Play market won't load on android. Play Market does not work on Android - the main reasons

For an Android phone user, the Google Play digital service is the main source of useful applications and updates for already installed applets. Therefore, the problem of a store suddenly crashing when Google Play throws an error when trying to load a virtual storefront is quite serious.

The main reasons why Google Play does not work may be:

  • System failures on the developer's server side
  • Network problems
  • System error on the user's device
  • Incorrect time and date indications
  • Changes to the hosts file

There are several ways to restore access to the digital distribution service. We will analyze the most accessible and reliable methods and show all the algorithms for solving the problem using the example of the Fly Cirrus 12 smartphone with installed Android sixth version. All solutions are applicable to earlier versions of the OS; only the names of the menu items will differ slightly.

Method 1: Reboot the device

Forced reboot of the device, in principle, can solve most problems in the operation of applications on a smartphone. Very often, one or another utility freezes and does not respond to user commands. In this case, a reboot resolves the problem.

Method 2: Enable Google Account

One of the most common reasons why Google Play does not work is spontaneous deactivation of your Google account. To resolve this issue, run the system process again:

  • Go to Android settings
  • Select Applications
  • Select System Processes from the drop-down menu
  • Click on a line Google Accounts(usually it comes first on the list)
  • If the process is disabled, click Enable

It would also be a good idea to check the Google Play Services system process, which is on the same list.

Method 3: Reset Google Play settings

The service may stop working due to the application cache being full. In this case, you need to clear the storage of unnecessary data. To do this, in the Applications tab, find the line with the Play Market utility. Here, click on two buttons: Erase data and Clear cache. Here, by clicking on the drop-down menu, you can remove updates. After this, restart your phone for the changes to take effect.

Method 4: Enable Boot Manager

Quite often, users, freeing the device’s memory from unnecessary loads, turn off or stop important applications, among which you may find Download Manager - system utility, responsible for downloading and updating programs. This application is on the list system processes. Go to the manager settings and click Enable.

Method 5. Delete and restore Google account

Sometimes Google Play Market does not work on your phone due to problems with your account settings and algorithms. It will have to be deleted and restored again, but before that it is important to synchronize the data, that is, make a backup copy.

  • Log in to the Accounts section
  • You are taking Google item
  • Select the desired sections for synchronization (Calendar, Disk, Contacts, and so on)
  • In the drop-down menu, click the Synchronize button
  • Delete your account
  • Return to the list of accounts and click Add

When you create a Google account, Android will offer to restore your data from a backup. After this, all that remains is to restart the phone and try to go to Google Play.

Method 6: Remove incompatible apps

Some utilities that are installed on a smartphone via apk files may conflict with system application Google Play and even block it. Most often this happens with Freedom program, which hacks mobile games and allows you to make in-game purchases for free.

Applications like these make changes to system file hosts, which stores domain databases and user IP addresses. If programs like Freedom are interfering with Google Play, go to the settings of the harmful utility, stop its process and uninstall the application.

Method 7. Reset Android settings

Quite a radical method, as it deletes all the user’s data and files on the phone. Therefore, before you roll back the system settings to factory settings, save all important documents, photos and video files on a third-party storage device or PC. Next, do the following:

  • Go to Android settings
  • Select Restore and reset
  • It would be useful to enable data backup here. The system will copy network passwords, call logs, application settings and other data to the selected account.
  • Click on Reset settings.
  • Restart your device

Method 8: Check your Internet connection

In some cases, the Internet connection indicators freeze on the smartphone screen: either mobile or Wi-Fi. That is, the indicator is on, but there is no connection to the Network. In this case, you need to go to the section Wireless network and check if it is included in this moment one or another module.

Method 9. Reset the date and time on your phone

One of the common problems with Google Play stopping working is a failure in the date and time settings on the user’s device. For example, when the time zone is set incorrectly. To solve this problem, go to the system date and time settings, set the correct values ​​and enable the date, time and network time zone.

Now you know what to do if Google Play doesn't work. Please note that all of the above methods do not require special technical knowledge and are performed using standard settings, and most importantly, they do not involve complex and critical methods, such as rooting the phone.

From the article you will learn

Why might the Android system crash when logging into the Play Market (also known as the Google Play app store)? Why can't I log into my account? And how to solve the connection problem and the error popping up? Let's take a detailed look at all these pressing problems for any owner of smartphones on this OS and determine the current fixes that need to be applied if the Play Market does not work on Android.

Exist different ways fix this problem, as it can occur for various reasons. Therefore, there is no single “recipe”. You will have to try some of them, and after the actions taken, check the service every time.

Through device restart

You've probably noticed that some programs and services work reluctantly, and sometimes it's simply impossible to open something? Try rebooting, it is likely that this method will help resolve the login problem or annoying server error related to the Internet connection. In addition to this error, a reboot can restore the functionality of other applications.

Through resetting Google Play Market settings

Frequent use of the service on a phone or tablet leaves a lot of traces and unnecessary logs in the system. All this can lead to the application freezing, or even making it simply impossible to enter it - a connection error appears on the screen.

To reset, do the following:

After these manipulations, restart, try to open the program - if the error pops up again, then move on to the next method.

Trying to remove the downloaded Play Store update

This can be done from the main menu in the “Applications” or “Program Manager” section - find the “delete” item installed updates", it should return to its original state and work as before.

Resetting Google Services settings

One of the most common reasons why the Play Market does not work and displays an error with the name “no connection” is a malfunction in the Google Services application itself. To return it to its original state, do the following:

By activating the Download Manager service

Often, disabling this service leads to the unfortunate consequences of the Play Market not working; you simply cannot access the application. To activate you need to do this:

  1. Open the system settings menu.
  2. Enter Application Manager.
  3. In it, find the “Downloads” item.
  4. In it you can see suggestions: sort or reset settings, we need to click on the last item.
  5. During this action, all inactive software will be disabled, all installed updates will be removed, the operation of background services will be limited, and some application actions will be disabled.
  6. At this point we need to enable the display of all notifications, and after these manipulations the dispatcher icon will appear on the start screen.
  7. Click on the icon and start the dispatcher.
  8. Check if you can access the Play Store and see if an error message appears. If this method does not help, move on to the next one.

By deleting the Google account on the device

Note! You may lose important information during this step, and to prevent this from happening, first back up or sync all data with Google Account.

To delete, go to the system settings menu, select the accounts item, and enable deletion via context menu. Reboot your device, and when you log in again, enter your account information again. This often helps get the store back up and running.

Removing incompatible software

Violation of the correct operation of the Play Market is often associated with its blocking by third-party software that the user installed himself from other resources. Many people try to bypass payment for installing games and download Freedom software, which blocks the operation of the market. Remove it either via file manager, or through the dispatcher, from the main menu of the device. Everything should work.

Correcting and customizing the system hosts file

If you determine that it is Freedom that is causing the failures, then you need to configure the work correctly in this case hosts file, you will need root rights for these steps.

As a rule, a hosts file with incorrect content that Freedom writes looks like this:

A should contain the following information:

To remove all garbage from the hosts file, you need to do the following steps:

Nothing worked out again? Then we move on to another action.

Check the Internet connection

Try opening any browser page; if there is no connection, this will not work. Remove wireless connection, reboot the router and device. When logging in, please enter your details again.

Date and time settings are lost

As practice has shown, if you can’t access the Play Market and it says no connection, check that the set date and time on your phone is up to date. The inability to connect is often associated with an incorrectly set date and time zone. It happens that these parameters simply go wrong for various reasons.

It is necessary to change the values ​​in the settings section to the correct ones. Also check the box next to the “Check with the Internet” option, or the item may be called “Network date and time”.

Factory reset

This is the only way to eliminate all problems with the performance of the Play Market, if any errors occur with it or it simply does not work. It is recommended to use this method only as a last resort if others do not help. The fact is that as a result of the actions described below, all user information. That is, the device will be like new, but functional.

From the main menu, enter the “Backup and reset” section, agree to all the conditions, and restore your device to its factory state. You will have to re-enter your Google services credentials and log back into the application store.


We have presented for your review the main ways to resolve the login and connection error of the Play Market application. Review them so you know exactly how you can fix your device to get it back up and running.

Application GooglePlayMarket - key program in the operating room Android system, because it is with its help that we download and install new games and programs on our phone or tablet and find a lot of content. Like any other program, Google Play Market is not immune to glitches and errors. If you are one of the “lucky” people who are faced with the fact that the Google market does not launch on your mobile device, this article is for you.

A small note: on some unofficial (custom) firmware Google Play Market may be cut by their developers (for example, this is done in the very popular CyanogenMode firmware), and you will not find it in the list installed programs. Read about what to do, how to install Google Play Market on your mobile device, and how to start using it in these instructions on our portal:

After this short introduction, you can proceed directly to the recipes for “healing” your Google Market. So:

10 ways to fix a broken Google Play Market:

1. Turn on the Internet on your device

Why doesn't Google Play Market work? The reasons for this may vary. But first, we recommend that you check internet connection on your phone or tablet. For work this application Having a working internet connection is mandatory. Perhaps you simply forgot to turn on Wi-fi or packet data transmission, through which Google app Play Market goes online, or your connection to the access point has dropped. If the Internet does not work at all on any device, reboot your access point or router.

If you have new smartphone or a tablet, in this article in our knowledge base you can read about how you can set up an Internet connection on it:

2. Make sure your Download Manager is running

The Download Manager application is responsible for downloading files, and if for some reason it does not work, naturally, Google Play Market will not launch on your phone or tablet. Find Download Manager in the list of installed programs by going to Settings -> Application Manager (or simply Applications) -> All. Click on the name of the program, and in the "About the application" window make sure the program is up and running. Otherwise, launch the application.

3. Check your firewall or antivirus software settings

Usually antivirus software is well aware of what the Google Play Market is and does not limit its operation in any way. But perhaps you yourself tinkered with the firewall settings, and accidentally banned Google access Play Market on the Internet. For example, it is very easy to do with one click in popular program DroidWall. If the Google Play Market does not start, and you have an antivirus or firewall installed on your phone or tablet, go to this program and, just in case, check its settings, black and white lists of applications, etc.

4. Clear Google Play Market cache

This simple operation can help in the vast majority of cases. If Google Market Play doesn’t work for you for some reason, but there are definitely no problems with the Internet connection, the first thing you need to do is clear Google Play Market cache.

To perform this operation, also go to the “Settings” of your phone or tablet, find the “Application Manager” menu item there or simply “Applications”, go to the “All” tab and find the Google Play Market program there. “Tap” your finger on its name, the “About the application” window will open in front of you. Find the "Clear cache" button in this window and click it, deleting all temporary program data.

5. Erase Google Play Market app data

You followed everything according to the previous instructions, but Google Play Market still won’t launch for you. What to do? Try after clearing cache as well erase Google Play Market program data. To do this, in the "About the application" window of the Google Play Market, click the "Erase data" button (on some Android versions - "Clear data"). All information from the settings and your activity in the Google Play Market will be deleted, and this may also help resolve the problem.

6. Uninstall all app updates

If the above operation did not help you, and Google Play Market still does not work, in the same “About” window of the application, click the “Uninstall updates” button. After this, the program will return to its original state, as during the first launch. Reboot your mobile device and try logging into Google Play again.

7. Clear Google Play Services app cache

You did everything exactly according to the instructions, but for some reason the Google Play Market on your phone or tablet still doesn’t want to launch. Try to do clearing the cache for the Google Play Services application just like you did for the Google Play Market. Find the Google Play Services application in the list of installed programs and click the "Clear cache" button in the "About the application" window.

8. Clear Google Services Framework data

The GoogleServices Framework application is responsible for the correct operation of Google services. If clearing the Google Play Market cache does not help you, first try to find the Google Services Framework program in the list of installed programs on your mobile device, go to the “About the application” window and erase its data by clicking the corresponding button. After this, you need to repeat a similar operation for Google Play Market, as described in paragraphs 4 and 5 of these instructions. Now you need to restart your phone or tablet, the Google Play Market should work.

9. Delete and reinstall your Google account

You have erased and cleared all caches and data Google programs, but this still did not solve your problem. Perhaps it will help you deleting your accountGoogle on a mobile device and then restore it.

Go to the "Settings" menu and find the "Accounts" item there. "Tap" on the name of your account registered on this phone or on a tablet, and in the menu that opens, select "Delete account". Reboot your device and register an account Google entry on your mobile device with a new one.

10. Reset all settings of your device to factory settings

What to do if you have already tried everything possible ways solve the problem of your OS device not working Android Google Play Market, and none of them helped you? In this case, you have the last, radical remedy left in stock. You can reset all the settings of your phone or tablet to factory settings, that is, make it hard reset, returning your mobile device to the condition in which it left the factory.

You should resort to the method of resetting the settings to factory settings only as a last resort, if you have already tried everything else, because hardreset will destroy all your data and applications you have installed, including contacts, messages, accountsGoogle. Only the information located on the SD flash card will remain untouched.

In order to reset all Android OS settings in this way, perform the following sequence of actions (in some versions Android firmware the names of menu items may vary slightly):

1. Go to the “Settings” menu of your phone or tablet;

2. Select the "Backup and reset" menu item there;

3. Click on the “Reset settings” item and confirm your choice by agreeing to start a full reset in response to the system question.

Before resetting all settings of your mobile device and thus delete all personal data, applications and contacts, it is highly recommended to back up the necessary information so that you can then easily and quickly restore them back. ABOUT backup and data recovery on Android you can read in this article of our FAQ:

There are a huge number of reasons why the Google Play Market does not start, and it is impossible to definitively answer why this trouble happened to your phone or tablet and what to do in each specific case. We can advise you one thing: don’t panic, it’s better to calmly try different options for solving the problem, and one of them will definitely suit you. And our instructions will help you with this.

Why do Android devices work with Google service Play Store having problems? Many users are familiar with such situations. The reason may be technical problems with Google services or malfunctions of the smartphone (tablet) from which you operate. There are a great many options, but we have selected a dozen of the most common difficulties and described methods that make it possible to find a way out of the situation.
Rebooting your smartphone or tablet is the first thing to try if the Play Store suddenly refuses to work. Alternatively, the cause could be a system freeze (users encounter this situation quite often). The most interesting thing is that rebooting often helps not only in case of failures in working with Play Store, but also in case of problems arising with other services and applications. It also happens that the device has rebooted, but the market does not want to work. Then you can try other methods.

Method 2: Reset Google settings Play Store
Resetting service settings also helps quite often, and it is done in the following way:
1. Go to the settings menu of your smartphone (tablet);
2. Select the section " Applications" or " Application Manager»:

3. We find it in the list Google Play Store, select it;
4. In the application management window that opens, select “ Clear cache" or " Erase data", click on this button.
5. We reboot the Android device so that the system responds to the changes made to the settings.
6. If the Play Store doesn't work, try other methods.

Method 3: Uninstall Google updates Play Store
Everything is done in the same way as in method 2 described above, with the only difference that instead of “Clear cache” the button “ is selected Uninstall updates" The application will return to its original version, in which it worked normally before installing the updates. If the problem really is new version software or Android device, due to technical imperfections, does not support these updates, then the service will work in the mode familiar to the user. No new features, but fine.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings
Resetting settings is one of the effective options for solving problems with the Play Store. The procedure in this case is as follows:
1. Menu " Settings»;
2. Chapter " Application Manager" or " Applications»;

3. Choose " Google Play Services»;
4. Open the menu, select " Clear cache", press.
Method 5: Activating the "Download Manager"
It is possible that while using your tablet or smartphone, you accidentally turned off " Download Manager"and did not attach any importance to the fact that the service application stopped working. To reactivate it, you need to go to the settings menu of your Android device, then to “Applications”, then using the “All” swipe, then find “Download Manager” and turn it on by pressing the desired button. Restart your smartphone and check if the Play Store is working.
Method 6: Delete Google Account
We warn you right away: by deleting your Google account, you may lose the necessary and important information, so it is recommended to create a backup copy (sync data) in advance.

1. Go to the settings menu;
2. Select " Accounts» and find yours in the menu that opens, click;

3. In the synchronization menu that opens, click on your mailbox;
4. Select items to synchronize (save in backup). Usually this is “Contacts” and other personal information available in the device’s memory. To select sections, just click on them. If you value all the information contained in your Android device, click on “Options”, then select “ Synchronize"- you will receive backup copies of all existing applications.
Now you are ready to delete your Google account. When you log back into your device from it, you will be prompted to restore the information from the backup.

But let’s return to the procedure for deleting a Google account to normalize the operation of the market. After creating a backup, you need to return to the previous menu and this time select “ Delete", not "Synchronize". Click on the appropriate button, then restart your smartphone (tablet) and log in to your account again. Typically, deleting your account helps get rid of problems related to the operation of Google services. If this does not happen, try other methods.

Method 7: Remove incompatible applications
Sometimes users independently install applications, the presence of which negatively affects the work Play service Market, and in some cases can even lead to its blocking. The list of such programs is very long, but the most common culprit of problems is software popular among gamers Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free. Most likely, it is this application that will have to be removed to solve the problem with the market.
1. In the Settings menu, find Application Manager, then Installed.
2. Scroll through the list until you find it Freedom, select it.
3. Press " Stop" in the application menu that opens in front of you.
4. Uninstall Freedom. It is very important to first stop the program and only then uninstall the application.
5. Reboot your Android device.
6. Check if Google Play is working.
Did not help? Let's try other options for solving the problem.

Method 8: Setting up "hosts"
This system file in Android devices is located at /system/etc/hosts. It is used to block access to unwanted resources. Initially the file contains a single entry localhost Due to the actions of attackers who want to block your Google account and receive money for unblocking, the market address may also appear there. Remove this line, returning the hosts file to the initial state. For such actions, you may need to obtain root rights. How is this done on various devices We have talked about this many times on our website.

Method 9: Full reset all Android device settings
Full reset- the method is radical and effective, but it requires preparation. Otherwise, you may lose valuable information. Sync your data - create a backup as shown in method 6. Make sure this procedure completes successfully. Now you can go to “Settings”, find the “Backup and reset” section, where you can perform “Reset settings”. After that, restart the device and restore the information using backup copy.
Method 10: Checking your Internet connection
Before setting up your Android device or deleting anything from it, make sure you have Internet access. Check your connection speed, restart the router and double-check the connection quality again.

Method 11: Google Account Activation
Quite often a Google account turns out to be disabled. This can be checked by going to the corresponding section of the menu. Find the Google Accounts application, activate it if it is disabled. The problem with the market will be 100% resolved.

Method 12: Adjusting the time and date
An incorrectly set date or time may cause problems with Google's work Play. This is due to licenses and other nuances of the operation of Google services, depending on time restrictions. If you have a network connection and its quality is satisfactory, reset the time and date. Do not forget specify the correct time zone. This is done in the “Settings” menu in the “Date and time”, “Network date and time”, “Network time zone” items by checking the desired option.

We hope that at least one of the methods we propose will be life-saving for you and will help normalize the operation of your Android device with the Google Play service. If you find your own, then send it to us - perhaps it will help someone else.

Day by day, device owners under Android control The OS faces problems when launching the Play Store. In newer versions operating system it is called "Google Play". All this is unpleasant, of course. And today we will figure out what problems and how they can be eliminated.

How to restore Google Play functionality

There really are plenty of reasons for problems. Moreover, devices from different manufacturers there may be different problems. That is why in this article we will cover only the general ones that occur most often. Read and remember so as not to return to our article again and again.

Main reasons
As mentioned above, first you should highlight the causes of problems. Let's start with them:

  1. Google Play really doesn't work. This happens extremely, extremely rarely. However, it is possible that you stumbled upon a non-working Play Market. Be that as it may, Google works quickly and, if the service is really out of order, it makes sense to wait a couple of hours until it is restored to full functionality;
  2. The date and time on your smartphone or tablet is incorrect. This may happen if you removed the battery from the device. The phenomenon is standard and occurs quite often. The device screen will display the “no connection” error;
  3. The Internet is disabled on the device or there is not enough money on your SIM card balance. If suddenly there is money on the balance sheet, and “ Mobile Internet” is active, then the problem is different. Perhaps the settings have gone wrong. Call your operator and clarify the settings, ask for advice - they can send you automatic settings;
  4. One of the applications you installed has changed the settings of the hosts file. This could result in problems arising when Google launch Play;
  5. An application is installed that blocks the Play Market.
Well, we looked at the main reasons, now we need to get down to business - restoring the correct operation of the application.

How to get the Play Store working again on Android

The first thing you should try is to reboot your device. If nothing has changed and the error is still there, you should take a different route:

If this does not help, then move on to the next method:

If it doesn’t work this time, you should look for the problem somewhere else. There are also several options here, each of which may work in your case. So let's look at the first one:

This also did not help, and you no longer know why the Play Market does not work on your Android device? Well, there is only one universal and extreme way left -