Dr.Web CureIt update! Manual update Download the database update to Doctor Web.

Dr.Web review

Dr. Web CureIt - free antivirus utility to treat/remove infected objects on personal computer. The utility does not conflict with antivirus products from other manufacturers and does not require installation. However, Dr.Web Light can be used to permanently protect your Android device. It will protect personal data, protect against unwanted calls and SMS, and protect against theft.

System requirements for computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).

System requirements for the phone

Antivirus capabilities

Scanning System
  • Enabling self-defense.
  • Selecting the type of check. There are three types of scans: quick, full and custom. During quick check Dr.Web checks RAM, boot sectors, startup objects, root directory boot disk, system folder and "Windows" directory.
  • Heuristic analysis of the system to identify hidden viruses (rootkits).
  • Blocking local network and the Internet during the check.
  • Checking the BIOS for viruses before booting the Windows system.
  • Support command line. You can specify scan modes and objects in the line. For example, find and check the file "explorer.exe" in the "C:\Windows\" folder.
  • Adding files, applications and programs to the exclusion list.
Reports and notifications
  • Submission of a report on detected threats.
  • Exit Notifications new version programs, new signatures antivirus databases, as well as the location of malicious objects.
  • View a list of isolated files.
  • Automatically taking necessary actions to threats.

Dr.Web CureIt 11.1.2 for Windows

  • The Dr.Web Virus-Finding Engine anti-virus engine has been updated to version
  • A bug in the antivirus engine has been fixed.
  • The performance of the program has been increased.
  • Improved self-defense.

Dr.Web Light 11.2.1 for Android

Version 5.0

  • The antivirus databases are now stored (x is the drive letter where the OS is installed):
    • Windows 2000/XP
      • x:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Doctor Web\Bases
    • Windows Vista
      • x:\ProgramData\Doctor Web\Bases
  • A self-defense mechanism has been implemented, which means that there is now no way to manually copy, delete or replace any files in the antivirus service directories.
  • settings for the update path and connection type have been moved from the scanner menu to the update utility’s own menu

Otherwise, updating antivirus version 5.0 on a PC that does not have direct access to the Internet is no different from the method for updating version 4.44.

Creating a mirror

On a PC with access to the Internet (system administrator rights are required):

1. Create a directory c:\drweb(the directory can be on any drive in any directory)

2. Create a directory c:\drweb\drwebupdate

3. Copy to c:\drweb following files from the antivirus directory (by default, the antivirus is installed in the x:\Program Files\DrWeb directory)

DrWebUpW.exe drweb32.key update.drl

4. Launch the update utility (DrWebUpW.exe) with the obligatory parameter “/UA” from the c:\drweb directory, thus: Start->Run (then insert the line)

C:\drweb\DrWebUpW.exe /GO /UA /DIR:c:\drweb\drwebupdate /rp+c:\drweb\drwebupw.log

where C:\drweb is the folder where the files were copied, C:\drweb\drwebupdate- the folder in which the mirror will be created (all the necessary files for the update), C:\drweb\drwebupw.log - the mirroring/update log. There you can find out about errors that occurred during the creation of the mirror/update.

5. Press the OK button (wait for the update to complete)

Assigning a Persistent Update Catalog

The situation is considered when the PC does not have network access(for example, enterprise, class, home network), the so-called stand-alone PC (OSPC). The update settings will be strictly tied to a specific directory.

1. Copy the entire contents of the directory created in the previous section C:\drweb\drwebupdate, to a flash drive or other media ( x:\drwebupdate)

2. Disable antivirus self-defense.

3. Start->Run->regedit

4. Find the registry key

5. Change the value of the "UpdateUrl" key. Enter a permanent directory where future updates will come from.

6. Close Registry Editor.

7. Enable antivirus self-defense.

Now, when launched, updates will always be taken from the specified directory. Don't forget to update the data on the media x:\drwebupdate at least once a week. Also, when connecting the OSPK to an intranet or the Internet, it is necessary to undo the change to the registry branch to update the antivirus in a standard way. To do this, simply delete the previously entered values.

Updating PCs connected to the network Intranet

A more common situation is when at an enterprise, school or home there is a PC network in which only one computer has access to the Internet. To update the antivirus on all PCs on the network, follow these steps:

1. Create a mirror as described above.

2. Open the network access to the folder "c:\drweb\drwebupdate" with the read-only attribute.

3. On the remaining PCs on the network, in the settings of the update utility (DrWebUpW.exe) we specify the path to the mirror folder, for example


4. Save settings

where -- PC IP address

The update system is ready.

Updating antivirus without changing settings in the registry

Performed via the command line

General form DrWebUpW.exe /GO /URL:directory

For example, Start->Run (insert line)

"C:\Program Files\DrWeb\DrWebUpW.exe" /GO /URL:I:\drwebUpdate , where

I:\drwebUpdate- a folder on a flash drive or other medium where all files from the mirror directory are copied (for network resources use UNC paths).

C:\Program Files\DrWeb- the folder where the antivirus is installed.


I:\-- flash drive or other storage device

If the path has a space, it must be enclosed in quotes.

For example, in the case of such a path

I:\drweb Update

you need to enter the following line:

"C:\Program Files\DrWeb\DrWebUpW.exe" /GO /URL:"I:\drweb Update"

C:\Program Files\DrWeb- the folder where the antivirus is installed (you may have a different path).


You should not mix beta and release antivirus updates.

If you are creating a mirror for the subsequent update of the beta antivirus, then the 3 necessary files must be taken from the beta.

Update.drl drwebupw.exe drweb32-betatesting.key

  • Do not forget that the antivirus key can also limit the components being updated and specify the servers for updating (relevant for beta versions and promotional ones [for example, Chinese]).
  • To avoid errors, you should not use beta keys in the release. Now this is blocked - the antivirus will not work. It is recommended to use a license key for the release, and a beta key for the beta version (it is updated every 2-3 months).
  • If you update the antivirus from a mirror, there will be no progress bar and a message about the absence of the drweb32.flg file may appear. This file exists only on Dr.Web servers and is intended only for notification of the release of a new version of the antivirus.

To update the virus databases of Dr.Web antivirus, you will need a computer with the same version of the antivirus and access to the Internet. On a computer with Internet access, you can create a folder with update files and copy them to another computer.

Right-click on the Dr.Web icon in the system tray, and in the “Tools” menu, click on “Settings”:

On the "General" tab, click "Edit" in the "Update Mirror" field:

Specify the path to the folder where the virus database files will be copied:

After selecting the folder to download the virus databases, click "OK":

After this, start the update process by clicking right click mouse over the Dr.Web tray icon and selecting "Update":

Wait for the update process to complete:

After the update, the virus database files will be copied to the folder you specified. Copy this folder to the computer on which you want to update the Dr.Web database. On this computer, in the settings, on the "Update" tab, click "Change" in the "Update source" field:

Check "Local or network folder" and by clicking the "Browse" button, specify the path to the folder with the virus database files:

Run antivirus updates or wait until the update starts automatically. The version of the installed virus database can be found in the "About" menu:

Updating Dr.Web antivirus versions 10 - 11

Dr.Web antivirus versions 10 and 11 are updated in a similar way. Click on the Dr.Web icon in the system tray, click on the “lock” and click on the “gear”:

In the program settings, on the "Basic" tab, in the "Update" menu, click on the "Advanced settings" link:

After this, the “Update Mirror” item will appear in which you need to set the switch to the “On” position:

Specify the path to the directory where antivirus updates will be downloaded:

Run an antivirus update. The virus database will be copied to the directory you specified:

Then, copy the update folder to another computer. In the Dr.Web anti-virus settings, on a computer without access to the Internet, on the "Basic" tab, in the "Update" menu, click on the "Change" link in the "Update source" field:

In the "Specify an update source that is convenient for you" field, click the "Browse" button and find the update folder copied from another computer:

Click "OK". During the next update, the Dr.Web virus database will be updated from the folder you specified.

If you already have an antivirus installed on your Windows computer, and it is not Doctor Web, then you often have doubts about the reliability of its protection. In this case, the small free healing utility Dr.Web CureIt is exactly what you need. The program, on its own and without installing the full Dr.Web, can quickly and reliably scan your computer for viruses and malware. You just need to download the free antivirus Dr.Web CureIt, and it will rid your computer and Windows of any infection absolutely free.

Is your computer sick? Or is everything okay?

Often the average person cannot understand: the computer is sick, or everything is fine. Something is wrong, but what exactly? Possibly viruses? Check your computer using Doctor Web Kurelt antivirus, look at the scan report. If the need arises, get rid of viruses and malware with the help of Doctor Web Curit! After scanning, infected files are effectively and instantly treated, while those infected with an unknown virus are moved to quarantine.

The latest viruses are familiar to Dr.Web CureIt!

This antivirus program (virus database) for your computer is updated almost daily and latest version contains the latest databases of viruses, malware, spyware for computer. These databases allow you to effectively find and neutralize the infection. Doctor Web Curiet is one of the best tools to stop the threat information security. It has the following significant advantages:

  • excellent user interface,
  • support for more than 30 languages,
  • used without installation, including from a flash drive,
  • works well with other antiviruses,
  • there is a selective check (memory, boot sector, autorun, etc.),
  • checking disks in multi-threaded mode,
  • use of multi-core processors,
  • fast verification of large volumes,
  • perfect work stability.

Dr.Web CureIt! - one-time antivirus

Unfortunately, this antivirus is not suitable for ensuring information security in real time. Doctor Web Curiet will undoubtedly cure virus-infected files, but will do it once. It is guaranteed to cure your computer from viruses using the Dr.Web CureIt utility! You can only use today's new version, and for this you need to download Dr.Web CureIt for free every day!

It’s sad, but a permanent means of protecting a Windows computer from viruses is a full-fledged Doctor Web, which you need to buy for money. Another free antivirus from the site’s collection will also work.

Free antivirus Dr.Web CureIt! download for free

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