Update DirectX for Windows 7 64. Downloading and installing DirectX updates

Naturally, Computer techologies do not stand still, and Birectx also regularly. Therefore, with the release of the newest game, there is often a need to update directx on your . The operation is quite simple, and is quite within the capabilities of the average user.

Before proceeding with the update, check the version of directx already installed on your system. It is quite possible that it already satisfies the requirements of the software you are installing and will not be needed at all.

To do this, you can use the directx diagnostic tool:

  • From the Start menu, select Run

  • Enter dxdiag.

The diagnostic tool window will open, where on the “System” tab, among other things useful information, directx will be indicated (bottom line). At the time of writing this article, version 11 is current.

If the requirements of the applications you install are higher than the version of directx present in the system, then there is no other option but to update directx.

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DirectX is a software hardware that allows you to play the latest video games and also work with various applications. The latest version of DirectX that Windows XP supports is 9.0c. Its installation is quite quick.


Open your web browser and go to the official Microsoft website. Open the “Downloaded files” tab, launch “Center Microsoft downloads" On the page that opens, go to the “Products” tab, then select “Windows XP”. In the list of components, find and select DirectX 9.0c (you can do this faster by using the search bar at the top).

Click on the "Download" button. This will open a window asking you to save the file to your hard drive. Save it on your desktop so you can easily access it. The total file size is 33.5 MB, and if you have a broadband connection, downloading will take just over five minutes or less.

Double-click on the icon of the file you just downloaded to begin installing DirectX 9.0c for Windows XP. Please read the Product Terms and Conditions carefully. Once you agree to them, the download and installation of this software will begin. Continue clicking "Next" until the only option left is the "Done" button. This will allow

DirectX are special execution libraries for programming in Windows OS. Most often used to write a variety of games.

The software is distributed free of charge from the official Microsoft website.

The optimal version usually comes bundled with games and on discs with drivers for video cards.

Also, executable libraries are included in the Windows distribution.

The components of this software are necessary for the daily operation of the operating system, but have a much wider scope.

Most often used in writing games for working with sound, graphic and video data, as well as for processing signals coming from various controls.

There are several alternative sets of execution libraries (OpenGL, for example).

But for operating systems from Microsoft, naturally, the software they developed is suitable.

Installing the latest version of DirectX

The DirectX installer is most likely available on disks with fresh games or driver disks from a new video card.

With its help you can both install and update direct x.

But the installation in this case will occur differently. Here we will consider installation via the Internet.

To use latest version DirectX, you need to go to the download page on the official Microsoft website and click the “Download” button.

You should not install programs downloaded from other sources.

It is unknown what the “caring” inhabitants of the network supplied such an installer with.

The site will offer to download and install additional software.

We are not interested in it, so we click “Refuse and continue.”

This will open a file explorer to select where to save the file. For convenience, it is better to save the file to your desktop.

Important! When the file has been downloaded, you need to find the installer ( installation file), it can be either on the desktop or in the download directory and then run it. In some browsers (Chrome, for example), you can launch downloaded applications from the download bar. In the future, this same file will help you update Direct X for Windows 7 or carry out the procedure for restoring damaged libraries.

The OS security system will ask for confirmation to launch the program. You need to enable it by clicking the “Run” button.

After this, the installer window will open. It is necessary to check the box next to the item about acceptance of the conditions user agreement and click on the “Next” button.

If you do not accept the license agreement, the installation will not be possible.

The installer will then prompt you to add the “Bing” toolbar to your browser. If you need it, you can leave everything as is and click “Next”.

But this is only a waste of computer resources, so it is better to disable the panel installation.

Installing the components will take a little time.

When restoring or updating DirectX, this stage collects information about the current state of the execution libraries.

After this, the installation is complete. All that remains is to click “Finish” and restart the computer. No special DirectX configuration is required.

After this, the games should work fine.

Checking the currently installed version

The cause of problems in games can be not only the discrepancy between the version of this software and the stated requirements.

There are many other factors that affect their performance.

To make sure you need to update DirectX, you need to check its current version. At the time of writing, the latest version is 11.

To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” (Win is the button on the keyboard with the OS icon), after which the “Run” window will open.

In some versions of Windows, you can open it from the Start menu. In the input line of the window that opens, you must type “dxdiag” and press “Enter” or “OK”.

A diagnostic window will then open, providing you with details.

IN in this case you only need the very bottom line in the list of parameters of the first tab. It indicates the current software version.

Note! DirectX 11 supports everything previous versions, so games that require lower versions should work on it. It is impossible to roll back the version without reinstalling the system and, in general, there is no such need.

If the mentioned line indicates an earlier modification, then you must begin the update process.

In addition, updating executable libraries should be done when one of them is missing or damaged.

DirectX update

The corresponding version of DirectX is certainly included in the operating system distribution.

So, DX 9 comes with XP, DX 10 with Vista, and DX 11 with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. The next version of the OS, Windows 10, will come with DX 12.

Installing and updating DirectX processes are almost identical.

The update process occurs as follows:

  1. Downloading the installer.
  2. Launch the installer.
  3. The process of downloading the installation of updated libraries will occur automatically.
  4. The DirectX component and driver update is complete.

After removing certain viruses or other procedures to repair and restore the functionality of a malfunctioning computer, some DirectX executable libraries may become damaged.

Such problems are evidenced system errors when launching games that mention the absence of certain files with the .dll extension.

In this case, it is necessary to restore them.

Important! The recovery process is the same as an installation or update. When the installer is launched, it automatically collects information about available libraries and downloads damaged or missing files.

Now proper handling of execution libraries at the user level is not difficult.

The main thing to remember is that distributions distributed on third-party sites can easily contain malware.

DirectX is a program responsible for interaction between a computer’s video card and the operating system. Essentially, this is a set of various libraries that must be installed for the correct operation of games or applications that work primarily with 3D graphics. In this article we will tell you how to update DirectX on Windows. The latest edition of DirectX today is version 12, which runs exclusively in the . It is installed with the OS and includes most of the files from previous releases.

Some games and applications may require an old library package, which can be installed using a special online installer or manually.

Determining the current version of DirectX

First you need to find out what version of DirectX is present on your computer. this moment. To do this you will need to take the following steps:

The diagnostic utility will open, in which, on the tab "System" displays computer information and DirectX versions.

To update the application, you will need to use a special utility from Microsoft.

Once on the download page, do the following:

The application will begin the file update process. If missing or new libraries are found, they will be automatically downloaded from the Microsoft website.

Updating DirectX using Update Center

The built-in update function allows you to get the necessary libraries automatically. The program checks for new files, and if found, downloads the required components. You will need to do the following steps:

Installation from third-party resources

DirectX can be installed on a PC by first downloading its installation package from a reliable resource. It is advisable to use the official Microsoft distribution. To use this method, you need to remove DirectX; to do this, you will need to disable Windows protection:

After that, download and install the program. To uninstall, you can use the DirectX Happy uninstall utility, it is quite simple and reliable to use, but requires registration.

Now you know how to update or reinstall DirectX on a PC running Windows system 10. Usually it will be quite enough to run the online installer and download new versions of the libraries, but if any problems arise, you can use the method by first deleting the existing version.

To answer the common question of how to install DirectX, you first need to understand what it is for. DirectX is a special set software applications Microsoft, which is used in the development of modern games and is necessary for their normal operation.

DirectX is, of course, very important for the smooth running of games on a PC. Without it, not a single game on Windows OS will simply launch. But before you frantically search for information on how to install DirectX, you should first find out whether you need to update this software at all. To do this, follow the instructions on how to find out which DirectX is installed below:

  • From the Start menu, open command line"Run"
  • Type the command "dxdiag" without quotes - it will open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, where it will show detailed information, including DirectX version.
  • See what version of DirectX is installed. At the moment, the latest version is DirectX 11, which is available on OS starting from Windows Vista and higher. Contrary to popular belief, DirectX 12 has not yet been released, but should appear in the very next few days. Therefore, it makes no sense to look for where to download DirectX 12.

If you followed the instructions on how to check the version of installed DirectX above and saw that you do not have the latest version installed, or this software is missing altogether, then download and install DirectX. How to install DirectX is described in detail below.

If you are the owner of Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or Vista, then you will want to know how to install DirectX 11 separate file. Windows XP, unfortunately, does not support this version of the software. It is important to note that you will not be able to download and install DirectX 11 from the official Microsoft website as a separate file for one simple reason - new versions of Windows OS already come with the latest version of DirectX pre-installed. However, cases are different and you could very well delete this software accidentally or on purpose. To install again, do the following:

Important: we advise you not to download DirectX from third-party resources. All necessary information and files for the OS can be found on the official Microsoft website. There is no need to take risks, since many software archives contain a virus that will harm the OS.

DirectX 10 is a package of libraries from Microsoft required for processing graphics in computer games and others graphics applications. For it to work, you need a video card that supports Direct X 10. The package is released on windows vista and above, it will not work on Windows XP. DirectX 10 is distributed free of charge, there are versions for 32/64 bit. If the game uses libraries from the tenth package, then it will definitely download them to the computer during installation. DirectX is an intermediary between computer hardware and multimedia applications. Not only games use this package, many programs also depend on it.

Thanks to Direct X you can enjoy modern graphics. Effects such as highlights, shadows, fur, fur, smoke, clouds, water - all this is the merit of a set of libraries from Microsoft. As computers and operating systems evolve, new versions of DirectX are released. At one time, the ninth version made a real revolution in three-dimensional graphics. Direct X 10 also introduced many innovations into the gaming industry. With it, the animation of fur, wool and plants has become much more believable. The movement of models has become more realistic and less blurry. Another reason to download Direct X 10 is softer and clearer shadows. Reflections and highlights have become much more beautiful, as well as the refraction of light. The difference between versions 9 and 10 is especially noticeable when drawing water. Stress on CPU when accessing DirectX it was halved.

With all the advantages of the package, you can download DirectX 10 for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 for free. New Windows family systems receive the latest libraries when downloading updates. To update Direct X for Windows 10, you just need to enable system update. DirectX 10 version appeared with the release of Windows Vista. After this, a lot of time passed before video card manufacturers introduced widespread support for the new package. Today you can safely download Direct X 10, since any more or less modern video card supports it.

Main innovations in version 10:

  • Best implementation of large battle scenes and landscapes
  • Shadows and plants become more realistic
  • Smoke, water and clouds are drawn more realistically
  • The load on the central processor has become less
  • Improved display of glare and reflections, as well as moving objects