Do I need to remove the battery from my laptop when running on AC power? Operating a laptop from the mains: do I need to remove the battery? Do I need to remove the battery from the laptop if it is running on mains power?

Many people use a laptop as their main computer, so it is always connected to the network. If your laptop is capable of being powered by an AC adapter without a battery, then it may be best for the battery, depending on the circumstances, to be removed from the laptop.

When to remove the battery from a laptop

A two-week rule is suggested when the battery is removed from the laptop and stored. You need to remove the laptop battery in the following cases:

Your laptop will be turned off for two weeks.

You've been using your laptop plugged into an electrical outlet or docking station continuously for two weeks or more. Like most people, you've replaced your desktop PC with a laptop.

The reason for this is that laptop batteries age much more quickly when they are fully charged and kept hot for a long period of time. High temperature and overheating of a laptop is one of the worst things for the entire laptop hardware, including the battery. And as you probably already know, laptops get very hot when used. If you frequently use your laptop for high-power tasks such as gaming and multimedia editing, remove the battery to protect it from heat

How to properly store a laptop battery

The most common recommendations for laptop batteries are to store them at 40% charge (or somewhere between 30% and 50%) and in a dry place. Recommended storage temperature is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius - not too hot and not too cold. Some people keep batteries in the refrigerator. However, care must be taken to ensure that the battery is not exposed to moisture and is warmed to room temperature before use. This may be more hassle than it's worth.

Other options

If your laptop doesn't get too hot during normal use, you can store the battery in the laptop. You can also use the laptop battery continuously as you are doing now, and when the battery will no longer hold a charge for very long (batteries lose power gradually over time), buy a replacement new battery. Keep the old one in the laptop and store the new battery to use when you need to take the laptop with you.

Maxim Sergeevich - status from 09.24.13 10:49

    Thank you for the very good and useful tips, I used to store a fully charged battery, and now I will know "The most common recommendations for laptop batteries are to store them 40% charged (or somewhere between 30% and 50%)"
    Although now I work from the mains all the time, I charge it until it’s discharged, and then plug it back into the outlet. Lately, the light began to turn off periodically and as a result the system crashed, so they advised me to do this so that the laptop is plugged in whenever there is a battery in it.



This talented woman has Ukrainian roots, Russian education and Italian permanent residence. Svetlana works in Italy and represents such famous brands as “Vionnet”, “Marni”, etc. Today she is also the designer of her own brand, which is called “Tak. Ori." The passion for sewing was inherent in her almost from birth, as the designer herself says. She began sewing clothes from childhood and her first models were dolls. When Svetlana realized that this was the occupation to which she would like to devote her life, she began sewing clothes for her friends and for herself. The love for this craft was passed on to her by inheritance, since Sveta’s grandmother was a professional tailor. An interesting fact from the designer’s biography is that even in high school, Sveta’s classmates drew a prophetic poster for her, which foreshadowed her fame as a world-famous clothing designer. 25 years later, this prediction came true. In the early 90s, the aspiring designer moved to Italy. In this country she took place as a professional. It was in Italy that her design career began. Svetlana almost immediately began working with famous world brands, whose owners appreciated her talent. When Svetlana released her first collection of accessories from Tak. Ori", she became even more famous. The collection was a huge success. Today, clothes, hats and accessories from Svetlana Takkori are worn by such world stars as Jessica Alba, Siena Miller, Renata Litvinova and others.

Fashionable Tacori hat. Description

Cute knitted cardigan for a girl:

Suitable for walks in the fresh air, as well as for visiting a kindergarten or some family celebrations. It goes well with other wardrobe items and can be worn with both a skirt and jeans. This type of cardigan is also suitable for small and middle-aged children.

You will need: Yarn, preferably neutral and light colors. Knitting needles. Threads. Scissors. Buttons (optional). DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS First of all, the process of knitting such a product begins with the back. The initial set of loops, naturally, depends on the girl’s age, but the article uses standard sizes for two years. It is necessary to use 82 loops, after which a three-dimensional pattern is knitted. You can use any pattern you like, because in this case you can give free rein to your imagination and experiment with different techniques. In every sixth row you need to remove one loop five times to ultimately form 66 loops. And every fourteen centimeters add four loops in a row, thus making 70 loops. Next, you should knit using the “Elastic band” technique. To knit the first part of this cardigan, you need to cast on approximately 39 loops and use the same description as with the back. Do not forget that this detail will play an important role in the front part of the product and influence the dimensions of the sleeves and neckline, so you need to pay attention to the cutouts for additional parts of the work. The second piece should be knitted according to the same pattern as the first. To knit the sleeves , you need to cast on at least 50 loops (depending on the desired width of the sleeves and the size of the child) and knit fourteen rows with a three-dimensional pattern. After this, the “Elastic band” technology is used and the product is finished with pearl knitting. You need to knit the sleeves separately from the rest of the work. For the neckline, cast on about 25 stitches. Creating this part of the cardigan is considered the easiest, since it only requires knitting using the “Elastic band” method of no more than three centimeters. The last stage in knitting a children’s cardigan with knitting needles is the assembly of all the created parts. To do this you will need thread, you can add buttons or other decorations. It is advisable to use a damp cloth and carefully iron the finished product with a hot iron, so you can smooth it out and prepare it for wearing by a little fashionista. Using the same yarn, patterns and descriptions, knitting needles does not always mean that different needlewomen will produce similar children's cardigans. Therefore, even when using the most popular method for tying your item of clothing, you don’t have to worry about the similarity with other things - most often, children’s things made by themselves are unique and original.

There is a popular belief that when using a laptop at home from a power outlet, you must remove the battery from it so that it does not “spoil.” Any PC user who stores the battery somewhere on a shelf in a plastic bag will tell you this, and even justify it. We do not have the goal of out-arguing every such specialist, but for the rest of us who are ready to learn new things, we will present a few facts to forever convince them of the absurdity of disconnecting the laptop battery when working from the network.

The controller regulates the battery charge level

In addition to batteries, rechargeable batteries also contain controller, regulating the level of charge and discharge. Actually, he is responsible for the longevity of the battery. The controller will not allow you to charge and discharge the battery more or less than the value specified by the manufacturer. Thus, the controller will not allow the battery to operate in critical and most harmful conditions, that is, when the charge is 1% or 100%. When the battery is fully charged, the controller will stop charging, and the laptop will work quietly from the network. It is for this reason that the battery does not need to be removed from the laptop, but...

All batteries age

All batteries experience a loss of capacity over time, which in simple terms is called aging. According to rough estimates, over 2 years, the battery loses 20% of its nominal capacity, even if it is not used at all. Thus, there is no point in keeping the battery somewhere on a shelf “for later”; it needs to be used here and now.

The battery acts as a UPS

UPS is an uninterruptible power supply. If in apartments and houses a UPS is a rarity, then in offices and enterprises it is a mandatory attribute for a stationary PC, since every document is important for a company and losing its unsaved copy is akin to a disaster. Power surges or even a power outage for some time are a common occurrence, and during the next such outage, the battery will allow you to continue working calmly, while without it the laptop will simply turn off.

Bottom line

Thus, the controller stops charging the battery when it is fully charged; over time, the battery loses part of its capacity due to physical and chemical processes occurring in it; The battery will allow you to continue working during a power outage. And these three reasons are more than enough to understand that there is absolutely no point in removing the battery from the laptop when working from the network.

We all spend a lot of time on the road. And these days, a laptop is a vital part of any travel kit. Is it possible to squeeze the last ounces of energy out of your portable lithium battery? Do I need to remove the battery when using AC power to increase battery life? Should you turn off your laptop while charging?

How does a laptop battery work?

Before we look at whether removing the battery is the best option, let's take a look at how your laptop works.

There are two main types of laptops: lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. By this point, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride laptop batteries were completely eliminated, replaced by more reliable and efficient lithium cells. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are very similar, despite the technological differences. They both have different strengths and weaknesses.

For example, a lithium-ion battery typically has higher power density, but suffers from breakdown of the mixture (liquid inside the battery). Conversely, a lithium polymer battery is more reliable but typically stores less energy.

There are two truths in both batteries:

  • The battery cannot be recharged. If you leave the battery fully on, it will not "recharge". When it reaches 100%, it will stop charging and will not start again until the voltage drops below a certain level.
  • Completely discharging the battery may damage it. Unlike older Ni-Cad batteries, lithium batteries do not have a charge profile. Deep discharges can damage the battery.

In lithium batteries, lithium ions are freely embedded in the porous carbon of the anode (negative electrode). When you flip the power switch, ions flow from the anode to the cathode (positive electrode) through an electrolyte (usually a lithium salt in an organic solvent).

This process releases energy and drains the battery. When charging, energy is applied to the device and ions flow in the opposite direction, changing the process. So we end up with ions at the anode, ready to be used.

Should I remove the battery?

Yes, with a “but”. Let me explain.

Modern batteries are vastly superior to their older counterparts. They do not recharge and they do not suffer from profile problems. However, they are still susceptible to some of the same issues. Heat is a particular problem. During an intense session, a connected laptop potentially creates more heat. Overheating of a lithium battery is one of the main causes of long-term damage. In this case, if you're going to be using the laptop plugged in for an extended period of time while you play games or do video editing (or other long-term resource-intensive activities), it's best to remove the battery first.

This is the “but”.

You need to decide when to remove the battery and when there simply isn't enough time to do so.

When to remove the battery

Like I said, if you're going to be using your laptop for a long time while plugged in, then removing the battery is a great idea.

But when you're just stopping at a cafe for an hour to send a few emails and recharge the battery, I'd leave the battery in place. Charging your battery with extra power can really come in handy, especially if you're on the go during the day.

Never use a laptop while charging the battery, and if you use a plug, remove the battery

Another reason to remove the battery is for long periods when you won't be using your laptop. If you won't be using your laptop for several weeks, remove the laptop battery. Battery experts suggest charging your laptop battery to 40% and then removing the battery for storage. This gives the battery enough charge to remain stable without damaging the lithium cell chemistry.

(Others also suggest storing the battery in the refrigerator for very long periods of inactivity, but this has its own set of problems that can damage your laptop's battery.)

Lithium-ion batteries may age

Lithium-ion batteries are central to the ongoing boom in portable consumer electronics. They're in almost every smartphone you've ever owned, your iPad, your laptop, and so on. But they are not indestructible, and over time the energy-generating ions become less efficient.

From a practical point of view, the battery has a limited lifespan. The ions become trapped and no longer travel effectively from the anode to the cathode, in turn reducing the battery's capacity. In fact, lithium-based batteries begin to age from the very first charge.

Lithium-ion batteries charge up to 4.20V/cell, which is 100% charge. This is about 300-500 charge/discharge cycles, although most manufacturers are silent about this. Power loss is usually expressed as a percentage of power after a certain number of cycles and is called depth of discharge.

What causes lithium batteries to age faster?

Several things can degrade your lithium battery.

  1. Higher voltages. While modern laptop batteries cannot be recharged, keeping them constantly fully charged introduces another stress factor. Letting your battery drain at a normal rate (but not to absolute zero!) is part of healthy battery use.
  2. Temperatures above 21°C promote chemical reactions in your battery. If you store the battery or expose it to high temperatures, it will lose power.
  3. Low temperatures. Temperatures between 0-5°C can damage battery components, reduce capacity and cause significant problems when attempting to charge.
  4. Long-term storage. A lithium-ion battery discharges approximately 8% per month when stored at 21°C. This figure only increases at higher temperatures. Long periods of storage can lead to deep discharge conditions (especially for batteries, but modern batteries typically have a discharge cutoff of 92-98%).
  5. Physical shock. Batteries are tough and are usually found in your laptop. But they are fragile and can physically break.

Can I increase battery life?

You cannot "extend" your lifespan. As I mentioned earlier, a lithium-based battery degrades from the moment it is first charged. But you can (and should) take proactive steps to protect battery capacity and quality. Here is a brief description of how to best use a lithium battery.

  • Never bring her to a state of deep discharge
  • Avoid exposure to high temperatures
  • Charge only at low charge level of 15-20% (if possible)
  • Remove the battery during extended AC power connections
  • Use partial discharge cycles only - 20% to 80-85% is ideal
  • When storing the battery for long periods of time, charge it to 40% and recharge periodically

Lithium-based batteries are used everywhere. One of the biggest disappointments in the 21st century is a smartphone or laptop whose battery dies prematurely. Use these tips and you'll be able to use your battery for years to come.

Do you turn off your laptop while charging? Do you remove the battery from your laptop when you work on it while connected to the network? Let us know your thoughts below!

To make your laptop battery last longer, experienced technicians advise removing it when the laptop is running on electricity. Especially if you constantly use the device at home or anywhere off the network. After all, the battery quickly wears out from overheating, which occurs as a result of such improper use. But not everyone knows how to properly remove the battery so as not to harm the laptop.

The most important thing is to turn off the running device: click on “START” and “log out of the system”. Unplug the mobile computer from the outlet.

Now you can begin to remove the battery. We close your laptop and turn it upside down, there is a charger mount. Each computer has its own. In outdated laptops these are screws, and in modern ones they are latches.

We take a suitable screwdriver and unscrew the screws, then carefully lift the cover and take out the charger. Then we do everything in the reverse order (close the lid, screw in the screws), only without the battery. Now the laptop can be used from the network.

In new models, it is easier to remove the battery device from the laptop; you just need to look where to turn or press the latch so that it opens. And that’s it – it won’t be difficult to pull out the battery.

Just remove the battery, it must be charged, at least 50%, store it in a dry place, temperature +16-34°C. The charger must not be completely discharged; the battery must be charged periodically (once a month). Make sure that the battery contacts do not touch metal objects (there may be a short circuit), otherwise the battery will fail. There is still an opinion that to preserve the life and performance of a battery, you need remove laptop battery

As it turned out, the battery does not “deteriorate” at all when charging the laptop from the mains. All batteries have a special controller that responds to charge and discharge levels. It will not allow the battery to charge or discharge to a critical state, that is, to 1% or 100%. The only nuance that can be taken into account is that the controller is damaged, which is why recharging the battery can really be dangerous.

With a full, charged battery, you can safely use the laptop from the mains. Therefore, it is quite possible not to remove the battery. In addition to batteries, the battery contains a special controller that regulates charge and discharge. Thanks to it the battery lasts longer

Also, in cases of power surges and complete blackouts, the laptop will continue to work, since the battery is in its rightful place. It kind of plays the role of a UPS - an uninterruptible power supply, which is installed in all modern offices to avoid the loss of important data during a power outage.

Laptop battery controller

Laptop battery aging is a natural process

Even if you remove the battery, this will not save them from aging. All things get old. Batteries included. According to some estimates, the battery loses 20% of its capacity after 2 years of service, even if it lies on the “shelf”.

My almost 5-year-old laptop works every day from the network and nothing has happened to the battery. All that the battery has undergone is severe aging over all this time. If previously the device worked for 6 hours without recharging, now it’s a maximum of an hour, even when the energy saving mode is turned on.

There are now software that can . In case of unsatisfactory results, it is better to replace the battery.

So far, no batteries have been invented that could provide high-level autonomy for devices. Nowadays, mainly lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-Polymer) batteries are built into portable devices. (Read: Operation of lithium-ion laptop batteries).

For example, the first type of battery (lithium-ion) is now very popular and is used not only in mobile equipment, but also in household appliances. They slowly lose charge and do not have the so-called memory effect. If they are not used correctly, then they should not be expected to last for a long time.

But lithium-polymer batteries are a more advanced technology, which is available in smartphones and other digital equipment. Has a larger capacity than lithium-ion and memory effect. Their advantages are also low price and higher energy density, low discharge, lighter weight and environmental friendliness.

How to Increase Laptop Battery Life

We have dealt with the important points of this article. That is, it will not be possible to recharge modern batteries. There are points that should be taken into account during operation throughout the entire service life.

  • Monitor the temperature— temperature changes have a very negative effect on the condition of the battery. Have there been times when your smartphone turned off during sudden cooling in the cold? I've had them. It's the same with laptops. If it so happens that you brought the device after a frost, do not turn it on immediately, but let it warm up a little. In the summer, do not place your laptop (this applies to any device with a battery) in direct sunlight.
  • Be careful in handling— by these points I mean moments when the device can accidentally fall out and hit. Such loads are not intended for batteries.
  • Don't drain your battery— there have been cases when, after a very deep discharge, the battery was no longer charged. In some cases, this problem can be solved using a special power supply. Therefore, it is worth charging even those batteries that are lying on the shelf. In this case, it is advisable to keep the charge in the range from 40 to 60%.

If you have a desire to remove the battery from your laptop for some reason, then this is very easy to do.

There are usually two switches on the back of the laptop. One secures the battery, preventing it from falling out, and the other switch allows you to remove it. You can switch two sliders at the same time and thereby remove the battery.

Why remove the battery:

  • When disassembling a laptop, cleaning it and replacing equipment.
  • When replacing the battery.
  • To reset the device.

Bottom line

So, I am not imposing my opinion on anyone, you can store your battery wherever you want. But a couple of nuances that we have studied are that the controller will not allow the battery to be critically charged or discharged. The battery also tends to age and lose capacity. And in the event of a power failure, it helps to continue working. I think the arguments are convincing and users will not remove the battery from the laptop. If only for cleaning and replacing equipment.