The play market does not open on android samsung. Play Market doesn't work, won't log in - error, no connection

This problem occurs quite often, and if it has passed you by, then you are very lucky. I have repeatedly encountered various errors and completely broken Google Play Market on Android, so I'm sharing personal experience How can the most popular service from the Good Corporation be returned to working order?

So, Google is crashing. Play Store But there are various types: technical problems on the service side, constant errors, application crashes and complete inoperability. In this instruction I will give several useful tips how to fix it all.

1. Reboot Android

The first step is to restart your device. This usually solves most problems with Google Play. If it doesn't help, move on.

2. Reset Google Play Market settings

For this:

1. Go to settings.

2. Open Applications or Application Manager.

3. Find Google Play Store in the list and click on it.

4. In the application settings window, select “Erase data” and “Clear cache”.

I think this should still help more users, but if not, move on.

3. Uninstall Google Play Market updates

We proceed in the same way as in step 2, but now instead of “Erase data” and “Clear cache”, click “Delete updates”.

This will return Play Market V the initial state at the time of installation.

4. Reset Google Play Services app settings

Go to settings again, open “Applications” and find “ Google Services Play." Open it and clear cache and data as well.

5. Clear Google Services Framework cache and data

Go to Settings → Applications → All tab. Select "Google Services Framework". Click "Erase data" and "Clear cache".

6. Google Accounts app is disabled

Go to Settings → Applications → All tab. Select Google Accounts. If this application is disabled, please enable it.

7. Enable "Download Manager"

In the applications section, swipe left to go to the “All” tab and open “Download Manager”. If you have it disabled, click "Enable".

If it is already activated, and the previous tips did not help and Google Play does not work, proceed further.

8. Delete your Google account and restore it

You can find out more about this in the instructions: . There, in step 6, select “Delete account”.

9. Applications blocking the Google Play Market

Some programs may block the Play Store. For example, the well-known Freedom application, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free, can interfere with the normal operation of the store Google applications.

10. Set up the “hosts” file

If you have the application installed, then this item is just for you.

This method requires root rights. You can get them using the following instructions:

First, disable the Freedom application (in the program menu, select “Stop”), and only then delete it.

After that, install the application or . Then find along the way /system/etc/“hosts” file, open it with a text editor and leave only this line (if not, write it): localhost

Save your changes. After this, restart your Android gadget.

11. Hard Reset Android

This is the most radical method that will delete all data from the internal drive. The data on the memory card will remain intact. Full instructions are on our website: (follow the link, you need the second method from the article).

This advice will definitely help, so don’t be afraid - it can also be used. The main thing is to create it before backup copy systems. Read how to do this in paragraph 6 of these instructions.

After this, at the first start, you will be able to restore all data from the previously created backup (backup).

12. Check your Internet connection

Check your network connection. If not a single site opens in the browser, reboot the router and correctly.

13. Set the correct time (error “No connection”)

If the error “No connection” occurs, although the Internet is working, then this point in our instructions should help you.

Set the correct time and enter the correct time zone. It's best to keep these settings in sync with your network. To do this, go to “Settings” → “Date and Time” and check the box next to “Network Date and Time” and “Network Time Zone”.

14. Google IP Blocking

UPD 04/23/2018 After Telegram was banned in Russia, Roskomnadzor blocked more than 18 million Google IP addresses, which is why many users had problems connecting to the company’s services, including the Play Market.

To restore access to the app store on Android, use . Since Google Play does not open, you will have to download a VPN client (for example, Turbo VPN).

After that, launch the application and click on the button at the bottom of the screen. When prompted to connect, select OK.

Turbo VPN data centers are located all over the world; you can connect to servers in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA for free. To redirect your traffic to one of them, click on the icon on the right top corner and select the server country from the list.

Try all of the above methods and one of them is guaranteed to help.

Like any other application, Google Play is not protected from malfunctions. It may not open, fail to load content, freeze, or crash with an error. All this happens infrequently, but if it does happen, you need to know how to quickly fix the problem. Depending on the situation, solutions may vary. Let's start with the simplest thing.

1. Make sure the problem is on the user's side

The first thing to do if you have problems with Google Play is to check the service on other devices. You can launch the store in a browser on your PC or ask someone close to you to open the application on their smartphone.

If the problem occurs not only on your gadget, then there is no need to do anything. Most likely, some kind of failure occurred on the side, and it will be fixed soon. If the store does not open or is not working correctly only for you, you need to perform one or more actions from the list below.

2. Force close Google Play

In many cases, simply restarting the application helps. You can close it in the list of active processes or through the “Applications” settings section. There, in the search, you need to find “Google Play Store” and click “Stop” or “Close”.

3. Restart Wi-Fi

It is possible that the problem lies in network connection. To exclude this option, you should try restarting on your smartphone, and also check for problems when connecting to the mobile operator’s network.

If your smartphone does not connect to the Internet at all, but still shows a stable Wi-Fi connection, you should restart your home phone.

4. Turn on airplane mode

Often, Google Play can be directed in the right direction by simply switching to airplane mode and exiting it after a few minutes. Surprisingly, this really helps, especially if the app store has frozen during some loading.

You can launch airplane mode or “On an airplane” from the system or settings in the “Wireless networks” section.

5. Reboot your smartphone

If problems arise in the operation of Android applications, a simple reboot of the smartphone will never be superfluous. Difficulties with Google Play are no exception.

6. Delete cache and Google Play data

Quite often, the problem lies in the accumulation of irrelevant and temporary data from the Google Play application. To get rid of them. you need to open “Applications” in the smartphone settings, go to Google Play and there in the “Memory” section select reset and cleanup.

It is worth considering that if you delete application data, you will need to log in again the next time you open Google Play. If this does not help, perform the same cleaning of the Google Play Services application.

7. Check your date and time settings

Problems with date and time synchronization may be the cause of app store malfunctions. You can check the influence of this factor by simply enabling or disabling the use of network time. This can be done through the system settings in the “Date and Time” section.

8. Uninstall Google Play updates

Uninstall the Google Play application itself in a standard way It’s impossible, but it’s quite possible to get rid of the updates downloaded for it. This will allow you to roll back to old version program, which may be more efficient.

You can remove updates through the “Applications” settings section, where you need to select “Google Play Store” and click “Delete updates”. Depending on the system, this button may be either visible or hidden in an additional menu in the upper right corner.

9. Update Google Play manually

If all of the above methods did not allow you to revive the application store, then you should try installing a more recent one or even the same one. Google version Play manually. In both cases, the application will simply update the current version.

For manual update You will need to download the Google Play APK file and install it from the smartphone’s memory. In the settings you will need to allow the installation of unknown applications, which the system will ask you about automatically.

10. Delete your Google account and log in again

Sometimes re-authorization on your smartphone allows you to restore Google applications. To implement this, you need to open the “Users and Accounts” section in the smartphone settings, select an account Google entry and remove it from the device.

Play Market is modern useful service, making life much easier for users of mobile devices and computers. Only at this application Various types of failures and malfunctions may occur. Each subscriber should know why this happens, as well as how exactly to deal with certain errors. Only in this case can you use everything without any problems Play features Market. There are many reasons for failures; situations are resolved using different methods. Next we will tell you why the Play Market does not open. What to do in such a situation? What techniques will help bring the service back to life?

Play Market is...

The first step is to understand what we are talking about. "Play Market" is a kind of online database of programs, games and applications. The service works on both Android and PC. A Google account is required for a comfortable connection.

At Help Play Market, you can download any program, application or game from the list to your mobile device. Both paid and free. For computers, the service is called Google Play.

Usually there are no problems with the operation of the program. But sometimes the Play Market does not open. What to do in in this case? Why does this happen? How should the user act in this or that situation? In fact, even an inexperienced smartphone owner can solve the problem.


The first advice that can be given is to restart your mobile device. After turning on the mobile/tablet again, try to launch the Play Market again. Most likely, this technique will really help bring the program back to life.

Rebooting your mobile device will allow you to stop wondering why the Play Market won’t open. Often this technique eliminates problems in all programs installed on the system.

The error is caused by various types of system failures. No one is safe from them; it is impossible to avoid them 100%. Accordingly, if the Play Market refuses to work, you need to turn off and turn on your smartphone or tablet.

Application Settings

If this technique does not help, you can try a few more actions. Why doesn't Play Market open on Android? It is possible that this behavior is caused by broken or damaged service settings. Another common phenomenon that is not too difficult to overcome. You just need to reset all settings from Google Play.

How to do it? If the Play Market does not open, and restarting the mobile device does not help, you need to:

  1. Turn on your tablet or mobile phone. Be sure to wait until the gadget is ready for further work. If the device was turned on, shut down all applications, games and programs.
  2. Open the "Settings" section. Find "Application Manager" there.
  3. Select Play Market from the list that appears.
  4. Click on "Erase cache". In older versions of Android, there may be a “Erase Data” button.

At this stage, the error should resolve itself. It is recommended to restart your mobile device for the system to see the changes. Play Store still won't open? This is no reason to despair! For modern users Many methods of dealing with errors in the Play Market are given.


The next method doesn't help very often. I wonder why the Play Market does not open on Android? The reason for this phenomenon may be application updates. For example, if the mobile device does not “pull” the new build. Or in case of initialization errors.

Resetting the updates returns the Play Market to its initial state. It’s not entirely pleasant, but this is how the problem of launching the application is solved. To reset updates, you must:

  1. Open the device settings and visit the application manager.
  2. Select Play Market.
  3. Click on the "Erase updates"/"Remove updates" button.

The method is not much different from the previously proposed technique. Unless you need to select another command in the window. After rolling back updates, it is best to reboot the gadget.

Problems with Google

What to do if the Play Market does not open even after all the above methods? If resetting the program settings and uninstalling updates did not help, it is recommended to roll back the settings of all Google services.

In general, the process is similar to all previously proposed actions. The user needs:

  1. Go to the settings of your mobile gadget.
  2. Go to the Applications service or Application Manager.
  3. Click on "Google Play Services".
  4. Click on the "Clear cache" button.

Nothing else is needed. You can try to resume working with the application you are studying. Play Store still won't open?

Download Manager

The reason for this may be that the Download Manager service is disabled. It is needed for the normal operation of many applications. Turning it on is easier than it might seem at first glance.

The owner of a mobile device on which the Play Market does not open must:

  1. Visit the "Settings" section on your device.
  2. Go to "Application Manager".
  3. Find "Download Manager" there. Click on the corresponding line.
  4. Click on the "Enable" button. If the application is enabled, it is recommended to disable it and restart it.

You can turn off and on the device, and then check the functionality of the Play Market. Surprisingly, sometimes the suggested technique really helps!

Google account

Why doesn't Play Market open on my phone? It is possible that this problem is caused by problems with your Google account. It, like most mistakes, cannot be insured against. Therefore, the proposed technique can actually help many users.

Play Store won't open on your phone? Resetting your Google account settings may result in loss of information and corrupted synchronization. It is recommended to make a backup copy of your data before the procedure.

To reset your Google account you will need:

  1. As in all previous cases, go to the settings of your mobile device.
  2. Select your Google account in the "Accounts" section.
  3. Click on the line where it is written Mailbox, used for authorization.
  4. Click on the context menu button in the upper right corner.
  5. Click on the line "Delete account".
  6. Confirm actions.

After these steps, it is best to reboot the gadget. Only then can we hope for normal work Play Market.

Software problems

But this is just the beginning! In fact, the topic being studied has a huge number of different solutions. Play Market won't open on Samsung or any other phone? It is important to understand what preceded this error. Then you will be able to solve the problem faster.

It is likely that before the error, the user installed some application or game on his smartphone. Incompatibility of Google Play with some programs renders the software inoperable.

Accordingly, the situation can be resolved by removing suspicious or incompatible applications. Determining which specific program harmed the Play Market is not so easy. Often you need to pay attention to software like Freedom. This program allows you to make in-game purchases without depositing Money.

Hosts and errors

Play Store won't open? Does the startup error occur again and again even after all the previously suggested tips? Then you will have to go a different way. This advice should be of interest to all users contacting Freedom.

To have a chance to launch the Play Market, you will need to follow the following type of instructions:

  1. Open the settings of your mobile device and go to the "Application Manager".
  2. Select the "Installed" section.
  3. Find Freedom and click on the corresponding line.
  4. Select the menu item "Stop".
  5. Delete the application by selecting the appropriate operation in the context menu.

Important: you will first have to stop Freedom and then delete it. Otherwise, hosts will not stop blocking Play Market. Every user needs to remember this.

Android settings

What to do if the Play Market does not open? There is another interesting and simple, but radical solution. It's about resetting everything mobile phone. Typically, this technique not only helps restore the functionality of programs, but also generally improves the operation of the operating system.

This solution often leads to the loss of user data associated with synchronization. Therefore, it is best to make a backup copy of the information before carrying out it. But usually resetting the settings does not affect files and documents recorded on the memory card.

How to reset settings on Android? To do this you will have to:

  1. Open gadget settings.
  2. Go to the "Restore and reset" section.
  3. Select the "Reset" operation.
  4. Confirm your intentions.

At this stage, the gadget will reboot. After the next start of the operating system, you can try to resume working with the Play Market. It is likely that the reception will really help!


Play Store won't open? The following advice is recommended to be used before starting all previously suggested actions. This is the best place to start in the fight against errors in the Play Market.

To use this application, you must have an Internet connection. Its absence leads to errors in launching the Play Market. Accordingly, the user must ensure that:

Do all these points apply? Then you will have to look for a solution elsewhere. If it turns out that the Internet is malfunctioning, it needs to be fixed. And then the Play Market will launch without problems.

Disabled account

Now it’s clear why the Play Market won’t open. In addition to the solutions listed, there are 2 more recommendations that will help make the program work. For example, sometimes the problem being studied is that the Google account is disabled on the smartphone. Without it, you won't be able to work with the Play Market.

To activate Google profile necessary:

  1. Visit the "Settings" section on your mobile device.
  2. In the "Accounts" section, select Google.
  3. Enable profile. Typically, this requires authorization using Email to Google, as well as its password.

Have all the steps been completed? Is Play Market working? No? Then there is the last solution. It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes it does occur.

Date and time on mobile

Typically, under such circumstances, the error “No connection” appears. If you rule out problems with the Internet, it is recommended to make sure that the date and time settings are correct.

It is best to reset the time zone, time and date settings. Similar settings are located in the corresponding section of the mobile device. It is advisable to simply visit the “Date and Time” menu item, and then check the box next to “Network Date and Time”, as well as “Network Belt”.

Very often, users of Android tablets and phones experience various errors due to which Google Play does not work and, accordingly, they are unable to access the online store to install and update applications. Sometimes this can happen if the date and time on the mobile device are set incorrectly. If everything is set correctly, then, as practice shows, most often the Play Market does not work due to a software failure caused by incorrectly saved data. Let's try to reset them. To do this, open the settings of your smartphone or tablet and find the “Applications” section.

Open the “All” tab and find there Google Services Framework and open it.

First click on the “Clear cache” button.

Then click on the “Erase data” button.

We return to the list of applications and find there Google Play Store. The same must be done with him.

Reboot Android and try to go to the Play Market again. If everything is fine, then you will be required to agree to the terms of the license agreement and then the application will start working as normal.

If you still can’t log into Google Play and Android gives an error, then the “root of evil” is most likely associated with your Google account. If some problem arises with it, then the Play Market does not work either. We're trying to fix it.
First, let's try this - go to settings, find the section " Accounts"and select a Google account:

Uncheck all synchronization checkboxes. If you have them in the form of sliders, as in the screenshot, then move them to the left so that they become gray. We reboot and return to the account settings again. Put the checkboxes back and start synchronization. After that, we try to log in to the Android Market. Doesn’t work and Google Play error says “you need to sign in to your account”? Well, you'll have to kill the account altogether. To do this, you need to go to its parameters and click on the “Options” icon in the upper right corner:

On some phones and tablets, this button can be made in the form of three lines or three squares. When you click on it, the following menu should appear:

Select the “Delete account” option.
Reboot Android, go to Settings, open the “Accounts” section and create new account Google. As a rule, after this Google Play Market works normally again and does not glitch. True, sometimes you have to create an account not through a phone or tablet, but first on a computer, and then enter data on a mobile device.

On smartphones, installation of programs occurs through the official application store, which does not always work well. Can't access the Play Store on Android - the most common error that can happen with the Google service on the user's device.

Options for solving the problem

It is impossible to say exactly what caused the program to malfunction. But there are a number of actions, one of which will help get rid of the problem.

Note! For example, Meizu M5 with Android version 6.0. On different devices The location and names of items may vary.

Reboot your smartphone

If the malfunction is caused by an error in operating system, then rebooting the device will resume normal operation of the OS.

Check internet connection

Slow Internet (or lack thereof) may cause your phone to not access the Play Store. The check is carried out as follows:

If the web page loads without problems, then the reason for the problem with the app store is not the Internet speed.

Set date and time

An incorrectly set date leads to system failures. Its reset may occur due to:

  • improper shutdown of the device;
  • removing the battery (for devices with a removable battery).

For correct setting parameters:

Advice! Move the “Automatic” slider to the active position so that the system itself installs the latest data.

Re-login to Google account

A special account is used to identify the user in the Play Store.

If you encounter problems with services, Google recommends re-logging into your profile.

  1. Go to “Settings” → “Other Accounts”.
  2. Open your Google profile.
  3. Click on menu → “Delete account”.
  4. Reboot your device → Go to Play app Market.
  5. Click Existing → Enter the login information you used previously.

Reset Play Market and Google Service

Note! Resetting will delete your account and Play Store settings.

Remove market updates

New versions of the service may be unstable on some devices. To restore the stable version:

Enable "Download Manager"

Accidentally disabling the download manager causes some apps to crash, one of which is Google's app store.

Check application compatibility

If you installed the application from a third-party source, then it is worth checking its compatibility with the market. Some programs (Freedom, RootXL, etc.) “conflict” with Google services.

Note! To identify the problematic program, you must remember the name of the recently installed software.

Reset to factory settings

A radical method that will definitely fix your problem. The device will return to new condition.

Important! A factory reset will cause complete removal all files, parameters, passwords, etc.