Basic Internet safety rules. Simple rules for working safely on the Internet! You should know it! 10 Rules for Safe Internet Use

When you buy a car, you know that it has certain built-in safety features. After you get behind the wheel, you may suddenly discover that the manufacturer made a mistake and is either recalling your car or inviting you to service center to replace a faulty part. You should also drive your vehicle carefully to protect it from damage during everyday use.

Your computer is a bit like a car in terms of security requirements. It comes with built-in operating system(for example, ), and this operating system provides some security. Sometimes it has flaws and you should receive updates to maintain security. When using a computer, there are often dangerous situations that you should be aware of.

Threats to your computer's security can come from what you copy, but most often the danger lies in the programs you download from the Internet. They may download when you click on a link, open an attachment in e-mail or download software, not realizing that it also comes with a malicious program.

There are three main types of dangerous programs to be aware of.

  • Virus is a small program that a few dishonest people developed to spread throughout the Internet and infect computers. A virus can do many different things, but generally it attacks your data by deleting files, encrypting data, and making changes to system settings that cause your computer to stop working.
  • Spyware They are engaged in tracking your actions with the computer. Some spyware simply helps the companies you deal with track your activities so they can figure out how best to sell you something. Other spyware are used for more insidious purposes, such as stealing your passwords.
  • Adware is the equivalent of telephone marketing when phone calls pester you during lunch. Once you download a “free” ad program onto your computer, pop-ups will try to sell you something all day long. In addition to being annoying, such programs can quickly clog up your computer. Its productivity slows down and it becomes difficult to do anything with it.

How to protect your computer when working on the Internet

To protect your information and computer from malware various types, you can do the following:

  1. Install paid or free anti-virus, anti-spyware or anti-adware programs. Attackers come up with new viruses every day, so it is very important to use software that quickly updates the virus database and protects your computer from them. Antivirus programs (antiviruses) provide access to updated virus databases, which are constantly updated by antivirus companies. Also, be sure to regularly check your computer for viruses using the built-in computer scanning feature for malware. You can use the appropriate software settings to automatically update your antivirus program and scan your computer. Consult your antivirus program's help system for instructions on how to use these features.
  2. Install a program that has adware and spyware detection tools. For example, you can download free programs, such as SpyBot or Spyware Terminator, or if you have free funds and want to purchase a paid product, which usually works more efficiently.
  3. Use Windows tools to regularly update the security features of this operating system, as well as to correct identified problems. You can also turn on a firewall, which prevents unauthorized people or programs from accessing your computer without your permission.
  4. Customize your favorite browser's privacy and security features. How to set up for safe browsing will be described in the following materials on the site.

Understand what dangers may await you. Some dangers come from online bad guys looking to steal your money or make you feel bad, while others involve technology, such as computer viruses. In the first case, use common sense, maintaining your safety at least offline, and in the second, use special tools and browser settings that will provide the necessary protection.

To protect your information and computer from various types of malware, you can do the following: Control the information you distribute about yourself. Abuses such as “identity theft” (stealing information contained on identification documents for fraudulent purposes, such as obtaining a bank loan) most often occur when you or someone you know sends an email confidential information. Learn how to identify who is sharing this information (including yourself) and what information you need to keep private, and you can greatly improve your online security.

Avoid scams and inappropriate content. Use the access restriction feature to prevent visiting potentially dangerous places on the Internet and avoid sites that you consider inappropriate. You should also know how to recognize various email scams to avoid falling victim to them.

Create strong passwords. Passwords shouldn't be hard to remember, but they should be hard to guess.


Today it is difficult to imagine a child who is not an active Internet user. Year after year we observe how Russian Internet users are becoming younger. Children of our time are developing in a world that is much different from the world in which their father and mother grew up. The environment is becoming one of the most important factors in the development of a modern child. information technologies, where the Internet occupies a leading place. However, along with all the advantages of informatization of our world, the Internet carries with it considerable danger for the younger generation. Both young children and teenagers cannot fully appreciate all the risks they face when entering the online environment. With the help of our advice, explanations and recommendations, you will make your child's stay world wide web safe and useful.

Internet risks

Remember the times when your child is “on the Internet”. Do you really know what he does, who he communicates with?

"This is interesting. A study conducted in 2015 showed that although many mothers and fathers provided children with information about the need to use the Internet safely and talked about the rules for such use, a minority of parents monitor their children’s online activities. Most children said that they do not ask their parents’ permission to use the Internet, and also spend time online without restrictions.”

Parents often think that the Internet does not pose any danger to children. Parents perceive the computer as a new modern teaching tool. They believe that if the child is at home, then there is no need to worry about them. However, this is not true in all cases. Parents need to be aware of their child’s activities on the Internet - along with interest in other areas of his activity.

Dangers on the Internet

  • malware
  • cyber fraud
  • social media
  • blogs
  • content content
  • internet addiction


Malware is a variety of software that is intentionally designed to cause harm. electronic devices or theft of information resources and data. These are viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bots, surveillance programs, etc. etc. Malicious programs, when they get onto , slow down the speed of data exchange, and also use your computer as a base for distributing their malicious data. They can use your email or social network profile as a distributor of spam (“garbage”). Such dangerous files can get onto your computer in the following ways:

  • by visiting dubious websites and downloading files from them
  • from email via received spam
  • with help electronic media(CD, flash drives).

Help your child prevent dangerous programs from appearing on the computer:

  1. Install an antivirus program. Antivirus programs will help protect your computer from dubious files, and special mail filters will prevent spam from reaching your email. Such programs are stopped malicious attacks.
  2. Install reliable programs. Explain to your child that licensed software or programs from trusted sources do not harm the computer, unlike installing pirated programs.
  3. Do not open attached files. Teach your child not to open attachments sent from unknown email addresses: they are often viruses.
  4. Update your antivirus. Better yet, install auto-update.
  5. Check your computer for viruses. Scan more often, at least once a week.
  6. Reserve. Teach children to make extra copies. necessary files.
  7. Pay attention to passwords. Teach your children to create complex, unique passwords for logging into an email account or social network, and change them periodically. Tell them that you don’t need to share your password with anyone. If it becomes known, it needs to be changed.
  8. Other people's devices. Tell your child that if he used someone else’s computer (tablet, smartphone) to view his page on a social network, he must log out of the account when finished. You cannot save passwords on other people's devices - this could be used by attackers.

Cyber ​​fraud

One of the dangerous types of crimes is cyber fraud - theft of personal important information Internet user: passwords, codes, passport and bank card details, etc. An SMS sent to confirm a download / song / program / ringtone / book can cause a considerable amount to be withdrawn from the phone. This can be noticed if you have only allocated funds to replenish your account telephone number your child, and he immediately comes up with the message that there is no money left for conversations. In this case, you need to teach your child to be careful about cyber fraud:

  1. Inform. Explain to your child that today there are a lot of cases of fraud online, give examples. Discuss together whether it is worth using certain online services, especially if they are paid.
  2. Analyze the situation. If an incident occurred, find out from the child what site he visited, where he clicked, what he wanted, what messages he read, etc. Try to restore the entire chain of actions of the child, save everything: this may come in handy.
  3. Keep an eye on your bank cards. have free access to his parents’ payment cards: this way he will not be able to make purchases on the Internet on his own.
  4. Check reliability. If you and your child decide to purchase a product/service, then make sure that the chosen resource (online store) is safe: check the availability of details, read the rules and reviews.

Social media

Children today use both social networks intended for children (Smeshariki - “Shararam”) and those intended for adults (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter). By creating an account on a social network, children can communicate with classmates and close friends, as well as with people living in different countries.

The information available is vulnerable. How? For example, the appearance cyberbullying or grooming.

Cyberbullying represents the appearance of messages in in social networks containing threats, insults, intimidation or bullying. There are cases when someone's page can be hacked by posting negative content on it that humiliates and insults the person.

Probability of meeting strangers and grooming- another danger of using social networks. By adding complete strangers as friends and communicating with them, a child puts himself in danger. A naive child can divulge information about himself and his family and be subject to pressure, extortion and blackmail. There are often cases when, introducing himself as a peer in an online chat, an attacker insists on a personal meeting, which can result in violence or even kidnapping for the child.

Parents should educate their child on the safe use of social networking sites:

  1. Be interested in your child's virtual friends. Find out if there are any dubious personalities among his “friends” who are causing concern to the child. Do not panic. Tell your child that this needs to be talked about and that the parents will help deal with the problem.
  2. Create rules. As soon as your children become independent when using the Internet, explain their simple rules: can they create accounts on social networks, who can they accept as friends, how much time should they devote to such virtual communication, etc. In case of non-compliance rules - remove the page from the network yourself or by contacting the administrator.
  3. Pay attention to age. Please note that most social networks do not allow children under 13-14 years of age to participate in them.
  4. Follow the content. Each social network has rules of use and restrictions regarding the content of publications. Usually, this is content of an offensive nature, etc. Familiarize your child with these rules and make sure that the young Internet user does not violate them. Make it a habit to look at your child's page from time to time.
  5. Ban on meetings. Prohibit your child from meeting in person someone they met online. Explain the real threat of such meetings. Better yet, make it a rule not to accept strangers as friends. Let children communicate in the virtual world with people they actually know.
  6. A pseudonym is better. Tell your child that it is better not to disclose your real name and surname, but to come up with a pseudonym.
  7. Track groups. See what communities and groups your child joins and what kind of information is shared there.
  8. Follow the photo. Often, photographs that a child posts on the Internet can become a source additional information about your family. Ask your child not to post a photo from which such information can be gleaned.
  9. We hold back our emotions. Make sure your child is not too emotional on social networks. Attackers pay attention specifically to emotionally unstable children.
  10. Internet threats. While maintaining a trusting relationship with your child, find out from him whether he is receiving threats or offensive messages on social networks. If there are any, take action in time.


Blogging, in other words “network diaries,” is very popular. Many of them keep blogs in secret from their parents. If your child is the author of a blog, then you need to make sure that the young author does not post too much personal information about himself and his family online. Following these recommendations will help you avoid problems:

  1. Preview. Parents should first look at the content of what your son or daughter is going to publish on the blog, and only after that approve or not the publication.
  2. Is the information adequate? If yes, then such an article (photo collection) has a right to life.
  3. Checking the blog. From time to time, get acquainted with the content of your child’s blog, read the comments.
  4. We monitor. Make a selection of the best blogs and show it to your child a good option if any problem occurs.


What are “content risks”? This is the presence on the Internet of materials of an illegal, unethical and other harmful nature. Such materials can be represented by texts, images, sound and video files, links and banners to third-party sites, etc. Today, the entire World Wide Web is a risky space. A minor citizen may encounter pornographic content, calls for the use and purchase of drugs, calls for participation in extremist activities. Such content can harm the consciousness of children and adolescents and change their value orientations. Sites that present methods of causing harm to people, pain, methods of losing weight, suicide, using drugs, sites of misanthropic and extremist organizations, and pornographic sites are considered especially dangerous.

To prevent the impact of content risks, parents should pay attention to the following:

  1. We limit access. Today there is software that limits access to questionable content for minors. Use the appropriate features of your antivirus program or install parental control software. IN search engines ah activate the safe search feature.
  2. We monitor online activity. View your browsing history and search queries will allow you to remain confident in the security of your content.
  3. Let's explain. Talk with your children about the fact that not everything that is on the Internet is true, virtue and benefit. Teach them to independently filter the information they see on the Internet.

Internet addiction

A pressing problem since 1996 is Internet addiction, which is a strong desire to access the Internet during its absence. This condition, although does not destroy it in a direct way. Internet addiction is similar to gambling addiction. It is also characterized by loss of sense of time, inability to stop in time, detachment from reality, irritability and despair due to the lack of access to the Internet.

"Good to know. More than 90% of Internet-dependent users use services related to communication.”

What should you do if you notice such symptoms in your child?

  1. Make contact. Find out what your child is interested in and what worries him.
  2. Don't ban the Internet. But set usage standards.
  3. One computer. Let one computer be connected to the Internet - this will make it easier to track the child’s online activities. In other devices, the Internet must be turned off.
  4. Teach your child time management. So he realizes the harm of thoughtlessly wasting time on the Internet.
  5. Alternative. Offer your child an interesting activity, and then he will not have time to spend time on the computer/tablet/smartphone.
  6. Discuss. Talk to your child about why he cannot do without the Internet. Make it clear that nothing will happen if he leaves the network for a while.
  7. Follow our tips to help make your children’s online experience safe and teach them media literacy.

10 simple internet safety rules + 5 most common cybercriminal schemes and methods to combat them.

The Internet not only serves as a source of entertainment, but also helps to earn money without leaving your own home, and makes life easier by allowing you to pay remotely public utilities, buy tickets, purchase the necessary goods, etc.

But is it possible to feel safe online? Is it possible to avoid fraud if you strive to make honest money? Yes, if you use reliable and proven resources, such as, and also know the basic safety rules and ways of dishonest businessmen to deceive inexperienced people.

Can RuNet users feel safe?

According to statistics for 2017, over 60% of the adult population of the Russian Federation are Internet users. This is not surprising considering how much the Internet makes life easier and enriching. But here's the paradox: the more network users appear, the more creative cyber fraudsters become.

Over the years spent online, we have learned about many Internet scandals:

  • mail hacks and network accounts celebrities and, as a result, the publication of their correspondence and personal photos;
  • a bug in the Heartbleed software that allowed one to read personal memory on the server and decrypt the private keys;
  • large-scale attacks by endless viruses, the latest of which – Petya – threatened even the US Presidential Administration, not to mention many private conglomerates, etc.

The RuNet audience is the least protected. According to statistics presented by Kaspersky Lab specialists, Russia occupies a leading position among countries in terms of the level of infection by various viruses and Internet fraud.

And yet this does not mean that you need to give up and allow yourself to be deceived. After all, there are enough ways to feel safe online and resist Internet fraud.

Basic Internet safety rules...

In any situation, it is better to pay due attention to security rules than to later correct the damage caused by Internet scammers.

There are a number of simple and understandable rules for safe behavior on the Internet:

How to protect yourself from online fraud?

There are some simple ones, but effective ways protect yourself from online scams.

It would be a good idea to find out where to turn if preventive measures did not help and you still became a victim of Internet scammers.

1) The most common methods of fraud and methods of protecting against them.

There are already quite a lot of methods of fraud on the Internet. In addition, bright but criminal minds do not cease to invent more and more new methods to deceive network users.

Let's look at the most common methods of cybercrime.

No. 1. Password hacking.

Very often, cybercriminals hack emails, accounts, personal accounts and so on, because the user chooses a password that is too simple or does not take other security measures.

What to do

What not to do

- Use a combination of letters and numbers, as well as connecting small and large letters.
- Use complex combinations that will not cause analogies.
- In the “Secret Question” section, select the “Your Question” category.
- Use a password generator to choose the most suitable one secure password.
- Change passwords at least once every six months.

- Choose dates of birth and other simple password combinations.
- Limit yourself to only letters or only numbers.
- Use your email password to log into your account on other resources.
- Use combinations that are too short: 6 or less characters.

No. 2. Collection of information about the use of cookies.

These so-called “cookies” were invented with a noble purpose: to collect information about the user in order to best satisfy his needs. It is because of cookies that our mail is flooded with viral advertising and other “interesting offers.” Moreover, beacons that cling to cookies record what you type and on what resources, which means they can find out personal information, for example, a password.

What to do:

  1. Set up the appropriate functions in your browser:

Use CCleaner program, to clean up information that can be used.

No. 3. Integration of the virus along with the downloaded file.

You should be careful when downloading any files, because along with a movie, music, images, etc., you can download a virus to your computer.

No. 4. Use of your publicly available personal information.

We often give scammers the opportunity to commit crimes:

  • indicating your email address indiscriminately on all sites;
  • bragging about your achievements on social media;
  • We do not protect phones and computers;
  • exposing mobile number phone, etc.
  1. Hacking a page and sending out requests to friends to send money because you are in trouble difficult situation.
  2. Collecting information about you, so that later, pretending to be your friend, ask for money, find out your place of residence and rob your house while you are on vacation, etc.

It's better to do closed pages and periodically change your login password.

No. 5. Extortion of money in various ways.

The lengths to which cybercriminals will go to get your money:

  • create fictitious online stores and brokerage houses;
  • are asked to participate in charity;
  • claim winnings, asking to pay only a commission, charity fee or any amount that seems insignificant compared to the winnings;
  • they do not send goods purchased at an online auction and paid for in advance;
  • send money to your bank card or to a mobile phone account, and then ask to send them back, thus finding out your bank information;
  • come up with paid services;
  • they call supposedly from the bank in order to find out the password;
  • build financial pyramids;
  • are asked to invest money in non-existent projects;
  • they offer to earn money by first transferring a certain amount to the employer, supposedly for training;
  • e-wallets are hacked, etc.

There is no single recipe for how to counter such fraud on the Internet. You just need to be extremely attentive to the dissemination of personal data and any attempts to fool you, and also not to deal with those who seem suspicious to you.

In this matter, it is better to play it safe so as not to regret the loss of money.

10 tips for online safety.

How to avoid falling for scammers' tricks? Basic
rules safe internet.

2) Where to go if you find out about online fraud?

If you have become a victim of cyber fraud, you need to do exactly the same as if you had an unpleasant experience with classic thieves and swindlers: write a statement to law enforcement agencies.

Often the injured party does not consider it necessary to report the incident to the police only if it involves the loss of large sums of money.

This is the wrong approach to business, since you thereby create favorable conditions for criminals of safety and permissiveness in which they can continue to deceive people.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has created a special department K, dealing with Internet security, cyber fraud and similar matters. If you have suffered from the actions of dishonest Internet dealers, write a statement to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This application must include the following information:


Brief information about yourself and contacts


Circumstances under which you became a victim of deception


The amount of damage caused to you


The maximum known contact information of the criminal: website address, the number from which you received the SMS, nickname of the criminal, account number where you sent the money, etc.


Evidence of illegal actions: screenshots, text of correspondence, bank account statements, etc.

You should submit your application in person by finding among your contacts territorial bodies on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the department you need.

The main thing is to inform law enforcement agencies that you have become a victim of illegal actions.

But in order not to give cybercriminals the slightest chance, trust only trusted resources, be vigilant when receiving suspicious calls, letters, SMS, and try to protect your PC as much as possible.

| Personal safety on the Internet

Lesson 33
Personal safety on the Internet

Reminder for schoolchildren's safety on the Internet

From Tatyana Vladimirovna Orlova's blog

Every year there are more young people on the Internet, and schoolchildren are among the most active users of the Runet. Meanwhile, in addition to a huge number of opportunities, the Internet also brings problems. This guide should help you stay safe online.

Computer viruses

Computer virus- this is a variety computer programs, the distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce. In addition to this, viruses can damage or completely destroy all files and data controlled by the user on whose behalf the infected program was launched, as well as damage or even destroy the operating system with all files as a whole. In most cases, viruses are spread via the Internet.

Anti-malware methods:

Use modern operating systems that have a serious level of protection against malware;
Constantly install patches (digital patches that are automatically installed to improve the program) and other updates to your operating system. Download them only from the official website of the OS developer. If there is an automatic update mode, turn it on;
Restrict physical access to the computer for unauthorized persons;
Use external media information, such as a flash drive, disk or file from the Internet, only from qualified sources;
Work on your computer as a user, not an administrator. This will prevent most malware from installing on your personal computer;
Use antivirus software products well-known manufacturers, with automatic database updates;
Do not open computer files obtained from untrusted sources. Even those files that your friend sent. It’s better to check with him whether he sent them to you.

WI-FI networks

WiFi- this is not a type of data transmission, not a technology, but just a brand, brand. Back in 1991, the Dutch company registered the “WECA” brand, which stood for the phrase “Wireless Fidelity,” which translates as “wireless precision.” Another abbreviation has reached our time, which is the same technology. This is an abbreviation for "Wi-Fi". This name was given with a hint of the highest standard of audio technology, Hi-Fi, which means “high precision”.

Yes, free Internet access in cafes, hotels and airports is an excellent opportunity to access the Internet. But many experts believe that public Wi-Fi networks are not secure.

Safety tips for working on public Wi-fi networks:

Do not share your personal information over public Wi-Fi networks. When working in them, it is advisable not to enter access passwords, logins or any numbers;
Use and update antivirus programs and firewall. This way you will protect yourself from downloading a virus to your device;
At using Wi-Fi Turn off File and Printer Sharing. This function is closed by default, but some users activate it for ease of use at work or study;
Do not use public WI-FI to transmit personal data, for example to access social networks or email;
Use only a secure connection via HTTPS, not HTTP, i.e. when typing a web address, enter “https://”;
On your mobile phone, disable the “Connect to Wi-Fi automatically” function. Do not allow the device to automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks without your consent.

Social networks are actively entering our lives, many people work and live there permanently, and a billion people are already registered on Facebook, which is one seventh of all the inhabitants of the planet. Many users do not understand that the information they post on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including those who may not have good intentions.

Limit your friends list. Your friends should not include random or unfamiliar people;
Protect your privacy. Do not include passwords, phone numbers, addresses, your date of birth or other personal information. Attackers can even use information about how you and your parents plan to spend the holidays;
Protect your reputation - keep it clean and ask yourself: would you like other users to see what you upload? Think before you post, write, or upload anything;
If you are talking to people you don’t know, do not use your real name and other personal information: name, place of residence, place of study, etc.;
Avoid posting photographs online that show you in a location that could indicate your location;
When registering on a social network, you must use complex passwords, consisting of letters and numbers and with at least 8 characters;
For social networks, mail and other sites, you must use different passwords. Then if you are hacked, the attackers will have access to only one place, and not all at once.

Electronic money

Electronic money- This is a very convenient method of payment, but there are scammers who want to get this money.

Electronic money appeared quite recently and it is precisely because of this that in many countries it is still not spelled out in laws. In Russia, they function and are already spelled out in the law, where they are divided into several types - anonymous and non-anonymous. The difference is that anonymous ones are those in which operations are allowed to be carried out without user identification, and in non-anonymous ones, user identification is mandatory.

You should also distinguish between electronic fiat money (equal to state currencies) and electronic non-fiat money (not equal to state currencies).

Basic tips for working safely with electronic money:

Link to account mobile phone. This is the most convenient and fastest way to restore access to your account. A linked phone will help if you forget your payment password or access the site from an unfamiliar device;
Use one-time passwords. After switching to enhanced authorization, you will no longer be in danger of theft or interception of your payment password;
Choose a complex password. Criminals will have a hard time guessing a complex password. Strong passwords are passwords that are at least 8 characters long and include lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and multiple symbols such as dollar sign, pound sign, Exclamation point and so on. For example, $tR0ng!;;
Don't enter your personal information on sites you don't trust.


Electronic mail is the technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages that are distributed across computer network. Typically, an email mailbox looks like this: user_name@domain_name. Also, in addition to transmitting simple text, it is possible to transfer files.

Basic tips for using email securely:

You need to choose the right mail service. On the Internet there is huge selection free email services, but it is better to trust those you know and who are first in the ranking;
Do not include personal information in your personal email. For example, it is better to select “music_fan@” or “rock2013” ​​instead of “topic13”;
Use two-step authentication. This is when, in addition to the password, you need to enter a code sent via SMS;
Choose a complex password. Each mailbox must have its own strong, hack-resistant password;
If you have the opportunity to write your own personal question, use this opportunity;
Use several mailboxes. The first is for private correspondence with recipients you trust. This email address do not need to be used when registering on forums and websites;
Do not open files or other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. It’s better to check with them whether they sent you these files;
After finishing work on postal service Before closing the tab with the site, do not forget to click on “Exit”.

Cyberbullying or virtual bullying

Cyberbullying- harassment by messages containing insults, aggression, intimidation; hooliganism; social boycotting using various Internet services.

Basic tips to combat cyberbullying:

Don't rush into battle. The best way: seek advice on how to behave and, if there is no one to whom you can turn, then calm down first. If you start responding to insults with insults, you will only inflame the conflict even more;
Manage your cyber reputation;
Anonymity on the Internet is imaginary. There are ways to find out who is behind an anonymous account;
You should not lead a hooligan virtual life. The Internet records all your actions and stores them. It will be extremely difficult to remove them;
Maintain your virtual honor from a young age;
Ignore the single negative. One-off offensive messages are best ignored. Usually aggression stops at the initial stage;
Ban the aggressor. In instant messaging programs and social networks, it is possible to block sending messages from certain addresses;
If you are a witness to cyberbullying. Your actions: speak out against the stalker, show him that his actions are assessed negatively, support the victim who needs psychological help, inform adults about the fact of aggressive behavior online.

Mobile phone

Modern smartphones and tablets contain quite adult functionality, and now they can compete with desktop computers. However, there are still very few protection measures for such devices. Testing and searching for vulnerabilities in them is not as intensive as for PCs, the same applies to mobile applications. Modern mobile browsers have almost caught up with their desktop counterparts, but expanding functionality entails greater complexity and less security. Not all manufacturers release updates that close critical vulnerabilities for their devices.

Basic tips for mobile phone security:

Nothing is truly free. Be careful, because when you are offered free content, there may be some paid services hidden in it;
Think before you send an SMS, photo or video. Do you know exactly where they will end up?
It is necessary to update the operating system of your smartphone;
Use antivirus programs for mobile phones;
Do not download applications from an unknown source, as they may contain malicious software;
After you leave the site where you entered personal information, go to your browser settings and delete cookies;
Periodically check which paid services are activated on your number;
Only give your mobile number to people you know and trust;
Bluetooth should be turned off when you are not using it. Don't forget to check this sometimes.

Online games

Modern Online Games are colorful, exciting entertainment that unites hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Players explore the world given to them, communicate with each other, complete tasks, fight monsters and gain experience. They pay for pleasure: they buy a disc, pay for a subscription or purchase some options.

All these funds go towards maintaining and developing the game, as well as security itself: authorization systems are being improved, new patches (digital patches for programs) are released, and server vulnerabilities are closed. In such games, you should be afraid not so much of your opponents as of the theft of your password, on which the authorization system of most games is based.

Basic tips for the security of your gaming account:

If another player behaves badly or causes trouble for you, block him from the list of players;
Complain to the game administrators about the bad behavior of this player, it is advisable to attach some evidence in the form of screenshots;
Do not provide personal information in your game profile;
Respect other participants in the game;
Do not install unofficial patches and mods;
Use complex and different passwords;
Even while playing, you should not disable your antivirus. While you are playing, your computer can be infected.

Phishing or identity theft

The usual theft of money and documents today will not surprise anyone, but with the development of Internet technologies, attackers have moved to the Internet and continue to do their “favorite” business. This is how a new threat emerged: Internet fraud or phishing, the main goal of which is to obtain confidential user data - logins and passwords. On English language phishing is read as phishing (from fishing - fishing, password - password).

Basic tips to combat phishing:

Keep an eye on your account. If you suspect that your profile has been hacked, then you need to block it and inform the resource administrators about it as soon as possible;
Use safe websites, including online stores and search engines;
Use complex and different passwords. Thus, if you are hacked, the attackers will have access to only one of your online profiles, and not all of them;
If you have been hacked, then you need to warn all your friends who are added as your friends that you have been hacked and, possibly, spam and links to phishing sites will be sent on your behalf;
Install strong password(PIN) to a mobile phone;
Disable password saving in the browser;
Do not open files or other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. It’s better to check with them whether they sent you these files.

Digital Reputation

Digital Reputation- this is negative or positive information about you on the Internet. Compromising information posted on the Internet can seriously affect your real life. “Digital reputation” is your image, which is formed from information about you on the Internet. Your place of residence, study, your financial situation, character traits and stories about loved ones - all this accumulates on the Internet.

Many teenagers are frivolous about publishing personal information on the Internet, not understanding the possible consequences. You won’t even be able to guess that a photo posted 5 years ago was the reason they refused to hire you.

An important problem today is security on the global network, and this problem concerns absolutely everyone, from children to pensioners. Due to the massive arrival of users on the Internet, this problem is becoming increasingly relevant.

Not all users are ready to face the threats that await them in the Internet space. This review will be devoted to the issue of Internet security. After all, millions of users are facing this problem today.

Dangers on the Internet

In short, there are two potential possibilities for a virus to get onto your computer. The first option is due to the user's fault. Very often, users, installing unverified software and traveling through dubious Internet resources, bring an infection to their computer. The second option is the activity of Trojans and viruses. Using these tools, attackers can deliberately make your device a source of danger.

As a result, the computer may start sending spam, stealing passwords, and participating in DDoS attacks on websites without the owner’s knowledge. In some cases, the provider decides to forcefully disconnect the infected device from the global network. Thus, a user who has no idea about information security on the Internet, it will be hard.

Why do attackers seek to gain access to a user's computer?

Many users believe that no one needs access to their computer. But this is far from true. It used to be that hackers created viruses out of pure curiosity. Today the situation is completely different. Now viruses are written with commercial gain in mind. A couple of decades ago, hackers received satisfaction only from the fact that they could gain access to this or that information. Or, for example, remotely change the wallpaper and theme on the user’s desktop. Today, every possible effort is being made to keep the PC user in the dark. Meanwhile, the device will secretly perform some additional functions. Why is this needed?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, hackers today are trying to gain access to user accounts and electronic payment systems. There are often situations when at one moment all funds are debited from your e-wallet, and all your contacts in the mail receive letters with spam and Trojans. Hackers today have a lot of options, for example, they can unite infected computers into a single network and launch an attack on government servers.

Another simple option to get money from the user is to block the operating system and demand a certain amount to unlock it. Moreover, even if you pay the required amount to the attackers, this does not mean that the computer will be immediately unlocked. Therefore, Internet security is one of the user’s priorities today.

How can attackers gain access to your computer?

Professional hackers use a number of methods to hack a personal computer. Users are in vain hoping for antivirus protection. Even if you have taken precautions in advance, there is still a chance of picking up a virus or malware. Therefore, before searching the Internet for information about maintaining security online, it is important to understand the very mechanism of viruses and Trojans appearing on a personal computer. The following will list the main ways they penetrate and gain access to the user’s personal information.

The first method used by hackers is called social engineering. Thanks to the use of tricks and psychological techniques, you open a letter sent by hackers containing a Trojan. It is noteworthy that you launch the virus on your computer with your own hands. Another popular technique is to offer free software. These are usually tricks containing many viruses and Trojans.

By the way, even in software from trusted sources, security holes often appear. The same applies to operating systems. Attackers seize every opportunity. Simply follow an unverified link and your device is at risk of infection.

Recently, another method of spreading a computer infection has gained popularity. This is the so-called phishing. Fakes of popular sites are created on the Internet. So instead official page your bank, you may end up with a fake copy of it. Let's not talk about what might happen next.

How to protect your PC?

Ideally, a user who has just purchased Personal Computer Before you start conquering the Internet, you must complete a whole range of operations. Below are some recommendations for safe work in the Internet. In the operating room Windows system There is a built-in firewall.

But standard remedy protection does not provide the required level of security. Therefore, it is recommended to install a more reliable firewall. Whether you will use the paid version or the free one depends only on your capabilities. The next step should be to install antivirus and antispyware software.

After installation, update them and configure them automatic update. It is better to make the antivirus update run automatically along with the operating system. Scan any installed program with an antivirus. When updates for the browsers you use appear online, try to download them immediately. To reduce the chances of hackers gaining access to various services, try to disable all unused components.

Information security lessons

Even if you have completed all the operations listed in the previous paragraph, do not forget about daily safety measures. First of all, do not open files downloaded from unverified sources. It is also better to immediately delete emails with suspicious content. Do not pay attention to offers of easy money, and especially do not send your logins and passwords to anyone. When registering, use complex passwords consisting of symbols, letters and numbers. Assign a new original password each time.

Be careful when using the Internet in public areas. The same goes for using a proxy server. With this connection, it is advisable not to make payments via the Internet. It is generally better to work with payment systems through special applications, and not through the official website. It's safer this way. Sites for adults are also undesirable to visit. On such Internet resources there is a high probability of catching a Trojan. Even if you use unlimited tariff, monitor Internet traffic. A sudden increase in traffic for no reason is a serious cause for concern. Following these simple rules for working on the Internet will allow you to avoid many problems.

That's not all. There are a lot of dangers waiting for you on the Internet, so you shouldn’t forget about protection even for a second.

Precautionary measures

Next, we will give a few more recommendations to ensure safe browsing on the Internet. If you receive an email asking you to send your password for verification, do not respond to it. Banks do not carry out such checks. Today, all email programs have a feature that allows you to filter spam.

Activate it. You should also ignore messages about big wins or inheritances.
It is recommended to install programs that provide comprehensive PC protection. This is more reliable than using antivirus, antispyware and firewall from different manufacturers. And of course, it is worth considering that paid versions provide more reliable protection. Since the most common Internet browsers today are InternetExplorer and Opera, it is for them that there are the most viruses.

Try alternatives internet browsers, such as GoogleChrome, MozillaFireFox and AppleSafari. Try not to use unlicensed software: it may initially contain viruses and spyware. If you often make purchases in online stores, try to use only proven options. The same rule applies to all online services. It is enough to follow these few simple requirements, and you can ensure your safety on the Internet.

Internet and children

In recent years there has been a big leap in the development of high technology. In this regard, more and more children are able to independently access the Internet. And if quite recently children on the Internet were mainly interested only in games, today the situation has changed somewhat. Surely you can guess what we are talking about.

Therefore, there is a need to ensure the safety of children on the Internet. It is extremely difficult to organize such protection, since the Internet is developing completely uncontrollably. It contains a lot of information that children should not have access to. You should also pay attention to the basic rules when working on the Internet. This way you can teach your child to avoid Trojans and viruses. Children are the most inexperienced users. They can easily fall for scammers. Therefore, it is very important to teach children to use this information resource correctly.

Teaching children how to use the Internet correctly

The main advice that can be given to all parents is to conduct at least the first sessions on the Internet with their child. It is advisable to use programs such as " Parental control" This will allow you to control the child’s actions. Limit your child's independent use of email programs. This can be extremely dangerous.


Try to organize your child’s work on the Internet in such a way that he shares his successes and failures with you. Encourage your child to tell you about anything that makes him worry. Also, take some time and tell your child what confidentiality is, help him choose a password for registering on information resources. Explain to your child that surfing the Internet safely will help him avoid trouble.

Let him understand that you don’t need to give personal information about yourself to anyone on the Internet. Also tell him that there is no difference between actions on the Internet and in real life. Warn your child in advance that communication on the Internet may deceive his expectations, that in real life a person may not be at all who he claims to be. Be sure to install special software that allows you to control your children’s activities on the Internet.

Children from 14 to 16 years old

If your child is already in adolescence, then you are unlikely to be able to tell him anything new about computers. But still, don’t forget about control. Remember the need to ensure information security. If the child has access to shared computer, then be sure to scan your computer for threats.

If all home devices are connected via a network, then the threat can develop into a serious problem. You can always view your child's activity reports. Try not to create conflict situations, but calmly communicate with your child on this issue. Let your child understand that there are certain rules for using the Internet.

It is better to install a computer with network access in public areas. This will help hold the baby back a little. Also install software that will block your child’s access to unwanted Internet sites and make sure that no new programs appear on your computer. Do not allow children to spend long periods of time online, as this can cause addiction. That's all the recommendations. We hope that these tips will allow you to increase the security level of your home computer.