Nvidia inspector game settings. Dear NVIDIA Inspector

A weak video card is the main reason for slowdowns in HD video, graphics in games and heavy programs. But there is a way out of this situation, and this is overclocking your GPU. In essence, there is nothing complicated here, but since the video adapter is a rather expensive component, you need to be careful and know everything important nuances. Let's talk to you about how to overclock an NVidia video card and what you need for this.

General information

Today there is a lot of controversy about whether it is worth overclocking the GPU and how to do it. There are both supporters and opponents. But everyone agrees on approximately one thing: if your system is not stabilized, then there is a weak processor, outdated motherboard or little random access memory, then there is definitely no point in this, since it will not bring any visible result. In addition, overclocking must be done carefully, otherwise you risk burning the GPU, and the case is not under warranty, so you will have to buy a new one.

Under any circumstances increased frequencies lead to excessive heating, as well as increased nutrition. Based on this, you need to increase the rotation speed of the cooler, change the radiator if necessary, and also test the power supply. If the latter cannot withstand the load, it will simply burn out. Well, now let's take a closer look at the question of how to overclock an NVidia video card and what to pay attention to.

Safety is the key to success

There are certain requirements that must be met no matter what manufacturer of GPU you have. The main one is a gradual increase in frequency. The bottom line is that productivity increases in stages by 10%. So, after the next overclocking you need to start monitoring and test the results under load. For example, start the game and see if there are “artifacts”, slowdowns, etc. If not, then add another 10% and test again. When the first glitches appear, you need to roll back by 10%, this will be the intermediate value at which efficiency will be maximum.

Once you improve the performance of the GPU processor, overclock the video memory using the same method. In the latter case, the temperature will rise sharply. If the indicator goes beyond 90 degrees Celsius under load, you need to stop overclocking. After that, you should figure out how to overclock your video card. NVidia geforce gt 640 will work normally even if its power is increased by 10-30%, but the resource will be reduced by about 15%, and heating will increase by 20-30 degrees. So think twice.

Video card overclocking program: NVidia Inspector

This utility is specially designed for use on NVidia GPUs. For this simple reason, it is not recommended to use the program on video adapters from other manufacturers.

We can't help but mention the capabilities of NVidia Inspector. The utility allows you to monitor frequency, temperature, and fan speed. Among the main advantages is the ability to independently overclock each performance level of the video adapter. All changes are recorded in a log, so after testing is completed you can read and see everything. In addition, you can change the voltage of the GPU, that is, the processor. To ensure balanced overclocking, it is possible to increase the rotation speed of the cooler or coolers. Thus, the NVidia Inspector video card overclocking program is completely free and is very popular. Now let's talk in detail about how to work with such software.

Step-by-step instructions for overclocking in NVidia Inspector

The first step is to launch the program and click Show Overlocking. After this, you will receive a notification that this event may disable the GPU, but since we are determined to increase productivity, we go ahead and click “Yes”. Specifically, we are interested in the section called Performance level, which must be carefully configured in the future. You will see about 6 sliders that are responsible for power, cooling, etc. Each of them needs to be increased by about 5%, for a start this will be quite enough. You can, of course, do more, but in this case there is a small risk of resetting the GPU driver.

It is important to pay attention to such an indicator as Fan. Essentially, this is the rotation speed of the fan. You can manually adjust this parameter, but it is always recommended to check the Auto box. Depending on the temperature, the fan will rotate faster or slower, but not fixed. At the very end, do not forget to save the changes for the NVidia geforce video card.

CPU-Z, or quality monitoring

The utility is somewhat simpler than the option described above, but no worse. It is free and freely available on the Internet. After you launch it, you will be able to observe all the characteristics of your video adapter, including those that we want to slightly increase. We are interested in the frequency of the graphics core, shader units and, of course, the graphics memory of the card. In this utility you can see the performance of the GPU with these parameters. To do this, you need to find the following items: Pixel fillrate, TextureFillrate and Bandwidth.

Of course, you can’t change any parameters here; you can only monitor the effectiveness of overclocking. To do this, we will need the already well-known NVidia Inspector, where we will increase the parameters, and we can test them under load using FurMark. After about 10-15 minutes you can stop the test. If during this time there were no artifacts, and the temperature did not exceed 90 degrees, then overclocking can be considered successful. In the future, it is strongly recommended to monitor the temperature of the GPU.

How to speed up an NVidia video card?

In some cases, the problem is not the GPU at all, and if it is, then overclocking is not always necessary. For example, dried thermal paste significantly impairs heat transfer, which leads to rapid overheating of the radiator and, as a result, the processor.

In order to speed up the operation of your video adapter, clean it from dust and replace thermal paste on time, approximately once a year. Modern GPUs can be overclocked through the BIOS, but at present this is still a rather “crude” method, so it is not always suitable, and a beginner is unlikely to be able to cope with it. But increasing the speed of work using the software method is very possible for any user. But regardless of the chosen approach, you need to remember that if the GPU burns out due to improper overclocking, this product is no longer subject to warranty service.

Riva Tuner is simple and effective

Let's consider the case when system unit has only one GP. Let it be an NVidia video card. When you first start, you will be able to see two flashing triangles. The top one is intended for low-level GPU overclocking, the bottom one is needed to work with the driver. If you have a modern video card, you will have to use the second method. It is somewhat more complicated, but effective.

After clicking on the triangle, select your own GPU and you can see at what frequencies it is currently operating (section “Overlocking”). In order for us to be able to edit the frequency, we need to check the box at the top of the dialog box. After this, you will see a warning window. It is recommended to select the Reboot option, that is, reboot the PC to determine the factory GPU frequencies. If the default settings are already in place, click on Detect Now.

Overclocking with Riva Tuner: continued

If you did everything correctly in the first part, the sliders will become active and you can move them as you wish. But don't rush to do this. The fact is that we can increase performance for 2D, which is completely useless for games, so from the drop-down window of the same menu, select “3D performance”. You see two sliders: one is responsible for the core frequency, the second is for memory. It is better to start overclocking from the second. Everything must be done gradually and increase indicators by no more than 10% at a time. After each time, click on the “Test” button to check stability.

Once you have determined the optimal memory frequency, proceed to overclock the core. In this case, it is desirable to return the memory frequency to its starting position. If the picture in the game freezes and hangs, then restart your PC. This indicates that this frequency is dangerous. In principle, this utility for overclocking an NVidia video card is quite good and easy to use, and therefore is suitable for both beginners and professionals.

Something else

As you can see, overclocking an NVidia video card is not such a difficult task. As practice shows, with a competent approach, no problems arise. But if you accidentally overdo it, do a factory reset. If this is not done, then sooner or later the GPU may overheat and fail. By the way, it is strongly recommended to increase the voltage along with heating, since the graphics adapter needs large quantity electricity when operating at the limit of its capabilities.


So we talked to you about how to overclock an NVidia Geforce video card. You probably noticed that with absolute ignorance of the features of the device and principles of operation software method or the same BIOS, it’s better to leave this idea alone. This decision will be correct. It’s better to contact specialists or at least people who know a little about this topic. This way, at least you won't burn out your GPU.

It’s one thing if it’s an office video adapter and costs a penny, but another thing if a burnt-out game card costs tens of thousands of rubles, and this, you see, is a lot. So be careful and attentive. Overclocking must be gradual and necessarily include testing at each stage. After this, it is advisable to install some gadget on the desktop to monitor the GPU temperature. And always remember that at least some video card is better than no video card at all. Always think twice!

Anti-aliasing settings via NVIDIA Inspector.

NVIDIA Inspector- a clever program that allows you to activate hidden settings Nvidia drivers. Using NVInspector you can obtain anti-aliasing of maximum quality, but you will also need the appropriate video card power.

Installs like a regular program and runs once for setup. You can read the setup manual (in English) here: _forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=357956.

To go to the driver settings, click the button marked in red:

The first step is to select/create a profile for the game. For ETS 2 there is already one, so we simply set the parameters as follows:

Antialiasing compatibility -- 0x084012C1
Antialiasing - Behavior Flags -- None
Antialiasing - Mode -- Override any application settings
Antialiasing - Settings -- 4x
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling -- 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling*
* The trick is to set the Antialiasing - Settings and Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling values coincided. That is, 4x and 4x, 2x and 2x, etc. Otherwise, the quality of smoothing will be below par.
Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (DX)-- -0.75 (This is for example, negative values ​​will slightly remove the blurring created by anti-aliasing, but will increase the load on the video card. Optimal values ​​for anti-aliasing are 2x = -0.5, for 4x = -1.0.)
In the game itself we set the Scale - 100% . (This is important; at any other scale, the render quality drops catastrophically).
There's also MLAA - Off, if for some reason it is still active for you.

NVInspector can be used in conjunction with SweetFX. The latter restores picture clarity well; all types of anti-aliasing in it, of course, are necessary in s turn on You can adjust the clarity of the image using the #define sharp_strength parameter to your liking.

An example of Nvidia Inspector working in a game (Scale setting - 100%, video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680):

More screenshots under the spoiler:

Pay attention to lines, small details and background. Soap on some screenshots is simply not adjusted clarity.

Truly uber picture quality. It’s especially noticeable in motion: the picture is smooth, there’s no pixelated mess flickering in the distance.
Does not require running in parallel with the game.
Works together with SweetFX.
Works in multiplayer.

Strong impact on performance (but still less than 300% Scale).
Available only to owners of Nvidia video cards.
Sometimes HDR is disabled. It can be treated on the spot by changing the camera, for example, by jumping from the cabin to the street and back.

You can download Nvidia Inspector here: _download.orbmu2k.de/download.php?id=51

Sometimes the performance of a video card leaves much to be desired, but there is no opportunity to replace it with a more powerful one. NVIDIA, one of the most famous manufacturers of video adapters, has released its own utility - NVIDIA Inspector, which allows you to overclock a weak video card and increase performance several times, as well as monitor its behavior at different load levels.

Resource monitoring

Once NVIDIA Inspector is launched, a resource monitoring window will open. This is an excellent addition to the utility for overclocking video cards, since there is no need to switch to other programs, monitor the fan speed here, and the temperature here. Everything is collected in one place, very organic, pleasant, and most importantly, understandable. This is a huge plus for people who have never tried to overclock their video adapter, and using NVIDIA Inspector will be a starting step.

The functions of the resource monitor are very limited, but quite useful. For example, a possibility like "Sensor Monitoring" shows the use of the video card more clearly, visually displaying voltage, its temperatures, fan speeds and how all this changes dynamically.

For comparison, a screenshot from a similar utility called . You can clearly see where they were targeting beginners, and where they were targeting a more professional audience that has already “eaten the dog” in overclocking video cards. Yes, perhaps Afterburner has more potential and functionality than NVIDIA Inspector, but the interface is incomprehensible to the average user.

Overclocking a video card

Even though NVIDIA Inspector is aimed at inexperienced users, its overclocking functionality is not inferior to the most advanced programs. There are various levels of performance, pre-created so-called “presets”, and saving your own settings, which is good news.

Attention! Overclocking a video card can harm it and even destroy it physically, which is what NVIDIA Inspector warns the user about. You make all changes at your own peril and risk.

Basic functions of overclocking a video card in NVIDIA Inspector:

NVIDIA Inspector also has interesting additional features:


  • Simple and intuitive interface;
  • Perfect for beginners;
  • Convenient use;
  • Lots of useful features


  • Overclocks the video card “visually”;
  • Lack of Russian language.

NVIDIA Inspector - great utility, which allows even an inexperienced user to increase the performance of the video card and enjoy excellent pictures and stable operation. NVIDIA Inspector is not overloaded visually and has a very neat and user-friendly interface that even a beginner will have no difficulty understanding. Unfortunately, it does not have Russian language, which makes it a little difficult to understand the functions. A significant disadvantage is also the fact that overclocking does not occur at the hardware level, but this situation can be overcome using additional functions.


In my previous guide I described a large number of ways that will help you overclock your computer without significantly impacting the quality of your graphics.

And in one more

Here I will talk about parameters that will help you either significantly improve FPS at the cost of terrible graphics, or simply make the picture smoother.
Whether to sacrifice graphics for FPS or not is up to you.
Let's begin.

NVIDIA Inspector

We will need the "NVIDIA Inspector" utility, or rather "NVIDIA Profile Inspector" which is included in it. Below are 2 links.
The program does not require installation.
This program allows you to significantly expand the number of parameters in setting the graphics quality for NVIDIA video cards.
Run the file "nvidiaProfileInspector.exe".


The program is a set of blocks divided into 4 columns:
Parameter names (left)
Parameter values ​​(centered)
Parameter values ​​in binary code (right)
A line with the name of the program into which we are making changes (upper left corner).
In the future I will only indicate numbers (,,,).
IMPORTANT: Before setting up, I recommend resetting the graphics settings in the game.

Let's start setting up:
First, select the game in the line. In my case it's CS:GO.
Let's move on to the parameters. We will change the values ​​in the column.
I divided the parameters into 2 types: Those that do not affect quality and those that do.
Let's start with not influencing:

  • "Prefered Refreshrate" - literally "preferred refresh rate". I see no reason to leave this option enabled if we need maximum performance gains. "Off"
  • "Vertihical Sync" - "Vertical sync pulse". Eats frames. Set the value "Force off"
  • "Texture Filtering - Trilinear optimization" - a degraded version of Anisotropic filtering. "Off"
  • "Threaded optimization" - "Threaded optimization". Optimizing the video card driver for multi-core processors. Accordingly, if you have one, then set "On"
  • "Ambient occlusion" is a shading model used in 3D graphics that allows you to add realism to an image by calculating the intensity of light. Loads the card a lot. "Off"
  • "Enable Ansel" - photographer mode built into nvidia software. "ANSEL_ENABLE_OFF"
  • "Memory Allocation Policy" - as far as I understand, this parameter is responsible for the amount of memory allocated by the video card for the game. We put "MEMORY_ALLOCATION_POLICY_AGGRESSIVE"
  • "Multi-display/mixed - GPU acceleration" - "Acceleration of multiple displays/mixed GPUs." If you have one video card and one monitor, then install "Single display performance mode"
  • "Error reporting" - "Error messages". Parameters, enabling which makes it possible to send all data to NVidia developers in the event of a driver error. "Off"
  • "Triple buffering" - "Triple buffering". Increases picture smoothness at the expense of performance. "Off".
  • "Force mipmaps" - "Enable scalable textures." Outdated meaning of 3D applications. "Off"
AND influencing:
  • "Texture filtering" - "Texture filtering". We put "High performance"(High performance).
  • "Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling" - used to correct aliasing (or "jaggies") on full-screen images. If you want growth, turn it off. "AA_MODE_REPLAY_MODE_ALL"
  • "Texture Filtering - Negative LOD Bias" - "Texture filtering - negative LOD bias." Texture filtering using a negative with a scalable level of detail. We put "Allow".
  • I combined the following 2 parameters, because... Essentially this is one parameter. In certain games the first one works, in others the second one, so we will change both.
    Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (DX) = ?
    Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (OGL) = ?
    Values this parameter vary from -3.000 to +3.000. The higher the value, the more soapy the image becomes. I’ll say right away that with the +3.000 parameter the game will not look very good, to put it mildly (see below).

NVIDIA Inspector is a utility designed primarily for configuring a video card. But in this guide we will learn how to use it to increase FPS in any game. Of course, if you have a video card from NVIDIA. Unfortunately, there is nothing like this for AMD and you can only suffer. But don’t worry, we have optimizations for many games that are not tied to the graphics accelerator model. Look -

1. First of all, you need to download directly this utility. Current version -

2. Having unpacked the archive, we will see two files - “nvidiaInspector.exe” and “nvidiaProfileInspector.exe”

3. The article is divided into 2 parts. If you do not need a description of the program and its capabilities, then skip straight to the second part.

Part 1. Opening nvidiaInspector.exe we will see:

The main window of the program where you can see all the information about your graphics accelerator. Design very similar to GPU-Z

By clicking the “sensor monitoring” button on the left top corner programs. A window will open with load graphs and information on your graphics adapter. By clicking right click mouse over the window with graphs, you can configure individual parameters that will be displayed in this window. And this window can also be superimposed on top of any windows and be a good widget for monitoring.

Using the button above, you can take an automatic screenshot of the main window and download it from the photo hosting site Techpowerup.

Let's move on to something more interesting and hot. By clicking on the button located in the lower right corner, namely “Show Overclocking”. We will see a window with which you can overclock your graphics adapter. Just do this at your own risk. Although modern video cards are almost impossible to break using this method, because... they provide many protection measures and, if something happens, they themselves reset all settings and reboot your PC in special cases. But we warned you.

Perhaps it’s worth writing a guide on overclocking a video card using NVIDIA Inspector?

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Now that we've sorted this out, let's move on to the second part.

Part 2. Game optimization.

Open the file - “nvidiaProfileInspector.exe”.

nvidia Profile Inspector main window

Do not be alarmed by such a large number of incomprehensible parameters. IN in this case We are interested in the profile selection line in the upper left corner. We choose any one there the game you want and start setting up the parameters.


If your game is in this list no, then you should add it by clicking on the button - “Add Application to current profile”.

And choose executable file games. In this case, “FarCry5.exe”.

Well, that's all, you're almost gorgeous. Now all that remains is to select the parameters. For the vast majority of games, these values ​​will be optimal:


  • The higher the LOD Bias value, the worse the texture. LOD bias +3.0000 - maximum value.

After you have set all the values ​​that are marked in red, do not forget to click the Apply changes button so that your values ​​are saved.

Congratulations, you are awesome and have just learned how to use NVIDIA Inspector.

But wait, run away. That's not all. Sometimes some games require a unique selection of values. And we will share this information, let's go.