The visit log was not saved. Search and browsing history in Yandex - how to open and view it, and, if necessary, clear or delete it

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When you surf the Internet, you use two mandatory tools for this task - a browser and a search engine (in RuNet this is most often Yandex).

Both of them know how to lead and store history of your visits, page views and search queries that you entered. If necessary, you can restore the chronology of events and find the page that you opened yesterday, or the query that you entered into Yandex search six months ago. It is very comfortable.

But often the opposite situation arises, when you need to erase all traces of your activity on the network. In this case, you have a question: how to delete history in Yandex? How to “clean up after yourself” in your browser? How to find and remove all other traces?

Today I just want to draw your attention to this topic. We will talk about both cleaning your searches and deleting all traces of your online activities in your browser (including the Yandex browser).

How to view the history of searches and views in Yandex?

As I mentioned above, history is kept not only by the browser, but also search engines. For example, in Yandex, a special set of tools called "My Finds".

P.S. Unfortunately, Yandex developers considered this functionality unnecessary (unclaimed by users) and removed it completely. Now you won’t be able to dig into the history of your searches. Although, it seems they left it.

I decided not to delete the information below so that you can see what it all looked like before, if anyone finds it interesting.

It is there that you can delete the entire history of your communication with this search engine and, if desired, completely refuse to keep a log of your views and visits (although it may be useful, for example, in order to restore a page lost in bookmarks to which you came from Yandex, which is very convenient).

Which is used by more than half of RuNet users. Recently, we already looked at its settings, in particular, we talked in detail about, and also discussed in detail the issue: at a professional level. But the settings of this search engine are not limited to this, because there are also settings for the history of your visits, which are definitely worth touching on.

So, first you will need to go to the main page of this search engine. It is from this that we can get to the settings section we need, which are accessible from the drop-down menu of the gear located in the right top corner.

We select the lowest item “Other settings”, and on the page that opens we will be interested in, in terms of studying the history of your actions in Yandex, two items of the menu given there:

When you click on the item “Search results settings” you can at the very bottom of the page that opens allow or block the search engine from logging with the history of your search queries, pages visited, and you can also separately prohibit or allow the use of this data to generate search results and search suggestions.

Here you can only sort of disable or enable history recording, but you can see what has already been recorded by clicking on the inscription “My finds” (in both screenshots above). Here you will find a lot of interesting things and will be able to restore previously found but then lost information. Yandex search history is quite a powerful tool:

Here, using the switch located in the upper left corner, you can again stop or re-enable event log recording. In the left column you can separately view the history of your search queries, products in the Yandex Market store, and you can also save and download (export) all this data if necessary.

At the very top there is a time line, which will very quickly allow you to move to the moment where you want to find something or, conversely, delete it from the history of your visits on Yandex. If you have accumulated a huge number of requests, views and other requests, you can use history search, whose line is located directly above the timeline. Oddly enough, this is not at all an obvious action - searching according to search results.

How to partially delete or completely clear history in Yandex?

P.S. As I wrote above, Yandex completely destroyed the “My Finds” service, but the opportunity remained "Clear query history" on the linked page. There you can click on the button of the same name.

As you've probably already noticed, you don't have to clear the entire history, but delete some individual requests or pages visited, simply by clicking on the cross next to them. Will be deleted this request and all the pages you went to when searching for the answer to it.

For example, when viewing the Yandex Market magazine, you can delete individual viewed products from it, or you can clear the entire history using the button of the same name located at the top:

By the way, I forgot to say that the search history will be saved (written) only if you are authorized in Yandex (you can see your login in the upper right corner). If you are not authorized, then no “My Finds” will be available to you, which means there will be nothing to clear.

Yandex, of course, still keeps its own internal statistics, but there you will appear only as the IP address of your computer or as the one through which you searched. You won’t be able to delete this history (only), but almost no one will be able to access it, so you don’t have to worry about it. IMHO.

If you want to, . If this doesn’t seem enough, then , which allows you to leave virtually no traces on the network, so you don’t have to delete your history on Yandex or anywhere else.

Yes, I almost forgot to tell you, how to clear all Yandex history en masse, not one at a time. To do this, on the “My Finds” page you will need to click on the “Settings” button located in the upper right corner:

Well, on the page that opens you can both stop recording and completely clear the already accumulated history using the button there:

This is all about the search engine and the statistics of your activity maintained in it.

How to view and clear Yandex Browser history?

However, the history is kept not only by the search engine, but also by the browser you use. If this is enough (see), then it also keeps a history of views and pages you visited, which means there may be an urgent need to clear it. How to do it? Let's get a look.

To call the history clearing window, you can use key combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete, while in the browser window, or go from the button menu with three horizontal stripes in the browser settings and find the “Clear history” button there.

In both cases, the same window will open for deleting the history of your Internet browsing using the Yandex browser:

Here you need to select the period for which the entire history will be deleted (for complete cleaning It’s better to choose the “All time” option, check the required fields, and click on the corresponding button below. That's it, your browser history will be completely cleared.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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How to view the history of visiting sites in Yandex or other browsers? How to clear history in Yandex browser? Read all the details in this article!

Hi all!
In this article we will continue with you.
Many people are interested in the question. How to view the history of visiting sites in Yandex?
You probably know that any browser stores the entire history of the sites you view.
This is on the one hand good and on the other bad...

Why might we need this functionality?
The main purpose.

You can find a page that you accidentally closed, or your computer froze, but it happens in different ways + also in the fact that you can see sites that you visited for several days, or even a week, agree, it’s convenient, right?
In addition, it is very convenient if you have children. You can see what your growing son =) or daughter is interested in, and, accordingly, find common topics for conversation with your child, thereby strengthening your authority in the eyes of the child.

There are also negative sides.
There are 2 factors here.
First, if you are an office worker or just work on a computer (not a freelancer), well, to be honest, we are all Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians... in short, from the same test) we love pro... well, you understand =) surf VKontakte, with classmates, play games, listen to all sorts of music, etc. Why does the boss need to know this?)
The answer is obvious. We need to get rid of this.
Second. If you do not remove this garbage for a long time, it will significantly load your computer. The computer starts to slow down, which is very, very... annoying?!)
Therefore, at least once a month you need to remove all this trash.
Let's start doing this with the Yandex browser.
Still, Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia; in other browsers, the principle is the same.

How to view the history of visiting sites in Yandex

1. Go to the Yandex browser.
2. Press “ctrl” + “H” simultaneously, this tab will open.

This will be the very story that we will get rid of.
You can try another way.
You can do it like this.

Setting up Yandex browser - history - history.

How to clear history in Yandex browser

To do this, go to the browser.
Yandex browser settings - history - history. From the top right, look for “clear history,” click on it and select.

You have the opportunity to clear the history in the Yandex browser in the range from an hour to the entire time. Besides this, you can delete a lot of other things, for example, files, cookies... I recommend it.
Select, clear browsing history in Yandex for all time. I recommend leaving the checkboxes that you need to delete everywhere except for passwords. It's better not to clean them.
As a result of this, your computer should start working much faster, and the boss won’t be able to burn you =)
By the way, with this method you can clear the history not only of the Yandex browser, but in any others.
That's all.
You know, I often write and think how useful my articles are to visitors to my blog, i.e. To you?
Sometimes you think, well, everything seems simple - everyone can do it, and these articles turn out to be useful (I see this from the comments and lengthy visits from search engines).
This means that my efforts were not useless.
Thank you for inspiring me to write new articles!
Bye everyone!

All modern browsers support the function of saving the user's history of visiting sites in the visit log. It is active by default and daily collects data about the Internet resources you have visited. In this article I will tell how to find out website visiting history, and how to clean it.

This feature has both positive and negative aspects.


  1. If you want to find a previously viewed site, then you do not need to go to search engines again and look for it there. Just go to your browsing history and view the list of sites from the archive.
  2. You are the boss. Your subordinates are lazy assholes who are always on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. The visit log is your evidence that will help catch scoundrels, shame them and force them to work and not engage in nonsense.
  3. You are a caring parent of a teenager, whose interests can be easily found out by looking at the history of website visits.


  1. You are an office worker who likes to surf VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. What's the big deal? Everyone does it. And this “ghoul” (chief) is always yelling and swearing in bad words. How does he even know where I am sitting? But he knows - from the visitor log (or - spyware).
  2. You are a teenager bursting with energy. And here are these annoying parents with their teachings. Moreover, from somewhere they know about the adult sites you visit. It's all from there!

View your browsing history on your computer

In order to find out and see what sites were visited on your computer, you need to go to the browser and use the key combination Ctrl+H.

Despite the fact that all browsers are different, the hotkey combinations are the same. Standards no matter what. So it doesn't matter if you use Opera, Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer, this method will work.

If for some reason you cannot press Ctrl+H. Well, let's say you were digging ketchup out from under your keyboard and accidentally knocked out the "H" key. Well, could this happen, theoretically? Then you should go to your browser settings and click “History”.

Screenshot from Google Chrome:

In Opera, Firefox, Yandex browser, you should do the same. In some cases, a variant of the item is possible "Magazine", instead of "Story".

View visited sites in IE

For Internet Explorer the technology is somewhat different. You need to click on the asterisk, which is located in the browser navigation (mine is in the upper right corner).

Logs in different browsers are similar to each other and allow you to view the history of visited sites depending on the day, week, month. In Chrome, for example, the following are available:

  1. For today;
  2. For yesterday;
  3. During the week;
  4. Per month.

For convenience, the magazine has a search field that can be used to finding the page you are interested in.

How to delete your browsing history

If you are not happy with the fact that someone can invade your privacy in this way, then you can take action - delete browsing history from browsing history in the browser.

In order to do this, you need to go to the visit log (Ctrl+H) and press "Clear browsing history".

In the pop-up window, you should select the time for which you want to clear, and also specify the elements:

How to clear your browsing history in Internet Explorer

In order to clear browsing history in IE, you need to go to settings and click "Browser Options".

In the tab "Are common" find "Delete…".

Confirm the operation by pressing the button again "Delete" in the window that opens.

I hope this article helped you understand viewing your browsing history, as well as clearing the log.

You came home, rested and decided to check your email. But when we approached the computer, we noticed that the mouse was out of place, the keyboard was moved, and in general the case was warm. Considering that everyone at home has their own car, this fact seems strange. Why did you use your computer and for what purpose? This is still unknown. But in this article you will learn exactly how to view history on your computer.

View your browsing history in the browser

Let's face it: the first thing you want to check is your list of visited sites. To do this, open your browser (I use Google Chrome, for example) and select “History” in “Options.”

Also, the list of visited sites is called up by simultaneously pressing Ctrl+H or by writing “chrome://history/” in the address bar.

Reference! To view history in other browsers, the same methods are used (except for entering the address “chrome://history/” in the line).

If anxiety and mistrust have settled in your soul, regularly clear the list of visited sites.

Viewing Log Files

All actions performed on the computer are recorded and documented. We only need to refer to this data to find out the information of interest.

Application log

This log stores information about all programs and games running on the computer. What is most important is that the exact time of launch and use is recorded. To open it, find the “Administration” item in the “Control Panel” and select “Computer Management”.

Recently modified files

Also in Windows you will find recently created, viewed and edited files. To do this, simultaneously press Win + R on your keyboard and enter “recent” in the text field.

In the window that opens, you can view your recent files.

How to restrict access to a computer and set a trap

If you are not interested in who used your computer, when and why, but it’s just unpleasant, set a password. Go to “Options” – “ Accounts» – “Login parameters”. Here click on the “Add” button and enter the desired combination.

Personal data is now harder to access.

When you access pages on the Internet, your computer saves everything: where, when, what you looked at. For what? - you ask. It happens that a page was accidentally closed, not saved in favorites, but the information from it was suddenly needed, and there is no time or desire to search through hundreds of pages again. It’s much easier to find it through the list of viewed pages, which is in every browser. This function also helps to track and find out where other users of your computer have visited, thereby quickly finding the necessary information, and monitoring visits to sites by children and subordinate employees. Let's look at where information is stored and how to view the history of website visits.

The most popular browsers for Windows

In the most popular browsers, to open a list of sites visited, there is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H or Ctrl+Shift+H. The list is also opened using the built-in function.

Let's look at how to check the history of visiting sites in individual browsers, the most common.

Google Chrome

Open Google Chrome. Near address bar There is a settings button. By clicking on it, you will open a menu where you should select “History”. Now you can see a list of website addresses arranged by the date they were viewed. Knowing, let's assume that desired page you visited yesterday, you can easily find it without revising the links visited earlier and later.

History in Google Chrome


The popular browser contains information about views in the “Log”, in which, to check, click on “Show entire log”. He is in top menu or it can be called up by pressing left Alt. In Firefox, links are divided by date, and on the left there is a menu list, in which you can choose for what period to view the history: today's visits, yesterday's, for a week, a month.

Journal in Firefox


In Opera, click on the button at the top left to bring up the browser menu. There, go to the “History” item.


In Yandex, the functions are similar to Chrome, and you will also find the history under the settings icon located at the top right. When you want to view and check addresses, in the list, click on “History” - “History Manager”.


In Internet Explorer, to open information about visits, click on the star in the toolbar. In the menu that appears after this, select “Journal”. Now you can see a list of sites structured by date.

Deleting the list of visited sites

If you do not want anyone to know about your “walks” on the Internet, you can delete the list of links to sites you visit. If you don’t know how to delete your browsing history from your computer, read below.

There are several ways to clear your browsing history. Of course, an inconvenient option that requires time is to remove each link individually from the Journal. However, browsers provide a simpler way to clean up.

Google Chrome

Go to “Tools” - “Deleting data about viewed documents.” Specify the deletion depth in the drop-down list. Next to “Clear history”, check the box and click delete.

You can use the combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.


In this browser, find the “Tools” section, on the “Settings” line. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab - “Clear immediately”. A new “Delete unnecessary data” window will appear. Make sure that there is a checkmark on the item indicating the visit log. Place marks on what you want to clear, then click “Delete.”


In IE, browsing history is called "Browser History". The path to it is through the menu, the “Service” section, there is a line “Delete history”, then click on “Delete history”.


In the browser menu, go to “Settings”, find the “Delete personal data” option. The default settings are hidden in the settings, expand them by clicking “Detailed settings”. Go to the item “Clearing the history of visited pages”, look through everything carefully so as not to destroy what you need.


Safari has a separate section in the browser's History menu. Go to it, there you will see a link to delete information.


In your browser, click on the icon next to the address bar that resembles a wrench. Next, go to “History”. You will see a list of visited sites, check the boxes next to those you want to delete, and click the corresponding button.

Using Utilities

You can clear your browser history using special utilities that quickly clear and delete everything you want. Just be careful, download utilities from official sources, beware of unverified pages, because you can end up with scammers sending viruses. The utilities themselves, named below, are an excellent tool for removing unnecessary information and garbage, and allow you to efficiently solve the problem.

  1. The most popular is CCleaner. It can remove programs that cannot be gotten rid of using normal methods, and clean the registry by removing erroneous entries. After launching the utility, start the analysis, then check the boxes indicating what is to be deleted, and click the clean button.
  2. An alternative to the above program is WiseDiskCleaner. It also perfectly cleans everything, removes garbage, and performs defragmentation. There is Russian-language support. Click the analyze button, agree with the items suggested by WiseDiskCleaner for cleaning, click the appropriate button.

Finding the list of viewed pages in your browser and clearing it is not difficult; you can easily cope with the task by reading the recommendations above and applying them. The problem is solved without much time and does not require calling specialists. Each user will be able to do everything they need.