Setting up a home local network in Windows7. II

In small enterprises, where the number of computers is up to 20, computers are usually connected to the network For sharing to files, folders, printers and the Internet with help working groups. Home users also face a situation where they need to exchange files with a second or third computer (laptop), play games together, print on shared printer. This article outlines step-by-step instruction how to enter new computer under Windows control 7 and Windows Vista into such a working group or create such a group from scratch.

Open the System icon in the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel - System and Security - System)

Click the "Edit" button

The computer name must be unique as part of the network, short, written in English letters. The name of the working group should be the same on all computers of this working group, short and also in English letters.

You can add some description to the computer name (optional) and click Close

In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart the computer

Register IP addresses

If the IP parameters in your network are not assigned automatically, you need to register them manually ( Please check the need for this item with the administrator of your work group!). To do this you need to take the following steps:

Open the View icon network computers and devices" in Control Panel (Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - View network computers and devices)

On the network adapter with which you are connected to the network, press right click mouse and select “Properties”

Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button

We register the IP address (1). In it, the first three values ​​are the same for all members of the working group. The last digit (2) is unique for each computer. Subnet mask, Default gateway (4) Preferred DNS server (4) - the same on all computers.

Check with your administrator for general values ​​for the entire workgroup, or look at a computer that is already part of this group. The Default Gateway and Preferred DNS Server are required for Internet sharing. If this is not the case, then these fields are not filled in.

Hello, friends! In this article we will touch on network setup in the operating room. Windows system 7. Namely, let's deal with home groups. This feature allows you to simplify the exchange of information between users in home network. Here we will look at setting up IP addresses for computers so that you can create a home group and set up network placement. Let's see how to create home groups, how to join them and, of course, how to do general access to directories so that other users can work with them. We will also consider the place from which it is convenient to control the shared resources on . I hope that after reading this article, you can easily set up a home network between Windows 7 computers.

Firstly In order for computers to work properly on the network, it is necessary to synchronize the time between them. On all computers on the network necessary set current time and make it so that it .

Secondly. It is necessary to set the computers to be on the same network. This function is usually assigned to the router or router. Then he assigns an address from a given range to each connected computer. If you don't have one, then you need to configure the addresses manually.

This is done as follows

1. In the notification area, left-click on the icon Net. In the window that opens, click on the link Network and Sharing Centeraccess

In the Network and Sharing Center that opens, click on the left side

The window that opens displays all network connections your his . Choose the connection through which you will connect to your home network. This could be a connection via wireless network or other. Select it with the left mouse button and call it context menu right mouse button. Choose Properties

In the Network window that opens, we need to check the boxes Client for Microsoft networks, File and printer access service for Microsoft networks, and Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Select the last one and press the button Properties

In the TCP/IP properties select Use the following IP address. In the field, enter the address and subnet mask (for example, such as in the figure IP - and subnet mask -

In the window that opens, check the box Get the latest troubleshooting tools online

There are a lot of people working at Microsoft so that we can fix common errors using this tool.

Now, if problems arise, not only with your HomeGroup, you can use the latest tools.

The home group has been created and the settings have been configured. Now you need to connect the remaining computers on the network.

On the computer that we want to connect to the HomeGroup, this element

Since the group has already been created we will be offered Join

We specify the libraries that we want to make publicly available and click Further

In the next window enter the password to the home group and click Further

Successfully connected to HomeGroup. We connect all other computers in the same way.

Setting up sharing

All that was above are preparatory steps for the ease and simplicity of setting up shared access on the network.

Here's how you can share access with homegroup users: Let's open. We find and select the folder to which we need to be given access. In the toolbar, click the button General access and select from the drop-down menu Home group (reading) or Homegroup (read and write) if you want users to be able to edit and delete files in this folder

Here you can deny access choosing None of the users. The folder icon will be marked with a padlock.

When you create or join a homegroup, the corresponding section appears in the navigation area of ​​the Explorer window. From here it is convenient to access shared folders of other computers on the network

After some time, you may forget which folders on your computer are shared. To remember, you can go online to your computer. This is conveniently done using the Network item in the transition menu

You can view it, but it’s not convenient to control from here. There is a separate tool for this.

Launch the utility Computer management

In the computer management window, on the left in the console tree, expand the item Shared folders and choose Shared Resources. The table in the center will display all your shared resources and here you can stop sharing access to any of them

From the Shared Resources section you can open access. To do this, open the menu Action and choose New shared resource...

The creation wizard will open shared resources following the instructions you will share the folder

By default, libraries are shared as read-only. You can also give access to write from Explorer. Select the desired library in the explorer navigation area, call up the context menu and select Sharing and Homegroup (read and write)

In this simple way, you can open and deny access to your computer’s resources in the Windows 7 homegroup.


In this article, I hope I was able to clearly explain how it is done. setting Windows network 7 . We configured computers to work on the same network, created a home group, and learned how to grant and deny access to various computer resources. In principle, this should be enough. All that remains is to add a few recommendations to ensure greater security when working online.

13. In order to prepare bills included in the Government’s legislative activity plan, as a rule, working groups are formed (hereinafter referred to as the working group). The list of bills on which working groups should be formed is approved by the Commission.

14. The working group is formed in order to develop a bill, coordinate it with interested federal executive authorities and organizations, participate in the consideration of the bill by the chambers of the Federal Assembly (including expert legal support), and develop draft regulatory legal acts of the President Russian Federation, Government and federal executive authorities to be adopted in connection with this bill (hereinafter referred to as the regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of the relevant federal law), as well as developing proposals for its improvement.

15. The working group includes representatives of the federal executive body or the organization that is the lead executor of the bill, other interested federal executive bodies (mandatorily - deputy heads of interested federal executive bodies and organizations and (or) heads of structural divisions of federal executive bodies authorities and organizations responsible for the relevant area of ​​activity), if necessary, representatives of the chambers of the Federal Assembly and their apparatus, employees of the Government Apparatus, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, as well as representatives of research, public and other organizations.

16. Proposals on the composition of the working group, agreed upon with interested federal executive authorities and organizations, are submitted to the Commission by the head of the federal executive authority or organization - the lead executor of the bill or by the Secretary of State - deputy head of this federal executive authority within 30 days from the date of approval list of bills on which working groups are formed.

Decisions on the formation of a working group and approval of its composition are made at a meeting of the Commission.

The working group is headed by the deputy head of the federal executive body or organization - the main executor of the bill. The head of the working group approves the procedure and work plan of the working group and is personally responsible for the timely preparation of the bill.

Upon written representation from the head of the working group, members of the working group - civil servants of federal executive bodies, in agreement with the head (deputy head) of the relevant federal executive body, are exempted from performing other duties. job responsibilities at the place of duty for a period determined in accordance with the work plan of the working group.

17. Working group:

a) ensures the preparation of the bill;

b) facilitates coordination of the bill in the prescribed manner with interested government bodies;

c) initiates, at any stage of preparation of the bill, its consideration by the head of the federal executive body or the organization - the main executor of the bill, the Deputy Prime Minister (in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities) in order to resolve disagreements arising in the process of the work group’s activities, as well as making decisions conceptual in nature;

d) presents the bill at meetings of the Commission and the Government;

e) provides expert legal support for the bill when it is considered by the chambers of the Federal Assembly, including being present at plenary sessions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, takes part in the established order in the work of committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly and in other events held by the chambers of the Federal Assembly related to consideration of the draft law prepared by the working group;

f) participates in developing the Government’s position on amendments proposed by subjects of the right of legislative initiative at the stage of preparing a bill for consideration by the State Duma in the second reading;

g) participates in the preparation of draft federal laws to be adopted in connection with this bill;

h) participates in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of the relevant federal law;

i) develops proposals for improving the provisions of the federal law, the draft of which she carried out;

j) participates in the consideration of bills received by the Government on amendments to the federal law, the draft of which she carried out;

k) submit reports on the progress of work on the preparation of the bill, as well as draft regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of the relevant federal law.

18. Members of the working group are listed as developers on title page bill.

19. The working group ensures the preparation of the bill and other materials in accordance with the Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure the timely adoption of regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of the federal law, the working group provides in the list of such acts the deadlines for the preparation of their drafts, taking into account the expected dates for the entry into force of the relevant federal law.

Working groups are an effective tool for solving problems that require coordinated action by workers from different departments. However, in order to fully realize the potential of the working group, it is necessary to pay special attention to solving issues related to its organization and coordination.

This article will discuss the main problems and approaches to overcome them that the author had to face in the process of organizing the activities of a number of working groups. The presentation of the material will be illustrated by a real example of the creation and support of a working group organized to reduce time losses during transitions from one type of product to another.

Formulation of the problem

The creation of working groups is justified in two cases:

When there is a problem whose solution is beyond the competence of individual employees or managers;

When you need to find a way to radically improve activities that serve as an inhibitory factor in the development of the company.

In both cases, the group must clearly understand the problem that it has to solve. If a working group is created to solve a more abstract problem, such as increasing labor productivity or reducing production costs, then its activities will most likely not be very effective. The reason for this lies in the weak ability of people to unite their efforts to achieve abstract goals. At the same time, everyone understands the need for change, but only a few realize their role in achieving results.

At the same time, setting a too specific goal for the group, for example, reducing equipment downtime by 30%, will also be wrong. This can significantly reduce the motivation of group members to search the best solution. They get the feeling that someone already knows in advance the possibilities for improvement. In such a situation, an involuntary desire arises to adjust the decision to the result.

It should not be forgotten that the main purpose of the group is to search for cause-and-effect mechanisms that lead to the problem. The development of measures to eliminate the identified causes is only the second stage of the group’s work, which can generally be delegated to specific production processes or departments. Thus, it is enough for the group to understand that the problem exists and can be clearly described. For example, losses due to the release of non-conforming products amount to more than 1 million rubles per month. In this case, the group may be given the following task: to find the reasons leading to the appearance of defects and propose measures to eliminate them.

Determining the composition of working groups

Preparation of the organization of the working group should begin with determining the composition of its participants. Who should be part of the group? Answering this question will require a preliminary analysis of the problem that the working group will solve.

First, you should determine the circle of employees for whom solving this problem is most relevant. The best option will attract workers who, in the solution process, will receive real, measurable benefits: easier working conditions, increased safety or productivity, increased wages, etc. The presence of such incentives significantly increases the effectiveness of solving the problem. If direct motivational factors cannot be found, it is necessary to consider the possibility of creating artificial motivation for group members. For example, set a bonus for solving assigned tasks, and make the size of bonus payments dependent on the economic benefits received. I would like to make a reservation right away that it is better to use factors of artificial motivation as an addition to natural incentives, which serve as a stronger incentive to solve a problem.

Secondly, it is necessary to determine the required level of competence of group members. This means that the latter must clearly understand the essence of the problem and the negative consequences that are associated with it. Group members must be potentially able to overcome the difficulties associated with solving the problem, that is, have the necessary knowledge and methodological base. It should be understood that the level of competence depends on the role performed by a particular team member. The group can include both managers at various levels and ordinary workers. Naturally, the competence of both may differ significantly. It is only important that it is enough to complete the tasks that will be assigned to the employee within the work group. However, all team members should have basic knowledge of known methods to resolve the problem. To this end, it is highly desirable to provide general training in the appropriate methods to all group members.

Thirdly, the authority of group members must be sufficient to make the necessary organizational decisions. We are, of course, not talking about including in the group general director, if based on the results of the group’s activities it is necessary to issue an order. But, it should be understood that usually the functioning of a group is associated with changes in the regulations for personnel actions, implementation additional work for control, collection of statistical information, etc. In this regard, group members must be able to quickly influence the executive staff.

Regulation of the activities of the working group

In the process of creating a working group, you must always remember that for group members, activities within its framework are an additional burden that requires additional time and effort. And how difficult it is to resist the temptation to withdraw from participation in the group, citing being too busy! In order to avoid a destructive scenario, it is necessary to collectively accept a procedure for the group’s activities that would suit all its members.

When creating a regulatory document, you should pay attention to a number of important organizational points.

1. Place and time of working group meetings. It is ideal for meetings to choose a neutral area, for example, a meeting room, meeting room, classroom, etc. In this case, it is easier to overcome the psychological barrier that exists between superiors and subordinates in an everyday work environment. But using a boss’s office for meetings, on the contrary, will lead to a more cramped atmosphere. It is advisable to equip a meeting place with a minimum set of accessories for the visual exchange of information and its registration. It is advisable to have a set of markers and a flip-over clipboard. In this case, there will be no problems communicating the essence of the discussion to all members of the group, and from the drawings it will be possible to reconstruct the course of the discussion later. Working group meetings should be held periodically. The period of time between meetings should be reasonably set in such a way that, on the one hand, the course of the discussion is not erased from the memory of group members, and on the other hand, during the time between meetings, certain progress can be made in the implementation of decisions made at the meeting. Of course, the ideal option is to keep minutes of group meetings, but, as practice shows, the effort spent on this is not worth the benefits received. As a rule, no one needs minutes made in full form, and working materials are quite enough to track the progress of the discussion. Therefore, it is best to establish a storage location for work materials and return to them as needed. As for the frequency of meetings, it is most advisable to hold them once a week. The best days for this are Tuesday and Wednesday. In this case, the difficult start of the week is behind us, but there is still enough time left to implement the decisions of the working group “hot on the heels”. It would also be a good idea to appoint an employee responsible for resolving organizational issues: notifying group members, rescheduling meetings if necessary, preparing documentation, etc.

2. Format of the working group’s activities. You should be aware that the effectiveness of the working group is determined not only by compliance with the rules of the meetings. The main activity of the group lies in the activities of its members outside of meetings. These are activities to test new approaches to the organization of work, activities to collect and process information, and activities to study the methodological aspects of the problem. In order for it not to be left to chance, it also needs to be regulated. The regulations may provide for the following procedure. At the end of the next meeting, each group member receives his own task, which must be completed by the next meeting. At the meeting, first of all, an analysis of the implementation of the assigned tasks is carried out. If a particular task requires a longer period of implementation, then the group member who received it must report on the progress of its implementation. Next, there is an exchange of views on the effectiveness of the measures taken and the effectiveness of achieving the goal in general is assessed. As a result, it is formed new block tasks for group members. For subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of the working group, it is convenient to keep a table reflecting the tasks assigned to each group member and the degree of their implementation.

3. Control by senior management. The results of the work group's activities must be regularly reported to the management of the enterprise (if the manager is not a member of the group). This does not have to be done as often as meetings are held. It is quite enough to make a short report once a month, to which you can attach a table of solved problems. It is very important for the head of an enterprise to have an idea of ​​the current results of the group’s activities and the contribution of each member to this result. If there is a disproportionality in the participation of group members in its work, then, of course, measures must be taken to eliminate it. Also, if the group's work is not effective due to organizational problems, measures should be taken to eliminate such problems.

Example of a working group organization

As an example, consider an approach to organizing a working group to reduce transition time between different types of products. As a management object, consider an enterprise that produces several different types of products on one production line. The production line consists of 3 sections. When switching from one type of product to another, equipment changeover occurs at each site.

The group's goal is to reduce the time spent transitioning between different types of products.

The working group includes the following participants.

Senior Sales Manager. His participation is due to the fact that changeovers are associated with the need to meet consumer demand for various types of products. Applications for the production of these types of products are generated by the sales department. The senior manager of the department seems to be the most competent in the details of forming applications.

Engineer (economist) for production planning. Is a key figure in creating production assignments, as well as the production schedule based on production requests.

Production site foreman (3 people). Responsible for the stable operation of the relevant production areas, including work on equipment readjustments.

The primary motivational factors for these employees are: increasing the volume of completed orders, systematizing planning activities, increasing labor productivity, and reducing production costs. As an additional motivation, group members were given a fixed portion of the bonus for reducing the average changeover time by every 15%.

On 1st group meeting The following questions were considered.

The goal of the group’s work was formulated - to reduce the specific time of transitions between different types of products by 50%.

The principle for calculating the target indicator is determined as the ratio of the total time spent on transitions to the operating time of the production workshop.

The rules of the group's work have been determined. Meetings once a week, every Wednesday at 15:00 in the meeting room. A person responsible for organizational issues has been appointed.

The main areas of activity to reduce the specific transition time have been identified: the formation of blocks of requests for the production of products of one type, the optimal choice of the sequence of production of the formed blocks of requests, the acceleration of equipment changeover.

Tasks for group members are defined. Senior Sales Manager analyze orders received from customers over the previous month. Assess the possibility of combining applications into blocks by product type. Estimate the potential gain in the number of conversions over the past month. organize timing of the duration of transitions between different types of products at their sites. Production planning engineer develop a convenient form for recording timing data for the duration of transitions and ensure the collection and processing of completed forms, as well as the calculation of the current value of the target indicator. Prepare preliminary processing results for the next meeting.

On 2nd group meeting

According to the senior manager, it is possible to potentially reduce the specific transition time when placing production orders in blocks by 2 times due to a reduction in the number of transitions, however, the timing of orders does not allow arbitrarily combining products into blocks. Taking into account the combination into blocks of only orders that are close in terms of execution, the possible gain is 10%. However, to receive winnings, it is necessary for customers to place their orders 2-3 days earlier.

Production site foremen began timing technological transitions. The information collected is not yet sufficient to analyze statistical data on the duration of transitions between specific types of products, but the planning engineer found that transitions between some types of products take longer than between others. Preliminary information about the current specific duration of transitions was also obtained. During the timing process, it turned out that the transition time in section No. 3 is 5 times less than in sections No. 1 and No. 2, and the transition in section No. 2 becomes possible only after the transition in section No. 1 is completed.

Senior manager find out the potential willingness of customers to report orders 2-3 days earlier. For production site foremen determine the potential possibility of separate readjustment of equipment in sections No. 1 and No. 2, as well as continue collecting statistical information. Planning Engineer propose a method for determining the optimal sequence of placing orders for production, taking into account the minimum total duration of changeovers.

On 3rd meeting of the group The following issues were discussed.

A senior manager found that up to 30% of regular customers are willing to communicate their orders in advance. Another 20% of clients are ready to provide their long-term ordering plans. The potential gain in specific changeover time is about 8.5%. The production site foremen found out that separate readjustment of the equipment of sites No. 1 and No. 2 is not possible due to the need to adjust the equipment of site No. 2 based on the readjusted indicators of site No. 1. However, there is the possibility of preliminary rough adjustment of the equipment of section No. 2 based on the collection of statistical information about the parameters of section No. 1. The potential gain in this case can be up to 25%. The planning engineer proposed a tabular form for presenting statistical information about transitions, the use of which during the placement of production orders will allow determining the optimal sequence of production of products, but the collection of additional statistical information will be required to fill it out.

As a result of the discussion, the following tasks were identified. Senior manager The sales department will develop an algorithm for generating blocks of requests received from various managers for the purpose of their centralized transfer to production. For production site foremen continue collecting information about the duration of changeovers and organize the collection of information about the exhibited equipment settings of section No. 2, depending on the parameters of the equipment of section No. 1. Planning Engineer prepare a transition table for use in planning production requests. Process statistical information about equipment installations at site No. 2.

On 4th group meeting The following issues were discussed.

The algorithm proposed by the senior manager requires the joint efforts of the sales department and the planning department. There is a need to regulate activities of this kind. Production site foremen confirmed the possibility of using statistical information for preliminary rough adjustment of equipment at site No. 2. The planning engineer prepared directories of statistical information to determine the optimal sequence of changeovers and preliminary rough adjustment of equipment, section No. 2.

As a result of the discussion, the following tasks were identified. The senior manager, together with the planning engineer, prepare regulations for joint activities to determine the optimal sequence of placing orders in production based on the obtained statistical information. Foreman of production areas should prepare regulations for pre-setting the parameters of section No. 2 based on statistical data on the parameters of line No. 1.

I will not continue the description of the group’s activities further. Moreover, the innovative part of the activity ends here. This will be followed by the development, coordination and approval of documents, personnel training, activities to implement regulations, numerous improvements, etc. In a word, everything that is called “turnover”. With this example I just wanted to illustrate the idea of ​​​​creating a full-fledged, effective working group, in which everyone feels responsible for the success of the common cause.


I would like to repeat once again that when properly organized, working groups are powerful tool improving industrial relations. Working groups are of particular importance when implementing lean manufacturing tools. In this case, the organization of working groups is the first step towards the general involvement of personnel, a kind of mechanism for conveying the idea to the broad masses of the enterprise’s employees. A balanced approach to the process of creating and coordinating the activities of groups is a guarantee of the full implementation of any innovations in your enterprise.

The basic principles that were discussed in the article in no way claim to be complete or absolute objectivity, but they may well serve as a starting point for forming your own approach to the designated topic.

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Why do you need to set up a home network? It would seem that a laptop, a computer and a couple of smartphones are working at home and are periodically used to access the Internet. What else is needed? But remember how often you have to transfer files from one device to another? You have to copy it to a flash drive and back or use Bluetooth.

Even if you do this no more than once a month, with a home local network everything will become much easier. In addition, its customization will open up a lot of new possibilities. For example, files may not be transferred, but can be launched directly on another computer or even a TV (if it has the capabilities to work in local network with Windows 10). It will be possible to run games “on a grid”, print documents from any computer on one printer, and use many other features.

Basic Concepts

A home local network is several computers united by one network cable for data exchange. Today, most apartments have routers that distribute Wi-Fi. Thanks to them, setting up a local network has become a simple task.

An approximate diagram of a home local network with Windows 10 might look like this:

As you can see in the figure above, the Internet is supplied via an Ethernet wire to the router, to which the PC is connected via a patch cord (the same wire with double-sided connectors). Laptops and smartphone are connected to the router via Wi-Fi. Of course, such a connection does not create a local network by default. Specific settings are required on each device. In the above example, the various machines and gadgets, if they are not configured properly, will not be able to “see” each other.

The most important term in this whole process is the so-called groups. A Windows 10 workgroup can include a maximum of 20 machines, which are nodes of the same level, that is, they cannot control each other. In other words, in such a network all computers are equal - there is no main server.

In addition, there is the concept of a home group, which can be formed if computers already belong to a work group. HomeGroup makes it easy to share photos, music, movies, and documents from other devices. This group, unlike a working group, has a password, but you only need to enter it once to add a new device.

Creating a local space step by step

Working group

First of all, make sure that all computers have the same workgroup name. It can be anything - you set it at your discretion. On Windows 10:

  • Open Start and go to Utilities.
  • Launch the classic Control Panel.
  • Open “System and Security”.

  • Go to the “System” section.
  • On the left select “ Extra options systems."

  • A small window will open in which you need to select “Computer name” and click on the “Change” button.

  • In the new window at the bottom there will be an item “The computer is a member of...”: select “workgroup” and enter the desired name.

This setup must be done on all computers with Windows 10 (for 7 and 8 everything is done in the same way) that will be on the home network.

Visibility of computers on the network

The fact that computers with Windows 10 or other versions of the OS are part of the same group is not enough for them to start “seeing” each other. Required additional customization. To enable visibility, follow these steps on each machine:

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Select “Network and Internet” and go to the Network and Sharing Center.

  • Open “Change advanced settings...”.
  • Turn on file and printer sharing and network discovery.

  • You need to do this in all profiles, and also enable the “sharing” option so that network users can read and write files in shared folders.
  • Place the checkbox next to “Disable password protected access.”
  • Save.

Sharing folders

Setting up a Windows 10 network ends with sharing specific folders. To do this, just open the folder properties (with the right mouse button - as always), then select the Access tab and go to Advanced settings. Check the box next to “Share” and click on the “Permissions” button.

Where for full access you just need to check the boxes next to “Full Access”, “Change”, “Read” in the “Allow” column. But you can leave some boxes unchecked and thereby limit the capabilities of local network users.

Next to the “Access” tab there is “Security”. Here click the “Change” button, and in the new window that opens “Add”. In the empty box, enter the word “Everyone”, as shown in the photo:

Now the “Everyone” group has appeared in the previous window. Select it and in the “Allow” column, check all the boxes for full access. Save all changes and reboot. The setup is complete.


After these manipulations, your Windows 10 should see the computers in its group and gain access to all open folders. This is how to briefly set up a local network using operating systems Microsoft. In reality, everything may look different: the article provides only general principles.

For example, without a router (with a DHCP server enabled and automatic distribution of addresses), two computers can be connected by a patchcord. In this case, after the first stage of setup, you will need to register IP addresses manually. This is done in properties network adapter and properties of Internet Protocol version 4. It's the same for Windows 10, 8, 7 and even XP.

An IP of the form 192.168.0.* is registered (for each computer the last digit is unique, except for 0 and 1. You can use, for example, 5 and 7, Subnet mask and default gateway 192.168 is indicated as DNS servers. 0.1 and (optional) If the router has DHCP disabled, a similar setting must also be done.

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