The Windows 10 Start Panel is not working. The “Start” button in the “ten” has stopped working: how to fix the situation

Another glitch of the Windows 10 operating system is the Start button suddenly not working. Just imagine that you are working, working, and then bam - and such a surprise popped up. Start stopped working due to regular Windows 10 updates, either because you messed up something in the registry, or it was not you who messed up the registry, but some program. What to do in this case? I've sketched out a few ways to solve this problem and get the Start menu working.

The first method I have is for those who like radical measures. Namely, you can do it, follow the link and read how it can be done.

The second method helps in almost all cases.

Restoring the Start Menu Using PowerShell

In order not to describe for a long time what’s what, I’ll say that PowerShell is a utility similar to the command line, only even cooler. How can we launch it if this very “Start” does not work for us. This can also be done in several ways.

Firstly, you can press the Win+R key combination and enter powershell in the window that opens

Secondly, you can do this through the task manager. Press the key combination Alt+Ctrl+Del and go to the task manager. A window opens in which we click on "File - Run new task»

In the window that opens, place a bird next to the item “Create a task with administrator rights” and enter the powershell command.

We get the following window.

Copy the following set of commands into it:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)

Click on enter. The “spell” you entered has started working, and in a few minutes you will see errors highlighted in red in the window. After that, you can click on “Start” and check its functionality.

The next way to restore the Start button is to restart Explorer

To do this, go to the task manager we already know and in the “Processes” tab, restart the explorer. Click on the corresponding process right click and from the drop-down menu select the item "Restart".

Working our magic on the registry editor

If all else fails, then turn to the registry. To do this, press the key combination we already know Win + R and in the window that opens, write the command regedit. Click "OK".


WITH right side window we look at the parameters. We look for EnableXAMLStartMenu, if it doesn’t exist, then we create it. To do this, click on an empty space and select "New - DWORD Value (32 bits)"

Set the value 0 to the newly created parameter.

If you have this parameter was, but it had a different value, then it must be changed to 0.

Now all that remains is to restart the computer and Check if the Start button works.

I hope you have fixed your problem and I will be glad if you write down in the comments about the work done, and also indicate in what other ways you solved this problem.

We also watch the video

Upgrading to Windows 10 was not without consequences for many. As often happens, Microsoft rolled out a “crooked” update, so on some computers, laptops and netbooks it brought as much joy as problems. And one of these is the failure of the Start menu to work correctly. Sometimes rebooting the system helps, but in some cases even that doesn’t help. What to do if the Start menu does not work in Windows 10?

We invite you to look at all the ways to solve this problem in the course of this article. By the way, judging by latest news, from time to time other elements built into the newly built system also refuse to work. With the help of our tips you can overcome them too.

What to do if the Start menu does not work in Windows 10

The first and easiest is to restart Explorer, also known as Explorer.exe. But if rebooting the system does not help, then it will not be of any use. If, after restarting the computer, Start starts working correctly again, you can use this method constantly.

You probably know the combination that turns on the Task Manager. Yes, yes, these are the famous three buttons CTRL+Alt+Del. What do we have to do:

If a miracle did not happen and it still does not function, then the problem is somewhere else and a different solution must be sought. Fortunately, our article does not end here.

PowerShell as a way to get Start back up and running

First, I would like to warn you that this method not only helps solve the problem, but can also cause some problems with installed applications from the Windows 10 store. On the other hand, you can always reinstall them - this solves any problems that arise with downloaded applications.

Let's figure out what needs to be done:

There are two options to launch PowerShell - to climb into the jungle of the operating system through a huge number of folders or use the “Run” window. We suggest you use the second option - it is faster, simpler and more convenient.

  1. Launch the “Run” window using the Win+R key combination;
  2. Enter “Powershell.exe” into the line, then click “OK”;
  3. A window similar to the Command Prompt opens, only blue;
  4. Copy the following combination and paste it into the program: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” ;
  5. Click on “Enter” to execute it;
  6. After some time, you should check if the Start menu is working.
If no changes occur, you should move on and try other methods.

Restoring functionality to Start using the Registry

  • Open the “Run” window;
  • Enter “regedit” there;
  • Go to the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced;
  • Most likely, it will be empty, so you need to right-click and select “Create” in the menu that appears, and then “DWORD”;
  • Name the parameter EnableXAMLStartMenu;
  • Now you should double-click on it and change the value to zero;
  • Next, you should check again whether the Start menu is working or not.

    If nothing like this has yet happened, there is no need to despair - there is only one last option.

    Security and Maintenance – Built-in Problem Solver

    Create a new user

    Often the problem is in the Russian username, so you should create a new one:

    When you boot your computer, select the user you just created and check that the Start menu is working. One of these methods should bring him back to life anyway.

  • After updating to a new version of the operating system, some users are faced with an unpleasant situation - the Start button does not work in Windows 10. But you can get rid of this problem on your own.

    Why doesn't the Start button work?

    The main reason why the Start button does not work is resetting functional settings in the OS registry editor. The Administrator settings may also be reset. But such a problem arises due to the user’s fault, and not due to OS defects (it’s useful to read “”).

    Restoring functionality

    Even if you are not a professional user, you can still restore the functionality of the Start menu on your own.

    Restarting Explorer

    An easy way to fix this problem is to restart Explorer.

    Fixing the situation using PowerShell

    Changing Registry Editor settings

    Creating a new user on the device


    Watch the video for more details on how to use the methods described above, and also learn about alternative ways to solve this problem.


    There are several ways to restore the Start button after updating Windows. If none of them help, restore the system through the Settings application, using a bootable USB flash drive or disk.

    Windows 10 is considered one of the best operating systems in the Microsoft line. Since its introduction, users have noted some bugs and problems, most of which have now been completely resolved. Unfortunately, the problems with the “ten” continue to be relevant, and a search for solutions is constantly needed.

    One of these problems is a problem with the operation of the Windows 10 Start button. This bug is often accompanied by the inability to open other system elements (for example, the All Settings window). The Start button may not work after the update. Also, a problem with the menu and button may occur after installing Windows 10 from scratch.

    We will try to describe all the options why this happens and ways to resolve the situation, the effectiveness of which has already been proven by Windows 10 users.

    Among the methods for solving the problem with the operation of the Start menu, a banal reboot of the explorer.exe process on a personal computer with Windows 10 stands out. To do this, press the key combination CTRL+ALT+DELETE to call the “Task Manager”. Another way to get to the Task Manager is to press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Here we click on “More details”. If there is no such window, simply go to the “Processes” tab.

    Among all the processes we are looking for “Explorer”. In the English version of Windows 10, this process appears as Windows Explorer. Right-click on this process to bring up the context menu and click on “Restart”.
    This method is ineffective, but if there was no particular problem with the Windows 10 Start button before, this method may work. More serious problems will require more serious measures.

    Resuming the Start Menu using PowerShell

    Before you start working with PowerShell, you should keep in mind that this method, in most cases, works great to solve problems with the Start menu. However, this method may entail changes in the system and, therefore, other troubles may arise. In particular, we are talking about disruptions in the operation of some applications downloaded from the Dozens store. So, first of all, we try the method described in the previous paragraph, and move on to manipulations with PowerShell if the actions do not bring results.

    Since the Start button is disabled, the PowerShell function can only be launched from the Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 folder. We look in this folder, and then right-click on the powershell.exe file to run it as administrator,

    There is another method to run the PowerShell file with administrator rights. You need to right-click on “Start”. A menu will open where you need to click “Command Prompt (Administrator)”. In the field we type powershell. In the future, all necessary combinations are entered here. When working with the command line, a separate window will not open.

    In the PowerShell window, enter the following command:

    Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”)

    You don't have to do this manually, just copy and paste. After the command is completed, try to open the Start menu. If there is no discovery, move on.

    Working with the Windows 10 Registry Editor

    There are several other ways to get the Start menu working. Among these additional methods, a good option would be to do certain manipulations with the registry editor.

    To enter the editor window, press Win+R and enter the regedit command in the line that appears. We will need a section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Advanced.

    Right-click anywhere in the field on the right. Select “Create”, then DWORD (32). The new parameter must be named: EnableXAMLStartMenu. Now let's set the desired parameter value. It's done double click mice. We assign the parameter the value 0.

    We solve the problem by creating a new user

    If the problem persists, perhaps creating a new user will be a way out. Press “Win” + R. In the search field, enter Control to enter the control panel, in which we create a new user.
    You can also create a new user via " command line" Press “Win” + R, enter net user Username /add in the field .

    As a rule, for a new user, the start menu and all settings work without problems. All that remains is to transfer all the files to the new account.

    What to do if none of the options helped

    It happens that nothing helps. Then all that remains is to use Windows recovery mode. This means a return to the original state. But usually a simple update rollback works. In “Control Panel” select “Programs and Features”. Here we look through the updates and delete the most recent one.
    Rolling back updates is good because after updating again, there are no problems opening the Start menu.

    A significant disadvantage is the time that you will have to spend waiting for the previous version of Windows 10 to load. Any of the methods listed can help. But you need to start trying exactly in the order in which we arranged them. This way, the likelihood of aggravating the problem with the Start button is minimized.

    Operating updates will be available from the official Microsoft website. Microsoft systems improve the performance of your computer, make it safer and add new functionality to the OS. However, with such updates come some problems. For example, after the next update, some users see that their “Start” button does not work in Windows 10.

    At the same time, it does not easily respond to a mouse click on its icon, but it also does not work after pressing the Win button on the keyboard (the key with the Windows logo). Often, along with such a problem, the system parameters, as well as its other elements, do not open. In this article we will figure out how to get out of this situation and return the system to functionality. If you do not want similar difficulties to be repeated in the future, you can completely.

    To combat the constantly broken Start menu, in 2016 Microsoft even created special application, which was supposed to automatically fix the problem.

    This method is the simplest, use it first, if after rebooting the system the start still does not work, proceed to the next options. Explorer.exe is a graphical Windows shell. It is responsible for everything we see, including Windows Explorer, the taskbar, the system tray, and even widgets. Like all other programs, this application may malfunction, for example, due to a basic conflict with data cells in RAM. So, in order to bring the Start menu back to life, first of all, let’s try to restart this process.

    How to fix

    Follow our instructions:

    1. Launch the task manager. You can open it using the Ctrl+Shift+Esc button combination or through the context menu of our taskbar. To do this, right-click on its empty space and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

    1. If you are running the tool for the first time, you will need to deploy it. To do this, click on the “Details” button. We have marked it with a red frame.

    1. We go to the tab with the name: “Processes”, find the “Explorer” process there (sometimes it can be called Explorer) and using the context menu launched by right-clicking on the process name, select the “Restart” item.

    The entire Windows 10 GUI will momentarily disappear and reappear. If this option does not solve your problem, feel free to move on to the next method, it will be more effective.

    Solving the problem using the system registry

    This method is more effective than the previous one; it involves changing the key value system registry. If there is no such key, we will create it. Let's look at how to do this correctly.

    1. Initially, you need to run the standard Windows 10 utility called regedit. In order to do this, press the combination Win + R and enter the word regedit in the window that appears.

    1. In the window that opens, on the left side there is a registry directory tree. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot. On the right side of the program, select the EnableXAMLStartMenu key, and if it doesn’t exist, create it. To do this, right-click on the empty space on the right side of regedit and select “New” - “DWORD Value (32 bits)”.

    1. Now let's rename new parameter in EnableXAMLStartMenu and, opening it by double-clicking, set the value to “0”.

    1. You need to reboot for the changes to take effect. GUI Windows We described how this is done in the first method.

    Correction of Cyrillic username

    Sometimes the Start menu stopped working after creating a new Windows user with a name written in Russian. In order to correct this situation, you need to use the Computer Management utility and correct the name. Let's look at how this is done.

    1. Initially, we open computer management through Windows search. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar and enter a query in the search bar. When the result appears, click on it.

    1. Next, on the left side of the window, open the “Utilities” section, go to “Local users and groups” and click on the “Users” folder. In the right part of the window, find the name that needs to be renamed and right-click on its name. There will be a “Rename” item here, which is what we need.

    Ready. The Computer Management tool can be closed; the changes will be applied as soon as you restart the system. If this method does not give the desired result, try creating another user and checking the functionality of the Start menu on it.

    To do this we do the following:

    1. We launch the “Run” utility; to do this, use two simultaneously pressed Win + R keys. In the window that appears, enter the word control and press Enter.

    1. After opening the control panel, go to the “User Accounts” menu.

    1. Click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

    1. Next, select “Manage another account.”

    1. And add a new user.

    1. You can get to the same menu in another way. Open the Windows 10 notification shade and click on the “All Settings” tile.

    1. Scroll down the window that opens a little and select the “Accounts” tile.

    1. On the left side of the window, select the “Family and other users” subsection, and on the right, click on “Add a user for this computer.”

    1. Here you can create another one Windows user 10, if you do not want to link his account to a Microsoft account, click on the item indicated in the screenshot, and in the menu that opens, select “Add a user without a Microsoft account”.

    Restart your computer or simply end your current session and select the user you created. If the launcher starts to open, then the problem is in the account.

    Using automatic maintenance mode in Windows 10

    Windows 10 has its own debugging tool, which is supposed to fix various problems for the user. Sometimes this function solves the issue of the Start button not working, let's look at how to use it.

    1. In the search bar of Windows 10 (which is launched by the magnifying glass icon), we write the words: “This computer.” Right-click on the item indicated in the screenshot and select “Properties”.

    1. In the window that opens, click on the inscription: “Security and Service Center” (located in the lower left corner).

    1. Expand the “Maintenance” section.

    1. Using the button indicated in the screenshot, we launch automatic system maintenance.

    1. The service has begun and will take time. The less you use your computer during this period, the faster the process will complete. Upon completion of the PC scan, all problems found on it will be corrected if possible. If desired, the service can be disabled.

    Attention! For a more complete, quick and correct check, we recommend closing all running programs and saving the data. The program runs only as an administrator.

    Using PowerShell to fix the Start menu

    Here is another option that will help improve the operation of the Start menu. We take the following steps:

    1. First you need to launch PowerShell itself. To do this, we will use the built-in search tool. Click on the magnifying glass icon on the left side of the taskbar and enter the PowerShell command in the search field. When the result we need appears (indicated by number 3 in the screenshot), right-click on it with our manipulator and select the “Run as administrator” section.

    Sometimes a program cannot be found through search. To get around the problem, go to Windows Explorer along the path indicated in the screenshot and run powershell.exe. You need to run the file as an administrator. To do this, right-click on its name and select the desired item.

    You can also call Windows PowerShell through the command line; you must run it as an administrator. After cmd.exe opens, type the powershell command into the black window and press Enter.

    When the program is running, insert the entry into it:

    Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

    Executing the command will take a couple of seconds. Now restart your computer and check if the startup starts working. If not, move on to the next method.

    Attention! Using this method may break the Windows Store. Therefore, it should be used only as a last resort.

    Windows 10 Start Menu Fix Utility

    As we already said, people from Microsoft are aware of the startup problem. That is why they created a miniature program with which we will work. Follow our instructions:

    1. Initially, let's download the program using the button below. Downloading is done from the official Microsoft website.
    Download the Start repair program
    1. Run the application as an administrator (no installation required) and click on the “Advanced” line.

    1. Make sure that the box next to “Automatically apply fixes” is checked and press the “Next” button.

    1. The program is running and the system is being checked for problems with the Start menu.

    1. As you can see, no problems were found. If you have them, corrections will be made automatically. If you click on “View additional information”, you can understand by what criteria the Microsoft tool searches for problems.

    Parameters that the program checks:

    • incorrectly installed important applications;
    • problems in the system registry;
    • tile database integrity;
    • application manifests.

    The report that the utility produces can be printed, and each item in the window shows a tooltip explaining its purpose. These same items are also elements of the table of contents; if you click on one of them, we will be taken to the desired part of the help section.

    What to do if the problem is not solved?

    We have presented many methods in case the Windows 10 start button stops working, for example, after an update, and usually they are enough for any situation. But even if none of them helped you, don’t be upset. Any Windows OS, and Ten in particular, has a system of checkpoints, thanks to which you can roll back Windows to the state in which the system was at the time such a point was created.

    It is important to create checkpoints before any serious action with the OS, and especially before updating, which often leads to problems. In any case, if you still have questions, ask us in the comments, and we will try to answer in as much detail as possible and help solve the problem.

    Another glitch of the Windows 10 operating system is the Start button suddenly not working. Just imagine that you are working, working, and then bam - and such a surprise popped up. Start stopped...

    Another glitch of the Windows 10 operating system is the Start button suddenly not working. Just imagine that you are working, working, and then bam - and such a surprise popped up. Start stopped...

    Oh, this Windows 10, every day there are various problems with the system. I am called upon to help correct these problems, or try to do so.

    Just recently I came across news that Windows 10 users are experiencing errors with the Start menu. They consist in the fact that the menu does not open, or some of its elements refuse to launch. In addition, the Notification Center, where the important settings. In this article I will try to express my opinion on this matter and give a couple of tips to solve the problem. By the way, at the end of the article I will give good method, which is likely to fix problems with the start menu.

    Somehow, on Windows 8, I also couldn’t launch the start menu; to be honest, I don’t even know why this happened, but a simple restart of Explorer helped. You need to go to the task manager by pressing the hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+Esc and list Windows processes find the word "Conductor" or "explorer.exe". Right-click on the process and select "Restart".

    Using the PowerShell utility

    This method is quite tough, but effective, since we will force the start menu to open. The only thing that can happen is that the operation of some components, in particular the Windows Store, will be disrupted. I advise you to first use the other methods described in this article and if they do not help, then move on to this one.

    For this method we need to launch it, usually it can be launched if you enter the appropriate phrase in the search, but since it may not work for us, we will have to manually search for it in the folder Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0. Find the launch file powershell.exe there. We need to right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".

    By the way, the utility can be launched a little differently. Open the command line (as Administrator) and enter the phrase “powershell” in it. After this, nothing will open, but you can work directly on the command line.

    As soon as you have launched powershell, no matter how, enter the command in the utility window to solve our problem:

    Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)

    After this, you can try opening the start menu; if that doesn’t work, try restarting your computer. No way again? Let's move on to the following methods.

    Using Registry Editor if the Start menu isn't working

    As you understand from the title title, we will use, this method can also help. Let's launch the registry editor, to do this we press the Win+R hotkeys and enter the command "regedit" then follow this thread: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced.

    Are you in the right section? Great, now right-click on the right side of the window and select "Create", parameter "DOWRD (32 bit)", name it EnableXAMLStartMenu. Now click on it twice and set the value to 0. Restart your computer.

    There is another solution method. You need to go to the “System” section, where it is displayed, to do this, right-click on the start menu, click on the item at the bottom left "Safety and Service", expand tab "Service", press "Start service".

    Create a new user to fix Start menu problems

    Everything is clear here too, we are in Windows system 10 let's create a new user and see what happens. If everything works out, all the data on the old account can be transferred to the new one.

    So, press the Win + R hotkeys and enter the “Control” command, after which we get to the Control Panel. Go to point "User accounts", we find the line there "Changing account type" and click on it. In the window that opens, select below "Add new user...".

    A window will open where you click "Add a user for this computer".

    In a similar way, you can do this: open the command line and enter the command net user Username /add.

    Option if all else fails

    The only thing I can advise you is, or.

    BONUS [New Method – Start Menu Fix Utility]

    We tried a lot, but did it help? If not, then this bonus option should prove to be a lifesaver. More recently, Microsoft created a utility that identifies various errors and problems related to the Start menu, yes, the program was created just for this.

    The operation of this utility is similar to the operation of the usual “Problem Diagnosis” process, but this is not the main thing. Launch the utility and click "Further".

    The search for problems will begin, if they are found, they will be automatically corrected, if nothing is found, the program will notify you about it.

    hence, it will not bring any harm, since it was created by Microsoft. This method of solving the problem is the fastest, so you can start with it.

    Thank you all for reading this blog.

    A huge number of operating system users have encountered an unpleasant situation - after they updated to new Windows 10, they started having problems launching standard programs. The most unpleasant thing is that when the Windows 10 start menu does not open, the notification panel and search also do not work, and some standard programs studiously ignore attempts to start them.

    For some, such problems became the decisive argument in the debate about which Windows is better, pushing them to use the reliable and proven Windows 7 and abandon the innovative ten. However, our readers are not accustomed to giving in to difficulties, and today we will list several ways that can help in solving such problems.

    We fix the start menu using a special utility

    This error mainly occurs when Windows update 7 or 8.1 to ten. Such a misfortune affected so many users that the developers paid attention to it and released a special utility that helps restore the functionality of the Start menu and other programs. Therefore, it is worth starting to solve such problems with it.

    In June 2016, an official utility was released from the developers, which allows you to get rid of problems with the Start menu, and also diligently corrects other shortcomings.

    The utility for fixing the Start menu for Windows 10 can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft website.

    Wait while the utility diagnoses problems.

    If problems are detected, the utility will automatically correct it, otherwise the following window will appear.

    You can view a more detailed report by clicking on additional information.

    In the vast majority of cases this should solve most of the above problems. If this does not happen, we proceed to correcting errors manually.

    Trying to restart explorer.exe to fix the Windows 10 Start menu

    Sometimes, a simple restart of the explorer can solve the problem. In any case, it's worth a try. Call Task Manager with the combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc, or right-click on the taskbar once.

    Next find in the list Conductor and restart via the right-click menu.

    Did it help? We're lucky. If not, proceed to the next step.

    Fixing the Start menu using the registry editor regedit

    This method involves using a standard registry editor.

    Find the buttons on the keyboard Win+R(plus is not pressed) and enter the command regedit

    We are interested in the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Advanced

    If there is no parameter EnableXAMLStartMenu, then you need to create it using the right mouse button.

    Give it a value 0 .

    Restoring the Start menu using the command line and PowerShell

    We need to run the command line as an administrator. This is done both through search and key combinations Win + X

    Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml

    Create a new user

    If the above methods do not help, try creating a new user.
    This can be done either through the control panel.

    Likewise via the command line using the following:

    net user Username /add

    What to do if nothing helps?

    Try Windows 10 recovery tools. Return to original state. And sometimes it's enough just to update Windows to the latest version.

    A lot of work has been done on Windows 10 to fix bugs, and it hasn’t finished to this day. The operating system is constantly updated, and all errors in it are found and eliminated. 2 years have passed since the launch, and during this time the system has become much more reliable and stable. But it is impossible to foresee everything, and some mistakes do occur from time to time, and this does not happen to everyone to one degree or another. previous versions Windows.

    I sincerely hope that this material helped you fix the broken Start menu.

    Hello everyone, today I want to tell you how to solve the problem when Start menu won't open in Windows 10. Before we had time to install Windows 10 and overcome the constant reboot of Windows 10, a new problem appeared with the start button. In general, it is depressing that Microsoft does not learn from its mistakes when releasing new operating systems, it feels like she just doesn’t care about users, but let’s hope that they come to their senses and make a 180-degree turn in our direction.

    Method 1 Restart explorer.exe

    The first method that sometimes helps is simply restarting the explorer.exe process on the computer. To do this, first press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the task manager, and then click the "More details" button at the bottom (assuming it's there).

    On the “Processes” tab, find the “Explorer” process (Windows Explorer), right-click on it and click “Restart” or you can remember the cool key combination CRTL+Shift+ESC, which will also open the Task Manager

    Perhaps after a restart the Start menu will work. But this does not always work (only in cases where there is actually no particular problem).

    2nd way to fix when the start menu does not open in Windows 10 is Power Shell

    In the second method we will use PowerShell. Since Start and probably search do not work for us, in order to launch Windows PowerShell, go to the folder Windows\ System32\ WindowsPowerShell\ v1.0

    In this folder, find the powershell.exe file, right-click on it and select run as Administrator.

    Note: Another way to run Windows PowerShell as Administrator is to right-click the Start button, select Command Prompt (Administrator), and type “powershell” in the command prompt.

    (this will not open a separate window; commands can be entered directly on the command line).

    After that, run the following command in PowerShell:

    Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)

    Once it's finished, check if you can open the Start menu now.

    Another way is to create a new user.

    If none of the above worked, you can also try creating a new Windows 10 user through the Control Panel (Win+R, then type Control to get into it) or the command line ( net user Username /add).

    Typically, for a newly created user, the start menu, settings and desktop work as expected. If you used this method, then in the future you can transfer the files of the previous user to the new one account and delete the “old” account.

    3 way to remove Dropbox

    Another factor that Microsoft recognized was the Dropbox program, a cloud client that somehow blocks some files in Windows 10; if you delete it, your Start will open normally. DropBox has not yet commented on this.

    This is how to solve the error when the start menu does not open in Windows 10.