Paypal money exchange. Exchange PayPal for other currencies

When making purchases on the Internet, you often need to exchange PayPal for QIWI : transferring funds between systems is especially relevant for Russian users, since in our country most online platforms prefer to work with the second system.

Cooperation between PayPal and QIWI

Before we figure out how to link QIWI to a PayPal account, let's consider the essence of these payment systems. The PayPal system is considered one of the most popular and reliable in the world. When doing business with foreign partners, making purchases via the Internet, it is convenient to pay bills through a PayPal account. This service allows exchange transactions using 25 world currencies.

In recent years, QIWI and PayPal have begun to cooperate closely. Thanks to the development of their partnerships, it became possible to quickly transfer funds from one system to another.

Getting started with services

To link QIWI to PayPal, you first need to register in these systems. In QIWI, when registering an account, you will need to enter a number mobile phone.

A virtual card is created in the system. To be able to link it to PayPal, you must select QIWI Visa Card, QIWI Visa Plastic. You won't be able to link other cards to PayPal.

It will be easier to link your QIWI Visa Plastic to your account. All data for this operation is indicated on the card. For a linked QIWI Visa Card, you will need to combine two pieces of data. The first half is indicated in the SMS (upon receipt), and the second half is indicated in the QIWI account (section “Bank Cards”).

Registration with PayPal

The interface of the international PayPal system is convenient (translated into Russian). If the account will not be used for business payments, you should set its type to “Personal”.

After clicking “Get Started,” you must fill out the required information fields. This increases the safety of using the system. The account is linked to the user's email address. When making payments to buyers or suppliers, it is enough to send the address of your mailbox to the counterparty.

When filling out the data, you must carefully re-read the information. If mistakes are made in the last name or user name, correcting them will be extremely problematic. To confirm your personal data, you will have to provide the site administration with invoices certified by a lawyer. public utilities or marriage certificate.

After entering the required data, the account owner proceeds to the fields at the bottom of the form with information about the user’s cards. Data about the QIWI Visa Card received during registration is added here. You can provide this information after registration.

Linking a card

$1.95 will be charged from the linked QIWI card. They will be transferred to your PayPal account. You will find a 4-digit code on your card account statement. Enter it in the appropriate field.

After confirming your QIWI card, you will receive a notification about the successful completion of the operation.

Conversion settings

After successful registration, an exchanger is configured that allows you to convert PayPal RUB to QIWI RUB and vice versa. The conversion can be performed by PayPal itself. In this case, it will apply its rates established on the date of the transaction. If the user does not want to exchange his funds in this way, he can convert currency using the MasterCard or Visa system. In this case, the invoice will be issued in the seller's currency. This is beneficial if transactions are carried out exclusively in rubles.

To configure the conversion, go to Personal Area. Here select "Profile". In this tab, open the “My Funds” link. It's in the left column. In this section, select “My Pre-Approved Payments.” Next, set available funding sources. In this section, specify the conversion option.

Top up your PayPal account via QIWI

To start working with the system, you need to top up your PayPal account via an attached and verified card. This is a simple operation. If you need to pay an invoice to a supplier via PayPal, a QIWI account will be used. All calculations will be performed almost automatically.

Initially, you should check your card account. It must contain a sufficient amount of funds. When conducting a transaction, PayPal will act as an intermediary between the QIWI service account and the seller to whom the funds are intended. In this case, you will not need to transfer currency to your account. When paying for goods and services, the supplier will not have access to the customer’s bank card information. He will only be able to see the email number. Anonymity of transactions increases the security of payment systems.


You can transfer funds between PayPal and QIWI using an exchanger. This option has both advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of the exchanger include the speed of transactions. After all, you don’t need to order a plastic or virtual card, wait for it to be delivered, or link to your PayPal account. The disadvantage of this method is the payment of a transaction fee.

To carry out the operation, go to the exchanger’s website and select the appropriate command.

In the tabs that open, select a direction money transfer. Enter all required information.

When you submit an application, the transfer will be completed within 2 days. These are the standard terms required by the service to complete an exchange.

After filling out all the lines in the form, you need to receive the details. The user specifies them when creating a payment in the QIWI system.

You must pay for your application to the nearest penny.

After making the payment, you must notify the operator about the successful completion of the transaction. He will call the customer and check all the data. After confirming the user information, the funds will be transferred in the required direction.

To transfer funds from PayPal account to a QIWI card account, citizens of our country are forced to use an exchanger. Such a transaction is not performed directly. The user has the opportunity to first transfer funds from PayPal to a US bank account, and then withdraw them to a QIWI wallet. However, this is a rather complicated procedure.

The exchanger presented above is considered the more preferable option.

Knowing whether it is possible to link a QIWI wallet to PayPal and how to do it, each user will be able to make transfers between payment systems. Linking a QIWI card to the PayPal system will help you pay for goods, services and accept transfers from foreign counterparties.

Below is a video from step by step guide for transferring funds from PayPal to QIWI.

Hello, dear readers! As practice shows, holders of electronic currency often use .

For example, lovers of shopping abroad will definitely create a web wallet in the service, people who prefer to pay utility bills online will choose, but other users who want to manage their own bank accounts will, of course, give preference.

The presence of such a wide range implies constant interchange of one currency for another. Looking ahead a little, I will say that in order to exchange PayPal currency for Yandex.Money, you will need to perform a number of certain operations, since this procedure is not performed directly. This means that instructions on how to most easily carry out such an intricate task will definitely be useful.

Considering all of the above, today's article will tell you how to transfer PayPal to Yandex money.

Choose one of the options

Today you can top up your Yandex wallet with PayPal currency in the following ways:

  1. Through bank card.
  2. Through numerous exchange web resources.
  3. Through the wallet of other payment systems (,).

Let's look at popular

We transfer PayPal funds to a Yandex.Money payment card

In order to transfer currency from PayPal to an account in Yandex, you will need:

  1. Order either a virtual one or a real one (for three years of service the card costs the owner 149 rubles).
  2. Snap credit card to your PayPal profile. If you don't know how to do this, then read on.

That's all, after these manipulations you can easily transfer the necessary amounts from the PayPal virtual wallet to the Yandex card and back.

On a note ! A virtual card is attached in exactly the same way as a plastic one, which, by the way, similarly has certain details necessary for attaching (you can view them on the web account registration site).

Exchange offices online

The following algorithm will tell you how to exchange PayPal currency to Yandex.Money using exchangers. First of all, open one of the exchangers you like.

Note! The choice should be made according to the rate offered by the exchange service. You can do this on the website

We go to the exchanger’s website (it is not necessary to register).

On a note ! Registration on an exchange resource allows you not to enter payment details each time. If you plan to constantly use this system, then it makes sense to register (regular users can count on exchanging without commission, and they also receive bonuses for each transaction).

We select “from where” and “where” we transfer funds. Go to the page for entering personal data (fill out empty cells, if you are not registered), indicate the amount and click “Confirm”.

I guess, that this information was relevant to you. Share it on social networks and don’t forget to subscribe for updates. See you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Give Receive

Today, many people keep their money and earn money on the Internet. And there are many reasons for this. Development of online stores, the ability to pay for various services with electronic money. However, due to the presence of several electronic money systems, quite often there is a need to exchange Money between them. Particularly popular exchange paypal to qiwi. PayPal is especially common in Western countries, including the USA, and the Qiwi system is used by Russian-speaking citizens.

Our service provides information about all the most profitable exchangers that offer exchange paypal to qiwi. The undoubted advantage of our site is the complete security of the transaction; all exchangers are verified for honesty and will not be lost after transferring your funds. They have been tested for a long time on many parameters, and we can responsibly declare - exchange paypal to qiwi will be fast, simple and safe.

We provide reliable data about each exchange office in real time, now you do not need to check each service separately and regret the lost profit, perhaps the rate was more profitable on another site. Our service collected all the data in one place and presented it in the most user-friendly form.

In addition, on our service you can view and leave a review about any available exchanger, if large quantities negative reviews, we will exclude it from monitoring. If you can't commit exchange paypal to qiwi due to the absence or insufficient quantity of the required currency - just use our convenient alerter, which will automatically notify you specified email data on receipt of the required amount of currency.

The siren will come in handy in many situations:
- you want to commit exchange paypal to qiwi, but the current exchange rate does not suit you;
- the exchange rate is good, but the reserve of the required currency is not enough;
- the required direction of currency purchase/sale is temporarily closed;
- it is necessary to control current exchange rates.

There are often situations when direct exchange between payment systems is prohibited, then you can use the “Double Exchange” service, which will show the possibilities of purchasing the required currency in a specific payment system at the minimum rate through an intermediate service.

For each client we provide best conditions, so you can be sure that the currency exchange transaction will take place at the minimum rate, quickly and reliably. With us, your money will arrive on time!

In the table below you can see a list of exchange offices, any of which can perform a manual or automatic exchange of PayPal dollars → Yandex Money. When determining an exchange office, also pay attention to special labels, which are sometimes indicated next to the names of the exchangers. You can go to the website of any exchanger by single-clicking on the line with its name. If it happens that after going to the website of one of the exchangers you do not find the possibility of exchanging, immediately contact its operator. Various failures and malfunctions in the system are possible when automatic exchange cannot be carried out, but manual exchange is available. If the exchange point you chose was unable to exchange Pay Pal USD to Money.Yandex, please notify us. We will immediately take the necessary measures: discussing the reason with the administrator of the exchange office, or excluding the exchange website from the listing of this exchange direction.

It often turns out that the PP → YAD rates are more profitable when you go to the exchanger’s website through our service. If you have never changed electronic money in this way and this is your first visit to our monitoring system, just use detailed instructions from the FAQ section.

Use the Calculator to accurately calculate the amount given or received. Always available in our monitoring detailed statistics about reserves and rates. If you have not found a rate that suits you in the rating of exchange offices, do not rush to exchange, use the Notification service and receive a message about the rate favorable to you on email or on Telegram. If there are no exchange points, using the Double Exchange function you can find the most best option two exchanges through transit currency.

Reliability of exchange offices

Each of the exchangers present on our website was carefully checked before being added, and the BestChange team continuously monitors the proper fulfillment of their obligations. The use of monitoring can improve the safety of operations financial transactions at exchange offices. When choosing an exchanger, please pay attention to reviews from other users, the size of reserves and the current status of the exchanger on our monitoring.

Below the exchange points are displayed according to the PayPal USD to QIWI exchange rate. Select an exchanger with the desired rate and a sufficient limit of money and go to the name of the exchange point in order to make an exchange. Click on the icon to view the full page of the exchange item.

Exchange PayPal USD to QIWI

Exchanges from PayPal to QIWI RUB are carried out by a considerable number of exchange services. Only the stable ones are included in the list. All the necessary data about the exchange office can be seen if you place the arrow on the icon, and by clicking on it, you will go to the page with a description of the exchange service.

These exchangers perform electronic currency conversion operations in automatic and manual modes. This allows you to use these exchangers at any time of the day. If you have difficulties with the automatic exchange operation, be sure to write to the operator of the exchange point. In the case when auto mode exchange operations are currently not working properly, you may be asked to complete the exchange request manually.

When choosing an exchange service, pay attention not only to the rates, but also to the QIWI reserve balance. For these purposes, in the table above you will see the "RESERVE" column. Please note that when entering exchangers using our Extra-Change monitoring, PayPal exchange rates for QIWI RUR may be higher for you than if you contact an exchange office without monitoring.

To enable a quick response, we have implemented the "NOTIFICATION" function. When you are not satisfied with the rates and available reserves at the moment, set your conditions, and when there is a sufficient rate and reserves of electronic currencies, you will receive a notification by email.

For your safety

The exchange services included in the listing reliably exchange PayPal for Qiwi, have extensive experience, solid reserves of electronic money, solid BL. Any exchange point that is added to our service is thoroughly analyzed by specialists.
To be on the safe side, we remind you that when working with an exchange service that is new to you, you need to evaluate customer reviews and read the description; carry out exchange operations starting with small amounts of electronic money.

Leave your opinion!

In our list there is a column "REVIEWS". This section is a necessary component of the service, as it shows important information about exchange offices, which allows you to make a safe choice.
Dear clients of the site, if you have used an exchange office, we recommend that you publish your opinion about the exchange service provided. This will help us improve our monitoring, which will make your use of the site even more effective!

Possibility of searching for exchangers with Extra-Change monitoring
when exchanging currencies in the direction of PayPal to Qiwi

  • Work through our website reliably and efficiently, because we carefully select exchangers.
  • Our site presents the most interesting and current courses exchange PayPal currencies to QIWI RUB, since we update information about rates twice a minute.
  • The information on our website is presented in a simple and clear manner, making it possible to quickly and efficiently find information.
  • We offer to exchange electronic money from PayPal to Qiwi at a higher rate through our service than directly from the exchange office.
  • The alert function makes it possible for you to promptly track the rise and fall of the PayPal USD → QIWI rate in the best exchangers.