Unidentified network without Internet access - What to do? Unidentified network without Internet access - solution! An unidentified Windows 7 network appears.

Quite often, when connecting to the Internet, you can see the message “unidentified network without Internet access.”

Obviously, it indicates that connecting to the World Wide Web on this moment impossible.

Moreover, such a message can be seen both when connecting directly, via cable, and when connecting via wifi. Its appearance does not depend on whether a laptop or a full-fledged PC is used.

Moreover, it can also occur when connecting via a phone or tablet. Therefore, it would be useful to understand why this error occurs and what can be done about it.

We will divide all the many tips into two categories - when the system writes such a message when connecting directly and when connecting via wifi.

Solution. When connected directly

In this case, the error will look like this.

In general, if you use a direct connection, then the most common cause of this problem is problems on the ISP side.

It's very easy to check - if you didn't change any settings and everything worked fine some time ago, then this is the reason.

You can also check this by connecting the cable to another device or through a router - if the problem persists, this is not the cause.

But if this is the case, there is only one way to solve it and it is to call your provider and have a specialist come to your home.

Incorrect IPv4 settings

Another very common cause of this problem on Windows systems is a failure of the IPv4 protocol settings. To fix this problem, you need to do the following:

  • Go to "Network and Sharing Center" shared access" This is done very simply - you need to right-click on the network connection icon in the quick launch panel. After that, select the desired item.
    It all looks as shown in the figure.
  • Select the item “Change adapter settings” on the left side of the window that opens.

  • Right-click on your connection and select “Properties”.

Note: It is quite possible that in your case the network will be called differently. You need to look at what it is called when you try to connect, that is, in the window shown in the figure. The same connection must be selected in the menu shown in the figure.

  • The window shown in Figure A opens. There you need to select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” (it is highlighted in red) and click the “Properties” button (highlighted in green). After this, a window similar to that shown in Figure B will open.
    You need to make sure that the automatic data acquisition items (they are highlighted in yellow frames) are checked. In most cases this should be the case. But at this stage it would be useful to take your contract with the provider in hand.
    It is quite possible that the provider requires that there be some special data there. In this case, you need to check the boxes highlighted in blue and enter the data from the contract in the fields with the same color. After all the manipulations, click the “OK” button.

If nothing connects now, you can try restarting the computer. Does not help? Go ahead!

Problems with TCP/IP

Also, the cause of the error described above may be failures in the TCP/IP protocol settings.

Most effective method To rule out this option is to simply reset all these settings.

This is done as follows:

  • Launch the command line as administrator. The easiest way to do this is using the following sequence of actions:
  • Open the “Start” menu (highlighted in red in the figure);
  • Click “All Programs”, find the “Standard” folder there (shown with an orange frame);
  • On the “Command Line” item (highlighted green) right-click;
  • Select “Run as administrator” (highlighted in blue).

  • We write the following there: “netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt” as shown in the figure. Press Enter and restart the computer.

Clue: the above inscription can be copied directly from here using a key combinationCTRL+C, and in the command line you need to right-click on free space and click "Insert".

If this method fails for some reason, you can download a special utility to reset TCP/IP settings at support.microsoft.com/kb/299357.

After downloading it, you just need to launch it, the program will do everything itself.

Problems with DHCP

To check this option, you should run command line in the manner described above and write “ipconfig” there.

If “169.254.[any number].[any number]” is written next to the “Main gateway” (it’s underlined in the figure),” most likely the problem is with DHCP.

To fix this problem, do the following:

  • We go to the device manager. To do this, in the “Start” menu, launch “Control Panel” (shown in blue in the figure). After that, in the search bar (highlighted in red) we write “Device Manager”.
    We launch the one next to which it says “Update device drivers” (highlighted in green).

  • In the manager we find the item “Network adapters” (it is underlined in the figure), on ours (there may be additional ones - virtual ones, but virtual ones usually say “Virtual”), right-click and select the item “Properties” (highlighted in red).
    In the menu that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, find the “Network Address” item in the list and in the “Value” field (highlighted in blue) write any 16-bit number with 12 characters. You can write one as shown in the figure. Click "OK".

  • Open the command line as described above and write “ipconfig /release”, press Enter, then “ipconfig /renew” and Enter again.

  • Reboot the computer.

If all this does not help, there is only one thing left to do - call the operator and ask for help.

Important: For all the methods described above, the interface was usedWindows7, in other versions of the operating system the appearance of the windows may be slightly different, but the essence remains the same.

Solution. When connecting via a router

IN in this case There can be many reasons, but checking whether the problem is really in the router is very simple.

To do this, the Internet cable with an RJ45 tip must be removed from the router and connected directly to the computer.

If the Internet appears in this way, then the problem is really in the router. There may be something wrong with its settings.

To eliminate this option, your best bet is to simply reset all settings.

To do this, you need to find a special connector on the back of the device, which looks like the one shown in the figure.

On some routers, “Reset” is written next to it, then finding this connector will not be difficult.

You need to insert a needle, match or something like that into it, press the button located inside with this object, and hold it in this state for several seconds.

After this, you can try to connect again and reconfigure the router.

What else we can do is update the wifi adapter drivers. To do this, go to the device manager in the manner described above.

Only in the “Network adapters” section you need to select the one whose name will include the inscription “wifi”.

Right-click on it and select “Update drivers...”, then follow the instructions in the explorer.

Basically, that's all we can do in this case. If all this does not help, we call our provider again and get a visit from a specialist.

The reasons for this error and ways to eliminate it are clearly shown in the video below.

Network without Internet access (unidentified network)

Unidentified network without Internet access - What to do?

The Internet is capturing more and more users around the world. The network can be accessed through computers, tablets, smartphones if there is a Wi-Fi network or a direct connection cable. However, when operating computers and laptops, an error such as “Unidentified network without Internet access” or “Restricted” may occur (depending on Windows versions). It's easy to fix, but first you need to understand the cause of the problem.

What does the error with the text “Unidentified network without Internet access” mean?

Error like “Unidentified network without Internet access” or “Restricted” (for later operating systems Windows 8, 8.1, 10) means that the computer sees a connection to the network, but for some reason this network does not have access to the Internet. There are not many reasons, since the error indicates that everything is fine with the computer’s hardware, the network card and cord are not damaged, and the problem lies directly in the connection.

“Unidentified network without Internet access” indicates the impossibility of connecting the network to the global web

The reasons can be divided into three categories:

  • problems on the part of the provider - the service provider carries out engineering works with its servers or closes traffic to the address if the funds on your personal balance run out;
  • error with the router - the settings have gone wrong or the device has simply overheated;
  • software errors in the computer:
    • IP address settings are lost;
    • DNS cache is dirty;
    • Internet protocol settings were violated;
    • There were minor problems with Windows services.

How to find and fix the cause of the error in Windows XP, 7 or 10

Restart your computer before troubleshooting. It is quite possible that one of the services that is responsible for network protocols has failed, and you can restart all services by simply rebooting the PC. And if this procedure did not help, we begin to delve into the reasons in more detail.

If the error occurs on the provider side

We follow the chain of connection to the Internet. The first link is the provider. You need to call the service provider's support line, give your address and report that there has been no access to the Internet for some time. Provider employees are required to:

If the problem is with the Wi-Fi router

The router can also cause the lack of Internet. To make sure of this, you need to try connecting another computer, laptop or smartphone to the network. If you cannot open a website or instant messenger on all connected devices, then the problem is clearly in the router.

Unfortunately, fixing technical problems with your router is extremely difficult. You must contact service center or directly to the provider if the device was provided by them. But if a failure occurs in the software part, there are two main methods for returning the router to working condition at home:

  1. Disconnect the device from power for a while. Some experts say that 30 seconds is enough, others advise increasing the period to 15 minutes. In any case, it is important that the router is not exposed to static electricity for some time. Afterwards it can be returned to working condition.
  2. Reset settings to factory defaults. There is a special button on the device body for this procedure. It may be called Reset or WPS. You must press this button and do not release it for 10–15 seconds. After this, all changes in the web admin will be returned to their original state, the router will literally be “as good as new.”

If the problem is in the computer software

The last link is the computer itself. For each sphere to work, several services, protocols, and correct settings are always required (the user has access to many, so sometimes we ourselves don’t know what we are disabling). Incorrect intervention or an accidental failure can lead to a chain reaction and access to the Internet will simply be cut off. Therefore, when you make changes to certain system parameters, always remember what exactly you changed and in what place, so that you can correct what you have done.

Correcting the situation with the error “Unidentified network without Internet access” on your computer involves making changes to the IPv4 protocol or resetting the settings and cache of all system Internet protocols.

Setting an automatic IP address and DNS server

First of all, you need to check whether your computer has automatic IP address and DNS server settings.

  1. On the keyboard, simultaneously press the Win and R keys. In the utility that opens, enter the command control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkandSharingCenter and click “OK”.

    Through the execution utility, open the “Network and Sharing Center”

  2. In the interface that opens, we find a connection that does not have access to the Internet and click the link opposite. In the “Status” window of the network, click the “Properties” button.

    Open the “Status” of the problematic network

  3. In the “Properties” window of the network, select the line called “IPv4 Protocol” and press the “Properties” button again.
  4. We move the toggle switches to the automatic position and save the changes using the “OK” button in all interfaces.

    In the network properties, set automatic parameters for the IP address and DNS server

  5. Reboot the PC.

The DNS server fields can be filled as and in the corresponding fields.

Resetting Internet Protocols

Often network problems arise due to network protocols in Windows. Some may change under the influence of the user or viruses, others may become cluttered (for example, the DNS cache). All this can lead to problems with your Internet connection. Possible solution The problem may be resetting all protocols, DNS cache and proxy server settings.

Video: how to reset network settings

Fixing the “Unidentified network without Internet access” error is simple; you just need to try troubleshooting methods one by one, or just wait if the problem is on the provider’s side.

When the Internet suddenly turns off, we, as a rule, begin to climb through the jungle of settings of the Windows operating system in order to somehow try to regain access to the precious information flow. Ultimately, we get into the settings of our Internet connection and see the message “IPv4 without access to the Internet or network.”

It's obvious that this information has something to do with the loss of the Internet, right? That’s right, and in this article we will tell you how to fix the “IPv4 without Internet access” problem. It can be solved by a huge number in all possible ways and we'll look at them all.

However, first we need to specify possible reasons loss of the Internet and the appearance of this alarming message.

  • Incorrect Internet connection settings, which could be set by the user himself or due to some changes in the system.
  • Problems encountered on the user's provider side.
  • Various errors and failures in the Windows operating system, due to which access to the network may be blocked or connection settings may be reset.
  • Malfunctions of the router(router).
  • Exposure to any viruses or malware software(very rare cases).

Before we move on to consider the methods that can be used in this situation, there is one more thing to point out. Next to the message “IPv4 without network access” you can see a line that will tell you that IPv6 is also without Internet access.

Let's return to the problem with "IPv4 without network access" and the lack of Internet on your computer. Let's look at what you can try to do in this situation.

Errors and crashes in Windows work This is far from new to all users of this controversial operating system. It is possible that just one of these errors in some strange way was able to block your access to the Internet. To check this probability, simply reboot your system.

If, after rebooting the system, you have access to the Internet, and the line “IPv4 without network access” has changed, then this was just a one-time failure in the system. If the situation has not changed, then let's move on.

Method No. 2 Restart the router

A router is not the most reliable network equipment and sometimes it can easily start to malfunction, block access to the Internet, reduce the speed of the network connection and create other problems. If you suddenly lost internet and found “IPv4 without internet access”, then try resetting your router.

Resetting your router is quite simple: unplug the power from it, wait about thirty seconds, and then plug it back into power. Wait for your system to detect network connection, and then check for the problem.

Method #3 Checking connection settings

If you recently changed something in the settings of your Internet connection, then this could be the reason for its disconnection and the “IPv4 without Internet access” state. The problem could have arisen due to some changes in the settings. For example, did you try to set some static addresses for IP or DNS?

Go to your connection settings and set everything to the same values ​​if they were previously changed. If you haven’t changed anything, then still go to the network connection settings( Win+R→ncpa.cpl→Properties→Information) and make sure everything is set correctly.

Method No. 4 Disabling the router

If resetting your router did not fix the "IPv4 without internet access" status and your connection settings are fine, then the problem may be with your router. Try connecting your computer to the network via a wired connection, i.e. without the presence of a router in combination.

So, if you connected a cable from the Internet to your computer and gained access to it, then the situation arose definitely because of the router, in which either the settings changed, which led to the “IPv4 without Internet access” state, or something happened to the router itself. device.

You can try restoring the router to factory settings in its parameters, which are available in most cases at (the address for setting is indicated on the device box or on its body). If you have configured the router yourself, then you understand perfectly well what values ​​should be set there.

Method No. 5 Disabling/removing antivirus

Antivirus software is responsible for protecting your system from various malicious elements that are constantly trying to enter and harm it. Some antiviruses do their job well, but others, so to speak, go too far.

If you have a third-party antivirus installed on your system, try disabling it or even uninstalling it, as it could easily block your network connection. This happens rarely (mostly antiviruses block some files, even system ones, but not the connection), but it still happens.

If disabling/uninstalling the antivirus did not help return the Internet and “IPv4 without Internet access” still remains in place, then you can also try disabling Windows Defender (not relevant for Windows users 7), a system antivirus that should have been activated after removing third-party antivirus software.

Method #6 Disabling Windows Firewall

Another reason that could be behind “IPv4 without internet access” is Windows Firewall. This firewall may be blocking your network connection. Now we will try to disable your Firewall for a while and see what happens:

  • Right-click on Start.
  • Select "Control Panel".
  • Select Windows Firewall.
  • Click on "Turn on and off" Windows Firewall" on the left side of the window.
  • Check the boxes that will disable the firewall for private and public networks.
  • Confirm the changes.

Go to the Details window of your network connection, which can be found in the Network and Sharing Center, and see if Protocol Version 4 has Internet access. If not, then let's move on.

Method No. 7 Setting the DNS server address from Google

If you suddenly lost access to the Internet, then you can try to perform one specific, so to speak, trick, which sometimes helps to return your computer to the network. So, it consists in setting static addresses for the DNS server.

To do this, do the following:

  • Press the key combination Windows+R.
  • Write in the blank line ncpa.cpl and press Enter to open the Network Connections window.
  • Find your network connection and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  • In the “Status” window, click on the “Properties” button.
  • Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component, and then click the Properties button.
  • Set the following addresses for the DNS server:
    • Preferred DNS Server:
    • Alternative DNS server:
  • Confirm the changes and close the window.

Having set static addresses for the DNS server instead of automatic ones, try looking at your Internet connection information again. Well, “IPv4 without network access” is still present. If yes, then we will now try to do something else that may help you regain access to the Internet.

Method No. 8 Setting a static IP address

The last point in our article will be advice on setting a static IP address for your connection, which, undoubtedly, also sometimes allows you to resolve the situation with the missing Internet and the problem in the form of “IPv4 without access to the network or the Internet.”

Here's what you need to do to set a static IP for your connection:

  • Press the keys Windows+R.
  • Write in line ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
  • Double click on your Internet connection.
  • Select your connection properties.
  • Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

Here you will have to put certain values. First, you need to find out the address of your router (since this step applies to owners of a wireless connection). For example, the most common address is, but it can be different. As mentioned above, it should be written on the router box or on its case. Once you know the address you need, follow these steps:

  • In the IP address line you need to enter the router address, but only slightly modified. → Add a zero to the end of the address.
  • We do not enter anything into the mask line, because it will be set automatically.
  • In the default gateway line we enter the already familiar address of your router, for example

Save your Internet connection changes and then check for Internet connectivity and "IPv4 without network access" issues. How's it going? Still nothing. Well, in this case, you can point out a couple more not methods, but tips for this situation:

  • It is possible that a virus has entered your system and has somehow managed to block your network connection. Check your system with an antivirus scanner.
  • The problem with the lack of Internet and “IPv4 without Internet access” may lie on the side of your provider. Contact your providers and find out if there are any problems on their side.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Users of computers and laptops running OS MS Windows 7 often encounter problems connecting to the Internet wirelessly. One of them is “Without Internet access” (connection is limited) via Wi-Fi technology. Everything seems to be configured and connected correctly, but you cannot access the network. On the connection icon located in the notification area, you see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.

This means that the network is active, but there is no Internet. Hover your cursor and you will see this message: “No Internet access.” “In other versions of the Windows operating system, the text will be slightly different: “Connection is restricted.” But changing the words does not change the meaning of this problem - there is no access to the network on your device.

And if you open the Network Sharing Center, you will most likely see the inscription “Unidentified network”. Many users face this problem and the solutions vary. If you have such an error on Windows 10 or 8, look for ways to resolve it in our separate article. And here we will show how to solve the problem “without access to the Internet” specifically for Windows version seven.

This error appears regardless of how the computer is connected to the Internet - via an Ethernet cable (directly or via a router) or using wireless access. But again, we have a separate article on Ethernet connections. And here we will only consider wireless connection By Wi-Fi networks. Separate instructions for each connection are more convenient and understandable.

So, you have connected the Internet on a personal computer, desktop or laptop, by wireless router. There is a connection, but the Internet itself is missing. Now we will try to fix the connection error by first finding the cause.

“No Internet access” over a wireless network in Windows 7: possible solutions

There are many solutions offered by both ordinary users and specialists. We have repeatedly encountered the problem of limited connection (no access to the network), and we can safely say that there are only three reasons: incorrectly configured router parameters or its malfunction, a failure on the side of the Internet provider and problems with the computer itself.

And if we find one of these three reasons, consider that the solution has been found.

So what you should do first thing:

  1. You connect to the Internet by first setting up your router. And if after connecting the device to the computer you see the status “not available” and Exclamation point on the antenna icon, which means it's all about incorrect router settings. The connection status indicates that the Internet is not available on this device. And we just found out the reason - the router is to blame. But what? First, you may have forgotten to configure your router to work with your service provider, or you may have set the wrong settings. Secondly, the router itself may not be configured correctly. Don't forget that each model has its own setup instructions. Thirdly, the router may simply be faulty. And to determine this, connect from a smartphone, for example. If the Internet does not work, the router is to blame.
  2. Everything was fine with access to the Wi-Fi network, but after turning it on, restarting the computer, or while surfing, the connection disappeared. The very first thing to do is reboot both the router and computer. After reboot, connect wireless Internet. In most cases, the problem of unexpected connection loss is resolved.
  3. A common reason for lack of Internet access after connecting the computer to wireless wifi network is banal cable. Yes, the one that goes from your network provider to your router. For example, there are cases when users do not fully connect it to the WAN connector or even confuse the connectors. And this happens when, instead of the WAN, due to an accidental error or ignorance, the cable is connected to the LAN connectors.
  4. And it also happens that the reason for limited access to the network is even more trivial than in the case of connectors. You can spend several hours setting up your router, changing DNS addresses and puzzling over other reasons, and then remember that the personal account has run out of funds. Check your balance!
  5. To effectively solve a problem, you need to determine the cause. As we wrote above, this could be a service provider (provider), the computer itself or the router (technical fault or incorrect settings when connected). Finding the reason won't be difficult. First thing connect from another device(smartphone, tablet, ultrabook, PC) to this router. If the Internet works fine, look for the problem in the first device - a laptop or computer. But if not, we choose one of two options - the problem is with the provider (incorrectly configured, no connection) or with the router (technically faulty or parameters set incorrectly). To determine who exactly is at fault, connect the cable directly to the laptop, without a router. Well, here everything is simple: the Internet appeared - the router is to blame, it still doesn’t work - the problem is with the provider or, again, with the PC. To begin with, eliminate technical work on the provider’s side by calling the support service. Perhaps they are just carrying out preventive work. Another way to determine the cause of a limited Internet connection is to connect the router to the wrong wireless technology, but using an Ethernet network cable.

So, we found the reason, now we’ll tell you how to fix everything.

Error “No Internet access” problem in the computer (laptop)

If you connected the router to a smartphone or other laptop, and the Internet on this device started working, then it is your computer that is to blame for the lack of access to the network. What can be done in this case? If possible, connect to another Internet, not Wi-Fi, and check if there is access. If the Internet suddenly disappears, remember what you did before. Maybe they connected or turned off some Windows service, installed a new application or antivirus software, changed network parameters, programs, etc., etc. Remember.

If you don’t remember any “sins”, let’s try the most popular solution first - change the DNS and IP parameters. For example, if you received addresses automatically, let's set them manually. And vice versa: if you registered them manually, we will change the option to receive them automatically. So, let's do the following.

  • Click on the antenna icon with a yellow sign to enter the “Network Management Center”.

  • There on the left there is an option for “Change adapter settings”. Click on it.

  • Find your wireless adapter and look at its “Properties”. Specifically, we need the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” parameters. See which items are ticked. If you get DNS and IP automatically, uncheck the box and specify static addresses. How to do this is shown in the picture below. But before you enter these parameters, make sure that the router’s IP matches (look at the address indicated on the router sticker). And specify the DNS addresses as follows: , .

  • If you opened the properties of “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and saw the specified parameters there, uncheck the static settings and set the address to be obtained automatically. That is, we try everything in reverse, or both in turn.

Enabling Federal Compliance Mode (FIPS)) - as a possible solution

Let's try to use the FIPS mode, and maybe it will help. Click on the antenna icon in the notification area, where the yellow triangle with an exclamation mark still pleases the eye.

To do this, go to the “Changing adapter parameters” section (discussed above), there find your “problem” Wireless network" and open its "Properties". A new window with tabs will open. Select Security and click on the button with Additional parameters. This is where the compatibility mode with FIPS, the American information processing standard, is turned on.

Check the box, click OK and reboot to activate the new settings.

  • What else can you come up with if none of the above, alas, works? Try to stop for a while everything that interferes normal operation network or completely blocks it. It could be antivirus program , which first appeared on your computer, browser extensions installed after its installation, a firewall, etc.
  • You can also download and install new driver for an adapter (downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop or PC) or replace it with another one available in the system. Read about this in the article (it describes Windows 10, everything is the same on Windows 7).

Is the problem with the router or the Internet provider? How to fix this problem

Checking the provider is very simple - connecting directly without a router (to network cable) If you have internet, call tech. support. This could be anything - from equipment breakdown and preventative maintenance to simple non-payment of services. Therefore, before setting up a router, connecting a cable, etc., call your provider or go to their website.

If the router does not work on other devices too, check correct connection cables and the settings themselves. See the picture and correct if yours is different:

If the cable was connected incorrectly, correct it and be sure to reboot the router.

If the internet still doesn't work, check if it's configured correctly. Your device may not be able to communicate with your service provider because you have configured the wrong parameters to connect to it. Open the router settings (this is the Internet or WAN tab, depending on the model) and set the correct connection used by the network service provider, as well as other settings. Each router model is configured differently. Look for the instructions for your device and configure it as needed. There is nothing complicated in the router settings even for an untrained user, if you follow the recommendations exactly.

These are the solutions to this common error in Windows 7. And if you correctly determine the cause of the problem (equipment failure, maintenance work at the provider, forgot to pay for services, or incorrect router settings, or computer malfunction), your wireless Internet will work.

If you have any other solutions, please share with us. And stay tuned for our updates, maybe it will appear new way, which will help solve the error with limited Wi-Fi connection personal computers on the MS Windows 7 operating system.

Today I will look at a situation that users of operating systems often encounter Windows 7 And Windows 8. The essence of the problem is this: there is a connection to the network, but Network and Sharing Center writes that the Network without access to the Internet, there is about a clock next to the network icon in the tray Exclamation point. In fact, the Internet may even be accessible. There may be several reasons with different scenarios. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

But first things first, if you are connected via a modem, router or optical ONT terminal- I would advise reboot it. If, after rebooting the device, Internet access resumes, the problem is clearly in the router itself, its settings, or the provider’s network (this also happens). In this case, we reset the router with the reset button, configure it again and check. If still after some time a message appears that Network without Internet access- try another router to check.

1. WiFi network without Internet access

This is the most common situation. The reason for this problem is most often the following. The vast majority of users are not aware at all what is an IP address and believes that For Wi-Fi connections You just need to enter the network security key. In most cases, this may indeed be enough, but not always. If on WiFi router protocol disabled DHCP, then you can easily connect to the network, but here IP address your wireless adapter it will not work on a laptop, tablet or smartphone. Accordingly, you will not have access to the Internet, although the network is actually connected, but only partially.
By the way, this is also possible with wired connection— the cable was plugged in, but the address was not received.
What to do? Register the IP address manually. To register IP in Windows 7 or Windows 8 you need to do the following:
Let's go to Control Panel and click on the icon Network and Sharing Center:

In the window that opens, click on the link Change adapter settings. A list of network adapters will open. Right click mouse click on it network adapter through which we connect to the router and select the menu item Properties:

A properties window will open. network card. Select an item Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on it with the left mouse button. This is where you need it register IP address, netmask, gateway and DNS address:

For most routers (except D-Link) the following should be suitable:
IP address192.168.1.2
primary DNS192.168.1.1
secondary DNS
For D-Link routers:
IP address192.168.0.2
primary DNS192.168.0.1
secondary DNS8.8.8.8

2. There is Internet access, but it still says Network without Internet access

This problem is most often occurs when a computer connects to the Internet via a proxy server . That is, there is access to the Internet, but it is not direct, but through a server.
In this case, you can do the following:
Press the button Start select an item Execute(or press the key combination Win+R ) and in the window that opens we write:
it will be revealed to you Local Group Policy Editor.
Policy Local Computer Computer configurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemInternet Communication ManagementInternet communication settings and enable the parameter:
« Disable active probing for the network connection status indicator «