The game World of Tanks does not start. Why don't "Tanks" launch? Main problems with the WoT World of Tank client and launcher after reinstalling Windows

If you have difficulty launching World of Tanks on your PC, there are many reasons for this. Absolutely all programs (and this includes games) are subject to errors, as a result of which they stop working normally. The following are specific recommendations, the implementation of which will solve the problem.

Maybe the problem is in the computer itself?

For stable operation of this gaming application on a Windows 7 PC, you must ensure that your hardware meets the following basic program requirements:

  1. Processor with clock frequency more than 2.2 GHz and SSE2 support;
  2. The required free space on the disk on which the game is installed is at least 10 Gb;
  3. Capacity random access memory PC – more than 1.5 Gb;
  4. A video accelerator with DirectX support, but its modification cannot be lower than 9.0. The amount of minimum memory recommended by developers graphics adapter is 256 Mb.

It should be noted that for this network game Another important parameter is the connection speed to the global network, which should not be less than 256 Kbps.

But even with full compliance with all the above parameters, the game may not work, this is mainly due to the lack of correctly installed PC hardware software.

Therefore, you should definitely upgrade to the latest software versions for all computer hardware components. This is especially true for the graphics adapter. It is advisable to use only the resources of the hardware manufacturers themselves when installing drivers.

Failures during launch of the toy

Often the cause of the error is an antivirus that blocks some files.

If the game functions normally when you disable the security program, then you just need to go into the settings of the antivirus application and set the appropriate parameters, for example, add your favorite toy to the exclusion list, etc.

The progress of the settings depends on the specific tread utility.

Sometimes the following error occurs on a computer on which Seven is installed:

If you see a message like this on the screen, you should do the following:

  1. Return the settings to their initial state;
  2. Update the drivers for your PC hardware components.

Analysis of Windows 7 system components

To the question “Why doesn’t the game start?” Checking the integrity of the “Seven” files will quickly help you answer.

To this end, you need to do just a few of the following steps:

Browser problem

Usually, a simple reinstallation of Internet Explorer can get rid of the problem.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Launch “Control Panel”;
  2. After that, click “Programs and Features”;
  3. Then click “Enable or disable Windows components»;
  4. Uncheck the box " Internet Explorer»;
  5. After that, click “Ok”;
  6. Restart PC;
  7. Install from the Microsoft resource “Internet Explorer”.

Out of space message: "Error unpacking update"

Even with 10 Gb free space Sometimes a notification about such a problem may pop up on the disk.

In this case, we can conclude that, most likely, this was influenced by errors file system"Windows 7".

To analyze it, you only need to follow a few steps:

  1. Click “Win” and “R”;
  2. Then enter "cmd";
  3. Click “Ok”;
  4. After that, type “chkdsk D: /f /r” in the console.

Note: the above command will analyze the “D” drive, but if the PC owner has the game installed on the “C” system volume, then you will need to enter the letter “C” in the command.

Of course, you can reinstall the game and even Windows 7 itself, but before taking such drastic measures, it is better to first contact the specialists from WoT.

The game developers have already accumulated vast experience in solving problems with the launch of their application and in eliminating all kinds of glitches and lags in the gameplay itself.

For this purpose, they have created a special support service on the official Tanki website. Any user with their specific problems can turn to it for help.

World of Tanks - popular computer game. Like any other program, errors can occur. The article will discuss the main problems of users and answer the question: “Why don’t Tanks launch?”

Standard Methods

If problems occur, first check whether your PC meets the requirements system requirements. The developers assume stable operation on a system with 1.5 GB of RAM, a processor that supports SSE2 instructions and a frequency of at least 2.2 GHz. The video card must work with DirectX version no lower than 9.0, and its memory capacity must be 256 MB or more.

Among other things, if “Tanks” does not start, it is worth installing the latest versions of video card drivers, updating the DirectX, Net Framework and Visual C++ libraries. All these components can be downloaded from the Microsoft website absolutely free of charge. Drivers are easy to find on the manufacturer's website.

An unhandled exception is occured

If “Tanks” does not start, and a critical error appears on the screen with the inscription “An unhandled exception is occurring”, it is worth checking your computer with an antivirus program.

The game developers recommend using Cureit tools or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Both utilities are absolutely free. To scan, use only the latest versions of programs and do not refuse to update virus records the first time you run them.

Checking system files

If anti-virus tools did not help, and Tanki still does not start, try checking the files for integrity.

To perform this procedure:

  • Open the Start menu
  • Select "Run"
  • Type "cmd" into the input line and click on the "OK" button
  • It will open. You need to enter “sfc /scannow” and click on “ENTER”
  • Be sure to wait until the program finishes, do not close the window or turn off the computer during the scanning process.

Reinstalling the browser

The previous points did not help and World of Tank does not start? Often, launcher errors arise as a result of errors. Often, a banal reinstallation of this application helps.

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Click on "Programs and Features".
  • Find the link on the left side of the window that opens and click on it.
  • A list will be displayed on the screen in which you need to uncheck the box next to the name “Internet Explorer”.
  • Now you should click on the "OK" button and restart the computer.
  • After reboot, download the installer from the official Microsoft website Internet browser Explorer and install it.

Error after update

It happens that after downloading the next update, the message “unpacking error” appears on the screen. And at the same time, World of Tank does not start. At the first stage of solving the problem, it is worth checking how much free space on the partition in which the game is installed. If this value is less than several gigabytes, it is logical that the update will have nowhere to copy new documents. An excellent option in this case would be to delete the "Update" directory from the game directory. It stores all previous developer patches that will not be needed after they are applied.

Why don't "Tanks" start, displaying the same message on the screen when there is more than enough space on the hard drive? The problem may be caused by file system errors. To eliminate such “bugs”, you should check the FS.

  • Press "Windows+R" on your keyboard.
  • In the window that opens, type “cmd” and click “OK”
  • Now type in command line"chkdsk X: /f /r" and press "ENTER" (instead of the letter "X" you must enter the letter of the partition you are checking).
  • Scanning may not always be performed during operation operating system. In this case, the user will be prompted to check after reboot. If you receive such a message, click on the "Y" button.
  • It is not recommended to interrupt the file system check before it is completed. Be sure to wait for it to complete.

If none of the tips listed above helped, it is impossible to determine why “Tanks” do not start without additional research. In this case, to solve the problem, try reinstalling the game or contacting customer support.

The World of Tanks project has found many fans around the world, but many of us sometimes have a problem - World of Tanks does not start. Let's try to figure out what can cause this phenomenon and how to solve this problem. Let me make a reservation right away - it is assumed that your computer fully complies with the system requirements for this game, it has the Windows operating system installed, as well as the latest versions of drivers for motherboard, video cards and other equipment.

There are two main types of problems: the game launcher does not start and the client itself does not start. Let's look at each of them.

Problem: When launching WOTLauncher, the message “Critical error. Failed to install updates. The application cannot continue running. detailed information available in the log file."
Solution :
1) delete the folder located along the path C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp (for Windows 7 and Vista operating systems) or C:\Documents and Settings\UseName\Local Settings\temp (for Windows XP ),
2) delete the Updates folder from the root directory of the game;
3) restart the launcher and specify port number 6881 in the settings and allow it to use torrent sessions.

Problem: The World of Tanks launcher does not start, but the gear icon is constantly spinning.
Solution #1: Reset Internet Explorer browser settings;
Solution #2: Update your Java software and Adobe Flash to the last available version from the website of the manufacturer of this software;
Solution #3: Try reinstalling Internet Explorer.

Problem: The launcher starts and immediately disappears.
Solution: Try reinstalling Internet Explorer.

Problem: When you launch the launcher, the message “An unhandled exception has occurred.” appears. The application will be restarted."
Solution: Uninstall "Microsoft Visual C++" components from your PC, then reinstall them from the official website in the following order: Version 2010, then Version 2008 (for 86-bit systems) or Version 2008 SP1, then Version 2010 (for 64-bit systems) ).

Problem: The launcher has loaded, but the “Play” button is grayed out.
Solution: Try reinstalling Internet Explorer.

Problem: The launcher has loaded, but the status bar contains the message “Bootloader update: checking for updates.”
Solution: Try resetting your DNS settings.

Now let's move on to cases when World of Tanks does not start at the game client level. In most cases the problem is outdated drivers, however, since we decided at the beginning of the article that with software If everything is fine, then you can fix the problem in one of the following ways: - try adding the game folder to the trusted area of ​​your anti-virus software; - using programs that come with video cards, reset their settings to their original values; - try to “roll back” DirectX version up to version 10.0.

The next part of the text is for those who want to run World of Tanks on other operating systems. If you have Linux, then you cannot do without the wine program version 1.6 or higher - there is no native client for this OS family yet. The same applies to computers with MacOS - but for them there is a ported game client that can be downloaded from any torrent.

In general, what distinguishes the World of Tanks game from many others is its well-organized support service and forum. So if you didn’t find a solution in this article, then try going to the official website of the project indicating your own problem or studying the corresponding forum thread - you will probably find the information you need there.

There is probably not a young person in Russia who has not heard about World of Tanks, a real-time online game in the genre of an arcade tank simulator based on the Second World War. The exciting gameplay, combining shooter, strategy and role-playing at the same time, has attracted millions of fans around the world. As a result, Tanks became the most popular online game in 2012, 2013 and 2014. And even now interest in her does not wane. Unfortunately, sometimes problems occur with the game, due to which World of Tanks won't start and gamers are sad. So, so that they would not be upset, I made this post. The fact is that usually Tanks do not work due to one of a certain number of the most common reasons, which I will now talk about.

1. Tanks do not start

You click on the shortcut, but nothing happens - zero reaction.
To begin diagnostics, you need to check whether the launcher is working - a special utility that launches all software modules. To do this, go to the folder with installed game(usually C:\Games\World of Tanks) and run in it executable file worldoftanks.exe. Here he is:

If the game starts after that, then that is the problem. The bootloader-launcher is called WoTLauncher.exe and lies in the same folder:

It may not work because it is blocked by the computer's security system. This happens because proactive defense sees that some application is constantly accessing the Internet and downloading something. This behavior seems suspicious and the application is blocked. Try temporarily disabling your antivirus and checking the game.


In some cases, the antivirus may skip the launcher, but delete the game file itself. Then a warning will be issued - “The game cannot be started. The file worldoftanks.exe is missing"

In this case, you will need to go to the antivirus settings, restore deleted file from quarantine and add it to exceptions.

Common causes of game launch errors:

If Tanks don’t even launch directly, remember what you did before with the game or computer.

— Very often the cause of the crash is new mods. There will be a res_mods directory in the WoT folder. You need to clear its contents and try to run the program again.

— Maybe you updated your drivers or DirectX?! In this case, you should try to roll back to old version or use the point Windows recovery, which will allow you to return to the previous state of the operating system.

— Check that the drivers for your video card (Nvidia, Radeon) and DirectX are up to date. Update them if there are new versions.

- For normal operation games, the Visual C++ 2015 library package must be installed on the computer and .NET Framework version 4.0. Without them, it may also not start or produce various errors.

— Try completely reinstalling the game. Delete the existing copy, then download the installer from the official website and install the game on your PC again.

If you installed the game for the first time and World of Tanks does not start, check whether your computer meets the system requirements:

At least 36 GB of free disk space. - at least 2 GB of RAM. - minimum Internet speed 256 Kbps. - video cards from GeForce 6800 / ATI HD 2400 XT with 256 MB of memory. - DirectX not older than 9.0c. - Dual-core processor supporting SSE2 technology.

Script errors when starting World of Tanks

This kind of malfunction occurs in the browser due to the fact that the game is unable to run a script, without which it cannot work.
Typically, the cause of a script error is the operating system's security. Roughly speaking, the antivirus blocks the operation of scripts and scripts, regarding them as unsafe. Therefore, try deactivating your antivirus software for a while and check the game's operation.

If World of Tanks still does not start with a script error, try updating your browser; perhaps you are using a fairly old version that does not handle interaction with game files correctly.

Do not forget that as a result of software or even hardware failures, the scripts themselves can be damaged. Usually helps complete reinstallation games.

Worlds of Tanks client update error

Avid tankers have encountered update errors in Tanks at least once.

The reasons for the WoT update error are as follows:
— The server with game updates is unavailable
— Problems with Internet access
— Error with updates to certain mods or a certain game configuration.
To eliminate the first two reasons, you will have to “kick” the technical support of your provider. But in order to remove the glitch associated with mods, you will have to try to remove the game mods, as I said earlier, and see the result.
In some cases, again, only reinstalling the program can save you.

Error D3DX9_43.DLL, XC000007B, 0x00000003, etc.

All errors when World launch of Tanks related to system files and libraries are the result of problems that have arisen in the Windows operating system itself. For example, the D3DX9_43.DLL error usually means DirectX has failed, while the XC000007B error is associated with corruption of system files or changes in settings.

The same can happen if a virus is in control of the system.
The advice I’ll give here is this: check the OS good antivirus— DrWeb CureIT or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, then install latest version DirectX and update the drivers for your video card.

Game recovery

If the launcher loads without problems, but the Tanks game itself does not start, then there is another option that is integrated by the developers. To use it, go to Settings and go to the Support tab.

There will be a “Check” button here. By clicking on it, we will start the process of checking the integrity of the game files. If a problem is detected, the file will be restored.

P.S.: If none of my advice helped you, then do not forget that the game has an excellent support service that can also help you. You just need to correctly describe the problem and prepare several screenshots that will display the World of Tanks launch error. After that, go to the official website in the “Support” section and create a new request.

Dear site readers!

Today we will talk about errors in World of Tanks and how to solve them. There are many reasons for critical errors in wot, we have selected the most common ones and now we will tell you how to fix them. The methods we have proposed to fix problems with the game are not the only ones. We want you to understand this right away. If any solution does not help you, remember that there is always another way to restore access to World of Tanks. Write in detail about your problem in the comments, we will definitely answer you. So, what are the errors:

Critical error WOT error when starting the game

There are several ways to eliminate this critical error, and we will tell you about them. Most often this an error occurs when the World of Tanks launcher does not work.

What to do?

First of all, remember if you have recently installed new . If the error occurs after installing them, simply clear the /res_mods folder in the game's root directory.

If it's not a matter of mods, it's worth checking that the drivers installed on your computer are up to date. In particular:

  • Nvidia or Radeon video card driver
  • DirectX driver

Why doesn't the World of Tanks launcher work?

What is a launcher for the game World of Tanks- a launcher, or rather a launcher (from the English launcher - to launch, launcher) is a program for launching an application. IN in this case This is the window in which you see the "Play" button.

There are many reasons why the wot launcher may not work. But most often they are associated with problems installing updates, which we will mention below. That is, this error when starting the game is not associated with you or your PC. This is a Wargaming problem and the developers are already working on fixing it. Just wait a little and the problem will go away when the World of Tanks update comes out with a patch for this error.

World of Tanks launcher does not work on Windows

This problem is very common in different versions operating system Microsoft Windows. The launcher error may occur on:

  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows XP;
  • Windows 10
What to do?

The easiest way to solve the launcher error when starting the game for everyone Windows versions. You need to open the folder where it is installed World game of Tanks and run the executable file worldoftanks.exe there. This way you will launch the game bypassing the launcher. But remember that you must have the current version of World of Tanks, only then can you use this instructions for eliminating errors with the launcher.

Critical error in World of Tanks: update could not be installed

Main problems with game World of tanks are associated with updates. In progress wot updates Maybe:

  • internet freeze,
  • the update server may be unavailable for a short time,
  • The update itself may not be correct specifically for your hardware configuration or game with mods installed on it.

If you were unable to install the update, you need to try to start the update download process again. To do this, use wot launcher which we talked about above. If it is, you need to delete and reinstall the game.

World of Tanks script error

This category of problems is due to the fact that World of Tanks cannot run the script for executing commands to launch and normal operation of the game. Typically, this error occurs due to the fact that the player’s computer has an antivirus installed that controls key functions. It can block certain files on the PC depending on the antivirus settings.

Also, the script error is related to the inability of the updated version of World of Tanks to recognize current versions files in the game folder. This occurs due to errors in updating the game or because the scripts have been corrupted in some way. Checking the hash and checksum of all files downloaded from the World of Tanks website or simply reinstalling the game will help here.

Error 0xc000007b

Perhaps one of the most common problems associated with games is error 0xc000007b. It means that system files Windows is damaged or you have made adjustments to the operating system, limiting the ability to run certain libraries.

It happens that players abuse graphics settings, creating problems for the video card driver in executing certain sets of commands required for . To resolve this error, try to set the default values ​​where you changed them.

World of Tanks game does not start error d3dx9_43.dll

The file d3dx9_43.dll is the standard DirectX library. To resolve this error, install the latest version of DirectX on your computer. Please note that some Windows versions and other OS drivers are not installed as standard. Moreover, they are not included in the delivery and are third party application. It's just that almost everyone uses it. Therefore, this set of drivers must be installed manually. Then the d3dx9_43.dll error in World of Tanks will be eliminated.