The photo tile does not work in Windows 10. Operations on changing the parameters of the left column

Recently I encountered a problem in Windows 8.1 - tiled applications stopped launching, this is not fatal, but very annoying. It's gotten to the point where the app " Computer settings" ceased to show signs of life, and after him, " App Store". This could have happened for many reasons, but now we’ll see how to deal with it.

I suggest the following instructions:

1. The resolution of your computer screen is at least 1024 x768 .

2. You are not logged in as local account, and under Microsoft account.

3. Antivirus switched off .

4. Enabled service FirewallWindows.

5. Included account control ( UAC).

6. Not installed/removed program PuntoSwitcher.

7. Antivirus removed third party manufacturer.

8. Time, date and region are indicated correctly.

9. Time synchronization enabled through the Internet.

10. Installed latest versions drivers for your video cards.

After completing each step, try launching the Windows Store.

You need to open " This computer", select the disk on which the operating system is installed, click on it right click mouse and select the context menu section " Properties" Next, select the tab " Service» — « Checking for errors» — « Check» — « Check disk».

III Run command prompt as administrator. To do this, open home screen(click windows key on keyboard). Type on your keyboard " command line », without quotes. Click on the item " Command line" In the window that opens, after the inscription “ CWINDOWS\ system32> "type the command" sfc / scannow » without quotes. A system scan will be launched.

After scanning is completed, you need to type the following command in the same window: “ Dism / online / cleanup image / restorehealth » without quotes.

Once the scan is complete, restart your computer and try launching the Windows Store.

IVTake advantage automatic solution from the Microsoft website.

VStart re-registration of the store. For this:

Run Command Prompt as Administrator. Open the Start screen (press the windows key on your keyboard). Type on your keyboard " command line», without quotes. Click on the item " Command line" with the right mouse button and, in the menu that appears, select " Run as administrator" In the window that opens, after the inscription « C:\WINDOWS\system32>» type the command

« powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.XML »

without quotes.

!!!The note- Pay attention to the correct spelling of this command and the correct placement of spaces.

Restart your computer and try to launch the Windows Store.

1. On the desktop, you need to press the key combination “windows + C"

2. Select the menu item " Options»

3. Select " Change computer settings»

4. Select " Update and recovery»

5. Select "" -> " Begin»

The system recovery process will begin.

!!! The note- this process takes quite a long time, so before restoring, I recommend connecting the laptop to the network to avoid draining the battery.

Please note that programs and desktop applications will need to be reinstalled. Full list programs and applications affected by the recovery will be saved on your desktop.

If this doesn't help - " Recovering your computer without deleting files» -> « Begin»

Start menu tiles are a type of shortcut to your favorite or most frequently used applications in Windows 10. This feature helps you easily and quickly open your favorite application without searching for it in the system. Most apps will appear by default with their names in the Start menu, and some features that make this tile live show the latest content on the tile. This feature is useful because it displays information that helps the user determine what is inside the tile.
But as usual, every good thing has a bad side, similarly, the tile also has some issues that force users to perform real-time information verification. Blank tiles showing up in the start menu is one of the problems with these tiles. Also many Windows users 10 reports that live tiles are showing empty tiles in the start menu. Blank tiles are non-informative tiles that do not show any information about the application and are of no use to us. To solve this problem, we decided to write an article with all the possible ways to fix empty tiles in the Start menu.

Restart Windows Explorer (one of the methods)

1. In order to restart Explorer, you will need to open the Task Manager. Click on the Start menu and enter Task Manager in the search bar. Once Task Manager appears in the search results, click the button to launch it.

Apart from this, you can also simply right-click on the Start button and in the list of options click on Task Manager or Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys to quickly launch it.

2. In the task manager, in the processes section, scroll down the section until you find the Windows Explorer application. Right-click on it and in the context menu click on restart.

Apart from this, you can also click and select File Explorer and reboot the system by clicking on the Restart button at the bottom of the window.

3. Once you restart Windows Explorer, it will also restart the Start menu.

By following the above rules, you can fix the blank tile issue in the Start menu in Windows 10. In case, the above method does not work for you, then follow another method.

Use the official Start menu to troubleshoot problems

Microsoft has also released the official Start Menu Repair (Troubleshooter) utility to repair or fix issues related to the Windows 10 Start menu such as empty tiles.

Simply download the official Start Menu troubleshooters from the Microsoft website, run the troubleshooter, and follow the instructions to fix the problem. This tool can be used to fix all the issues related to the Start menu either due to the Start menu not opening properly or the Start menu not working properly.

Unpin and re-pin apps to the Start menu

If both the above solutions do not work, in order to fix the empty tiles issue, you can unpin and re-pin the tiles from the Start menu. You can do this by following these steps

1. Click on the “Start” button and right-click on the empty field to remove the application that you want to unpin.

2. You will see the initial option Unpin, just click on this option and thereby the empty tile will be removed from the Start menu.

3. To pin an app tile again, you need to click on the Start menu and right-click on the app you want to pin.

4. Click on the pin to launch the option and the application will be added as a tile in the Start menu.

This method will definitely help fix the problem of blank tiles in the Start menu.

These were some of the possible ways Fix Start Menu Issues in Windows 10. We guarantee you that one of the above-mentioned methods will definitely work for you and you will be able to fix the blank tile problem in the Start Menu.

Microsoft introduced the Live Tiles feature in the Start menu a long time ago in Windows 8. These live tiles are very useful as they display information and status of applications. For example, the Weather app uses Live Snippets to display quick weather information, the Mail app shows your latest emails, Calendar app shows your upcoming appointments or events, News app shows last news. Windows Live Tiles sometimes get stuck and show the same information without any updates. To solve this problem of Live Tiles not working or updating in Windows 10/8, you can make Windows automatically clear Live Tiles every time you shut down your system. This forces live fragments to update when the Windows system is turned on.

Let's revive broken tiles in Windows 10

As in many other cases, we use the convenient Windows registry to automatic shutdown live tiles when you shut down your system. Before editing the registry, create a way to restore it if you make any mistakes or something goes wrong.

  • Enter in " Searching"windows, near the start button, command regedit.
  • Right click on SERP regedit And launch on behalf of administrator.

IN Windows registry move on to the next location. To make things easier, copy the path below and paste it into address bar registry window and press the "Enter" button. This action will automatically take you to the desired key.


  • Click on final Windows folders right click, select " Create" > "Chapter".
  • Name the new section Explorer.

  • Select a folder Explorer with one click.
  • On the right side of the empty field, right-click and " Create" > "DWORD value (32 bits)".
  • Give the created parameter a name.

  • Now open the key option by double clicking on it.
  • Enter a number in the "value" field 1 and click OK.

Restart your computer or laptop for the changes to take effect. From now on, Windows 10/8 will automatically disable running fragments when you shut down your system. When you return to the desktop after turning on the system, live tiles will work and update with new information automatically.

Many Windows 10 users are faced with the fact that tiled applications do not launch, do not work, or open and close immediately. At the same time, the problem begins to manifest itself, without visible reasons. This is often accompanied by the search and start button stopping working.

Attention: in some cases, following the instructions in this section may lead to additional problems with Windows 10 applications (for example, empty squares with labels will appear instead), take this into account and first, it’s probably better to try the following described methods, and only then return to this.

One of the most effective measures that works for most users in the described situation is re-registration of Windows 10 store applications. This is done using PowerShell.

First of all, run Windows PowerShell on behalf of the administrator. To do this you can start typing in Windows search 10 "PowerShell", and when the right application will be found, right-click on it and select run as Administrator. If the search does not work, then: go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 right-click on Powershell.exe, select run as administrator.

Copy and enter the following command into the PowerShell window, then press Enter:

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml")

Wait for the command to complete its execution (while not paying attention to the fact that it may produce a significant number of red errors). Close PowerShell and restart your computer. Check if they are working Windows applications 10.

If this method did not work, then there is a second, extended option:

  • Remove those applications whose launch is critical for you
  • Reinstall them (for example using the command mentioned earlier)

More information about removing and reinstalling pre-installed applications:.

Resetting the Windows Store Cache

Try resetting the Windows 10 app store cache. To do this, press the Win+R keys (the Win key is the one with the Windows logo), then enter wsreset.exe and press Enter.

Once completed, try running the applications again (if it doesn't work right away, try restarting your computer).

Checking the integrity of system files

IN command line running as administrator (you can run it through the menu using the Win+X keys), run the command sfc /scannow and, if it does not reveal any problems, then one more:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

It is possible (although unlikely) that problems with launching applications can be fixed using this method.

Additional ways to fix application launching

There are also additional options fix the problem if none of the above could help solve it:

  • Switching the time zone and date to automatically detected or vice versa (there are precedents when this works).
  • Enable Account Control UAC entries(if you turned it off before), see (if you do the reverse steps, it will turn on).
  • Programs that disable tracking functions in Windows 10 can also affect the operation of applications (block access to the Internet, including in).
  • In the task scheduler, go to the scheduler library in Microsoft - Windows - WS. Manually run both tasks in this section. After a couple of minutes, check the applications launch.
  • Control Panel - Troubleshooting - View All Categories - Windows Store Apps. This will launch the automatic error correction tool.
  • Check the services: AppX Deployment Service, Client License Service, Tile Data Model Server. They should not be disabled. The last two are performed automatically.
  • Using a restore point (Control Panel - System Restore).
  • Creating a new user and logging in under it (this does not solve the problem for the current user).
  • Reset Windows 10 through settings - update and recovery - recovery (see).

I hope some of the things suggested will help resolve this issue. Windows problem 10. If not, let me know in the comments, they are also welcome additional features cope with error.

Comments (121) to Windows 10 apps not working

    06/06/2017 at 14:55

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    • 06/18/2017 at 09:45

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    03.12.2017 at 21:42

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      • Vladimir

        12/04/2017 at 12:02