Cloud Internet. Cloud services - what are they? More comprehensive list of cloud services

The Internet has become entrenched in our lives. Many users can no longer imagine their life without a computer. Naturally, technology improves every year. And for active users of the global network, such a useful technology as a cloud server has appeared. What it is? What is it for?

Cloud technologies are...

Today you can often hear about such a function as cloud computing. The name of such servers comes from a graphic picture that is used to indicate technologies.

Cloud technologies are the ability to have access to data without installing special applications on the device. All necessary software is provided to users by servers. But whether you have to pay for this remote access to data or not depends directly on the requests.

How are cloud technologies different from conventional ones?

To more clearly explain the difference between conventional technologies and cloud storage, we can take email as an example. The case when mail client, such as Outlook, is already installed on the user's computer, and all data received by email is saved to the hard drive, considered a common IT technology. That is, the user himself can manage the received files and decide what to do with them. And the mail client will work exactly as long as the computer is running.

But email, which is opened using a browser, is already a cloud technology. That is, the user, without installing anything on the device, can access his email address. Moreover, if something happens to the server on which all the data is stored, then access to e-mail will be lost.

What do you have to pay for when using the cloud?

Cloud server is not a completely free technology. There are times when the user will have to pay for the provision of the service cloud storage. All servers are divided into three types, which charge for different functions.

  • IaaS is a cloud model that requires a fee to provide remote access to the storage. That is, the user only pays for access to the server.
  • When using a PaaS cloud, you will have to pay not only for the available resources, but also for access to special software for processing data.
  • SaaS - storage that provides access to the whole complex software, for which, of course, you will have to pay a considerable subscription fee.

Positive sides

Using cloud technologies has a number of advantages that are quite significant.

Young businesses benefit greatly from using cloud servers. They won't have to worry about buying their own server equipment, spend money on building local network, hire system administrators. You just need to choose one of the cloud servers that is ideal in terms of memory size, number of clients and other characteristics, and pay a subscription fee once a month.

Cloud technologies are the ability to access the necessary information using a regular browser from anywhere in the world. Performance will no longer be of concern to the client, since it is monitored by those whom the user pays for cloud storage. Such systems are in demand among corporate users who need to establish document flow in an enterprise network.

For ordinary users For those who simply do not want to clog up their computer with unnecessary information, there are free cloud servers that will be quite sufficient.

Negative points

Of course, new cloud technologies also have a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, confidential data transmitted using cloud storage can be intercepted by hackers. The quality of the Internet connection must be very high. If the Internet is interrupted, access to data on the “clouds” will be impossible. At the same time, large enterprises still need System Administrator to establish data transfer.

If the client wants to save money and prefers a cheaper server, then he will have to face performance problems. Cheap cloud storage systems do not have a very good hardware infrastructure, where problems regularly appear, and fixing them takes a lot of time.

If the use of cloud technologies is planned for the long term, then it can be much more expensive than installing your own local server. Especially if a cloud technology with a wide range of capabilities, such as SaaS, is chosen for work.

Cloud storage overview

Cloud technologies are storage facilities that can be divided into three types of services:

  • Creation of infrastructure.
  • Platform services.
  • Software services.

This unit will help you choose cloud server for data storage.

Windows Live SkyDrive is suitable for those who need a large amount of data. It allows you to store information up to 25 GB. There are no restrictions on file format. However, there are a number of advantages for some types. For example, when storing Office documents you can edit them directly in the browser.

Dropbox is more widely used than Windows Live SkyDrive, although it has a much smaller amount of data - only 2 GB. It is enough to install one application on the device to have remote access.

A special server even exists for storing music. This is Grooveshark, which is considered one of the most popular cloud storage services for music files.

Hidden behind the cloud service system is a very complex computer network, in which user resources are remotely stored. Now you don't need to save all your files to your hard drive, you can simply copy them to a remote, so-called cloud service, and you will have the opportunity to retrieve them at any time you need, regardless of where you are, as long as you have Internet access.

In addition, they will be available not only to the user himself, but also to everyone with whom he wishes to share these files. The income of cloud service holders is that they rent or sell space in the cloud.

How it all began

On given time You can save files in the cloud that will remain available on the Internet for a long period. While you are watching videos on YouTube, or photos on Instagram, Facebook, you are using a cloud service. Even such famous ones mail servers how Gmail uses cloud computing in its work. The principle of operation of the cloud service is that instead of installing the program on your computer, you will work in a web interface that displays data from the cloud storage.

The file, located in the cloud, will be available to everyone at the same time, like video clips on YouTube, or, if desired, only for limited use, like Dropbox. The income of cloud service holders is that they rent them out or sell space in the cloud.

Once upon a time, back in the early winter of 2006, the future Dropbox developer found himself in a very uncomfortable situation. While traveling from Boston to New York State, he took his laptop with him to do some work on the road, but it turned out that he had forgotten the flash drive at home, which contained all the necessary information. This is how he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a convenient cloud storage that would have the ability to synchronize files between devices. After Dropbox was released, its popularity gained enormous proportions, to the point that many famous companies wanted to develop the same own storage facilities. So, subsequently, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive, Apple iCloud and Yandex.Disk.

The user must be aware of the fact that by placing his file in a cloud service, he partially loses control over it. You need to realize that when you trust your content to a storage facility, the worst that can happen is the file being transferred to a third party or being lost. A situation may also arise when the user is unable to delete the information he posted and it will continue to be stored in the cloud for years.

Please note that in user agreement, which you view before starting to work with your account, most companies indicate their obligations regarding the protection of copyright and personal information. However, in any situation, the user is not protected from unscrupulous employees or unauthorized hacking. Often companies indicate the possibility of full or partial use of the information provided to them, but usually these points simply remain unread.

Main advantages of the cloud service

But still, today it will be very difficult to imagine comfortable use of the network without cloud services. Storing data on a hard drive has become absolutely unnecessary. Now information is constantly available at any time and from different devices, and you can work with her both individually and in groups. The only requirement is access to the Internet.

A lot of companies are confident that the future belongs to cloud services. Google and some other major manufacturers have begun to produce cloud netbooks running Chrome OS. Google even put forward a proposal to completely abandon the installation of programs on PCs and suggests using only web services through a browser.

Today, it is simply unthinkable to imagine the operation of an Internet network without cloud services; it would probably be boring, and users would not have the opportunity to effectively and quickly share information. Everyone is already accustomed to saving their music, videos and other files in a cloud service and getting instant access to the files we need at any time without first downloading them to the desktop. Very soon, according to experts, cloud computing will make interactive content available to us, the display of which will be available on any screen, even on a smartphone.

(17 Votes)

Let's start with the definition cloud computing. This phenomenon is new, so there are not many authoritative sources where this concept is defined. American specialists Peter Mell and Tim Grans from the Laboratory took the most comprehensive and fundamental approach to this issue. Information technologies National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In my work The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing (Definition of cloud computing: NIST version) they write the following (author's translation from English).

Cloud computing is a model for providing convenient network access on-demand to a shared set of configurable computing resources (for example, networks, servers, storage, applications and/or services) that the user can quickly use for his tasks and release while minimizing the number of interactions with the service provider or own management efforts. This model is aimed at increasing the availability of computing resources and combines five main characteristics, three service models and four deployment models.

Characteristics of cloud computing:

  1. Self-service on demand
    The consumer, when he needs it, can independently use computing capabilities, such as server time or network storage, in automatic mode, without interactions with service provider personnel.
  2. Widely accessible via the Internet
    Opportunities are available via the network; they are accessed based on standard mechanisms, which allows the use of heterogeneous thin and thick client platforms (for example, mobile phones, laptops, PDAs).
  3. Pooling resources
    The provider pools its computing resources for service large number consumers using the principle of multiple leases (Multi-tenancy). Various physical and virtual resources dynamically allocated and redistributed according to user needs. There is a sense of location independence where the customer does not know or control where exactly the computing resources they use are located, but may be able to determine their location at a more abstract level (for example, country, region or data center). Examples of resources could be data storage, computing power, RAM, throughput, virtual machines.
  4. Ability to adapt quickly
    Computing capabilities can be quickly and flexibly reserved (often automatically) for rapid scaling to meet customer needs, and also quickly released. From a consumer's perspective, the available options often appear unlimited and can be purchased in any quantity at any time.
  5. Measurable service
    Cloud systems automatically control and optimize the use of resources through the measurement of certain abstract parameters. Options vary depending on the type of service. For example, these could be: data storage size, processing power, throughput, and/or number of active user records. The use of resources is monitored and controlled; reports are generated. Thus, both the supplier and the consumer receive transparent information about the volume of services provided (consumed).

Service models:

  1. Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) – cloud software as a service, hereinafter referred to as “Software as a Service”;
  2. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) – cloud platform as a service;
  3. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – cloud infrastructure as a service.

We will reveal only the first service model as relevant to the topic of this work. Software as a service (SaaS) is providing the consumer with the opportunity to use the supplier’s applications running on the cloud infrastructure. Applications are accessed from various client devices through a thin client interface, such as a web browser. The consumer does not control or manage the cloud infrastructure on which the application runs, including the network, servers, operating systems, data storage, or even application settings. Possible exception - individual custom settings applications.

Deployment Models:

  1. Private Cloud
  2. Community cloud
  3. Public cloud
  4. Hybrid cloud

We will reveal only the third deployment model as relevant to the topic of this work. Public cloud (PublicCloud)– in this model, the cloud infrastructure is available to everyone or a wide industry group and is owned by the cloud service provider.

Above we defined cloud computing and described its main characteristics. We also provided a classification of cloud computing by service model and deployment model, that is, we talked about what types of cloud computing exist. So what are “cloud services for small companies”?

The concept contains the words “cloud” and “services,” which means we are talking about services provided from the cloud, that is, using cloud infrastructure.

Since these services are intended “for small companies”, then:

  1. These services should help you run your business;
  2. These services should be affordable for small companies;
  3. They must be widely available;
  4. They should not require specific knowledge from the consumer (for example, in the field of information technology).

Based on the above, we give the following definition. Cloud services for small companies– these are business automation applications distributed using the SaaS (software as a service) model through the Public Cloud and available to a wide range of customers at an affordable price.

If 5 years ago the ability to store files not on a physical drive seemed almost fantastic, today many companies developing computer software, seriously declare that most of the digital data will move to remote servers and this will happen in the very near future. That is, simply put, the files currently on the hard drive will be stored in a virtual space allocated for each user with the ability to regulate the level of access to them. Some materials will remain only at the user’s disposal, another category, if desired, will be available for public viewing, and, perhaps, he will allow access to a certain group of files for specifically designated persons.

The first successful project to create “cloud storage” was the service Dropbox. Its founder, Drew Houston, came up with the idea for such a resource in 2006, after he forgot a flash drive with important data at home and thought about how good it would be if access to files was possible when synchronizing devices using the Global Network. The Dropbox resource turned out to be in demand and highly appreciated by users. Almost immediately with the advent of Dropbox, other similar resources arose: Google Drive, Apple iCloud, Yandex disk, and others.

Principle of operation

Despite belonging to different companies, the operating principle of cloud storage differs from each other only in details. The user needs to register, come up with a username and password to log into his account, download and install special software for synchronizing files. Further, almost all “cloud” resources are ready to provide a certain amount for free use. On the Dropbox resource this size is 2 GB, which is usually enough to store photos and text documents. If you need more space, you will have to pay a subscription fee. Many owners keep backups operating system, as well as your favorite movies, so as not to fill your hard drive with them. But storing files is not all the capabilities of such resources. Users can share files, quickly view photo albums with hundreds of photos, and organize collaboration. You can upload files either through the installed software or using your account options. Everything is done very simply, just move the files you specified to a special folder and they will be sent to your personal virtual space immediately after connecting to the Internet.


Many cloud services send files over an encrypted channel, but nevertheless, talk about them full protection clearly premature. The user may lose access to the account Account can be hacked, and cloud service employees sometimes show excessive curiosity. Files may become publicly available due to system error or an oversight by the user himself. Given this, you still shouldn’t trust important personal information to the clouds.


Despite the fact that conversations about the need to work not on increasing PC performance, but on improving “cloud” resources have been going on for several years, due to security problems, it is clearly impossible to completely transfer all system and personal files to virtual space. We also cannot ignore the fact that the Internet is not available in all parts of the world, which becomes a serious obstacle and complicates access to files at the client’s first need. “Cloud” operating systems are still a kind of exotic and are mainly used by amateurs and connoisseurs of unusual software. At the same time, fast data exchange and synchronization between all devices look very attractive, and given that, according to statistics, the number of users of cloud resources is only growing, such services will not only be in demand in the future, but will also expand their functionality.

The emergence of modern cloud services greatly simplifies the task of creating a video surveillance system. When connecting cameras to the cloud, in most cases you don’t need a static IP address, and you don’t have to mess with the router settings: just perform a few simple manipulations with the equipment, or download the server program to your computer, and then download the program to the device from which you plan to conduct surveillance, and the system is almost ready for use.

In some cases, you can do without it altogether when it is possible to view the video stream through the service website. These services have good protection data, and found their clients both among ordinary citizens and large businesses. With their help, you can monitor the activities of household staff (nannies, housekeepers, etc.), as well as company employees from anywhere in the world - if only you could access the Internet.

In this article we will tell you about the most relevant cloud services for video surveillance today, and also analyze the process of creating a surveillance system based on them.

As a rule, connecting 1-2 cameras is enough for a simple one. For a small number of devices, use of the cloud service is usually provided free of charge.

Most often, home cloud video surveillance is used for the following needs:

  • Monitoring the activities of domestic staff;
  • Monitoring of pets;
  • Ensuring the safety of children and elderly people left at home unattended;
  • Control over the local area and the situation inside the house.

For large facilities (schools, offices, companies, workshops, etc.), the functionality of the cloud service can be expanded by purchasing a paid package of services.

This opens up wider possibilities:

  • Monitoring the work of employees, compliance with labor discipline, and customer service;
  • Monitoring the performance of machines and other equipment in production;
  • Video surveillance in kindergartens and schools, etc.

The trend of 2017-2018 is the introduction of video analytics capabilities by cloud services - counting visitors, monitoring presence at the workplace, time of passage, etc. The future of cloud services lies behind this, and gradually all major clouds are introducing this capability for their clients.

There are several domestic cloud video surveillance services that are quite easy to use. Some of them work only with their own equipment, others have the ability to connect cameras from any manufacturer.

Get profitable proposition on cloud video surveillance! Write to us via or email info@site and we will tell you everything in detail!

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The rapid growth in the development of Internet technologies has not bypassed such a large-scale industry of security systems as video surveillance. Indeed, since there is such an opportunity, why not take advantage of it to improve the usability of the video surveillance system and implement remote access to cameras? Thus, thanks to the emergence of the first modern cloud services, the field of video surveillance received, one might say, a new...

Rating of cloud services from Observaikin

Dear friends! We have launched our own rating of cloud video surveillance services! We tried to collect in it the most popular services that are known at the time of 2018, now there are 10 services in it, at least 5 more will be added soon.

Cloud video surveillance from IVideon

One of the pioneers of cloud video surveillance in Russia is the domestic company IVideon. On this moment this cloud service for video surveillance is actively used around the world and is gaining momentum. In addition to cloud surveillance, IVideon offers both its own (Nobelic, ocO - review) and cameras from other manufacturers (Hikvision), with installed firmware, tailored for the use of this service. Cameras from other manufacturers with IVideon support at the firmware level are also appearing on the market.

Setting principle. To set up an online broadcast using these devices, you will only need to connect the device to the router and set up an Internet connection - the camera will automatically connect to the service and begin broadcasting the image to the Internet in real mode, and to view it you only need to log into your Personal Area. It is also possible to download the firmware for a third-party IP camera, so this cloud service for video surveillance can be used without being tied to a specific manufacturer (the list is limited, it can be viewed on the service’s official website).

What is needed to connect? The convenience of using the service lies in the fact that to configure it you will not need to obtain a static IP address from your provider and do port forwarding on the router and delve into other technical issues. To implement surveillance using the IVideon video surveillance cloud via a computer (for example, via a web camera, or a third-party IP camera), you will need download two programs: IVideon Server and IVideon Client.

The first is installed on the computer to which the camera is connected - with the help of it, the image from the device will be broadcast to the company’s website. The second program is installed on the device from which you plan to remotely monitor what is happening (laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.). All you need to do in the future is enter your login and password for your personal account in the application, and you will immediately have access to the image from the connected camera. You can also watch the video stream online directly from your personal account on the IVideon website.

What conditions? Today, non-commercial use of the service can be carried out free of charge, while in the free tariff for home (from March 2, 2016) you can connect up to 15 cameras video surveillance, and view online broadcast without restrictions. For users registered in the system earlier than March 2, 2016, tariffs remain the same, but to switch to new ones, they must re-register in the system. In this case, upon application, all funds from the old account are transferred to the new one.

The features of the free plan allow you to store short videos in the archive, lasting 10 seconds, which begin to be recorded after movement or sound occurs. Records are stored in the archive for 24 hours.

For owners of large enterprises, there are special paid tariffs “Online Pro”, “Cloud 10/30/60 Pro” (the numbers 10/30/60 reflect the number of days available for storing the archive in the selected tariff plan). You can find out detailed and current information about tariffs on the company’s website

NOVIcloud service

The NOVIcloud service was created specifically to ensure remote operation of the manufacturer’s own cameras and DVRs under the NOVICam brand. This cloud video surveillance solution is a fairly simple and economical option due to the fact that the manufacturer’s equipment has a fairly attractive price, and in order to add a DVR to your personal account, you just need to enter its 16-digit an identification number Cloud ID. Also, you do not need a dedicated IP address.

But still, the NOVIcloud cloud video surveillance service is not supported by all manufacturer’s equipment. In order for you to be able to use the cloud, you initially need to purchase any DVR from the company. You can connect any video surveillance camera with support to such a recorder. Complete Guide on connecting equipment to the cloud you can find on the company website

For any needs, you should pay attention to their main parameters and characteristics. Read more in the article about choosing cameras on our website.

Installation of video surveillance in the entrance is today topical issue for residents of apartment buildings. In you will learn all the nuances of implementing surveillance in the entrance of a residential building.


Cloud video surveillance using the YOULOOK service is supported by cameras from certain manufacturers with pre-installed firmware: Axis, HikVision and Vivotek. These devices can be purchased on the cloud website: they are already ready for use, and to connect the camera to the service, you need to register on the website, and then in the “My Cameras” section enter the Mac address of the device, and the camera will automatically start transmitting the video stream to the cloud server.

Support for third party cameras. It is possible to connect cameras from third-party manufacturers, but this will require a dedicated IP address or setting up DynDNS. You will also need to configure port forwarding on the router. For any other manufacturer to start working with the service, you need to make sure that it supports the RTSP protocol, as well as the H.264 video compression format. Detailed instructions connection information can be found on the cloud website in the FAQ section.

Analytics. YouLook is one of the few services that provide video analytics capabilities. This allows store owners to keep track of customers, view activity graphs, evaluate the actions of visitors, analyze what they buy and at what time of day. Analytics will help monitor employees for their presence at the workplace, as well as control the time of their arrival and departure, record lateness, etc.

Conditions. You can use the youlook cloud service for free, but the possible number of connected cameras will be limited to two. To maintain an archive and connect an unlimited number of cameras, you must select the “YouLook Home” tariff, subscription fee for which it costs 300 rubles/month with the possibility of continuous recording of what is happening and storage of the archive for 24 hours. You can find a full list of tariffs on the service website http://youlook.r u.

Cloud service for IP cameras CamDrive

Cloud CamDrive

This cloud service appeared at the end of 2011. CamDrive is aimed at working only with its CCTV cameras, which bear the same name. Unfortunately, cameras from other manufacturers are not supported by this service.

Disadvantages include the absence of a free tariff and low bitrate on inexpensive tariffs (and therefore the image quality leaves much to be desired).

Using equipment from this manufacturer in conjunction with the CamDrive service involves a fairly quick and convenient setup - you just need to connect the camera to a power source and the Internet, then the device is automatically recognized by the cloud service and starts working without any computer or router settings. To view the image from the camera, you need to log into the site using your username and password specified on the registration card included in the kit. Website:


Cloud surveillance IPEYE

IPEYE positions itself as online service for viewing a video stream from surveillance cameras, storing an archive on the website, and also notifying the user about changes in the camera’s viewing area using an activity sensor. This cloud for video surveillance involves a free connection to an IP camera with the ability to remotely view it for an unlimited period of time, and to maintain an archive on the website you need to switch to one of the paid tariffs.

You can connect not only IPEYE devices to the service, but also any other IP cameras that support the RTSP protocol (the most common protocol today). IP cameras with matrix resolution up to 5MP are supported. When using the cloud, there is no need to purchase a DVR - the cameras are connected via a router (via Wi-Fi or ), and any of the paid plans provides the ability to maintain an archive on the website. When connecting to the IPEYE camera service, you will not need to obtain a dedicated IP from your provider, but if you connect cameras of any other brand, you will need a static IP address. Website:

Cloud service for RVi cameras – SpaceCam

Video surveillance equipment company RVi has launched its own service called SpaceCam. This cloud only supports IP cameras with their own firmware - RVi (not all models), HiWatch, SpaceCam. To use the service you do not need a dedicated IP address, and it is very easy and simple according to the user instructions.

The disadvantage of this service is that it only works with your own cameras, and therefore it is not suitable for a wide range of users. But he also has a different goal - to organize his own cloud service to ensure the convenience of consumers connecting their products and linking them to their own cloud.

SpaceCam Tariffs practically do not differ from the conditions of other services - it is possible free connection without maintaining an archive, and to record a video stream in an archive you will need to switch to one of the paid tariffs. Cheapest rate for individuals– “Standard”, its cost is 300 rubles / camera. When you subscribe to this tariff, you will have the opportunity to store the archive on the website for 7 days. At the “Optimum” (400 rubles) and “Premium” (500 rubles) tariffs, the possibility of maintaining an archive increases to 2 and 4 weeks, respectively. Registration for all tariffs is carried out according to movement.

To access CCTV cameras from mobile platforms, you need to download free application for Android or iOS. Website

Ezviz from Hikvision

Not long ago, a cloud service for video surveillance from Hikvision began to enter the Russian market. The Ezviz cloud only supports cameras of the same brand, as well as devices from the manufacturer Hikvision with installed version firmware not lower than 5.1.6, otherwise the settings will not contain the line “EZVIZ P2P cloud”, in which you need to check the box when connecting to the service.

Setup. To start working with the service, you need to go through a simple registration procedure, add your camera to your personal account and register it serial number. To view broadcasts from cameras on Android/iOS devices, you need to download the free application of the same name, which has not yet been translated into Russian, but basic knowledge of English will be enough to understand the settings. To add a camera, just scan the QR code from its body and it will automatically be added to the list of your devices.

Archive. For the Russian market, the service has not yet organized the possibility of maintaining a cloud storage (archive), but this issue is resolved by installing a memory card in the camera, from which you can view recordings by connecting to the device remotely.

Advantageous difference. Distinctive feature Ezviz is able to connect various security sensors (motion, door opening, panic buttons, etc.), so with the help of this service you can easily deploy a full-fledged security system that will remotely warn you about any extraordinary event. Cloud site


So, in this article we have looked at the most accessible cloud services for video surveillance today. To summarize, we can say that the most universal cloud today remains the IVideon service, the creators of which do not stand still and are constantly developing new options to improve the overall functionality of the service, and also offer their products. The versatility of the service lies in the ability to connect digital cameras a wide range of manufacturers, as well as any Wi-Fi and .

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    1. As a rule, all modern cloud services have sophisticated encryption technology, which preserves the confidentiality of your personal information and prevents attempts by unauthorized persons. Therefore, it is almost impossible to fake a video recording.

      But no one is 100 percent insured, do I understand correctly? And there is 100 percent insurance to be 100 percent sure that the video will not be fake, erased, edited, deleted, etc. Are there any ways to check?

      I don’t presume to claim that cloud services are 100% secure, but to increase confidence in the safety of the video in the form in which it was received from the camera, I would recommend that you use only proven cloud services, and not use Chinese cameras with Chinese service - there There is definitely no point in talking about any data safety - they can hack without any problems. Use Russian developments - IVideon, Camdrive, etc., which really work to improve the quality and increase the security of their clients’ data, look for the presence of HTTPS, SSL data encryption protocols, and also use only strong passwords and be sure to change the preset camera password to your own. I’ve been working with them for a long time, the tariffs are simply childish, from 3 rubles per day, you don’t need any “left” and always-on computers and pseudo server programs on them, like, for example, the buggy Ivideon. All you need is an RTSP stream and a static IP address or an external dynamic one in conjunction with DynDNS services.

      1. Hello Eldaniz! You can build remote video surveillance with your own cameras, but to do this you need to get a static IP address from your provider and do port forwarding for each camera on the router. In the absence of a static address, you can use DDNS services that bind a specific Domain name to your dynamic IP address, as far as I know, today this can be done through the website You can read about this on our website. Also a link to an article about setting up video surveillance via the Internet:.

        Without a static IP address and DDNS, you can do everything through IVideon, as far as I know, you will need to reflash your cameras with their firmware, and use the IVideon Server program, today they can connect up to 15 cameras for free without the possibility of maintaining an archive.

        There is also the IPEYE service, you can connect any cameras to it, but again, provided that you have a static IP address or DDNS is configured, you can look at the prices on their website, they are quite affordable.

        Hello. Is it possible to organize cloud video surveillance for a DVR to which analog cameras are connected? Hybrid DVR DS-H108G with the ability to connect to a P2P service.

        1. Hello, yes, of course, if the DVR supports connecting to a cloud service, then why not.

          I understand correctly that the plus cloud technology— in the absence of your own DVR? That is, I only buy IP cameras, and the video is recorded in the cloud?
          And the second question. For the IVideon service, you must install server software. Those. you need a PC that will work 24 hours a day to broadcast video to the service. This is not very convenient. Is it possible to write to the cloud without additional PCs and software?

          1. Hello, Igor! We answer in order:
            1) When using the cloud, you don’t have to install a DVR - just a router with ports for the required number of cameras, or a switch. In order for the video to be recorded in the cloud, you must use paid tariffs, which you can find on the website of the cloud service you have chosen; archive storage is possible for up to 30 days. You can carry out a simple online broadcast from cameras 24/7 for free;
            2) If you connect your own cameras that were not purchased from the IVideon service, then only in this case will you need to enter the computer into the system or flash the camera. If you bought IP cameras from the IVideon online store, then they are already configured to work with the service, and you do not need to enter your computer into the system - just connect them to a router with Internet access, download mobile app and follow the instructions. The setup there is very simple and straightforward.

            Alexander, why does the article indicate that you need to purchase a DVR?
            “But still, the NOVIcloud cloud video surveillance service is not supported by all the manufacturer’s equipment. To be able to use the cloud, you must initially purchase F series DVRs (F1, F1+, F1s, F2, F2+, F3).”

            1. In the case of NOVIcloud, support for the cloud service is indeed provided only by DVRs from the manufacturer of certain models, so the cameras will be available “online” only after connecting to the DVR and the appropriate settings. However, most cloud services still support connecting the IP cameras they sell directly without a recorder and a computer.

              There is an IP camera purchased in China (or express has not arrived yet).
              The task is free recording to the cloud without using a computer (so as not to keep it turned on), only a camera and a router, the length of the recording does not matter.
              Make a review free services storage streaming video, Please.

              1. Hello, Alexander! Free recording no one provides it to the cloud, for a maximum of 24 hours, only online broadcasting will be free. To do this, any cloud service will require you to either have a dedicated IP address, or configure DDNS, or have a constantly running computer.

                Hello! I need your advice, in general I want to connect cloud access, I’ve set everything up, and I can log in remotely from my phone, but only when connected to Wi-Fi, but it doesn’t connect to 4g. What could be the problem?

                1. Hello, Nurlan! Describe your question in more detail, what kind of service? Do you connect via Wi-Fi directly to the cameras, or via the Internet?

                  Maybe there is some analogue of ipeye? Ipeye is just perfect, but living in Kazakhstan I have problems with speed on this service =(
                  There are 2 cameras. There is an RTSP stream from them. You need a cloud with at least a 7-day archive and online viewing on Android. Tell me :) Thank you

                  1. Hello, Evgeniy! As an analogue, you can choose one of the cloud services described in the article, for example, install firmware from IVideon. Our partners are also launching a cloud service to which it will be possible to connect dahua-compatible cameras, including ipeye. The launch is planned in about a couple of months. If you are interested, write to me by email

                    Hello. Please tell me if it is possible to organize such an idea for remote video surveillance of a house - 4 cameras (1 indoors, 3 outdoors), a router with a 4g modem and a DVR with 1 TB HDD and P2P support, so that you can watch online with notifications about movements (free ) and the archive would be written to the HDD for example for a week. What is needed for this and what equipment can you recommend, taking into account stable 4g ​​with an average speed of 2-4 Mbit/s. Thank you in advance.

                    1. Hello, Sergey. Yes it is possible. 1 Mpixel TVI cameras cost about 1,600 rubles (for example FX-D10F-IR). 2 Megapixels outdoor 2800 (FX-C20F-IR). Registrar +4500r. HDD for 1 week approximately 3500 rub. We can give you a detailed estimate, with or without installation.

                      Good afternoon
                      Please tell me which services are the most secure at the moment? I wouldn’t want third parties to have access to my cloud and, especially, to my records. Who is generally considered the most reliable with the least likelihood of leaking information or spying on clients? I understand that the question is not simple, but still

                      1. Good afternoon, Alexander! IPeye has received a lot of positive reviews in a short period of time, you can try it. Alternatively, you can try IVideon, it was one of the first to launch in Russia. These services have high protection from entry by unauthorized persons.

                        Sorry, one more question. What is more profitable (from the point of view of budget, quality and purpose of video surveillance of a plot of 7 acres and a house) to use IP cameras, a router, a cloud service, or plus a DVR with a cloud service? And if possible, what camera devices would you recommend, a DVR (in particular, I would like to use nvr), a router and a 4 g modem.

                        1. Depends on the quality of the Internet. If you have an optical fiber connection, you can trust the cloud service; therefore, the option with cloud cameras and a router is cheaper. If the Internet is not very stable, for example 4G, then you definitely need a DVR, preferably with archiving to the cloud. Such recorders are more expensive, but this function is useful in case the DVR is stolen. A set of such video surveillance with installation in the Moscow region will cost less than 40 thousand for 4 cameras. Or you can send the configured equipment by transport company.


                          1. Can video recordings from a cloud archive be used as evidence in court (provided that video surveillance is open, there are signs warning about it, etc.);

                          2. In the case of investigative actions and legal proceedings, can cloud services confirm in a legally significant form that the video was filmed at a specific point in time (date, time) and was not modified (and if so, which ones);

                          3. Do cloud services provide information at the request of law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies (it is clear that domestic ones are not going anywhere, foreign ones are of interest);

                          4. Is storing video data (for example, video recording in an office under the terms of clause 1) on foreign services a violation of Law 152-FZ on personal data. Abstract situation: in the “mask show” office they are trying to falsify material evidence or commit gross procedural violations (in this day and age nothing should be surprising), if ongoing video surveillance is discovered they are trying to seize/damage video recordings and equipment, is it possible in this situation to appeal against unlawful actions in court , referring to video recordings (items 1,2,3)?

                          1. Hello.

                            1. The method of storing the video recording is not specified - on a disk, flash drive, or so-called. cloud. But in any case, all video recordings are accepted at the discretion of the judge. If the cameras are not hidden and there are signs, then it will most likely be accepted as evidence. Again, the method of storing information does not matter to the court.

                            2. No, they can’t. The only cameras that can confirm the time and place of filming are those specially certified for such cases. But a “stamp” with time and date can be accepted in court and, in the absence of evidence from the other party, will be considered evidence.

                            3. Yandex cooperates with law enforcement agencies; private cloud services can provide such information, but they have no obligation. If we take Chinese cloud services, then it is extremely unlikely.

                            4. We are apparently talking about privacy, and not about personal data. In an office, especially one equipped with signs about recording, there is no private life and the office is a public place, so no, such video recording is not a violation.

                            There is a task in a small apartment building to install 12 cameras that connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi through different routers (residents’ routers, ~6-8 pieces, taking into account the coverage radius). The cameras are registered via the Internet in some cloud service and all residents who wish get access to them online; also, the cameras constantly record on flash cards installed in them; when filled, they are overwritten. That is, in normal mode (if nothing happens), the video is overwritten.
                            Tell me if it is possible to implement such a scenario. It seems to be the most budget-friendly, is that true? What service and what cameras are suitable. I'm looking towards the Ezviz service from Hikvision and their cameras. If it is possible to organize this, then there are several questions: what maximum amount users who can be connected simultaneously and view video from cameras. Does the resource allow you to display video from all 12 cameras on one virtual screen? Are there better options?

                            And cloud services are great, they charge at least 300 rubles per month for 7 days of recording the main stream. Having bought a registrar, you can recapture it in 1.5 years