Transfer data to Samsung SD card. How to transfer applications to an SD card: using special programs and built-in tools

Do you want to download another application, but there is not enough internal memory? There is a solution: just move it already installed applications to the SD card. Our instructions are suitable for version 6 and higher. The names of some menu items may vary slightly depending on the smartphone model and system version.

Transfer applications to the SD card through Android settings

  • Go to the gadget settings and select the “Applications” section.
  • Open Application Manager to see all installed programs.
  • Select the application you want to move to the memory card. In our example, this is Instagram.

  • Open the "Memory" tab and in the "Used" section, click "Change".
  • Select a memory card as the storage area and click Move.
  • The location changes will take some time. Typically, this procedure is completed in a minute.

Important: Not all applications can be moved to an SD card. To move some programs you need to have root rights and the Link2SD application.

Transferring applications to a memory card using App 2 SD Pro

If you want to move multiple apps at once, download App 2 SD Pro to make the transfer process much easier.

After installing App 2 SD Pro, a window will open with information about all installed programs. Here you can check the boxes next to the applications you want to move to the map. Just click OK and App 2 SD Pro will complete the transfer process.

Many smartphones Android based have memory card support. It’s very convenient if you need to expand the amount of memory - just insert a flash drive. You can transfer a huge number of files to a memory card, including videos, songs, folders with various information, etc. In this article we will tell you what needs to be done for this.

You will need a file manager. On most smartphones, FM is already built into the firmware, so there should be no problems with this. If you haven't found a file manager, just download the one you like from Play Market. We're using File Manager+ in our example.

You launch it.

Select “Main memory” - it is from the main memory that you will transfer files to the memory card (SD card).

Here you will see a list of folders and files that are in the smartphone’s memory. Let's say you want to transfer music to a memory card. Select a folder - in our example it is called Music.

Here is a list of files. Select the one you need by tapping and holding your finger on the object. The object is selected. If there are several files, you can select them by simply tapping on the ones you need. Then click on the “Copy” or “Move” button - in the second case, the files are not copied, but moved (analogous to the “Cut” function).

You now see the Cancel and Paste buttons. It means that necessary files copied or prepared for relocation.

Return to home page file manager and select “SD card”.

You have opened the memory card. If you click on the “Paste” button, the files you select will be copied or moved.


However, in in this case the data will be transferred to the root of the memory card - this is not convenient in all cases. Therefore, we recommend that you create a folder for these files. Click on the three dots.

Select New, then Folder.

Give the folder a name, for example “Music”, click OK.

The folder has been created.

Open and transfer files to it.

In the same way, you can transfer not a file, but an entire folder, both from main memory to a flash drive and vice versa.

There are two ways to transfer Android applications and games from the device’s memory to an external card: internal means and software.

Through Android OS up to version 4.4, as well as in some new firmware, you can transfer data to an SD card as follows:

Settings - Applications. Select the desired software or game to transfer. Then click on the menu item or immediately the “Transfer to SD” button.

* the method indicated above will not work for system applications, and their stable operation is not guaranteed after transfer.

How to transfer applications from memory to an external card: system method No. 2

For Android version 6.0 appeared new way transferring data, or rather connecting an SD card to the internal memory of the device. Adoptable Storage combines memory and makes it unified and encrypted, i.e. if you try to remove the flash drive and copy any data to your computer, it won’t work!

* the method above is ideal for those who started using a smartphone/tablet for the first time or after formatting.

To use the Adoptable Storage feature, go to your phone settings and select “Storage”, then SD card and “Settings”. Click "Format as internal memory", then "Erase and Format". Select "Use as internal storage", after "Next". Don't forget to reboot your gadget.

* Enter Menu - Applications and Memory tab. The action of transferring data to the card will appear here.

How to transfer applications to SD card using third-party programs

Let's note the 3 most popular applications for transferring data to an external card:

Thanks to any program above, you can easily and quickly transfer installed Android applications from the internal memory of the device to an external SD card.

Internal memory on a phone is expensive. Gadgets with large capacity are expensive, so many people face the problem of transferring applications to a memory card in Android 7.0. There are two ways to perform the move: from the manufacturer and using third-party software.

Every smartphone by default has installed function transfer from internal memory to SD card. The process is not complicated, so we will consider it step by step.

  • 1. On the main screen, click “Settings”.
  • 2. Look at the “General” tab. There will be an “Applications” category at the bottom.
  • 3. From the list that appears, select the desired software that you are going to export.
  • 4. Now find something like a category called phone memory or SD card.
  • 5. By clicking on “Change”, specify the route - SD card.
  • 6. Otherwise, you just have to agree with the changes being made and wait until the application is exported.

Some inaccuracies in the description of Android 7.0 cannot be ruled out. Different installed themes or other third party applications Menu names can be easily changed. However, based on this diagram, you will still understand the course of action.

Third-party software for transferring applications to an SD card

If for some reason it is impossible to transfer the application according to the manufacturer’s scheme, we will resort to help third party software. Officially, in stores you can download a lot of programs that will help you export from internal memory. Their control comes down to a few clicks in the menu - everything is intuitive. The following programs are in great demand on the market:

  • AppMgr III
  • Link2SD
  • Recovery utility
  • EaseUS Partition Master
  • Link2SD

Not everyone works on smartphones. The EaseUS Partition Master application will require manipulation from the computer. In addition to exporting, moving software can be deleted, renamed, and much more. Third-party utilities are more convenient than factory settings due to their advanced capabilities. Although you will have to spend more time studying the export process.

You will also need to get root access to Android 7.0. All manipulations are possible only on behalf of the developer.

Root rights are unlocked by using appropriate applications. You can read more about this topic on the Internet. Be sure to check for root access before using software to export applications.

Features of internal and external memory

It is always worth considering that inner memory smartphone provides more stable operation of applications. Some game manufacturers, due to this feature, remove the ability to export their products. That is, to make a move this function must be implemented by the manufacturer himself. Not all software can be transferred to external memory. There are no options here - there is no memory, download other games and programs that have an export function.

An SD card is not suitable for storing many powerful applications. Due to their high performance, they need to work directly in symbiosis with the processor. Move to external media will reduce performance, which will cause a number of problems. Therefore, despite the availability of export, such a function is not always advisable to use.


I hope you have figured out how you can transfer applications to a memory card in Android 7.0, and you also know the key differences between internal and external memory on his own Android device. If you have other questions or difficulties in using it, ask questions in the comments to this page or our contact groups.

Most applications that are downloaded from Play Store, are installed in the main memory of the device. Where a specific application is installed depends on the developer - he chooses the installation location when he writes the application.

Most applications are initially installed into the device's memory. Where an app is installed depends on the developer, not the device. This is an Android concept, it cannot be changed.

What applications can be transferred to a memory card

Only some downloaded applications can be transferred to the card - those that you downloaded yourself. System applications It won't be possible to transfer.

In order for a downloaded application to be transferred to a memory card, its developer must provide this possibility.

Not all applications can be transferred to the card: only downloaded ones, and only if this option is available in the application itself.

How to transfer an application

The application is not transferred completely; part of it remains in the device memory. The size of the remaining portion depends on the application.

If you remove the memory card and insert it into another smartphone, the application will not work.

There are no “Move to memory card” or “Change” buttons; I can’t transfer a single application

Download the game “Bejeweled Classic” from Electronic Arts from the Play Store and try to transfer it to your memory card.

Screenshot from Play Store: icon and game name

If you managed to transfer the game “Bejeweled Classic”

This means that the developers all applications that are on your device, They didn't make sure that their applications could be transferred to the card.

If you couldn't transfer the game "Bejeweled Classic"

There may be two reasons for this:

  1. The memory card is not inserted or is damaged - insert or replace the memory card.
  2. Your Android device is below version 4.2.2, which does not have this feature.