Error initializing cryptography: cryptography is not installed.  Special situations and their resolution


Sending reports electronically

Electronic reporting program

The program for submitting electronic reporting “Postal Agent” is an affordable electronic accounting reporting service for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, and budget organizations, which is an analogue of more common and expensive programs.

You can send electronic reports through the Postal Agent program to any department in one click.

Our electronic reporting service offers an unlimited number of requests to the Federal Tax Service without any additional fees. By purchasing our program, you will be able to send financial statements online with an unlimited number of organizations. It's profitable.

An electronic signature (digital signature for reporting) is already included in the software. You don't need to pay anything extra.

SMS notifications about the status of electronic reporting are free.

Availability of built-in accounting reporting templates already in the software with the Dokmaster service

Our software fully satisfies the needs of small businesses and does not require large acquisition costs. You can use mail in the Postal Agent completely free of charge.

Electronic reporting prices:

Postal Agent Features

This software serves as an ideal solution for individual entrepreneurs, directors of LLCs, and accountants of small organizations. The reporting program allows you not only to maintain business correspondence, but also ensures data confidentiality and allows you to conveniently organize documentation. Main features of the program:

  • connecting an unlimited number of mailboxes;
  • the ability to conduct confidential correspondence with business partners;
  • convenient contact management;
  • file manager for organized storage of documentation;
  • tools for submitting reports to government agencies via the Internet.

All this is combined in a simple, intuitive interface.

Postal Agent is a convenient and inexpensive program for electronic reporting.


Thanks to the rapid development of technology, paper reporting is gradually becoming a thing of the past and is being replaced electronic documents, which can be sent to the required authority in one click. A mail agent is a set of tools for optimizing your business, organizing document flow and timely sending electronic reports. Postal agent is a program for submitting reports in the form of simple mail.

Ease of use

The electronic reporting program is aimed at a wide range of users. It is simple and intuitive, so the manager does not need to spend additional funds on training employees and attracting programmers. Any entrepreneur or accountant can easily figure out all the software’s capabilities on their own.
Software“Post Agent” was created in the Russian Federation, is certified annually and is recommended for use in government agencies as an alternative to Western software. In the trends of transition to Russian software, “Post Agent” is ideal as an accounting program for budget organizations.

Complete set of electronic reporting tools

The reporting program allows you to submit electronic reports to the Pension Fund, Rosstat, Federal Tax Service and Social Insurance Fund. The set contains all the necessary tools to save working time. Now there is no need to prepare paper documents, go to the appropriate authority and stand in line; all reports can be submitted via the Internet. The sending system works around the clock, so you can use the system at any convenient time.

Thanks to the use electronic signature For reporting purposes, documents have legal force and are officially accepted by government agencies. An electronic signature is already included in each tariff; there is no need to purchase it additionally.

Electronic reporting

There are many reporting services, but we do not impose additional services and are extremely honest with our users. You won't have to pay extra for additional services, “random connections”, unnecessary services.

Our service operates throughout the Russian Federation with any branch of the Federal Tax Service or Pension Fund. You can connect to the service by simply leaving a request in the order form. The manager will call you back during business hours in your city and advise on all issues.

For this:

Step 1.In the browser Internet Explorer click menu Tools –>.

A window will open Internet Options.

Step 2. Go to the Advanced tab and click on the Reset button.

Step 3. In the window that opens Internet settings Explorer checkbox Remove personal settings and click on the Reset button

Step 4. After the reset is complete, in the Reset Internet Explorer settings window, click the Close button.

Step 5. For the changes to take effect, restart your computer.

Step 6. Reset your Internet Explorer browser.

Step 7. If you used a proxy server to surf the Internet, set the parameters for its use:

Step 8. In Internet Explorer, click menu Tools –> Internet Options.

A window will open "Browser Options"(Internet Options).

Step 9. Go to the Connections tab and click on the Network Settings button.

Step 10. In the window, specify the parameters for using a proxy server. If necessary, contact your system administrator.

Step 11. Restart your browser

Step 12. After restarting the browser, repeat the operation that preceded the error.

Step 13. If after this the error still remains, restart the computer and repeat the operation that preceded the error.

If checking the workplace settings showed that all parameters are configured correctly, but the error occurs again, contact the service technical support JSC "Comita" by calling the hotline (see in the section on home page ETZP website).

If for registration Individual entrepreneur you can submit documents via MFC, then on change of OKVED codes you need to go to the tax office. You can also submit documents online.

Unfortunately, on the Internet incorrect information that OKVEDs can be changed through the MFC. I went to my MFC, but I just wasted my time. They refused, citing that they did not have such agreements. Even together with the general manager of the MFC, we read the contracts under which they have the right to work, but found nothing.

The local tax office in the city was also useless; they refused to take documents because they could not check them and did not have such powers. But the regional tax office was far away. So I decided to submit my application online. There are also pitfalls here.

Key features of sending via the Internet

I will immediately draw your attention to important points. Without electronic signature (ES) documents cannot be sent. . I tried to sign, I was able to send the documents, but they refused to accept them: Error message from the TC for state registration of individual entrepreneurs
“The application cannot be completed” Digital signature discrepancies found

Download the necessary programs

To generate documents for changing OKVED codes via the Internet, you need to install special programs. This should be done under Windows. On MacOS Not all necessary programs are available.

Let's go to Personal Area Individual entrepreneur:

We look for the link “Make changes to individual entrepreneur information” on the page.

Make changes to individual entrepreneur information

We get to the page - CHANGES IN INFORMATION ABOUT IP/TERMINATION OF OPERATIONS AS IP(we'll come back to it later)…

... because before this page a notification appears about the need to check whether the document can be signed.

On this page you can sign a document, but first, before filling out the form, you need to configure the programs and test the ability to sign documents on the checks page.

On this page there will be some nonsense about installing a browser plugin "CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in» . To be honest, I still don’t understand why this is. Only confusion arises. Turn off this page and return to the page “MAKING CHANGES IN INFORMATION ABOUT IP/TERMINATION OF ACTIVITIES AS IP” (two images above).

Program for preparing a package of electronic documents

The program for drawing up documents (PPEDGR) is available only on Windows. For operating system Mac Os absent. Download, install and run the program. Let's fill it out.

After filling out the documents, you need to print them and sign the last page with a pen. Then these documents must scan.

For reference (it has nothing to do with the case): PPEDGR saves the working file in the dgr extension (for further work with it). This extension was made specifically so as not to cause confusion with other files. And so, dgr is the same xml file.

Format for scanning images for tax purposes when sending via the Internet

The image must be black and white, resolution 300*300 DPI, color depth 1 bit. You need to save images in one file in .tif format (.tiff).
Scanning documents

Mandatory installation of the Crypto Pro program

For work the above program (PPEDGR) you need to install another one, which is called Crypto Pro. She happens to be means of cryptographic information protection (CIPF). The program is paid, but there is a trial period, which is quite enough for our purposes.

Official website of CryptoPRO:

Get installation file programs CryptoPRO CSP is possible only after registering on the site. However, I was able to download it from others open sources, without any difficulties. It says everywhere that it is for informational purposes only. And for standard situations (i.e., those provided for in the instructions) you need to download from the official website.

Formation of documents for sending through the tax website

When the documents are completed, printed and scanned into a tif file, click on mail icon and we find ourselves in a new window “Generating a package of documents for submitting an application for state registration in electronic form.” First we select scanned image file, then select electronic signature.

Click “Generate” and specify the folder to save the document.

An error may occur when generating documents:
Cryptography initialization error: CIPF, which is required for the operation: initialization, is not installed

This means that the program is not installed on the computer CIPF (Crypto Pro)(see above).

Uploading documents on the tax website

Successful submission of documents when the zip archive file is created correctly:

When documents are not created correctly, the following warning will appear: