Setting up and using synchronization in Mozilla Firefox. What to do to synchronize Mozilla Firefox How synchronization works in firefox

At the time of writing this article, managers Firefox passwords Sync supports a browser based on the Gecko core. Namely: Gecko ( Mozilla Firefox(Mozilla Firefox Mobile), Camino and SeaMonkey). This is a clear disadvantage compared to Xmarks and LastPass. However, the fact that Firefox Sync is absolutely free, has good functionality and, unlike other managers, is included in the basic package of the Mozilla Firefox browser, makes it very attractive to Firefox users.

A little history. The first public version of Firefox Sync appeared on February 23, 2009. On January 28, 2010, the first stable version was released. In early December 2010, after Xmarks announced that it would cease on January 11, 2011 free version(which did not happen as of January 23, 2011) of my project, I began to look for an alternative. The decision did not take long to arrive. Within a few hours I installed, configured and performed the first synchronization of my data using Firefox Sync. The current (at the time of writing) version of the application is 1.6.1.

Let's consider its functionality.

Bookmark synchronization. This is the main function of any sync manager. The Mozilla Firefox Sync password manager allows you to synchronize bookmarks between all Gecko-based browsers (Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Firefox Mobile), Camino and SeaMonkey).

Password synchronization. It is possible to synchronize logins/passwords from your accounts on different sites. Just like Xmarks, Mozilla Firefox Sync password manager is responsible for storing your passwords. When you create an account in Firefox Sync, you will be asked to enter a secret phrase. This secret phrase (something like a password) will be used to encrypt your data. Approach composing this phrase with great responsibility. I recommend using the drafting rules secure passwords both for the Firefox Sync password and for the secret phrase.

Synchronization of settings. Mozilla Firefox Sync password manager, unlike Xmarks, allows you to synchronize browser settings. It's extremely convenient. At your workplace, just download and install Firefox, then enter your Firefox Sync credentials and all your settings with home browser Firefox will be transferred and installed.

History synchronization. This function will allow you to synchronize your surfing history from all supported browsers.

Sync tabs. If you have a habit of opening and not closing a large number of tabs, then this function will be very useful to you. You can close the browser at home on your desktop PC, and continue with the same tabs on your laptop or netbook on the way to work. And for this you don’t need to remember which tabs you opened.

Synchronization with iPhone. This function will help you synchronize data with iPhone.

Let's look at how Firefox Sync works using Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 and Firefox Sync 1.6.1 as an example. To do this, in the main menu of Mozilla Firefox, select the item Tools then Settings… and go to the tab Synchronization. You will see the following window.

I would like to note that synchronization Firefox bookmarks, with the help of this manager, happens quickly and without problems.

Click on the button Account Management. Number of controls in the block Account Firefox Sync will increase as shown in the image below. This allows us to say that Firefox password managers have sufficient account management capabilities.

Firefox Sync provides plenty of storage space for bookmarks, passwords, and so on.

Synchronizing bookmarks in Firefox using this function becomes a sufficient “step” to ensure the security of storing your data.

Also, using synchronization keys, you can try to implement something similar to the “Synchronization Profile” function (like Xmarks). Just don't point out the sync key used on your work PC. home Firefox Sync.

Stop using this account. This link will allow you to reset all information and settings of your synchronization account. Be careful when using this feature.

In area Browser Synchronization You can select the types of data to sync. Remember, the more data types that are checked, the more options you will have and the longer the synchronization process will take.

You can read more about synchronizing Firefox bookmarks on the developer's website.

Wikipedia article is also available. With this extension, synchronizing Firefox bookmarks will be a matter of two mouse clicks.

If you use Firefox at home, at work, and on your smartphone, then you will probably find it much more convenient to use the browser if you sync your bookmarks, history, settings, and tabs across all your devices. Firefox Sync makes this easy. All you need to do is register using the address Email and password.

Firefox Sync also allows you to share add-ons between desktop versions browser, so you don't have to re-download every extension or plugin every time you open Firefox browser on any computer. Below are complete instructions on how to register for Firefox Sync and what settings need to be made on devices.

Registering for Firefox Sync

The screenshots below show the registration process on a computer under Windows control 10, but the same steps apply for Firefox on Windows 7, 8, Apple OS X, Android and Linux.

1. Click the button Open menu

2. Select an item Login to sync:

3. Press the button Create an account:

4. Enter an existing address Email, password And your age numbers and press the button Create an account:

5. Uncheck the boxes for the content you don't want to sync (You can change this later). Click the button Save settings:

6. After creating an account, we see the following message:

7. Confirm your email account. To do this, we find in it a letter with the subject Verify your Firefox Account and click on the button in the letter Activate now:

8. We meet a window in the browser:

9. Open the menu in the browser again and press the button Synchronize:

10. If you want to change the synchronization settings, open the account settings located to the left of the synchronization button:

How to sign into Firefox Sync and sync

Let's say you've gone through all the steps to create an account in Firefox Sync and now you need to synchronize all your browser settings on another device. The screenshots below show the login process for Firefox Sync on a Windows 10 computer, but the same steps apply for Firefox on Windows 7, 8, Apple OS X, Android, and Linux.

1. Click the button Open menu in the right top corner browser:

2. Select an item Login to sync.

Transfer Firefox profile may usually be required when reinstalling Windows or the need to get a browser on a new device with the same settings as on source computer or laptop. Built-in Firefox synchronization can significantly help in this matter - developers from Mozilla allow you to transfer settings from one system to another in a few clicks. Today we will look at both transferring by copying a profile and setting up automatic browser synchronization.

Automatic synchronization: Firefox Sync.

Copy settings, bookmarks and so on. The Firefox browser can “out of the box”, i.e. You don’t have to install anything additional, register for any third-party services (relative to Mozilla), etc. Everything is quite simple and can be done in a couple of steps. You still have to go through one registration - on the official service " Firefox Sync" To do this, select the “Tools” menu item “ Set up synchronization" If you have problems with English language– then we recommend downloading and installing Russian Firefox version, and not torment yourself in the throes of translation. After completing this action, you will see the “Firefox Sync” welcome window with only one button – “Start”. Click it.

Next, the automatic Firefox synchronization will prompt you to register - now is the time to do it. The procedure for creating an account is very simple and should not cause any difficulties. After confirming your e-mail address, you can select the items you want sync between devices. This procedure is carried out once. There's no need to sign up from every device - you've just created yourself a single Firefox Sync account.

After registering in the menu " Tools" instead of the item " Set up synchronization"You will see the item " Synchronization" Usually there is no need to press it manually - the system periodically automatic mode performs this action. Now it's time to turn to the second device with which you need to sync browser settings. If it does not have this browser, then you must first.

On the second and subsequent devices, you must select the same “Tools” item – “ Set up synchronization", but instead of creating a new account, click under the button " Registration" to the link " Already have an account? To come in " In this case, you will be asked for the E-Mail (to which you “linked” your Firefox Sync account) and the password that was created during registration. After entering, click " To come in».

After completing these steps synchronization of browser settings and add-ons usually starts automatically, but if this does not happen, select “ Synchronize" on the menu " Tools" Depending on the amount of data being transferred and the speed of your Internet connection, the time required to transfer browser settings may vary, but usually takes a few seconds. Personally, after starting the process, I wait 10-15 seconds and restart Firefox. After this, most of the browser settings that were made on the first device - from which it was registered - are usually applied.

Later, when adding a new Bookmarks in Firefox or remembering a new password - the same data will be available on all devices with Mozilla Firefox associated with your account. Automatic synchronization can be very useful when you actively use several devices: a work computer, a home computer, a laptop and a tablet... All of them will have identical bookmarks, saved passwords,…

Why is synchronization needed?

For example, while on the road, you found several interesting articles on the Internet, but carefully study them in this moment there is no possibility (or necessity). You add site pages to browser bookmarks on a laptop, and they automatically are synchronized with your Firefox Sync account. Upon arrival home, you just need to launch the Firefox browser on home computer(in this case automatic synchronization will occur) and among the bookmarks you will find links to those that interest you along the way Internet pages! You don't even need to take your laptop out of your bag! The second example is the complete cloning of browser settings on a new device: did you replace your laptop, computer, tablet or smartphone? – After synchronization the browser will accept the same parameters as on older devices!

Transfer Firefox: How to copy Firefox profile manually?

Automatic synchronization described in the first part of the article helps in most cases, but some settings yet sometimes they are not tolerated and remain untouched. A situation may arise when you need to pick up your Firefox profile on flash drive or any other way other than on-line synchronization. In this case, everything is simpler than with automatic synchronization by Firefox Sync. To copy the Firefox profile and all the settings you just need to know - where firefox stores settings... The answer is simple - in ordinary files on the disk. You can find out the path to the profile folder in 4 clicks: “I’ll draw it for you now”...

When you click on the “Open folder” button in the “Profile folder” field, a Windows Explorer window will open, in which there will be files of your Firefox profile. All you need to do is copy them all to a flash drive. After that, open in the same way profile folder on another device (where you transfer or copy the settings) and copy the profile files from the flash drive there (with replacement). After restarting the browser, you will see your usual Firefox, which was used on the original computer or laptop. With this method of profile transfer all parameters are guaranteed to be transferred both the browser itself and all installed Firefox add-ons.

Due to the fact that users are forced to use the Mozilla Firefox browser not only on the main computer, but also on other devices (work computers, tablets, smartphones), Mozilla has implemented a data synchronization function that will allow access to history, bookmarks, saved passwords and other browser information from any device that uses the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The synchronization function in Mozilla Firefox is an excellent tool for working with unified Mozilla browser data on different devices. With synchronization, you can start working in Mozilla Firefox on your computer and continue, for example, on your smartphone.

First of all, we will need to create a single account that will store all synchronization data on Mozilla servers.

To do this, click on the menu button in the upper right corner of Mozilla Firefox, and then in the window that opens, select "Enter synchronization" .

A window will appear on your screen asking you to sign in to your Mozilla account. If you have a similar Account missing, it must be registered. To do this, press the button "Create an account" .

You will be redirected to the registration page where you will need to fill in a minimum of information.

Once you register an account or sign in to your account, the browser will begin the data synchronization process.

How to set up synchronization in Mozilla Firefox?

By default, Mozilla Firefox synchronizes all data - this open tabs, saved bookmarks, installed add-ons, browsing history, saved passwords and various settings.

If necessary, synchronization of hotel elements can be disabled. To do this, open the browser menu again and select the registered email address in the lower area of ​​the window.

Synchronization options will open in a new window, where you can uncheck those items that will not be synchronized.

How to use synchronization in Mozilla Firefox?

The principle is simple: you need to sign in to your account on all devices that use the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Any new changes you make to your browser, such as new saved passwords, added add-ons, or opened sites, will be immediately synced to your account and then added to browsers on other devices.

There's just one issue with tabs: if you finish working on one Firefox device and want to continue on another, when you switch to another device, previously opened tabs will not open.

This was done for the convenience of users, so that you can open some tabs on some devices and others on others. But if you need to restore tabs on a second device that were previously open on the first, you can do this as follows:

click on the browser menu button and select the item in the window that appears "Cloud Tabs" .

In the next menu, check the box "Show sidebar cloud tabs" .

A small panel will appear in the left pane of the Firefox window that will display tabs open on other devices where the syncing account is used. It is with the help of this panel that you can instantly switch to tabs that were open on smartphones, tablets and other devices.

Mozilla Firefox is an excellent browser with convenient system synchronization And given that the browser is designed for most desktop and mobile operating systems, the synchronization feature will be useful to most users.