The file could not be signed for a reason. Why does an “Error signing data” occur when sending reports using the 1C-Reporting service? What to do if an error occurs during the data signing process: tips

When working with the Treasury in the Continent AP program, some users experience a key signing error with the number 0x0000065b. The error is rare, but known. The most common reason is an expired license for Crypto-Pro CSP. For some versions of the Crypto-Pro program, installed distribution kits offer to enable full functionality for a trial period, do not ask for the serial number of the product license, but are blocked after a certain time. As a rule - after 2 months. After this time, the program that worked properly with the Continent AP Treasury program ceases to provide the ability to sign documents with user certificates, displaying error 0x0000065b. The only way out in this case is to purchase the Crypto-Pro program and enter the serial number following the path: Start - Control Panel - Crypto-Pro CSP - General - Entering a license.

How to check the license for Crypto-Pro CSP?

You need to launch the program shell along the path: Start - Control Panel - Crypto-Pro CSP. In the first welcome window of the program, you will see the type of your license and its validity period (see the figure below).

If it doesn't help

If the recommendations for checking and installing the license do not reveal a problem, there may be a technical failure in the Continent AP program, which causes a key signing error 0x0000065b. Here you should check for possible conflicts of the program with the Firewall, Anti-Virus installed on the computer or reinstall the user’s personal certificate, before that by clearing the saved certificate passwords in the Crypto-Pro program. This is done as follows:

Start - Control Panel - Crypto-Pro CSP - Tools - Delete remembered passwords - Ok

The error occurs due to the fact that the CIPF “VipNet CSP” was not registered during the initial connection to the 1C-Reporting service. We invite you to read the registration instructions.

Product registration instructionsVipNetCSP.

1. To register the “VipNet CSP” product, go to “Start” → “All Programs” → “ViPNet” → “ViPNet CSP” → “Configuring the ViPNet CSP Crypto Provider” ( rice. 1.).

Rice. 1.

2. The following window will open in front of you ( rice. 2.), select “Register ViPNet CSP” and click the “Next” button.

Rice. 2.

3. In the next window, select “Request for registration (get registration code)” and click the “Next” button ( rice. 3.).

Rice. 3.

4. In the “Registration Request Method” window ( rice. 4.) select “Via the Internet (online)”. In this case, your computer must be connected to the Internet. Click "Next".

Rice. 4.

5. In the “Registration Data” window ( rice. 5.) fill in all fields and enter your serial number for ViPNet CSP (The serial number was indicated during registration (Figure 5), it was also sent during registration to the email address you specified (Figure 5)). Click "Next".

Rice. 5.

6. If registration was successful, the installer will notify you about this ( rice. 6.). Click the "Done" button.

Rice. 6.

7. The “ViPNet CSP Configuration” window will open ( rice. 7.). Click the “OK” button there.

Rice. 7.

The product is registered.

Quite a lot of time has passed since the first software products for accounting were released onto the Russian market by 1C. If at first only a few of them were produced, then over the years the range has grown significantly.

In reality, only the first versions were called “1C: Accounting”. However, over time, due to the growing popularity of programs, a whole family of them appeared. Be that as it may, the company continues to use this brand to this day. Only various highly specialized versions for individual segments of accounting activities saw the light.

Nowadays, the programs used to prepare financial statements from the 1C company have become the most popular products in this industry in the Commonwealth of Independent States. They are distributed by a partner network that includes thousands of IT organizations. Basically we are talking about small companies that employ no more than one or two dozen specialists.

Currently, with the help of these products, reporting is generated in more than half a million companies scattered throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Purpose of 1C programs

These products are primarily used to automate the work of an accountant, who is forced to prepare and send reports to the tax authorities, and in addition, maintain primary accounting and register all transactions related to the economic activities of the enterprise.

1C company software was created on the basis of the current Russian relevant legislation.

The functions of the latest versions include, in addition to the composition of accounts, the following accounting tools:

  • analytical;
  • currency;
  • quantitative.

All of them meet the standards set out in Russian legislation, on the basis of which reporting is compiled. At the same time, if the need arises, clients have the opportunity to organize on their own the creation of additional sub-accounts and analytical-type accounting sections.

Such complexity of the product, however, also has its downside - users often complain that one or another error occurs. As a rule, restoring proper operation is not difficult, but, nevertheless, accountants are usually too nervous about such incidents. In general, they are not difficult to understand, because they bear responsibility, including material responsibility.

Where do they use 1C programs?

As noted earlier, the company's products are very popular in the former Soviet Union. In particular, local versions allow accountants from the following countries to prepare reports:

  • Belarus;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Ukraine;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Moldova;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Latvia;
  • Georgia;
  • Estonia;
  • Lithuania.

What to do if an error occurs during the data signing process: tips

As noted earlier, the complexity and versatility of 1C software sometimes leads to malfunctions. Therefore, many users are naturally interested in the question: what should they do in this case?

As a rule, the above error appears when an accountant tries to send a document using a specialized product: “1C-Reporting”. For example, we may be talking about a regulated summary for the Pension Fund.

Typically, an error sending a document is accompanied by a characteristic notification that appears in a new window.

In this situation, experts recommend: first of all, contact technical support and clarify options for resolving the problem there. But practice shows that calls there often lead to nothing. However, this does not mean that the error is irreparable.

First of all, you should check:

  • the correctness of the settings used for this type of document flow;
  • whether the crypto provider is installed.

If the error did not occur for this reason, then you need to set in Program Files full rights to all existing directories published by 1C, as well as to the crypto provider.

When you try to view a document, the message "Failed to load content/Failed to decrypt content/Failed to decrypt documents/Failed to decrypt files" appears.

When viewing a document, an error occurs, the details of which include the following message:

“It was not possible to decrypt the documents. There is no certificate on the computer that encrypts these documents. If you have one of these certificates, install it according to the instructions: “How to install a certificate.”

"The content could not be loaded. It was not possible to decrypt the documents." Please check that you have the certificate and private key required to decrypt the data. Error while decrypting data.

The error will indicate the certificate with which the document was encrypted.

In the Pension Fund reporting: “Install the certificate on your computer, or insert a USB drive with the required certificate, or contact technical support.”

These errors occur when the certificate to which the document being opened is encrypted is not installed at the workplace. Documents that come from regulatory authorities and contain the results of checking reports (for example, receipts from the Federal Tax Service or protocols from the Pension Fund of Russia) are encrypted using the certificate with which the report was sent.

Thus, to resolve the issue it is necessary:

  • Connect the key media containing the required certificate to your computer and try to view the document again. The certificate must first be installed via CryptoPro CSP (see)
  • Install the certificate in the registry (see).

When there are many certificates, it is more convenient to install them using the diagnostic service. If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, you must click the Install certificates button. If you are using a different browser, then click the Download this program button, find it in the list of downloads and run it, then click Install certificates.

If the proposed solution does not help resolve the problem, you must contact technical support at [email protected] the following information:

  • Screenshot of the error;
  • The exact date and time of sending the report, as well as the TIN and KPP of the sending organization.

Important: if you are unable to find the required certificate, to obtain the documents you can contact the relevant regulatory authority with a request to upload them to a medium in person or generate and send a letter with document flow to the Kontur.Extern system.

Also note that you can store documents in decrypted form on your computer using the Kontur.Archive program. Certificates will only be required at the time of saving documents to the Archive, and after that you can view documents without a certificate and even without the Internet.
Main advantages of the program:

  • stores not only original documents, but also printed forms;
  • convenient search for documents;
  • After installing and configuring the Archive, no additional actions are required in order for documents to be saved in the Archive - the service does everything automatically.