolutely all popular social networks; some fundamentally do not want to register in any of them; others were simply banned by strict moderators. Is it possible for a user who does not have an account in Odnoklassniki to find another user there? Yes, it's quite possible.

The Internet resource Odnoklassniki does not provide search capabilities for unregistered users. Therefore, you will have to use special online services to find people from other developers. Please pay attention to an important detail: search engines will definitely not find a user who created a page on Odnoklassniki less than two weeks ago.

Method 1: Where You Service

First, let's try the Where You online service in practice. Taking advantage of it functionality, you can find a good acquaintance or childhood friend. As with any search engine, everything here is simple and clear.

Method 2: Google Search

Such a world-famous resource as Google can also help in finding a person on Odnoklassniki. Here we will use a little trick in the search bar.

Method 3: Yandex People

Yandex has a special online service for searching for people, Yandex People. This is a convenient tool that allows, among other things, to search for user profiles on many social networks.

So, as we have seen together, finding the right person on the Odnoklassniki resource without registration is quite possible. But keep in mind that search engines do not guarantee absolute results and do not find all users.


First of all, I would like to wish you never to lose touch with relatives, close friends and even just pleasant acquaintances. If contact with an old friend has already been lost, then read the article carefully. In it I will share several ways in which you can find a person on Odnoklassniki.

The main thing you need to know to find a friend on a social network is your first and last name. Of course, the more information you know about a person, the faster you will find him. But to get started, just a first and last name will be enough.

First of all, you need to log into your account on If you have never used Odnoklassniki before, you will either have to ask for help from someone who has already created their own page.

You can get to the Odnoklassniki search page by following this link

You are now on a page with found profiles. Here you can view a list of users who match your request. There can be a lot of people on this list (from hundreds to several tens of thousands). If you don't have any additional information about the person you are looking for, you will have to look through all the profiles of namesakes until you come across your friend.

The process of reviewing all questionnaires can take a very long time. So try to remember additional information about the person, such as:

  1. Age. You can specify an approximate range, for example, 30 – 40 years, if you do not remember the exact age, or indicate a specific date of birth.
  2. Place. Select the person's country and city of residence.
  3. School. This filter will help you find your school friends. You only need to indicate the city and select the school where you studied from the list.
  4. University, college. Similar to searching for a school, these filters will help you find classmates or fellow students.
  5. Organization. This parameter will help you find a person at his place of employment.
  6. Military unit. Indicate your place of service to find a colleague.
  7. Resting-place. Enter the city where you vacationed to find people you became friends with at the resort.

With each new filter, the number of profiles found will decrease, and very soon you will find the one you need. However, if you make a mistake when specifying a filter, the person you want to find will be excluded from the search results. Therefore, provide only information that you are 100% sure of.

After filling out all the filters, study the profiles of the people you found. The list of results displays the first and last names of users, their age, place of residence, as well as a photo in a reduced size. To view detailed information and all photos go to his page.

Some users prefer not to show their personal information to strangers and make their profile private. In this case, you need to add the person as a friend and wait for your application to be accepted.

You can write a message without adding as a friend. Go to the desired profile and click “Write” or directly in the list of users, hover over the name and click on the “Write” button in the pop-up window.

From photo

If you have a photo, you can use it to try to find a person on Odnoklassniki. The search will be successful only if the same photo is posted on the wanted person’s page.

To search, use the Yandex.Images service or an analogue from Google. I will analyze the process using Yandex as an example. At Google, everything is done exactly the same.

Step 1. Go to the Yandex.Images service and click on the camera icon.

Step 2. Select a photo on your computer by which you will search for a person.

Step 3. Search system will pick everything up similar photos that he can find. If your friend is on one of them, then open the photo and follow the link to the social network profile.


OK has more than 300 million registered users, so searching for a person with a popular first and last name can be a very time-consuming task. If you communicate outside of a social network, you can ask a friend to dictate his ID. This is unique an identification number every person is OK.

Enter the ID in the search bar and press Enter. As a result, you will immediately find the right user.

Knowing the identifier, you can get to the page of the desired user without searching. Go to your profile and in the address bar of your browser, replace your ID with the one your friend gave you, press Enter.

Search without registration

If you do not have your own account and are not going to register on, you can use auxiliary services and search engines. I’ll say right away that some Odnoklassniki users hide their profile from strangers. Therefore, there is a chance that you will not find the right person, even if he is on OK.


A free service that is designed to search for people on popular social networks without registration.

  1. Follow the link
  2. Enter the user's full name in the search bar and select the Odnoklassniki social network. If you want to search in all social networks at once, then you don’t need to select anything.
  3. Fill in the fields: age, city of residence, place of study and place of work. The age may be inaccurate, for example, 20 – 30 years.
  4. Click “Find” and the service will display all profiles that match your request.

Why the person was not found:

  1. You may have entered incorrect information. If you are not sure about your age, city of residence or other data, then it is better not to indicate them. Indicate only what you are 100% sure of.
  2. If the user created a page in OK quite recently, then he might not yet be included in the search engine database. Try searching again in 1 - 2 weeks.
  3. Try to find your mutual friends and look at their list of friends. Perhaps the person you are looking for will be on this list.


Google has nothing similar to the Yandex.People service. But you can try to find the right person through the general search bar. Enter the person's full name and city of residence; if you know the exact age, then enter that too. To prohibit search on all sites except Odnoklassniki, use the construction “ Full name city”, in which instead of “F. AND ABOUT." indicate the person’s first and last name, and instead of “city” - the locality in which he lives.

This method also works in most other search engines.


Couldn't find the right person in OK? Try it on another social network. If you wanted to find a person by phone number, then I have to disappoint you. On this moment There is no such function in Odnoklassniki.

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That's all for me. See you again!