The difference between there is and it is. What's the difference between "there is" and "it is"? How to ask questions using question words

This article will talk about designsIt is .. , which beginners may confuse with construction There is … .

  • Design There is... - translated is (exists, is, lies, hangs). It is a construct of existence (location). Yes, a proposal There is a problem.— states the fact of the existence of a certain problem. Read more about
  • Design It is... translated This...or not translated at all. For example, It is a problem.This is problem. It's winter. - Winter. Design It is...often used in impersonal sentences (see below).

Let's look at the design It is... let's remember in more detail and at the same time

There is... or it is... (practice)

First, check yourself. Choose the correct answer from the two given.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

1.It is / There is always cold in winter in Russia.
2. I don’t like autumn because it/there often rains.
3. It is / There is no smoke without fire.
4.It is / There is dark in the room. Where is the light-switch?
5. While there is/ it is life there is/ it is hope.
6. It is / There is a fine winter day. Let's go out and play snowballs.
7. Where there is/ it is a will there is/ it is a way.
8.It is / There is a pupil in the classroom, don’t lock the door.
9. It is / There is a long way home. Take enough food with you.

ANSWERS (to the test)
  1. The bookstore is located in the city center. — The bookshop is in the center of town.
  2. There are several foreign magazines in the closet. — There are some foreign magazines in the bookcase.

Additional exercises

Design "there is / there are" is studied at the most entry levels, but despite this it presents difficulties even for those who know English well enough. The main problem is to determine when this design should be used and when it should not be used. As a rule, “there” is actively confused with “it”, “this” and “that”, and they also forget to use it where it is necessary.

What is there for?

The main function of the construction "there is / there are" is to communicate that something is located or exists somewhere. This “something” can be a concrete object or something abstract. For example:

  • There is a book on the table. - There is a book on the table. By saying such a phrase, we seem to answer the question “What is on the table?”
  • Is there a train at 10:30? - Is there a train at 10:30? We check the availability of a train at a certain time. That is, we are interested in the existence of something in something.
  • There's nothing I can do. - I can't do anything. This sentence is more abstract than the previous ones, but the principle is the same: there is a certain area, and there is something missing in it that I can do. It's still about having something in something.

Once the emphasis is shifted from location to the object itself, the construction “there is / there are” becomes unnecessary.

  • The book is on the table. - The book is on the table. Now we are answering a completely different question: “Where is the book?”
  • Is the train at 10:30 or at 10:15? - Is the train at 10:30 or 10:15? Now we are not interested in the presence of a train. We are interested in its characteristics.
  • This is the best I can do. - This is the best I can do. And in this sentence we are no longer talking about the presence of something in something. Instead, we describe some abstract concept and talk about its properties.

Individual cases

Particular attention should be paid to stable uses of "it". We use "it" when we talk about time, distance, weather, amounts of money.

  • It's late.
  • It's three kilometers from our house to the city centre.
  • It's $20, please.
  • It's a nice day today.
  • It's dark.

However, in these cases you should be careful. For example, if we talk about the weather using nouns, then the construction “there is / there are” may well appear:

  • It was very windy yesterday.
  • There was a strong wind yesterday.


The most important thing when choosing a design is to determine what we are describing: the presence of something somewhere or the properties of an object. "There is / there are" will only be needed in the first case.

There are many nuances that can be described for a long time and to no avail. It's much better to practice. After doing enough, you get an intuitive understanding of when to “there” and when to “it”.

  • What is the difference between pronouns this and it V English language.
  • Features of use this and it in an English sentence.
  • Difference this and it with examples of use.

Anyone learning English using an audio course VoxBook, which is based on fiction without simplifying the text, should be interested in what cases are used this and it, and how they differ in sentences similar to the following:

This is a pen.
It is a pen.

This is a demonstrative pronoun and is translated: this, this, this.
It is a personal pronoun and is translated: he, she, it, his, her, him, her.
In some cases the pronoun it is indicative in nature, and is translated in the same way as this in a word: This.

Let's look at the difference between it and this in English:

It- used to return to things or situations that were just written or spoken about, i.e. to known things or situations.
Replaces a noun denoting an inanimate object or animal (when its gender is unknown).
It- does not place any emphasis on a thing or situation without indicating the position of the subject.
This or that- used to define something with special emphasis. It also brings a new previously unknown fact into conversation or writing.
This- places the main emphasis on the word “this”, one might say points with a finger at a specific object located nearby.
That - “that” indicates a specific object that is far away.
This pencil is mine. This is my pencil.
That pencil is yours. That pencil is yours.
This is my pencil and that is yours. This is my pencil, and this one is yours.
Indicates a Noun:
It will merge the laptop OS with the iPad and iPhone OS.
Apple is about to release a new operating system. It will combine the laptop OS with the iPad and iPhone OS.
Apple is going to release a new operating system. This will be a huge step in merging the laptop OS with the iPad and iPhone OS.
Apple is about to release a new operating system. This will be a huge step in combining laptop OS with iPad and iPhone OS.
(It- refers to the preceding noun: operating system, replacing it.) (This- refers to the preceding noun:
operating system, underlining it.)
He looked round, and, see! the book was unfastened [he looked around and saw! (that) the book was unlocked] ; ...The boy rushed to it [the boy hurried towards her] and unclosed volume [and opened the volume] . It was written with red and black ink [it was written "with" in red and black ink] , and much of it he could not understand [and much of it he could not understand];

(English Fairy Tales - "The Master And His Pupil")

So they went along, and they went along, and they went along, [they “walked alongside/forward” and...] till they came to a narrow and dark hole [until they came to a narrow and dark hole] . Now this was the door of Foxy-woxy"s cave [so this was the door of Foxy-voxie's closet/cave] . But Foxy-woxy said to Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, Goosey-poosey, and Turkey-lurkey: [but Foxy-woxy said "to" Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-doodles, Goosey-pusey] "This is the short way to the king's palace [this "is" a shortcut to the royal palace] ...

(English Fairy Tales - "Henny-Penny")

(It- replaces a noun book And volume.) (This- emphasizes the preceding noun
hole And cave; this particular hole.)
Indicates the situation: Indicates the situation:
Another employee lost a prototype of the future iPhone. This became the basis for an official search for the missing phone.
Another employee has lost an iPhone prototype. This set off an official search for the missing phone.
Another employee lost a prototype of the future iPhone. This was the basis for the official search for the missing phone.
(It- refers to the situation from the previous sentence.) (This- emphasizes the situation of the previous sentence.)
...but what it struck eight o"clock [but as “it” struck eight o’clock: to strike - to strike;] , when Bang, bang [when Boom, boom] went one of the largest man-of-war vessels [one of the big warships came] ; and it made Jack jump out of bed [and this made/caused Jack to jump out of bed: jump out - jump out] to look through the window [to look "through" = out the window];

(English Fairy Tales - "Jack and his Golden Snuff-box")

and Jack, when she was not standing by [and Jack when she wasn't standing nearby], cut off Lucifer's head [cuts off Lucifer's head] and brought it under his invisible coat to his master [and brought her under his invisibility jacket to his master] , who the next morning pulled it out by the horns before the lady [who the next morning pulled her out by the horns in front of the lady] . This broke the enchantment [this broke the spell] and the evil spirit left her [and the evil spirit left her] , and she appeared in all her beauty [and she appeared in all her beauty].

(English Fairy Tales - "Jack the Giant Killer")

(It- refers to the situation in the sentence.) (This- emphasizes the situation.)

In the VoxBook audio course, sentences with the words this and it are often found. The article examines only some of these examples. After studying the audio course, you will be able to translate, correctly pronounce and use this and it, as well as other phrases in any text or conversation.

Interlinear translation of the audio course will greatly speed up the memorization of new words. Competent and correct speech by native speakers who voiced the VoxBook audio course guarantees that you will receive perfect pronunciation.

Thanks to the VoxBook audio course, you will achieve wonderful, outstanding results in learning English, even those that seem impossible to you. All this is due to the fact that you were simply curious, installing the VoxBook audio course on your computer, and having installed the audio course, you were smart enough to understand what it promises you in the future.

Difference between this and it - examples of use.

  1. This introduces a concept into conversation It continues the conversation about the previously introduced concept. It replaces the introduced concept and is used to avoid repeating the word.

    This is a road.
    This is the road. (Introduces the concept into the conversation)
    It is a good road.
    This is a good road. (continues)
    Look at this tree.
    Look at this tree. (Introduces the concept into the conversation)

    It is full of fruit. It is full of fruits. (continues) This is a nice house. This is a good house. (Introduces the concept into the conversation) : "This It is neat add clean. it He is neat and clean. (continues) "I will lay down some money for him, from my own purse ."

    [I'll shell out some money for him, from my own wallet]

    "; but her father told her this[but her father told her] it.)

  2. will not do, for it, this must be something of his own
    [this “will not do” = will not do, for it must be something of his own]
    (English Fairy Tales - "Whittington And His Cat")
    (First time

    , next time
    Unlike the word

  3. can be used as a definition and can appear immediately before a noun. it For example:
    is good.
    This book is good.
    But..., that is, it cannot be placed immediately before book. While this is possible, compare: Is a good thing. This book is good. is a good. This is a good book. Pronoun can be used in intensifying sentences as a formal subject, as an intensifying and is usually translated by the words exactly, this, just. Answer to the question Who's there? when knocking on the door: It's me, Jon! Me. / It's me, John. Answer during roll call: It "s me (I) I am. / Here. / Present. Home came the giant [a giant came home], and a great big tree in his hand [and a great big tree in his hand] , and he took down the sack [and he “took down” = lowered the bag] .

    , and began to batter it

  4. [and started hitting him] it used in impersonal sentences as a formal subject that is not translated.
    For example:
    It's five past twelve.
    The time is five minutes past twelve.
    It is two o'clock.
    Two hours.
    It's rains.
    It's raining.
    It is cold.
    It is warm. Warm.
  5. It's hot.

    Hot. It's winter. Winter.] . It is spring. Spring. It is getting dark. It's getting dark. It was interesting to read this article. It was interesting to read this article. Take a look at an example of an impersonal sentence from the VoxBook audio course and its translation. The audio course uses word-by-word translation, so the word It is translated, but placed in quotation marks, which means “translation of the word as it is.” Such a translation must either be omitted, as in the example below, or replaced with a translation after the equal sign, as in the examples above. One day the rose-tree flowered[one day “rose-tree”= the rose bloomed: one day - once; once upon a time;...

    It was spring

    ["it" was spring]

    1. This and there among the flowers was a white bird it[and there was a white bird among the flowers]
    2. This; and it sang, and sang
    3. [and she sang and sang] this, and sang like an angel out of heaven
    4. This[and sang like an angel from heaven]
    5. can be used as a definition and can appear immediately before a noun. it. Away it flew
    6. It[she flew away]
    7. It(English Fairy Tales - "The Rose Tree")
    8. It Conclusions:

Design - introduces a new one, and):
- a well-known fact in discussion.
- used if you need to point to a specific object in the field of view or highlight this object against the background of other objects
- indicating a person, object, event or action close in place or close in time.

- used as a definition and stands before a noun.- usually refers to an inanimate thing, or is used in relation to a person, thing, idea, taken in the abstract.It - can be a substitute word for a previously mentioned noun and act as a subject or object.
- used in impersonal sentences as a formal subject, not translated into Russian.
- used in intensifying sentences as a subject.
there + be (is, are, will be, have/has/had been, was, were
√ Statement of the existence of something.
√ Indicates the presence of something or someone.

√ Indicates events that have occurred or will occur. √ When transferring.:

1) When we talk about the existence of something(is, exists, is located)
There are some old churches in this small town.
This small town has several old churches.

2) Indicates the presence of something, someone.
I think there is somebody behind the door.
It seems to me that there is someone behind the door.

3) Indicates events that have occurred or will occurin future
There was an air crash here two years ago.
Two years ago there was a plane crash here.

4) When transferring.

When listing there agrees with the first noun,
if the closest noun to the construction is singular, then is/was/has been/will be is used, and if it is plural, then are/were/have been used, for example:
Therewas my dad, two uncles, two brothers at my birthday.
There were two cars, one bike and one cat.

Index - usually refers to an inanimate thing, or is used in relation to a person, thing, idea, taken in the abstract. It used:
In expressions It +be + adjective + to infinitive , placing emphasis on the adjective, or it + be + adjective (+ that)

It is useful to know how to use electric appliances.
It is useful to know how to use electrical appliances.
It was funny (that) we pronounced the word simultaneously.
What was funny was that we said the word at the same time.

II When it comes to the weather.
It is rather frosty today.
The frost today is quite strong.

It hasn’t rained here since May.
It hasn't rained here since May.

II To determine the exact time.

-What time is it ?
What time is it now?

-It is ten sharp.
Exactly ten.

IV Descriptions of the place (terrain).
It was calm and beautiful near the forest lake.
The forest lake was quiet and beautiful.

V With revs it is going to / it is becoming
It is going to be cool at the party.
The party promises to be great.

It is becoming
more and more difficult to enter the university. It is becoming more and more difficult to get into university.

It comes before adjectives.
1) Pronoun it, also occurs before adjectives according to the scheme:
It + is/was + adjectives + to infinitive:

2) pronoun it + verbs to think, to find, to make and to feel, +(for + somebody) + to infinitive


















(not) natural


(not) necessary



(not) possible

(not) reasonable











It's strange to see them together. It's strange to see them together.

He found it useful to drink a lot of juice everyday.

He found it necessary for her o drink a lot of juice everyday.
Material used: A.K. Tochilina, L.L. Kazhemskaya Trainer2 in English, Terra System.


Offer in English must necessarily contain the subject(except for offers in). If there is no object that performs the action (and it is usually omitted in Russian), then in English it will be correct to use the formal subject - there or it .

There used in sentences that represent new information, usually with a noun. Such sentences communicate that something exists (standing, lying, sitting, located, etc.).
There is a boy in the car. - In car located boy.
There are many exercises in this textbook. - In this textbook (There is) a lot of tasks.

It used to communicate about time, dates, weather or distance.
It's nine a.m. - Nine o'clock in the morning.
It's my birthday today. - Today is my birthday.
It's cloudy. - Cloudy.
It's next to my house. - It's next to my house.

It also refers to an object or replaces an inanimate noun in text.
It is my son John. - This is my son John.
I like my bike. It's fast. – I love my bike. Hi's fast.

Lesson script

Hi all! This is the Puzzle English channel, my name is Nastya.
Today we will pay attention to the differences in the use of the constructions there is/are and it is.
Why are these structures needed at all? In English, we cannot construct a sentence without a subject and predicate. In Russian, this is easier - the main members of the sentence can be omitted. In such cases, there is/are or it is helps us. Let's look at examples and everything will become clear to you.
There is nobody in the class - There is no one in the class.
It is sunny - Sunny. In both cases there is no subject in Russian sentences.

In cases where the pronoun it replaces a noun, we usually translate it into Russian:

Where is my cup? - It is on the table. - Where is my cup? -She is on the table.
Here the pronoun it (which we translate into Russian as he, she, it, when talking about inanimate objects) replaces the word “cup” - cup. And we leave it in translation.
While we do not translate the construction There is/are at all. And we translate sentences of this type from the end:
There is a cup on the table - There is a cup on the table.

What is the difference in the use of these constructions?

1. To say that something is somewhere, standing, lying, etc. Just to describe the situation around:
There are many chairs in this room.
There is a board behind me.

1.Replaces nouns to avoid repetition:
I have a car. It's big.
Or as an “indication” of a specific object in a specific situation:
What is it? - It is my car.

Compare translation:
There is a problem. We ran out of milk. (There is a problem. We have run out of milk) (we designate some thing - in our case, a “problem”, and then explain) - We ran out of milk. It is a problem. (We have run out of milk. This is a problem) (they have already said that this is not the case and we are stating that this is a problem.)
There is a man in the street - There is a man on the street. It's a man

2. The presence of something and its quantity

There is not much time left - There is little time left.
There is a lot of snow outside - There is a lot of snow outside.
2. In order to say what time it is, what day of the week it is, how far/close something is, talk about the weather:
It's Monday morning. - Monday morning
It's 5 am. 5 o'clock in the morning.
It's sunny. Sunny
It’s near. - It’s close.

Sentences with it is are often translated into Russian as impersonal, for example:
It is sad. - Sadly.
It is scary - It was scary.
It is nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.

Please note that in all examples there is/are is still more of a descriptive nature; we often use this construction when we mention something for the first time and do not say anything in particular: there is a man on the street (who is he, what? - it doesn’t matter, what matters is that he is there), It is indicative, more specific in nature - This is a man (not a woman).

Thank you for your attention! To test yourself, follow the link below this video and complete the exercises. Pay special attention to the translation of phrases from Russian into English; errors usually occur in this case. Good luck!

For the board you can write briefly
There is/are:
There is/is/is standing/lying, etc.: examples
Availability and quantity: examples
It is:
Noun Substitution: Example
Time/day of week/weather/distance: examples
examples without translation

By the way, you can write below in Russian. And say: How do you translate this sentence: Scary. (it is scary) Nice to meet you. and something like: There is a blackboard in the room and There are several examples on the board. there are some examples on the blackboard.