The laptop turns off the wifi router. Why is Wi-Fi not working well on my phone?

Happy laptop owners sometimes experience situations when wifi suddenly turns off and the Internet no longer works. This problem is not uncommon and can constantly arise for completely different reasons. This publication will discuss ways to solve such a problem.

Imagine you are reading a news article, watching an online movie, communicating with friends in instant messengers or through voice communication when suddenly access to the Internet is disconnected, the computer stops seeing available connection, and its resumption constantly wastes precious minutes, which are always in short supply. In this regard, before you begin to solve the problem of turning off wifi, it is worth understanding some of the reasons leading to this error.

The most common reason for periodic disconnection of Internet connection lies in system utility laptop energy saving. The program, after certain periods of machine inactivity, breaks the wireless connection due to which the Wi-Fi module stops seeing and exchanging data with the router in order to save energy.

An unlikely, but valid reason is that the access point is located too far from the device receiving the signal or operates behind an obstacle. As a result, the signal strength becomes so weak that the laptop's wireless adapter is not able to pick it up, resulting in the connection being disconnected. This is why it is so important to purchase devices with a powerful transmitter.

Often, the Internet signal transmitted via cable and converted into a wireless connection in the router is too weak and, despite working Wi-Fi modules, access to the network is impossible. In addition, the signal is weak cable connection may cause automatic shutdown connecting the access point and laptop.

Unstable work wifi router a, which periodically manifests itself in reboots and freezes. In such cases, the wireless device on the computer will make automatic restarts, and the connection will disappear, disconnect and resume again after the access point is fully restored.

Outdated or inappropriate wireless adapter driver wifi connections laptop also leads to periodic disruption of uninterrupted operation, or even the computer does not detect available wireless connections at all.

The problems described above are the most commonplace, but other reasons also occur and it is necessary to remember that each specific case is in some way unique and its resolution requires a whole range of measures to restore a lost connection.

Disable power saving mode

Since all laptops have built-in autonomous batteries, they usually come with special programs or use standard means operating system to make energy saving efficient. To disable the power saving mode, which is implemented by disabling the wireless adapter, you need to open the “Control Panel” and find the power and energy saving icon there. In the window that opens, you need to find and select the power supply scheme setting. Next, you need to open the link “Edit Extra options nutrition." In the window that opens, open the adapter settings wireless connection, find the “Power Saving Mode” icon and there, change the values ​​to maximum performance mode, in other words, prohibit the program from turning off the wireless adapter. Now the operating system will not be able to interfere with the wireless connection and interrupt its operation.

Weak access point signal

The quality of a wifi router signal can be affected by a variety of obstacles, from room walls to electrical appliances. Often, the cause of signal loss may be a malfunction of the antenna of the Wi-Fi transmitting device.

To eliminate this problem, you should use the trial method. It is necessary to identify the cause of the constant interference, gradually moving the laptop away from the distributing access point and checking how the adapter works, because any metal objects contribute to the deterioration or loss of the radio wave signal.

Signal propagation

If you suspect a weak signal coming through the wire from your provider, then you should contact customer support and find out the cause of the problem, which is why you lose access to the RuNet. When it comes to the network provided by a mobile operator, it may be worth making attempts to strengthen the signal by changing the location of the transmitting device.

Problems with Wi-Fi distribution device

In case of obvious problems with the wifi router, a series of reboots can help. If the device does not work as required and continues to disconnect, you can, alternatively, check the settings of the access point; perhaps the provider has changed some parameters. You can also check for updates on the equipment manufacturer’s website and, if available, update the software through the settings menu.

Driver problems

If the working machine is not the latest, then why not check for updates, perhaps you should think about installing a fresh wifi driver network devices. To do this, you need to find out the manufacturer of the network adapter and download new version from its official website and then install it on your personal computer.

If any problems arise related to disconnecting Wi-Fi, you should use the above tips and only then, perhaps, it will make sense to contact a specialized service center for detailed equipment diagnostics. Now you know why the wireless connection can be interrupted and you can find a solution to this problem.

In one of the previous articles, we looked at the very popular problem among laptop computer users, and we described in detail how to cure a device from network blindness.

However, another situation is no less relevant - when the laptop normally recognizes all available wireless networks, but the Internet via wifi on the laptop periodically disappears, and users can only guess when the connection will “fall off” again.

And in this article we will tell you why wifi on a laptop constantly turns off, and what to do if the Internet goes out for no apparent external reason?

Laptop loses wifi network: possible reasons

In most cases, a loss of Internet connection via Wi-Fi can be attributed to one of two “scenarios”:

  1. 1. (the Wi-Fi icon on the laptop disappears and a “yellow triangle with exclamation point") and appears automatically - without rebooting the router - within a few minutes.

This type of error can be compared to mobile network on a trip - when the network disappears and appears. The example is quite simple, but it gets the point across correctly.

  1. 2. WiFi connection disappears and remains inactive until the router is rebooted.

Everything here is quite simple: in most cases, the reason that a laptop loses the network lies in a malfunction of the line, router or its firmware:

  • - if the gaps are constant, contact the service technical support your provider;
  • - if the problem is on the router side, update the firmware or try on another router.

To test the router, you can set up another network (friend, neighbor, etc.) and evaluate its performance.

So, if the Internet on a laptop via wifi disappears before rebooting the router, updating the firmware/replacing the router, or contacting the technical service of the provider will help.

But if the laptop has poor reception wifi signal and every 5 minutes it loses/finds the network without any intervention - you will have to give the computer a “comprehensive examination”. Possible reasons there is quite a lot for such a problem, and in order to fix the problem you need to “make the correct diagnosis.”

Why does Wi-Fi crash on a laptop?

  1. 1. The connection is broken when the network is under load.

For example, a torrent is turned on, a movie is downloading, and online games are being played on a nearby device. Those. The router operates at full capacity, simply cannot cope with the load and “cuts off” the network.

It is logical that after the connection “falls”, open Internet tabs in the browser are closed, downloading/downloading stops - the load on the router drops, and the Internet connection, as if by magic, is restored.

In this case, the solution might be:

  • - replacing the router with a more powerful one;
  • - limiting the amount of traffic consumed;
  • - delimitation of the maximum permissible load for connected devices.
  1. 2. A “loaded” channel is selected wireless network.

You can use special utilities: for example, use the “inSSIDer” program.

Based on the received data, select the number (from 1 to 13) of a free channel and save the settings.

Please note that many devices do not support channels numbered greater than 10.

  1. 3. Another reason why wifi on a laptop keeps dropping out may be a problem with the drivers for the network card/wifi adapter. You can check the driver version in Device Manager:
  • - open “Device Manager” with the command “devmgmt.msc” or through “My Computer” - “Management”;
  • - in the “catalog” of devices, find “Network adapters”, select the one you need by right-clicking and open “Properties”;
  • - in the window that opens, go to the “Driver” tab - there all the information about installed version drivers.

Now download the new driver version from the official website or use third party programs(" " or " Driver Genius"), install updated driver and restart your computer.

  1. 4. Problems with wifi connection may be related to the power distribution on the laptop itself. In Control Panel, find the “Energy Management” or “Power Options” section.

Open the section "Advanced settings" - "Wireless network adapter settings" - "Power saving mode" and select " Maximum performance"(and in the line "On battery" and "On network").

Now in the “Device Manager”, open the “Properties” of the adapter and go to the “Power Management” tab, there should not be a checkmark in the line “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”, if there is one, accordingly, uncheck it and restart the computer.

  1. 5. Perhaps before Wi-Fi began to disappear (to clean dust, replace components, etc.), the “wifi module” was physically disabled.

And during subsequent assembly, the module contacts were broken or loosely connected.

To fix the problem, check the integrity of the module contacts and the reliability of its connection.

In addition, if the laptop has stopped connecting to wifi (previously connected), it is worth checking the integrity of the Internet cable from the provider.

Setting up a Wi-Fi router is not so difficult, however, after this, despite the fact that in general everything works, a wide variety of problems are possible, and the most common of them include disappearing WiFi signal, as well as the Internet (which is especially noticeable when downloading files) via Wi-Fi. Let's see how to fix this.

I will warn you in advance that this instruction and solution do not apply to those situations when, for example, when downloading from a torrent, the Wi-Fi router simply freezes and does not react to anything until it is rebooted. See also - all articles (solving problems, setting up different models for popular providers, more than 50 instructions)

One of the most common reasons why a Wi-Fi connection drops

First, what exactly does it look like and specific symptoms by which you can determine that the Wi-Fi connection disappears for this very reason:

  • A phone, tablet or laptop sometimes connects to Wi-Fi and sometimes doesn't, with almost no logic.
  • The speed over Wi-Fi, even when downloading from local resources, is too low.
  • The connection with Wi-Fi disappears in one place, and not far from, there are no serious obstacles.

Perhaps I described the most common symptoms. So, the most common reason for their appearance is that your wireless network is using the same channel that is used by other Wi-Fi access points in the neighborhood. As a result of this, due to interference and “clogging” of the channel, such things appear. The solution is quite obvious: change the channel, because in most cases, users leave the Auto value, which is set in the default router settings.

Of course, you can try these steps at random, trying different channels until you find the most stable one. But you can approach the matter more intelligently - determine in advance the most free channels.

How to find an open Wi-Fi channel

If you have an Android phone or tablet, I recommend using different instructions:

First of all, download to your computer free program inSSIDer from the official website ( UPD: The program has become paid. But they have free version for Android). This utility will allow you to easily scan all wireless networks in your environment and graphically display information about the distribution of these networks by channels. (See picture below).

Signals from two wireless networks overlap

Let's figure out what is shown on this graph. My access point, the site uses channels 13 and 9 (not all routers can use two channels at once for data transmission). Note that you can see that another wireless network is using the same channels. Accordingly, we can assume that problems with Wi-Fi communication are caused by this factor. But channels 4, 5 and 6, as you can see, are free.

Let's try changing the channel. The general idea is to choose the channel that is as far away from any other sufficiently strong wireless signals as possible. To do this, go to the router settings and go to the wireless Wi-Fi network settings () and specify the required channel. After that, apply the changes.

As you can see, the picture has changed for the better. Now, with a high degree of probability, the loss of Wi-Fi speed will not be so significant, and incomprehensible connection breaks will not be so frequent.

It is worth noting that each wireless network channel is separated by 5 MHz from the other, while the channel width can be 20 or 40 MHz. Thus, when choosing, for example, channel 5, the neighboring ones - 2, 3, 6 and 7 - will also be affected.

Just in case: it's not the only reason, which may have low speed through the router or be interrupted WiFi connection, although one of the most common. This can also be caused by unstable firmware, problems with the router itself or the receiver device, as well as problems with the power supply (voltage jumps, etc.). Learn more about solving various problems when Wi-Fi settings router and the operation of wireless networks you can read.

In this article we will talk about what to do if the WiFi network on your laptop turns off spontaneously. It is worth noting that the operating system is completely unimportant here, since such problems occur on XP, Windows 7 and 8. It is very important to analyze all the reasons, since not every user is able to figure it out on their own.

Also, such problems occur at the most different models wireless Wi-Fi adapters. Since the point here is not at all about the manufacturer or company, but about the principle of operation and system settings of the operating system. So, let's get down to business.

The wireless connection on a laptop may turn off on its own for the following reasons:

  • Shutdown to save power.
  • Weak Wi-Fi signal.
  • Driver malfunctions.

These are all the reasons why it turns off WiFi network on a laptop. All of them can be easily fixed by making some settings or reinstalling the driver for wireless equipment. Let's look at all the points in more detail.

Weak signal and sources of interference

Very often, the reason why the WiFi network on a laptop constantly turns off is a weak signal and various sources of interference. The fact is that, like any other radio signal, WiFi can also fluctuate. That is, the signal level is not stable.

It changes under the influence of certain factors:

  • Voltage in the electrical network.
  • Various electrical appliances that create strong interference with the WiFi signal.
  • Metal objects located between the signal source and the laptop.

If your computer is located far enough from the router, the signal level may disappear from time to time. Because of this, a disconnection from the network occurs. The fact is that the signal itself fluctuates a little. If the computer is located close to the router. It's unnoticeable. However, when the signal level reaches 8-10%, such fluctuations can cause a break in the Wi-Fi connection.

Also in this case, interference may be caused by various metal objects located between the laptop and the router. It’s even worse if there is any device nearby that creates interference. For example, a mobile phone or a microwave oven. To fix this problem, simply move your computer closer to the WiFi router.

Why Wi-Fi turns off on a Windows 8 laptop: Video

Disabling the WiFi adapter to save energy

One of the most important factors in a laptop is its autonomy. Therefore, the developers created a program to save energy. According to it, if you do not use a module for a certain time, it automatically turns off. Also with a Wi-Fi connection adapter. It may turn off spontaneously if you do not use it.

But there are also cases when the program does not work very stably and the connection regularly breaks down at certain intervals, regardless of whether you use the Internet or not. In this case, you just need to disable this function on your laptop.

To do this, click on the battery icon in the tray (lower right corner of the desktop). From the menu that appears, select "Advanced power options."

A window will open where you can select a power plan. Here you need to go to “Power Plan Settings”. We are interested in the parameters of the type you are using (it is better to do further steps for all types).

So, now click “Change advanced power settings”. In the window that opens, simply find the “Wireless network adapter settings” item. Open a thread. You will see "Power Saving Mode". Open it.

Articles on the topic

Now you see all the modes available to you:

  • From the network.
  • From battery.

In both cases, select “Maximum performance”. This means that the function of automatically turning off the WiFi adapter to save energy is inactive. This will keep your wireless module from disconnecting.

You have done the above steps, but WiFi still turns off. This suggests that your operating system is also configured to save power. To disable this feature, you should open the Network and Sharing Center.

This is done by right-clicking on the WiFi network icon in the tray. Next, select the appropriate item. In the window that opens, we are interested in the “Changing adapter parameters” section. Here we simply find the shortcut for the wireless network (or wireless network connection) and click on it right click mice. Select “Properties”.

After this, a menu will open. We are interested in the “Network” tab. In it, click the “Configure” button. Next, select the “Power Management” tab. Here you just need to uncheck the “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” checkbox. Click “Ok” and close all windows.

Why Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting: Video

Checking the functionality of Wi-Fi hardware drivers

Why does the WiFi network turn off on a laptop? The above steps did not help, what should I do? This indicates that the hardware drivers are not working correctly. To check this, press the Windows + R key combination, in the window that appears, write the following command - mmc devmgmt.msc and press “Enter”. This will open the Device Manager. Here we are interested in “Wireless adapters”. Open a thread and check to see if any module is highlighted with an exclamation point. In addition, the name of the wireless equipment should include its name and full model, for example, Broadcom 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter. If it just says “Wireless Equipment” or “Wireless Network Adapter”, then you should update the driver.

Recommended download latest version drivers for Wi-Fi equipment from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. The fact is that software becomes outdated over time. At the same time, developers constantly release updated versions of drivers. In them they correct errors, making the operation of the equipment more stable. You just need to go to the official website of your laptop, log in to support and enter the full model of the device in the search, for example “AsusK50 AB”. What you're looking for in the results software, which is necessary and save it to your hard drive.

How to reinstall the WiFi driver on a Windows laptop: Video

Router freezing

It is worth noting that in some cases, loss of connection (WiFi network turns off) occurs due to unstable operation of the signal source. The fact is that modern routers, which are most widespread, are budget ones. And such models often freeze due to heavy load. This happens when the maximum bandwidth, for example, when downloading large files at high speed over WiFi.

A failure can also occur as a result of power outages or due to a large number of subscribers. All these reasons have one effect - the router freezes. To fix this, simply reboot it. Unplug the WiFi router's power supply from the outlet for 7-10 minutes, then plug it back in. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely eliminate this phenomenon, since budget devices are simply not able to withstand high loads without negative consequences and at some point they will still fail.

What to do if WiFi does not work on your laptop: Video

Wireless Internet is very convenient and modern, but it is not always problem-free. Some glitches that cause a lot of trouble for users appear on their own over and over again. Today we’ll talk about why the Wi-Fi network disappears. As a rule, such incidents are relevant for laptops, which, it would seem, are simply designed to work specifically with wireless networks, supporting the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal mobile solution.

Since there may be several reasons for the problem, below we will look at each separately. In general, first you will need to do some diagnostics and check if there are any problems with the router’s power supply and the device itself. In the case of the first, everything is determined quite simply; to check the second, you need to try connecting other devices to the network - tablets, phones.

If everything works fine, perhaps the problem is only with the computer, and you need to check the operation and settings of its adapter one by one.

Energy saving

The next thing we should do if the Wi-Fi network has disappeared is to carry out diagnostics using the system. Click on the wireless network signal icon and find the “Problem Diagnosis” item, then follow the instructions. Perhaps this option will help you.

Open “Start” and find the “Control Panel” we need. Now we need the settings that are hidden under the “Power Options” icon.

There will be several options here and, if you do not want to set high performance, then you need to select at least “Balanced mode”.

If this option is also unacceptable, you can only configure separate consumption for the adapter. Click “Configure power supply scheme” next to the required option.

Now “Change advanced settings”.

Here we scroll down and find the item “Adapter parameters” - you need to expand the parameter tree, then once again expand the sub-item “Energy Saving” and there in the parameters “from battery” and “from network” set “Maximum performance”.

You have done everything that could be done here - now click “OK”, “Save changes” and close the window.

The second option also, in a sense, depends on the power settings - it happens that when the user puts the computer into sleep mode, after turning on the adapter still remains in this mode.

Click “Start” again and click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”.

There will be a lot of equipment inside it, but we are interested in network adapters. Having opened the tree with them, we look for the one with the Wi-Fi annotation and double-click with the left mouse button.

Here we look for “Power management” and uncheck the “Allow the device to turn off to save energy” checkbox. Next, click “OK” and test how everything works. To be more sure, the best option would be to reboot your device after all these operations.

Sometimes the problem may be due to oxidation of the adapter contacts, failure to connect it after cleaning or repair, or to the device drivers. In the first two cases, only mechanical intervention will help. To update drivers, you need to find the name of your model and go to the manufacturer's official website to download the necessary programs.

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This is all that could be done on the computer side if it went missing Wi-Fi network, and now we will look at solving the problem on the side of the distribution point.

If the reason is in the router

If after all the checks you come to the conclusion that the problem is with the distribution device, then there is not much you can do: when the router is turned on and working normally, even without special settings and a plugged-in provider cable, the network will be detected and should not disappear.

As mentioned above, check the power supply to the device - perhaps a contact is loose somewhere or the power supply is becoming unusable.

The problem may lie in a crashed firmware, but identifying this is quite difficult, since if there is a failure, you can get into the settings and visually everything will be fine, but the Wi-Fi network still disappears over and over again.

In any case, if the router is already not working correctly, flashing it is unlikely to harm it. Just go to the manufacturer's official website, open the instructions and download the firmware. If after this there is no improvement, then most likely you will have to go for a new router.

In this article, I will try to answer a very popular question, which in most cases is difficult to even explain. People often write to me in the comments about some problem with Wi-Fi, I read the question several times, but I can’t understand anything. And to answer the question, I answer with several questions :) in order to understand what the problem is and clarify the necessary information. Let's talk today about the unstable operation of the Internet when connected via Wi-Fi.

Let's try to figure out what exactly this connection instability is, what the problem might be, and what can be done to solve problems with the wireless network.

There are times when the Internet does not work as it should. For example, you connected the Internet to your computer via a network cable. Bought and installed wireless router, and began to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. And they began to notice that the Internet was somehow not working right, it was constantly cutting out, the speed was low, etc.

I’ll probably now highlight problems that can be attributed to unstable operation of the wireless network. This way, it will be easier for us to navigate the problem itself and a possible solution.

  • Frequent connection interruptions. For example, you connected a smartphone, and after a while it turns off by itself. Or a laptop that constantly disconnects and connects. I've seen cases where the connection was lost for a few seconds and was immediately restored. This is not always noticeable, but if you have Skype installed, its connection status is constantly changing. Or a yellow icon appears next to the connection icon. Here is another article on this issue: ““.
  • Low internet connection speed, or speed spikes when connected via Wi-Fi. It may be that, for example, during the day the speed is normal, but in the evening it drops significantly (if connected via cable, the speed is always stable).
  • Unstable Wi-Fi connection. This may include a large number of connection problems. For example, when a device connects to the network for the second or third time. Or, only in a certain place (for example, near the router, I already wrote about this problem ) .
  • When you notice some problems, but not always. For example, the Internet works fine for several days, and then strange problems with Wi-Fi begin again. Or, as I already wrote, everything is fine in the morning, but in the afternoon the connection is unstable.

This list can be continued, but I think the essence is clear. I would just like to exclude from this list popular problems that have their own characteristics and about which separate articles have already been written:

  • Error “ ” on computers, or when the connection is on mobile devices I have, but .
  • Errors on mobile devices: , and " ".

Solving the problem with unstable Wi-Fi

I have some kind of universal solution. And there are no special settings with which you can adjust the stability of operation. You need to try and find a solution. I will give some tips that should help you in this difficult matter.

Reboot your router and laptop (smartphone, tablet, etc.).

This is the first thing to do. Just turn off the power from the router and turn it back on. Also, reboot the device that you are trying to connect to the network, or that is experiencing some problems.

You need to understand what the problem is.

Everything is simple here. We need to find the culprit. This could be either your router or the device itself (computer, smartphone, etc.). How to do it? Just try connecting other devices to your network (preferably those that run on the same operating system). If the problem persists, then most likely the problem is with the access point. And the problem must be looked for in it.

If another device connects and the Internet works stably, then most likely the problem is in the device itself (with which there were difficulties). I’m already confused myself :)

Make sure the Internet is working directly.

What does direct mean? This is when it is connected without a router. Network cable straight to the computer. Perhaps there are some problems on the provider's side. And you are already torturing your router and other equipment :)

Change the channel your wireless network is on.

It is necessary! If there is interference on the channel on which your Wi-Fi is operating (in the form of wireless, neighboring networks), then a variety of incomprehensible problems may arise in the operation of your Internet connection, which are even difficult to explain. Read the article about how to change the channel. This is probably the most important and effective advice.

We update the software on the router.


If nothing works, write about your problem in the comments. Try to describe the problem in as much detail as possible. We'll figure it out together.

If you have anything to add to the article, I will be only grateful. Best wishes!

Purchased a laptop, phone or tablet. A portable device is specifically selected to access the Internet via Wi-Fi in any accessible location. However, an unexpected difficulty arises: for some reason the connection suddenly disappears. What is the reason? Let's figure it out.

A sharp and sudden disconnection of the wireless network can happen due to several reasons. They are presented below:

  • Wi-Fi coverage may disappear due to the fact that one of the functions of any modern device, be it a laptop, tablet or phone, is to save battery power.
  • An important reason may be the presence of a weak Wi-Fi signal.
  • Another reason is unexpected driver failures, including the driver responsible for the high-quality operation of the wireless network.

However, whatever the reasons why Wi-Fi turns off, they are all fairly easy to fix. It is only important to be able to make necessary settings, or reinstall the driver. In this case, it is best to download the driver from the manufacturer’s official website, otherwise serious problems may arise in the operation of Wi-Fi. Let's talk about solutions to problems in more detail.

What to do if there is a weak signal or sources of strong interference?

This factor is a fairly common reason for Wi-Fi connection disconnection. Needless to say, this coverage is based on radio signals that can be shaken. It’s worth saying directly about the signal level that it is not always stable. It is influenced by several factors, the most significant of which is the voltage in the electrical network. The most diverse electrical devices are involved in creating interference, which can sometimes be so strong that it interferes with the propagation of the Wi-Fi signal.

The presence of metal objects between the portable device and the router can be even more disruptive. If the laptop is located at a fairly large distance from the signal propagation point, it may periodically disappear. Therefore Wi-Fi turns off. As already noted, the signal is not stable.

When a laptop, phone or tablet is placed close to the router, the vibrations are unnoticeable, but when moving away they begin to become more pronounced, and eventually Wi-Fi connection breaks off. Mobile phones or microwave ovens have a particularly negative impact on communications. You can fix the problem by moving the laptop closer to the wireless router.

Problems caused by battery saving

As you know, one of the fundamental functions of any laptop, tablet and phone is battery life, which is achieved through high-quality battery saving. In this regard, the developers have created a special program that allows you to save energy and which automatically turns off modules that have not been used for a long time.

Method 2. How to fix the problem if Wi-Fi on the laptop turns off?

There is a second solution if WiFi on the laptop constantly turns off:

What to do if Wi-Fi on your laptop still turns off?

If your WiFi periodically disappears, you need to update the drivers; you can do this by going to the properties of the network adapter:

You bought a laptop, everything seemed to be set up and the router was connected to you, but the WI-FI Internet resets every 5-10 minutes. It’s good when the laptop is new, and it’s bad that manufacturers do not provide users with instructions on the features of managing and configuring the operating system. Let's look at the most trivial reasons.
It’s one thing if you don’t know how to set up a network, and you can read about this in a separate series of past articles. And it’s completely different if you set everything up, but it still turns off. On older laptop models there was a mechanical lever on the side to turn on the WI-FI network, which users managed to accidentally shift to “OFF” and the Internet and network disappeared. Most users did not even know about the existence of this lever. Now on modern laptops these levers have been removed and the controls have been transferred to the keyboard, but no one bothers to write instructions for the laptop, relying on the intuition of ordinary people. Regular user, even if he is advanced, in most cases he suffers for a long time trying to find an elementary solution, only because of the lack of instructions for the keyboard control keys. The user believes that if he bought a new laptop with a pre-installed operating system, then it will be configured and all functions will be enabled. So, let’s list the most banal reasons why there seems to be a connection, but it constantly breaks down.

1. The signal source (router access point) is too far away and the signal is too weak. Install an amplifying antenna or make it yourself according to ours. Check the indicator in the lower right corner of the screen in the form of a ladder, it shows the source signal strength.

2. There is a strong source of interference around your network. Install an amplifying antenna or make it yourself according to ours.

3. On your old laptop, find the lever with the network icon and turn it to the “ON” position.
On a modern laptop this is done using the keyboard. Find the "Fn" key (usually in the bottom row). Press and hold it, press the key with the WI-FI icon (in the form of an antenna with diverging waves). At the same time, your power indicator with the same icon on the laptop body should light up.

4. An even more common problem on modern laptops is the Internet services of pre-installed operating systems that are disabled by default. To check and activate services, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features” icon. In the “Programs and Features” window, click “Turn Windows features on or off.”
In the window that appears, move the cursor to each item in turn without a check mark and read the hint about what it refers to. Check all the boxes related to networks, Internet, TCP protocols. Click “OK”. Wait until everything is installed and reboot.

Provided that your network is not contaminated with viruses and experimental programs, your connection interruptions will stop. In other cases, a specialist call is required.