The laptop writes an unidentified network. “Unidentified network without Internet access” - causes, solution to the problem

When the Internet suddenly turns off, we usually begin to climb through the jungle of operating room settings Windows systems, in order to somehow try to regain access to the precious information flow. Ultimately, we get into the settings of our Internet connection and see the message “IPv4 without access to the Internet or network.”

It's obvious that this information has something to do with the loss of the Internet, right? That’s right, and in this article we will tell you how to fix the “IPv4 without Internet access” problem. It can be solved by a huge number in all possible ways and we'll look at them all.

However, first we need to indicate the possible reasons for the loss of the Internet and the appearance of this alarming message.

  • Incorrect Internet connection settings, which could be set by the user himself or due to some changes in the system.
  • Problems encountered on the user's provider side.
  • Various errors and failures in the Windows operating system, due to which access to the network may be blocked or connection settings may be reset.
  • Malfunctions of the router(router).
  • Exposure to any viruses or malware software(very rare cases).

Before we move on to consider the methods that can be used in this situation, there is one more thing to point out. Next to the message “IPv4 without network access” you can see a line that will tell you that IPv6 is also without Internet access.

Let's return to the problem with "IPv4 without network access" and the lack of Internet on your computer. Let's look at what you can try to do in this situation.

Errors and crashes in Windows work This is far from new to all users of this controversial operating system. It is possible that just one of these errors in some strange way was able to block your access to the Internet. To check this probability, simply reboot your system.

If, after rebooting the system, you have access to the Internet, and the line “IPv4 without network access” has changed, then this was just a one-time failure in the system. If the situation has not changed, then let's move on.

Method No. 2 Restart the router

The router is not the most reliable network equipment and sometimes it can easily start to malfunction, block access to the Internet, and reduce speed network connection and create other problems. If you suddenly lost internet and found “IPv4 without internet access”, then try resetting your router.

Resetting your router is quite simple: unplug the power from it, wait about thirty seconds, and then plug it back into power. Wait until your system detects the network connection and then check for the problem.

Method #3 Checking connection settings

If you recently changed something in the settings of your Internet connection, then this could be the reason for its disconnection and the “IPv4 without Internet access” state. The problem could have arisen due to some changes in the settings. For example, did you try to set some static addresses for IP or DNS?

Go to your connection settings and set everything to the same values ​​if they were previously changed. If you haven’t changed anything, then still go to the network connection settings( Win+R→ncpa.cpl→Properties→Information) and make sure everything is set correctly.

Method No. 4 Disabling the router

If resetting your router did not fix the "IPv4 without internet access" status and your connection settings are fine, then the problem may be with your router. Try connecting your computer to the network via wired connection, i.e. without the presence of a router in combination.

So, if you connected a cable from the Internet to your computer and gained access to it, then the situation arose definitely because of the router, in which either the settings changed, which led to the “IPv4 without Internet access” state, or something happened to the router itself. device.

You can try restoring the router to factory settings in its parameters, which are available in most cases at (the address for setting is indicated on the device box or on its body). If you have configured the router yourself, then you understand perfectly well what values ​​should be set there.

Method No. 5 Disabling/removing antivirus

Antivirus software is responsible for protecting your system from various malicious elements that are constantly trying to enter and harm it. Some antiviruses do their job well, but others, so to speak, go too far.

If you have a third-party antivirus installed on your system, try disabling it or even uninstalling it, as it could easily block your network connection. This happens rarely (mostly antiviruses block some files, even system ones, but not the connection), but it still happens.

If disabling/uninstalling the antivirus did not help return the Internet and “IPv4 without Internet access” still remains in place, then you can also try disabling Windows Defender (not relevant for Windows users 7), a system antivirus that should have been activated after removing third-party antivirus software.

Method #6 Disabling Windows Firewall

Another reason that could be behind “IPv4 without internet access” is Windows Firewall. This firewall may be blocking your network connection. Now we will try to disable your Firewall for a while and see what happens:

  • Click right click mouse to Start.
  • Select "Control Panel".
  • Select Windows Firewall.
  • Click on "Turn on and off" Windows Firewall" on the left side of the window.
  • Check the boxes that will disable the firewall for private and public networks.
  • Confirm the changes.

Go to the "Details" window of your network connection, which can be found in the Network and Sharing Center and shared access, and see if protocol version 4 has Internet access. If not, then let's move on.

Method No. 7 Setting the DNS server address from Google

If you suddenly lost access to the Internet, then you can try to perform one specific, so to speak, trick, which sometimes helps to return your computer to the network. So, it consists in setting static addresses for the DNS server.

To do this, do the following:

  • Press the key combination Windows+R.
  • Write in the blank line ncpa.cpl and press Enter to open the Network Connections window.
  • Find your network connection and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  • In the “Status” window, click on the “Properties” button.
  • Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component, and then click the Properties button.
  • Set the following addresses for the DNS server:
    • Preferred DNS Server:
    • Alternative DNS server:
  • Confirm the changes and close the window.

Having set static addresses for the DNS server instead of automatic ones, try looking at your Internet connection information again. Well, “IPv4 without network access” is still present. If yes, then we will now try to do something else that may help you regain access to the Internet.

Method No. 8 Setting a static IP address

The last point in our article will be advice on setting a static IP address for your connection, which, undoubtedly, also sometimes allows you to resolve the situation with the missing Internet and the problem in the form of “IPv4 without access to the network or the Internet.”

Here's what you need to do to set a static IP for your connection:

  • Press the keys Windows+R.
  • Write in line ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
  • Double click on your Internet connection.
  • Select your connection properties.
  • Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

Here you will have to put certain values. First, you need to find out the address of your router (since this step applies to owners of a wireless connection). For example, the most common address is, but it can be different. As mentioned above, it should be written on the router box or on its case. Once you know the address you need, follow these steps:

  • In the IP address line you need to enter the router address, but only slightly modified. → Add a zero to the end of the address.
  • We do not enter anything into the mask line, because it will be set automatically.
  • In the default gateway line we enter the already familiar address of your router, for example

Save your Internet connection changes and then check for Internet connectivity and "IPv4 without network access" issues. How's it going? Still nothing. Well, in this case, you can point out a couple more not methods, but tips for this situation:

  • It is possible that a virus has entered your system and has somehow managed to block your network connection. Check your system with an antivirus scanner.
  • The problem with the lack of Internet and “IPv4 without Internet access” may lie on the side of your provider. Contact your providers and find out if there are any problems on their side.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Perhaps every user has at least once seen the inscription on their monitor screen - an unidentified network without access to the Internet, “Network not recognized. There is no Internet access."

Users new version Windows sees this problem a little differently, but the solution remains the same. The appearance of such an error indicates problems with the network connection.

At the same time, if there is no connection for one reason or another, it does not matter at all what device you use - be it desktop computer, laptop or tablet.

This error may occur when connecting via Wi-Fi, or via a router or network cable. In both cases, next to the Network connection icon located on information panel, will appear exclamation point yellow color.

In the case of network connections, a notification will appear next to the adapter that provides you access that the network is not recognized. Let's look at what this all looks like in reality.

Unidentified network without internet access via cable (Ethernet)

If you encounter this problem when you are connected to the Internet via cable, then there will be an error in the connection status window « Unidentified network. There is no Internet connection". Well, there’s a yellow icon next to the Internet connection icon. And near the adapter "Ethernet" There will also be a message about an unidentified network.

Unidentified network when connected via Wi-Fi

IN in this case, the error notification will look like this: “There is no internet connection. Protected." The wireless adapter will be assigned the status of an unidentified network. And next to the “Wi-Fi” icon you will see a yellow exclamation mark.

By going to the Network and Sharing Center, you can see that your connection was made without access to the network.

If you encounter such a problem, the recommendations described below will certainly help you. Let's start with the simplest solutions. The tips below will come in handy in both cases, namely:

  • When connected via Wi-Fi router, including using a cable.
  • If the connection is made directly to the computer via a network cable provided by the Internet provider.

By the way, it has been noticed that often this error occurs precisely when connecting via a network cable.

Easy solutions to the unidentified network problem in Windows 10

First of all, the easiest solutions deserve attention. It is likely that the tips below will help resolve the problem associated with Internet access, and you will not need to resort to more sophisticated solutions.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, a message about a problem or some other error may be displayed, which will already provide the opportunity to look for a solution to the existing problem.

  • If you have the Internet connected without a router, directly to the device, it makes sense to contact technical support representatives of your Internet provider and describe the problem that has arisen. It is quite possible that problems arose with the provider, and therefore your access to the Internet is limited.

Resetting network settings

Thanks to this method, you can often get rid of various connection problems. In Windows 10, performing a reset is not difficult. In the “Settings” section, in the “Internet and Network” subsection, there is a special item. You just need to select “Reset networks”, and after that – “Reset right now”, and confirm at the end.

There is a chance that by restarting the computer, the Internet will resume working.

It is worth noting that the reset can also be done via the command line, however, if we are talking specifically about Windows 10, the above method is the most optimal.

Check TCP/IP settings

By itself, the unidentified network error indicates that the system was unable to obtain an IP address from the router. The problem is probably in the IP settings for the IPv4 protocol in the connection properties. If certain parameters were specified there, they may have been set incorrectly. You can resort to setting automatic IP acquisition or specifying static settings.

This error It may also be caused by problems with the functioning of the DHCP server on the router. Therefore, you should reboot the router.

Surely, you noticed that only by disconnecting and turning on the cable again, or reconnecting to Wi-Fi networks, the connection has the “Identification” status for quite a long time. This is just an attempt to obtain the IP address needed to connect.

You should open the “Network and Sharing Center”, and then select “Change adapter settings”.

Then you need to select the properties of the adapter through which you want to connect.

  • If the connection is via Wi-Fi, you need to open the properties of the “Wireless Networks” adapter.
  • If via a network cable, it is better to select “Ethernet”.

Next to the problematic adapter, you will most likely see the phrase “Network not recognized.” Right-click on it and select “Properties”.

It is necessary to select the item “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, and then click the “properties” button. An additional window will open in which you will be able to set the necessary parameters for the connection:

  • If you have preset certain parameters, you can set “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Automatically obtain a DNS server address.” It is best to remember or save the settings that are probably registered there, since most likely they will need to be registered again. Now you can restart your computer and observe the result.
  • If you initially specified automatic receipt of an address, you can try setting static parameters. However, this is only possible if the connection is made through a router. In order to set static addresses, you need to find out the address of the router, and then register it by changing the last digit. The subnet mask will be registered automatically. And in the line “Main gateway” you need to indicate the address of the router.

If after restarting the computer this does not have an effect, it is better to immediately set the automatic receipt of the address back. Or register the addresses specified initially.

Remove the adapter, update the Ethernet driver and Wi-Fi adapter

And although in reality the adapter driver is the culprit for the lack of network connection, such a possibility is not excluded. Therefore, you should first remove the adapter itself so that it can be reinstalled in the system.

To do this, in the device manager section, you just need to right-click the adapter, when you try to connect through which an error message appears and select “Delete”. If you have problems with Wi-Fi connection, you need to remove the driver that has “Wi-Fi” in its name.

Then you should restart the computer. The system, in theory, will re-detect and install the adapter driver we removed. You can also try reinstalling the driver that was affected by the problem. You need to download the driver that is suitable for your device model, and then just start the installation process.

When Personal Computer the user stops establishing an uninterrupted connection to the Internet, an “unidentified network” error appears, the most worrying question is: “How to fix it? What should I do to restore the connection?

This article will talk about possible reasons the problem "unidentified network without access to Internet Windows 7": what to do and how to change the situation.

Reasons for the appearance of “Unidentified network without Internet access”

There are not many reasons for the “unidentified network” error. Most often its appearance is accompanied by reinstalling Windows 7 on the computer, changing the router or reconnecting the Internet provider. And only in some cases the cause is a virus introduced on the device. To restore a lost connection, you need to carefully study and check all possible points:

  1. IP address conflict.
  2. TCP/IP protocol error.
  3. Problems with the DHCP server.
  4. Faulty drivers.
  5. Obstacles to connection on the part of the provider.

To figure out how to set up the Internet for each reason, you should consider each in more detail. But it is important not to forget that before starting work, you need to check your computer for viruses. Anyone can handle this job.

IP address conflict on Windows 7

The computer does not see the network if:

  1. dispensing device wireless network connected to a dynamic Internet protocol, and a static address is marked in the PC settings;
  2. the computer connects via dynamic IP, but the router does not have this capability;
  3. The Internet Protocol address you enter is already in use by another device on the specified network.

To resolve the unidentified network access restriction problem, you should follow a few simple steps:

  • Go to the “Network and Sharing Management” section.

This can be done from the tray by clicking the icon indicating the network (an inscription about an unidentified connection also appears there), or through the Control Panel.

  • In the right menu, select “Change adapter settings”.

  • Find the desired network in the list and right-click on it.

If an unidentified network is installed via WI-FI, you need to select - wireless connection, if via cable - local network.

  • In the window that appears, you need to click on the “Properties” line at the very bottom.

  • Select automatic receipt of IP addresses or enter data received from your Internet provider.

  • Click "OK".
  • Check if the problem of lack of access in Windows 7 has been resolved.

ICP/IP protocol error

Another reason why the Internet without network access may be an error in the ICP/IP protocol settings. You can fix it by doing a normal reset. To do this you need:

  • Click the “Start” button.
  • In the search bar for files and folders, enter: cmd.exe.

  • Press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.
  • Open the found program.

The completed steps will allow the user to launch a command line on Windows 7, which can be used to reset the protocol to fix the problem of an unidentified network.

To gain access to the Internet, you need to enter the command “ netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt", and confirm it with the "Enter" key. Restarting the computer should resolve the network without internet access problem.

Problems with the DHCP server

To make sure that it is the DHCP server that is causing the problem:

  • Write the command " ipconfig".
  • Check for the presence of a line with data like 169.***.*.*.

If such a line is present, we can say with 100% confidence that Windows 7 writes about an unidentified network due to an error in the DHCP parameters. What to do in this case?

You can also fix this problem yourself, without contacting service center. Stages of work:

  • Go to "Device Manager" in Windows 7.

Exist different ways to open this section. The simplest one is to right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop.

  • Open the "Advanced" tab.

  • Select the “Network Address” section.

  • Enter its value. It can be of any type, contain numbers from 0 to 9, and Latin letters from A to F.

  • Confirm the actions with the “OK” command.

  • Open Command Prompt.
  • Enter two tasks alternately - Ipconfig /release, Ipconfig /renew.
  • Restart your PC.

These steps will be enough to change the configuration settings and restore the Internet on Windows 7 if the network is unidentified.

Faulty drivers

If the user has reinstalled the operating system on his computer, he may encounter an unidentified network. This is caused by the lack necessary drivers on the device. Because standard drivers Windows 7 fits technical specifications not to all PCs, in order for the Internet to become visible, you need to download special components from the laptop manufacturer’s website or built-in network card.

For those who don’t like to complicate their lives with extra work, there are special programs, which will allow automatic detection necessary drivers and, after confirmation, download them to your device. One of the most convenient ones is the DriverSolutionPack application.

Obstacles from the Internet provider

If the Internet stops working completely unexpectedly, the problem may be completely simple.

  1. Payment for using the network was not made on time.

Most providers require you to pay monthly for their services. If the user forgot to make a payment, his Internet connection will be suspended. This means that it is enough to deposit the required amount into the account for the work to continue.

  1. Engineering works.

All operators periodically carry out troubleshooting work and make changes, which may lead to temporary problems with access to the network. To obtain more information about technical work: dates and times of their holding, just call the number hotline working with clients.

  1. Changing router settings.

If for any reason the settings of the router you are using have been changed, the best way The problem will be fixed by resetting the parameters to standard. For this purpose, you can find a special “reset” button on any router model. You can always check with the manufacturers for instructions on further setup.

The reasons for the “unidentified network” error described above are the most common among users. If not a single method helps solve the problem, it may be worth seeking help from a specialized center.

The Internet is an integral part of our lives - it is a great assistant in work, indispensable tool in learning, moreover, it is a means of communication and relaxation. Users everywhere are facing connectivity issues. In this article we will consider the most common mistake- IPv4 without Internet access and how to fix it? If Windows gives you this alert, then you should use the method of elimination to go through all the options in order to find out what caused the occurrence.

Ipv4 is Internet Protocol, I think it doesn’t need translation, and the protocol version is the fourth. You probably noticed that the IPv6 protocol is present in the settings - this is also an Internet protocol, but already in its sixth version, only a few providers use it. The most common and basic today is IPv4. The main task of the IPv4 protocol is to ensure the functioning of the computer and networks via established rules for exchanging data packets. Thus, interaction occurs between the communication node and the IP address of the machine; IPv4 is a low-level protocol.

If the terminology causes you difficulties, then we additionally recommend that you read our other article,

In order to correct the access problem accurately and as quickly as possible, we will consider the cause and method of eliminating it.

Reboot: rebooting will help fix the error

It’s not for nothing that a well-known proverb in IT specialist circles has taken a new form and sounds like: “Seven troubles – one reset.” In our case, reset is a last resort to fix the error. Terms:

  • reset – or rollback to the last successful version;
  • reboot – reboot, in other words, complete unloading and loading of the operating system;
  • restart – restart.

Let's start fixing the situation.

  1. Restart your computer (don't turn it off and on!). Sometimes this is a fairly effective method to fix the problem.
  2. 99% of users use routers and routers, since there is more than one device with Internet access in the house - reboot the router / router.
  3. Try pausing or completely disabling the antivirus; for various reasons, blocking occurs because of it. If everything works, reinstall the antivirus and you may need to update the program module.
  4. Analyze what changes were made to the system before the IPv4 error without network access occurred. Try rolling back the installation/configuration of a program/utility, etc., if this corrects the situation, then the reason is precisely in the changes made earlier.

Small experiments...

Did the above steps not help fix it? Let's go further, we need to exclude the possibility of a problem on the provider's side, namely, check whether the Internet works on other devices.

  1. Check the other device for network access. If everything works on that device and there is no IPv4 error without network access, then the problem is in the computer. This could be either a software error or a physical malfunction. Software error Let's look at it in more detail below, and the physical one can be from a disconnected network cable (patchcourt) to a broken network card.
  2. If the machine is connected directly without a router, and an IPv4 error occurs without access to the network, try connecting another computer/laptop instead. Again, depending on whether it works or not, we check the physical condition and then move on to software solutions.
  3. If the network does not work on any of the devices connected by any method, call technical support your provider for clarification and be sure to mention that Windows displays the message “IPv4 without Internet access.” They should help fix it.
  4. This will probably sound banal and even a little funny, but if our little brothers live at home, check the integrity of the cables, damage is possible, which is what caused the above error - IPv4 without access to the network.

Look to the root...

Having ruled out a number of simple reasons to fix the problem, let's move on to the most important ones. The World Wide Web is not working, but operating system gives an error: IPv4 without Internet access. So, let's start in order.

Internet settings: ISP and router

Of course, the easiest thing is to call your provider and clarify everything with him, first telling him about the error - IPv4 without Internet access. Perhaps a specialist will advise how to fix it. First, you need to look into the settings of your router and check whether the data has been entered correctly. Let's see what an IPv4 error looks like without Internet access. Regardless of whether the connection is made via Wi-Fi or using a network cable, a yellow exclamation mark will appear.

I would like to make a reservation that fixing the problem with the IPv4 name without network access is the same for both different connections and Windows versions, starting from 7 and up to 10. To fix it, you must first find out the cause of the IPv4 error without Internet access.
Go to the “Network and Sharing Center” - using any of 2 methods:

1 way

 right mouse button (hereinafter RMB) click on the connection sign with yellow exclamation mark→ select “Network and Sharing Center” → note that in “Access type” it is indicated “Without Internet access” → select “Change adapter settings” → find your connection;

Method 2

Having reached the desired directory:

  • “Diagnostics” will start Windows networks"- wait for completion and, as a result, problems are detected, as well as advice on how to fix them.

  • diagnostics determined that this is what it is main reason IPv4 errors without Internet access;

  • to fix it, go to the “Status - Ethernet” or “Status - Wireless Network Connection” window - using the method indicated above;
  • select “Properties” → select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” → “Properties”.

    In the window that opens, you must specify the type of IP address and DNS. We will describe all possible options on how to fix the IPv4 problem without Internet access.

Static IP and DNS

Is it configured? home network so that each device has its own and access is carried out using DNS? To accurately specify the settings and fix the IPv4 error without Internet access, go to your router, we show with an example Asus router.

  • the settings page address is available at “” – enter without quotes in address bar browser → → authentication is required, usually the login and password “Admin”, login can also be done without specifying a password;

  • go to the “LAN” section → “LAN IP address” → the specified IP address is the main gateway;

  • Next, go to the “DHCP server” section - the starting and ending pool of addresses is indicated here, as well as a list of those already assigned by MAC address of the device. MAC address is unique serial number network card. Find the device you want and remember/write it down.
    Dynamic IP address

    It happens that everything is configured correctly, but a DNS server error occurs and the system displays a message - IPv4 without network access. This is due to an overload or error in DNS work– servers on the provider’s side. Moreover, the router shows that the Internet reaches you. In this case, to correct the situation, alternative DNS from Google, which are public, come to the rescue. So:

    With this simple method, you can fix the IPv4 connection error that occurs.

    Stable connection!

The messages “Network without Internet access” or “WiFi connection is limited” sooner or later appear for all users of a computer or laptop on Windows 10, 8 or 7 when trying to connect to the Internet. In this case, this text is also displayed in the Network Control Center in the status. In this article we continue to solve these most common errors that occur when setting up the Internet on a computer or laptop through this protocol.

Network without Internet access on Windows 7 or 10

I will write specifically about WiFi, but the TCP IPv4 protocol error “Network without Internet access” can also appear in a cable connection. She looks the same on different versions The OS is Windows 10, 7 or 8, so the ways to fix it are universal and will help any user.

Before we fix the TCP IPv4 Internet settings, let's first determine the situation in which the problem occurs:

  1. The computer connects to the router, but cannot access the network from the very beginning
  2. At first there was internet, but then it disappeared

There is no Internet access on the computer from the very first connection via TCP/IPv4

Everything is clear with the first three points - I have already written in detail about how to connect a laptop or computer to the Internet.

But let’s try to figure out the settings for the necessary operating parameters with a limited TCP IPv4 connection. Where are they even located?

If you have a Windows 7 operating system, then you need to go to the “Start - Control Panel” menu

Then go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.

If you are working with Windows 10, then everything opens much faster - right-click on “Start” and open “Network Connections”

On the new page, go to “Network and Sharing Center”

A list page will open existing connections, or rather installed wired and wireless adapters. If your PC is connected to the router via cable, then we need “Connect via local network", if via WiFi - then " Wireless connection" Select the one you need and right-click on it, then go to “Properties”.

Configuring TCP IPv4 protocol without Internet access

Before changing anything here, all you need to know is, is your computer connected to the Internet via a router or directly with a cable from the provider?

If through a router, it doesn’t matter via WiFi or twisted pair, then the parameters that need to be entered in TCP IPv4 will depend on the network settings in the router’s admin panel.

If the DHCP server is enabled on the router, then obtaining an IP address and DNS servers should be automatic. In this case, the router will independently set them for the computer and connect to the Internet configured on it. If some values ​​have already been specified here, then carefully copy them onto paper; they will be useful when further setting up the connection of the router to the provider.

But it also happens that the local network configuration in the router settings involves manually specifying the IP address on each device, or there is some malfunction in the DHCP operation.

In this case, if you do everything wisely, you must first assign it to the computer on the router, and then register it in the settings of the TCP IP version 4 Internet protocol. Otherwise, when DHCP is running, the router may automatically assign the address you specified in the TCP IPv4 settings to some then another device will have an IP address conflict and the Internet will not work.

But in most cases, in order to understand whether the cause of the “Network without Internet access” error is really in the TCP IPv4 settings, it will be enough to simply manually enter the IP address, and then you can specify it in the router’s account.

How to do this correctly?

First, we set all TCP IPv4 parameters to automatic, as I showed earlier, and save.
Next, you need to right-click on the selected connection type and click on “Details”

The DHCP server column will indicate the IP address of the router.

If this server is disabled, then you will not see anything here - in this case, as the “Gateway” value in the “Internet Protocol version 4 TP IPv4” section, try using one of two IP addresses - or You can find out more accurately from the description of your router model - here I list all the most popular companies. In order for it to be guaranteed to correspond to what is specified in the specifications for your model, you need to reset it to the factory parameters, but then all other configurations will also be lost - be careful and do this only if necessary and in full confidence that you can then return everything as it was.

So, after you find out what IP the router has, go again to “Wireless connection - Properties - Internet Protocol TCP IPv4” and enter the following data:

  • Gateway - router IP, for example,
  • Mask -
  • IP address -

Apart from the last digit, the first three values ​​of the address must match the router address.

Save with the “OK” button. After this, most often the Internet starts working.

Read about why it happens that it doesn’t work in another article.

Wi-Fi used to work, but stopped

As trivial as it sounds, the problem of errors when wifi writes are limited may lie in your antivirus. Yes, yes, its activity in identifying and blocking potentially dangerous network activity can easily block the Internet, so make sure that the problem is not in the anti-virus complex.

In order to understand this, it’s enough to simply disable all the program’s security modules for a moment and try to go to some site - don’t be afraid, you won’t pick up anything in a couple of minutes on trusted sites. If it works, then carefully study all the settings and set them to values ​​that do not block the connection to the router.

WiFi connection is limited to Internet Protocol version 4 TCP IPv4

Now about more complex things about setting up the TCP IPv4 protocol when connecting to the Internet, which are not on the surface.

First of all, the error may lie in, I wrote more about them separately. Carefully check the type of connection it has to the provider, what data the provider requires to be entered in the settings panel for the connection. Also check that the router's DHCP server is configured correctly. All these issues have already been discussed several times in articles - be careful, any inaccurate number or extra tick can cause a similar problem.

If everything is fine with the router, the PC is connected and turned on wifi adapter and drivers are installed on it, and at the same time you have the Windows 8 operating system installed, then the fact may be that in earlier versions of the Windows 8 system, the developers made an error in the network stack, as a result of which it was impossible to properly connect to the Internet via WiFi. IN latest versions and updates this was fixed, but on many computers this error is present and does not allow users to work normally.

This can be corrected by installing an update from the official Microsoft website, or another fairly the easy way, but I warn you that you will do it at your own peril and risk!

Shall we try? We need to open the command line, for which we go to “All Programs > Accessories”. Find “Command Prompt”, right-click on the item and select “Run as administrator”.

After this, a window with a black background will open - here you need to enter the following commands one by one, after each of which:
and successful completion there will be a confirmation “OK”:

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

netsh int tcp show global

and check that all settings look the same as in the above screenshot. After this, you can reconnect to WiFi.

TCP IPv4: Network without Internet access

It seems that I have already described everything that is possible! But if, after using even all of these methods described in two articles, the computer tells you that “Network without access to the Internet,” but in fact the Internet is working, then we’ll do the final touch.

Even with a normal connection, this message may appear if it works through a proxy server that works on the provider’s side.

Go to the “Start” menu and type “gpedit.msc” into the search bar and call up “Local Editor” group policy».

We walk along a long chain: “ Local Computer> Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Internet Communication Management > Internet Communication Settings" and activate the following function here: "Disable active probing for the network connection status indicator." That is, we put the checkbox on “Enable” to disable this sensing

This will disable system automatic scanning for an active Internet connection via TCP protocol IPv4 and the message will no longer be displayed.

I hope these tips will help resolve questions about limited wifi connection and a network without Internet access.

Thank you! Did not help