There is no command line in windows 10. How to open a folder in the command line on Windows? Create a command prompt shortcut on your desktop

New operating system Windows 10 Microsoft has received many innovations in the interface and software, including updated command line. Users who frequently use the command line finally have new functionality, which have been waiting since the days of Windows NT.

In this article we will take a detailed look at all the new functions that the command line has received, and also consider running it with administrator rights.

Command line selection

To highlight text in command line required labor-intensive operations with the selection frame, which was very annoying and wasted extra time. Now in the command line of 10, text can be selected and copied, as in a regular editor.

This innovation will greatly simplify the use of the command line and help process information much faster.

Content filter

Sometimes when you copy a command with extra tabs and incorrect quotes to the clipboard and then paste it into old version CMD, an error message appears. You won't see an error message on the new command line because data filtering will remove unnecessary tabs and put the correct quotes. For example, copy the browser launch command from notepad Google Chrome with extra tabs and incorrect quotes.

As a result, we will get the correct command.

Window scaling and word wrapping

In older versions of CMD, when scaling a window, text does not wrap around words. IN new version CMD with word wrap enabled text behaves as you expect when scaled. The picture below shows the command line with long lines text.

The following image shows the same text, just in a modified window.

As you can see in the image, When scaling, text in the command line is word wrapped.

Copy, paste and other combinations with the Ctrl key

Thanks to normal text selection, users of the new CMD have opportunity the usual way copy text to clipboard using Ctrl + C. You can also paste text from the clipboard using Ctrl + V. In addition to copy and paste, CMD has received seven more combinations that perform the following actions:

  • Ctrl + A - selects all text in the window;
  • Ctrl + F - allows you to open a console search window;
  • Ctrl + M - enable “Mark Mode”;
  • Ctrl + / ↓ - scrolling lines;
  • Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn - scroll pages.

You can find all combinations on the page

Here is an example of using the keyboard shortcut to search for text Ctrl + F :

CMD Settings

To open the command line settings, you need to click on system icon and go to the tab " Properties».

By going to properties on the first tab you will see that all new features that were implemented can be disabled. In addition, you can check the box " Use previous console version" and all new features will be disabled. On the fourth tab appeared new feature « Transparency».

This function allows you to set the transparency of the console window. For example, let's set the transparency slider to 70 percent.

As you can see, the console has become 30 percent transparent.

Running the console in Windows 10 as an administrator

Let's look at two ways to launch the console as an administrator. To open the console in the first way, use the key combination Win + X. A window will appear near the start in which you can select running the console as administrator. After selecting this tab, the CMD call will be made.

To open the console in the second way, you should use the search. To do this, run a search and type CMD. The search shortcut is located near the menu “ Start" It can also be launched with the combination Win + Q.

Now click right click mouse on the found console and run it as administrator and it will be called.

From the examples you can see that calling the console as an administrator in Windows 10 is quite simple.


This time, the programmers from Redmond did their best.

Thanks to new features, the console has become much more convenient to work with. By making such improvements, Microsoft company will be able to lure even more users to Windows 10.

In this material, we looked at all the main innovations in the command line and showed how easy it is to launch the console with administrator rights. As Microsoft promises, these new features are just the beginning and it promises to open up even more in the future. And we hope that our material will help you quickly master the new functions of the console.

Video on the topic

Sometimes you have to use the command line to solve computer problems. There are several ways to do this. In the right hands, the command line is a very powerful and flexible tool. With its help you can reach the most hidden settings operating system. Hackers can use the command line to show you capabilities of your computer that you don't even know about.

But first you need to find this so-called command line. Today we will talk about how to open the Command Prompt in Windows 10. Some of these methods are also suitable for others Windows systems. So watch, read and apply.

What is the command line inWindows

The Command Prompt is a must-have program on any operating system for issuing commands without using windows. The program itself looks like a black window with a white line. You can enter commands only in Latin and Arabic numerals. She does not understand Russian letters and does not even allow them to be entered.

As part of the new operating system Microsoft Windows 10, the Command Line has also been updated to include completely new functionality. The methods for launching the Command Prompt have also changed slightly. Let's look at long-known and new ways to call the Command Line. So, how to open Command Prompt in Windows 10?

First, let's list all the ways to launch the command line in Windows 10:

  1. Open the command line using a desktop shortcut;
  2. Calling the Windows 10 command line through the Task Manager.

Let's look at them in more detail.

To open the command line, press the key combination WIN+R. In the application launch window that opens, write the program name – “cmd”. Click “Ok”.

How to run command Windows string 10 via the Start menu? To launch the command line, open the Start menu - Windows System Tools - Command Prompt.

Open the command line through a special menu by right-clicking on the “Start” button or using a combination Windows keys-X.

Open Command Prompt using a desktop shortcut

Create a shortcut on your desktop Windows desktop 10 – Right mouse button – Create shortcut – Object location: Cmd – Enter shortcut name: Cmd

Open the “Start” menu - In the search bar “Find files and folders” we write “Cmd” - then Windows 10 finds executable file"Cmd.exe" - Launch the file.

To launch the Windows 10 command line through Explorer, hold down the Shift key, then right-click on free space Explorer and select “Open command window” from the current list.

Calling the Windows 10 Command Prompt via Task Manager

To call the Windows 10 command line through the “Task Manager”, you need to go to the “File” tab and go to the “Run” item. new task", in the window that opens, write "CMD" and click the "Ok" button.

Final thought on different ways to launch CMD

So, we have familiarized ourselves with all the ways to launch the command line in Windows 10! Perhaps the most convenient ways, in my opinion, are to launch CMD using the Win+R key combination and by creating a shortcut. Next, to familiarize yourself with the basic commands of the command line, enter the Help command.

I also note that there are several proven methods for running the command line as an administrator in Windows 10.

When working on a computer, some users do not understand how to open the command prompt in Windows 10. The fact is that calling the command prompt in Windows 10, after Windows updates 10 Creators Update has become unobvious to many users.

After updating the operating system, Microsoft changed some Windows settings 10, in particular this concerns the command line call. Now, by default in Windows 10, instead of the command prompt, it opens Windows PowerShell, a more powerful OS component than the command line.

After opening the Start menu with the right mouse button, instead of the usual command line items, you will see other items: Windows PowerShell, Windows PowerShell (administrator).

What should those who are used to having the command line available in Windows 10 do and don’t know how to now open the command line in Windows 10? Where is the command line in Windows 10?

Don't worry, the command line has not disappeared from the operating system; you can always use this Windows component if necessary.

You can launch Command Prompt in Windows 10 in the following ways:

  • from the Start menu using the right mouse button (instead of Windows PowerShell);
  • using the "Windows" + "X" keys (instead of Windows PowerShell);
  • from the Start menu from the System folder;
  • using " Windows Search»;
  • from the system folder “System32”;
  • using the Task Manager;

The article discusses only those methods in which the command line is launched, including as an administrator.

How to launch Command Prompt on Windows 10 from the Start menu

The command line can be easily returned to its original place. To do this, go to the “Start” menu => “Settings” => “Taskbar”.

In the settings item “Replace the command prompt with Windows PowerShell in the menu that appears when you right-click the Start button or press the Windows key + X,” move the switch to the “Disabled” position.

After this, the command line will return to the “Start” menu, which is opened with the right mouse button, or by simultaneously pressing the “Windows” + “X” keyboard shortcut.

To open Windows PowerShell you will now have to make extra movements. Therefore, you can leave Windows PowerShell in the right-click Start menu and access Command Prompt in other ways, including from the Start menu.

How to open the command line in Windows 10 from the Start menu

The command line can be launched from the Start menu by clicking the left mouse button. After opening the System folder, you will see the command line there.

After clicking on the application, the command line will open as usual. To run as administrator, right-click, click "Advanced" and then "Run as administrator".

How to enable Command Prompt in Windows 10 using Windows Search

To start a command line search, enter the expression “cmd” (without quotes), or simply “command line” in Russian, into “Windows Search”.

The search results display the desktop Command Prompt application.

Running a command line from the Windows system folder

The command line can be launched directly from the application location, from the Windows system folder. To do this, open Explorer, enter the “C” drive, go to the “Windows” folder, and then to the “System32” folder.

The command line in Windows 10 x64 can also be launched from the folder along the path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64, but the command line interpreter will still be opened from the “System32” folder.

Here you will see the cmd.exe application, which you can launch directly from the “System32” folder. To run as administrator, use the right-click context menu.

Command line - Windows element, which allows you to perform operations with files and components, bypassing GUI systems. The command line should not be confused with the Run function. The latter is responsible only for opening programs and components. But the command line can completely replace the standard Windows Explorer and change operating system settings, make changes to file properties and format connected media.

Therefore, in order to effectively manage your computer even in a situation where the OS graphical interface has failed, you need to know everything about the Windows 10 command line: how to call it and how to use it.


In the Windows OS family, there are three ways in which you can launch the Command Prompt.

Using the Start icon

The first method involves using context menu Start buttons. To launch the command line this way you need to:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. In the list that appears, the user should select the “Command Prompt” menu item, preferably with the addition of “Administrator”.

Advice! You can call a similar menu by pressing the Win + X key combination.

Using built-in search

To launch the required component, you can use updated search, which is available on the Taskbar. To do this you need:

  1. Click on the search bar (or press the Win + Q key combination).
  2. Enter the words “Command Line” in the text field.
  3. Select the component of the same name from the search results.

Via the Run command

The third method involves using the Run command mentioned above. To start it required component, follows:

  1. On your keyboard, press Win + R at the same time.
  2. Enter “cmd” in the text field that appears and press “Enter”.

File location

You can call the command line in Windows 10 directly from the cmd.exe file, which is located at “C:\Windows\System32”.

Also, shortcuts for quickly opening this program are located in the Start menu -> All applications -> System Tools - Windows.

You can easily pin a shortcut to the taskbar, in the (tiled area) or on the desktop at the user's discretion.

Video instruction

Popular methods of calling the command line are described and shown in the video.


To start mastering the command line functions, use the “Help” command, which will display the main keys for working with this tool.

Having learned to use cmd.exe, the user will gain even more control over his device and will be able to independently restore the operating system even in the event of critical failures.