Setting up the router dir 300 Rostelecom firmware 1.03. Enabling WI-FI and setting up

Thanks to the hardware features, D-Link DIR-300 is well suited for the network of the Rostelecom provider and ensures stable Internet operation at tariffs of up to 100 Mbit/s. The router allows you to set up a WiFi network and supports IPTV, and setting up the device does not require much effort. The DIR-300 model is suitable for Rostelecom subscribers receiving access via FTTx technology, i.e. via a dedicated UTP cable stretched into the apartment from the entrance panel. For subscribers connected to the provider via telephone line, this router will not work.

On the back panel of the device there are 5 network interfaces - 4 LAN, 1 WAN, - a power connector and a RESET button.

  • The provider cable coming from the entrance is connected to the INTERNET (WAN) connector.
  • The computer is connected by cable to any of the four LAN connectors. Until special settings are made, these ports are equivalent, but usually use LAN 1.
  • It is customary to connect a TV set-top box to the LAN 4 port. If there are two TV receivers, they need to be connected to the LAN 3, LAN 4 connectors.

It is preferable to perform the initial setup of the router from a computer connected by cable to the router. If this is not possible, you can use the tablet by connecting to the router via WiFi. detailed instructions by connection, via Wi-Fi is described.

PC setup

If the router was previously used in the network of any provider, including Rostelecom, before setting up the D-Link DIR-300, it is recommended to return the factory settings. This is necessary in order to eliminate software failures during setup and avoid problems associated with forgotten passwords.

To log into the router's administration panel, you need to configure your computer to automatically receive the network configuration:
1. Go to network management Windows settings by right-clicking on the connection icon or selecting the corresponding item in the control panel;

2. In the window that opens, go to change the adapter configuration;

3. From the list of connections, select the appropriate network adapter, into which the cable from the router is connected;

4. Right click open context menu- "Properties";

5. In the window that opens, select the “IP version 4” item and click the “Properties” button;

6. If any addresses are specified in the properties, you will not be able to log into the router’s web interface. Therefore, you need to set up receiving automatic configuration.

For Windows 7, the procedure looks exactly the same:

Login to settings

You can get to the D-Link DIR-300 settings panel through a browser by entering the address “”.

Quick setup

In new firmware versions D-Link router DIR-300 is provided quick setup, which allows you to establish a connection in 3 steps using the Click’n’Connect utility. To connect to Rostelecom you need to select the PPPoE protocol.

Or in another firmware version, it looks like this:

On the tab that opens, you just need to specify the login and access password from the contract, and you don’t have to change the connection name.

After applying the settings, the router will attempt to contact the provider's server and report a successful connection.

It’s also easy to automatically configure the physical port for interactive television on the D-Link DIR-300 using the Rostelecom IPTV receiver:

Manual setting

A simplified interface helps save time, but does not always solve the problem of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 modem: in different regions In Russia, Rostelecom services have different technical implementations, and the IPTV service can be delivered to the user both in the form of untagged and tagged traffic.

In the first case, it is enough to select the port through the “Wizard IPTV settings"so that the set-top box receives an IP address and starts receiving data. But if the quick setup did not work and the TV receiver cannot contact the provider, it means that tagged multicast packages are being delivered from the Rostelecom server. In this case, setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router will look completely different:

1. If any settings have already been made, they will have to be deleted. To do this, it is better to use a factory reset.

2. Before you start establishing an Internet connection, you need to reconfigure the physical port into which the set-top box is connected. To do this, go to the “Advanced - VLAN” section:

On open tab a list of physical ports of the router is presented, grouped into two virtual subnets LAN and WAN.

3. To set the LAN 4 interface with the necessary parameters, you will first have to detach it from the current group: go to the LAN and delete the fourth port;

4. Now the port is free and you need to organize switching so that data from the provider entering the router via the INTERNET port gets to the fourth interface, bypassing the DIR-300 NAT. This requires creating a new virtual subnet.

5. The name can be arbitrary; the checkbox will allow traffic to be transmitted internally the group being created; the type is set to “Transparent”, but you will have to find out the VLAN ID from Rostelecom technical support. In the lower field of the tab, you need to select the fourth port, configure it as “Untagged”, and then save the changes.

6. The created group is a bridge that ensures parallel operation of LAN 4 and INTERNET ports as if the provider’s cable was directly connected to the set-top box. At the same time, the DIR-300 processes traffic at the data link level - it removes tags from headers and forwards untagged packets to the set-top box port.

7. Now you need to set up your Internet connection. To do this, go to the “Network - WAN” section:

  • The username and password are specified in the agreement with the provider;
  • The Keep Alive, IGMP, NAT, Firewall checkboxes must be checked.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

If you purchased a new router or moved to a new place of residence with old equipment, then most likely you will need to configure the d link dir 300 Rostelecom router. This process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. In this article we will prove this and consider all the stages of this procedure, as well as setting up the d link dir 320 Rostelecom router.

Preparing the router for work

Before you start working directly, you need to inspect the device itself and perform a few simple operations:

  • connect the power cord and make sure that the “Power” indicator is on;
  • connect the Internet cord to the appropriate connector: there are 5 in total;
  • Verify that the Port 1 and Operation LEDs on the front panel are lit. WiFi networks, indicating that the cable is connected correctly and the signal from the provider’s servers reaches the device.

Important: the first four connectors are designed to connect a computer and a router via cable. The fifth is for connecting the telephone wire (Internet), as a result of which d link 300 will take on the function of an ADSL modem.

Now we take out the documents that Rostelecom provided us; they are needed to configure the dir 300 router.

How to configure a dir 300 router with the old web interface

Setting up the d link dir 300 Rostelecom router begins with preliminary computer settings. They are carried out as follows:

  • Press the code combination Win+R on the keyboard. The “Run” window will open;
  • enter the combination ncpa.cpl into the empty field;
  • in the window that opens network connections select your current one (which we configure) and open its properties;
  • from the list, select Internet Protocol version 4 and also go to properties;
  • if any IP and DNS addresses are specified, switch the network to automatically receive data.

Next, open the browser and, just as when setting up the dir 320 router for Rostelecom, enter address bar combination:, which will take us to the authorization page. There is no need to know the login and password when setting up a new device (purchased and never used), since the value is the same for both fields - the word “admin” is strictly in lower case. If an error appears indicating that wrong password, this means that the router has already been configured before and you need to find out the newly installed Password or reset the value by pressing the Reset button.

After successfully logging into the main interface, the router will most likely prompt you to change standard password on your own. We enter the invented combination of characters in two fields, confirm and go through authorization again, but with new data. If everything is done correctly, you will see the main menu in the form of blue “buttons” of a fairly large size.

To start setting up the network, perform the following operations:

  • click on the first (lower left) button of the second line “Configure manually”;
  • in the upper text menu select “Network”;
  • open an existing “WAN” connection;
  • Scroll down the page and click “Delete” in the lower right corner;
  • wait until the page refreshes, the “Add” button appears on the right, click on it;
  • on the settings page that opens, specify the type of Internet connection – PPPoE;
    we do not touch the port;
  • choose any name (this will be the name of your connection in “Network Connections” on your computer);
  • Below we indicate the login from the agreement with Rostelecom, as well as the password;
  • save the changes made, then click “Save” again in the center of the page.

At this stage, we put aside the Rostelecom agreement and check the settings of the dir 300 router - go to any page on the Internet. It should open without problems. All that remains is to configure the wireless network. For this:

  • open the item WiFi menu(located next to “Network”);
  • in the SSID field, enter any name for your network and move on;
    to set a password, save the changes and select from the available WPA2-PSK options;
  • Enter the password you created and save again.

That's all, the connection and wireless network are ready to go.

Setting up a router dir 320 Rostelecom

Since the settings for the new firmware of the Dir 300 router and the main firmware of the 320 model are practically the same, we present general instructions on network settings this type Rostelecom devices.

The initial setup of the d link dir 320 Rostelecom router is carried out in exactly the same way as described earlier:

  • connect network cables and set automatic IP/DNS acquisition;
  • after that, log in with standard data and set your own login password;
  • in the interface window that opens, look in the lower right corner - “Advanced settings”;
  • in the “Network” field, select the first submenu item – “WAN”;
  • we've already chosen existing connection and by analogy, click “Delete”;
  • add a new connection in the same way as in the previous paragraph, entering the network name and data from the contract, and then save it;
  • open the notification that appears (light bulb in top menu) and click “Save”;
  • refresh the page and observe the connection status “Connected”.

This completes the setup of the router dir 320 Rostelecom via a wired connection. Check the functionality of the connection by going to any of the search engines or to the website social network. If everything is done correctly, the Internet will work.

Setting up a WiFi router d link dir 320 Rostelecom

To configure the d link dir 320 Rostelecom router for “distribution” demon wired connection, you need to return to the main menu and open the advanced settings again. Next to the “Network” field you can find the functionality we need wifi settings. Go to the “Basic Settings” submenu and specify, as in the previous firmware, the network name. Then we go back a step and open the security settings, where you need to set the same type of network authentication and the same long password (at least 8 characters) as on the d link dir 300 router. Save the changes twice (the second time in the notification above) and check WiFi network availability on any suitable device.

From this article you learned how to set up a dir 320 router for Rostelecom, as well as its previous model, and these instructions should work in most cases. If you have such a typical problem as the web interface being unavailable via IP (that is, the browser does not open the authorization page after entering the combination, then again go to the Internet protocol properties (where we set automatic IP/DNS acquisition) and switch network for working with static data. In the fields that have become active, indicate:

  • 168.0.12;
  • leave unchanged (should fill in automatically);
  • 168.0.1;
  • DNS data from the contract;
  • also stated in the contract.

After applying these changes, the login page should become available. If you still have questions, watch this video:

And that's all. Tell us about your experience connecting to the Internet. Any questions in the comments are welcome!

This device is designed to create a wired or wireless home network. Also, with its help, users can connect to the Internet using Ethernet technology.

The router cannot work with ADSL cables. The article describes the process in detail D-link settings DIR-300 for correct operation in the Rostelecom network.

Connecting a router

Before you start working with the device, you must connect it to the network. Plug the Ethernet cable coming from the Rostelecom provider into the “Internet” port located on the rear panel. In one of the remaining ports, signed as LAN1-4, you need to insert the patch cord connector that comes from your personal computer. After these steps, connect the router to power and wait until it boots up.

  • Click on the network connection icon in Windows tray(panel to the left of the date and time).
  • Click on the “Control Center...” hyperlink.
  • Using the menu on the left side of the window, go to the “Adapter settings” section.
  • Double-click the active network shortcut.
  • In the window that appears, click on the “Properties” element.
  • Select the “TCP/IPv4 Protocol” category.

  • Check the box next to “Receive automatically”.
  • Click "Ok" to save the changes.
  • Wait a moment until the computer receives a new IP address and click on the “Details” button.
  • Find the “Gateway” parameter among the presented data and copy its value.

Authorization in the web interface

Now that your computer is connected to the DIR-300 router, you can start changing settings. The device is configured using a special web interface:

  • Launch any Internet browser.
  • Paste the value of the “Gateway” parameter into the address bar.
  • You will be taken to new page, where the system will ask for your username and password. They can be found on a special sticker located on the back of the router. In most cases, the pair “admin” - “admin” is suitable.

  • Click on the “Login” button to log in to the network.

After these steps, you will be redirected to the main interface menu to configure the DIR-300 router.

External network settings

First of all, users will need to set up an external network to gain access to the Internet. To do this, do the following:

  • Click on the "WAN" hyperlink, which is located in the "Network" section.
  • In the “Main” section, you must select the type of connection (“Connection mode”) with Rostelecom servers. For most subscribers, the PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) type is suitable. If you are subscribed to the “Permanent IP” service, you need to select the “Static IP” item.
  • Specify any name for the connection.
  • If you chose PPPoE, you need to specify your personal password with login. If you don’t know them, look in your copy of the agreement with Rostelecom or check with your provider.

  • For “Static IP” you will need to fill in the fields: address (Address), mask (Mask), gateway (Gateway) and DNS server (DNS).
  • Click the “Save” button at the very bottom of the screen.

Wireless network

If you are not going to take advantage of the opportunities wireless communication– turn off WiFi using graphic switch in the main menu. This way, the router will consume fewer resources, and strangers will not be able to connect to your network.

If you use mobile devices and want to set up Wi-Fi, you need to do the following:

  • Click on the “Basic configuration” hyperlink in the “Wi-Fi” category on home page web interface.

  • In the “SSID” field you need to write the name for your access point.
  • In the “Country” column, select “Russian Federation”.
  • Click on the “Change” button and return to the main menu.
  • Now go to the "Security" category under the "WiFi" section.
  • The "Authentication" parameter must be set to "WPA2-PSK".
  • In the “Pre-shared key” field, write the code to access your network.
  • Select the combined type “TKIP\AES” in the “WPA encryption” column.
  • Click "Edit".

Now that the setup is complete, you need to reboot your router for the new settings to become active. To do this, use the “Reboot” tool in the “System” section or simply disconnect the device from the power supply for a few seconds.

Configure correctly home network it is impossible without understanding the features specific device. In this article we will talk about two such devices, namely, setting up D-Link DIR 300 and 320 routers to work in the Rostelecom operator network. The process is not particularly complicated and is easy to understand even for a novice user. Availability of minimum computer literacy will greatly facilitate the absorption of information.

To avoid any complications during the upcoming installation of the access point, you need to reset the configuration to the factory state. The easiest way to do this is using a button on the device. It must be pressed and held for 10 seconds. Naturally, the router must be plugged in. After resetting the parameters, the device will reboot, which will also take some time (no more than 10 seconds).

One more point requires attention - you need to check the status of the Internet protocol (IPv4) parameters in Windows system. To do this, you need to use its interface and take the following actions.

A universal method for all Windows systems

Press the combination “Windows” + “R”. The Run window will open. In the text field, write the command ncpa.cpl and press “Enter”. A network connections window will open, in which you need to perform the steps described below.

This method works in all Windows versions up to 10.

Pairing PC and router

After the above described manipulations, the computer and router are ready to work together. It is better to do the initial configuration of the equipment using a wired connection. To do this, you can use the Ethernet cable supplied with the router. One of the connectors must be inserted into the LAN port on the rear panel of the device, the other into the connector network card. You also need to disconnect the Rostelecom cable from the WAN (Internet) port on the access point, this will make setting up the d link router easier.

DIR 300 router configuration for Rostelecom

You can configure the d-link dir 300 router to work with the Rostelecom provider through the admin panel interface. There are currently two firmware versions (1.3.x and 1.4.x).

Logging into the router control panel

To log into the access point management interface, you will need the device address and authorization data (login/password). If the hardware parameters are set to their default state, you can use the standard values:

  • address – or;
  • login/password pair – admin.

The dir 300 router for Rostelecom can be configured using any Internet browser, for example, Internet Explorer. After launching it, you need to place the cursor in the address bar, enter the address value ( and press enter. The user login page will open.

Enter the login information in the fields: user – admin, password is the same.

Attention! To increase security, it is better to follow this recommendation.

After changing the data and confirming the changes, the main page of the admin panel will open. Depending on the firmware version, there may be external differences. You can update the firmware in the system -> software update section, after downloading it from the D-Link website.

Rostelecom network parameters for firmware 1.4.x

First, go to the advanced settings section; to do this, click on the corresponding inscription in the lower right corner. On the page that opens, go to the “Network” tab and select the WAN subsection.

Further settings of the dir 300 router depend on the technology that the provider uses to connect subscribers. In most cases, Rostelecom uses the PPPoE standard.

PPPoE configuration:

  • On the WAN page, select the appropriate connection type.
  • Specify the connection name (can be anything).
  • The peculiarity of the PPPoE standard is that the user is authenticated in the operator’s network using a login/password pair, which can be found on a copy of the contract or from the provider. This data must be entered into the appropriate fields on the WAN page.

How to configure the d-link dir 300 router to old firmware Let's look at it further.

Rostelecom parameters for firmware 1.3.x

After successful authentication, the main page of the admin panel will open, on which you need to click on the tile that says: “Configure manually.”

Then go to the “Network” tab, where in the “WAN” section we select an existing connection, open its parameters and delete it. Next, an empty list of connections will open, on which you need to click the “Add” button. The sequence of further actions is similar to that for firmware 1.4.x (see above - PPPoE configuration).

Setting up a DIR 320 router for Rostelecom

The procedure for setting up the d link dir 320 router for Rostelecom is somewhat similar to that for the three hundredth model, however, let’s consider it in more detail.

  • We determine the type for the connection – PPPoE.
  • As the value of the username, we use the login for connecting to the Internet (we find out from Rostelecom).
  • The password for authorization in the provider’s network is provided by Rostelecom along with the login.
  • After filling out all the required fields, click “Save”.

At this point, the initial configuration can be considered complete. If you plan to use Wi-Fi, configure security settings wireless network You can also use the dir 320 control panel.

Wireless mode on a D-Link router

Installation of protected wireless connection has some differences depending on the firmware versions.

Parameters for devices with firmware 1.4.x

On the main page of the admin panel, in the menu on the left, click on the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” hyperlink, which is located in the Wi-Fi block. Following the recommendations of the master, we carry out step-by-step installation wireless point access.

To change the Wi-Fi configuration, go to the advanced settings page (how to do this is described above). In the Wi-Fi block, select the basic parameters. On the page that opens, you can change the network name (SSID), user country and wireless mode. Next, you need to go to the security menu and enter the following parameters:

  • Network authentication – WPA2-PSK.
  • We indicate the password for the wireless network in the “Pre-shared key” field.
  • Encryption type (WPA encryption) select combined “TKIP/AES”.

Save the configuration with the “Edit” button.

Parameters for devices with firmware 1.3.x

On the main page of the admin panel, click “Configure manually”. On the main parameters tab we indicate:

  • Network name – any, in Latin.
  • Country – “United States of America” or “Russian Federation”.
  • Wireless mode – mixed mode (11b/g/n) is more versatile.

On the security tab, specify the password and network authentication. We confirm all actions with the “Change” button.

At this point, the configuration of the D-Link DIR 300 router for Rostelecom can be considered completely completed.