Windows 7 transparency does not work. Transparent windows in Windows? How to make a window transparent? Method using an application from a third-party developer

Today we'll look at how to do transparent panel in Windows 7 all editions, as well as Windows XP. By default, in the seventh edition, Basic and Home, you cannot create a transparency effect; this is available in higher versions, for example, Maximum. The same goes for XP.

They will be presented special applications. If you are ready, then go ahead and consider all the ways.

Transparent taskbar in Windows 7 Ultimate

You must have the Aero theme installed, if so, then follow these steps:

1. Open the “personalization” window by right-clicking on the desktop (screenshot below).

2. Go to the very bottom of the window and select the “window color” link.

  1. Download and run TBsetup.exe.
  2. When installing, always click “next”. At the last stage, check the “run transbar” checkbox and click “finish” to start the program.

In the TransBar window, immediately check the following options:

  1. Enabled – gives access to moving the transparency slider.
  2. Auto apply – allows you to watch the taskbar transparency change as you move the slider.
  3. Run at windows startup – automatic start when the OS starts. You don't have to turn on the utility and configure it every time.

Adding a transparency effect in Windows XP

The program is only suitable for XP and it is called AlphaXP, to use it do this:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Install and launch AlphaXP Lite through the start menu.

The program has an easy interface and a minimum of settings. In its window there will be the following options that you can check:

  1. Keyboard shortcut – allows you to assign hotkeys that control the degree of transparency.
  2. Taskbar transparency – provides access to the transparency level slider.

Click the minimize window button.

Click on it in the tray right click, hover over “options” and check the boxes “start minimized”, “start with windows” so that the taskbar is transparent every time Windows boot XP.

With these actions you can make the taskbar transparent in Windows 7, XP. There are all sorts of incidents with it, so I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it just in case, this lesson will definitely be useful to you.

The “Seven” interface is famous not only for its convenience and high functionality, but also for its beautiful design style. Users are especially delighted by the ability to independently customize visual effects.

The transparent “TZ” (Taskbar) of the OS, which is the most important management tool for the Windows 7 desktop, looks stylish. Below is a guide on how to make it translucent or transparent.


It should be noted right away that, unfortunately, not all modifications of the “Seven” have a built-in function to implement the task.

For example, make a translucent or transparent taskbar using standard Windows tools 7, can only be used by owners of computers with the extended “Home” modification, as well as with the “Maximum”, “Corporate” and “Professional” versions.

But don’t be upset if the basic set of OS tools is not rich in interface settings, since third-party utilities will come to the rescue and can quickly solve the problem.

At the beginning of this manual, methods using built-in tools are discussed, and at the end an example of an application from a third-party developer is given, which in a few clicks will make the “PZ” transparent and translucent in any Windows versions 7 (even in such simplified ones as Home and Beginner).

Method for modifications of Windows 7 with support for “Aero Peek”

Setting up toolbar transparency is very easy using standard OS tools.

The following sequential steps must be performed:

Note: The target menu can also be accessed through the “Control Panel”.

3. Now you should select the “Aero” style;

4. Done. Looking at the “PZ” you can already make sure that its appearance has changed and the set goal has been achieved.

Thinner also available self-configuration panel transparency Windows tasks 7. For this purpose, you only need to follow a few steps below in short additional instructions:

Note: Obviously, you can only change the color intensity parameters when the function is enabled.

If you have problems setting the transparency of the “PZ”, it is recommended to check the settings through the standard program of the “Seventh” OS called “Setting up presentation and system performance” (abbreviated NPPS).

Beginner users may find the described instructions complicated.

Therefore, it is advisable to bring to the attention of newcomers about the wide distribution of special files with the “.reg” extension on the global network, when loaded, changes are made to the registry, correcting the “PU” transparency settings.

If the "teapot" has already made an unsuccessful attempt to configure by entering the "Color" section,

You will need to click “Windows” in the default design section. After this the OS will come to the initial state and the windows will acquire colors that are comfortable for reading.

Method using an application from a third-party developer

Users of, for example, the “Home” modification of Windows with index 7 are recommended to use a utility called “TransBar”.

It is distributed on the Internet for free.

It allows you not only to make the “PZ” transparent, but also to adjust its degree of transparency. The adjustment is made in the “Taskbar” tab by moving the slider in the desired direction. The application clearly displays the level of transparency as a percentage.

To observe changes during adjustment directly in the program menu, you need to check the “Auto apple” box.


The given methods for setting up and changing the “PZ” in the “Seven” are sufficient in most cases. Of course, there are many more ways to adjust the display parameters of the Windows 7 interface, and there are also many applications for this.

If the user decides to use a file that makes changes to the registry or utility, then before downloading the distribution kit or file into the computer’s memory, it is recommended to activate an antivirus program with freshly updated databases of malicious applications.

Not enough space on windows screen 7, filled the necessary applications? Perhaps you need to virtually enlarge your desktop by making the interface transparent so you can see through windows.

Make window borders transparent

Sometimes it is enough to make only the window border transparent. This feature is standard for Windows 7 and is implemented by the “Aero” function. Aero appeared in the Windows 7 interface as a decoration. Transparent window borders with a blurry background allow you to concentrate on what is useful inside the screen.


  • Window borders do not take up extra space on the screen.
  • No need to use third party programs
  • There are several more in Windows Aero useful functions, convenient switching between windows.


  • Aero effects enabled use more video memory.
  • Some “heavy” applications disable Aero while running, replacing it with the classic design scheme.
  • Fewer settings than the classic theme.

How to enable transparency in Aero

At work windows table 7 call context menu by right-clicking in free space. Go to “personalization” (select one of the Aero themes if it is not the default). In the menu that appears, click on “window color”. You will see a window like this:

Check the “turn on transparency” checkbox and drag the “color intensity” slider to the desired level. It is he who regulates transparency. You can also disable this interface function, just uncheck the box.

Make the entire working area of ​​the window transparent

Transparent window borders in the Windows 7 interface are great. But what if you want to make the entire window transparent? You can't do without it here third party applications! There are several dozen similar programs; we will describe the two most popular.

Peek Through

Peek through is small free utility for windows XP, Vista and windows 7, making active windows transparent by pressing a hotkey. You can adjust the transparency level and hotkeys. It is possible to “click through” a transparent window to reveal the contents of the window behind it.


  • Small size.
  • Sufficient functionality.
  • Also supports Windows 8 interface.


  • It is inconvenient to configure many windows separately.
  • You can't change transparency dynamically.

How to use Peek Through

Run the program, and in the first subsection (hot key) install a convenient hotkey, or leave the default settings. By pressing this key combination, windows window 7 will become transparent. The transparency tab contains transparency level settings.

After launch, the program lives in the tray and does not consume much memory. In the options tab, you can configure the program to autorun and the ability to click “through” the transparent window. It is recommended to enable autorun if you want to use the program constantly.

This is where the options end: Peek Through is simple program, but in in this case Complications only spoil everything.


This program adds a transparent effect to any windows on the screen, or turns it on when the program window is moved. The special “Ghost effect” function, when enabled, makes the active window 50% transparent and shifts the focus to the window behind. The program was released in 2007 and supports the Windows 7 interface.

Hello, dear readers!
Today I will tell you how to enable transparency mode in Windows 7.
Although today a test has already been announced windows version 8, previous version Windows 7, I believe, will be used by computer users around the world for a long time. Not everyone willingly and quickly switches to the next version of the one they are using. operating system. For example, windows xp, of course, is losing ground, but is still installed on millions of computers. So, this lesson on setting up transparency mode in Windows 7 will be relevant.

Enabling transparency mode in Windows 7 using the standard method

To enable transparency mode, you need to go to the desktop context menu and go to Personalization

Settings for themes, desktop wallpaper, etc. will be available here. But we are interested in the Window color item

In the window that appears, check the box Enable transparency and optionally select the window color and adjust the color intensity

That's it, you have activated the transparency mode in Windows 7. This can be seen in the window titles, in the Start menu, etc.

How to make windows transparent in widows 7?

Using standard system tools, you can only add a transparent effect to window title bars, the Start menu, and some other elements. However, the application workspace and window will remain completely opaque. And here a third-party program comes to our aid - GhostWin.

GhostWin allows you to make windows in Windows 7 transparent.

Installing GhostWin will not be difficult for anyone. The program works in background and starts automatically when the system boots.

To set the window opacity, you need to go to the window management menu and open the GhostWin drop-down list, in which you select the required transparency mode

And finally, one piece of advice!

Remember about the security of your computer and personal data - do not forget to register

I offer a selection of my tips on how to optimize Windows 7. Most of the recommendations are relevant for systems that have an insufficiently powerful video card, memory and processor:

Do the following: Start - Control Panel - System. Choose Extra options systems.

In the window that opens, select Advanced - Performance - Options

In the tab Visual effects choose . Apply. Let's get a classic interface design.

If this view does not suit you, then you can enable one of the themes included in the Windows 7 package. On the desktop, right-click and select Personalization. And choose one of the design themes.

After selecting a theme and changing the design, you can further speed up the mode Aero Glass, turning off the transparency effect. In the window Personalization select an item Window color, and uncheck the item Enable transparency.

Save the changes and close the windows. In this mode, all mode features are retained. Aero Glass, and at the same time do not load a weak video card.