German-Russian dictionary. Frank-Walter Steinmeier - biography, photos Virtual keyboard for the German layout

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on German you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for German-Russian translation, you need to enter text in German in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu German, on Russian.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Russian text.

Specialized German dictionaries

If the source text to be translated relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized German dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. The default dictionary is for general German vocabulary.

Virtual keyboard for German layout

If German keyboard not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. Virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the German alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from German.

As in any other language, the first difficulty for a translator when translating from German into Russian is choosing the correct meaning of a polysemantic word. Even the stem of a word in German can have very different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
German word order places the conjugated part of the predicate last in the subordinate clause. This means that its “semantic core” will be voiced only at the end of the phrase. This should be taken into account when translating sentences from German into similar sentences in Russian.
As with any other language, when translating German text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.

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Frank-Walter Steinmeier Frank-Walter Steinmeier Career: Minister
Birth: Germany, 5.1.1956
Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany.

Vice-Chancellor of Germany since 2007, Federal Foreign Minister in Angela Merkel's coalition government since 2005. Head of the department of the Federal Chancellor in 1999-2005. Vice-chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany since October 2007, the only one of the main associates of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Likely contender for the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany following the parliamentary elections in 2009.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier was born on January 5, 1956 in the village of Brakelsiek, near the small town of Detmold (North Rhine-Westphalia) in Germany. Steinmeier's father was a carpenter, his mother worked in a factory. From the age of 6, he studied at school in Detmold, in 1966 he transferred to a gymnasium in the neighboring town of Blomberg, was fond of football and played as a midfielder in the club TuS 08 Brakelsiek. After graduating from high school in 1974, Steinmeier served in the army for two years. In 1975, he joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany, or SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD). After the army, Steinmeier was going to build a career as a sports presenter or an architect, but in the end he decided to become a lawyer, since this specialty promised more significant profits. From 1976 to 1982 he studied at the Justus Liebisch University in Giessen, first studying law, and from 1980 he studied at the department of political science. After passing the first state legal exams, Steinmeier obtained legal practice in Frankfurt am Main and Giessen, and worked as an assistant at the Department of Public Law and Political Science at the University of Giessen. Steinmeier passed the second state legal exams, giving the right to practice law, in 1986.

In 1991, Steinmeier defended his doctoral dissertation on administrative measures to combat homelessness and was hired as a consultant on information law and media policy to the office of the head of the Lower Saxony region, who was then Gerhard Schroeder. In this position, Steinmeier proved himself to be a hardworking, loyal employee to Schröder. From 1993 to 1994, he headed Schroeder's personal bureau. From 1994 to 1996, Steinmeier was Director of the Department for Policy Directives, Coordination and Planning of the Offices of the State of Lower Saxony, and from 1996 to 1998, State Secretary and Head of the State Chancellery of the State of Lower Saxony. During his work in Lower Saxony, he became Schröder's confidant and was part of the so-called "Hanoverian mafia", consisting of members of the SPD and colleagues of the future chancellor. Behind effective work departments and skillful negotiations with the SPD's coalition ally, the Green Party, Steinmeier received the nickname Gray Efficiency (Die Graue Effizienz).

After Gerhard Schröder's victory in the elections of German Chancellor, from November 1998 to July 1999, Steinmeier was State Secretary of the Federal Government and Commissioner for the Coordination of Intelligence Services. In July 1999, he was appointed head of the department of the Federal Chancellor and was a member of the German Security Council. Despite the importance of his post, Steinmeier avoided the press and was not known to the public; he was called “Schroeder’s right hand” and “eminence grise.” He authored many key laws, including unpopular pension and tax reforms that cut government funding social system. Along with Federal Foreign Minister Joseph Fischer, Steinmeier influenced German foreign policy, was a supporter of rapprochement with Russia, and participated in the development of a project to lay a pipeline under the Baltic Sea. Steinmeier's attitude towards the United States was cool: after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, FBI officials complained that German intelligence agencies, led by Steinmeier, were reluctant to share information with them. Steinmeier negotiated with the United States in 2002 about plans to invade Iraq and in early 2003 announced to the US ambassador to Germany that Germany would not participate in the military operation. Steinmeier played an important role in the Middle East settlement, acting as a mediator between Israel and Hezbollah.

In November 2005, following the election of Angela Merkel as Federal Chancellor of Germany, Steinmeier was suddenly appointed to the post of Federal Foreign Minister, becoming the first member of the SPD to hold this post since Willy Brandt. According to rumors, his direction was due to the fact that German financial circles did not want a sharp change in German foreign policy, especially in relation to Russia. After his appointment, Steinmeier was quick to appease the US, which was concerned about his pro-Russian stance and past problems in intelligence cooperation, but continued to benefit from good relations with Russian presidents, first Vladimir Putin and then Dmitry Medvedev. In particular, he spoke out against the deployment of US military bases in Eastern Europe without the consent of Moscow.

Steinmeier refused to meet with the 14th Dalai Lama in May 2008 and, in contrast to Merkel, was opposed to the isolation of China, Iran and other countries on the grounds of their "undemocratic" nature. In the first half of 2007, Steinmeier served as President of the Council of the European Union. He supported Turkey's entry into the EU and the creation of an independent state of Kosovo. In 2008, Steinmeier proposed a three-stage project for resolving the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, one that involved the return of refugees, the restoration of Abkhazia using Georgian finances and, in the future, the determination of the political status of Abkhazia, although both sides rejected that same protocol.

In November 2007, following the resignation of Franz Muntefering, Steinmeier became vice-chancellor of Germany, the second person in the state.

Although Steinmeier had never held a position in the Social Democratic Party before his appointment as one of the vice-chairmen of the SPD in October 2007, he was repeatedly named as a likely candidate for the position of Federal Chancellor of Germany from the SPD, and yet Steinmeier himself denied these assumptions, declaring that he will support the candidacy of SPD chairman Kurt Beck.

Steinmeier is married, his wife is administrative arbitrator Elke Buedenbender. The couple has a daughter born in 1996. Steinmeier and his family live in one of the most prestigious areas of Berlin - Sechlendorf. Several times a year he visits his parents and brother Dirk Steinmeier, who live in Detmold. Steinmeier is interested in football.

The German alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with diacritics for vowels ( ä , ö , ü ) and a letter ß , not used in other languages. There are alternative spellings for these letters: ae, oe, ue, ss, but when using them, the uniqueness is lost.

2. Transliteration

Some German letters are transmitted unambiguously into Russian:

b b n n t T
d d p P w V
f f q To x ks
g G r R y And
m m ß With z ts

3. J

Combinations j + vowel transmitted this way:

At the beginning of a word and after vowels jaI, (je) → e, joyo, joyo, juYu, juyu: JahnsJens, JulyYule;

After consonants jaya, (je) → ye, joyo, joyo, ju (ju)→ yu: LiljeLilje.

Before a consonant and at the end of a word jth.

4. Vowels and their combinations

German diphthongs are transcribed according to the following rules: euOuch, eiah, ieAnd. A common tradition is to transmit eu (ei) → Hey (to her) today is considered obsolete, although many first and last names are transmitted precisely according to these rules: ReutersReuters, GeigerGeiger.

After vowels e (ä ) → uh, ith. At the beginning of the word e (ä , ö ) → uh, ü And.

In other cases, vowels are transmitted by transliteration: aA, e (ä ) → e, iAnd, oO, ö e, uat, ü Yu, yAnd.

5. S, C, H

Letter combinations sch, chh, ch, ph, rh, th in transcription are transmitted, respectively: schw, chhxg, chX, phf, rhR, thT.

Combinations tsch, zsch And chs entirely belonging to one syllable are transmitted according to the rules tsch (zsch) → h, chsks: AchslachAkslah, ZschopauChopau. Sometimes the components of these letter combinations belong to different syllables, in which case they are transmitted independently: AltschulAltshul.

Before front vowels ( i, e, in borrowings also y) Withts: CilliCilli. In other contexts cTo: CarlCharles.

Before letters p And t at the beginning of a word or part of a compound word sw: SpreeSpree. Single before vowels sh, otherwise sWith.

In the position between a vowel and a consonant (or between a vowel and e) h omitted in transcription. In other positions hX.

The tradition is to transmit everywhere hG today it is considered outdated, but many first and last names are transmitted precisely according to this rule: TannhauserTannhäuser, HeisenbergHeisenberg.

The “transcriptor” does not know how to divide German words into syllables and compound words into parts.

6. Consonants

Letter combinations gk And tz transmitted according to the rules gkG, tzts.

Doubled ll is transmitted differently, depending on the position in the word:

Between vowels llll: EllerbachEllerbach;

At the end of a word and between consonants llll: TellkoppeTellkoppe;

In other positions lll or l.

Before vowels ll, before consonants and at the end of words ll.

In German names and titles vf: VolkmarVolkmar. But in names of foreign origin v can be transmitted through V: CrivitzKrivitz.

The "transcriptor" always conveys v How f.

7. Double letters

Doubled (long) German vowels are always rendered as one: KlopeinerseeKlopeinersee.

Doubled German consonants are also translated as doubled in transcription if they are located between vowels or at the end of a word. In other positions, doubled German consonants correspond to one consonant letter of the transcription: BlattBlatt, SchaffranSaffron.

Letter combination ck corresponds kk in the position between vowels, otherwise ckTo: BeckerBecker, DickDick.

German is spoken by more than 100 million people in the world. Therefore, in any translation agency, texts in German are frequent and welcome guests. German is spoken by the Germans themselves, the Austrians and the Swiss. It is one of the official languages ​​of Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Belgium. Belongs to the Germanic branch of the large Indo-European language family. Translation from German is specialized at the Martin agency.

The fact that there is such a significant number of dialects of the German language in Germany is explained by the specific historical development of the country, which has a rich and eventful history.

Back in the 1st and 2nd centuries, on the territory that today belongs to Germany, there lived many nationalities that interacted with each other: they traded, fought, and expanded their possessions.

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German translation

Then the “great migration of peoples” happened and many more tribes and peoples settled beyond the Alps.

They all came with their own language and customs. Historians claim that the largest were the Allemans, Bavarians, Swabians, Thuringians, Hessians, Franks, Saxons and Frisians. Over time, the borders changed, principalities and associations were formed. Even today, a specialist can understand from the peculiarities of speech which part of Germany the speaker is from. The basis of the German alphabet, like many Western European languages, is Latin, but adapted to local realities. This process was spontaneous, each school at the monastery put forward its own demands. This was reflected in the written monuments of that time and influenced the translation of the German language. The popularization of Christianity and the development of trade also contributed to the spread of writing.

German translator

Unlike many Western European countries, where the standard language is the one spoken in the capital, German, as linguists have proven, is a combination of Middle and High German dialects. Berlin speech is not very well understood in other lands.

German translators call the southern dialects “High German” because of the mountainous terrain, while the northern dialects are called “Low German” because they are dominated by flat landscapes.

Dialects are widely used in speech, and the literary language prevails in public life and in the media.

Modern German is divided by linguists into the general German literary form (Hochdeutsch), regional spoken languages, of which there are many: Berlin, North German, Upper Saxon-Thuringian, Württemberg, Baden, Bavarian, Palatinate, Hesse, as well as numerous dialects within dialects, and territorial dialects like such. And it’s good for a translator to understand all this variety of forms and styles.

Translation into German

And there are also Swiss and Austrian German, which have their own grammatical, word-formation, lexical and phonetic features.

The language of any people is a reflection of its history, and due to the centuries-old turbulent history of Germany, today the language has so many variants, dialects and dialects that should be taken into account when translating into German.

Translate German text

The spelling system of the German language is historical. This means that there are often disagreements between sound and spelling. And although at the end of the last century attempts were made to modernize German spelling, so far they have not been crowned with much success. It was planned to bring the spelling in line with the pronunciation by 2005, but in 2004 it became clear that native speakers were closer and more familiar with the traditional rules for translating German texts. The new spelling often led to confusion and errors in the most serious documents. As a result, innovations had to be abandoned. Proper names from German are transliterated into Russian in a fairly simple, but conditional algorithm, which does not always reflect the actual pronunciation of the name in the original language. Territorial dialects are also here to stay when it comes to oral translation. However, experts advise not to worry that they won’t understand you. On the contrary, knowledge of dialects will always make the translator closer to the audience.

Specialists who practice German know that in written translation all nouns, adjectives and pronouns “You” and “You” should be capitalized. And this is in addition to proper names, of course.

Unlike the inflected Russian language, in which the categories of gender and number are conveyed using endings, German has special articles denoting gender. The same applies to cases. You have to remember not the endings, as when studying Latin or French, but the articles.

Translation from German to Russian

The grammatical tense system consists of three past and two future tenses. There are clear rules that prescribe the control of a verb, that is, its ability to require words in specific cases to join it. Unlike Russian, the language of Heine and Goethe has four cases - nominative, genitive, dative and accusative. The meaning of both the predicate and the entire sentence often depends on the choice of preposition or case.
An adjective always has an auxiliary function with a noun. Adverbs have the same form as adjectives, which makes working with the text more difficult. Just as English and German do not accept double negation in a sentence, here too it is not the subject that acts, but the object (not “I have”, but “I have”).