Default password for the cryptopro csp container. Token PIN: password with special rules

Hello everyone, today I will remind you what the password is for eToken and Rutoken. They seem simple, but sometimes I forget them. We will also look at how Rutoken differs from eToken, since not everyone knows this, but this knowledge is very, very useful. I will also tell you how, if necessary, you can change this password.

The first thing you need to explain is what eToken and Rutoken are > these are special flash media whose task is to securely store a signing or encryption certificate (private key), which is equivalent to a person’s paper signature and the whole thing is password protected. Manufacturers issue tokens with a standard password already set:

The difference between etoken and rutoken

And so, we found out what this whole thing is used for, now let’s talk about the difference between etoken and rutoken. Firstly, rutoken is red, and etoken is red. Secondly, they have different amounts of memory:

  • Rutoken memory capacity varies from 32 kb to 126 kb
  • Etoken has a maximum volume of 72Kb, where the user can only use 47Kb

I would like to note right away that in CryptoPRO both media work the same

Summary table of differences between etoken and rutoken

Etoken default password

I would like to note that if you received a token from some certification center, then with one hundred percent probability its password has been changed and you need to clarify it with the technical support that generated it. Please note that if you enter the wrong combination a certain number of times, the token may be blocked.

These codes are also called pin codes, so don’t be surprised if you hear the phrase root pin by default, techies have their own language.

  1. for eToken – 1234567890
  2. for Rutoken and Rutoken EDS:
  • user: 12345678
  • administrator: 87654321

Now you all know what etoken’s default password is; to be honest, I constantly confuse them. Although they make them simple, apparently this information is not very important for me, and the memory reacts in its own way. Programs for changing and setting a new password Etoken PKI Client or SafeNet Authentication Client.

Option 1:

Default settings are used, the token PIN is remembered by the system. Least safe option. To do this, the first time you request a PIN code, you need to check the “Remember PIN code” checkbox:

In this case, on this computer the PIN code will no longer be requested; to sign, you will simply need to select the certificate with which to sign once. The PIN code will be remembered for all actions with the electronic signature, until in the settings of Crypto Pro-Service - Private key passwords - Delete remembered passwords... they are deleted.

Option 2:

Using caching mode for private key containers.

In the Crypto Pro settings, you must enable the use of a key storage service and caching. Crypto Pro parameters can be changed by a user with Administrator rights.

When enabled, the PIN code must be entered when entering the site; then the PIN code will not be requested until the browser is restarted. If you click the “Exit” button on the site, and then log in again under the same user without closing the browser, the PIN code will not be requested. If you close the browser and open it again, or access the site in another browser, the PIN code is requested (tested in Google Chrome, Internet Explorer).
According to "ZHTYAI.00087-01 92 01. Instructions for use. Windows.pdf" - Setting security parameters - p.43:"When storing keys in the key storage service, it is possible to use caching of containers of private keys. Caching consists in the fact that keys read from the media remain in the service’s memory. A key from the cache is available even after the key media is removed from the reader, as well as after the work of the one who loaded it is completed application key. Each key from the cache is available to any application that runs under the same account as the application that placed this key in the cache. All keys from the cache are available until the key storage service is terminated. When the cache is full, the next key is written in its place. an early key placed in the cache.
Container caching allows you to increase application performance due to faster access to the private key, because The key is read only once.
The cache size specifies the number of keys that can be stored in memory at one time.
To enable caching, you must set the checkbox in the Enable caching field. You must also specify the cache size in the corresponding input field."

In order for these modes to be enabled, when installing Crypto Pro on a computer, it is necessary to install the “Key Storage Service” component; by default, this service is not installed.

Option 3: (Using this option is not recommended when working on an ETP, since when signing an electronic contract, it is possible to sign more than 100 files)

Default settings are used, the highest level of security. In this case, when signing contractual documents, a window will be called up to enter a PIN code for signing each document (agreement, applications, specifications, etc.).

1. What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature (electronic digital signature) is a requisite of an electronic document that makes it possible to establish the absence of distortion of information in an electronic document from the moment of its signing and to verify that the signature belongs to the owner of the electronic signature key certificate. The value of the attribute is obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the private signature key. An electronic signature is analogous to a handwritten signature. The use of electronic signatures in Russia is regulated by Federal Law No. 63-FZ of April 6, 2011.

2. How to create an electronic signature?

You can create your own electronic signature using the “Key Management” section of the main menu of the system if you have a code word, which you must indicate in the Client Questionnaire when visiting our office in person or during the process of opening an account online.

To create and use an electronic digital signature in the system, you must also sign an Agreement on the use of documents in electronic form at the company’s office or in another possible way.

3. How to change an electronic signature?

An electronic signature cannot be changed. However, you can create a new electronic signature key using the “Key Management” section of the system’s main menu. To do this you will need to enter your code word. After creating a new electronic signature key, your old key is canceled.

4. How safe is it to use an electronic signature?

An electronic signature is almost impossible to forge. However, you must take some precautions. Keep the electronic signature key in places inaccessible to unauthorized persons! Do not give the key file and access password to anyone! If you have suspicions that your electronic signature key may be used by other persons, immediately notify the Company by phone: +7 812 635 68 65. The Client bears full responsibility for the safety of the electronic signature key and passwords.

5. I forgot my electronic signature key password, what should I do?

The electronic signature key password cannot be recovered. If you have forgotten it, create a new electronic signature using the “Key Management” section of the system’s main menu. To do this, you will need to enter your code word. After creating a new electronic signature key, your old key is canceled.

If you suspect that your electronic signature keys may have been changed by third parties, immediately notify the customer service department by phone. +7 812 635-68-65 to block access to your account and cancel your electronic signature key.

6. I forgot my code word, what should I do?

The code word cannot be recovered. We cannot send it to your email address or tell you over the phone. To change the code word, you need to come to one of our offices in person. Check again how you enter your code word. It must be entered exactly as you wrote it in the Client Questionnaire. Check the case of letters (small or capital) and keyboard layout (input language, etc.).

7. Computer requirements for signing documents with an electronic signature

On your computer, a component must be installed and enabled in the browser settings - Java Virtual Machine (JVM, virtual Java machine), which is needed to launch and operate applets (downloadable software modules) for generating keys and electronically signing documents.

Microsoft Internet Explorer usually comes with a Java machine from Microsoft - Microsoft VM. You can also install a similar component from SUN (SUN Java Virtual Machine browser plug-in), which can be downloaded from the SUN website.

After downloading the file, double-click to start installing the component. After the component is installed, you must restart your computer.

The service works correctly with components 3 of Microsoft VM version 5.0 and higher, as well as Sun Java browser plug-in version 1.4.2_03 and higher, 1.5.0 and higher, 1.6.0 and higher.

You can view information about the installed Java VM component (and also enable/disable it) in the browser menu “Tools” -> “Internet Options” on the “Advanced” tab, in the window that opens look for the section about VM (Microsoft VM or Java (Sun)).

The version of the Microsoft VM component can be viewed in the menu “View” -> “Java language window” (Java console), if the “Java console enabled” option is enabled on the “Advanced” tab.

If you have both Microsoft VM and Sun Java plug-in installed and enabled in your browser, then one of them must be disabled.

If you use a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer, we recommend choosing a browser installation package with Java or additionally installing a Java machine from Sun.

For Linux operating system users, we recommend installing a Java machine from Sun version no lower than 1.5.0, which can be downloaded from

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions that arise when working with digital signatures. Select the question you are interested in, open it and strictly follow the instructions. - JavaScript - Contractible Headers Script

1. Obtaining an electronic signature

To obtain an electronic signature, you can fill out a registration card on our website (in the “Obtaining an electronic signature” section), or on the website where you learned about us, or contact the nearest CA.

When contacting the CA, you must have the following documents with you:

    identification documents (standard - a copy of the passport);

    documents confirming the existence of a legal entity (TIN certificate, Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.);

    power of attorney for the individual granting him the authority to perform certain actions on behalf of the organization;

    upon receipt of an electronic digital signature for the manager, an order of appointment to the position (decision on election).

Additional information required by the CA in accordance with its regulations is not regulated by law. In practice, each CA has its own list of documents for obtaining an electronic signature.

2. EDS does not work

1. The private key on the specified container does not match the public key in the certificate. We check all closed containers; perhaps the wrong one was selected. If we do not find the required container, you need to contact the CA to reissue the digital signature.

2. The certificate is not valid. Install the digital signature according to the instructions of the CA

3. There is no trust in this certificate. You need to install the root certificates of your CA according to the instructions. To do this, they can be downloaded from the AETP website or found on digital media supplied with the digital signature.

4. CryptoPro has expired. You must enter the license key of the CryptoPro program from the documents supplied with the digital signature of your CA.

5. Capicom is not installed Download Capicom and install it with the browser closed and configure the browser according to the instructions of the TP on which you plan to work.

6. No valid certificate found (or certificate selection is not displayed)

    Install the digital signature according to the instructions of the CA

    Check the validity period of the certificate (it may have expired)

    Install the root certificate of your CA

    Install CAPICOM with your browser closed

3. Is there a possibility of hacking or forgery of digital signature?

According to most experts, it is impossible to forge (hack) an electronic digital signature - this requires a huge number of calculations that cannot be implemented with the modern level of computer technology and mathematics in an acceptable time, that is, while the information contained in the signed document remains relevant.

Additional protection against forgery is provided by certification of the public signature key by a certification authority.

4. The digital signature user with administrator rights quit. What should I do?

5. Forgot your EDS password. How to recover the key?

Standard passwords: Rutoken 12345678, Etoken 1234567890

If you have forgotten the password on Rutoken, you need to use the Rutoken console, which is installed along with the driver and is accessible from the Control Panel (Windows). This applies to the case if the User knows the password (pin code) of the Administrator, and he needs to unlock the token (reset the counter for the number of incorrectly entered passwords to 0).

If the carrier is an etoken, you need to contact the CA.

6. How to sign a word file with an electronic digital signature

A document created in Microsoft Office Word is signed with an electronic signature, the private key of which was generated by the electronic signature tool no earlier than version Crypto-Pro 3.0. Before signing, you need to check the Crypto-Pro kernel (Start / Control Panel / Crypto-Pro / General. The tab will indicate the version of Crypto-Pro and then “build” - this is the kernel). It is advisable to install the latest build product.

Now we sign the document itself

The document must first be saved. In the menu, select Tools / Options / Security / Digital signatures / certificate, click “Ok” and sign the document. If the certificate is not registered in Personal, the document cannot be signed. Save the document. Select Office button / Prepare / Add digital signature / Specify the purpose of signing the document (for example, accreditation) / Select signature / sign. The message “This document contains a digital signature” will appear. A red logo will appear on the panel.

7. Where can I get an electronic signature for free?

Only state authorities receive digital signatures free of charge. organizations in divisions of the Federal Treasury

8. Can an individual obtain an electronic signature?

An individual can also receive an electronic signature. Currently, this service is most in demand for the participation of individuals in trading on electronic trading platforms for bankruptcy (sale of bankrupt property). To obtain an electronic signature, individuals need to contact the CA, bringing with them:

    Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

    Certificate of assignment of TIN.

9. Is there a universal digital signature for public use?

At the moment, there is no universal digital signature that would work at electronic auctions (both government and commercial) and with which it would be possible to submit reports.

10. Where can I get training on working with digital signatures?

You can undergo training at the training center of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms. Seminars are held regularly on the territory of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

11. How many days does it take to complete the digital signature?

12. Is it possible to transfer my digital signature to a colleague during vacation?

No. Responsibility, according to the Federal Law on EDS, is borne personally by its owner.

13. Help! I deleted the signature from the flash drive, what should I do?

Contact the CA for restoration and re-issuance of digital signature

14. Will the contract be valid if I sign it today (my digital signature expires tomorrow), and my partner signs it a week later (at the time my partner signs it, my signature will no longer be valid, but when I signed, it was still working)?

If the document is signed according to all the rules and the digital signature has not expired at the time of signing, the agreement will be valid, but it will be impossible to make changes to it after signing.

15. Can a digital signature issued for tax reporting be used on marketplaces?

No. EDS for tax reporting is not suitable for electronic trading.

16. How do you get an electronic signature?

Digital signature is received only personally by the owner of the certificate

17. How to copy a signature from a disk to a flash drive?

Copying a private key container:

In order to copy the private key container, go to Start - Programs - CryptoPro - CryptoProCSP and go to the Tools tab. Click the Copy button.

The system will display the Copy Private Key Container window.

In this window, you must fill in the following input field: Key container name - entered manually or selected from the list by clicking the Browse button

Search options:

The entered name specifies the key container - the switch is set to User or Computer, depending on which storage the container is located in;

Select CSP to search for key containers - the required crypto provider (CSP) is selected from the list provided.

You can also select a container that matches the certificate installed on the system. To do this, instead of the Browse button, you need to click By certificate and select from the list of certificates installed in the user’s personal storages, or, if you have administrator rights, on the local computer, the certificate whose container you want to copy;

If a password is set for access to the private key, the system will ask you to enter it. Enter your password and click OK.

The system will display the “Copy Private Key Container” window, in which you must enter the name of the new key container and select the radio button The entered name sets the key container to User or Computer, depending on the storage in which you want to place the copied container.

After entering, click Finish. The system will display a window in which you must select media for the copied container.

Insert the media into the reader and click OK. The system will display a window for setting a password to access the private key. Enter the password, confirm it, and if necessary, set the Remember password flag (if this flag is set, the password will be saved in a special storage on the local computer and when accessing the private key, the password will be automatically read from this storage and not entered by the user).

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When generating requests for certificates and keys in the "Workstation for Key Generation" program, a window appears where this program (or rather Crypto Pro) prompts you to enter a password (Fig. 8). He offers, but does not force. If the fields are left blank, then no password will be set. But users probably think differently and, of course, fill out these fields. Everything would be fine, but then they conveniently forget what password they entered when generating it, and when they have to sign something for the first time, the person falls into a stupor. Then, of course, comes a call to the Treasury asking for help.

Today, in this article, I will tell you how you can remove or change this password. There are two options for removing the password. The first is when the user remembers the old password, the second is when he does not remember. Let's start with the first one. As I already mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Crypto Pro program is responsible for the password for the key container. Let's launch it by going to the computer control panel (Fig. 1):

To open the same window as mine, in the upper right corner of the window, select the “Small Icons” view mode. Launch Crypto Pro, a window opens (Fig. 2):

Click on the “Service” tab to get into the following window (Fig. 3):

At the bottom of the window there is a button labeled "Change Password". Click on it and you will be taken to the following window (Fig. 4):

Here we are asked to select a key container using the "Browse" button. First, do not forget to insert a flash drive or other media into your computer with your keys. When you click the button, the following window will open (Fig. 5):

Select the key media we need and click "OK". The following window will open (Fig. 6):

We make sure that we actually have the private key container we need selected, and click the “Finish” button, after which the password entry window will open (Fig. 7):

Here you need to enter the password that you entered when generating keys and requesting a certificate in the Key Generation Workstation program. It is assumed that you remember it :). We enter it, click “OK”, there is no need to check the “Remember password” checkbox, and we get to the window for entering a new password (Fig. 8):

Here you can not only change the password, but also delete it if you leave the fields empty. If you want to change the password, then create and enter it twice.

We have dealt with the case where the user remembers the old password for the container. Let's try to remove the password from the container when it is safely forgotten. Here the csptest.exe utility will help us, which is included in the installation kit of the Crypto Pro program starting from version 3.6. If you have this program installed, then you have this utility and it is located along the program installation path, i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Crypto Pro\CSP (I have a 64-bit OS, if you have 32 bit, then (x86) will be missing on the way). We need to run it from the command line.

To open the command line in Windows 7, you need to go through Explorer to the desired folder, press the "Shift" key on the keyboard, and while holding it down, right-click on the desired folder. Everything is illustrated in the picture below (Fig. 9):

In the context menu that appears, you need to select “Open command window” with the left mouse button. In the command window, you must first enter the following command: without square brackets, of course. This command will show us all available private key containers as: [\\.\media name\container name]. Once we know the name of our private key container, we need to enter another command: . Again, no square brackets. In quotes, you need to enter the name of your private key container, which you learned in the previous step. Enter quotation marks NECESSARILY. This command will show us the saved password, once we know it, we can use the first method to delete or change the password.

I carried out all the above actions, as evidenced by Figure 10:

I would like to note right away that I was unable to “find out” the password using this method (red line in Fig. 10). But I think this is due to the fact that the container that I specified in the second command was obtained by copying from media to media using the Crypto Pro program menu item “Copy” (Fig. 3). The generation of private keys was carried out on another medium that was no longer accessible to me. But the method works.

If you also fail to remove the password in this way, then the only way remains is to revoke the current certificate and generate new keys and a new certificate request. And if you take password protection more seriously, then passwords will not be “forgotten.” That's all. Good luck!

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