Open Skype find my page. What to do if you can't log into Skype

When you try to log into your account Skype recording There may be an issue of incorrect username or password. There are many reasons that can lead to this issue, and it could be anything from entering the wrong username and/or password to being hacked or account locked out. In such cases in the best possible way To regain access to your account is to reset your password. Below are detailed instructions that will help you recover your Skype account in just a couple of minutes.

Follow the steps below to log into your Skype account:

  1. Go to the Skype login page and click on the link “Can’t sign in?” (as in the picture below). After this, a new window will open. Or go to

  2. In the next window you will need to enter your Skype ID ( email, login or phone number). Click Continue once you have entered your Skype ID.

  3. In the window that appears, click on the “Reset password” button.

  4. You will be redirected to next page, where you will be asked to select any of the options to continue the process: I don’t remember my password; I know my password, but I can't log in; I think someone else is using my Microsoft account. Select the appropriate option and click “Next”.

  5. Then enter the user ID (if it is not displayed) and the captcha shown in the field. When everything is ready, click “Next” to continue.

  6. In the next window, you will need to choose one of three options to receive a security code: a letter to your email; SMS message to your phone number ********76; and the option “I don’t have this data.” If you have chosen an email or phone number, click “Send code” and the security code will be sent to your phone or email. You will need to paste this same code in the new window that appears.

  7. In this new window that appears, enter security code and click “Next” to continue.

  8. You will be redirected to the password reset page. On this page you will need to come up with New Password and click “Next” to access your account.

Note! When choosing the third option, “I don’t have this data”(Step 4), you will be redirected to another page asking you to provide an alternate ID to receive the code. Paste the received code into the required field and confirm it. A special form will appear that you will need to fill out and submit. Having Skype confirm that you are the true owner of your account sounds a little strange, but it's all for security purposes. Since Skype does not know who exactly is trying to log in, the real owner or an impostor. You will be allowed access to your Skype account.

For any other questions or queries that are related to your Skype account, do not hesitate to contact Skype Support for assistance.

What to do if you don’t remember anything at all?

How to recover your Skype account if you forgot your password, username, phone number and email address

To log into your Skype profile if you don’t remember anything at all, neither your login password, nor your email or telephone number, in this case, you need to recover lost Skype credentials. To do this, go to the address below:

How to recover a suspended Skype account

Skype has a Usage Policy (FUP) that must be followed and Skype has full rights to suspend an account. In fact, someone uses wrong password after a certain time, then the application will temporarily block the account. This concerns security reasons. Skype protects your account from any unauthorized access. Also, if you have not logged into your account for a long time (1, 2 or 5 years), it may become inactive. To recover a suspended Skype account, follow the three-step instructions below.

Find out detailed instructions on how to register for Skype on a laptop from the new article -

Once you have completed restoring your Skype profile, you should follow the Skype Usage Policy (FUP) to avoid any problems in the future.

Important! To recover your Skype account, you can also use Skype customer support by phone.

Video - How to recover your Skype username and password

In this lesson I will tell you how to quickly launch Skype on your computer. We will learn how to open Skype without the program and talk about how to restore its functionality.

How to quickly launch Skype

First I'll tell you about it in a simple way launch. This is just for those who don’t have the time or desire to understand.

If everything is entered correctly, a full-fledged Skype will open. Here you can correspond, call, send video messages. This will happen through your account - just like in a regular program. Those you communicate with will not feel the difference.

How to restore the program

I just showed you how to log into Skype if it doesn’t open on your computer. In principle, you can stop there, but many people still find it more convenient to use a regular program. Therefore, next I will show how to restore its operation.

Logging in through the browser is more suitable for temporary use - when you urgently need to open the program, and there is no time to figure out what's what.

Windows 7, 8, 10

Most often, Skype does not open due to the fact that the version of the program on the computer is outdated. This can be solved by updating it.

1 . Open the official website

2. Click “Download Skype” and wait for the file to download.

For Windows 8 and 10, installation occurs through the Application Store (Microsoft Store).

3. Open the resulting file. It is usually located in your Downloads folder.

4 . Install the program.

When finished, a shortcut will appear on the Desktop and Start.

Windows XP

On a computer running Windows XP skype program doesn't work at all. It cannot be installed or updated. This is due to the fact that XP is an outdated system and is not supported by developers.

The only option is to use the web version. That is, open Skype in a browser, as I showed in .

But even in this case, the program may not start. Then you need to make a special shortcut and open the application only through it. The method works if you have Google Chrome or Opera.

1 . Click right click mouse on the Desktop → Create → Shortcut.

2. Paste the following text if you have Google Chrome:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" https

Or this text if you have Opera:

"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" https://web

A new icon will appear on your desktop. This is where you need to open the program. Just close the browser window before starting.

If it doesn't open after the update

If you've updated Skype and it still won't launch, the first thing to do is restart your computer. Did not help? Then follow further instructions until the program works.

These instructions will help restore the operation of the computer version if it does not open at all - it freezes, crashes. If your problems are related to something else, look for an answer.

Solution 1: Delete the folder

1 . We close the program. To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select “Task Manager”.

In the “Processes” tab, find Skype in the list and remove the task (end the process).

If there is no such process, close the window and proceed to the next step.

2. Press the key Windows keyboards() and, without releasing it, press the key with the letter R. A window will open, where we paste %appdata% and click “OK”.

3. We delete the Skype folder and try to launch the application.

On a note . All your contacts and messages will remain as they are stored on Microsoft servers. So don't worry - nothing will be deleted!

Solution 2: Uninstall the program

This way you will completely remove the program from your computer. Now we clean the registry in CCleaner: Registry → Search for problems → Fix selected. Backup Before this, it is advisable to create.

After that, delete the folder (see) and reinstall Skype (see).

All your contacts and messages are not erased when you uninstall the program, since they are stored on the Internet - on Microsoft servers.

Solution 3: Reset Internet Explorer settings

Skype is connected to the browser Internet Explorer. And sometimes it starts to glitch precisely because of him. The solution is to reset your browser settings.

  • Windows 7: Start → Control Panel → set “Large icons” at the top right → Internet Options → Advanced → Reset.
  • Windows 10: right click on Start → Settings → type in the search bar Browser properties→ Advanced → Reset.

Solution 4: Disabling Antivirus and Firewall

Try disabling your antivirus and running the application. If it opens, it means that the antivirus is blocking its operation. To fix this, add Skype to the exceptions.

The same goes for the firewall: turn it off and try to start the program. If it works, then you need to add it to the exceptions.

How to disable the firewall:

  • Windows 7: Start → Control Panel → put “Large icons” in the top right → Windows Firewall→ Turn Windows Firewall on or off (left) → disable both.
  • Windows 10: Right-click on Start → Settings → Network and Internet → Windows Firewall → turn off in “Domain Network” and “Private Network”.

Solution 5: Modifying the shortcut

This is a temporary fix. It does not solve the problem, but simply helps to launch the program one-time.

1 . We close the application (see).

2. Place the shortcut on the Desktop: Start → Programs → right-click on Skype → or .

3. Right-click on the shortcut that appears and select “Properties”.

4 . In the “Object” field on the “Shortcut” tab, add a space and the text /legacylogin at the end of the line and click OK.

Now the program can be opened on your computer, but only through this shortcut.

Other reasons why Skype may not work:

  • Viruses
  • Unstable Internet
  • DirectX version below 9.0
  • Processor up to 1 GHz, RAM up to 512 MB
  • Problematic version of the program

For example, a couple of years ago a new version Applications refused to work on some laptops. Over time, the developers solved the problem, but this happened only after several months.

Other startup problems

The icon on the desktop has disappeared.

Start → Programs → Skype → right-click on the icon → Pin to home screen or Send → Desktop - create shortcut.

The program no longer starts automatically when the computer is turned on.

  1. Open the application.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper left corner of the program (where your username is) and select “Settings”.
  3. General → Launch Skype automatically.

How to get an answer to your question from an official representative.

Skype occupies a leading position among instant messengers, which is confirmed by millions of downloads of the program from the Application Store. The application is used by housewives, businessmen, travelers and simply lovers of communication. In Skype, you can send free messages to friends located almost anywhere in the world, and make audio or video calls.

Registration in messenger doesn't take much time. It requires a number mobile phone or email address. Many users are interested in how to log into Skype, my page has already been created.

If the application is launched for the first time, a window will appear asking you to set audio and video settings, as well as an avatar. You can skip this step if you click on the cross in the upper corner.

There is another way login to skype account, which requires data from Microsoft account. He registers on If an account has been created on it, then you should enter the login and password for it in the Skype launch window. Then you should click the “Next” button and wait until it loads Personal Area messenger. In some cases, you may additionally need to enter your first and last name in the appropriate lines. They will be displayed in your account and visible to other contacts.

The developers have provided the ability to log into Skype through an account on the popular social network Facebook. To do this, click on the messenger icon to open the program window. Next, in the lower corner you need to click the “Log in with Facebook” command.
In the window that appears, you must enter the login and password for the page in social network and click “Login”.
The next step is an action that suggests “Continue as ... (Facebook name).” After this, the user will see a window where the conditions for using the application are stated. To continue working, you must agree with them. At the next stage, the user will be asked to invite his friends from the social network to the messenger.

Many users are interested in how to recover Skype using username and password automatically? That is, “reanimate” the information required to log into the system. Usually there is no need to enter authorization data every time you start, but sometimes some kind of failure occurs and it is simply impossible to log in. This can also happen if the user has several accounts and cannot remember the login. What to do in such situations? See detailed instructions below.

Restoring Skype by login using email

If you have previously entered your email address, then solving the problem of forgotten information is quite easy. For this:

  • next to the password and login fields, click “I can’t log into Skype”;
  • Enter your email in the pop-up window;
  • A link and activation special code will be sent to the marked address. Go to the specified address and enter the code in the field. Don't forget that it is only valid for three hours;
  • write new login information.

How to recover Skype using username and password automatically via phone number

If you decide to restore your account by number, you should follow the same steps as described above, but enter your phone number in the field instead of email. There is only one condition - it had to be linked to Skype in advance. You will be sent an SMS; you must read it carefully and follow the instructions described there.

This option is quite simple, everything will be restored automatically.

Contacting a special support service

When traditional options are not suitable, you can try writing to the resource administrators. There is no need to pay for this. By the way, this option is suitable if you did not enter an email and did not link a number. You need:

  • go to the service website;
  • tap on the “Login” button;
  • In the menu that opens, click “My Account”;
  • follow the link “Can’t log into Skype?”;

  • click on the support request to restore Skype;
  • check what you filled out, find the link to the request page and follow it;
  • A page with different problems will appear. Look for the help article selection section there, select your account and login information;
  • a field will open to select a related problem, here click on the question about resetting and recovering your password;
  • tap “Next”;
  • After which you can ask a question on the program forum or receive an answer by email. You need the second option;

  • fill out the form and click “Submit”.

The answer usually comes within 24 hours.

The program is not on the computer

Interestingly, recovering deleted Skype is easier than recovering a login and password that you can’t remember. First, it is better to check whether the application was actually deleted. To do this, go to:

Start/Control Panel/Programs/Uninstall Programs

If Skype is not found, you will need to restore it. It is better to download the latest version on the official website:

  • click “Download”;
  • choose the type of your device (for PCs and laptops you need the first tab);
  • tap “Upload” or “Download”;
  • wait for the download to complete, do double click according to the installation file;
  • launch the program, enter your password and login to gain access to your account.

If you didn’t uninstall the software, but just the shortcut disappeared somewhere, you can reinstall it in the Start menu. This is done like this:

  • go to “Start”;
  • write “Skype” in the search line;
  • look for the blue application logo and right-click on it;
  • select pinning from the menu.

If you have completed everything, but Skype does not function, it is better to uninstall it and reinstall the latest version.

This is how you can easily and quickly restore Skype using your username and password automatically. This procedure will take very little time. We hope you find this article useful.

Are you ready to start communicating with Skype programs? “Skype: logging into my page” - instructions that detail how you can log into your account different ways, and which one is the most convenient is up to you to decide.

You can log into “My Account” on Skype completely free of charge; you need to remember this so as not to fall for scammers.

Online version

How to log into Skype on your page? Let's start with online versions applications.

  • To start using the program and logging into it, it is not at all necessary to download it from the Internet. Just go to
  • In the special window, enter your username and then your password.

  • After authorization, click “Get Started”
  • If you have already used Skype, you will see a very familiar interface. All your contacts will be reflected here, so you can start communicating easily
  • In fact, login to your account Skype recording from a laptop or computer this way is very convenient. You're not attached to specific device and you can stay in touch at home, visiting or at work by opening your page.

If logging into your Skype page in this way for some reason seems inconvenient to you, we suggest downloading and installing the desktop version of the application on your device - a program designed for the desktop.

Desktop version

A huge number of users log into their Skype account from a computer on which the program has been downloaded and installed. There are many versions of the application for completely different operating systems, so you can easily sign in to Skype, regardless of whether you have Windows, Linux or Mac. Download the version for the one you need operating system you can directly on our website.

Once the download is complete, extract installation file to the directory you need, create a shortcut on your desktop (by the way, read more about the installation process in our article -) and you can decide how to log into Skype on the page.

Why decide? Logging into Skype on “My Page” is carried out in several ways:

  • Normal way
  • Through the social network Facebook

But let's look at how to correctly log into your Skype account in order.

Normal way

In principle, there is nothing complicated here. In order to log into Skype on “My Page”, enter the login and password with which you registered in the special windows.

If you don’t have your own account in the system yet, it’s easy to fix:

    • Open the profile creation page on the official website or click the “Create account” button in the program. The button is located under the login window

    • The first thing the system will ask you to do is to indicate the data that will be used as a login.
    • This can be a valid phone number or an email Mailbox(again, acting is important)
    • Select the option that is convenient for you and click “Next”
    • Now you need to come up with a password. Keep in mind that the ode must consist of at least eight characters. The password can use numbers, symbols and English letters, you can turn on the “Caps Lock” key

    • After you have come up with a “Password”, click “Next” again.
    • Now the system will prompt you to register a name under which you will be displayed to other Skype users. By default this is the first and last name. Of course, you can provide incorrect information, but this will not make it any easier for your friends to find your account.

    • Well, in conclusion, you will have to enter the individual code that was sent to your phone number or email address, which you specified as your login. That is why both e-mail and phone number must be valid.

    • By the way, you can find out more about the process of creating an account in our article.

    • Now you are registered and can log into the program using your phone number or email address.

Via Facebook

How to log into Skype and your account using your Facebook account? There is nothing complicated here either:

  • After you click on this link, a window will open in which you will be asked to log in using your username and password from the social network

  • Click "Login". This way you will confirm that your social network account and your video messenger account are now synchronized

  • If you have both a Skype account or your own page and a Facebook account, and you want to combine them, click “I already have an account” on the login page. A pop-up window will open where you will need to select “Merge”

Through a Microsoft account

If you have recently registered on Skype, then you already have a Microsoft account - it is under this account that you log in to the system (more on this in our other article).

  • Enter your Skype login, email or phone number
  • Then - password
  • Now click the “Login” button

As you can see, the process is familiar to you.

If you still don’t have an account, you can, as described in the instructions just above. If you already have a Skype account, you can combine it with your Microsoft account and log in to your page:

  • Go to

  • Enter your Skype username and password to enter the page

  • If the records are not merged automatically, you will receive a notification that you need to do so
  • Click "Next"
  • The system will prompt you to add an email address
  • Do this and click “Next” again
  • All that remains is to confirm your e-mail, your Skype account will also become a Microsoft account, this will be your page

Can't login to the page

  • Poor internet connection
  • The device itself slows down (for example, many browser tabs are open at the same time)
  • Problems in the application itself (overloaded servers, etc.)
  • The program is installed incorrectly
  • Messenger requires updating to the latest version
  • The computer or laptop has been attacked by a virus and login is impossible

Visit your page and chat! Write your questions in the comments!