Nokia 3310 new version crash test. All kinds of tests and advice from Sm@rta, or I advise you to read

In February 2017, worldwide famous brand Nokia presented 3 of its new creations. Among the new products shown, the most attention was paid to the improved version of the legendary model 3310. How does the updated gadget differ from its predecessor? A detailed comparative review of the classic and updated Nokia 3310 will help us understand this.

Appearance of Nokia 3310

The design of the old model was distinguished by the rigor and minimalism characteristic of that era. The phone had only one color design: a dark gray body and light gray buttons. The dimensions of the legendary model were 113x48x22 mm. It weighed 133 g (which is quite a lot, considering its small size). The brand name was displayed above the phone's display. Also, top part allocated for the speaker. There was no camera on the back panel, which is not surprising for the early 2000s, when the model entered the market. Below was the entrance for charger, which, according to fan legends, was used extremely rarely. The top end of the device contained a power button. Both the back and front panels are removable. Thanks to this design, the user was able not only to get to the battery, but also to clean the phone if necessary.

As for the updated version, its design has undergone significant changes. First of all, the developers have reduced the dimensions of the new product. Now the dimensions of model 3310 are 115.6x51x12.8 mm. Along with the dimensions, the weight of the gadget has also decreased. The updated version weighs only 79.6 g. Such dimensions and weight make wearing the device as comfortable as possible. Unlike the old model, the new Nokia 3310 has several colors. Now the buyer can get a yellow, blue, red or gray. Another design innovation is a more streamlined shape of the gadget. Now the phone has an ovoid shape. The brand name still appears on the front panel above the display. Appearance The back panel has also changed a little. Now there is space for the camera and LED flash.

The phone buttons themselves have also undergone design changes. The old model contained the following control keys:

  • 10 numeric buttons (from 0 to 9), with the side keys looking like droplets and the central ones like a horizontal ellipse;
  • keys “*” and “#”;
  • a reset button, which was responsible for canceling a selection, as well as returning to the previous menu level;
  • paired forward-backward button;
  • the main large button, responsible for calling up the menu, selecting a menu item, etc.
The updated model is equipped with the following keys:
  • 10 numeric buttons (also from 0 to 9);
  • “asterisk” and “hash”;
  • answer key;
  • call reset key;
  • a large central button responsible for selecting a menu item;
  • side buttons surrounding the central key (they provide up-down and right-left switching).
Another innovation is the headphone slot.

Technical parameters of Nokia 3310

The operation of the old version 3310 was provided by the Nokia OS operating system. Inner memory as such, the legendary phone did not have one. The gadget's storage capabilities were limited by the capabilities of the SIM card. The phone could store the last 8 dialed numbers, incoming and missed calls. In addition to calls, the old model allowed the exchange of SMS messages.

The display of the legendary phone was monochrome. It supported only 2 colors: black and cloudy green. The screen diagonal was only 3.55 cm. The display supported a resolution of 96x65 pixels.

The developers have endowed the updated version of Nokia 3310 with stronger technical characteristics:

  1. Operating system. The updated 3310 runs on Series 30+ OS. This system just allows you to significantly expand functionality device
  2. Display. The developers equipped their new creation with a 2.4-inch diagonal color screen. The display resolution is 240x320 pixels. The average pixel concentration per inch is 167 ppi. The standard display accessory is QVGATFT LCD.
  3. Memory. The volume of the phone's integrated memory is very small - only 16 MB. However, the 2017 model supports microSD-HC cards, thanks to which the memory can be increased up to 32 GB. This capacity is enough to store the optimal amount of information (photos, music).

Multimedia capabilities of Nokia 3310

The classic version of the model under consideration contained only standard ringtones calls and a limited list of applications. Among the available programs were only a clock, an alarm clock, a calculator and a unit converter. But the main pride of the old model 3310 was a game called snake. In addition to Snake, the classic Nokia contained 3 more games: “Pairs II”, “Bantumi”, and “Space Impact”. There was no way to view pictures. Also, the old model did not have a camera. It did not support any network that existed at that time wireless communication. Essentially, it was a device that could only make and receive calls.

In order to at least slightly adapt the 2017 model to modern realities, the developers have significantly expanded the capabilities of the phone. Among the innovations are the following:

  • the presence of a 2 MP rear camera - it allows you to take photos, but the final quality will be far from ideal (dim or very bright lighting can significantly reduce the quality);
  • MP3 format support, which allows you to use the new product as a player;
  • presence of radio;
  • the presence of an improved version of the game “Snake” (now the sensational mobile hit is in color, and the movements of the snake itself are drawn more clearly);
  • support for some wireless networks (in particular, data transfer via Bluetooth 3.0 is possible, there is a connection to GPRS).
There is another technical feature that can evoke a feeling of nostalgia. The new Nokia 3310 supports WAP Internet. Now users aged 20–40 will be able to remember the minimalism that reflected the pages of popular Internet resources.

Nokia 3310 battery

The classic model was equipped with a 1000 mAh lithium-ion battery. According to official data, the battery could hold a charge for 245 hours (almost 10 days) in standby mode. With a continuous conversation, the gadget sat down in 5 hours. But this is only official data. It is because of its battery that the classic 3310 has become a true legend. Reviews from many users indicate that this mobile phone Could last more than a month without recharging. Quite often, owners simply forgot to recharge it, because... got used to the incredible survivability of the battery.

The developers took this quality of the old model into account. Therefore, they equipped the 2017 Nokia 3310 with a more powerful 1200 mAh lithium-ion battery. According to the manufacturers, with a continuous conversation, the gadget will last almost a day (to be more precise, 22 hours). If you leave it in standby mode, the phone will require recharging only after a month.

Such statements are stunning, although they can be doubted. You should take into account the fact that the classic Nokia had limited functionality. Often, it was used only for calls. In addition, this legendary phone had a two-color screen that was no different high quality display the picture. All these factors contributed to the fact that there was minimal load on the battery. Because of this, the device could last for weeks.

However, the new model has undergone many functional changes. She now has a color display with greater detail, and the ability to listen to music and connect to the Internet. At the same time, the battery capacity was increased slightly - by only 200 mAh. The conclusion is that additional functionality will have a greater impact on the battery, causing it to lose charge much faster. Of course, the updated Nokia will still be quite durable. But only practice will show whether she will be able to repeat the record of her ancestor.

Nokia 3310 price and video review

Our comparative review of the classic and updated Nokia 3310 showed that the 2017 model is a full-fledged ideological successor to its legendary ancestor. However, the additional functionality that the new gadget is equipped with makes it more practical and interesting for a modern person.

The price of Nokia 3310 in Russia is from 40 dollars. A video review comparing the classic and new models is presented below:

Das Anti-Handy

07/09/2017 11:15 | von Frederik Niemeyer

Kommentar zum Nokia 3310: Wer braucht dieses Handy?

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Im Test entpuppt sich das neue Nokia 3310 nicht als Kult-Handy, auch wenn es sich Nokia wohl so wünscht. Diese Retro-Katastrophe hat nur eine nennenswerte Stärke: Das Handy läuft vier Wochen mit einer Akkulaufzeit… wenn man es nicht benutzt. Sprechzeit, Klangqualität, Display, Kamera, Handling fallen im Test durch. Das 3310 ist ein PR-Stunt. Nokia, jetzt lasst es bitte da, wo es hingehört: in der Mottenkiste nostalgischer Erinnerungen.

Vorteile Nettes Retro-Design

Nachteile Sprechzeit zu kurz Nur GSM-Netz, schlimmes Handling Miese Fotoqualität Immer noch zu hoher Preis

Nokia 3310 im Test

Keine Frage, wir sind für Spaß zu haben – aber das Nokia 3310 macht einfach keinen Spaß. Man telefoniert nicht einmal gut damit. Geschmückt mit Ironie und Nostalgie feiert Nokia hier Zumutung als Feature, um ins Gerede zu kommen. Das hat geklappt. Zugegeben, die finnische Firma HMD Global, die jetzt für ein paar Jahre die Rechte an dem Namen Nokia hält, hat sich bei der sehr kurzen Präsentation des Nokia 3310 auf dem MWC im Februar selbst nicht so ganz ernst genommen und eigentlich mit nur drei Punkten auf die PR-Pauke gehauen: Es hat Snake, es läuft vier Wochen mit einer Akkuladung, es ist bunt.

Es hat Snake – na und?!

Gerade Angesagt

Ganz ehrlich: Warum sollte man Snake spielen? Wir befinden uns im Jahr 2017 und nicht in 2000. Snake ist auf dem Nokia 3310 nur eine Zugabe, niemand spielt das, um Spaß zu haben. Insbesondere auf dem Nokia 3310 ist die Steuerung ein K(r)ampf. Um vorweg zu greifen: Der äußerst schmale Steuerrahmen macht (nicht nur) das Spielerlebnis zum Frusterlebnis. Davon abgesehen, gibt es Snake auch für Android und . System-Seller sehen anders aus.

Nokia 3310: Snake ist an Bord – das Spiel steuert sich aber schlecht und macht keinen Spaß.

Nokia 3310 läuft vier Wochen – im Standby

Wir haben die Standby-Versprechen nicht überprüft, nehmen Nokia hier aber beim Wort. Allein, was it cool? Das Nokia 3310 geht also erst nach vier Wochen aus, wenn man es nicht benutzt. Die tatsächliche Sprechzeit hingegen musste sich in unserem Test beweisen und sorgte für Ernüchterung: Im GSM-Netz mit maximaler Sendeleistung (also unter Extrem-Bedingungen) hielt das Nokia 3310 magere 5:26 Stunden durch.

Zum Vergleich: Das Galaxy S7 kommt im identischen Test auf knapp 9.5 Stunden. (Hier stehen natürlich 3.000 mAh gegen Nokias 1.200 mAh Akkukapazität). Trotzdem rauscht es gurgelnd hin, das Versprechen famoser Akkulaufzeit und zeigt sich als das, was es ist: ein Versprechen bloßer Standbyzeit. Die Klangqualität ist im Übrigen dumpf und ziemlich mäßig.

Das Design des Nokia 3310 ist ganz schick, die Kamera klappert aber, wenn man ein bisschen drauf drückt.

Es ist bunt…

Äußerlich ist das Nokia 3310 ganz niedlich. Der Look schafft es, warme Erinnerungen zu wecken und sie mit einem Schuss spritziger Modernität zu einem PR-Drink zu verquirlen, der kurzzeitig knallt. Das Handy lässt sich zudem mit einer Hand umschließen, anders als die multifunktionalen iPhone-Abkömmlinge mit Display-Diagonalen von 4.5 Zoll und aufwärts. Beim 3310 schaut man auf einen 2.4 Zoll Screen mit 320 x 240 Pixel Auflösung, der auch dadurch nicht touchfähig wird, dass man es immer wieder mal versucht, weil es so einfach wäre und man als Smartphone-User darauf schon längst konditioniert ist. Der Non-Touchscreen ist nicht ironisch, er ist nicht cool, sondern einfach nur unpraktisch.

Die Benutzeroberfläche will mit ihrer Gitteransicht, auf der sich unbeschriftete einfarbige Symbole tummeln, ebenfalls hipp und minimalistisch sein, ist zu Anfang aber einfach nur verwirrend. Wir empfehlen, auf die klassische Listenansicht zu wechseln, die Nutzer klarer führt, weil sie die Programmnamen nennt.

…und eine Handlings-Katastrophe

Da es winzig und leicht ist, dürfte das Nokia 3310 Stürze deutlich besser wegstecken als vollwertige Smartphones. Doch auch bei der Verarbeitung finden wir Grund zur Kritik: So lässt sich bei unserem Testgerät das Kamera-Objektiv mit einem Klacken einen Millimeter eindrücken. Nein, das ist keine versteckte Taste, sondern wackelig. Richtig frustrierend wird es bei dem unter zwei Millimeter schmalen Steuerrahmen, den wohl niemand in Würde bedienen kann; hier läuft man immer wieder Gefahr, versehentlich die Bestätigen-Taste in der Mitte zu erwischen. Problematisch ist es teils auch, die Nummern und Buchstaben auf den grau (!) beschrifteten hellgrauen (!!) Tasten bei hellerem Umgebungslicht abzulesen. Für den Einsatz in Dunkelheit sind die Tasten immerhin beleuchtet.

Wer jetzt auf den Gedanken kommt, das Gerät der älteren Generation zu schenken, dem raten wir ab. Das Nokia 3310 ist als Senioren-Phone ungeeignet, weil die Steuerung unterm Strich eher fummelig ist. Außerdem wollen auch Senioren heutzutage mit ihren Kindern und Enkelkindern chatten und Fotos tauschen, was mit dem Nokia 3310 nicht geht, und das liegt nicht nur an der gruseligen T9-Tastatur, die auch in den Nullerjahren schon eine Plage war.

Die Listenansicht (rechts) ist übersichtlicher als die voreingestellte Raster-Ansicht.

Zwar Internet und Facebook, aber kein WhatsApp

Denn auf dem Gerät läuft WhatsApp nicht. Richtig gelesen. , und übrigens auch nicht, nebenbei bemerkt. Was soll man dazu noch sagen? Hier ist wieder class SMS-Schreiben angesagt. MMS (also SMS mit angehängten Mini-Fotos) kosten übrigens für gewöhnlich 39 Cent. Da ist die karge Rente schnell verbraucht. Dafür gibt es mit Opera Mini einen Browser, dessen Webseitendarstellung auf dem Winzig-Handy abwechselnd für Schrecken, Belustigung und Genervtheit sorgt, und eine Facebook-App, die diesen Gefühlscocktail noch steigert. Beide Programme sind de facto unbenutzbar.

Kein UMTS, Kein LTE, Kein WLAN

Wer jetzt immer noch Interesse an dem Handy hat, dem sei gesagt, dass auch die Telefonfunktion des 3310, also sein Kern-Feature, ihrem Ende entgegenschaut: Denn das Handy funkt nur im GSM-Netz (zudem nur in zwei von vier für den weltweiten Empfang notwendigen Frequenzbereichen), und genau dieses wollen die Provider abschalten, um die Frequenzen für das moderne LTE-Netz freizugeben. Einige Anbieter in Australien und den USA sind diesen Schritt bereits gegangen, die Schweiz folgt 2018 bis 2020. Wer das Handy nur in Deutschland nutzt, dürfte für die nächsten drei Jahre aber auf der sicheren Seite sein.

WLAN-Unterstützung gibt es übrigens ebenfalls nicht: Das 2G-Surftempo ist katastrophal und leistet ihren Beitrag, um die Geduld des Nutzers auf die Probe zu stellen. Immerhin ist Bluetooth mit dabei. So lassen sich Kontakte und Fotos kabellos übertragen. Auf moderne Features wie Kontaktabgleich und -backup mit entsprechenden Servern sollte der aufgeklärte Leser, der in diesem Text bis hierhin vorgedrungen ist, natürlich nicht mehr hoffen.


Schlechteste Kamera der Bestenliste

Und wer denkt, es könne jetzt gar nicht mehr schlimmer kommen, der mag sich einmal die Fotos anschauen, die das Handy schießt. Denn von der 2-Megapixel-Cam des Nokia 3310 darf man wirklich gar nichts erwarten. Helligkeit, Kontrast, Farb- sowie Detaildarstellung sind eine optische Qual. Wir haben die Cam durch unser normales Foto-Testverfahren geschickt und sie nach den dort aufgestellten Kriterien beurteilt. In unserer bekäme das Nokia 3310 eine katastrophale Digicam-Note von 19 Prozent.

Um die Kamera überhaupt verwenden zu können, ist darüber hinaus der Einsatz einer SD-Karte Pflicht, yes das Handy nur 16 MByte internen Speicher mitbringt (nicht Gigabyte!), von denen 1.4 MByte (!) frei sind – das run reicht fürrd sieben Fotos. Die Kamera des Nokia 3310 ist eigentlich so schlecht, dass es schon wieder lustig ist.

Miese Fotoqualität: Das Nokia 3310 hat die mit Abstand schlechteste Cam unserer Handy-Bestenliste.

Günstigere oder bessere Alternativen

Das Nokia 3310 – ein augenscheinlich günstiger Preis, der für das Gebotene jeodch immer noch zu hoch ist. Wer nur ein einfaches Handy zum Telefonieren sucht, kann genauso gut zum oder dem greifen. Für 60 Euro bekommt man hingegen bereits vollwertige Android-6-Smartphones, wie etwa das oder das , das sogar LTE unterstützt. Die paar Euro mehr, sind für die meisten Nutzer gut angelegtes Geld.

Karina Mironova 2017-02-28

HDM Global is bringing back the Nokia 3310 from a long and well-deserved retirement. You will find an overview of the new version of the legendary push-button telephone inside this article.

The Nokia 3310 was originally launched back in 2000 and has sold over 100 million units, becoming legendary for its ruggedness and reliability while offering long lasting performance. battery life.

It must be said that the new device is not exactly the NEW Nokia 3310 or Nokia 3310 (2017). It's just Nokia 3310. So what can this one offer us? new phone besides the legendary name of the original 3310? Let's get a look.


At first glance, the Nokia 3310 looks similar to its predecessor: it has the same oval outline as its older brother, a similar whitish frame around the screen, and its keyboard is almost an exact copy of the original 3310's keyboard (in terms of shape and ergonomics). .

However, when you hold the new Nokia 3310 in your hands, it definitely feels lighter and thinner than the original. The new version is offered in various color options - red, yellow, blue and grey. The phone doesn't offer any customization options to users; you can only remove the back cover to access the battery.

Software and interface

The user interface of the new Nokia 3310 does not have the slightest resemblance to the original, which, strictly speaking, does not surprise us.

Nokia 3310 initially has only one game installed, and yes, it is the well-known snake, but not its original version. This is a colorful 2D version of Snake II, developed by Gameloft.

The phone also comes with big amount classic Nokia ringtones. All of them are polyphonic, which is also a difference from the original version, in which the melodies were monophonic.

Hardware, camera and more

The new Nokia 3310 is equipped with a 1200 mAh battery that offers approximately 22 hours of talk time and a staggering 30 days of standby time. That's about double what the original 3310 could boast, in both cases!

The new 3310 is also equipped with a 2MP main camera and an LED flashlight. There is no front camera.

The phone comes with 16MB of internal memory, which can be expanded up to 32GB thanks to the presence of a memory card slot. The new Nokia 3310 can play video and MP3 files, and also has a 3.5mm headphone jack. Inside the 3310 you can find an FM radio.


The new Nokia 3310 has no WiFi, no 3G, no GPS, no front camera, nor a high-resolution display. All that the new Nokia 3310 can boast of is long battery life and the legendary name of the original from 2000. It is not Nokia 3310 in the sense that the company tried to make it innovative and revolutionary like the original. It's a Nokia 3310 just because HMD Global said so.

The new 3310 is just a regular push-button Nokia phone, wrapped in a shell that shows only a passing resemblance to the design of the original Nokia 3310.

The price of this device is €49. Judging by what was written above, one can only wonder whether the “new” 3310 is worth your money.

Chip's opinion: The new Nokia 3310 is not a cult mobile phone, even if the manufacturer apparently really wants it to be. No, he's simply too bad for that. This retro disaster has only one strong quality: the phone lasts four weeks on a single charge... unless you use it.

Battery life during calls, sound quality, display, camera, controls - the device failed tests in all areas. 3310 is a PR ploy. Nokia, please leave this where it belongs: in the moth-infested box of nostalgic memories.

Nokia 3310 test

The Finnish company HMD Global, which several years ago received the rights to use the Nokia name, was not so serious during the very short presentation of the Nokia 3310 in February at MWC and in fact issued only three PR postulates: it will have Snake (the game " Snake"), on one charge the battery life will be four weeks, it will be colorful.

He has a “Snake” - so what?!

Let's be honest: why should anyone play Snake? We are living in 2017, not 2000. Snake for Nokia 3310 is just one of the applications, no one will play it to have fun. The reason may well be the incredibly inconvenient operation of the Nokia 3310.

Looking ahead: due to highest degree With a thin control frame in the game (and not only), the phone can cause frustration instead of joy. In addition, Snake is available for both Android and iOS. Games that help sell systems and devices already look different.

Nokia 3310: There's Snake on board, but the game controls are poor and it's not fun

Nokia 3310 lasts four weeks - but only in standby mode

We haven't double-checked Nokia's promises regarding standby battery life. In general, who needs this? After all, the Nokia 3310 should last four weeks only if it is not used.

But the actual endurance when working in conversation mode, on the contrary, showed itself during our testing, as they say, in all its glory and contributed to considerable surprise: in a GSM network with maximum transmitter power (with poor signal quality), the Nokia 3310 managed to last an outstanding 5 hours 26 minutes.

For comparison: the Galaxy S7, when passing a similar test, showed a result of almost 9.5 hours. It is worth mentioning that it has a 3000 mAh battery, while Nokia has only 1200 mAh. Despite this, the manufacturer has chosen to brag about the battery life, when in reality that's what it is: a promise of possible standby time. At the same time, the quality of the muffled sound is very mediocre.

Nokia design The 3310 is pretty gorgeous, but the camera does play when you press it a little

He is not colorful...

Externally, Nokia 3310 is quite attractive. The appearance of the phone manages to mix warm memories and effervescent novelty into a PR cocktail. In addition, you can completely wrap your hand around it, unlike the multifunctional iPhone descendants with their screen diagonals of 4.5 inches and larger.

In the case of the 3310, the user looks at a 2.4-inch screen with a resolution of 320x240 pixels, which is also not touch-sensitive, although many try to touch the display, because it’s easy and smartphone users are used to it. A non-touch screen is not ironic, it is not cool, but simply impractical.

The user interface, with its grid structure in which menu items are represented by unlabeled, single-colored symbols, is also hip and minimalistic, but above all, it simply causes confusion. We recommend switching to the classic list menu display, which makes it easier and faster for the user to understand what the program is called.

... and the management is catastrophically bad

Since it's small and light, the Nokia 3310 should probably withstand drops much better than full-fledged smartphones. And yet, in terms of workmanship, we also find reasons for criticism: in particular, when you press the body of the device we tested, the camera lens can protrude by a good millimeter.

No, it's not a hidden key, it's a backlash. In addition, a feeling of frustration can be caused by a control frame less than two millimeters thick, which, most likely, no one will be able to use without irritation. Here again and again there will be a danger of unintentionally pressing the middle button to confirm actions.

Problems may also arise when typing numbers and letters on gray (!) buttons that have light gray (!!) symbols on them, since they are practically invisible in daylight. It’s good that the buttons are backlit for use in the dark.

And we would like to dissuade those who are thinking of giving this phone to representatives of the older generation from this idea. The Nokia 3310 is not suitable for older people, because the controls end up being truly painful. In addition, even older people today already want to correspond with their children and grandchildren, as well as exchange photos, which in the case of the 3310 becomes difficult not only because of the terrible T9 keyboard, which caused trouble back in the 2000s.

The list view of the menu (right) is much clearer than the preset “raster” display

Although with the Internet and Facebook, but without WhatsApp

Another reason is that WhatsApp on this device does not work. Yes, you read that right. Threema, Snapchat and Telegram are not either, let me point out. What else can I say? Here you will have to use classic SMS again.

This way, a small pension can be spent very quickly. But in the form of Opera Mini there is a browser that, when displaying websites on a tiny display, alternately causes horror and nervous laughter. And then there’s the Facebook app, which only adds to the irritation effect. Both programs are virtually unusable.

No UMTS, no LTE, no WLAN

Those who are still interested in this mobile phone should also be aware that the telephony function, that is, its main function, may soon become unavailable on the 3310. This is because this device only works with GSM networks (moreover, only with two of the four globally used frequency bands), and it is their providers that will be turned off first in order to free up frequencies for modern LTE networks.

Some operators cellular communication Australia and the USA have already taken this step. Switzerland will join them from 2018 to 2020. However, anyone who plans to use this mobile phone in Russia only can be confident in the availability of the network for the next three years.

However, there is no WLAN support here either: the 2G rate of web surfing is catastrophic and contributes to testing the user’s patience. At the same time, there is Bluetooth. With its help you can wirelessly transfer contacts and photos. For modern features such as contact synchronization or backup data, of course, an enlightened reader who has reached this point in the text may not hope for it.

This is what the website looks like on the screen of a Nokia 3310: the browser is presented here for appearance's sake only

The worst camera in our smartphone rating

And if anyone thinks things can't get any worse, they should at least take one look at the photos this cell phone produces. However, you really shouldn’t expect anything good from the 2-megapixel camera of the Nokia 3310. Brightness, contrast, color rendition and detail are simply torment for the eyes.

However, we ran the camera through all standard testing methods and evaluated it. As a result, when placing the results in the appropriate tables, the Nokia 3310 camera received a disastrous 19 points out of 100 possible.

Moreover, to use the camera, you need to insert an SD card, since the size of the built-in storage in this phone is 16 MB (not GB!), of which only 1.4 MB (!) remains free for user data - this is enough for seven photographs. In fact, the Nokia 3310's camera is so bad that it becomes ridiculous again.

Lousy photo quality: Nokia 3310's camera is by far the best bad camera in our smartphone rating

Cheaper or better alternatives

Nokia 3310 costs about 4,000 rubles - an obviously affordable price, which, however, is too high for this phone. Anyone looking for just a simple phone for making calls can just as easily take the Nokia 105 for 1,400 rubles or the Nokia 150 for 2,500 rubles. And on the contrary, for 4,000 rubles you can already get such a full-fledged smartphone with an operating system Android system 6, such as Alcatel One Touch Pixi 4. Or take the LG K3, which even supports LTE. Less than a thousand rubles more expensive, but for most users this will be a better choice.

All kinds of tests and advice from Sm@rta, or I advise you to read


how long have you had this phone?

4 months (and I think that during this time I studied him well, check it yourself), but in general he turns 5 years old this month!

Do you use it until now? If not, why did you break up with him?

No, I don’t use it, because... I repaired an old SL45i (without an MP3...), in general, my father used it before me, he seems happy, but in my opinion, this is the phone of all times! Well, in general, let's start in order.

Let's start with the insides...

The menu is made as a carousel and consists of 13 items (phone book, messages, dialogue, calls, signals, options, call transfer, games, calculator, remind, clock, modes, MTS-INFO (depending on the telecom operator)). In my opinion, it was done quite conveniently in terms of order, and the management of numbers was also well thought out (for example, to go to the alarm clock, you need to press the “menu” and the “one” button 3 times).

1. Phone book. In addition to the standard functions of a simple phone book, here you can: set a signal for each number; send a business card via SMS; there are “options” (options for reviewing the phone book and SIM card capacity (you cannot write to the phone)); Next are speed dials (buttons 2 to 5); Well, and phonograms (simply called voice dialing, by the way, you can use it as a voice recorder for 3 seconds, you just need to cover the microphone with your finger before and immediately after recording).

2. Messages. In addition to everything ordinary in SMS messages, I would like to note that there is no T9 (quick input language), and in order to send a postcard, you must send only from graphic messages (which is not always convenient); a cool theme is smiles (I’ve never used it) - these are emoticons that you create yourself and can always insert into an SMS; Further, it is interesting that “set the voice mailbox number” is just a quick dial on the “one” key; There are only all sorts of settings left, which, I think, are neither interesting nor necessary to describe...

3. Dialogue. An ordinary SMS chat is not bad, not good, just a telephone chat, there’s nothing to describe here ☺ .

4. Calls. There is information about incoming and outgoing calls, dialed numbers, durations, costs, call impressions and credits. There is nothing abnormal here, everything is accessible and simple.

5. Signals. Here you can set a ringtone for a call (35 non-deletable (standard) and 7 downloadable via SMS or synthesizer), there are only 4 ringtones per SMS, which, unfortunately, cannot be changed. The desktop screensaver (instead of the operator’s logo) is also placed here (can only be downloaded via SMS).

6. Options. Minimum required settings, and return to standard settings (Nokia standard code: 12345).

7. Call transfer. This is probably one of the few functions that I did not use. Well, nothing fancy, 6 possibilities for different translations.

8. Games. There are 4 built-in games here; you cannot add or remove them. Snake 2 (the coolest snake, in my opinion, at least cooler than in the colored Nokias, Eldzhishki and Siemens), Spase impact (a good shooter with 9 or 10 levels (I don’t remember exactly). I completed it all in about 25 minutes ), Bantumi (you have to throw beans into pots) and Pairs 2 (you have to collect pictures in pairs for a time or just like that).

9. Calculator. Just the simplest calculator.

10. Remind. A reminder can be set only once (all according to minimalism).

11. Clock. In addition to the time and date, there is an alarm clock (one time), a stopwatch (I want to say that it is quite convenient and not fancy) and a countdown timer.

12. Modes. These are ordinary profiles in which everything is configured, from vibration to the operator’s logo (everything is very decent, you can change the name of the profiles).

13. MTS-info. This topic depends on the SIM card (for example, in Beeline - BEE-info).

Russification. I want to say that the phone is 100% Russified; at that time, in my opinion, it was the most Russified phone.

Let's finish with the looks...

Design. In my opinion, it was quite decent for that time, and even now it doesn’t seem particularly wretched (if you compare it with phones of that time), especially since you can install a new panel (it costs 300 rubles on Gorbukha) - 3310 panel, made for Nokia 7210 .

Weight. The phone weighs 130 grams. But its weight can be reduced by 15-25 grams using a battery (read below).

Battery. You can put a “BLC-2” format battery here, it is 1.5 millimeters thinner, made for newer Nokias, for example, and much lighter, and this is significant given the device’s weight of 130 grams. Recently he was tested to see how long the battery would last (even though it was over a year old) - it lasted 5 days with 15-20 minutes of calls and 15 SMS a day. By the way, I recently saw on “Gorbushka” a battery that was 2 times smaller than the standard one (it cost 800 rubles). Advice from me: if you have a backlash in the battery (and there is one), stick a piece of foam rubber to the right and left of the contacts (I glued the theme that comes with the socket and is glued inside the panel around the screen).

Screen. Resolution 64x48, quite readable, wide viewing angle, nice fonts.

Sound. The mono speaker sounds harsh, but loud (mt50 vomits in any way). Earpiece speaker: I don’t know if it’s like the original one, but mine isn’t bad (I changed it), but it’s a bit hard to hear on the subway. I tried to plug in the headset from the G300, it does not work correctly, which is sad ☹.

Repair. Easy to disassemble even with nail clippers. (Advice from me: if you decide to disassemble the phone, then cut off half the rubber band of the monophonic speaker, after which the phone ringing will be one and a half times louder, and the sound cannot be muffled - it will come out of all the holes ☺.)

How did you get this phone? By what criteria was he chosen?

My father gave it away because... My SL45i stopped ringing because... there was some kind of lock that I didn’t install, the battery died there, half the buttons didn’t work, well, a lot more. And I will write a story about him in two months.

What do you like? Strengths of the phone, advantages.

Well, in general, All!!!

What's not to like? Weaknesses, shortcomings.

Whether we like it or not is not for us to decide, the main thing is that it’s a cool phone.

What do you miss about it?

Lack of T9 in Russian... in this class ☹.

What phone features do you use often?

I've used everything except...

What phone features do you use occasionally?

What functions do you not use at all? MT50 in 5 months discovered about 35 glitches, which were constantly repeated (I didn’t even talk about them in the story), but in 3310 in 4 months there was only 1.

What else can you say?

I can safely say that of all the phones I’ve owned (6 of them), the 3310 is the most well-thought-out phone with no bugs in terms of firmware. (For Nokia users from me: "*#06#" - code to find out IMEI, "*#0000#" - code to find out the production date and firmware version. If you have something against it, or have any questions in terms of the phone, well, in general, I can tell you a lot of secrets about this phone, write to me at " [email protected]".)

He holds a solid 10, I believe it is best phone in this class, Motorola is stupid for the same money 2004-05. he tears up a hot water bottle like an ace!!! ☺

Of course, I will recommend the only simple, cheap and high-quality phone!

Sm@rt SunYCH