Programming training from scratch. Programming from scratch: where to start? How to start learning programming from scratch in Java? What a teapot needs to know

Learning the basics and intricacies of the C++ programming language. A textbook with practical tasks and tests. Do you want to learn to program? Then you are in the right place - here is free programming training. Whether you're experienced or not, these programming lessons will help you get started creating, compiling, and debugging C++ programs in a variety of development environments: Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, Xcode, or Eclipse.

Lots of examples and detailed explanations. Perfect for both beginners (dummies) and more advanced ones. Everything is explained from scratch to the very details. These lessons (200+) will give you a good base/foundation in understanding programming not only in C++, but also in other programming languages. And it's absolutely free!

Also considered step by step creation games in C++, the SFML graphics library and more than 70 tasks to test your skills and knowledge in C++. An additional bonus is.

Chapter No. 0. Introduction. Beginning of work

Chapter No. 1. C++ Basics

Chapter No. 2. Variables and basic data types in C++

Chapter No. 3. Operators in C++

Chapter No. 4. Scope and other types of variables in C++

Chapter No. 5. The order in which code is executed in a program. Loops and branches in C++

This course really covers the basics: principles and mechanics that work across all programming languages. Whatever language you plan to learn, you will learn approximately the same thing everywhere, only named and implemented differently. I am sure that if you thoroughly understand this course, learning specific languages ​​will go much easier. I'll check it for myself.

Lesson 1. Introduction
A good motivational video, short and clear. Damn, I wanted to really learn how to program! But my task is different: not to learn specific languages, but to understand the “mechanics” and terminology.

Lesson 2. Logic and algorithms
In fact, we are all a little programmers. We live and act according to algorithms that we either created for ourselves or received from other people. We’re just so used to it that we don’t notice individual commands, but perceive everything as a single stream of actions.
This video explains it very clearly and, most importantly, shows the whole essence of programming. The fundamental concept of an algorithm, their types are given, and it is shown how each type of algorithm works. It was also a discovery for me that being a programmer is a creative profession! Yes, despite the logical basis of the actions. There is complete freedom in the code, and the DRY rule (Don’t repeat yourself, “Don’t repeat yourself!”), and a balance between minimalism of solutions and simplicity of improvements... I didn’t expect it. Thought about it.
The DZ can be viewed in the comments at the link:
Discussion is encouraged.

Lesson 3. Data types and their types
The three main data types: numeric, string and boolean are now clear. Nikolai Chernobaev, the author of the course, not only talked about data types, but also showed and let us “play”: output to the console, convert from one type to another. I did all the transformations after him, and it worked for me. We also looked a little into the next topic: “Variables”. This is necessary to understand about strong and weak, dynamic and static typing. Are you already interested? Watch the video!

Lesson 5. Functions
The main thing here is about functions, their declaration and calling, and function arguments. I won’t retell it, it’s better to watch the video.
Great analogy: a program is like playing a song, and a function is one of the actions in that song, like "play the drum." One wave of the conductor's baton, and the “play the drum” function is called. After the drum part is finished, the action moves on to other instruments...
Understanding what “returning a function value” is and what exactly the return command does was more difficult. To figure it out, I implemented the same task in two forms, with and without returning a value: Yes, and I contacted the development course mentor Sasha Nesvit on Telegram, he explained in literally two minutes what was what.

Lesson 6. Arithmetic and logical operations
Here it was really simple, everything was like in the fifth grade. I allowed myself to have some fun and put together a logical comparison to check whether a girl can get married or not? What comparison will you make in this lesson?

Lesson 7. Conditions in programming.
In the conditions, the logic and rules are simple: if.. then we do this, or if.. then we do something else. That's basically it. It was more difficult to track the syntax: I put an extra semicolon after the curly brace - and hello, the code doesn’t work. I was warned that programmers are very attentive people, now I understand why. The examples are extremely clear, there are no difficulties in mastering this lesson.

Lesson 8. Loops in programming
Loops are interesting: initialize the counter, check the condition, register the body, update the counter, repeat... As you ask, it will count. We looked at 5 variants of conditional loops, I especially liked the elegant example of summing array elements in literally 4 lines. As a DZ, I made a simple cycle for multiplying two variables.

Lesson 9. Programmer's tools
This lesson compares two important developer tools: a code editor (using Sublime Text 3 as an example) and an integrated development environment (IDE, using PHPStorm as an example). Key features and main functionality are outlined, and how to work is shown. I am familiar with development tools, mainly in relation to HTML: I actively used Notepad++ as a code editor, Adobe Dreamviewver can be considered a kind of analogue of the IDE, so the differences are clear. And for problems in other languages, I think I’ll choose one of the free IDEs (Google is hinting at NetBeans) or I’ll still make friends with Sublime Text 3. What tools do you use?

Lesson 10. First program: JavaScript calculator
The author of the course, Nikolai Chernobaev, before my amazed eyes, wrote an online calculator in less than 1.5 hours, with graphical display and tips. Naturally, a lot of previous lessons were used here, some were told from scratch. It is very interesting that it shows not only the writing of the code itself, but also the entire development as a project, starting with the idea and planning on paper.

Lesson 11. Events
An addition to the online calculator program created in the previous lesson. When something happens in the program, for example, some user action, the program reacts in a predetermined way. In biology there is a stimulus and a reaction; in programming there is an event and its handler. This way it will be clearer for me.

Lesson 12. Programming errors
While I was completing the examples and documentation for this course, I managed to both make and “catch” perhaps all types of errors: syntactic, logical, and execution errors. It’s interesting to look for errors, although after the tenth iteration of the search launch it starts to shake quite a bit. Well, it’s okay, training mindfulness is not harmful to anyone.

Well, now I’m familiar with the basic elements of programs, I’ve begun to understand the terms a little better. It’s easier to read articles on Habré. Actually, that’s what we needed to get. I am sure that if you have the ability and desire, you will go further than me. Join us!

The difficulty with working with a programmer is that you can't figure out what he's doing until it's too late.

Who is this programming course for?

This section is for a fairly wide range of readers. For those who want to, but don’t yet know where to start. For beginner programmers, as well as for those who probably do not want to become a professional developer software, but is interested in programming in order to broaden his horizons. For those for whom it is not enough just to read about something, but also have a desire to “get acquainted with everything new in person” and “turn each new item in their hands.” In short, here you are you can learn the basics of programming or, as they also say, master programming from scratch. Well, for more or less experienced programmers, I can suggest getting acquainted with the manual materials, where basic programming knowledge is needed immediately.

A few words about the programming process

You should not treat programming, at least not, as something complex and subject to people with a “special” mindset. People come across the basics of programming every day, and I don’t even want to give examples, because it’s all banal. Programming on a computer using is just formalized communication with computer technology in order to explain to it what you want from it and to achieve an adequate result from it. Explain clearly, using logic and common sense.

Does it make sense to start learning the basics of programming or has “the train already left”?

Today, the general trend in programming development is directed towards and other approaches to organizing distributed software architectures, but the concept itself is invariant with respect to new technologies for developing software products. The entire complex architecture will be written for you by companies that are market leaders computer technology. They will then sell the fruits of their labors to you, but you will still have to fill the decision templates they provide with meaning. This is similar to the processes of constructing standard buildings and performing individual renovations in each of them. With this approach, there is practically no difference between implementations of the same task, which, in one case, should become part of a “desktop application”, in another - be part of a published one, or even work as a separate service within the infrastructure virtual server. Is it difficult to find the difference in the processes of repairing premises of panel, brick or monolithic buildings? There is always enough work for an application programmer.

Creating your own is a very popular and useful thing, and a commercial enterprise without one is a rarity today. No one needs to be told that every day they are making more and more non-trivial requirements for. We are talking not only about the content of the resource (content), but also about design, ease of use and other quality characteristics. The better search engines relate to your site, the more visitors come to you from search results pages. Developers software solutions classes (website templates) offer an increasingly wide range of tools and themes to add uniqueness to the solutions created on their basis, but sometimes it is much easier to understand the logic of the site on your own. Fortunately, most often such templates are distributed in the form source code , and any competent programmer can customize its operation to suit your needs by changing several dozen lines in the same . Contact third-party organizations for individual development of a separate software product according to your requirements (the website is the same software) or its configuration may be disadvantageous. And not only is it unprofitable in terms of money, but also in terms of time, nerves and many other parameters...

Brief description of the proposed course on learning the basics of programming

This programming course contains examples of solving small problems. From those that are found in computer science courses and the basics of programming in high school and in the initial courses of universities to those that novice programmers may encounter at work. Those interested will be able gain programming experience not in one programming language, but in two at once - in and . Both of these languages ​​are high-level and based on the same software platform. It is proposed to use a freely distributed software product that has minimally sufficient functionality to achieve the goals set by this programming course. Of course, you can use a professional development environment. Starting to program in or knowing the basic syntax is much easier than starting to program in them from scratch, since their syntax is very similar. Starting to learn programming in / languages, I think, is generally unpromising, since (again, my personal opinion), evolution is not on their side. But, in general, there is no big difference which programming language a beginner should choose, since the principles, approaches and techniques of this craft are the same everywhere.

If I have convinced you that introduction to the basics of programming and algorithmization may be useful for you, then read... If not, then I suggest you also get acquainted with these

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Currently, the profession of a programmer is gaining increasing popularity. It happens that people who dream of becoming programmers do not even start training after learning how expensive it is.

But there are many alternatives to expensive training. Today I will tell you how to learn programming at home and where is the best place to start learning.

Anyone can complete the training on their own. There are many ways to do this. It doesn’t matter at all what knowledge you have in the field of programming, you can learn from scratch, at home. By making programming your profession. I would like to note that it is a highly paid and in-demand profession.

The main thing is to take training seriously, because a programmer’s salary depends entirely on his knowledge and skills.

How to learn to program from scratch at home

So, programming has the following directions:

  • Web programmer (website creation);
  • Application programmer (writing programs);
  • System programmer (creating drivers, creating programs for working with the OS).

Before you start training, determine for yourself why you need it, what goals you are pursuing. Because programming is different. Think about what you would like to do: write games; develop websites or work with financial programs.

Available a large number of programming languages ​​and each of them is intended for a specific application. This is why programming is divided into different categories. It is very important before starting training to decide which area you need to master.

Plays an important role in programming English language. Therefore, learn it and constantly improve it.

Today you can easily find services that will help you learn programming online. With their help, you can learn the basic principles of working with programming languages, as well as create programs yourself.

Popular online services for learning programming

Let's talk in more detail about the most popular online services programming training.


The service is extremely popular because it is free and created for those who understand practically nothing about programming. After completing registration, you can choose the course that suits you.

The learning process is quite simple, with simple tasks. During the learning process, all users receive grades for completed tasks. This way, it becomes clear what is working well and what still needs to be worked on.

This best service teaching the following languages:

  • JavaScript;
  • HTML;
  • jQuery;
  • Python;
  • Ruby .

Code School

This service allows you to gain not only basic knowledge, but also become an expert in the field of programming. After completing the course, you will be able to program anything, even games about zombies. By completing tasks, you can earn various useful points.

The service contains paid and free courses. In addition, the service has courses for both beginners and more experienced users. The course consists of step-by-step lessons, videos, and assignments.


The service was created for those who do not want to waste their time reading. The learning process is based on video lessons, but the training is paid. You can use the seven-day trial version of the training for free. However, by paying money, users are more responsible about learning.

After completing the training, you will have your own personal project.

This service is not limited to any specific courses. It is designed for learning all areas of programming.


The service is intended for a group of people. If you don’t want to study alone, then this service is for you. The training is conducted by a teacher, not a robot, as in other courses.

At the initial stage, training is free. The learning process is structured in such a way that you will not have time to relax and rest.


This service is created for children. The training is not difficult, but the process itself is long. The application is paid - it is quite expensive.

Where to start learning programming

Let's try to figure out step by step how to start learning programming from scratch at home.

  1. Decide why you need to program;

The programming language you will learn depends entirely on your desire and free time.

  1. Choose the right language;

In programming there is no, and cannot be best language. If you manage to learn at least one, then the rest will be much easier.

It is believed that there are languages ​​in programming that are completely easy for a beginner to learn.

You can choose Python as your first language. The program code is clear to the average user. Available good base libraries, accordingly, you can save a lot of time.

  • Java can also be suitable for a beginner. This language is very popular, despite the fact that it is not so simple;
  • PHP is a fairly simple language. You can easily find answers to all questions on the forum;
  • But the languages ​​C and C# will be difficult for a beginner to learn;
  • Ruby is a good language for a second language;
  • JavaScript is an easy language, but it has very little benefit.

How to learn to program - start learning from the simplest, be patient

  1. Use the app for kids

Today, even young children are learning to program. For this there are special applications that are suitable for any age.

  1. Take online trainings and online courses

Such trainings and courses will help you create your first program, and will also allow you to learn the basics of programming.

  1. Read books on programming

Directories are a great help in finding answers to any questions. There are many books on programming on the Internet.

  1. Play and explore

This is probably the easiest way to learn programming. Not only will you create a program, but you will have fun.

  1. Find or become a mentor

A mentor can help you master the information faster and answer all your questions. You can find a mentor on a special website In addition, you yourself can act as a mentor.

  1. Study another user's code

Try to rewrite the finished code, studying each symbol. This way you will check it for errors. Always keep learning by learning something new.

If, after completing training in programming from scratch, you still have questions, write to the popular forum – The forum has many sections on all programming languages. Ask any questions you may have and receive competent, useful answers.

The profession of a programmer, although difficult, is highly paid. The main thing is to be able to force yourself to read, try and understand. I hope the article helped you figure out how to learn to program from scratch at home. Watch your computer and protect your eyesight. Achieve your goals, no matter what.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already earning money, that is, from professionals.

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