Reinstalling Windows via BIOS on a laptop. Installing an operating system from a flash drive via BIOS

For installation operating system you will need installation disk Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate. You can either buy it or download a disk image from the Internet for free and burn it to disk. Images can be found on torrent trackers. If you don't have Windows image, write to us and we will find it for you.

If file copying errors occur during installation, your disc is damaged or your CD drive cannot read it properly. Keep the disk in a safe place!

1 - First, as usual, you need to configure the BIOS to boot from a CD drive. To do this, turn on the computer and as soon as white text on a black background begins to appear on the screen, press the Delete or Del button on the keyboard (in some cases, for example on computers from ASUS, you need to press the F2 button instead of Delete). A blue (or gray) screen appears on the monitor BIOS settings. Insert installation Windows disk 7 to CD drive.

1.1 - We need the line “Advanced BIOS features”. Select it and press Enter. We see the following: Find the line First Boot Device. Opposite this line is usually either Floppy or HDD (HDD-0). Our task is to install the CDROM there. To do this, use the arrows to highlight the line and press Enter. A list of boot devices will appear, among which you need to select CDROM with the down or up arrows and press Enter. In this way, we will tell the computer to boot from the CD drive rather than from the hard drive when the computer is turned on. Now press the F10 key from the keyboard, a window will appear asking for confirmation. Press the letter Y (Russian letter N) then Enter. The computer will restart.

1.2 - Now, if you have a gray BIOS. (Whoever has blue, skip this point). After turning on the computer and clicking Delete, you will see a gray BIOS. We move through the menu using arrows: , , , . Use the right arrow to select the "Boot" tab. And use the down arrow to select “Boot Device Priority”. Press the Enter button and select CD/DVD-ROM. Press F10 on the keyboard, then Enter. The computer will restart.

2 - So, after setting up the BIOS, the computer starts to reboot. Now we don’t yawn and follow the white inscriptions on the screen. As soon as the inscriptions begin to appear on the screen, wait for the inscription “PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD...” to appear at the bottom of the screen (Translation: press any key to boot from CD), it only appears for 3 seconds, so don’t sleep. As soon as it appears, press Enter. The disk will begin loading. If you overslept and did not have time to press Enter, turn off the computer and turn it on again, wait for the inscription, press Enter.

3 - After pressing Enter, Windows 7 installation begins loading from the disk. First, we will see the inscription on a black background “Windows is loading files...” and a scale. Then a beautiful interface will load, and for a few seconds we will see the inscription “Running the installation program...” on a blue background. During the process, when a window with disks appears, be sure to change it to drive C! Below there is “Settings”, there you format drive C.

Reinstallation process from flash drive

You need to format the flash drive and write a Windows file to it in ISO format. Create this format possible in the program

To find out if your PC supports booting via USB, connect a bootable USB flash drive to it and go into the BIOS. Check it for the necessary options.

To go to the BIOS, use the same F2 or Delete key. When we get into the BIOS, we need to find the line Advanced BIOS Features (in some BIOS it may say BIOS Features Setup).

In the tab that opens, select the line First Boot Devise, then a window will open with a choice of disks.

We need to install Windows from a flash drive, so we select and save the BIOS settings by pressing the F10 key.

After saving the BIOS settings, the computer will begin to reboot and begin booting from our bootable flash card.

After we have done the above steps, the installation will begin from our bootable memory card.

At the very beginning of the installation, we need to select the language of the operating system to be installed. Choose the one you need. The default language is Russian, then click the “Next” button and select “Install”.

We accept the license agreement. Check the box and click on the “Next” button. Select the Windows installation type, here you select the installation you need (I recommend installing from scratch).

Select the disk on which we will install Windows. It is advisable to select a disk and format it, so as not to be confused in the future where everything is located. The drive you choose to install Windows will be formatted; save valuable information on some other media. Click "Next".

Windows installation begins on the specified computer disk, and we see the installation process on the computer screen.

Completed processes are marked with a tick. After successful installation of all items except the last one, “Complete installation,” the computer will reboot. You need to get into the BIOS settings again during this reboot, otherwise the installation process will start over again. We configure it as it was before the change, change to and save. After this, the computer will restart and the final Windows installation process will continue.

Do not remove the flash drive until complete installation operating system.

After successfully installing Windows from a flash drive, select a name. Then you can change it.

We configure auto-updates and other parameters. You can leave it as is or change it. If you need to change, select "Settings" and change.

Choose your name and password. Your computer will begin preparing to launch.

Installation completed!

It will not be a big secret that for many users the issue of installing (reinstalling) Windows 7 often becomes a stumbling block. Meanwhile, there are no particular difficulties in this - almost anyone can do it. First, you need to understand that there is not much difference between the terms “reinstall” and “install”, except that reinstallation is carried out with a previously installed OS, and installation is carried out on a “bare” PC. Secondly, the reinstallation is not performed using the previously installed OS, but rather through the use of the basic input/output system (BIOS), which is firmware in the PC motherboard. Finally, the user must clearly understand that all applications he installed on the previous OS will also have to be reinstalled after reinstalling Windows.

Reinstall Windows: where to start

When starting to install Windows, the user must prepare media with Windows 7 installation files. This may be installation DVD, included with the PC, or purchased at a computer store, or recorded by the user himself from some other source. In addition, such a medium can be a USB flash drive, which the user can prepare using various programs recording bootable flash drives.

As a rule, it independently finds and installs drivers for devices such as a video adapter, sound card and network card. But some older models of these devices, as well as non-standard hardware, may require drivers.

  • From the top, using the arrow keys, go to the “Boot” tab;
  • press “down” and reach the line indicating your input device on which the Windows 7 image is located (“CD\DVD-ROM Drive” for booting from a disk, USB HDD for a flash drive);
  • Using the “+” button we move the desired one to the top of the list;
  • to save our positive progress, press the F10 button;
  • a window appears with selection options, indicate “Save and Exit” (alternatively, go with the “arrow” to the “Save&Exit” tab and save in the same way).

This completes the BIOS setup, boot from your media and follow the recommendations on the screen to install Windows 7. When it is successfully completed, do not forget to return to the BIOS settings using one of the methods described above and set a new sequence for working with disks. Now the priority should be the hard drive on which the “fresh” OS is located. If this is not done, the PC will take longer to boot, polling devices in order, or may even not be able to enter the operating system at all.

When using a computer for a long time, any user sooner or later becomes puzzled by the fact that the system is cluttered, residual files do not want to be deleted voluntarily, and the laptop boots up at the speed of a wounded snail. Also, some viruses, although treatable at first glance, still leave their tiny traces. Subsequently, it grows exponentially and affects the entire system completely. Therefore, the user begins to ask the pressing question: “How to reinstall Windows 7?”

Of course, to solve these problems, you can use the services of plugins or start using a new antivirus, but such a solution will be temporary, and in a few weeks the situation will not only repeat itself, but will also worsen. In addition, sometimes the computer simply leaves no choice, threateningly greeting you with a “blue screen of death” with farewell instructions.

Reinstalling the operating system in a specialized salon costs a lot, so today we will save a couple of thousand and learn how to reinstall the OS ourselves. But before you reinstall Windows system 7, there are several steps to follow.

Preparing and saving data

How to properly reinstall Windows 7? In order to protect yourself from losing important files after reinstalling the system, it is worth spending a little time and saving on a flash drive or disk those documents that may be needed in the future.

For example, not everyone wants to lose their achieved results in their favorite game. You just need to find and save one small file, which is located in the AppData folder of the user. If a folder with this name is not displayed, you need to go to “Computer” - “Local Disk” - “Users” - “your name” and there click on “Arrange”, then select folder and search options in the drop-down menu.

And put the checkbox on “Show hidden folders and files”.

How to save favorites and links from the browser

  • For the Mozilla Firefox browser, you will need to go to “Local Disk” - “Users” - “Username” - “Favorites” and save the entire folder.
  • To save Google Chrome data, go to “Local Drive” - “Users” - “User Name” - “AppData” - “Local” - “Google” - “Chrome” and save the User Data folder.
  • For Internet Explorer, it is enough to save the “Favorites” folder located in “Local Disk” - “Users” - “User Name”.
  • When working with Opera, we go to the well-known path to the AppData folder and then Opera, you only need to save the bookmarks.adr file.

Saving torrent files

To save torrent files, go to AppData, find the uTorrent folder there and copy it completely. After reinstalling the system, the saved folder must be placed in the same location. This also applies to saved games and bookmarks in browsers.

When all the necessary data, photographs and other necessities have been successfully saved, we begin reinstalling the OS to the beat of the drums.

How to properly reinstall Windows 7

If you have a disk with an operating system, then insert it into the drive, after which the automatic reinstallation of the OS should begin, although in 60% of cases this does not happen. What to do in such a situation to understand how to reinstall Windows 7? “BIOS” is a mystical word, upon hearing which many begin to get nervous. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the BIOS if you don’t touch anything unnecessary (and even in this case, all parameters can be restored). In order to get to your destination, you need:

  • restart the computer;
  • Press the del key 2-3 times until the Windows screensaver appears. If the transition to the BIOS does not occur, simply repeat the procedure again.

So, if everything is done correctly, the following image should appear before your eyes:

Next, find First Boot Device and set the value to CD-ROM. This means that when your computer starts, it will automatically load data from the disk first. It is very important after installing the software not to forget to return everything as it was, or the computer will continue to install the system forever (if you also forgot to remove the disk).

Press f10 to save changes. If all conditions have been met, the system will begin reinstalling.

The next window prompts us to select the language, date and set the time. We set some simple parameters, and feel free to click “next”, “install” and accept the license agreement.

type of instalation

  • Upgrade - suitable only if the system is reinstalled for minor reasons. If the decision was made in connection with the “screen of death” or if malware is clearly installed on the computer, we definitely choose a full installation.
  • Full installation (custom) - reinstalls the OS literally from clean slate, mercilessly destroying everything that could harm her.

Disk configuration

Here you have to choose which disk will appear as local, i.e. the one on which the software will be installed.

Logically speaking, the volume of the system disk should be within 35 GB, but not less. It’s worth considering that many of us like to save files using the “throw it on the desktop for now so as not to forget” principle. All documents, pictures, etc. that are located on the desktop are stored on the system drive, as well as files from the “Downloads” folder. Thus, when calculating local disk space, it is worth being more generous.

Click “Next” and go have a snack, we have at least 45 minutes. During installation, the computer will reboot several times, which will kindly warn you. You shouldn’t interfere with this; if no unforeseen situations occur during the process, in 45-50 minutes the new Windows 7 will be installed safely.

The next step is the username and computer name. If at some point you need to change these settings, this can be done simply: “Start” - right-click on “Computer” - “Properties”. We find “Computer name, domain name and settings working group" and then click "Change settings".

It is not necessary to set a password, so you can skip this step by clicking “Next”.

You will also need to enter your product key. You can find it on the bottom of the laptop or on a special sticker on the system unit (if you purchased the equipment along with a licensed disk).

If the software was installed from another disk, then the key should be indicated on the box. Well, if the system was installed illegally, you can skip this point and forget about this issue for about a month. After 30 days, the beautiful picture on your desktop will be replaced by a black screen, and some functions and devices may be disabled. If this doesn’t bother you, then you can safely work with the system further or be puzzled by searching for a suitable key on the Internet.

When choosing the type of update installation, it is best to use the recommended settings. If the system is not automatically updated, then sooner or later minor problems may arise in working with the most frequently used programs. The update eliminates minor bugs and optimizes the operation of the OS.

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or from a flash drive

Sometimes it happens that there is no disk with Windows, or the CD-ROM is blind and categorically refuses to cooperate. Don't despair, there are no hopeless situations. There are several ways to install the system using other media. For example, you can reinstall Windows 7 from a flash drive.

Reinstalling the system using a flash drive

First, download the OS image to your computer. After this, install the Ultra Iso program or you can use Daemon Tools, the algorithm is approximately the same.

Next, take a flash drive or memory card, but it’s worth noting right away that the BIOS will not see any of the drives installed via the USB-3 connector, so be careful and use USB-2. Externally, the connectors do not differ; in some devices, USB-3 is marked in blue. If there is no identification mark, then everything is simple. We find in any search engine information about the characteristics of a laptop or computer, and then - information about which side the connectors we need are installed on.

In order to prepare a flash drive for further work, it must be formatted, even if there is nothing on it. Next we perform the following steps:

  • In UltraIso, open the Windows 7 image that we have already downloaded (“File” - “Open” - select the program image).
  • Find “Self-upload” in the top menu and select “Record” image of a tough disk."
  • In the window that opens, indicate the formatted flash drive.
  • We confirm the check, and set the recording method to USB-HDD+.
  • Click “Record”.
  • We agree with the fact that all files will be erased from the flash drive (even though we formatted it, we still set it to “Yes”).
  • Voila! If we see “Recording complete”, then the job is done and you can start reinstalling.
  • We go to the BIOS in the known way described above, and in First Boot Device we select the recorded flash drive.

Reinstalling Windows 7 using an image recorded on a DVD disc

Another method will tell you how to reinstall Windows 7 via CD-ROM without a license disc.

Why DVD? Everything is elementary, a regular CD will not work for one simple reason - there is not enough space, and the OS image “weighs” about 3 GB.

If for these purposes you decide to use a DVD that already has something on it, then, as in the situation with a flash drive, you need to resort to formatting.

Now open the already well-known UltraIso program, go to “File” - “Open” and find the downloaded Windows image.

Next, go to the “Tools” menu and click “Burn CD image”, in the window that appears, check the “Check” box, humbly accept the fact that everything on the disk will be destroyed and click “Burn”.

That's all, after the message “Recording complete” appears, our disk is ready. We think everyone has already guessed what to do next. That's right: go to the BIOS and select the recorded disk as First Boot Device.

How to go back from Windows 7 to XP

Sometimes it is difficult for users to master a new system, so for some it is easier to reinstall Windows 7 on XP. The installation procedure is not much different from that described earlier, with the exception of a few points:

  1. After proceeding to the installation, the system prompts you to select which partition (that is, which disk) the OS will be installed on. In order to completely destroy a previously installed Windows 7, you need to select the appropriate partition. After this, there will be 4 formatting options to choose from, the only correct one of which is “Format partition in NTFS system”. After this, the computer usually restarts and begins installing the system.
  2. If there is a strong desire to install two operating systems on one computer or laptop at once, then, on the contrary, select the partition that is not occupied by system files. This is usually drive D.

Reinstalling Windows 8 to 7

Despite the fact that the majority of users positively assessed the seventh version of the software from Microsoft, the “eight” received rather contradictory responses. Since the newest version is fundamentally different from all previous ones, sometimes there is a desire to replace the OS.

In order to reinstall Windows 8 to 7, you will need to go into the BIOS and set the primary priority to the CD-ROM (how to do this was described earlier).

After this, save the changes and proceed to boot from disk or other media. The installation type when changing Windows 8 to 7 can only be “New installation”, since the OS is different, there is no need to talk about any updates.

It is also necessary to delete all partitions, including hidden ones. After that, without thinking any more about how to reinstall a Windows 7 computer, we do the rest:

  • indicate the time, date and keyboard layout;
  • agree to the terms, indicate the user name and computer name;
  • enter the key, etc.

After installation (drivers)

As a rule, reinstalling Windows 7 on a laptop or computer is quite easy, but after the process of replacing the OS, many users have a number of questions. For example:

  • “Why did the image quality deteriorate after installing the new system?”
  • “Why doesn’t my computer or laptop see the flash drive?”
  • “Why has the sound gotten worse?” etc.

All this happens most often when the reinstallation was carried out by downloading the OS or buying a disk from hand (about how to reinstall Windows computer 7, you don’t have to think, but some “jambs” still pop up). In order to solve a number of similar problems, it is enough to download drivers from the manufacturer’s official website. Or pay attention to the drivers before reinstalling the system.

Let's look at it with an example. Let's say that before reinstalling Asus Windows 7, the user was not puzzled by the issue of saving data from his laptop, or he simply did not have the opportunity to do this. What should I do?

It’s simple, just type in the search engine the model (the manufacturer’s company is enough) of the device and add the treasured phrase “Download drivers from the official website.” Then go to the link to the manufacturer’s website and indicate the full model of the laptop in the appropriate form. Next, you need to download all the presented drivers one by one and install them on the laptop one by one. There are no installation tricks, since the drivers install themselves where they should.

If for one reason or another the drivers have gone wild and are installed in the wrong place, you can go to the device manager and force them to update.

In order to get into the remote control, you can simply type “Device Manager” in the search bar that pops up when you click “Start”. Next, right-click on the driver that is marked exclamation point. And select “Update drivers”, in the new window all that remains is to indicate that the required files must be searched on the computer itself and indicate the location where they were installed.

If all drivers are installed normally in the device manager, the image will improve and the screen resolution will increase to the required level.


The computer can “fly” at any moment, so it’s worth thinking about organizing backup storage for high-value files before reinstalling Windows 7. This way you can save a lot of time after installing the system, because it’s quite possible that even the most basic programs ( Word, etc.) will have to be searched and installed again.

Reinstalling Windows 7 on a laptop or computer is not difficult; even a novice user can cope with this task. The main thing is to approach the issue responsibly and spend an hour saving all useful information from the computer before reinstalling the OS.

Do you want to install Windows 7 on your computer or laptop, but don’t know how? It's not as difficult as it seems. Although the first time, of course, will be difficult. But, once you figure it out, you will become a real “IT master” and will be able to independently install Windows 7 on any computer or laptop. Especially for this purpose, below there are detailed, step-by-step instructions for installing Windows 7.

Before installing Windows 7, print this page. This will make your task much easier. After all, during the installation of Windows 7 there will be no access to the Internet. The only exception is when you have a second PC, laptop or smartphone, from which you can, if necessary, access the site again and see what to do next.

There are several situations when you need to install Windows 7:

  1. You bought a new laptop or computer. Everything is clear here. In most cases, laptops or PCs either do not have any operating system at all, or do not have the one you need (for example, the ancient MS-DOS).
  2. You didn’t like Windows 10 or 8, and you want to install the good old “seven”.
  3. There was a malfunction, a virus or ransomware advertising banner was caught, the computer or laptop does not turn on, etc.

Let's dwell a little on last point. If problems occur with your computer or laptop, do not rush to reinstall Windows. Firstly, reinstalling the operating system is done as a last resort when other methods have not helped.

Secondly, remember that after installing Windows, all data is erased, at least on local drive C. And these are all your programs: browsers, video players. And you will have to install everything again.

Thirdly, there is no guarantee that reinstalling Windows will solve the problem. But the files on local disk In any case, they will be deleted irrevocably.

Therefore, first, try to look for other solutions to restore your PC or laptop. For example, the following articles may help you:

You can also always look for other articles on this blog or through Google/Yandex.

If all else fails and you are determined to install Windows 7, then first you need to prepare everything.

Preparing to install Windows 7

The first thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 on a laptop is to copy all important information. At least from local drive C. After formatting, all data on it will be erased.

If you bought a new computer or laptop, you can skip this step. In all other cases, this is a prerequisite!

Therefore, save all files, documents, pictures, audio tracks and videos from your desktop and from the “My Documents” folder. It is also recommended to look at the local drive C - important information is also written to it quite often. Where to save? On a disk or flash drive. Another option is to upload files to online services (Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, etc.).

By the way, sometimes you can copy some programs along with the settings. For example, bookmarks and passwords from the browser you used.

The second point that needs to be made is to determine what bitness of Windows 7 you need - x86 or x64. Everything is very simple here. If you have 4 GB of RAM (or more) installed on your laptop or computer, then you need to install Windows 7 x64, and if less, then x86.

Why is that? The fact is that the x86 version does not see 4 GB random access memory. The maximum that it shows is 3.25 GB.

How to find out the amount of RAM? If you have new computer– look in the documentation. And if it’s a laptop, then the characteristics are indicated on its case (or on the box).

If you already have Windows installed, then the amount of RAM can be viewed as follows:

The third thing that needs to be done before installation is to burn a digital copy of Windows 7 to a disk or flash drive.

If you already have a boot disk (bought or given in a store along with your PC), then skip this step.

Burning a DVD is easy. After all, you've probably already recorded films, music, games? This can be done through Nero, Alcohol 120% and other programs.

As for the USB flash drive, there are some difficulties. Therefore, in this case, I recommend reading -.

Where can I get a Windows 7 image or installation disk? Can be purchased in store or online.

And the last thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 is to prepare drivers for your laptop or PC. Driver discs are usually included with your computer. If you have them, then you can skip this point.

Laptop owners are not provided with disks, so you need to install drivers from the manufacturer’s official website (search by the name of your model).

If you skip this step, you may be left without internet. After all, you need to install a driver for it. USB ports may also not work. That is, a mouse. And in the end you will have to go to a friend or acquaintances and download the drivers from them.

This completes the preparatory process. Check again that you have saved all the important data, then connect a USB flash drive or insert a DVD with the Windows 7 installation image and restart your laptop/computer.

Perhaps setting up the BIOS to install Windows 7 is the most difficult step for most users. Especially for beginners. After all, not everyone knows how to configure the BIOS to install Windows 7 (and do it correctly!).

In addition, the difficulty here is that the BIOS versions may differ on different PCs and laptops. And the buttons to enter the BIOS too. As a result, some users cannot even enter the BIOS. Therefore, to avoid problems with this, let’s consider in detail what needs to be done and how.

So, when you have prepared everything, restart the computer, and immediately when the screen turns on, repeatedly press the Del button (for PCs) or F2 (for laptops). If you did everything correctly, you will see the BIOS screen. Something like this:

Or this:

There are 4 devices displayed here – First Boot Device (first), Second (second), etc. By default, the first one is the hard disk (Hard Disk or HDD). And you need to put the CD-ROM (disk) or USB-HDD (flash drive) on the first line - depending on the device from which Windows 7 will be installed.

How to do it? On a PC, you usually need to highlight the first item, press Enter and select the desired option from the drop-down list.

On laptops, the device boot priority can be changed using the arrows or F5-F6 buttons. Control keys are usually located on the right or at the very bottom of the BIOS screen.

When you select the desired device (CD-ROM or USB-HDD) in the first item First Boot Device, be sure to save the settings and then exit the BIOS. Which save button? This is also written at the bottom of the screen (usually F10).

If you have a BIOS UEFI (new version), then simply drag the desired icon (disk drive or flash drive) to the first place with the mouse and click “Exit” in the upper right corner.

After this, the laptop or computer will reboot and the installation of Windows 7 will begin.

If all this is too complicated for you, there is another option to configure booting from a disk or flash drive without going into the BIOS. For this it is possible. But this method only works on new PCs and laptops.

Step-by-step instructions for installing Windows 7

Immediately after rebooting, you will see a black screen with a single line.

Here, to start installing Windows 7, you need to press any button - for example, Space.

If this message does not appear, it means that you did not save the BIOS settings. Check them again. If everything is fine there, then either you did not write the bootable USB flash drive correctly, or the disk is damaged and the computer/laptop does not see it (the disk drive may not be working).

After clicking the button, you will see a black screen with the inscription “Windows is downloading files...”.

Wait for the system to copy everything. After this, a new window will appear on the screen. Select Russian language and click “Next”.

In the new window, click the “Install” button.

If there are several versions of Windows 7 recorded on a disk or flash drive, you need to choose the appropriate one. We have already figured out the x86 and x64 bit depth, so decide for yourself here. As for the version, it is better to choose “Maximum”. Although there is almost no difference between it, “Home”, “Beginner” and “Professional”, so this is not so important. Select the desired item and click “Next”.

Agree to the license terms (check the box) and proceed further.

Choose the full installation.

A window will open asking you to select a partition for installing Windows 7. But here it’s worth going into more detail.

How to partition a disk when installing Windows 7 for the first time?

If you are installing Windows 7 on a new computer or laptop (i.e. for the first time), then you will see only one line - “Unallocated disk space.”

And in in this case you need to split the hard drive into 2 partitions - local drive C and D (more is possible, but this is not necessary). To do this, select this line, click the “Create” button, indicate the disk size (in megabytes) and click the “Apply” button.

Don't know how much 50 GB is in megabytes? Write a number at random - for example, 50000. And then see what volume the system will show for the created partition. If it turns out too little, select it, click the “Delete” button, and try again, specifying a larger number.

For Windows 7 to work normally, you need to create a special partition with a capacity of 100 MB where boot files will be stored. So when the next window pops up, just click OK.

When you specify the required volume for local drive C and create it, “Partition 2” will appear. This is him.

After that, select the “Unallocated space” line again, click “Create”, and then the “Apply” button. After this, local disk D (“Partition 3”) will appear.

If you forget to do this, then after installing Windows 7 there will be only one local drive C. And partition D will “evaporate” into thin air. You'll have to reinstall Windows again. Therefore, before moving on, make sure that the “Unallocated Space” option is no longer there.

To install Windows on local drive C, select “Partition 2” and click “Next”.

If you reinstall Windows 7, then the following window will appear on the screen:

In this case, you need to select “Section 2” and click the “Format” button. This will delete all data on it. When the formatting process is complete, select this section again and click “Next”.

By the way, if you want to distribute the volume differently between local drive C and D, you can delete them and create them again, specifying a different size. How to do this is written in the previous paragraph. But remember: in this case, the information will be deleted on the local drive D too! As a result, your PC or laptop will be clean, as if you had just bought it. Therefore, perform this procedure only if you have saved all the necessary files.

Continue installing Windows 7

So, you were able to partition your hard drive or format it before installing Windows 7 and clicked the “Next” button. After this, the operating system will begin to install. Wait until the files are copied.

After this, the computer/laptop will reboot and you will again see the familiar black window with a single line.

Do not press anything on the keyboard under any circumstances, otherwise the installation of Windows 7 will start all over again.

After this, the computer or laptop will reboot a second time.

Well, the main thing is already behind us, all that remains is to fill in some fields:

What to do after installing Windows 7?

The OS has been installed, what next? What to do after installing Windows 7? First of all, reboot your laptop or computer, go into the BIOS and change the device boot priority back. That is, put the hard drive (Hard Disk or HDD) in first place, and lower the CD-ROM or USB-HDD to second or lower.

Also, after installing Windows 7, the Internet and USB connectors may not work. This is because there are no drivers. Therefore, at the next stage you install them.

This is precisely why you need to prepare all the necessary drivers in advance before installing Windows 7. Especially for the Internet. After all, how will you download them if you don’t have access to the network?

And one more nuance - when you turn on your computer or laptop, you may see two Windows 7 (during boot).

The first one was installed by you, and the second one was saved in a hidden section (“reserved by the system”). However, the extra line can be deleted. To do this, do the following:

Ready. After the reboot, the second Windows 7 will no longer exist, and you will not see the operating system selection menu.

That's all. Now you know how to install Windows 7 on a laptop or computer. As you can see, it's not that difficult. And now, if necessary, you can reinstall the operating system at any time.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Previous materials have already described the process of installing Windows 7 from a CD, but what should those who do not have a CD drive do? For example, in a netbook or small laptop. It is not a rare situation when the drive in a computer may be broken, and buying a new one just because you need to install Windows is not an option. The way out of this situation is very simple and accessible; you need to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive. This is what we will do.

Before you start reinstalling Windows, read the entire article to the end, and if you have a printer, print it out.

Reinstalling Windows 7 consists of several steps:

  1. Preparing your computer for installing Windows 7;
  2. Preparing a USB flash drive with Windows 7;
  3. Setting up the computer BIOS to boot from a USB flash drive;
  4. Windows installation 7;

Now let's go through all the stages in detail.

1. Preparing to install Windows 7

Before reinstalling Windows, you need to do a little preparation.

First, you need to copy all the valuable information from drive C. Of course, you know better, but I’ll still tell you where to look. There are not so many places where your useful information can be located on the “C:” drive, usually the desktop and “My Documents”. It’s also worth looking at the root of the “C:” drive; sometimes people, in a hurry or simply out of ignorance, save files there. Copy all the files you need to another drive (for example, “D:”), a DVD drive or a flash drive (preferably not the one from which you plan to install Windows).

For the future, keep in mind that it is best to store information not on the same disk partition on which the system is installed, and, of course, create backup copies.

If you just purchased a computer or are sure that there is no valuable information in it, then naturally you don’t have to bother

Another point that is worth considering before installing Windows is drivers for the network card. If after installation it turns out that your distribution contains Windows, there were no drivers for your network card, or for some reason they were not installed correctly, then you will find yourself without drivers and without the Internet. Therefore, download the latest drivers in advance, at least for the network card.

2. Preparing a flash drive for installing Windows

To continue we need:

  • USB flash drive with a capacity of 4GB or more. Alternatively, instead of a USB flash drive, you can use a flash card with a card reader (note that during the preparation process, all information on the flash drive will be deleted, so copy it in advance to a safe place, for example, drive “D” of your computer);
  • Windows 7 distribution, in the form of disk images in .iso format;
  • A special UltraISO utility, the latest version can be downloaded from its developer’s website in the Downloads section;

A window will open in front of you:

Select " Trial period"

After the main working window of the program appears in front of you, click " Open", and point to your pre-prepared Windows image.

Burn a hard disk image"

Connect the flash drive or memory card to the computer and click " Format". After formatting is completed, click " Write down"

After the recording is completed, you will have a flash drive with Windows 7 and you can proceed to the Windows installation process.

3. Setup Computer BIOS to boot from a flash drive

For Windows installations, it’s not enough to just connect the installation flash drive to the computer, you also need to make sure that the computer starts booting from it when you turn it on. This is done in the BIOS. There is a BIOS in almost any computer or laptop; all sorts of important settings are stored in it, one of these settings is the boot order of devices. This setting is what interests us at the moment.

In order to get into the BIOS, you need to immediately press a certain key on the keyboard when you turn on the computer. Usually, when booting, it is written on the screen what exactly you need to click to get to the BIOS menu. Most often this is the Delete, Esc, or F2 key. You will know that you have entered when you see in front of you BIOS menu.

The most common options are:

If the attempt is unsuccessful, then reboot the computer and try again. Below are tables with possible options for entering the BIOS.

A table with key combinations for entering the BIOS from various BIOS manufacturers.
BIOS Manufacturer Keys
ALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc. F2, Ctrl+Alt+Esc
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) BIOS F1
AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.) BIOS Del
Award BIOS Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Del
DTK (Datatech Enterprises Co.) BIOS Esc
Phoenix BIOS Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+S, Ctrl+Alt+Ins
A table with key combinations for entering the BIOS from various computer and laptop manufacturers.
PC Manufacturer Keys
Acer F1, F2, Ctrl+Alt+Esc
AST Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+Del
Compaq F10
CompUSA Del
Cybermax Esc
Dell 400 F3, F1
Dell Dimension F2, Del
Dell Inspiron F2
Dell Latitude Fn+F1
Dell Latitude F2
Dell Optiplex Del, F2
Dell Precision F2
eMachine Del
Gateway F1, F2
HP F1, F2
IBM E-pro Laptop F2
IBM PS/2 Ctrl+Alt+Ins then Ctrl+Alt+Del
IBM Thinkpad from Windows: Programs >Thinkpad CFG
Intel Tangent Del
Micron F1, F2, or Del
Packard Bell F1, F2, Del
Sony VAIO F2, F3
Tiger Del
Toshiba ESC, F1

After you have entered the BIOS, you need to find the option responsible for the boot order of devices. As a rule, these settings need to be looked for in the menu, the name of which contains the word BOOT; of course, there are other options, but as they say - “He who searches will always find.”

To make your search easier, here are a few examples of what it looks like in real life:

Selecting the device to boot first is usually done using the arrow keys on the keyboard, but there are other ways to navigate through the BIOS menu, so if you can’t figure it out, you can look at the help, which is usually visible in the BIOS.

Select USB HDD as the first boot device (it may have a different name, you need to search and try) and exit the BIOS saving all changes. To do this, use the Save and Exit Setup item. The computer will reboot and we have thus approached the next stage, for which everything was actually started.

4 Installing Windows 7

If your flash drive is written correctly and the settings in the BIOS are set correctly, we will see the following inscription Press any key to boot from CD or DVD, which means Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.

It looks like this:

Press any key

If you don’t see such an inscription, then perhaps you did something written above incorrectly. In this case, check the BIOS again to see if the boot from USB setting is saved; if everything is set correctly in the BIOS, then most likely your flash drive is not bootable and you will have to look for another Windows 7 image and write it to the flash drive.

At this point I will make a small disclaimer. You may come across a Windows 7 installation image that contains, in addition to Windows itself, additional utilities, in which case, to start the installation, you will need to select the desired item from the menu of your disk. It is also worth noting that in some disks, most of the operations described below will take place automatically, without your participation. There is no need to worry about this; all these settings can be changed if desired after the installation of Windows is completed.

To start installation, click " Install"

You will be faced with a choice of which version of Windows to install. You need to choose the one for which you have the key. If you have a laptop, then often a sticker with a key and an indication of the Windows version is glued to the bottom. We will need the key itself at the end of the installation. In principle, it can be introduced not immediately, but within 30 days.

We agree to the license terms and click " Further"

Select the full installation.

Select the partition in which Windows 7 will be installed and click " Disk setup"

An inexperienced person may have questions at this point, so let’s look at it in more detail.

Hard drive setup

Often on your computer's hard drive, in addition to the partitions that you know about (such as C: D: E:, etc.), there may be one or more hidden partitions. This is especially true for laptops that were sold with an operating system already installed. The manufacturer makes such sections in order to be able to restore the system and bring the laptop to its factory settings.

Also common hidden section 100MB in size, it is created by Windows 7 itself. This partition is used to implement the BitLocker function; this function is designed to encrypt the system partition. So in this section there is a program that, when loaded, decodes the encrypted system partition. If you wish, you can get rid of this partition by preparing your computer’s hard drive in advance for installing Windows 7. For this, it is best to use special programs, such as Acronis Disc Director.

Let's go back to the installation.

Click " Disk setup" And " Format"

The installer will warn you that all data from this partition will be deleted, but we are not afraid of this, because we prepared for this and made a backup copy of all the information we needed in advance, so we boldly agree by clicking the “OK” button.

After formatting is completed, click " Further"

Waiting for the installation to complete

After installation, you will be prompted to enter your username and computer name.

We enter the key, it can be glued to the bottom of the laptop, or in the form of a sticker on system unit(“many people may not have this point, don’t be surprised.”)

Set a security mode

Set the date, time and time zone

If your computer has a network connection and the system has a driver for your network card, Windows will prompt you to select a connection type

This completes the installation of Windows 7, and you can proceed to installing the drivers and programs you need.

Finally, don’t forget to return the BIOS settings that we changed in paragraph 3 our leadership. You need to set your hard drive as the first boot device in the BIOS, otherwise every time you start the computer it will try to boot from the DVD.

(437 Votes)

If you download an ISO image with a Windows distribution and even burn it correctly to DVD disc or creating a bootable USB flash drive using the same UltraISO is almost no problem for anyone. Many people have difficulties with the second stage, directly installing the operating system from a disk or flash drive on a PC.
I know of three ways to start installing Windows.
1) the simplest and most unreliable is to open the image through a virtual drive with Windows already running and start the installation, but there are many factors that can interfere and give an error at some stage of such an installation.
2) Insert the flash drive we created into USB connector or a DVD with Windows into your drive, no matter what version, Windows 7, Windows 10, even Win95. This works for everyone. Then, when you turn on the PC, call the BOOT menu, this is a list with the media from which you need to boot, select the media you need and press ENTER. You can read more about how to install Windows via the BOOT menu here.
3) It differs from method 2 only in that we indicate what we want to boot from not through the boot menu, but in the BIOS of our device.
In this article we will talk in detail about how to install Windows from a flash drive via BIOS or Windows boot 7 from a BIOS flash drive.

Booting Windows 7 from a BIOS flash drive

Installing Windows from a flash drive via BIOS begins by calling the BIOS menu or also called Setup, this is most often done with the Delete button immediately after turning on the laptop or computer, press continuously until you see blue screen with some text, but sometimes it happens that you need to press another button, this is F2 or F10 or Esc. You can try all the options until you see the desired result, or you can read a text like “Press DEL to run Setup” in the welcome window of the mother firmware, it tells us that to get into the BIOS you need to press DEL.

And so, after we got into the BIOS SETUP UTILITY, we look for the Boot tab and use the arrows to go there. We need the Boot device Priority line

The logic here is simple: the higher the device is in the list, the higher the priority in the download queue. That is, the top one in the list is loaded first, and so on in turn until the system boots.

And so, using the arrows, select the first drive in the list and press ENTER, we see a list of all possible devices from which the computer can boot.

If we want to select loading the BIOS via a USB flash drive, then select USB interface, this is Removable Dev or something with the text “USB” included, or if the flash drive is already inserted, the name of the flash drive manufacturer will be written. If you need to choose DVD drive then, as a rule, this line begins with the words CDROM: or DVDROM: or it can also be written by the manufacturer of the DVD drive.
If you have made your choice, press ENTER and in the same way select the second device in turn, the second on the list should be yours HDD on which Windows will be installed. If the BIOS does not see the flash drive, then try inserting the flash drive into another USB connector and do everything all over again.
In order for all changes to be saved in the BIOS Setup, before leaving, you need to go to the Exit tab and select the Exit & Save Changes line and press ENTER.

After this we can Windows bios install via flash drive or dvd drive. Not everyone has a bios with a blue screen anymore. In 2017, you can increasingly see a new generation BIOS, it is more graphically thought out, there are pictures of icons for a clear association, if you are not good at English, so as not to make a mistake. But essentially all the settings are the same.
Attention!- after our changes to the BIOS, now the computer will always boot first from a flash drive, then from hard drive, so it is important when installing Windows after the first installation stage, when the laptop or PC reboots, YOU NEED HAVE TIME TO PULL THE FLASH DRIVE FROM USB connector, or remove the disc from DVD-Roma. Otherwise, the first installation stage will be repeated endlessly.
Now we know how to configure the BIOS to install windows from a flash drive. And having with us a bootable USB flash drive with an image of WINDOWS 7 or 10, we can easily install or reinstall the OS on any device.
Attention! Some builds already have default settings for Chrome browser, the start page leads to search engine Everyone has the opportunity to change the search engine to any other.

The issue of installing an operating system from a flash drive is becoming more and more relevant. This is due not only to convenience, but also to the fact that most modern laptops have a DVD drive optical disks.

In this article we will tell you what you need to successfully install Windows via BIOS from a regular USB flash drive.

What is needed for this?

To successfully install Windows from a flash drive, you need to do two things:

  1. With installation files Windows;
  2. Set boot device priority in BIOS.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

To begin, download the .iso image from the Internet with the required Windows version. Next, based on it, create a bootable USB flash drive using .

The main window of the program for creating bootable flash drive from image – Windows USB-DVD Download Tool

After that, insert the flash drive into the USB connector, turn on the computer and.

Here you need to find the tab responsible for setting the priority of boot devices.

Selecting a flash drive to boot

Flash drive in the list of download sources

The BOOT tab is responsible for setting the boot priority in ami bios

Install the flash drive here in first place

Using the buttons indicated on the right side (usually F5 and F6 or + and -) set your flash drive to first place in the list of boot devices.

After this, save the settings you have made and restart your computer/laptop using F10.

If you are unable to find your flash drive in the BIOS in order to boot from it, try using boot menu. Usually it is called by the F8 or F12 button immediately when you turn on the computer.

It looks something like this:

This is what the boot menu looks like

In it you can select a flash drive to start booting from.

If you did everything correctly, the system should start booting from the flash drive.

So, first you need configure BIOS. To do this, turn on the computer and immediately press the key "Delete"(on some keyboards, short “Del”) on the keyboard until we get to BIOS(by the way, I almost forgot, your boot disk Windows XP must already be in the CD/DVD drive).

Your BIOS may look different. It depends on the manufacturer and. But don't be afraid, the settings are basically the same. In BIOS we will work with the arrow keys ←→↓ . So, we went into the BIOS, then go to the tab Advanced BIOS Features:

The name of the tab may be different in your BIOS. If so, then go through the tabs and find which one contains device boot options. In my case, this is what the device boot parameters look like:

Now our task is to make sure that the computer boots from the disk, i.e. on "First Boot Device" we will deliver CDROM. Let's do it like this (select the option opposite First Boot Device , press Enter on the keyboard and use the arrows to select CDROM):

It should look like this:

Maybe this confirmation will appear. Click "Y" on the keyboard, which means "Yes"(Yes), and press Enter:

Next there will be a reboot. We are waiting for such an inscription to appear "Press any key to boot from CD", which means « press any key to boot from CD« . Press any key:

And the installation program will start. After checking your system configurations, you will be given the option to Restore your existing system or install a new OS. Choose "ENTER=continue":

Then we accept the license agreement by pressing the button F8:

Then select the partition on which Windows will be installed. This is usually the section C:

Don't be afraid, click WITH:

Choose "Format partition to NTFS system» :

Confirm with the key F:

File copying will then begin automatically:

After this, the computer will restart. Never click on "Enter - restart computer", otherwise the installation will be interrupted. Let the computer reboot itself:

After the reboot you will again be prompted to press any key, nothing don't press and then you will start the installation again.

After the reboot, the installation will continue, but in a more attractive environment:

Set the time, date, time zone and move on:

If this message appears, click OK:

Click again OK:

Select an item "Delay this action":

We write the name account. You can have up to five if there are several users:

That's it, the installation is complete!

Hope Windows XP installation was successful. All that remains is to install the drivers for normal operation computer. Good luck!!!