There is no shortcut for wireless connection. What to do if the wifi wireless network icon on your laptop disappears

Transferring data without using cables literally not so long ago seemed like something out of science fiction, but today a wireless WiFi network at home, at work or in the nearest cafe no longer surprises anyone. But even with such a connection, some problems may occur. Connection error is a phenomenon that occurs quite often. Let's look at the most common problems and the simplest methods for eliminating them.

Wireless network connection: no connection. What is the reason?

As for the most common reasons, they can be divided into two main types: hardware problems (non-working hardware) and software errors.

In the first case, as is already clear, you need to carry out a full diagnostic of the equipment, and then make a decision on its repair or replacement (this applies to network cards, routers, and mobile devices, and external or internal Wi-Fi modules). In the second case, we can name several situations when there is no wireless network connection (no connection). Among the main ones are the following:

  • disabled module or ;
  • incorrectly entered password;
  • router problems;
  • incorrect connection settings;
  • missing, incorrectly installed or outdated drivers network devices;
  • lack of an established network;
  • exposure to viruses.

Problems with viruses, for obvious reasons, will not be considered, since any user must take care of protecting their system on their own. We will partially touch on the absence of a network, if for some reason it was installed in the system, but then disappeared (this, unfortunately, also happens). Finally, we will not dwell on the fact that the user might have forgotten or entered incorrectly WiFi password-networks, and problems from providers. These situations are not so significant in our case.

Wireless network connection: no connection. What to do in the simplest case?

First, let's look at the simplest situation. Let's say that at some point the wireless network connection is lost. Perhaps the reason is short-term software glitch. What do most users usually do in such cases? They simply reboot the system (after all, everything worked before).

If this does not help, and the signal loss time is known at least approximately, one of the options for solving the problem is that when you try to connect to existing network a connection error appears, the system may simply roll back to its previous state through the corresponding section of the “Control Panel”. But, as practice shows, the problem is usually much deeper.

Diagnostics of connection using the system

If for some reason your Wi-Fi wireless network connection disappears, you can find out the reason using Windows tools. If you call up the menu by right-clicking on the network icon in the system tray, you can use the troubleshooting tool in it.

The system will independently carry out the analysis and then produce the appropriate result. Please note: this tool does not fix anything, but only helps determine the essence of the problem.

Checking Wi-Fi module activity

Many experts cite user inattention or negligence as one of the most common reasons for lack of communication.

For the most part, this applies to owners of laptops that do not have a special switch to activate the built-in Wi-Fi module, and turn it on or off by using a combination of a key with a special Fn button. It is clear that even when typing using the so-called hot keys, it was possible to easily and completely accidentally turn off the adapter. Therefore, first you need to make sure that it is in active mode.

Resetting your router

Sometimes the reason that there is no wireless network connection (no connection) can be a short-term malfunction of the router. This situation is most often observed with inexpensive routers of the TP-Link series.

And in this case, it is recommended to use the simplest reset method. You can do two things: either completely turn off the power for about 10 seconds, or press the special reset button on the back of the device and hold it for 30 seconds.

Identifying Network Settings

Now, if it is not determined, let's look at the main network settings. To view them, you should enter the network management section and shared access from the “Control Panel” or from the click menu on the network connection icon and use the section for changing parameters

Here you need to find the TCP/IPv4 protocol (if IPv6 is not used) and click the properties button. As a rule, most providers provide services for automatically determining parameters, which should be recorded in the settings. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of a proxy server for local addresses must be deactivated (unless otherwise provided). Otherwise, you just need to enter all the parameter values ​​in accordance with the settings provided by the provider when connecting.

Correcting connection parameters on the router

If after this the connection problem remains, it may be due to the settings of the router itself.

Just in case, it’s worth entering the router’s settings menu through any web browser by entering the appropriate address ( or 1.1), and then in the wireless connection section (usually Wireless) make sure that it is active (Enabled).

Troubleshooting driver problems

Another network problem may be that the network card drivers are missing, incorrectly installed, or outdated in the system. You can make sure that the device is not working in the “Device Manager”, which can be called either from the “Control Panel”, or from the computer administration section, or from the “Run” menu using the devmgmt.msc command.

A non-working device will be marked with a yellow marker. This is a direct indication that something is wrong with the driver. But it also happens that it is not displayed among problem devices. This is only due to the fact that the system sets the most suitable driver, considering it optimal.

In any case, it will have to be reinstalled or updated. This can be done directly from several menus. It is recommended to completely remove it first old driver, and only then install the new one, but do not choose from what the system offers, but find in advance the latest software for of this device in the Internet.

To avoid doing such things, it is better to install a program like Driver Booster, which will find and install the latest drivers for absolutely all devices. It is clear that to do this, you will have to go with your laptop to the same cafe where there is a connection, and there use the WiFi password to enter the network (after all, there is no connection at home). The update process will take a maximum of 10-15 minutes, after which a reboot will follow.

Reset settings from the command line

If the network is still detected, you can still try the following steps. Calling command line with admin rights (cmd in the “Run” console), after which we enter the command proxycfg -d, and after pressing the enter key, two more - net stop wuauserv and net start wuauserv (after each - also “Enter”). These simple steps can also help.

If the network is not detected at all...

Finally, the last problem, when it is absent It is quite possible that due to some reasons, including the impact of viruses, the previously created network was simply deleted.

In this case, you need to go to the section for managing shared networks and make sure that the wireless network appears in the list available connections. If there is none, you will have to create it again by selecting the appropriate item. It will take a minimum of time.

If there is a network, but all the above methods for fixing the problem do not help, you can simply try to delete it entirely, then create it again and make the appropriate TCP/IP protocol settings.


In conclusion, it remains to add that these are only the main, most common problems and methods for solving them, which any user can use to resolve failures. Various types of commands that allow for complete testing of IP connections or assigned MAC addresses, pinging, etc., were not specifically considered here, since they may seem quite complicated for ordinary users to understand. In other cases, even the simplest remedies will help. However, this in no way applies to cases where the equipment fails. There are none here software methods will not help, no matter how hard you try.

If you forget your Wi-Fi password, don’t panic or immediately call the service technical support your Internet operator, because find out forgotten password you can do it yourself. Which will not require you to have any specific technical knowledge or install additional software. All you need to do is follow the steps below.

The easiest way

The “Wireless network management” column is missing

IN windows versions 7 SP1, the “Wireless Network Management” column is usually missing. Therefore, the instructions for recovering a Wi-Fi network password will be slightly different in terms of points for opening the “Properties” window wireless network…».

The window of interest can be opened in two ways:

The familiar “Network Security Properties...” window will open, where we open the “Security” tab again and check the box next to “Display network security key.” We save the password.

Find out a forgotten Wi-Fi password by opening the router settings

If your manufacturer is different, then look for the “” tab among the settings. Wireless mode" (Wireless - English), tab "Security" / "Protection" (Security - English). In which, among other things, there is a line “Password” - this is the forgotten password.

Other options to get a password for a Wi-Fi network

In addition to the above options, you can:

  • Reset (zero) the router settings (if you can configure them again), as a result of which you will be able to specify New Password access;
  • Your Internet operator's support service can help you recover your forgotten password. However, you will need to confirm your control rights Wi-Fi network by providing some data: the amount of the last few payments, the contract number, contact details of the person who concluded the contract, etc. (individually for each operator);
  • You can also find out your forgotten password using a tablet or smartphone with an enabled Wi-Fi connection. The actions are similar to viewing the password in the router settings - open the router settings (using mobile device) and look at the specified network key. This is the password.
Loading... Published: 03/17/2016

How to view your Wi-Fi password

This article will talk about what to do if Window 7 does not connect to the WiFi network. The fact is that although this operating system is more stable than its predecessors, various errors may still occur that must be corrected manually.

Before moving on to connection problems and their solutions, you need to understand what WiFi is and how the technology works. This will allow you to fix some problems faster.

The fact is that to connect to such a network you need an access point. Its functions are usually performed by a wireless router. And therefore, first of all, if there are no available connections to the WiFi network in Windows 7, you should pay attention to the router.

As a rule, this is the reason. But of course, there are other problems. So, let's take it in order.

Checking the router

Everything is very simple here. If the laptop does not see available connections, then you should go to the settings menu WiFi router and check if the wireless network is turned on. To do this, you need to connect to the router using a regular Internet cable. After that, open a browser (any) and in address bar we register Press "Enter". Next, a window will appear asking you to enter your password and login. As a rule, the default key and login are admin, admin, respectively.

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

If you changed this data, then enter your values. Next we get to the settings menu. We are interested in NetworkWireless settings. In the wireless network settings, you need to check the box next to “Enable Wireless Router Radio”. That's it, setting up the router is complete. And if problems with WiFi still remain in a laptop with Windows 7, then you should proceed to setup operating system.

Why doesn't my computer see available wireless networks?

There can be many reasons for this, as well as solutions. Fortunately, Windows 7 is convenient and has many options for diagnosing and fixing certain problems. But we will consider only the most common ones.

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First of all, you should check the status of the wireless WiFi connections. To do this, you need to open the Network Control Center. To do this, click on the network icon in the tray and select “Network and Sharing Center” in the window that appears.

A menu will open in which all network-related settings are made. Here we are interested in the “Change adapter settings” item. In the window that opens, you need to find a shortcut called “Wireless Network Connection”. If this connection It has grey colour, this indicates that it is turned off. To turn it on you need to click on it right click mouse and select “Enable”.

Windows 7 does not connect to Wi-Fi: Video

The wireless network icon does not appear in the tray

Users often ask what to do if the tray is not displayed WiFi icon in windows 7? This can only mean one thing - the wireless module is turned off or not working. Activation of Wi-Fi occurs, as a rule, using the key combination Fn + adapter power button. On different laptops This button can be located in different places.

Articles on the topic

For example, on Asus laptops– this is the combination Fn+F2, on Lenovo – Fn+F5. The WiFi power key itself is indicated by a corresponding image. In addition, on some models there is a separate button to activate the wireless connection module. In this case, just press it.

So, after turning on the wireless adapter, Windows 7 should automatically start searching available networks. If this does not happen and the tray icon does not appear, then you should check that the drivers are working correctly.

What to do if a laptop with Windows 7 does not see Wi-Fi: Video

Checking drivers

Check software In Windows 7 you can do it in the task manager.

You can launch it by clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut, which can be found on the desktop, in the start menu or in Windows Explorer, with the right mouse button. In the window that appears, click “Properties”. Next, a menu will open in which you need to open “Device Manager”.

In the window that appears, we are interested in network adapters. If you do not find this, then there are no drivers for the device and you need to install the driver for this module. If there is such an item, then open it. Typically, the wireless adapter is called Wireless Network Adapter. The device may also be designated exclamation point. This indicates that the driver is not working properly and needs to be updated or reinstalled.

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It's very easy to do. As a rule, the laptop comes with a special disk that contains all necessary programs and drivers. If there is no such disk, do not rush to get upset. The necessary software can always be downloaded from the Internet, since manufacturers have taken care of supporting their customers.

To do this, find the official website of your laptop manufacturer and write the exact name of the laptop (exact model) in the search. Next download necessary drivers and install them. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to install software downloaded from third-party sources, as such drivers may be unstable and sometimes even pose a threat to the integrity of the system.

How to reinstall the WiFi driver: Video

It is also important to know that sometimes, even when installed driver, the adapter cannot be turned on because it uses additional functions keyboards. This means that together with the software for network adapter You should also download the driver for the keyboard, as well as the recommended utility for managing the wireless module.

After installing all required components try to turn it on again WiFi connection, as already described above. If everything is done correctly, Windows7 will automatically start searching for available networks.

System diagnostics

If you have completed all the above steps, but the laptop still does not connect to WiFi in Windows 7, then you should run a diagnostic. As a rule, in such cases, the system itself prompts you to turn it on, but if this does not happen, then you can start it as follows.

Open the “Network Sharing Center” and go to the “Change adapter settings” menu. Here we look for “Wireless network connection” and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select “Diagnostics”. Next, follow the prompts on the screen. The system will automatically search for and fix problems. After this, the system itself will begin searching for available connections.

Above, we looked at the most common problems with connecting to WiFi networks on laptops with Windows 7 and options for solving them. However, other problems are quite possible, the solution of which requires an individual approach and a more in-depth diagnosis performed by a specialist.

What to do if the laptop sees Wi-Fi, but does not connect: Video

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windows 7 won't connect to wifi

What to do if a laptop with Windows 7 does not see Wi-Fi

What to do if the laptop sees Wi-Fi, but does not connect

How to easily connect and configure Wi-Fi in windows laptop 7

There are no available connections in Windows 7. Wi-Fi has disappeared, the network with a red cross

Yesterday I turned on my laptop, opened the browser, but the Internet did not work. I look at the status of my Internet connection, and there the Wi-Fi network is crossed out with a red cross. I click on it and see the status “No connections available”.

I went straight to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections Adapter. The wireless network connection is enabled, but again there are no connections available. I checked that my Wi-Fi network is displayed on my phone and tablet. Strange situation. Everything is turned on, everything seems to be working, but Windows 7 doesn’t want to see the wireless network. Moreover, Wi-Fi disappeared suddenly. When I turned off the computer, everything worked.

I think I’ll run diagnostics and see if it helps. Launched:

The system looked for something there and gave me a window asking “Enable the ability to use a wireless network.” I agreed by selecting "Make this correction".

Oddly enough, Wi-Fi worked immediately. The laptop itself connected to the Wi-Fi network. All that remains is to close the diagnostic window.

That's it, the problem with "No connections available" is solved. It’s just not clear why at the end, the diagnostic system issued “ Wireless connection disabled", and how Windows would fix it if the Wi-Fi adapter was turned on. Also, I like the status in the diagnostic window: "Searching for additional problems..." :). Windows already has enough of them.

“No connections available”: check whether the WLAN auto-configuration service is enabled

If the WLAN auto-configuration service is disabled, then Windows simply will not be able to find Wi-Fi networks. That's why, wifi icon will be crossed out with a red cross, with the status “No connections available”.

Let's check. Open the Start menu, right-click Computer and select Manage.

In the new window, go to the Services tab, and find “WLAN AutoConfig Service” in the list. The status should be "Running" and the startup type should be "Automatic".

If this is not the case for you, then right-click on the service and select Run. Better yet, open properties, set the startup type there to automatic, and restart the computer.

In fact, such a problem can appear due to various reasons, and diagnostics will not always help. But in my case, everything worked, one might say, without any action on my part. Otherwise, now I would start checking drivers and all that. Later I will try to write about other causes and solutions to the problem with the “No connections available” status in Windows 7. And also, before you run diagnostics and do anything, check whether you even have a Wi-Fi network nearby. After all, the connection status will be exactly the same if there is no wireless network nearby.

Windows 10 - all instructions for setting up the Internet and solving problems Setting up a router - instructions for different models and manufacturers Useful programs- for setting up HotSpot, Wi-Fi, 3G/4G modems.

Setting up a wireless network in Windows 7

Settings local network in windows 7

Testing Wi-Fi connections

Setting up Wi-Fi security

Setting up Wi-Fi routing

Wireless Network Design

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How to set up a wireless network in windows 7

Today, wireless networking is more popular than ever. Yes, this is not surprising, because it is incredibly convenient: you can use the Internet without being tied to, say, a cable. The main condition under which the use of a wireless network becomes possible is the presence Wi-Fi coverage.


So, first of all, let me note that there is main computer and other computers on the network. In the first case, your PC acts as a conductor of a wireless network, and in the second, other computers use the main one to connect to Wi-Fi. There are also programs that make it easy to create an access point, for example, you can read how to set up connectify on windows 7. To set up a wireless windows network 7 of the host computer, you need to: turn on the wireless module, then go to “Start”, and then to “Computer”. Next, you should select “Properties”, where, on the left side, there is an active line “ Extra options systems."

There you will see the “Computer Name” tab, where you should enter the name of your network (this could be, for example, your name). If you also want to change the computer name and name working group, then click the “Edit” button under the description, click on it and rename everything to your taste. If you don’t need to do any of this, then after filling out the “Description” line, just click “OK”.

After release new version Microsoft software problems are growing like a snowball. And one of them is the absence of a button turn on Wi-Fi or settings, which results in the error: “Wireless devices could not be found on this computer.” So, the topic of the article is solving the problem with the button, with the settings and enabling the wireless network in Windows 10. If the computer does not turn on wireless internet(there is no button, no settings, etc.), the problem lies either in the adapter or in the Wi-Fi driver.

If the problem with the driver or adapter is resolved and the Internet is stable, you can turn your laptop or desktop computer into a router. Create a hot-spot (we already wrote about how to do this earlier) and distribute the Internet to peripherals- PCs, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks.

Interesting advice received in the comments:

  • Open system disk, for example, “C” and use search to find the “wireless LAN” folder.
  • Go to: C:\eSupport\eDriver\Software\WirelessLan\Qualcomm Atheros\WirelessLan\\2886\.
  • There are two installation files there. Open both files and the problem will be solved.
We hope we helped you.

Is there no Wi-Fi icon on the Windows taskbar or in the Network and Sharing Center menu? This does not mean that the equipment has failed. Equipment breakdown is only one of the likely reasons. In some cases, you can do it yourself.

What to do if there is no “Wireless Network Connection” icon.

This problem occurs if:

Is there a Wi-Fi receiver?

If a receiver is not installed on your computer, you will not see the Wi-Fi network icon. But how can you check what kind of adapter you have? The simplest thing is to look at the PC characteristics. Laptops should have a sticker that lists the device specifications. Another option is to find out the adapter model and find information about it. Do you have a desktop computer? Then look for ports on the system unit for connecting a modem. If an antenna is installed there, then the product is suitable for operation via Wi-Fi.

And the easiest way:

  1. You need the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Open Device Manager. It's in the Hardware and Sound category.
  3. Expand the Network Adapters menu.
  4. See if there are any models that say "Wirelles", "802.11" or "WiFi".

If there are no such inscriptions, configure wireless connection will not work. But you can purchase a Wi-Fi module or network card, in which there is already an antenna. There are also external Wi-Fi receivers.


Windows usually loads the software it needs on its own. But if the network hardware driver is missing or damaged, it must be installed manually.

To connect, you need to download the software. There are several ways. The first one is suitable if the driver was installed incorrectly.

  1. In the Manager, right-click on the item with the yellow triangle.
  2. Select "Delete" and confirm the action.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. After Windows startup will “detect” the presence of a new device.
  5. If this does not happen, go to the Manager again.
  6. Select any item.
  7. "Actions - Update configuration."

This will only work with equipment that is installed on a plug-in basis. and Play” (meaning “Plug and Play”). The software for these devices downloads itself. You can use them immediately after connecting. If the board does not have such a function at all:

  1. Select any item in the Manager.
  2. "Actions - Install old device"
  3. A window with explanations will open. Click Next.
  4. Check " Automatic search" or "Manually".
  5. Select Network Adapters.
  6. If you know the model and type of gadget, find it in the list.
  7. Wait until the installation finishes.

To download an update for outdated software:

  1. In the Manager, right-click on the device.
  2. In the drop-down list, click on “Update Driver”. This option will be active if Windows has detected the hardware model.
  3. Select “Automatic search” so that the system finds the software on the network and downloads it.
  4. Or click “Search on your computer” to specify the path to the installer.

A disk should be included with your new Wi-Fi adapter or laptop. You can download the necessary software from it. If you do not have a CD with the driver, and the system itself did not find it:

  1. Go to the network equipment manufacturer's website.
  2. Copy the model name into the search bar.
  3. Open the information page for your adapter.
  4. Download the software from there. It is usually located in the “Support”, “Downloads”, “Files” or “Programs” section.

Exist special applications to install system software. For example, Driver Booster. It detects the hardware model and downloads for it current versions drivers.


Your network configuration may be incorrect. To connect to Wi-Fi you need to configure it. Do some diagnostics first.

To connect to the access point, the Wi-FI module must be active. On laptops, it can be controlled using a keyboard shortcut. Which buttons to press depends on the gadget model. For example, "Fn+F5", "Fn+F7" or "Fn+F9". The corresponding images are drawn on them. But sometimes users touch them accidentally. Yes and on desktop computer The Wi-Fi module may be disabled. For settings:

Now you can restore your connection “over the air” if the Wi-Fi icon disappears. But if network card If it breaks down, it’s better to contact a technician at a service center.

Windows users often encounter a problem when network connections The laptop does not have a wireless connection, and a “cross” appears in the tray on the connection status icon.

At the same time, the point WiFi access It functions properly and distributes the Internet to other gadgets and devices.

If you hover your mouse over this icon, you will see a “no connections available” notification. The situation is unpleasant, but there is no need to rush to take your PC to a service center.

After all, even if there is no Wi-Fi icon in the running Network Control Center window, it is possible that the PC hardware is in good working order and does not need repair.

In most cases, such a problem can be diagnosed and solved independently. To do this, you just need to know the reasons for its occurrence and how to correctly configure the wireless connection.

A short list of possible sources of the problem and their solutions

Among the most common reasons why there is no wireless network connection on a computer, the following can be distinguished:

Often, laptop models provide “Fn” buttons and one of the function keys, for example, "F2". A conscientious manufacturer always applies a corresponding design to the desired button, symbolizing wireless communication.

Sometimes a separate switch with this pattern is placed at the ends of the laptop:

  1. Infection with malicious applications. The actions are obvious; you should conduct a full analysis of your PC for the presence of viruses and, if found, remove them;
  2. It often happens that the network is unavailable due to blocking of some functions antivirus utility or firewall. It is recommended to try deactivating them for a while.

How to make sure you have a Wi-Fi adapter?

If this module is missing, the Wi-Fi icon in the tray is also missing. And if it is there, but a message about no connection is displayed, then the manufacturer usually indicates the device model on a sticker that can be found on the laptop case.

The owner of a desktop PC can accurately verify the presence of a wireless receiver simply by examining system unit. When found external antenna we can conclude that most likely it belongs to the WiFi adapter.

It is very easy to determine the adapter model using Windows tools. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out only a few sequential actions:


Windows provides automatic download drivers, however, it happens that the software of some devices is not installed or does not work correctly.

In such cases, you need to install the software yourself. To do this you just need to take a few steps:

If the above does not lead to a successful result, then you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go back to the “Actions” tab;
  2. Click the line “Install old device”;
  3. In the window that appears, click “Next”;
  4. Specify “Automatic search” or “Manual”;
  5. Then select “Network adapters”;
  6. Find the device model in the list;
  7. Wait until the installation is complete and restart the PC.

If it is necessary to update drivers, the algorithm will consist of the following steps:

  1. Guided by points 1 – 5 from the first instructions, launch “Device Manager”;
  2. Then call the context menu from the problematic equipment;
  3. Click “Update driver”;
  4. It is recommended to specify “Automatic search”, and the OS will automatically find and install the software;
  5. Or, if the user downloaded the software in advance and saved it on the PC, click “Search on your computer” and show the location of the downloaded drivers.

To manually find and download suitable software, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Open the device developer resource;
  2. In the search field, type the equipment model and click “Enter”;
  3. Enter the “Devices” section;
  4. Save drivers for the device in PC memory.

If you encounter difficulties performing a task manually, you can use programs that are specially designed for software installation. One such application is Driver Booster.

The advantage of using it mainly lies in automatically detecting the device model and downloading the latest software modifications.

Network configuration

In order for the laptop to connect to Wi-Fi correctly, diagnostics are required.
