Review and work with the AVZ anti-virus utility. Great way to quickly remove a virus

Then this article is for you. But before proceeding further with the instructions given here, I have to refer you to the article Cleaning up the hosts file so that you follow the recommendations given at the beginning of the article, in particular, save and make changes to the registry to restore the default folder of the hosts file.

The wonderful AVZ utility, with its small size, allows you to solve almost all problematic computer security issues. The AVZ utility does not require installation, it is fast. However, it can be seen more as a tool system administrator. Details about this utility are described on the developer's website Remember, the utility cannot be used as an anti-virus program.

With great potential AVZ utilities, here we will consider only its capabilities for cleaning the hosts file. current version can be downloaded at: .

The archive of the program can be downloaded anywhere, I recommend downloading it to the Desktop and unpacking it, so it will always be in sight.

Run the avz.exe program and first update the databases. If the program does not start, rename the avz.exe file to any other name, such as awr3k.exe. If the system reports that there is no trust in the program and asks for your consent, answer in the affirmative.

Check the boxes as in the picture below and start scanning. You can smoke while scanning...

After the scan is completed, you need to carefully examine the log. AVZ fixes many errors automatically, some just warns you. I specifically changed the hosts file folder in the registry and AVZ warned me about it.

AVZ does not automatically clear the hosts file because the contents given file can be used, among other things, for useful tasks (see the Hosts file article). To clean up the hosts file, AVZ offers us several ways.

1. Cleaning with the system recovery tool. We start system recovery.

A window for selecting functions for restoring system settings opens.

In accordance with the subject of the article, I only have the item "13. Cleaning the hosts file" checked. You can check other items according to your desires and/or needs. At the same time, let me note the following: changes in points 3, 4, 5 and 8 depend on the user's personal settings and they can be reset, not fatal, but can be unpleasant; changes in paragraphs 14, 15, 18 and 20 depend on the current network settings in accordance with the Internet connection agreement, and in paragraph 18 even the developers remind that it is dangerous; the change in paragraph 21 is only relevant if the Internet connection is working with some problems. In general, if the network connection is working properly, last paragraphs better not to touch. Changes in points 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17 and 19 are even useful for prevention. By the way, if in the course of following the recommendations for changing the registry to the default state in the article Cleaning the hosts file, you were informed that the registry change was blocked, then check item 17 "Unlock the registry editor".

After you have marked the necessary items, click the button Perform the marked operations.

2. Cleaning the hosts file using scripts. Open the Run Script window.

The Run Script window opens.

Enter the script code into the window (as shown in the picture):

Begin ClearHostsFile; end.

And press the "Start" button.

Regardless of the cleaning method chosen, the result will be achieved in 99 cases out of 100. I leave 1% on crooked hands or when system recovery is possible only through a complete reinstallation.

The main task of any antivirus is to detect and destroy malware. software. Therefore, not all security software can work with files such as scripts. However, the hero of our today's article does not apply to that. In this tutorial, we will tell you how to work with scripts in AVZ.

The scripts that are written and run in AVZ are aimed at identifying and destroying various kinds of viruses and vulnerabilities. Moreover, the software has both ready-made basic scripts and the ability to execute other scripts. We already mentioned this in passing in our separate article on using AVZ.

Let's now look at the process of working with scripts in more detail.

Method 1: Executing prepared scripts

Described in this method scripts are built into the program itself by default. They cannot be changed, deleted or modified. You can only run them. Here's what it looks like in practice.

  1. Run the file from the folder with the program "avz".
  2. At the very top of the window you will find a list of sections that are located in a horizontal position. Left click on the line "File". After that, an additional menu will appear. In it you need to click on the item "Standard Scripts".
  3. As a result, a window with a list of standard scripts will open. Unfortunately, it is impossible to view the code of each script, so you will have to be content with just the name of those. Moreover, the purpose of the procedure is indicated in the title. Check the checkboxes next to the scenarios you want to run. Please note that you can mark several scripts at once. They will be executed sequentially, one after the other.
  4. After you select the desired items, you must click on the button "Run marked scripts". It is located at the very bottom of the same window.
  5. Before the execution of the scripts starts directly, you will see an additional window on the screen. You will be asked if you really want to run the marked scripts. To confirm, press the button "Yes".
  6. Now you need to wait a while until the execution of the marked scripts is completed. When this happens, you will see a small window on the screen with the appropriate message. To complete, just press the button Ok in such a window.
  7. Next, close the window with the list of procedures. The entire script execution process will be displayed in the AVZ area called "Protocol".
  8. You can save it by clicking on the floppy disk button to the right of the area itself. In addition, a button with the image of glasses is located a little lower.
  9. By clicking on this button with points, you will open a window in which all suspicious and dangerous files discovered by AVZ during script execution. By ticking such files, you can move them to quarantine or completely erase them from hard drive. To do this, at the bottom of the window there are special buttons with similar names.
  10. After operations with detected threats, you just have to close this window, as well as AVZ itself.

That's the whole process of using standard scripts. As you can see, everything is very simple and does not require special skills from you. These scripts are always up to date, as they are automatically updated along with the version of the program itself. If you want to write your own script or run another script, our next method will help you.

Method 2: Working with individual procedures

As we noted earlier, with this method you can write your own script for AVZ or download the required script from the internet and execute it. To do this, you need to do the following manipulations.

  1. We start AVZ.
  2. As in the previous method, click at the very top on the line "File". In the list you need to find the item "Run Script", then click on it with the left mouse button.
  3. This will open the script editor window. In the very center there will be a workspace in which you can write your own script or downloaded from another source. And you can even just paste the copied text of the script with a banal key combination Ctrl+C and "Ctrl+V".
  4. A little above the workspace there will be four buttons shown in the image below.
  5. Buttons "Download" and "Save" most likely need no introduction. By clicking on the first one, you will be able to select from the root directory text file with the procedure, thereby opening it in the editor.
  6. By pressing the button "Save", a similar window will appear. Only in it you will already need to specify the name and location for the saved file with the text of the script.
  7. The third button "Run" will allow you to execute a written or downloaded script. Moreover, its execution will begin immediately. The process time will depend on the amount of work performed. In any case, after a while you will see a window with a notification about the end of the operation. After that, it should be closed by clicking the button Ok.
  8. The progress of the operation and accompanying actions of the procedure will be displayed in the main window of AVZ in the field "Protocol".
  9. Please note that if there are errors in the script, it simply will not run. As a result, you will see an error message on the screen.
  10. By closing such a window, you will automatically be transferred to the line in which the error itself was found.
  11. If you write the script yourself, then the button will come in handy. "Check Syntax" in the main editor window. It will allow you to check the entire script for errors without running it first. If everything goes smoothly, you will see the following message.
  12. In this case, you can close the window and safely run the script or continue writing it.

That's all the information that we wanted to tell you in this lesson. As we already mentioned, all scripts for AVZ are aimed at eliminating virus threats. But besides scripts and AVZ itself, there are other ways to get rid of viruses without installed antivirus. We talked about such methods earlier in one of our special articles.

If after reading this article you have any comments or questions - voice them. We will try to give a detailed answer to each.

Hello dear friends! Today I want to write another article about the security of our computers and the fight against viruses. I want to make review of AVZ antivirus utility and write how you can use it quickly remove the virus and cure the system of other threats.

There is a lot on the Internet about the AVZ anti-virus utility good reviews, and it's not strange, it's really a cool tool that will help you quickly remove a virus from your computer. And before proceeding to the description of launching and working with AVZ, I will say a few more words about this miracle.

The AVZ utility is not an antivirus, more precisely, it is not a permanent antivirus that works all the time and searches for viruses in real time. This is a small utility that does not even need to be installed, just extract it from the archive and run it on your computer. Another big plus is that AVZ does not conflict with other permanent antiviruses. For example, I have ESET NOD32 installed, and without even deleting or closing it, I scanned my computer with the AVZ utility. Although it is recommended to disable the antivirus, it is not necessary.

As I already wrote with the AVZ utility, you can quickly remove various AdWare, SpyWare, Trojans, etc. viruses. If you notice oddities in your computer, it starts to work slowly, or the virus has already made itself felt, then it's time to test AVZ, By the way, I forgot to write, it is completely free. Even for prevention, you can scan your computer with this antivirus utility, otherwise your antivirus is unlikely to be able to protect you from all threats.

In short, if something is wrong with the computer, then it is imperative to scan it with the AVZ utility, but if it doesn’t help, then look for other solutions to the problem.

Where to download, and how to scan a computer with the AVZ utility?

I used AVZ version 4.39 for testing. On this moment, this is the most a new version. So download it from my blog but this link. For new versions and other information, see the author's website

Download the archive and extract the “avz4” folder from it (with a change in versions, the folder name may be different). To launch AVZ, go to this folder and run “avz.exe”.

The program window will open. First, let's update the anti-virus database. To do this, click on the button that I marked in the screenshot. And click on the “Start” button. The program will report that everything is up to date, click “OK”.

Now you can start setting up and running a computer scan for viruses, spyware and other nasty things.

On the start tab “Search area” set up as follows:

  1. We tick the disk that we want to scan, I checked all three local disks.
  2. Below, check the boxes “Check running processes”, “Heuristic system check” and “Search potential vulnerabilities". We move to the right side.
  3. In the "Method of treatment" section, check the box "Perform treatment". Everywhere we put the item to delete, only opposite “HackTool” we select “Cure”.
  4. Below, check the boxes for all three items.

Go to the "File Types" tab and set the settings.

The settings in this section determine how long the program will scan our computer. If you want to do quick check then leave it as is. But it is worth remembering that the longer AVZ scans a computer, the more likely it is to find a threat.

Therefore, for a quick search, we leave everything as it is, for the middle one, check the “All files” item, and for a very long scan, check “All files” and uncheck “Do not scan archives anymore”.

It is advisable to check off two items, “Block RootKit User-Mode operation” and “Block RootKit Kernel-Mode operation”.

That's it, setup is complete. Click on the “Start” button, agree to the warning and the scan will begin. Better computer do not touch or press anything. Moreover, the utility itself will block almost all actions. After the scan is complete, close the program and restart your computer.

But the AVZ utility can not only search for and remove viruses, but also has many more in its arsenal useful function. Click on the “Tools” menu, a list will appear with the ability to launch different managers that can be useful in solving various problems. For example, “Host File Manager” by selecting it, you will be able to delete lines from this file. By the way, I already wrote about the Host file, read I can’t enter VKontakte. Editing the hosts file.

Having a utility like AVZ in stock and using it occasionally is a very good thing. But do not forget about antiviruses, which allow you to protect your computer throughout the entire time of its operation. Therefore, be sure to install a good antivirus for yourself.

Modern antiviruses have acquired various additional functionality so much that some users have questions in the process of using them. In this lesson, we will tell you about all key features work of AVZ antivirus.

Let's take a closer look at practical examples of what AVZ is. The following functions deserve the main attention of the average user.

Checking the system for viruses

Any antivirus should be able to detect malware on the computer and deal with it (treat or remove). It is natural that given function present in AVZ. Let's see in practice what such a check is.

  1. We start AVZ.
  2. A small utility window will appear on the screen. In the area marked in the screenshot below, you will find three tabs. All of them relate to the process of searching for vulnerabilities on a computer and contain different options.
  3. On the first tab "Search area" you need to tick those folders and sections of the hard drive you want to scan. A little lower you will see three lines that allow you to enable additional options. We put marks in front of all positions. This will allow you to perform a special heuristic analysis, scan additionally running processes and identify even potentially dangerous software.
  4. After that, go to the tab "File Types". Here you can choose which data the utility should scan.
  5. If you are doing an ordinary check, then it is enough to check the item "Potentially dangerous files". If the viruses have taken root deeply, then you should choose "All files".
  6. AVZ, in addition to ordinary documents, easily scans archives, which many other antiviruses cannot boast of. In this tab, it just turns on or off this check. We recommend that you uncheck the checkbox next to the line for checking large archives if you want to achieve the maximum result.
  7. In total, your second tab should look like this.
  8. Let's move on to the last section. "Search Options".
  9. At the very top you will see a vertical slider. Move it all the way up. This will allow the utility to respond to all suspicious objects. In addition, we include checking API and RootKit interceptors, searching for keyloggers, and checking SPI/LSP settings. General form last tab you should have something like this.
  10. Now you need to configure the actions that AVZ will take when a particular threat is detected. To do this, you must first check the box next to the line "Perform treatment" in the right area of ​​the window.
  11. Opposite each type of threat, we recommend setting the parameter "Delete". The only exceptions are threats of the type hack tool. Here we recommend leaving the parameter "Treat". Also, check the boxes next to the two lines that are located below the list of threats.
  12. The second parameter will allow the utility to copy the unsafe document to a designated location. You can then view all the contents, and then safely delete. This is done so that you can exclude from the list of infected data those that are not actually infected (activators, key generators, passwords, and so on).
  13. When all the settings and search parameters are set, you can start scanning itself. To do this, click the appropriate button. "Start".
  14. The verification process will begin. Her progress will be displayed in a special area "Protocol".
  15. After some time, which depends on the amount of data being checked, the scan will end. A message will appear in the log indicating the completion of the operation. The total time spent on the analysis of files, as well as the statistics of the scan and detected threats, will also be indicated here.
  16. By clicking on the button, which is marked in the image below, you can see in a separate window all suspicious and dangerous objects that were detected by AVZ during the scan.
  17. The path to the dangerous file, its description and type will be indicated here. If you put a checkmark next to the name of such software, you can move it to quarantine or even remove it from your computer. Upon completion of the operation, press the button OK at the bottom.
  18. After cleaning the computer, you can close the program window.

System functions

In addition to the standard malware check, AVZ can perform a host of other functions. Let's look at those that may be useful to the average user. In the main menu of the program at the very top, click on the line "File". The result will be context menu, which contains all the available helper functions.

The first three lines are responsible for starting, stopping and pausing the scan. These are analogues of the corresponding buttons in the main menu of AVZ.

System research

This feature will allow the utility to collect all the information about your system. I mean not the technical part, but the hardware. Such information includes a list of processes, various modules, system files and protocols. After you click on the line "System Research", a separate window will appear. In it, you can specify what information AVZ should collect. After checking all the necessary checkboxes, you should click the button "Start" at the bottom.

This will open the save window. In it you can choose the location of the document with detailed information, as well as specify the name of the file itself. Please note that all information will be saved as an HTML file. It opens with any web browser. After specifying the path and name for the saved file, you need to click the button "Save".

As a result, the process of scanning the system and collecting information will start. At the very end, the utility will display a window in which you will be prompted to immediately view all the information collected.

System Restore

Using this set of functions, you can return elements of the operating system to their original form and reset various settings. Most often, malware tries to block access to the Registry Editor, Task Manager and write its values ​​to the system document. You can unlock such elements using the option "System Restore". To do this, just click on the name of the option itself, and then tick off the actions that need to be performed.

After that, you need to press the button "Perform marked operations" at the bottom of the window.

A window will appear on the screen asking you to confirm the action.

After a while, you will see a message about the completion of all tasks. Just close this window by clicking the button OK.


There are two lines in the list of parameters related to working with scripts in AVZ - "Standard Scripts" and "Run Script".

Clicking on a line "Standard Scripts", you will open a window with a list of ready-made scripts. All you have to do is tick the ones you want to run. Then click on the button at the bottom of the window. "Run".

In the second case, you will launch the script editor. Here you can write it yourself or download one from your computer. Do not forget to press the button after writing or downloading "Run" in the same window.

Database update

This item is the most important of the list. By clicking on the corresponding line, you will open the AVZ database update window.

We do not recommend changing the settings in this window. Leave everything as it is and press the button "Start".

After a while, a message will appear on the screen stating that the database update has been completed. You just have to close this window.

Viewing the Contents of the Quarantine and Infected Folders

By clicking on these lines in the list of options, you can view all potentially dangerous files that AVZ found during the scan of your system.

In the windows that open, you can permanently delete such files or restore them if they do not really pose a threat.

Please note that in order for suspicious files to be placed in these folders, you must check the appropriate checkboxes in the system scan settings.

This is the last option from this list, which may be needed by an ordinary user. As the name implies, these options allow you to save the antivirus's preliminary configuration (search method, scan mode, and so on) to your computer and also download it back.

When saving, you will only need to specify the file name, as well as the folder in which you want to save it. When loading a configuration, simply select desired file with settings and press the button "Open".


It would seem that this is an obvious and well-known button. But it is worth mentioning that in some situations - when particularly dangerous software is detected - AVZ blocks all methods of its own closing, except for this button. In other words, you will not be able to close the program with a keyboard shortcut. "Alt+F4" or by clicking on the banal cross in the corner. This is done so that viruses cannot interfere with the correct operation of AVZ. But by clicking this button, you can close the antivirus if necessary for sure.

In addition to the options described, there are also others in the list, but they are most likely not needed. ordinary users. Therefore, we did not focus on them. If you still need help with the use of functions not described, write about it in the comments. And we are moving on.

List of services

In order to see the full list of services offered by AVZ, you need to click on the line "Service" at the very top of the program.

As in the previous section, we will only go over those that may be useful to the average user.

Process Manager

By clicking on the very first line from the list, you will open a window "Process Manager". It contains a list of all executable files that are currently running on your computer or laptop. In the same window, you can read the description of the process, find out its manufacturer and the full path to the executable file itself.

You can also terminate a particular process. To do this, simply select the required process from the list, then click on the corresponding button in the form of a black cross with right side window.

This service is a great replacement for the standard . The service acquires special value in situations where it "Task Manager" blocked by a virus.

Service and Driver Manager

This is the second service in the general list. By clicking on the line with the same name, you will open the window for managing services and drivers. You can switch between them using a special switch.

In the same window, each item is accompanied by a description of the service itself, status (enabled or disabled), as well as the location of the executable file.

You can select the desired item, after which you will have the options of enabling, disabling or complete removal service/driver. These buttons are located at the top of the workspace.

Autostart Manager

This service will allow you to fully configure autorun settings. Moreover, unlike standard managers, this list also includes system modules. By clicking on the line with the same name, you will see the following.

In order to disable the selected element, you only need to uncheck the box next to its name. In addition, it is possible to completely delete the necessary entry. To do this, simply select the desired line and click on the button in the form of a black cross at the top of the window.

Please note that the deleted value cannot be returned. Therefore, be extremely careful not to erase vital system startup entries.

Host File Manager

We mentioned a little above that the virus sometimes writes its own values ​​​​to the system file Hosts. And in some cases, malware also blocks access to it so that you cannot fix it. changes made. This service will help you in such situations.

By clicking in the list on the line shown in the image above, you will open the manager window. You cannot add your own values ​​here, but you can delete existing ones. To do this, select the desired line with the left mouse button, and then click the delete button, which is located in the upper area of ​​​​the working area.

After that, a small window will appear in which you need to confirm the action. To do this, just press the button "Yes".

When the selected line is deleted, you only need to close this window.

Be careful not to delete those lines whose purpose you do not know. To file Hosts can prescribe their values ​​not only viruses, but also other programs.

System Utilities

With AVZ, you can also run the most requested system utilities. You can see their list if you hover your mouse over the line with the corresponding name.

By clicking on the name of a particular utility, you will launch it. After that, you can make changes to (regedit), configure the system (msconfig) or check system files (sfc).

These are all the services we wanted to mention. Novice users are unlikely to need a protocol manager, extensions, and other additional services. Such functions are more suitable for more advanced users.


This feature has been designed to fight the most cunning viruses that in standard ways do not delete. It simply adds malware to the list of untrusted software, which is prohibited from performing its operations. To enable this feature, you need to click on the line AVZGuard in the upper region of AVZ. In the drop-down box, click on the item "Enable AVZGuard".

Be sure to close everything third party applications before enabling this feature, as otherwise they will also be included in the list of untrusted software. In the future, the operation of such applications may be disrupted.

All programs that are marked as trusted will be protected from removal or modification. And the work of untrusted software will be suspended. This will allow you to safely remove dangerous files using a standard scan. After that, you should disable AVZGuard back. To do this, again click on the same line at the top of the program window, and then click on the button to disable the function.


The technology mentioned in the name will monitor all started, stopped and modified processes/drivers. To use it, you must first enable the corresponding service.

Click on the line AVZPM at the top of the window.
In the dropdown menu, click on the line "Install Advanced Process Monitoring Driver".

Within a few seconds, the necessary modules will be installed. Now, when changes are detected in any processes, you will receive a notification. If you no longer need such monitoring, you will need to simply click on the line marked in the image below in the previous drop-down box. This will unload all AVZ processes and remove previously installed drivers.

Please note that the AVZGuard and AVZPM buttons may be gray and inactive. This means that you have installed operating system x64. Unfortunately, the mentioned utilities do not work on OS with this bit depth.

This article has come to its logical conclusion. We have tried to tell you how to use the most popular features in AVZ. If you still have questions after reading this lesson, you can ask them in the comments to this post. We are happy to pay attention to each question and try to give the most detailed answer.

A computer virus is always annoying. It is doubly unpleasant and insulting if a virus has already appeared on your computer, bypassing the installed antivirus software. This is a fact - there is no universal antivirus, and each of them, no matter how good it is, is not designed to search for and neutralize absolutely everyone. malicious files. And if this program did not “see” the virus “on the fly”, it is likely that even with a full computer scan, it will not detect it and, as a result, will not delete it.

In this case, the AVZ anti-virus utility comes to our aid, which can operate on the computer simultaneously with your regular anti-virus and not conflict with it. And this utility does not require installation, which is extremely attractive for inexperienced PC users, but it is very effective and helps even in the most neglected cases. And even more so, AVZ is useful to you if there is no other antivirus software on your computer yet, or in case of outdated signatures.

Launching the AVZ utility is extremely easy and fast. First you need to download it to your computer. You can do this at the link at the end of the article. It will “arrive” in the form of an archive that can be unpacked to any place on your machine. After unpacking, run the avz.exe file. In the dialog box that appears, select the "Update databases" item from the "File" menu and click "Start". After a while it will become active button"Close". Click it, the program has updated anti-virus databases and ready to go.

Select the Search Area tab. All local and removable drives on your computer. At the first check, it is advisable to check all of them by ticking them, later you can check only what you see fit. Opposite is the tab "Method of treatment". The item "Perform treatment" should be checked. All possible types are listed below. computer viruses and malware, which can infiltrate your computer. For all of them, you need to set the “delete” option, except for the “hakc tool” type - here you need to select “cure”. Why? Yes, because on your machine there may be hacked "with the best of intentions", so to speak, programs, as well as their unlicensed versions. It would be a shame to be left without software if the AVZ utility removes some of its components. All other items on this page of the program settings should also be checked.

The next step in setting up the program is to select the verification option: fast, long, very long. Depending on the selected time of the check, its thoroughness will also change, keep this in mind. For the most thorough scan, in the settings of the “very long” option, you should set the ability to scan all files on the computer, even those stored in large archives. To do this, on the "File Types" tab, uncheck the box next to the words "Do not scan archives larger than 10MB".

Set the search parameters on the tab of the same name. In order for the check to be as effective as possible, you should enable "Advanced search" and set maximum level"Heuristic Analysis". A little lower are a few more search options, they all need to be ticked.

The last step is to install the driver for advanced monitoring of all processes occurring on the computer. The menu item of the same name is located in the "AVZGuard" tab. In the same place, you need to “enable” AVZGuard and AVZPM, and then you can click “Start” and wait for the check to finish.

The peculiarity of the AVZ anti-virus utility is that during its operation it will completely “take over” your machine - you will not be able to work with documents, play games, view content system disk. The program simply blocks almost all computer actions so that, figuratively speaking, all files “are in their place”, so that the scanner sequentially scans them all, one by one.

So the test is over. What's next? You should select the “Delete and unload advanced process monitoring driver” item in the “AVZPM” menu, and then exit the program using the “Exit” button in the “File” tab and be sure to restart the computer. Sometimes, immediately after the reboot, an inscription about unknown hardware found may appear on the screen - just ignore this message.

I look forward to your comments and questions on this wonderful utility.

You need to download the utility from the manufacturer's website -