An excellent program for defragmenting your hard drive. Smart Defrag what is this program and what is it for?

"IObit Smart Defrag optimizes your PC to take full advantage of the high SSD performance at hard defragmentation disk. The SSD Trim tool automatically activates special system settings that usually require experience. Smart Updates Defrag includes a new defragmentation engine, defragmentation specialized for games, cool new interface and advanced language settings (35 and more)."

User Reviews

"I have been using Iobit products for many years. Since I use an old computer with 6 disks, 2 of which are external, Iobit's Smart Defrag Pro program has been very useful to me. Since the computer is quite old, the system is always in danger of fragmentation. I I run auto-defragmentation mode on “Smart Defrag 5 Pro”, I do “Defragmentation and Optimization” once a week, thanks to this my PC system works flawlessly. Iobit is constantly improving and strives to make its products even better. I am very pleased with this program."

William Howes

User Reviews

"I'm using a combination of RAID 0 SSD and RAID 0 and Smart program Defrag Pro for disk performance analysis, defragmentation and maintenance maximum performance systems. Like all IObit software, it is easy to install and use and is very reliable. Just install and forget about it. Smart Defrag uses very little memory, so it won't slow down your system. Definitely recommend!"

Edward Lee Ah Yen

User Reviews

"I've been using Smart Defrag on several PCs since its inception, and my computer club members and I have seen the program continually improve from the very beginning. It's great in every way except in English. So I invested in IObit to translate the program into French. French computer magazines now strongly recommend Smart Defrag along with Windows 10 Optimiser for more reliable and accurate diagnostics with the ability to speed up system startup."

"IObit Smart Defrag optimizes your PC to take full advantage of the high performance of the SSD while defragmenting the hard drive. The SSD Trim tool automatically activates special system settings that would normally require experience to operate. Smart Defrag updates include a new defragmentation engine, defragmentation , specialized for games, a cool new interface and expanded language settings (35 or more)."

User Reviews

"I have been using Iobit products for many years. Since I use an old computer with 6 disks, 2 of which are external, Iobit's Smart Defrag Pro program has been very useful to me. Since the computer is quite old, the system is always in danger of fragmentation. I I run auto-defragmentation mode on “Smart Defrag 5 Pro”, I do “Defragmentation and Optimization” once a week, thanks to this my PC system works flawlessly. Iobit is constantly improving and strives to make its products even better. I am very pleased with this program."

William Howes

User Reviews

"I use a combination of RAID 0 SSD and RAID 0 and Smart Defrag Pro to analyze disk performance, defragment and keep the system at peak performance. Like all IObit software, it is easy to install and use and very reliable. Just set it and forget it "Smart Defrag uses very little memory so it won't slow down your system. Definitely recommend!"

Edward Lee Ah Yen

User Reviews

"I've been using Smart Defrag on several PCs since its inception, and my computer club members and I have seen the program continually improve from the very beginning. The program is great in everything except English. So I'm invested in getting IObit made translation of the program into French. French computer magazines now strongly recommend Smart Defrag along with Windows 10 Optimiser for more reliable and accurate diagnostics with the ability to speed up system startup."

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Hello People Smart Defrag belongs to a class of programs that are aimed at improving the performance of your computer. To be more precise, Smart Defrag performs one main task is an optimization of your hard drive. She seems to speed it up, but don’t think, this is not a scam, there really is some truth here. And that’s because this program will give a really noticeable effect only on those computers where there is a lot of junk, that is, all sorts of programs and no hard drive optimization procedures have been carried out for a long time..

But what is this defragmentation anyway? I won’t burden you with any terms or heavy information. I'll say this. A file can be written to disk not entirely, but in parts. Then the hard drive will have to read the file from several places. This is longer than if the hard one counted from one place. In order to collect the parts of the file into one and so that it is placed on the disk in this way, defragmentation is needed. Better to use third party software for this, because the standard Windows defragmenter seems to me not the best solution...

So, I launched Smart Defrag and saw this window:

Here you can immediately start the defragmentation process, there is some kind of smart defragmentation. I clicked smart defragmentation, this is how the work progress is displayed:

The result of the work is displayed as follows:

I clicked the View Report button to see what it was doing there. A browser opens with a report page, everything is written here conveniently:

Well, then I clicked the Finish button to exit this process, so to speak.

If you hover your mouse over the Smart defragmentation button, but slightly to the side, to the right, the following menu will appear:

That is, as you can see, there are several types of defragmentation.

On the Boot Defragmentation tab, I recommend checking all the boxes. But it’s true that everything won’t work out because some of them only work in the paid version. Here is this tab and these checkboxes:

There’s just one more thing I want to say. There is no need to enable defragmentation when loading if you constantly download something, for example movies... Then, every time you turn on the computer, defragmentation will start and it will optimize large files, that is, your new movies, for example. And this can take a lot of time.. If you download movies not to the system drive, then click on this Configuration tab and exclude all drives there, leaving only the system one. This will reduce defragmentation time, but at the same time the system will work quickly. For me personally, such subsequent defragmentation (supporting, so to speak) system disk takes about a minute.

Here is the Game Optimization tab:

To be honest, I don’t quite understand what this means. But I think that the whole trick is that after you have added the game, Smart Defrag begins some kind of optimization of the game files... that is, it places them in fast areas of the disk so that the game itself works better. But if in fact the program doesn’t do this, then it’s in vain, because it would actually be logical. And the effect would also be noticeable.

There is nothing interesting on the Action Center tab, because there they simply offer you to download software from IObit..

To open the settings, you must first click on this button:

And then select Settings:

Here is the settings window:

This means that you can configure it here. On the tab General settings You can uncheck the box so that the program does not start with Windows.

On the Auto Analysis tab, you can disable disk analysis after some time has passed. In reality, it looks like this - after a couple of minutes of not using the computer, the hard drive may start actively doing something... and some drives are a little noisy, well, in general, this can end up annoying you

On the Disk Cleanup tab, you can enable additional types debris that needs to be removed.

Well, in general, something like this. In the menu where there is a Settings item, you can change the theme (skins):

This is what Smart Defrag looks like in a light design:

At booting Windows defragmentation will take place (if it is enabled), you will see something like this:

Well, it seems like we have more or less figured out the program.

I have a feeling that the whole IObit family seems to be aimed at only one thing - to make money

It seems to me that it will be even better than Smart Defrag...

How to completely remove Smart Defrag from your computer?

Well, if you didn’t like this program, then I understand you, it needs to be removed. But you need to do it correctly, or better yet, remove the remaining debris...

Advanced users can use a tool such as, which will both remove the program and clean the system after that, so I recommend

Well, now how to remove it using built-in tools. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel there (if you have Windows 10, then press Win + X and this item will be there):

Launch the Programs and Features icon:

In the list of software we find Smart Defrag, click right click and select Delete:

In the next window, click No, I want a full uninstall:

That's it, then Smart Defrag will be instantly removed from your computer.

It is not necessary to clean out the garbage manually, but I personally recommend doing it. How to remove unnecessary garbage keys and remaining files, I wrote here in. Only there I talked about removing Avast and searched for garbage using the word avast, and you search for the word iobit

In general, good luck to you guys, I hope that I told and wrote everything correctly...


SmartDefrag is another very powerful and high-quality tool for optimizing your computer’s operation and speeding it up.

About what file fragmentation is and why you need to periodically defragment your disks I already told you "on fingers". Today I want to recommend and describe one of the best defragmenter programs.

Opinion that SmartDefrag is one of the best defragmenters on this moment It’s not just my time—thousands of users think so, judging by the numerous positive reviews on various software forums.

Of course, there is a defragmenter built into the system and many comrades use it according to the principle “don’t interfere with the machine’s work.” The same principle is applied by these users when choosing a browser Internet Explorer for surfing the net, instead of using human, convenient and practical internet browsers.

They also burn CD/DVD discs using the system’s built-in recording tool, take screenshots with the built-in “Scissors”...

Did you get the point? If built in operating system the programs were the best - this site (and thousands of others) wouldn’t exist. Think logically - which program will be better, the one that is constantly being improved, improved and optimized, or the one that was written several YEARS ago and has not progressed at all? No comments.

Download SmartDefrag 2.8

Only 5 MB!

Installing SmartDefrag

During the installation of SmartDefrag you will encounter several pitfalls - here is the first, the most dangerous... is the second one...

I don’t like it when bookmarks are made for me in my browser - I unchecked the bottom checkbox.

The third pitfall...

I removed these daws, and you do as you wish.

Setting up and using SmartDefrag

When you first launch the program, you are prompted to select a cover...

I suggest immediately hiding unnecessary elements from the main program window...

Have you noticed two new messages?...

Go to this tab and at the very bottom click on...

Now nothing prevents me from doing an analysis of disk fragmentation - select a disk from the list and... this is what the program gave me...

Absolutely right - SSD drives do not like defragmentation and they absolutely do not need it! Smart program, however.

I connect external HDD and going to the tab...

...doing analysis...

...and then defragmentation...

Hover your mouse over the colored cubes to get explanations...

It’s convenient that the program immediately shows how much time is left until the operation is completed...

We rejoice...

This was manual defragmentation, but you can also assign automatic defragmentation in the settings...