The keyboard does not light up on an asus laptop. Fixing the problem with the keyboard backlight not working on an ASUS laptop

One of the indicators of a laptop’s ergonomics is the backlighting of its keyboard. This function greatly simplifies working with the device both at night and during the day in low light levels. But some users forget about the presence of such a useful option or simply do not know how to use it.

How to turn on the keyboard backlight on laptops from different manufacturers? In search of an answer, we will consider all possible options.

Turn on the keyboard backlight

Before you try to activate the keyboard backlight, you need to know for sure that this function is present on your laptop model. And if you don’t want to look for technical specifications and re-read the user manual, then you should take a closer look at the special symbols printed on the function keys F1 - F12. Typically, the keyboard backlight icon looks like this and is located on the F4 button.

After finding the symbol you are looking for, you must simultaneously press the Fn+F4 combination. At the same moment, all the keys on the keyboard will begin to light up. If pressing Fn+F4 did not give a positive result, then you can search for the backlight by alternately pressing Fn and other function buttons. It is worth keeping in mind that during a random search for the desired combination, other functions will be activated, the operation of which can be disabled by pressing the previous combination again.

In some models, the keyboard backlight option is assigned to the Fn + “space” key combination, for example, in the Lenovo Z500 model. Or it is placed in the form of a separate button located above the keyboard (MSI GE60, MSI GE70).
In addition, in many modern laptops you can not only turn the backlight on and off, but also control the brightness of the LEDs. For example, the Asus FX series gives the user the opportunity to independently select one of three brightness modes. Here, the brightness is increased by pressing the Fn+F4 keys, and the brightness is decreased by pressing the Fn+F3 keys. At the same time, a sign appears on the screen indicating the current brightness level.
Unfortunately, users are not always able to turn on the button backlight in the standard way. This problem especially often occurs after reinstalling the OS, as a result of which the laptop lacks the appropriate driver. To solve the problem, you need to find the backlight driver on the manufacturer’s official website, download it and install it on your laptop.


When the need for backlighting disappears, it can be turned off. But, just like with turning on, there is no single standard shutdown button. All models implement this function differently, for example:

  • disabling is done using the same combination of buttons as turning on (Fn+F4, Fn+Space);
  • to turn it off, use the function button located next to the power button;
  • The backlight turns off in several stages by repeatedly pressing Fn and the function key with the keyboard icon.

How to change the keyboard backlight color?

Today, most laptop manufacturers assemble keyboard backlighting using single-color LEDs, as a result of which the user cannot change its color. However, there are also models in which the backlight is based on RGB LEDs. For example, Asus uses multicolor LEDs in its new laptops, the operation of which can be controlled using the patented Asus Aura software. Owners of such devices can change the color and brightness of LED indicators at their discretion, choosing a background that is pleasing to the eye.

In addition to Asus Aura, there is a universal Steel Series Engine program that is compatible with all laptop models. With its help, you can set the color of the LEDs, as well as use other features of the multifunctional menu.

If the computer keyboard has a single-color backlight, which does not help, but rather irritates the eyes, then you can modify it yourself in one of two ways. In the first case, you need to disassemble the keyboard, remove the backlight board and determine the type of LEDs installed on it. After this, they can be replaced with LEDs of the same size, but of a different color.

The second option involves disassembling the keyboard and sticking stickers made of translucent paper (yellow, green, blue) onto the backlight board. After assembly, the keys will glow with orange, azure and violet light, which will have to pass through a paper filter.

For a laptop that has never had a backlight, you can make an external miniature USB lamp with bright LEDs with your own hands. Or buy a ready-made USB LED backlight for your keyboard via the Internet.

Read also

Backlighting is a very beautiful and effective way to make your laptop unique and inimitable. Unfortunately, not all laptops use such a device. Still, I would like every portable PC to have this wonderful feature. In view of the popularity of such a hobby as upgrading, many ordinary users of computer equipment also decide to play the “Crazy Hands” program and begin to customize their own tool from Apple, Asus or Aser according to their own “patterns”. But this does not always work out successfully. Even installing the backlight in the keyboard is quite a troublesome and difficult task. And, nevertheless, it is quite possible to decorate your laptop with LEDs that glow in the dark. So how do you turn on the keyboard backlight? Experts have already answered all these questions.

Firstly, you should figure out whether the laptop really does not have a backlight, or is it simply turned off? This is usually checked in an extremely simple way: press the Fn key, as well as another additional one (which one can be found in the instructions). It is also believed that the number of keys in a combination depends directly on the laptop model - in some there are two keys, in others there are three. You can even visually determine the required key combination, according to computer experts. Typically, manufacturers put symbols with explanations on the so-called additional keys. As a rule, these keys refer to the row F1 – F12. You can simply press any keys in the F1-F12 row together with Fn. By the way, you can look for a pattern on a key with a backlit keyboard symbol.

It should be borne in mind that when you press any combination of such keys, you can use completely different options, for example, turning off the screen, as well as going into sleep mode. But you don’t need to be too careful - to cancel the changes, just press the same combination of selected keys again. If the combination is correct, the lower part of each keyboard button will blink with LEDs. Some models have blue backlighting, while others have red or greenish backlighting. In the event that the pictures on the keys are not applied or do not allow you to figure out the desired combination, but the user knows for sure that the laptop keyboard backlight should work, you can try several combination options. Fn + F6 or Fn + right arrow will help turn on the backlight, as well as Fn + spacebar or Fn + F5.

This is what you should do, as stated in the paragraph above, if the laptop is initially equipped with a function such as backlighting. But it often happens that there are no LEDs at all that would create the backlight. How to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop yourself? There are several options for a high-quality upgrade, which the experts of the CHIP magazine advise to put into practice. To create an autonomous backlight on a laptop, you should purchase several useful little things in stores such as Radio Components. To make such a backlight, you will need two extreme contacts - left and right, a resistor and the required number of LEDs, which everyone will determine for themselves. All this will need to be put into practice in the form of a lighting system. But how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an asus laptop?

Many people are interested in the question of how to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop if it was not there initially. This applies to Asus products. In this case, you can completely independently make external lighting of excellent quality. To do this, it is recommended to use +5 V electrical power from a stationary portable USB connector, several white, blue, red or green LEDs. In the connector, two extreme contacts are needed to perform work, usually left and right. Since the LED supply voltage is approximately 3 V, an uninterruptedly operating resistor is needed, on which those extra 1.5 V will be extinguished. If any doubts arise during operation, you will need to consult with an experienced specialist in upgrading computer equipment.

Next, work continues with an additional resistor. If the LED current is 0.2 A, the resistance of the additional resistor should be set to 75 Ohms. Now we need to test the future autonomous backlight. If the brightness of one LED is not enough for full operation, then you should connect another one in parallel to the main one, which will be equipped with the same resistor. It is imperative to monitor the current consumed by the LEDs, because its strong difference from 20 mA will negatively affect the service life of each LED.

Now your DIY laptop backlight is absolutely ready! you can install it on your laptop and start working with backlit keys. Yes, it’s not always possible to make a high-quality upgrade with your own hands. But backlighting is one of the easiest ways to make your laptop even more beautiful. In any case, the backlight, powered by a stationary current, is a great feature, especially if you have to print in the dark.

And this is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of manufacturers, because at night it is simply not possible to fully work on a laptop. Currently, new models have begun to install backlighting on the keyboard, but not many users have been able to figure out how to turn on the keyboard backlight, so today we will talk about that. Of course, without any doubt, we can say that the keyboard backlight is a very convenient option, because even in the dark you can fully work on your device.


If you are looking for a solution on how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop, then carefully read the instructions that we are about to give you. You probably know where the dedicated Fn button is located on your keyboard, but you may not know what it does. This key can be classified as an additional type, but you can turn the keyboard backlight on and off on your device using it. In fact, on all laptop models, using this key you will be able to clearly see the buttons even in the dark, so if your keyboard backlight still does not work (Asus laptop, for example), then it is worth getting acquainted with other proposed solutions to this issue which will be described below.

Special combinations

In order to solve the problem, you will need to select the correct combination of keys on the keyboard if the additional “Fn” button does not work. You should try to press all the buttons from the top row, starting with “F1” and ending with “F12”. On each additional key you will be able to see a certain value, for example, using these switches you can adjust the sound, adjust the brightness of the screen and make other changes. Most likely, additional lighting will be located in this row. To learn how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop, you will definitely need to experiment. First of all, hold down the “Fn” key, after which we begin to press additional buttons in order. First, you can look for a keyboard icon on the additional layout, but if you don’t notice such a designation, then you should try the experimental path.

Additional features

You must also remember that while you are deciding how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop, you can use other options, for example, turning off the screen or going to In order for canceling these operations to work, you just need to press the combination again and everything will return to its place.

Without pointer

In some cases, it may be that there is simply no picture of the keyboard on additional keys and, having tried all sorts of options, you still could not find out how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop. But if you know for sure that your device has this function, then you shouldn’t give up and try other options. Try the combinations "Fn" plus "Space". You can also try the first key together with “Right Arrow” or “F5”. If you want to know how to turn on the keyboard backlight (Asus laptop), but it turns out that this option is not provided, do not despair. Anyone can create the necessary lighting with their own hands; of course, it will be external, but you will still be able to see the keys perfectly. In order to achieve the result, you will need to use one or more LEDs. You also need an output for a USB connector. You can use just one LED, but in this case your backlight will not help you see the entire keyboard.

Finishing touch

The USB power supply provides five volts, and accordingly you need to select an LED of the same power. Or just use a resistor. For example, if you have chosen an LED that requires a power of 3.5 volts, then select it for 1.5 volts. It's important to remember one more thing. One LED may not be enough, in which case you need to use several at once. This can be done using a parallel connection. Experts have tested in practice the maximum number of these elements that can be connected to one USB output. In total, this number equals 25 diodes, so if you want to connect 5, then feel free to do so. If you yourself cannot figure out how to properly make manual backlighting, then you should contact specialists who can even provide internal lighting in a laptop, but such services will cost you extremely dearly. Although in practice the connection is very simple and you will not need to devote much time to developing such a function.


In many cases, the required key combination can be determined visually, since manufacturers put additional symbols on additional keys (the F1–F12 row is used). The color of these symbols is the same as the inscription on the Fn key. Experiment by pressing keys with additional symbols together with Fn. Look for a pattern with a backlit keyboard symbol.

Please note that when you press the keys, you can use other options - turn off the screen, enter sleep mode, etc. To undo changes, press the same key combination again.

If the pictures on the keys did not allow you to identify the desired combination, and you know for sure that your keyboard has backlighting, try the following combinations:
- Fn + F6 or Fn + ;
- Fn + SPACE (space);
- Fn + F5.

If your laptop does not have a keyboard backlight, you can create an external backlight yourself using +5 V power from the USB connector and one or more white LEDs. In the connector you need the two outermost pins (left and right). The supply voltage of the white LED is 3.5 V. This means that a resistor is needed to extinguish the extra 1.5 V. The LED current is 20 mA, or 0.02 A. Then the resistance of the additional resistor will be 1.5 V / 0.02 = 75 Ohm.

If the brightness of one LED is not enough, connect another one in parallel with the same resistor. Be sure to check the current consumed by the LEDs, since its difference from 18-20 mA negatively affects the service life of the LED. Set the required current by selecting a resistor. The USB connector is capable of delivering up to 0.5 A - this means that up to 25 LEDs can be powered from it.

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Helpful advice

Some laptops have a dedicated backlight key, which may be located in the upper left corner of the keyboard.


  • how to turn on asus keyboard backlight

With the help of proper lighting, you can change the color and lighting scheme of the room, highlight or shade some of its details. What methods of decorative lighting exist today and how to properly organize interior lighting?

You will need

  • - lamps and tools for their installation;
  • - LED strip.


First of all, decide what exactly you would like to change with the help of backlighting. As a rule, lighting is used for: - illuminating various ceiling structures made of plasterboard or floor elements (for example, a podium on which a bed is installed);
- illumination of windows, wall niches, cabinets;
- illumination of individual interior details (paintings, table tops, figurines);
- zoning the room using color and light accents.

Having decided on the choice of location for the lighting, decide what kind of lighting you want - a narrowly focused spot of light or a continuous light strip. Decide which lighting color will suit your interior. You may want to use some lighting effects in the backlight. This point should also be considered.

Go to the store for lighting. Its source can be surface-mounted lamps, LED lamps, LED strips - monochrome and full-color, fluorescent lamps. The method of installing the backlight depends on the chosen option. To install built-in lamps, you will most likely need the help of a specialist, but for other lighting devices you can do it yourself. The easiest way to install LED strip. Its flexible surface with LEDs can be easily mounted on any surface geometry. LED strips for interiors usually have an adhesive backing. Therefore, no additional tools are required to install them.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Don't count on backlighting to replace main lighting. Its function is purely decorative and therefore care should be taken about the main light sources.


  • Interior lighting
  • how to change backlight color

Illumination of buttons on web pages is usually organized using two images. When you hover the mouse cursor over the corresponding document element (link or button), an event is generated that, in accordance with instructions written in CSS, prompts the browser to change one image to another. When the mouse cursor is moved away from the button, a reverse replacement occurs.

You will need

  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS languages


There are several options to implement such a mechanism. For any of them, you can use the same HTML code, changing only the corresponding style description. The button code in HTML may look, for example, like this: on the buttonHere is the identifier of this page element (id="btnA") to which the style description will be attached.

To implement one of the options, you need to prepare , one of which shows a button in an inactive state, and the second - . They will be used as the background image of the link. The CSS instructions related to this button might look like this: Here in the first block the dimensions of the image depicting the button are indicated (width: 50px; height: 20px;). You need to replace them with the dimensions of your picture. Similarly, you should change the names of the image files: btnA.gif is a button without backlight, btnA_hover.gif is backlit.

One alternative is to put both images in one picture. It can be one above the other, or it can be next to it. It will also be used as a background for the link. Since the button dimensions are specified in the button style description, anything that does not fit within them will not be visible. In this case, the instructions placed in the CSS description should, when hovering the mouse cursor, scroll the background image so that the area with the image of the highlighted button is “in frame”. For this option, the code from the previous step must be changed as follows: This assumes that you have placed the images one above the other (the highlighted one is below) and saved them to a file called btnA.gif. The height of the buttons is 20px, the width is 50px - you need to replace these values ​​with your own.

Video on the topic

Every person wants to live in a beautiful and cozy home. To create coziness in the room, you can change the lighting. It is light that plays one of the important roles in the interior of an apartment. You can make beautiful lighting yourself.


It should be noted right away that the most complex elements of lighting finishing are baseboards, stairs and other floor elements. However, if you beautifully decorate these areas, the comfort in the house will be simply at the highest level. Among the positive aspects, it should also be noted that lighting fixtures can also have high functionality.

The most revolutionary method of decorating steps and baseboards is finishing with LED strips using a special profile. Using tapes you can create soft illumination of the outline of the room, as well as the steps of the stairs.

This decoration method has many advantages. One of the most important characteristics of LEDs is their widespread use in design. With their help, the spectral composition of light is achieved.

If a fluorescent lamp has a clearly defined spectral composition, which is shifted to one side of the spectrum, then the LED lamp will emit white light. This light does not distort the perception of colors of other decorative elements, and also does not spoil vision. The LED never flickers during operation like other types of lamps. As a result, no stroboscopic effect is observed.

Quite often, when decorating rooms, colored and multi-color lighting is used. For this purpose, tapes such as SM3528GREEN 120LED IP67 or SM5050 120LED RGB-24V are used. It is with the help of multi-color LED strips that you can change the color of the lighting to your taste.

It is necessary to note the fact that the service life of LEDs is much longer than the service life of other light sources. This means that there will be no need to replace the lamp or strip.

Video on the topic

The comfort of the room largely depends on the correct lighting settings. People often wonder how to properly set up the light. In this matter, everything depends on your fantasies and preferences.


Be sure to come up with a design before installing lighting. Prioritize your color scheme. It is best not to use classic spot lights, as they cannot fully provide light. In any case, choose a central lamp or chandelier to start with.

Then you can move on to exclusive design. Everything in this matter is elementary. At the stage of installation of the suspended one, be sure to provide for the installation of the technological unit, cables and wiring. You don't need any special skills or knowledge if you decide to install spot lighting. However, if you choose neon, then it is best to turn to specialists for help. They will tell you how best to carry it out and connect it.

Today, the backlight of a laptop keyboard is for many a determining factor in the purchase of this gadget. After all, this is a useful and convenient function for lovers of work and leisure at night or in poor lighting. But few users know how to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop and what can be done if this model does not have one.

How to set up the keyboard backlight on a laptop

It's worth noting that there are several ways to enable this useful feature. Differences exist depending on the manufacturer and the specific device model. Don’t forget that most budget models do not have such a useful feature, but don’t be lazy to check it again.

It is also possible to make the lighting yourself: all the parts can be bought in specialized stores. And then you will need a few simple operations. Or you can order a similar device from an online store - it won’t cost that much money.

How to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop

The first step is to determine whether your laptop has a keyboard backlight function. If it exists, then the whole process consists of pressing a special key combination. Each manufacturer in this case assigns its own button, but it must be located among the keys of the top row F1-F12. On them you can see special symbols printed in a different color (usually blue or red).

In order to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop (Acer, HP, Dell, Samsung, MSI and others), you need to hold the Fn button (located in the lower left corner) and press an additional key, unique for each manufacturer. For exact information, please refer to the user manual. It should be remembered that by experimenting with key combinations, you can disable or enable a number of other device functions (turn off WiFi mode, put the laptop into sleep mode, turn off the screen). You can undo changes by pressing the used keyboard shortcut again.

If you are sure that this function is available, but the desired combination does not enable it, then make sure that the Fn button works (for example, by trying another key combination you know). Check the availability of the appropriate drivers, BIOS settings (Setup Utility - System Configuration - Action Keys Mode - Enabled), try activating the button using the Fn+NumLock combination.

As already written, different manufacturers have different combinations for LEDs (we will give a few examples):

  1. How to turn on the lighting on an HP laptop - Fn+F5.
  2. How to turn on the lighting on an ASUS n76v laptop - there are three brightness levels, Fn+F3 and Fn+F4.
  3. How to turn on the keyboard lighting on a Lenovo laptop - Fn+Space (spacebar).

Plus, you can make your own external LEDs. To do this, all you need is knowledge in the field of electronics, an LED, a resistor and a little time. However, it is worth considering that it is much easier and safer to purchase this accessory. After all, if you close the electrical circuit with the wrong side, then you will not only not achieve the desired result, but also risk damaging your computer.

As you can see for yourself, LEDs are an incredibly useful and convenient device. If you don't have it by default, you can always purchase additional hardware and also attach it to your laptop. And thanks to our tips, you can do this easily and quickly.