Difference between mitsubishi heavy and electric. Mitsubishi air conditioners - an overview of what types there are, what is the difference within one brand (heavy and electric)

All types of Mitsubishi air conditioners are divided into two groups: Electric and Heavy. Both the first and second representatives of this brand have semi- and industrial, household series different types. Both types work reliably in any conditions from +40º to -15º, are well assembled and equipped with convenient additional functions.

And what is the difference between a Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner and an electric one, which models are popular and why - you will learn from our article.

Mitsubishi electric air conditioners (official website - mitsubishielectric.ru): features and types

Air conditioner Mitsubishi electric msz hj25va

Let's take a closer look at Mitsubishi Electric products.

Split system

This type of mitsubishi air conditioners (website - mitsubishi-rossiya.rf), like split systems, has several varieties:

  1. Wall-mounted (the mitsubishi electric msz hj25va air conditioner is popular).
  2. Duct.
  3. Cassette.
  4. Inverter.

As well as mobile and other models consisting of a pair of blocks - internal and external. All these models are suitable for both residential premises and public places. Some models are also used in production.

Wall air conditioner

Wall-mounted climate control equipment is suitable for rooms from 15 to 100 square meters. m. Wall-mounted air conditioners has several features in terms of technical characteristics And additional functions:

Air conditioning Mitsubishi 9
  1. Acceptable ratio of electricity consumption and power.
  2. Reduced noise levels (from 22 dB).
  3. Ergonomic dimensions.
  4. No controller fluctuations in the event of network faults due to an involuntary power source.
  5. The presence of an automatic restart, a daily timer and a function for maintaining the temperature level, taking into account the personal feelings of each user.

Mitsubishi electric wall-mounted air conditioners (all models are available on the official website) have an attractive design. They look neat and harmonious on the wall without spoiling the overall interior of the room, for example, a good option− Mitsubishi 25 air conditioner.

Mitsubishi electric duct air conditioner

Mitsubishi Electric duct-type air conditioners perform standard functions: cooling/heating, plus air purification and dehumidification. They can also supply oxygen from the street if one of the air ducts was removed outside when installing the system. Installation is carried out in the space between the ceiling and the suspended structure.

Mitsubishi duct air conditioner

The main features of the Mitsubishi Electric duct air conditioner are:

  1. Acceptable ratio of energy consumption and efficiency.
  2. Low noise effect (from 23 dB).
  3. Adjustment of stationary pressure.
  4. High possibilities for the length of connecting highways and height differences between modules.
  5. Safety for humans thanks to the use of environmentally friendly refrigerant.
  6. High-quality organization of air flow filtration.

Another trick is that all Mitsubishi duct-type air conditioners allow you to set different temperature values ​​simultaneously in separate rooms.

Mitsubishi cassette air conditioner

If there is a Euro-type ceiling in the room, the cells of which are 60 x 60 cm in size, Mitsubishi Electric cassette-type air conditioners with an improved air distribution system that provides a comfortable microclimate are best suited.

Air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric cassette type

Main feature The problem with similar air conditioners is that they do not have a hatch for service. All work is carried out through an external decorative panel.

Mitsubishi cassette air conditioners of the Electric group have:

  1. High power (up to 14.5 kW for cooling mode and 16.8 kW for heating.
  2. A noise level that can be compared to a whisper during a conversation.
  3. A huge number of built-in modes and functions: restart after malfunctions, automatic maintenance of the set temperature, the ability to change the direction of air flow in the vertical and horizontal planes and backup functionality of the system.
  4. A multi-stage air filtration system that not only “catches” bacteria, but also decomposes them to a harmless state.
  5. Protection against power failures.

Installation of Mitsubishi electric cassette air conditioners (there is a similar service on the official website) is necessary where installation on the wall is impossible due to the design or architectural features of the room.

Floor-ceiling air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric

The most uniform and smooth distribution of air is performed by the Mitsubishi Electric floor-ceiling air conditioner. It directs air flows upward, where they disperse throughout the room. Thanks to this technology, the possibility of drafts is eliminated.

Air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric floor-ceiling type

The improved design of the indoor unit allows you to hide the equipment a few centimeters in the wall, and it becomes less noticeable. And thanks to the economical consumption function, energy consumption during rest is reduced. That is, the temperature will not rise above 18°. This function can also be used if you need to maintain minimum heat levels (10º).

Floor-ceiling Mitsubishi air conditioner electric has several features. Namely:

  1. Air flow filtration in several stages.
  2. Weekly timer.
  3. There is practically no noise during operation.
  4. Automatic restart.
  5. Self-diagnosis with display of error code on the remote control for Mitsubishi electric air conditioner.

Most floor-ceiling equipment can be installed on an old piping system.

Mitsubishi inverter air conditioner

The Mitsubishi Electric company also produces air conditioners with inverter of all the above types. Their main difference is an even more developed organization of reasonable energy consumption coupled with high productivity.

Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner with inverter

Some series of Mitsubishi electric inverter air conditioners are equipped with an electronic printed circuit unit that measures the temperature and, relative to its value, regulates the power of the electric heater of the compressor box, which allows reducing energy consumption when switched off.

In addition, additional silent mode For the fan of the Mitsubishi air conditioner, the inverter of the Electric group allows you to reduce the noise level to a minimum of 21 dB.

Comparison of air conditioners with and without inverter

An air purification system with a nanoplatinum filter breaks down bacteria into harmless elements, traps allergens and absorbs odors, preventing them from entering the room.

All Mitsubishi electric inverter air conditioners have many convenient modes and functions, for example, standby heating and automatic maintenance of the required air temperature.

Mobile air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric

Buying a Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner mobile type justified only if it is necessary to move the device from room to room, or it is not possible to install the equipment on the wall.

The modern Mitsubishi Electric mobile air conditioner has properties and additional functions that are not very different from the characteristics of two-component systems. This air conditioner cools the air well and has built-in modes and functions that allow you to restart the unit and regulate the air flow.

Mobile air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric

But keep in mind that the Mitsubishi Electric mobile type air conditioner is noisier (since the compressor is located in the equipment itself) than multi-split systems, which will be discussed below.

When purchasing, consider the possibility of bringing out the corrugated hose for removal. warm air and condensate from equipment.

Multi-split system Mitsubishi Electric

If necessary, install one outdoor unit and several indoor units, for example, if you don’t want to spoil appearance building with a huge number of external modules, a Mitsubishi Electric multi-split system is installed.

One outdoor module can be combined with several indoor ones. So, you can connect 8 blocks in a room, which differ:

Multi-split system Mitsubishi Electric
  1. Minimum energy consumption and high efficiency.
  2. Noise indicators from 21 dB.
  3. Insensitive to changes in outside temperature due to the receiver-fuse.
  4. High-quality organization of filtration with an increased area of ​​the absorbent grid.
  5. Improved louvers system that allows air flow to be distributed in several directions.
  6. A weekly timer that can adjust 4 actions every day.

Multi-split operating diagram

For external units, the noise level may decrease by several dB if the night mode is turned on.

Mitsubishi air conditioners on the official website of the company that produces them, you can see that it not only provides for free assembly of system modules, but also ready-made kits for installation in various areas.

Industrial air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric

To treat air in large rooms with an area of ​​​​several thousand meters, the so-called. multi-zone units, which in their layout resemble a construction set for children.

An external air conditioner of such an industrial Mitsubishi Electric system can connect dozens of internal ones. And at the same time there can also be several external blocks.

Managing these multizone systems is carried out using a regular room remote control for a Mitsubishi air conditioner or a virtual one on a computer monitor. At the same time, in different rooms the set values ​​for adjusting the air flow can be completely different. So, in one room the work is on cold, and in the other - on heating.

Operation diagram of an industrial air conditioner

Mitsubishi heavy air conditioners - general characteristics

Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners (official website - klimatproff.ru) is another company, which is one of the many subsidiaries of the brand.

Air conditioner Mitsubishi Heavy

There are Mitsubishi heavy inverter air conditioners and without an inverter of various types: wall-mounted, cassette, floor-mounted, ducted, floor-ceiling and mobile equipment, i.e. similar to those of Mitsubishi Electric. There are a wide range of models and sizes.

Mitsubishi Heavy also produces industrial multi-zone and semi-industrial multi-split units. Recently, Mitsubishi Colt air conditioners began to be produced.

Advantages of Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners

General characteristics of Mitsubishi heavy air conditioners of all types

Despite the superiority of Mitsubishi Electric appliances, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioners remain in demand and widespread on the market climate control technology. And there are many reasons for this:

    Air conditioners are divided into several groups:

  • first class (premium class).
  • middle class
  • budget class.

First group.

The first group includes air conditioners from high-tech Japanese companies. This Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy, General Fujitsu, Toshiba. Most air conditioners of the first group have excellent consumer characteristics and self-diagnosis systems.
Air conditioners of the first group have a high cost - on average from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles for a split system with a cooling capacity from 2.0 kW to 3.5 kW. For this price you can buy an air conditioner with the following advantages:
  • High reliability and durability. With proper operation and periodic maintenance, the service life of these air conditioners is at least 10 - 12 years.
  • The minimum noise level of the indoor unit is 19-21 dB, which is practically inaudible.
  • High energy efficiency (lower energy consumption) compared to budget air conditioners.
  • Most air conditioners of the first group have protection systems against improper operation. They are equipped with self-diagnosis and protection devices that turn off the air conditioner if used incorrectly or overloaded.
  • Stable operation over a wide temperature range.

Starting from 2010-2012, Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy began to produce inverter air conditioners three categories - Classic Inverter, Standard Inverter, Deluxe (Premium) Inverter.
Classic Inverter Series
Where there is no need for advanced functions, as well as special requirements for the design of the indoor unit, the Classic Inverter series will be the optimal choice.

-no advanced features
-higher noise level of the indoor unit (from 23-26 dB).
-higher energy consumption
-produced in factories in China (with the exception of Mitsubishi Electric - in Thailand).
-traditional quality

Daikin has models of the FTXN25K series (assembled in China), FTXN25L / RXN25L (assembled in Malaysia), FTX20JV (assembled in the Czech Republic).
Mitsubishi Electric has models of the MSZ-HJ25VA series (assembled in Thailand).
Mitsubishi Heavy has models of the SRK25QA-S series (assembled in China).

Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric.

Daikin air conditioners share first place with Mitsubishi Electric in the ranking of premium air conditioners. For most characteristics, they are at least slightly ahead of their competitors due to best quality components - compressors, electronics, fan balancing, plastics, additional functions. Besides, Daikin air conditioners and Mitsubishi Electric are distinguished by a multi-level self-diagnosis system.
Daikin air conditioners are assembled at factories in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Thailand, China and Japan.
Warranty for Daikin air conditioners and Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners is 3 years.
Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners are assembled at factories in Thailand and Japan.

General Fujitsu

Time-tested and reliable air conditioners of stable quality. They are assembled at Fujitsu General factories under three brands: Fujitsu General, General Fujitsu and Fuji Electric.
They are assembled at factories in Thailand, China and Japan.
General Fujitsu air conditioners have a 3-year warranty.

Mitsubishi Heavy

Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners are the optimal choice among air conditioners of the first group in terms of the ratio price quality. This brand is quite well known, but the cost of air conditioners is lower than that of Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric and General Fujitsu.
Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners are assembled at factories in Thailand, China and Japan.
Warranty for Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners is 3 years.

Second group (middle class).

The second group includes middle-class air conditioners, mainly from Japanese and European manufacturers. These air conditioners have a good price/quality ratio and are quite reliable. In this parameter, middle-class air conditioners are almost as good as the leaders - the differences may lie in a simplified system of protection against improper operation, a slightly higher noise level in some models and other minor points. Therefore, if you do not strive to get “the best” at any cost, but want to have a fairly reliable and relatively inexpensive air conditioner, then best choice there will be a model from the second group.

The following brands can be classified as middle class: Aermec, McQuay, Hitachi, Sanyo, Panasonic. The average price of air conditioners of the second group on the market is 20,000 - 30,000 for a split system with a cooling capacity of 2.0-3.0 kW.

Economy class air conditioners (third group).

The third, cheapest group includes air conditioners from Korean and Chinese manufacturers. Note that if the differences between air conditioners within the first and second groups are insignificant, then in the third group there is a significant spread, both in quality and in price, of air conditioners of different brands included in this group.

The third group includes brands such as Ballu, Haier, Kentatsu, LG, Midea, Samsung, Electrolux and some others. These air conditioners are the cheapest - on average from 9,000 to 15,000 for a split system with a cooling capacity of 2.0 kW. At the same time, they have satisfactory reliability and can be a reasonable choice with limited financial resources. The disadvantages of these air conditioners appear when they are compared with air conditioners of the first and second groups:

The defect rate for these air conditioners is higher, although its value is quite acceptable. The biggest problem with “budget” air conditioners is unstable quality. The percentage of defects in different batches may differ several times. The service life is also noticeably shorter. For example, the service life of LG air conditioners declared by the manufacturer is 7 years.
In terms of noise level, these air conditioners are also inferior to the “Japanese” ones, especially with regard to the noise from external units. And if the noise level of their internal units is at an acceptable level, then the noise of external units can be several times higher than that of air conditioners of the first group.

Which is better: Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner or Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner?

Very often, our Clients ask the same question: is it better to choose a Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner or a Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner. In order not to bore you with long stories about the history of these legendary Japanese manufacturers, let’s say right away: these companies are merged general history and name, but after 1921 they are direct competitors. Interestingly, there are about 50 companies operating in Japan under the name “Mitsubishi”. It is believed that since the companies are related, they should treat each other well and provide mutual support, which is facilitated by the special mentality of Japanese business.

And so, what are the differences:

Mitsubishi Electric (Mitsubishi Electric) The corporation is engaged in the production of high-tech climate control equipment in the premium segment. The quality of Mitsubishi Electric split systems is beyond doubt, since there is unprecedented quality control in production. All parts and mechanisms are thoroughly tested for durability. The amount of defects is so insignificant that it is measured in hundredths. Evaporator units are made of very high quality plastic or composite material. The corporation's main emphasis is on the innovative component, which allows us to make increasingly economical, energy-efficient, multifunctional air conditioning systems. Great importance is attached to the development of systems capable of creating an atmosphere of healthy and clean air. Products are manufactured only at our own factories in Thailand and Japan. It’s hard to argue with the fact that you have to pay for reliability and innovation. If you are a supporter of quality and want to buy an air conditioner for more than two or three years, and at the same time your financial situation allows you to choose from the best, then Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners are the first to be considered. You can buy a Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner in Minsk only from official dealers, which once again confirms the company’s reverent attitude towards service and the authority of the brand.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)- an international company included in the 50 largest companies in the world. It produces products ranging from household electrical appliances to aircraft and ships. As for the production of Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners, let's say this is not the highest priority area of ​​the company's production activities. Mitsubishi Heavy supplies air conditioners to the Japanese domestic market under the Beaver brand. It would probably not be entirely correct to say that the Mitsubishi Heavy is cheaper than the Mitsubishi Electric, and therefore is of lower quality. This is not entirely true, although in the line of the above manufacturer there were series of split systems that were not entirely successful in design and quality. Observing the presented line of air conditioners for 2017 - 2018, we can come to the conclusion that Mitsubishi Heavy is concerned about competition from Chinese manufacturers and in order not to lose market share, the company is trying, in the basic series, to reduce the cost of its products due to the components used and the reduction of some elements functionality. In general, Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners do not cause problems to their owners and belong to the category of equipment high level reliability. Split systems are produced at factories in Thailand and China. You can buy a Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner either from official dealers with a professional installation service, or simply in online stores. On this score, there are many questions, both regarding the problem of “gray imports”, the general marketing strategy, and the implementation of warranty obligations.

Our advice: Whether you have chosen a Mitsubishi Electric brand air conditioner or have given preference to a Mitsubishi Heavy split system - in 80% of cases, the installation of air conditioners is the key to long-term and uninterrupted operation of the equipment! Since climate control equipment from Japanese manufacturers is quite expensive, we advise you to entrust the installation of air conditioners only to certified and authorized climate control companies that are official dealers in the Republic of Belarus.

Well, it’s up to you to decide which air conditioner to buy!

If you need additional advice, please call 8 029 305 60 60 and our specialists will be happy to answer your questions.

Difference and choice between air conditioners Mitsubishi Heavy And Mitsubishi Electric in Baku will depend on your needs. Most homeowners use Mitsubishi Electric, while entrepreneurs choose Mitsubishi Heavy. It's all about what you want as an individual and also the needs where you want to install the devices. You can contact a professional for advice on choosing best device. This is one of the things that can help in choosing an air conditioning system.

Mitsubishi in Azerbaijan is one of the leading air conditioner brands. In truth, many Baku residents consider this brand to be the best choice due to its absolute reliability. However, there are several Mitsubishi air conditioners that have different characteristics. The most common air conditioners Mitsubishi in Azerbaijan are Mitsubishi Heavy And Mitsubishi Electric. The two brands compete not only in industries, but also in the products and units they develop. So between the two units, which is the most reliable?

Mitsubishi Origin

AND Mitsubishi Heavy, And Mitsubishi Electric Air conditioners are being developed. Apart from the name, they differ in most of the other functions of their divisions. Parent company - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, MHI. Originally there was Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which was founded in 1870. Nevertheless, Mitsubishi Electric was subsequently founded in 1920. It was still part of MHI until it split into a separate company. Since then, both companies have competed in terms of market share, customer base, and products. They both develop reliable air conditioners, but there is a difference and each customer has different satisfaction with each brand.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

It may be considered the parent company, but Mitsubishi Electric is a serious problem for her. Many Baku people satisfied with the service of air conditioning systems Mitsubishi Heavy. They develop reliable systems that can last quite a long time. Their squads can also serve a large room and there will be no problem regardless of the size of the room.

Advantages of air conditioners Mitsubishi

There are many benefits that come with divisions Mitsubishi Heavy. Some of them include the following;

This is one of the main advantages of MHI units. The company was developed in 1870, which means that it provides high-quality devices that are reliable and quite effective. Thanks to many years of experience, MHI installations are known to be designed with the user's requirements in mind.

MHI air conditioners are also designed with the lowest power, but they can provide best results. For example, there are .75 non-inverter units that are only 760 watts. Compared to other devices which have 1000W, Mitsubishi Heavy provides equal performance. In doing so, it will help you save on energy costs and get the best results.

Mitsubishi Heavy

Cost effective

MHI units have proven to be cost effective as they will help reduce costs and ensure maximum performance. Non-inverter systems have a lower power rating, but they operate on an equal footing with other devices that have a higher power rating. This feature allows you to save on your electricity bills. Naturally, higher wattage consumes more energy than lower wattage. The good thing about this is that HVI systems provide reliable services.

With blocks Mitsubishi Heavy they operate quietly and you will not hear any noise when using MHI air conditioners. Regardless of size, they will operate quietly, without making any noise while the system is running.

U Mitsubishi Heavy no particular disadvantages. One of the disadvantages that has been the main complaint of many people is the high price of the air conditioner. But the quality and 3-year warranty compensate for this minor drawback.

Mitsubishi Electric

This is another brandMitsubishi, which is known to develop high-quality and ultra-reliable air conditioning systems. The brand supplies some of the most advanced air conditioners in Singapore. They are also known as delivery systems that are quite durable.

Advantages Mitsubishi Electric

One of the features of the system Mitsubishi Electric is that it has heat exchanger fins that are separated from each other. There is space between them, which allows air and heat to move quickly. They will clog less often, which makes the entire unit more durable. Since they cannot become clogged with dirt or other debris, they will not heat up easily. In the long term, they can last for many years.

Smart Technology

Mitsubishi Electric comes with very advanced features. With these features, they become easier to manage and operate. There is wireless functionality that allows you to control it remotely. There is also a feature that makes them stable enough to control hot and cold air in any room, no matter the size.

The systems also operate silently, as they will not have the normal noise of an air conditioner when operating. This is a factor that makes them the best choice for many homes and offices. They can work efficiently without making annoying noises.

Systems Mitsubishi Electricare quite easy to use as they have a system that does not require manual operation. At the same time, this increases comfort for the user, since they do not have to get up to adjust settings.

The only complaint with this device is that it tends to be expensive due to the features and delivery they offer. Some people claim that Mitsubishi Electric may not be an ideal choice for cooling a room. However, you will need to find a genuine device to enjoy the results.

Difference between air conditioners Mitsubishi Heavy And Mitsubishi Electric will depend on your needs. Most homeowners use Mitsubishi Electric, and entrepreneurs choose Mitsubishi Heavy. It's all about what you want as an individual and also the needs where you want to install the devices. You can ask a professional for advice on choosing the best device.