Transition between windows. All the ways to switch between tabs using the keyboard

In Windows 7, thanks to Aero Desktop, it is possible to switch between application windows in 3D. It looks impressive and works well. To switch between windows, you need to press Windows + Tab and go to the desired window while continuing to press Tab. I must say that this key combination is not the most successful or convenient. Switching between windows can be done differently, much simpler and more convenient.

Create a shortcut
You can organize beautiful switching between windows in Aero Desktop by creating a shortcut. To get started, go to your desktop, open context menu and select “New - Shortcut” there, and in the window that opens, write down the path to the shortcut:

C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe DwmApi #105

After you click Next, the system will ask you what to name the shortcut. Here you can write anything, for example Switch Between Windows. Then you need to call the shortcut properties. Right click and Properties. In the resulting menu, click Change Icon.

Now write the path to the icons:


Among the many icons, it would be most logical to choose the one in the upper left corner.

All you have to do is click “Ok” and the shortcut is ready!

Using a shortcut

To make the shortcut convenient to use, place it on the taskbar.

Click on the shortcut and switch between windows using the direction keys. You can stop your selection on a specific window by pressing Enter. This is much faster and more convenient than switching using the Windows + Tab combination.

Windows 8 is more touch-centric, but Microsoft has tried to make it easier to navigate the OS with a mouse. In particular, the company tried to make it easier to switch between applications using the mouse.

For this, the company has developed a special mechanism. And it turned out to be very simple. To switch to a recent application, the user only needs to hover over the top left corner. By moving the cursor lower, the user can view full list running applications.

The whole process, once you get used to it, seems very simple. But sometimes you want to turn off unwanted switching between applications so as not to be distracted from important work.

How to do it? Today we will tell you about it.

To get started, launch the Control Panel home screen. To do this, call the Charms panel and select the “Settings” option and then “Change computer settings.”

Now select the “General” menu in the left pane. As a result, on the right you will see an option to allow switching between latest apps, next to which there will be a slider. By default, this slider is in the on position.

All you have to do is move this slider to the left. And then you disable app switching in Windows 8.

It's as simple as that, good luck to you!

If in Microsoft Windows Learning to work without a mouse and using a keyboard for everyday tasks can significantly improve your productivity. In addition, there are situations when the mouse suddenly stops functioning and you have to work on the computer without it. The sections below contain many useful key combinations used to control Windows using the keyboard.


Some of these keyboard shortcuts do not work in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, or act differently.

Open the Start menu.

To open the Start menu or start menu, you need to press Windows key on the keyboard or press the key combination Ctrl + Escl.

From the Start menu, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move up, down, right, or left within the Start menu. Once you find the program you need, press the Enter key.

Since Windows 8 does not have a Start menu, pressing the Windows key or Ctrl + Esc will open the Start menu. Windows screen, or will open the desktop.

How to open a program on the desktop.

If the program you want to run has a desktop shortcut, you can get to the desktop by pressing the Tab ↹ key on your keyboard. Pressing the Tab ↹ button will move between the taskbar and desktop shortcuts. You can determine which area you are currently in by appearance icons and labels. The one that is currently selected will be highlighted.
In some cases, you may have to press Tab ↹ several times before getting to the desktop icons. Once one of the desktop icons is highlighted, you can navigate through the shortcuts using the cursor keys.
When you find a shortcut for the program you want to launch, press the Enter key to open that program.

How to Close a window, maximize it to full screen, minimize it to a window or move it.

How to close windows.

Press the key combination Ctrl and F4 to close the currently open program or window.
You can also press the Alt + Space combination, thereby calling system menu program, then use the down arrow to select the Close menu item and press Enter.

How to minimize a window.

To minimize a window, press Windows and the down arrow (sometimes twice).

How to expand a window to full screen.

To maximize a window, press the Windows key and the Up arrow.

How to move a window without using the mouse.

Before moving a window, make sure it is not maximized to fill the entire screen. To make the window moveable, press Alt + Spacebar, select the Restore menu item, and press Enter. Then press Alt + Spacebar again and select Move, and the cursor will change (it will appear as four arrows in different directions). After which you can move the window using the cursor keys.

How to switch between tabs using the keyboard or Close tabs.

How to close tabs.

In most programs that support tabs (eg browsers), pressing Ctrl + F4 closes the active tab.
How to switch between tabs using the keyboard
To move from left to right between tabs in the current window, press Ctrl + Tab ↹.
To move from right to left, press Ctrl + Shift + Tab ↹ .

How to navigate between open windows and applications.

To move between any open programs on your computer, press and hold the ALT key, then press the Tab ↹ key. A window will appear in which each of the open source software on your computer. By pressing Tab ↹ while holding down the Alt key, you will navigate through thumbnails of open programs. When you reach the program you want to switch to, release both keys to make it your active window.

Navigation between areas and buttons on a window.

To move your cursor between area objects in a window (such as a dialog box), you will often use Tab ↹ , space bar, arrow keys, and the Enter key. Most programs use Tab ↹ for this, but if that doesn't work, try using the cursor keys. If you need to press a button such as OK or Cancel, press the spacebar or the Enter key.

Managing and moving around a text document.

Below are various methods management text document without the help of a mouse. Not only does this help users who don't have access to a mouse, it can also save you a lot of time when working with text documents.

  • Cursor keys — Using the cursor keys on your keyboard, you can move text up, down, right, or left.
    Ctrl and Cursor Keys – Pressing the Ctrl key along with the right or left arrows will move the cursor one word to the left or right per press. This is much faster than using just the arrow keys. Holding Ctrl and clicking the up and down arrows will move one paragraph in the document.
  • End and Home keys - Pressing the End key will move the cursor to the end of the current line, and pressing the Home key will move you to the beginning.
  • Shift key - The Shift key allows you to select text. For example, pressing the Shift key and the right or left cursor keys will select text to the left or right of the current cursor position. If you hold down the Shift key and press the down or up arrow keys, you will select one line of text at a time down or up, respectively.
  • You can also use Shift in combination with the combinations above. For example, pressing and holding Shift , Ctrl and using the arrows will highlight one word per press. Pressing Shift + End will select text from the current cursor position to the end of the line or document.

Scrolling the window.

Scrolling a window down or up is achieved by using the following methods: moving Up and Down using the cursor keys, PageUp and PageDown to move one page up or down.

Right-clicking a symbol or other Windows element.

In some situations it may be necessary to click right click mouse over an image, text or other Windows element. To do this without a mouse, select the character or move the cursor to the text you need to right-click on, then press and hold Shift and F10.

To make your work bring more results and spend less time on typical actions, we suggest you remember the following three hotkey combinations and use them to speed up navigation in Windows.


When you press these keys simultaneously, a small window will appear in the center of the screen, displaying all active programs and windows. Press the key (while pressing the key) as many times as necessary to activate the required window. If you now release the key, the selected window will open.

[ Win+Tab]

This hotkey combination will open the possibility of 3D viewing of active windows. You can also scroll through the list of programs using the key, pressing it as often as necessary to move to the selected window. Then release the key you've been holding all this time and the highlighted window will open.

[ Ctrl+Tab]

If you have several windows of the same program open or several browser tabs open, then using this hotkey combination you can easily switch between them. This combination works for Firefox browsers And Google Chrome.

Photo: manufacturing companies

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How to switch between windows?

The computer is capable of running multiple applications simultaneously. Each of them displays its own window. Icons for these windows appear on the Taskbar.

To switch between running programs, you can click on their icons on the Taskbar.

There is another way.

Press the key Alt and, while holding it, press the key Tab. Each time you press it, the computer will alternately switch between all running programs.

A menu with icons will appear on the screen running programs. When the next key press Tab The icon of the program you need will be highlighted, release both keys.

You will be taken to the window of this application.


Likewise, you can press the key Windows and, while holding it, press the key Tab. At the same time, instead of a modest menu with icons, a very beautiful sight will unfold on the screen!

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