You need to create a document on Windows 10. How to create a file with the txt extension in Windows, Linux, MacOS, MS-DOS and Android operating systems

Before you start working in Microsoft Word, you need to learn how to create new documents. The process is quite simple. With our instructions you will figure it out very quickly.

Using Hot Keys

As you know, hotkeys can significantly speed up your computer work. Likewise in Microsoft Word, basic operations can be performed by pressing the appropriate key combination.

If we want to create a blank document, without formatting, completely ready for use, we should click:


This must be done with the editor running.

Using the editor menu

Launch Microsoft Word. In the left top corner Click the "File" button. Select "Create". A menu will open with all available templates. You need the item "New document". Select it and click the "Create" button.

The document will be created, you will see Blank sheet no formatting. Now you can work with it.

Windows Context Menu

If you have a software package installed on your computer Microsoft Office, then the functions for creating new documents are built into the Windows context menu.

Go to the folder in which you want to place the future document. Call the context menu by pressing right click mouse for any free place folders. In the menu that appears, select "Create", then " Microsoft Document Word". It will be created.

Let's now give it its name. Select and call the context menu again. Now click on the "Rename" item. Type the desired value and click "Enter".

Now launch it and you're good to go.

Create a Document Template

If you often work with documents that have a similar structure, then it makes sense to create a template for them.

A Word template is the basic structure of a document, which includes the arrangement of individual elements and text formatting settings. An example of a template is an official letter. The company logo is in the top center, information about the director is on the side, etc.

Every time you need to write a letter to your clients, all you need to do is create a new document based on a ready-made template and add the necessary text.

So how can you create new template in Word. Launch the editor and create a new document. Please format it accordingly. Add all the necessary elements and graphics. Once this is completed, go to the "File" menu, and click the "Save As" button. In the window that opens, select the file type " Word Templates", and the location of the template. Click the "Save" button.

Now when you need to open it, just select the template from the list.

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I bet many of you haven't heard of WordPad. If you've heard of it, you haven't used it, or you've simply forgotten it exists. Why? Well, if we need a basic text editor, we use Notepad. If we need an advanced text editor, we use Microsoft Word. But somewhere in the middle, with more capabilities than the humble Notepad but less capabilities than the mighty Word, stands Wordpad - which is completely free!

WordPad is a text editor with basic formatting options, and it's included with every version of the OS from Windows 95 to Windows 10. WordPad has always been there, but it's almost never used. In this article, let's figure out how to use Wordpad on Windows 10 and reset WordPad if something goes wrong.

Below are some tips to help you master WordPad.

To use Wordpad on Windows 10, enter "" in the search bar on the taskbar and click on the result. This will open WordPad.

Also, you can also use the command Execute.

Click Win+R, and write on the line write.exe or and press Enter .

Executable file Wordpad is wordpad.exe and it is located in the following location:

C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories

The program shortcut can be found in the following places:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

allows you to create, edit, save, open, view and print text documents. You can use bold, underline and italic formatting, change font color and size, create bulleted lists, insert images, and much more. Just play around using the simple ribbon menu.

WordPad, along with other built-in tools, is currently available in the Windows Store as a universal app. You can now download the text editor Wordpad from the Windows Store and easily open and edit documents created in Microsoft Word.

What is the file extension for Wordpad?

Wordpad uses the file extension .rtf or Rich Text Format, to save files by default. But it can save documents in .docx(Office Open XML) odt(Open Document) .txt(text).

How to Uninstall WordPad Using the Options App

Since you can use or purchase a subscription to Office 365, or other word processing solutions such as , most users no longer use WordPad. As a result, instead of complete removal Microsoft makes it an optional feature that can be removed or reinstalled using the Settings app.

Use these steps to remove WordPad editor from Windows 10:

Step 1: Open "Options"

Step 2: Go to settings group "Applications".

Step 3: On the left side of the window, click

Step 4: "Additional Features".

Step 5: Select the WordPad item and click the button Delete.

Step 6: Restart your computer.

After completing these steps, your main word processing application will be removed from your computer.

How to install WordPad using the Options app

Use these steps to install WordPad using additional functions on Windows 10:

Step 1: Open "Options" by pressing the Win I key combination.

Step 2: Go to settings group "Applications".

Step 3: On the left side of the window, click

Step 4: Under Apps & Features, select the option "Additional Features".

Step 5: Click the button "Add component".

Step 6: Select the WordPad item.

Step 7: Click the button Install.

Once completed, the WordPad application will be installed on your device.

In case you can find options to install or uninstall, most likely you are not using Windows version 10 (20H1), in which WordPad is an optional feature.

How to return WordPad settings to default?

Now let's see how to reset WordPad to default settings in Windows 10. But before you start, you can create a system restore point or backup copy registry

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R and in the window Execute enter Regedit to open Registry Editor.
  1. Continue to the next section:

  1. In the left panel, find the section " Options", and Delete it.

Now when you open Wordpad, you will see it with default settings.

Let us know whether you use Wordpad or not in the comments below.

Hello, if you have looked at my blog page, it means you need help communicating with your computer. I will help with all I can. The topic of today's discussion is “How to create a txt file?” I was surprised to see this question in the comments to one of the articles, since the actions performed when creating basic formats such as txt, doc, xls have been brought to automaticity. And if such a task needs to be completed, I just do it without thinking about how exactly. I looked at the query statistics on Google. It turned out that many people ask similar questions - how to create a txt file on Windows 7, 10 and others operating systems(MacOS, MS-DOS, Linux), how to create a txt text file on the command line, in a folder, in Word, how to create a txt file on the phone. After searching in my head and on the Internet, I collected everything I could find on this topic. This is how this article was born, which I decided to start with the most common operating system - .


So, let's talk about how to create a .txt file on computers with the operating system windows 10, 7 and earlier, outdated, but fully functional versions. Friends, it seems to me that it would be quite appropriate to first explain what a text file with the txt extension is, and only then move on to talking about how to create it.


File is source element on a computer containing some information. It has a name and an extension. With the name, I think everything is clear and there is no need to explain. An extension is a continuation of the name, indicating to the system the format of the document and which program to open it with. Format is the specificity of the information that is in the content, that is, text, graphics, tables. A text file in txt format is a document containing only pure text, without any formatting or pictures, which can be opened by any text editor (by default, the standard Notepad program), and we will look at how to create it in detail below.

Context menu

The simplest and most common way to create a text file, which I use, like most Windows users, contains the following steps:

The text document is ready. You can open it with two quick clicks or through the corresponding context menu item, which is called up by right-clicking on the document.


Friends, although you can create a txt file anywhere using the method described above, let me tell you how to do this using the resources of a specific folder:

  • We go to the desired folder.
  • At the top of the window, select the “File” section and open its menu.
  • Among the proposed options, select the “Create” action and then “Text document”.


As I already mentioned, a text file is opened by Notepad by default, but you can create a txt document with other text editors, as well as convert it from existing documents with the docx extension. You can get a document with a given extension from a doc or docx element in three ways:

  • The first method is to open Notepad (located in the list standard programs Start menu) and copy the contents of the docx document into it.
  • Second way:
    • Right-click on something.docx and select the “Rename” action.
    • We delete the existing extension and write txt instead.
    • Press Enter to confirm.
    • We answer the system’s warning question about the danger of changing the extension in the affirmative.
  • Third way:
    • Open an existing one docx document in Word or another text editor.
    • Open the “File” menu and select “Save As”.
    • In the list of suggested options, select “Other formats”, which will open a new window.
    • At the bottom of the window there are two lines “Name” - you need to set it and “Type” - here you need to install the extension.
    • By clicking on the arrow in the corner of the “Type” line, we open the list possible extensions and install " Plain text(*.tхt)".
    • Confirm saving the document in the specified format by clicking the “Save” button.

By the way, the third method is quite suitable not only for changing the extension of existing documents, but also for creating a new one in the required format.

Command line

You can also create a txt file using the cmd.exe application. This is not so simple and not always clear, and you also need to know the commands. But still, I’ll tell you about this briefly, maybe someone will find it useful. So, using the command line, you can create two types of txt files - empty and filled, that is, with content.


To create empty file with the txt extension, via the command line, you must first launch it. There are several ways to do this, here are the simplest:

  • Press Win and R, which will open the “Run” window, enter the command cmd.exe and press OK.
  • From the Start menu, select Command Prompt (Admin).
  • In the Start search bar, type cmd and run the found application as administrator.
  • copy con filename.txt – will create the desired document in an open directory; to make it appear in another place, along with the name, enter the full path to the desired folder.
  • echo off > C:\111.txt, where "echo" is the "create" command, "off" means no text, and C:\111.txt is the name and path of the location.

With text

Using the same commands, but with some modifications, you can create a .txt file and immediately write data to it:

  • Enter copy con filename.txt, then write the required text, press CTRL and Z, press Enter and get what you need.
  • In the second command - echo off > C:\111.txt - the required text must be written instead of “off”.

By the way, if you are looking for an answer to the question “how to create a file with a txt extension in MS-DOS?”, then check out the methods described above, as they are also relevant for this operating system.


Friends, let's talk about how to create a txt file in the operating room linux system. This can be done using the terminal, which is analogous to the command line. There are several commands, I will tell you about the shortest ones. So, as is the case with command line on Windows, to create a .txt text file on Linux, you will first need to launch a terminal. To do this, press three keys simultaneously - CTRL, ALT and T. Then enter one of the following commands:

  • For zeros - > a or >a (a space is optional), where a is the name of the document that will be created in the current folder. If you need to create several similar documents at once, then instead of “> b > c > d > e > f > g” it will be more convenient to write touch b c d e f g.
  • For filled ones - echo tekst > h or the same, but without spaces (no difference) - echo tekst>h. In this case, we will get a document with the name h and the text tekst in the current folder.


It's time to talk about how to create a txt file on devices running MacOs. There are, as always, a lot of ways. I'll tell you the simplest one:

  • We launch the terminal - the easiest way is through the Spotlight search bar (press spacebar and CTRL at the same time, write “Terminal”).
  • Enter the command $ touch some_text_file.txt, but only after going to the desired directory.


Very often people ask on the Internet how to create a txt text file on Android. My answer is that this cannot be done with the resources of the phone itself. Needs to be installed special applications, of which there are plenty in Play service Market – “Simple text editor” (analogous to notepad), Text Editor. There are those in which the text can be dictated by voice, and it will be converted into required format(Speech text editor). Or, conversely, the application converts selected text fragments into speech and reads them in voice (Text Editor).

FAR Manager

Among the most popular search queries Google also has this one – “how to create a txt file in far”. I’ll tell you about this in a nutshell - I’ll help people. To create the required document in FAR Manager, perform the following steps:

  • Press two keys at the same time, one of which is SHIFT and the other F4.
  • An empty creation prompt appears.
  • We write any name and put required extension— 12345.tхt and we get what we wanted.

Friends, so I shared everything I wanted. It turned out to be quite a lot of information. I hope it is useful to someone. If something is unclear, write in the comments, we will figure it out together. Moreover, I myself enjoy this process, since in search of comprehensive answers to your questions I learn a lot of new and useful things for myself. Goodbye.

Here I will explain, to begin with, what exactly I want to say. There are text editors for simple documents, such as. txt, which store a small amount of information and I can’t even recommend anything other than Notepad++ or AkelPad.

But also, there are documents that have huge volumes, reaching up to several hundred pages, in one document and such files, as a rule, have a format. docx.

I’ll say right away that this format, was introduced by Microsoft, and in fact, imposed, by the main program in the world of office applications, this is Microsoft Office. Of course, few will argue with the fact that this product is a leader in its segment. And in vain! In fact, Microsoft Office is a good advertising campaign plus, the very first product of its kind on the market.

For those who don’t know, this package provides full support for all office applications, from simple typing, creating tables and graphs, to presentations and databases. That is, in fact, it has everything that may be required in various offices and workplaces. In addition, they have developed special program and not even just one, designed for different kinds of users, one of these programs is the student program, the essence of which is that if you are a student at one of the universities that are registered with Microsoft and have a special status, then you are provided with absolutely free, Office applications.

Why, in fact, do people mainly use only this product? One of the reasons for this “monopoly” is that Office appeared earlier than others, accordingly, in almost all organizations, it is installed, and for example, you made a presentation in some other program and decided at your work to demonstrate it, already on Office, then it may not open at all, or it may open without any objects, that is, incorrectly. The composition of Office inspires its scale, but at the same time, believe me, there are separate third party applications, which work much better than those included in it. Here again, there is a quality at work that is inherent in many people - to have everything at once, and not separately and more effectively.

Microsoft Word - text editor;

Microsoft Excel - working with tables, graphs;

Microsoft PowerPoint - development and viewing of presentations;

Microsoft Outlook - includes: calendar, notes, task scheduler, mail client, The address book;

Microsoft Access - an application for creating and managing databases;

Microsoft InfoPath - data collection and management application;

Microsoft Lync - designed to organize comprehensive communication between people;

Microsoft Publisher - an application for preparing publications;

Microsoft Visio, a business and technical diagramming application, lets you transform concepts and routine business data into diagrams;

Microsoft Project - project management;

Microsoft Query - viewing and selecting information from databases;

Microsoft OneNote is an application for writing and managing notes;

Microsoft Groove - collaboration application;

Microsoft SharePoint Designer- a tool for building applications on Microsoft platform SharePoint and SharePoint site customizations;

Microsoft Picture Manager - Working with pictures;

Microsoft Document Image Writer - virtual printer;

Microsoft Diagnostics - diagnostics and recovery of damaged Microsoft applications Office.

Of course, the standard package does not include all these programs, but you can easily purchase them. The office application package has a fairly impressive price and is not small in volume. Besides everything else, latest versions, load the system quite heavily and are slower than their earlier versions. The main advantage, compared to other office applications, is without a doubt the functionality, in fact, because of which the Windows system slows down. For example, no text editor has such high-quality spelling and punctuation checking as Microsoft Word. In my opinion, a significant disadvantage is that this package is supported only by Windows, while direct competitors support both Linux and MAC.


Actually, the name speaks for itself - it’s free office suite and a direct competitor to Microsoft Office. It includes: text and spreadsheet editors, a tool for creating presentations, an application that works with databases, graphics editor and formula editor.

In terms of functionality, it is only slightly inferior to Microsoft Office, but it works several times faster. Among other things, it is used in all schools to teach children computer science.

There is an analogue, which at the same time is the same OpenOffice, since it was created by the same people, and at another - a separate product. But if you install it, you won't notice much of a difference, even in menu items. The composition is the same.

These packages are fully compatible with formats supported by Microsoft Office, so that users can seamlessly move from one program to another.

All applications, be it Microsoft Office or Open Office, are not very different from each other in their appearance, that is, if it is a spreadsheet editor, then there are always cells there, if it is a text editor, then here in front of you is a sheet of paper on which you type, etc.

A significant advantage of the Open and Libre packages is that they take up several times less space, unlike Microsoft Office (200–300 MB versus 1 GB).

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Available pre-installed software, which is part of Windows 7, the very first tool for working with texts is the long-known “Notepad”. It would seem that now it is no longer relevant: the same OpenOffice or MS Word have much more functionality. But, Notepad is still in demand due to some of its features: firstly, it is very lightweight (it starts instantly, works quickly and flawlessly), and secondly, it does not save formatting, which is very useful if you need to save text in uniform style.
Creating a txt document (this is the format in which Notepad saves files) is very simple.

You will need:


The program itself is located at the following address: C: WINDOWSsystem32otepad.

But having to go the same long way every time – you must admit, it’s inconvenient. It would be more practical to open “Notepad” by calling the “Start” menu, the “Programs” section, and in the “Standards” column we will see the coveted shortcut.


Working with it text editor extremely simple. The interface itself has not changed since Windows 98, and has a work area, as well as several sections with a drop-down menu at the top.

How to create a txt document

After you finish working in the editor, you will probably want to save the text.

To do this, you can use the key combination Ctrl+S or by selecting context menu“File” item “Save as...”.
Select the required location, specify the file name and click “Save”.

If during work you need to change the encoding, you can do this by calling the file save menu (Ctrl+S).

Instead of the * sign, indicate the file name, and from the drop-down menu at the bottom, select the required encoding and click “Save”.