Disable Administrator in Windows 10. Using Computer Management Tool

An administrator account in any Microsoft operating system is of great importance. With its help, you can configure almost all functions of the system, customize it for yourself and install programs that the operating system would not normally allow.

In the new Windows 10 operating system, the capabilities of administrator rights have changed slightly when compared with previous versions:

  • Administrator rights must be granted separately for each program.
  • OS settings are processed by the User Account Control service.
  • Some functions are still ultimately unavailable to ordinary administrators.

In fact, the administrator account, as we are used to seeing it, is nothing more than a moderator’s profile. The true administrator is hidden deep inside the system and deactivated. His account has all the powers that we are used to using under the admin account, and even more. It is because of this that it is turned off by default, since in the hands of an inexperienced and careless user it is a terrible weapon against operating system and the computer itself.

account activation

And in order to take advantage of the unlimited possibilities Windows management 10, you will need to activate it first. To do this, you can turn to several methods in turn, depending on their convenience and performance in each individual assembly.

Via command line

The simplest and most convenient method is to open and write a couple of lines of code. This will be enough for the account to be activated.

So, you can easily open the Command Prompt - go to Search and enter the three-letter command - cmd. After this, you need to click on the result that appears right click your mouse and select the item that specifies running with admin rights.

By the way, you can open the command line without searching. Simply right-click on the Start icon and select the appropriate section.

A new window with a black background will open - standard Command Prompt. It must be opened with admin rights.

You need to enter the following command into it:

netuser *** /active:yes

In place of the asterisks you will need to substitute the word “administrator” or “administrator”, depending on the language of the operating system itself. And then just press Enter.

After completing these steps, the list where your account is located will be available. New user with a “speaking” name. His profile contains all those limitless possibilities for managing the system, which we tried to obtain. You can go to new entry and use it.

Account deactivation

After all necessary actions have been completed, the profile must be disabled. Otherwise, a large gap will form in the computer’s protection, through which a virus can get through.

To deactivate an entry, simply enter the same command into the Command Prompt, only after a colon instead of the word yes register no.

Via Local Users and Groups

The following method can be implemented by opening the “Run” window (using the usual Win + R key combination) and entering the command lusrmgr.msc into it.

A new window called “Local Users and Groups” will open. Here we need the “Users” folder, which should be in a separate left column. When you open this folder, a list will appear in the main work field, in which there will be an entry “Administrator”.

You should double-click on this line. A new window called “Properties” will open. And on the very first “General” tab, the user will only need to do one action - uncheck the “Deactivate account” box. And after saving the changes, it will become available for use.

Important! Never leave administrator rights enabled in Windows 10 for long periods of time. As soon as you have done everything necessary, immediately turn it off. Otherwise it could turn out very sad.

Account deactivation

Registering an Administrator using this method disabling is easy and simple - you need to do all the same steps, only now check the box indicated and save the next changes.

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Those users who have already dealt with Windows 10 probably know that during the installation of the operating system, it will prompt you to create user account. But not everyone knows that the privileges of this account are limited. Most of the opportunities that you would need, you are not able to implement. This is exactly what we will talk about today. I'll tell you how to get administrator rights in Windows 10 and why you need to do it.

In fact, such an account can only be created in hidden mode, there is no access to it by default. This was done in order to secure the operating system so that no one could change its basic settings. Today we will examine this topic too.

I’ll say right away that getting full access to the operating room settings Windows systems 10 is only worth it when there is no other way to solve the problem with Windows. After you complete all the procedures in administrator mode, I recommend disabling it immediately so as not to accidentally bring trouble to your computer. The fact is that with administrator rights, your operating system becomes vulnerable to hackers and viruses.

There are quite a few ways to get administrator rights in Windows 10. Today I will tell you about the main four that you can definitely do.

Administrator rights via command line

The easiest and fastest way to get an administrator account is through the command line.

Press the key combination “Win+R” and enter “cmd” in the “Run” field. It will open command line, in which you will need to enter the following:

After this, press “Enter”.

You may see a message after this, the content of which will be something like “name not found”. This means that the administrator account has been renamed. In order to find out the current name for administrator rights, you must enter the following command:

After entering this command, you will see full list all available usernames. In it you need to find the name of the hidden administrator. After you have found out the exact name, repeat entering the first command, only instead of “administrator”, enter the correct value. This entry will not have a password, but my personal advice to you is to set it. To do this, enter the following command:

You will be required to provide the password twice. I advise you to specify a more complex password and save it in separate file in a safe place.

This method of obtaining administrator rights in Windows 10 is universal. In any version of ten you can do the same. All other methods that I will tell you about will be feasible only in the “Pro” and “Corporate” versions.

Using Local Users and Groups

In order to run this utility, you need to press the combination “Win+r” and enter: msc in the text input field.

On the left you will see two folders, you need “Users”, also known as “Users”. Once you open this folder, a list will appear on the right side of the window. This is a list of all users that are on the system. Select the administrator and open its properties. It can be done double click or by opening the context menu.

In the settings that open, you will need to uncheck the box next to “Account is disabled (disable account).” You don’t need to change anything else. All that remains is to save the settings and restart the computer.

Using Group Policy Editing

You can get administrator rights in this way using the "gpedit" utility. This tool is very convenient. Perhaps, if you have a lot of questions about its operation, I will write a separate article about this utility.

You need to start the editor again with the command “Win+r” and enter “gpedit”. Here you need to find the “Computer Configuration” section. Afterwards you will see two folders, you need " Windows Settings” or “Windows Setting”. Now find the “Local Options” or “Local Policies” folder and open the “Security Option” subfolder.

On the right side of the window, you need to go to the properties “Administrator account status” or “Account: Administrator account status”. This property must be turned off by checking “Off” or “Disabled”.

Reboot the computer for the settings to take effect.

Activating an administrator account through the registry

In order to edit the registry, you need to press the familiar key combination “Win+r” and enter the command “regedit”. Next, in the dialog box you need to enter the following path:


After this, you need to check the parameters, which I will give below. You need to change everything as it will be in my example. If the parameter does not exist, then you will need to create it:

  • "FilterAdministratorToken”=dword:00000001
  • "EnableLUA”=dword:00000001
  • "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin”=dword:00000000

Via resuscitator or Live USB/CD

And another way through a resuscitator, see the video:

Actually, that's all. I hope that at least one of the methods will be useful to you, and you will be able to get administrator rights on Windows 10. As you probably noticed, any of the methods does not cause any difficulties. But, do not forget that after all the procedures performed under the administrator account, you should return the old account so as not to run into viruses that can do anything on the computer! Thank you for being with us.

As you know, when Windows installation 10, the system asks you to create a user account and grants this account local administrator rights. However, during the installation process another one is created hidden account administrator, which is disabled for security reasons. In this article we will talk about embedded recording Windows administrator 10, what is it for, how to turn it on and block it.

Back in Windows XP, the administrator account was hidden from the login screen, and starting with Windows Vista and up to Windows 10 inclusive, it is also blocked. The built-in administrator account has full, non- limited rights on a computer, this account is not subject to UAC (User Account Control), and all programs are executed without a UAC request (this is its main difference from user accounts with administrator rights).

Important. You need to enable the “Administrator” account only if absolutely necessary to perform a specific task or troubleshoot. It is not recommended to keep this account active all the time, much less constantly work from under it.

We'll look at several ways to enable the built-in administrator account in Windows 10.

Advice. By default, the Administrator password is not specified (empty).

Command line

The fastest and easiest way to enable the administrator account is from an elevated command prompt.

To do this, run the command:

net user administrator /active:yes

Advice. If the command returns that the name was not found, your administrator account has probably been renamed. You can display a list of all accounts with the command:

In our case (Russian version of Windows 10), the account is called “Administrator”. We activate it with the command:

By default, there is no password specified for this account (empty password), so we strongly recommend changing it to something quite complex. The password is set by the command (the password will need to be specified twice).

net user Administrator *

Note. The considered method of activating the built-in administrator from the command line will work in all Windows versions 10. While the methods discussed below are not applicable to home editions of Win 10, which do not have the Computer Management and Local politics security

Local Users and Group snap-in

Open the Local Users and Groups MMC snap-in by typing in the search bar or command line lusrmgr.msc. In the console window, expand the section Users. Find and double-click on the account named Administrator and uncheck the checkbox Account is Disabled(Account is disabled). Save your changes.

The administrator account is now enabled. In the same console, you can change its password by selecting context menu Set Password.

Local Policy Editor

Open (or local security policy editor - secpol.msc). Go to section Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options. Find and edit the policy Accounts: Administrator account status(Accounts. State of the 'Administrator' account), changing it to the state Enable.

After enabling the administrator account using any of the above methods, it will be available on the login screen.

The administrator is disabled in the reverse order. The easiest way to do this is from the command line:

net user administrator /active:no

With the release of the new Windows 10 operating system, the developers added new account management functions and divided them into two types. The first type of accounts is online, that is, Outlook accounts are used to log in. The second type of accounts is local. This type of account is well known to everyone since the days of Windows XP. It was this confusion with the type of accounts that caused many problems when changing administrators. In this material we will describe the process in detail administrator changes, both for online accounts and for local ones.

Changing the local administrator account

To change local administrator in Windows 10, you first need to create a new one to then delete the old one. So let's go to Control Panel. You can find it in the top ten by clicking on the menu icon “ Start» and select the item we need in the context menu that appears.

In the launched Panel, go to the accounts section and select the “” link there.

In the window that appears, you will see the old administrator account, in our case this is the name “ User" At the bottom of this window there is add new user button, by clicking on which we will go to the OS settings section.

In this section you can add a new admin and remove the old one. To add it, click the " Add a user for this computer" This action will take us to the New User Creation Wizard.

As we create local admin, so let's skip the input point Email by clicking on the link " I don't have this person's login information" This action will take us to the window for creating an online account for Microsoft.

To skip the account creation process, click on the lowest link in the wizard window, which will take us to the local user creation window.

As an example, let's write the name " New Admin"and continue the work of the master. After these steps, a new local account will be created.

Now let's go to our users and select the name " New Admin».

In the next window we need to select the “”. This is necessary in order to change our account type from regular to administrator.

Having made our user an admin, we can now proceed directly deleting old user. Now it is necessary change users. Therefore, let’s log in as an administrator whose name is “ New Admin" into the system and go to the list of our admins by selecting " User" Now to remove the old user, select the “”.

After selecting this item, the system will offer us to delete all user data or save it. So be careful if there is important information, then save it.

We select one of the options in which we can delete or save files. After confirmation, the old admin will be permanently erased from the system.

From the example it is clear that creating a new and deleting an old admin is not at all difficult, although you will have to tinker a little.

Changing the online administrator account

To change Microsoft account, who in our case acts as an administrator, let's go to the same wizard discussed in the previous example.

In the wizard, enter your Outlook account email and click Next. These steps will complete the wizard, and the online account will be added as a new account. Now let's go to our online account and change its type, as in the previous example, to administrator.

After changing the account type, we need change user in the system. This is necessary in order to remove the old account. The further procedure is the same as in the previous example. Therefore, feel free to go to the Control Panel and disable the old account.

The example shows that you can change an online user even faster than a local one.

I would also like to make a note to our readers if you use online new account Microsoft in Windows 10, then you will significantly expand the capabilities of this operating system.

Create a local user in Windows 10 using the console

First thing let's launch the console on behalf of the administrator. This can be done by entering Windows search 10 by entering the phrase “ CMD" Now right-click on the found result and select “ Run as administrator».

Now run the command to create a new user whose name is " New_Admin_2” shown in the image below.

To change a regular user to an admin for a newly created account " New_Admin_2", run this command.

Left last action - removing old admin. In our case, the name of this admin is “ Old_Admin" To do this, let's go under " New_Admin_2» into the system and open the console as administrator. In the console, run the command shown in the image below.

After this, the account will be disabled.

The example shows that in Windows 10, using the command line, you can quite quickly both create and delete a local admin.

Let's sum it up

In most cases, changing the user is required for the correct functioning of some programs. For example, you need to run a program that there is a link to a specific user and when running this program under a different name, an error occurs.

This error occurs because the program is trying to access user files from his folder, But the path to the directory does not match the one included in the utility, since the name is different. This is one of many cases when you need to change the admin.

In our material, we looked at all the ways to change the administrator in Windows 10. Therefore, we hope that our article will help our readers complete this task.

Video - how to remove the administrator account in Windows 10

In Windows 10, as in its predecessors, there is a built-in administrator account with unlimited rights hidden from the eyes of users. By default, it is not active, and not all users will realize the existence of such an account on their computer.

Today we will analyze in what cases this profile can be useful to the average user, and by what means it can be activated in different situations. We will also consider the process of reverse deactivation of an integrated account with administrator rights.

Please note that this account is not suitable for everyday computer work, and for these purposes it is better to create a regular account with the appropriate privileges.

Activation in the classic way

The classic way to activate an entry is to log into Windows 10 from an account with administrator rights or a limited account with extended privileges. In this case, following the instructions below will be simple and quick.

1. Call the command line with system administrator privileges (right-click on Start and select the appropriate option from the list).

2. Execute the command:

Net user Administrator /active:yes

In many English-language builds of Windows 10, “Administrator” should be written in English letters if in the first case the execution of the command was accompanied by an error.

3. Everything is ready, the window can be closed.

4. To visit a new account, you must log out or click on the user icon and select a new account. By default, no password is specified for it.

5. To end the current session, call the command to end work or log out of the system and click on the “Exit” sign.

If a situation arises where it is impossible to follow these instructions, see the end of the article.

Activation via Group Policy Editor

Due to the lack of a tool in the home edition of Ten, this method is not suitable for it:

  1. Press Win+R and execute “gpedit.msc” in the window that appears;
  2. Expand the “PC Configuration” branch;
  3. Go to the “Windows Configuration” subsection;
  4. In Security Settings, expand “Group Policy Editor”;
  5. In the “Security Settings” directory, double-click on the “Accounts” option. Administrator account status";
  6. Select its status as “Enabled” and apply the new settings.

How to hide (perform deactivation)

In principle, there is no point in considering visual ways to disable an account, because everything can be done by executing one console command.

As before, call the command line as administrator and execute, with the argument “/active:no”, which is written after the space:

Net user Administrator /active:no

If the action for the English version is accompanied by an error, enter the account name in English.

Everything would be fine, but with the vastness of the global network filled with pirated Windows builds 10 (they become the main source of the distribution kit for installing the operating system), in which the hidden administrator account is activated, some problems appeared.

For example, built-in Edge browser It is impossible to run under an integrated profile with administrator privileges. When you try to launch it, you are prompted to log in with a different account and try to launch the application again.

Before you deactivate your profile and create a new account, pay attention to important data that may be stored in documents, on your desktop, and in your downloads folder. It is best to copy this information to a separate directory to avoid loss or problems copying from a secure folder with integrated account data with administrative privileges.

In general, the way to solve the problem with deactivating the built-in profile in the top ten will be as follows:

  1. Add a new account to your computer (via Settings, Command Prompt, or Control Panel) and grant it extended privileges. If necessary, set a password to protect your account;
  2. Exit the current profile by first ending all active applications;
  3. Login to Windows environment 10 under the name of the newly created account (user);
  4. We enter the command line with extended privileges (right click on Start and select the appropriate command);
  5. Execute the command - net user Administrator /active:no.

The consequence of successful execution of the command will be the deactivation of an account integrated into the Top Ten with administrative privileges. Instead, you will have a regular profile with the same rights.

We activate without logging into the Windows 10 environment

Sometimes, to fix minor problems with Windows 10, you need to log in as the built-in administrator user, but activating the account is not always possible because a problem prevents you from logging in. This is such a vicious circle. Or you forgot the password for your account or for some reason it doesn’t work.

If it is impossible to log into Windows 10 for the above and other reasons, do the following:

  1. On the authorization screen, click on the power icon, hold down the Shift key and call the command to restart the computer;
  2. After starting the environment to restore the system, go to the “Troubleshooting/Troubleshooting” section;
  3. From additional parameters select launch command line. To launch it, you must specify the account password, if one is installed. Naturally, this method will work if you know the password;
  4. Next, run the command - net user Administrator / active: yes, as we did in the previous solution to the problem;
  5. We close the command line;
  6. Click on the “Continue” icon. Let's go out and use Windows 10."

And the second way to enable the built-in administrator without logging into Windows 10, for example, in the case when the password for some reason does not work or has been forgotten. The same command line through which you enabled the hidden account with administrator privileges will help here.