rmoney affiliate program. What tools are available for the job?

Operating online since 2007, after a complete upgrade in 2012, the R-Money affiliate program offers webmasters the opportunity to monetize student traffic.

A company operating officially in the field higher education, specialize in performing various works: coursework, abstracts, drawings, diplomas, in all subject disciplines. As part of the affiliate program, “R-Money” offers earnings to webmasters on sales and orders of such materials.

What tools are available for the job?

Working in an affiliate program from the R-Money program service, the webmaster has access to the widest range of various web tools:

Plugins for working with the system for popular CMS.
. Ready to use, the project's own CMS.
. Doorway script.
. Implementation of private domain parking.
. List of keywords.
. Dump table with all works for sale.
. Function of using subaccounts.
. Real-time statistics display system
. Designers of teasers and context blocks.

In addition, a huge collection of promotional materials made in various formats is provided.

How to work and earn money as an affiliate

Registration in the project gives the webmaster access to the full potential of the R-Money resource. There are several options for how to cooperate in an affiliate program and make a profit.

Drain student traffic onto three large sites provided by the service.
. Connect modules, forms, and accept orders on your own resource.
. Create a website using the provided CMS. Develop resources and attract search traffic.
. Use a network of doorways and redirect clients to service sites or to your own website.

How much can you earn

The amount of earnings will depend on the activities of the webmaster. Active work on the Network to attract thematic traffic, promoting your own resource aimed at participating in the project, undoubtedly, such actions will be rewarded with good profits.

The R-Money service pays a 30% commission on the cost of finished works or completed orders sold by the webmaster. In this case, the cookie is set for 30 days, and rebates are counted throughout the year.

How to withdraw money from the project

For payments to affiliate program participants and earned funds, a ruble wallet “WebMoney” is used. For individual entrepreneurs, transfer to a bank account is possible. Calculations are carried out on Tuesdays. The minimum amount on the balance sheet must be at least 1000 rubles, for individual entrepreneurs 5000 rubles.

The R-Money project has a profitable referral program, according to which you can get 5% of the earnings of partners referred to the project.

Let me remind you that this is an affiliate program for the sale of diplomas and coursework for students. Here are the main points:

  • pay from 20% to 40% of the cost of work performed;
  • receives traffic from CIS countries;
  • 5% of referral income;
  • statistics are updated - once per hour;
  • payments on webmoney and Yandex Money.
  • a large number of There are a lot of promotional materials, as well as other useful things for work (bases, plugins for engines, rotators, etc.).

Last time I only talked a little about the affiliate program itself, without saying a word about its monetization. I’m correcting myself, and this time I’ll write about ways to get student traffic under R-Mani. Our goal is to get as much traffic as possible and, accordingly, make good money from it.

1) We create a network of satellites.

No matter how trivial it may sound, but the most the best option, is to create a network of your own satellites on this topic. Search traffic (and there is a lot of it in this topic) was, as before, the best in quality, and remains so. You just need to do everything right, then there will be both sense and pleasure from the profit.

You need to look for communities based on the principle of interests, just like in paragraph 2 of this guide. These are communities of various youth groups, musical groups, fan clubs, etc.

This process is very labor-intensive. I advise you to add all found groups to bookmarks, then write to their owners (or rather, managers, and there is only one owner - P. Durov) that you want to buy advertising from them in the group.

If they agree, ask them to show the group statistics. First of all, we are interested in the group’s attendance and the age of its participants.

In addition, there is an opportunity to simplify the process - buy advertising on social networks through special services. Again, through the previously mentioned forum.

4) Contextual advertising.

You can also get student traffic by purchasing contextual advertising. True, only Yandex Direct is suitable for this. Since Google Adwords has a ban on advertising on such sites that sell term papers and dissertations. And I seriously doubt the quality of Begun’s traffic.

I will not go into detail about arbitrage traffic from Direct, since a large number of manuals of varying quality have been written about this. Anyone who decides to use this method will find information on the Internet.

I will just mention a couple of important points, in my opinion:

  • for such traffic you will have to pay all the time, and quite decently; people without start-up capital are better off not getting into this business;
  • great competition for good requests, correspondingly quite high entry prices;
  • be sure to add a metric to your website, set goals to monitor the conversion of certain requests and quickly disable non-sponsor ones;
  • create a lot of ads and look at their click-through rate, weed out the bad ones;
  • Watch how your competitors advertise and what kind of advertisements they make.

5) Traffic arbitrage.

6) Doorway traffic.

I’ll say right away that I’m not an expert on doorways, but I decided to write a couple of lines. And that's why. The fact is that I just recently saw an ad from a specialist who very successfully makes doors to order using your keys.

And after thinking carefully, I remembered that I had seen similar announcements on forums before. So, it’s quite possible to try to order a few pieces of dorov for the necessary keys and look at the impact.

I don’t think there’s any need to explain how to find such a specialist - Yandex, everything will be found (ts).

7) Non-standard methods of traffic extraction.

7.1) “Live mining” of traffic.

I called this method the “live method” of traffic extraction. Everything is very simple, but quite effective, and most importantly ZERO costs. Even if something doesn’t work out, there will be no expenses!

Only the domain is 90 rubles and the website design, if you sculpt the designs yourself, it’s free. The bottom line. When we buy a domain, it is very advisable to choose one that is easy to remember; it is not necessary that it contains keys to abstracts or diplomas.

We make a business card website, or better yet, just one page as an entry point (also called a “layout website”). We design it beautifully and make a clearly visible link to the affiliate site.

When everything is ready, we make leaflets and business cards with the URL of this site and an attractive slogan, such as “abstracts and term papers at ridiculous prices.”

We take our leaflets and business cards and go to educational institutions that are in your city. There we hand out business cards, and hang leaflets on nearby buildings, bus stops, poles, etc.

If you have friends, or you yourself study at one of the institutions, then it will be even easier to distribute. The same can be done in schools. Just don’t stand in the foyer, otherwise the teacher on duty and/or the janitor will look at you suspiciously. Catch schoolchildren on the street, on the way to school.

The main thing is to make a special promotional site, and not use sites from your network (see point 1). The main point I would call is the memorability of the domain, so that the student can remember it if your business card is lost.

I see some readers grinning in front of me.. Everything is real, and everything works 😉

8) Earnings from referrals.

I would also like to write that you can make money on R-Money in another way - through referrals. Let them work for us, and we will only entice them and invite them into the PP.

The best way to do this is through hidden PR on thematic SEO forums (oh, how moderators and admins don’t like open PR) and on your blog. The system regularly pays for working referrals.

I decided to post my modest screenshot of the hard-working referees and tell them - thank you very much guys!


Present in the affiliate program good selection advertising promotional materials that are not a sin to use. You should also remember that the affiliate program rewards good partners with substantial cash bonuses:

  • if you made 300 orders in a month - 15 thousand rubles;
  • if 200 orders - 10 thousand rubles;
  • if 100 orders - 5 thousand rubles.

And this is in addition to the main income of 30% from sales. Be sure to keep in mind that the closer the next session, the greater the need for the services we sell. 😉 I wish you success in this field and earn a bag of money)).

Remember, an integrated approach will bring maximum effect. Choose 3-4 directions from the ones I mentioned, or better yet, all eight. Then your efforts will be rightfully rewarded!

I hope you liked my article and will share it on social networks. All you have to do is click the button below. And also, I will be glad if you become my referral, especially for you - my special link to register with R-Money.

R-Money- the most profitable and unique affiliate program designed to effectively monetize educational and student traffic from your resources.

Benefits of the R-Money affiliate program

  • High commission. Up to 35% of the order value from attracted customers.
  • Big profit. The average check from a client is 4,000 rubles.
  • Rebills. Possibility of receiving repeat orders throughout the year.
  • Promo. Huge selection promotional materials for advertising campaigns.
  • Referrals. Attract partners and receive royalties from their income.
  • Payments. Stable payments to popular payment systems.
  • Detailed statistics. Track statistics and increase your earnings.
  • Bonuses. Constant bonuses and bonuses for active webmasters.
  • Accounting for applications. The affiliate call center accepts requests sent by you.
  • Availability of support. Throughout the entire process, you can contact technical support and get help.

Registration in the R-Money affiliate program

You can create an account only by filling out one form. We enter the necessary information: name, email, password, phone number, Skype login, payment method and details. All you have to do is agree to the rules and click on the register button.

How to start making money online using the R-Money affiliate program?

The matter of primary importance in this process is the addition of traffic channels, for which there is specially dedicated functionality. The presence of a created channel will allow you to link the attracted traffic to a separate identifier, if there are several resources at once. This provides more accurate analytics and, accordingly, the opportunity to increase income.

After creating a channel that has its own referral code, you can choose the most suitable offer.


The most developed offer in the affiliate program. Attracted visitors benefit from paid consultations, translations and reviews. The site looks great and is quite convertible.

Tariffs for the first order:

  1. From 1 to 4999 rubles - 35%;
  2. From 5000 to 9999 rubles - 30%;
  3. From 10,000 to 19,999 rubles - 25%;
  4. From 20,000 rubles and above - 20%.

Commission on rebills is 15% throughout the year. Promotional materials include links, banners, a banner rotator, banners, order forms, an online calculator, leaflets and coupons, promo codes, a phone number, an online consultant, landing pages, and keywords.


A unique platform for providing tutoring services online. It is not such a rich offer in terms of promotional materials and royalties, but has an equally interesting design.

First order tariff: 15%, the same amount for rebills that are available throughout the year.

As for promotional materials, there are much fewer of them than in the first case: links, links on subjects, banners, but there is a tool unique to the resource - a form for selecting a tutor.


Service for ordering coursework and tests, as well as diplomas. It is a client-oriented resource that provides excellent conditions.

Tariffs for the first order:

  1. Up to 3000 rubles - 35%;
  2. From 3,000 rubles to 20,000 rubles - 25%;
  3. From 20,000 rubles - 15%.

The commission on rebills is 15%, the term is the same - 1 year.

Zaochnik (for authors)

The website Zaochnik.com invites new authors of student papers (coursework, tests, dissertations and abstracts) to cooperate. Allows you to start earning money after filling out the registration form and then accepting orders.

What is offered to webmasters? A commission of 10% is offered on the earnings of authors attracted to the service within a year from the date of registration.

Promotional materials that can be used: landing page, registration forms, links and banners.

Domain parking

To more effectively monetize traffic, you can use domain parking. Simply by filling out the add new domain form, which is shown in the picture above, you can add your domain name.

Referral system

We also have a considerable number of static banners of popular sizes that will help expand the promotional campaign to promote the affiliate program.

Having selected the right offer and started searching for free or paid traffic sources, let us remind you of the existence of the most classic ones:

  • Word of mouth. Let's imagine that you are in a certain student group, or at least know one. You can recommend to talented students a platform for making money by writing dissertations (Zaochnik for authors) or even offer to find an author for an additional percentage in your pocket.
  • Social media. With help social networks You can create groups that are dedicated to education and advertise such resources, receiving affiliate royalties.
  • Video hosting. You can create simple videos about resources for purchasing similar works and, even collecting a small number of views, have good passive income.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I have already written more than once about such a tool for earning money as essay affiliate. As you can see, I even use the term in English, because all the similar affiliate programs I described earlier were aimed at monetizing bourgeois traffic (mostly American). And this largely reduced their relevance in RuNet (for example, it is very difficult for me to work with an audience in another language).

But also in RuNet Recently, the market for student papers has expanded greatly (what in the bourgeoisie is called an essay-niche, but here we call coursework, dissertations, classes with tutors, etc.). There is a strong demand for this and a pool of sites has formed where students (or schoolchildren) can buy something for themselves or hire someone to study (tutor), and authors (performers, tutors) can find work.

These same sites (where customers and performers meet) could rely only on their own strengths in attracting as many participants as possible. But this is not optimal, because there is such a thing as an affiliate program that allows you to delegate this task to someone else (outsource it). In RuNet, this role is now played by an affiliate program. She works with three RuNet pillars of the essay niche - Correspondence Student, ReadyWork and Tutoronline.

R-Money essentially gives us the opportunity to attract customers and performers there. This is paid for up to 35% from the order value immediately and 15% for all subsequent orders of this person made during the year (rebills), and you will also receive 10% from the earnings of the performers you invite.

All tools (landing pages, banners, order forms, analytics, free hosting) are provided by the affiliate program. Your task is only to attract interested customers there and receive rewards, as well as significant bonuses for registration and the number of orders. Interesting? Then don't switch...

Prospects for making money on students and schoolchildren in RuNet

Studying at Runet universities (and at school, by the way, too) is becoming more and more difficult (control over results by the state has increased, at least in Russia). If some time ago it was easier to pay a teacher than to do something, now you still have to do it.

However, during this time, students are unlikely to have become less lazy (or less busy - many combine work and study), which is why demand is growing for services of performing all kinds of coursework, tests, dissertations, essays, drawings and other works. The demand for tutors is also growing, especially after the tightening of the rules for conducting and increasing the complexity of tasks in the unified state exam. Number of similar requests to search engines approaching a million in just one month. And you can and even need to make money from all this.

This is what I mean essay niche in RuNet according to its demand and incomes begin to approach what has long been the case in the bourgeoisie. And taking into account the fact that it’s easier to work here, because the native language helps... And the mentality of the target audience is closer and more understandable.

On this moment in this market, by and large, there is only one major affiliate program— . It has existed for more than a decade, but in the last year there have been a lot of changes that have seriously increased its attractiveness and made it a good alternative to the usual way of making money on bourgeois traffic in this niche.

How can an affiliate program interest you? Well, there’s at least more than one of these things, so here’s the list:

  1. The most important thing, as I already mentioned, is the possibility of monetizing specifically Runet traffic, or rather attracting residents from countries CIS.
  2. The potential level of income in an affiliate program is very high. Judge for yourself: from orders you get up to 35% . At the same time, the average order (average temperature in the hospital) is 4 thousand rubles, which is very good. If this person makes more orders within a year, then you will also receive from them 15% . And such cases (repeated orders - rebills) on average come out to 40% , which speaks about the quality of the services offered and has a positive effect on your income. The affiliate program displays the TOP 10 moneymakers:

  3. Last year, R-Money equated attracted authors to referrals. Those. Previously, for each author you attracted (performer of work on the Correspondence or ReadyWork sites, or tutor on the Tutoronline site) you would receive one hundred rubles, but now you will receive 10% from all their income, which again increases the income and attractiveness of the affiliate program.
  4. There is also a referral program in the affiliate program itself (sounds a little confusing), where they pay 5% from all the income of those people whom you attract to R-Money itself (here you will need traffic on the “earnings” topic, as you understand). I personally find this particularly interesting.
  5. There is a registration bonus ( 5000 rubles immediately to your balance, which you can actually withdraw only after earning another fifteen thousand, but that’s a fact!) plus bonuses for the number of orders per month (from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles). This additionally encourages selfless work for one’s own benefit.

  6. The affiliate program provides a full range of auxiliary tools, which have been constantly improved over the past year. There are forms (for ordering, searching for finished works, registering authors, selecting a tutor), an online calculator, an online consultant, banners (including dynamic ones, i.e. sliders), landing pages, free hosting, domain parking with landing page installation, promotional codes and coupons (for working with offline clientele), as well as a pool keywords With general traffic under a million requests per month.
  7. The opportunity to create a White Label should soon appear (offering these services supposedly under your own brand, which in some cases can be very profitable), but for now it will be possible to place special phone number starting from 8800, orders from which will be counted as yours.
  8. The flow of target visitors (taking into account their specifics) can be monetize on three large platforms, which allow you to cover a larger range of requests and earn more:
    1. Correspondence student is a meeting place for customers and performers (exchange) of all kinds of work on the student profile. Almost two decades on the market with a good reputation. Quite a tall envelope with targeted traffic(the profit for going to this site is approximately 4-5 rubles, which makes even arbitrage from contextual advertising, not to mention teasers, highly profitable).
    2. ReadyWork - sale of finished works and execution of tasks to order. Prices here are lower (twice, or even three times) than in Correspondence Book, and therefore ReadyWork is suitable, for example, for monetizing clients who are not very rich in money. You can earn 2-3 rubles from one transition, but the audience is wider (there are still more low-budget students).
    3. Tutoronline is a center for online tutoring (via Skype). It would be a good idea to bring here schoolchildren preparing for exams (especially the Unified State Exam, because it becomes more complicated every year and requires more preparation), people studying a foreign language, and students who are not good at some disciplines. What's so great about a tutor? Because, as a rule, one lesson with him is not enough, and therefore rebates (repeated orders throughout the year) here are almost one hundred percent. And the average check is very large (about 20,000 rubles). If the traffic is highly targeted, then from the transition you can make up to 10 rubles, which is just a “bomb”.
  9. With a more or less decent volume of orders passing through your account, it will be difficult to track conversion and earnings without detailed statistics and financial reports. For each of the sites described above, a separate statistics and reporting. In the last year, this whole thing has been greatly improved and continues to be improved according to the wishes of the partners.

  10. To top it off. The hold is quite short (two weeks). Payments money earned in the affiliate program is made twice a month automatically (upon reaching the minimum of 500 rubles). The choice for withdrawal is not very large, but webmoney, which is popular in RuNet, is available, as well as ePayService and payments to the current account of individual entrepreneurs.

    *click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

Partner's personal account in R-Money

Everything I said above can be gleaned from R-Money personal account, which will become available after registration in the affiliate program. For each of the three traffic draining services described above (essentially, these are offers), you can read the conditions for attracting customers and get access to all kinds of promotional materials (there are also financial reports, as well as statistics).

“The correspondent also has an offer to attract authors to the service with its own conditions and promotions. Well, plus another referral program offer, the conditions and promotions of which can be found on the corresponding tab. In total, five offers for earning money.

Just below you can get free hosting data and set up domain (subdomain) parking if necessary. You can, of course, park them on the landing pages of this affiliate program that you need (though only on two sites - zaochnik.com and tutoronline.ru). In this case, hosting will not be needed at all, and there will be no need to create websites.

Generally in personal account everything is quite clear and without additional explanations, because it is written in Russian and with all the necessary remarks. It’s actually great to work with an essay affiliate in Russian, Russian-speaking support and Russian-speaking traffic (great and a little unusual). Basically a dream...

How to make money with R-Money - obvious and not so obvious ways

Let's say that you became interested (like me) and wanted to try yourself in this rather new field of earning money for the RuNet. What to do? Where to begin? I think that in addition to registering with R-Money, it’s worth thinking about possible ways and ways to attract potential clients to this affiliate:

  1. According to the affiliate program, they are best suited for attracting users regional site networks educational topics. It is quite natural that potential customers type their requests, often using the names of the area where they are located. In this case, regional resources will be presented in the search results, and not sites without an explicit geographic reference.
  2. A simple site with an educational or related topic would also be perfect. Place an order form on it, or a search form for finished works, or a form for registering authors or selecting a tutor in TutorOnline (new additions should be released soon). You can try banners (simple or rotators) or an online calculator, and also add to the texts appropriate affiliate links leading to landing pages (landing pages, the addresses of which can be obtained in your R-Money personal account).

    You can even place a special phone number on the website (with a tracking code), orders from which will be credited to you.

  3. If suitable no website, then it is quite possible create precisely in anticipation of monetization in R-Money. In this niche in RuNet it is not so difficult (at least for now) to get a sufficient amount of targeted traffic from search engines. The competition is not that great, and the frequency of requests is very high in some places. The seed can be assembled around a pool of requests received in the affiliate program itself. discussed in the article at the link provided.
  4. In principle, students and schoolchildren can be caught not only on educational websites, but also where they like to spend time. For example, R-Money, it seems to me, can be good suitable for monetization online cinemas, gaming-themed sites, Varezniks and other hot spots where students hang out in their free time from school (from school to university). After all, even while resting, a student can remember about an unwritten coursework or report when he sees a banner of the corresponding focus. IMHO.
  5. In addition, to attract targeted traffic, it will naturally be suitable contextual advertising(Adsense, Direct). A pool of keywords that will allow you to highlight the one you need target audience, the affiliate program provides. There are really nuances. For example, AdWords does not allow advertisements leading to Correspondence Work (custom-made work), although Tutoronline (lessons with tutors) runs without problems.
  6. Social networks are generally great for identifying a student (or school) audience, because users usually report this information in their profile. Here you can use both official targeted advertising of social networks (however, VKontakte does not allow advertising leading to Correspondence, which is worth considering), and directly contact the owners of educational communities.
  7. R-Money allows you to attract customers and offline. To do this, use promo codes, coupons and other paraphernalia with discounts (you set their size yourself), which allows you to interest a student or schoolchild and at the same time clearly understand that it was through your efforts that this client was attracted. For some, offline methods may be preferable. In this case, you can search for potential clients in Universities, schools and other educational institutions directly or through intermediaries, bulletin boards, etc. For example, if you are a student yourself, then the flag is in your hands (in the form of flyers, coupons and promotional codes).
  8. If there are no sites on a suitable topic, no initial capital (and most importantly, experience) for arbitrage in context, teasers or social networks, then you can try “catch” clients online: on thematic forums (by answering questions or adding a link/promotional code to your signature); social network communities (other people’s and those created by you); question-answer services; review sites; commenting on educational websites and blogs; bulletin boards by topic, etc. Here you will have to think more (so as not to become like spammers) and spin, but you don’t need to invest money (just time).
  9. Doorways are also suitable. As I already mentioned, the affiliate program provides a pool of targeted requests. Doors, of course, are evil (for Internet users), but they allow you to pave the way from the customer to the performer with some of the money ending up in your pocket. Few people will feel bad about this. It's certainly good for you.
  10. Actually, you can find other options for attracting targeted traffic (online and offline), the main thing is that they are not prohibited by the rules of R-Money. Everything that is not prohibited is possible. If you are in doubt, it would be better to first consult with support ([email protected]) so that your account is not blocked later for violations.
  11. As an alternative option, sites dedicated to making money, affiliate programs, etc. are perfect. You can use them advertise the affiliate program itself, because it has its own referral program (they pay 5% of all income of attracted referrals). Those. you will not attract students and schoolchildren to buy coursework or hire a tutor, and not even performers of work (authors), but you will lure into R-Money itself those who will attract students.

    That. you will become closer to the top of cash flows. This is exactly the path I’m thinking of for myself (and implementing at the moment) due to the lack of educational websites.

But in general

It’s rare that at the end of a review we can say that the product described above is the best on the market (at most, one of the best). In this case, you can say so, in my opinion. The field of the essay niche in the Russian-language segment of the network, one might say, has not yet been plowed, and there is room for improvement. The affiliate program provides the most important thing: coverage of the entire RuNet, ease of work and decent income. What else does?

Maybe all that's left to do is try how she really is. I think there is no point in repeating the above mentioned advantages of the affiliate program. Among the minuses (albeit insignificant), I would note a not very rich range of methods for withdrawing money. And everything seems to be cool. Probably something will come up during work, but the developers assure that they are ready to consider emerging problems and improve the functionality to suit our wishes. As they say, we'll see...

Thousands of offers in top verticals from more than 200 countries, 13+ years of experience!
OnlineRxMaster– pharma with a new name and rich experience!
Pharmcash- an old, proven pharmaceutical company, owns several affiliate programs and its own call center!

Do you think that you can make money from students only through Burj traffic, and in our country such traffic does not bring in a lot of money? I hasten to disappoint you - in Russia there are the same students, they have the same needs, there are many of them, and they want to pay for essays, term papers, diplomas and other works just like students in Western universities. To understand: in Russia there are now more than 5,000,000 students from whom there are more than 700,000 requests for work per year, and 40% of students who once ordered work from R-money do so again.

  • Registration bonus of 5000 rubles to all partners upon reaching an income of 15000 rubles - I don’t know of other affiliate programs that would give this.
  • We have our own White Label.
  • High commissions - up to 35% of the order value. Average bill 4000 rub. Rebills throughout the year, 40% repeat orders.
  • Detailed statistics on applications and sources.
  • Huge selection of promos. Free hosting. Domain parking.
  • Stable payments without delays to ePayments, WMZ, Yandex, QIWI, IP. Bonuses and awards.
  • Referral program 5%.
  • Stable support and assistance in work for newbies.

Let's talk about the promo in more detail. R-money has many different order forms, forms for searching for finished works, forms for registering authors, selecting a tutor, banners, landing pages, an online calculator, an online consultant, domain parking, a referral program, an affiliate program for Authors. For offline – promotional codes, leaflets and coupons. Yes, yes, some partners work offline. You can see more detailed information about promotions, tools and reports in your personal account. There, all materials are divided by project - in the menu on the left.

Main sites of the affiliate program, to which you will need to send traffic: Zaochnik.com, Readywork.ru, Tutoronline.ru.

September 12 was the birthday of the Zaochnik website. Not a lot, not a little, 18 years old... The correspondence student didn’t do a campaign on this occasion, the applications are already going well. But the management of the affiliate program created a promotion for webmaster clients. As statistics on Correspondence students show, the most popular types of work now are coursework and practice reports. They made a discount on them.

Terms of action: 10% on coursework and practice reports.
Date: September 17-30.
Promo code: 1818s

Banners were drawn especially for the event - they are available in your personal account.

Regarding the difference from competitors(do they exist at all, these competitors, did you notice something?). Accounting for applications submitted by telephone, a motivation system, rebates throughout the year, bonuses for volumes, again - a registration bonus, a high average bill, a large number of convenient and detailed statistical reports: information is distributed by sources, applications, subjects, types of work, cities, clicks/impressions. In general, in one word, TOP.

What about income? This screenshot is from the previous period, since the new season has just begun.

R-money has topics on all specialized forums, for example, Searchengines, Nulled, GoFuckBiz, Armadaboard, etc. Do you want to start working with student traffic, but don’t know where to start? In this article you can familiarize yourself with the story of a real webmaster and understand how and how much you can earn using our Affiliate program.

The affiliate program is always ready for dialogue and happy to improve. If anyone has any suggestions, needs additional reports, promotions or tools, we are ready to listen and promptly develop and implement everything necessary. For any questions, you can always contact representatives of the affiliate program via Skype and email.

e-mail: [email protected]
skype: supportrmoney
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