Communication in German. Communication with foreigners

Communication with foreigners

Communication with foreigners - great way improve or even learn a foreign language, meet new interesting people and even create serious relationships abroad.

Today, foreign language courses are offered, giving students a serious theoretical basis. However, linguistics is not a science where to achieve results it is enough to simply learn the main rules and general expressions. The main thing is practical communication, with which the necessary skills are mastered, and best practice- live communication with foreigners who are native speakers.

Possible methods communication with foreigners

Those who are interested in linguistics want to practice communicating with a foreigner - a native speaker. There can be many goals: some are interested in moving to a foreign country and making friends abroad, some dream of getting married or getting married marry a foreigner. Numerous online resources and dating sites for foreigners help you quickly get language practice and talk with a resident of any country you are interested in. Portals don’t even charge for such a service, so it’s useful communication with foreigners is free.

The dating site will not only help you communicate with foreigners, but will also be useful for those girls who dream of getting out get married abroad. The functionality of the dating site includes free online translator, helping if something is not yet clear during communication. Website Russian dating takes 1 place in the TOP 10 best free dating sites for foreigners according to ZsI.

Free communication with foreigners on

Websites for communicating with foreigners

Portals and resources suitable for communication with foreigners:

  • Interpals- the site is suitable for students of rare languages ​​and dialects, the resource allows you to choose any option communication to freely meet and talk with representatives of any country and continent.
  • Russian dating- international free dating site for foreigners. Suitable for those who not only want to improve their level of spoken foreign language, but also are looking for a serious relationship with the opportunity to go abroad.
  • Italki- a portal with a convenient navigation system. Helps you find someone to talk to for any purpose. Section with paid services, forums, meeting foreigners, interest groups - the functionality offered on the portal is convenient and easy to learn for free communication.
  • Lang-8- suitable for those who want to master the language without unnecessary emotions and are ready to help their interlocutor improve their skills in their native language. For example, a Japanese person interested in French helps the French person learn Japanese in the process of correspondence. High-quality verification of message literacy facilitates rapid learning in the process communication between foreigners.
  • My Language Exchange- an international dating site that tries to understand the registered user. During the registration process, you are asked to describe yourself, interests and tastes, and do similar work regarding the “desired interlocutor”. Potential applicants are filtered, and the search returns candidates according to the completed data. The site presents more than a hundred languages ​​of possible communication.
  • My Happy Planet- a convenient social network for practicing foreign communication, aimed more at learning than at spontaneous acquaintance. The user posts on his page a video with visual lessons that reveal the features of speech and communication.
  • Тandemapp- a portal for communication with mobile device. Inferior to previous support for less than ten languages.
  • HelloTalk- is an application for a smartphone. It is possible to use geolocation. The device finds nearby users of the program and offers to establish communication.
  • Easy Language Exchange- a newly developed platform for communicating with foreigners. Therefore, the number of people using it is not yet large. Suitable for those who are primarily interested in English and want to learn it through live practice, communicating with native speakers.
  • English, Baby!- is positioned as a resource offering to master all dialects of English. A large amount of educational material, including video, audio, graphic content, which will help you master spoken English, taking into account local specifics.
  • Ling- provides the opportunity to easily communicate with foreigners. In the process of dialogues, the user learns new words, stable expressions and, for the sake of convenience, writes them down on his personal page.

Dating site for foreigners

It is worth considering the differences in quality levels of sites. For a more accurate representation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with TOP 10 best international dating sites for foreigners .

Also, if you are interested in dating abroad, check out the article marriage agencies, in it you will find and general concepts, and a rating of the best agencies, and interesting video materials on the topic.

The main difference between dating sites is the functionality of the service:

  1. Interface (page design, user-friendliness of questionnaires, walls).
  2. Filter system (search for participants by criteria).
  3. Navigation menu (number of sections).
  4. Online translator function.
  5. Correcting errors (grammar checking).
  6. Paid, free features(charging fees for the use of certain services).

Venues may request contact information, including phone number. Sometimes there are requests for a scanned copy of the passport with all the data. They are needed to ensure that the user is meeting a real person and not a robot or dummy. For example, a portal Russian dating uses several verification steps:

  • checking email and phone number;
  • verification of passport data;
  • Help desk operators call each foreigner and check the authenticity of their profiles (this also helps to cut out agencies and bots).

Don’t forget about this method of dating as social networks: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and others, because that’s where the most lively communication takes place.

Communication with foreigners to learn the language

In addition to the above online communication with foreigners to learn the language With the help of international dating portals, other ways to raise the level of language proficiency have been developed. This service is offered by online linguistic schools. They position themselves as a replacement for traditional learning. Anyone who wants to finds a representative of the language they are interested in at the “school”, chooses him, and leaves a response. Next, the student negotiates a price with the teacher and begins online communication and classes. People with different levels linguistic knowledge. For example, you can find an experienced German teacher, or you can work with a person who is just starting to master the teaching profession.

Of course, people are wary of this method of learning, especially since it costs money. Not everyone can assess their own level of language proficiency and understand what kind of teacher they need. Many doubt the effectiveness of such schools and express open distrust.

Of course, everyone must answer all these questions unambiguously for themselves. Of course, like any new system, online school contains advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of online schools for communicating with foreigners

Positive points:

  1. The teacher does not know the native language of his student. Simply put, if you speak Russian to your Portuguese interlocutor, he will not understand anything. This will help to tune in to the right mood, concentrate and force the student to think only in the language he is learning;
  2. The classes are educational. From childhood, everyone is accustomed to the fact that lessons, for example, English, are based on the study of England, its citizens and their way of life. But only a true citizen of this country can tell about all its features like no one else. This is a significant advantage of communicating with foreigners, compared to a Russian repeater.
  3. Improving your pronunciation. Since the student does not have the opportunity to switch to his native language during communication, he gets used to a foreign dialect much faster. Gradually, without noticing it, the student repeats the accent of his foreign teacher.
  4. Increased self-confidence. In the end, a person who has had a close conversation with a native speaker of a foreign language feels completely different. He is more confident in his strengths and abilities, constructs sentences much faster and masters free speech. This is a significant plus for learning any language by communicating with native speakers.

Disadvantages of online schools for communicating with foreigners

Among the disadvantages of this method of communication:

  1. Constriction. Shy people simply will not be able to overcome themselves and start communicating with a foreigner from another country. Moreover, from the very beginning the conversation takes place in a foreign language, without the opportunity to switch to your own. This constrains many.
  2. Teacher's speaking. If you speak to a Russian-speaking foreigner using phrases that are known only to the Russian people, he simply will not understand. A similar situation can happen here. Some of the teacher's expressions may not be understood, even if the student speaks the language perfectly. Some things simply cannot be described or explained.
  3. Level of online tutors. It is worth remembering that an online school teacher can be either an experienced linguist or a beginner. He may even have a relatively poor knowledge of basic spelling or grammar. Therefore, no one is responsible for the result of his work and all this turns into chance. You'll be lucky or unlucky.
  4. High price. There is a noticeable difference in prices in Russia and abroad. The amount that seems acceptable to an English tutor for a Russian person may turn out to be unaffordable. At the same time, the higher the fee, the higher the quality, so dating sites with foreigners can become the golden mean, since they are free and represented in dozens of countries around the world that speak the most different languages.

In addition to international dating sites and online language platforms, we have also developed applications for communicating with foreigners to improve speaking practice.

The most famous of them include:

  1. Tandem. Registration here is possible both as a student and as a teacher. People can be found using a logical filter system, and the communication process occurs both in the form of correspondence and calls. Video calls are also possible. Among the teachers there are beginners and professionals. The function of attaching images, sound files and auto-editing to messages is convenient.
  2. Hello Pal. Voice messages, calls, convenient filtering of potential interlocutors. Such functions are provided this application. Convenient messenger for simple communication with foreigners. The program edits errors and contains a convenient dictionary, which facilitates the communication process. Suitable for those who find it difficult to start a conversation on their own.
  3. Speaky. The service is not inferior to the previous two in terms of functionality: convenient filters, thanks to which you can find someone close to your interests, a high-quality messenger, support for video calls and audio calls. Special advantages include: support for more than eighty languages ​​and a huge audience of users.
  4. Anygram. The number of registered participants is significantly less than in competing applications, however, Enigram also boasts convenient functions. For example, a certain rating of the friendliness and affability of a foreigner. With increasing complaints and uncivil communication, he falls, and the lower the user’s rating, the fewer people see him in the list of potential friends. The function of blocking unwanted interlocutors for communication is useful. The platform allows you to share music, videos, as well as communicate via video and voice messages.
  5. HiNative. Suitable for those who are embarrassed by personal one-on-one communication. The structure of HiNative is more reminiscent of a forum in which private users can ask each other questions and answer them. There is no personal connection, the user simply selects the desired language and ends up in a dialogue of several dozen people. It is easy to join a conversation and just as easy to leave it in case of discomfort in communication. A convenient dictionary will help you start a conversation and give you a choice of several standard questions to start a correspondence.
  6. HelloTalk. The service supports more than a hundred languages. A huge number of foreigners from all continents are available for communication. The popularity of the application is constantly growing due to its easy navigation, beautiful interface and high-quality chat. Each user can create a dictionary on their page, where words from dialogues and conversations are added. A truly innovative voice messaging system: phrases spoken into the microphone are instantly translated for the person with whom the dialogue is being conducted. For example, during audio communication with an American, the Russian interlocutor will hear only computer-translated Russian speech, and the American will hear Russian. Very convenient when talking with foreigners. Therefore, the HelloTalk application is not suitable for those who start communicating solely for language practice.

Communication with foreigners to learn English

A good program or online school cannot replace a live one. communication. The best option To study English would be a trip to the country of interest. In addition to classic tourism, it is possible to get to another state in other ways. This is especially convenient to do as a student. It's easy to find profitable competitions and programs. True, they require the fulfillment of certain conditions. In any case, it's worth a try. The methods presented below are cheaper than traveling abroad at your own expense.

Represents summer student employment in the United States. The tour organizers place the participant in an average American family in need of help.

Help includes:

  • care for children;
  • help around the house;
  • performing household duties.

The trip is free, but the work is paid. includes free housing, food, and plenty of free time. The program participant lives in a family that does not speak his native language; accordingly, the level of English proficiency is rapidly increasing due to the constant forced communication. Students are allowed to move freely around the city and visit local entertainment and cultural institutions. Program participants are provided with benefits for admission to local universities if they perform high-quality work.

The program is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of money to study a language abroad and are ready to plunge into the culture of the United States of America for a while.

English schools abroad

An expensive way to learn English. The cost of schools is determined by the qualifications and extensive experience of teachers. Classes are conducted according to established standards. Lessons are divided into theoretical and practical communication. During practice, students are tasked with casually communicating with unfamiliar American foreigners. The courses involve training people already those who know the language at elementary, intermediate or high level. Training from scratch is also provided. Students are divided into classes according to their level of knowledge in English. Teachers will teach competent oral communication and writing. School graduates receive special certificates. Certificates from such schools are officially recognized throughout the world.

Working as a volunteer to communicate with foreigners

The method should be classified as one of the free and simple ways of communication. To get started, submit an application to a volunteer organization. Volunteering is not paid and will interest those who want to go and live in another country for free, gaining experience communicating with foreigners in another country. The method is suitable for students, young people, preferably under 35 years old.

Personal live communication with foreigners is suitable for people who want to quickly master the knowledge and pronunciation of the language they are learning. It’s easier to implement the idea as a student, since there are enough exchange programs between universities and offers like “”.

There are plenty of learning opportunities for adults too. Online schools, apps, and sites for dating foreigners are suitable for those interested in developing practical language skills. The main thing is to determine your goals in order to choose the appropriate method.

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Services for learning foreign languages ​​online. Continuing the topic - 7 sites where you can find a suitable native speaker who will help expand your vocabulary and improve your grammar.

Functional service with applications for Android and MacOS

The main advantage of Babbel is its visual dictionary, divided into thematic lessons (the first, interestingly, is the topic of Drinks, an honorable second place is given to Greetings and goodbyes). The system offers to expand your vocabulary in three ways at once: repeating words after the speaker on a voice recorder, writing them down using the suggested letters and reproducing them in an appropriate context.

The basic course includes eight main topics, for access to the rest you will have to pay from 7.5 to 13 dollars per month (depending on how long you buy access for). Like almost all online language teaching sites, Babbel offers users other native speakers of the target language. For now, the service is just gaining momentum, so you can still have time to get a German who is not burdened by a dozen of our compatriots or, for example, a Spanish woman to correct your pronunciation. Babbel has apps for Android and MacOS, so it's time to add something other than Facebook to your wait for public transport.

Languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Indonesian.

A service powered entirely by human resources

Mylanguageexchange is a dream come true for Soviet children, an ideal service for finding a “pen pal”. Only here the friend will not be an arbitrary Bill from South Africa, but exactly who you want. When you visit the site, you describe your ideal “language partner,” as they call him here: his native language and the language he practices, as well as the country in which he would like to live and the approximate age of your partner. The rest is a matter of choice: choose the interlocutor you like and is suitable for your parameters and polish your French, German or whatever.

The site, according to the authors, has about a million users from 133 countries, they learn 115 languages. When you get tired of face-to-face communication, you can try playing all sorts of vocabulary games, scouring the local library, or simply switch to text chat instead of voice chat.

Languages: 115, including major European and Asian languages.

A service that turns any native speaker into a serious teacher

The site with the outlandish name offers crowdsourced live chats and text checking that we have already mastered. The main difference from the same Lang-8 is the ability to give professional lessons to those who wish, recording them in the schedule and contacting them at a certain time. It is unknown how popular such a model is than simple friendly chatter, but it would certainly be useful to know the statistics.

The only restriction on using the site is age. Italki insists that the user must be over 13 years old to be able to use the site. However, no one except the language partner can check this.

An analogue of VKontakte for those who don’t have enough demotivators in Russian

On home page InterPals are all smiling, long-haired girls hungry for knowledge. A special feature of the site is a huge international community, built on the principle of Facebook or any other non-professional social network, but with an emphasis on learning languages. The desire to find people to talk to can be seen from every profile: young people don’t hesitate to take topless photos with their avatars, girls put on maximally low-cut T-shirts and turn themselves inside out to an advantageous angle. International multilingual friendship is flourishing.

The question of how the learning process is progressing remains open: on the one hand, only a basic level of language proficiency is required for quick acquaintance, on the other hand, motivation for classes does not have to be sought outside the site.

Languages: more than a hundred, including the main European and Asian ones.

Analogue of Livemocha with a blue interface

Lingq won’t be particularly innovative in its functionality - all the same classes to expand your vocabulary, all the same thematic lessons. For a fee (10, 39 or 79 dollars per month - depending on the user’s requests), you can receive additional lessons, import new sets of words and take more and more tests and write dictations. In addition to all this, you can get a personal mentor who will help you wade through the jungle of an unfamiliar language. Or you can act as a tutor yourself, checking other people’s homework and participating in discussions on the grammar of your native language.

Payment for mentoring is in “links”, local currency, which can be spent on purchasing additional lessons, tests, and so on. A similar model was tested at one time by Livemocha. In essence, this is a kind of communism: from each according to his capabilities, to each according to his - great or modest - needs. True, the user sets the level of needs independently.

Languages: French, Russian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Swedish, Korean, Chinese.

The name of the site basically says it all: Englishbaby is a site for those who managed not to learn English at school or are trying to find an alternative to being a school teacher. You can learn the language here in several ways: by chatting with other students, communicating with them on forums or in private messages, studying vocabulary, solving grammatical riddles and listening to audio recordings. The user must choose the sequence of exercises independently.

A special blessing is specially recorded English lessons (free access), each of which examines some phenomenon in English-language pop culture in the broadest sense of the word: on the Englishbaby blog we find stories about electric cars, the London Olympic Games and the like.

Languages: English.

Service for working on written speech

For those who have already mastered the basics of language practice, Lang-8 offers a wonderful approach in its simplicity. The user writes a text in the language being studied, after which a native speaker of the corresponding language takes over the text and makes appropriate changes to it (or not, if you managed not to make a single mistake).

The site is ideal for manic grammar lovers or those who, in order to speak confidently, first need to get approval - to make sure that at least everything is written correctly. From a purely psychological point of view, this is very correct; the main thing is to remember in time the need to master oral practice.

Languages: There are native speakers from 190 countries.

Resources for learning foreign languages ​​regularly appear on the Internet: reading texts, audio and video with tasks for training listening comprehension. And most importantly, there are services that help you find interlocutors for speaking practice among native speakers of a foreign language!

Bookmark this article so you don't lose the list!

1 italki

I really love this resource, because it is suitable for different purposes: language exchange, full lessons with a teacher, conversation practice with any native speaker, or just communication with like-minded people from all over the world.

When your plans include not only communication, but also balanced training of all language aspects, you should try the paid option of the site - classes with a professional teacher. You can schedule a lesson in advance or take it as soon as you log into the site. Through searching, you will find people who can contact you without prior arrangement.


An online platform for those who not only want to communicate with native speakers, but also undergo consistent speaking practice on relevant topics, from simple to complex and with error correction.

SkyEng is regular lessons with professional teachers and native English speakers rolled into one.

3 EnglishDom

Online English school for students from beginner to advanced levels. The company has its own teaching methodology, which includes classes on a special interactive platform. The teacher and student have access to an office where materials and assignments are displayed online.

Additional options for hands-on training include: conversation club, courses for self-study, database of reference materials.

4 LinguaTrip

Linguatrip is a company that helps you select foreign language courses abroad and organize the entire travel process. But that is not all. The resource also offers educational services: intensive courses are regularly held with native speakers in spoken English and.

5 Speaky

Cool site that I discovered recently. I'll review it soon after testing it.

Registration is simple and fast. Once you're in your profile, you can start communicating with other members. A list of potential online interlocutors appears on the right side of the screen, and it’s easy to write a chat message to each of them. If you add each other as friends, you can call each other by connecting video.

6 Verbling

A site for those who are mostly interested in lessons with native-speaking teachers, and not just in practicing communication on various topics.

The selection of a teacher is based on different parameters. For example, a native French speaker who teaches Spanish. Or an Englishman who will teach you his native language. 🙂 In general, there are many options.

Join one-on-one sessions morning, afternoon or evening. To get more speaking practice, meet new people and still save on lesson costs, join group classes or invite your friends to learn the language together!

7 HelloTalk

The site provides communication through text chats and voice messages in more than 100 languages. There is a convenient mobile application.

The program even helps with pronunciation training: there is an option to listen to every message that is sent to you. The resource also helps to create your own database of language learning materials: sentences, pictures, words, audio.

With the help of special tools in the program, native speakers can easily correct you if necessary. You too can become such a helper for someone.

8 Pen4Pals

More than 15,000 people around the world who are ready to practice learning foreign languages ​​through language exchange are waiting for you on this resource. The site has a simple search option based on various parameters: gender, native language, language of study.

9 Couchsurfing

A community of travelers from different countries. Join meetings around the world, stay with new friends in another country, host them as guests. Or just chat with a native speaker over a cup of coffee.

10 Polyglot Club

Do you learn languages ​​not out of necessity, but because you absolutely love it? Take a look at this resource.

The site regularly organizes meetings for everyone who wants to practice communicating in different languages. Choose the language of study and the city where you live. You will find out what meetings are taking place near you and can organize your own. On the site, native speakers answer questions about learning the language and offer language exchanges.

11 Interpals

This site is mainly intended for communicating with foreigners by correspondence. Of course, when you find like-minded people, you will already personally agree to communicate on Skype.

If you are not yet ready for speaking practice, this site will give you the opportunity to start communicating with native speakers in writing. This will help you learn to formulate phrases in another language, gain confidence before a real conversation, and find new acquaintances with whom you can realistically continue communicating further.

12 Meetup

When you know a language at an advanced level or even live abroad, you look for ways to improve your foreign language level. One option is to attend meetings and lectures on a variety of topics in the location where you are currently located.

13 Internations

Additional site in the section for advanced users of foreign languages. Through this resource you can connect with people around the world and attend various events and meetings. It’s especially great for immigrants - you can quickly acquire an interesting social circle and find new friends.

14 Conversation Exchange

Another resource for finding language exchange partners. The choice of friends depends on the country of residence, language of study and native language, as well as the type of communication: chat, correspondence and conversation. To fully use the search, you must register.

15 Penpaland

After registering on this language exchange site, you can not only find new pen pals, but also maintain your own microblog, as well as create albums with photos. Real social network, only with greater benefit!

16 Easy Language Exchange

On this resource you can easily find interlocutors for language exchange and correspondence. Additional option website - registration as a teacher. If it's relevant to you, go for it!

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17 LingQ

Among the features of the site are communication with other participants by correspondence and in conversation, lessons and courses with teachers, online sessions individually and in groups. You can ask to correct your writing or pronunciation. Please note that some options are paid.

18 Livemocha[closed]

This is a global community for learning 36 languages, where you can take training courses and create your own company of like-minded native speakers who will become your language exchange partners, Skype interlocutors, and in the future good friends.

19 Paltalk

The service provides video chats with people around the world. You can join other members in an online chat room to discuss music, sports, language learning, events and other topics. Additionally, there is an option to communicate via text messages.

20 Lang-8

Surely, while learning a language, you have encountered a problem: you make up sentences and examples with new words, but there is no one to check you. This service solves the problem. Copy here the dialogue, text, phrases you composed, and get corrections from native speakers. Help participants who are learning Russian by answering their questions if you feel you can give a hint.

21 The Mixxer

A free educational site for finding language exchange partners with subsequent practice on Skype. Contacts can be viewed directly in the user’s profile. There are free lessons in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, and German.

22 My Language Exchange

The site is dedicated to language exchange. It looks like this: you find someone who is interested in learning your native language, but is also a native speaker of the language you are learning. By choosing a form of communication (chat, email correspondence, conversation), you help each other in learning languages: mutual lessons, tips, advice on vocabulary, or just conversations on different topics.

The site has more than a million members from 133 countries, who in total practice 115 languages! Unfortunately, you can write messages to other people only after making a monetary contribution on the site. Free options: respond to requests and messages from other people, communicate on the forum.

What service do I use?

All of the sites listed are useful in their own way. Try the training on several and you will decide which site is right for you. As for me, I chose the site for language practice italki. Conveniently search for teachers and native speakers for lessons and language exchange, track completed lessons and feedback teacher. And another bonus: it’s easy to find a teacher who can conduct a lesson or conversation practice via Skype without prior arrangement.

If you have a goal for which you need to master English, but you are afraid to start practicing and communicating with native speakers, follow my 30-day program. Every day you will perform exercises to train each linguistic aspect, including spoken language, and learn step by step how to apply English in life.

What other sites do you know for practicing speaking a foreign language? Share in the comments!

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German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. Germany is a country with a developed economy, interesting story and a bunch of beautiful cities. This means that German can be useful both for business and work, and for exciting travel.

website collected for you best resources to study the language of Goethe, Nietzsche and Til Schweiger. Das ist Fantastisch, isn't it?

  • Deutsch-online - here you can download several options for video, audio and online courses to choose from. In addition, the site is full of additional material that will help you learn the language in a fun way: games, exercises, tests, German radio and online television.
  • is a multilingual site that combines German lessons with practical advice about life and work in Germany and Austria.
  • Speakasap - free and paid courses with audio and video accompaniment and exercises.
  • Englishonlinefree - suitable for beginners: there are reading rules, basic grammar, a phrase book, short videos, books and other materials.
  • Lingvister is an online school for learning German and other languages ​​via Skype with extensive speech practice.
  • Deutsche-welt - on the site you can find online courses, as well as many collections of courses, articles and dictionaries of the German language.
  • - the resource offers systematic online lessons, video lessons, audio books, tests, useful articles, interesting selections words and phrases and song lyrics.

German on social networks

Communication with native speakers

  • Livemocha is a popular social network for everyone who studies foreign languages. Training is based on the principle “if you help, they will help you.” Lessons and exercises are offered, the accuracy of which is checked by native speakers. And here you can simply communicate with other users in German.
  • Busuu is a virtual community for learning German and other foreign languages. On the website or in mobile application you can learn words, video chat with other members of the social network.
  • MyLanguageExchange - the site makes it possible to find a foreign interlocutor who is interested in learning your native language. Then you can talk to him on any topic in text or voice chat.
  • Lang-8 - here native speakers will help you correct mistakes in writing: you write the text, and foreign users correct mistakes and comment. Useful when preparing presentations and important letters.

Mobile applications

  • Hellotalk - simply choose the language you want to learn (more than 100 languages ​​are available) and immediately meet native speakers of that language.
  • Duolingo- free application with well-organized and user-friendly content, perfect for beginners.
  • Tunein is an application for listening to the radio.


  • De-speak - Russian-language blog of a German language teacher with big amount video lessons, audio lessons, articles and topics.
  • Claudi um di e Welt - an interesting blog of a traveler from Germany in German with stories about different countries and good photographs.
  • Berlin Ick liebe dir - blog about Berlin in German. As the authors of the blog write, “a blog for Berliners, for those who love Berlin, and for those who want to live in it.” News about city cultural events, colorful reports about restaurants, exhibitions and nightclubs, stories about interesting people.

Dictionaries and vocabulary

  • Multitran is a simple and convenient dictionary with a large number of words. The local community of translators will suggest translation of a complex expression or rare word.
  • Languageguide - the site will allow you to master basic vocabulary. Hover your cursor over an item and you'll hear the correct German pronunciation of the word or phrase.
  • ABBYY Lingvo Live is a “live” dictionary where you can not only look up the meaning of words and expressions, but also ask for help in translation.

You have already watched films and listened to music in German and your listening and understanding skills are already at a sufficient level, then it’s time to start learning German through communication with native speakers.

Communication with native speakers is one of the most important steps in mastering a new language, which can significantly increase your level of knowledge. However, communicating with native speakers presents some difficulties for many. What to do if you are not planning to visit a German-speaking country any time soon?

Fortunately, the Internet and modern technologies provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in communication with foreigners without leaving home. A list of special sites for finding companions for communication is in this article.

Photo by Ron Mader


1. is free service, which helps to unite those who want to learn a language, including German, from all over the world. The platform contains more than 1 million registered users from more than 130 countries. The main idea of ​​this site is to search for penpals (penpauls) in order to practice learning the language with them by texting e-mail. The site also allows written chat, but there is no video chat option. But who is stopping you from using Skype? :)

2. The Mixxer is a free educational site for those learning a foreign language. This service is designed to unite people from all over the globe. Chat via Skype is used for communication. There are many active people registered on the site who want to improve and practice their knowledge of foreign languages.

3. Polyglot Club. This site contains about 400 thousand people who speak several languages. The site is absolutely free and allows you to find fellow enthusiasts with whom you can regularly communicate and practice your knowledge of the German language.

3. Tandem Partners is a free service that already has more than 30 thousand users who want to find penpaul. The search process is simple and, most importantly, free. All you have to do is register, specify the desired language, select a pen pal and start communicating with him. A special feature of this site is the ability to communicate through integrated video chat, and not through Skype, as on many other sites.

5. Сonversationexchange - a site where you can improve your writing and reading skills by communicating via chat, finding yourself a pen pal. There is also the opportunity to practice German using chat, voice or video chat.