The first number is intercity. Economic Council

Mobile phones are the most convenient and popular communication system. This does not deny the need for home devices, which many citizens still use. From time to time there is a need to call from home to mobile within the city, intercity or abroad.

It is worth noting that the dialing rules are the same for all mobile operators. You dial the code with which domestic numbers begin (+7), the code that is specific to your operator (ХХХ) and (ХХХХХХХ) the subscriber number. Operator code examples: 966, 495, 909, 965 for mobile system Beeline.

For a home device, this dialing order is not suitable due to the absence of a plus sign on the disk or keyboard. Different rules apply here.

Dial rules

Please note that not all home devices can communicate with long-distance calls. The dialing service to numbers starting with 8 can be automatically disabled at the request of the owner of the device. This often happens in rented apartments, in this way the owner protects himself from possible costs for home telephone services used by the tenants.

The familiar combination for calls within the country (+7) is replaced by (8). She is the one who says that communication goes beyond the scale of urban communication.

Dial order:

  1. We dial (8) - this is the code for communication within the country for landline phones and wait for a long call.
  2. (XXX) The following combination is related to the operator code.
  3. (ХХХХХХХ) number directly.

Example: the order of dialing numbers to communicate with a Beeline subscriber will look like this:

(8) (965) (222 6632)

How to reach Moscow

Moscow is the most popular metropolis, so the question most often arises is how to call a number in Moscow from a home phone. You don't need any special knowledge for this.

In front of you is a recorded familiar mobile number of a partner living in Moscow.

The dialing procedure is as follows:

  1. 8 - waiting for a long beep
  2. XXX three digits indicating the mobile operator
  3. XXXXXXX digits that are inherent in the subscriber number

As you can see, the dialing procedure when calling Moscow follows generally accepted rules.

Call abroad

All calls from your home phone abroad are subject to the same rules. For example, consider an international conversation with a German mobile operator. We first specify the code of the city we need in Germany.

Number order

  • (8) - a code that indicates that negotiations are moving to communication between cities, we expect a long beep.
  • (10) - code indicating access to international communications.
  • (49) - code assigned to Germany.
  • area code in Germany.
  • German operator code.

As you noticed, all international calls begin with the combination (8) (10).

Easy to remember:

  • (8) - going outside the city,
  • (10) - going beyond the national scale

Tip: for a quality connection, you need to dial the entire combination at approximately the same speed. It is best to have the required sequence written down on a piece of paper in front of you while typing.

All of the above rules show that making any calls from landline home phones is not at all difficult.

The need to use landline phones to communicate with business partners, relatives, friends and just loved ones has not disappeared even in the era of mobile phones. Offices, houses and apartments continue to be equipped with conventional landline telephone systems. To understand how to make long-distance calls, you just need to carefully read the instructions for your telephone.

Calls from landlines

Calls from a landline phone to subscribers located in another city are easy and simple to make: just dial the number 8, wait long signal network, then consecutively, without stopping, dial the area code and the number of the called subscriber. In Russia, the city code consists of three digits. For example, the codes of Moscow are 495 and 499, and the code of Nizhny Novgorod is 831. The codes of small settlements are supplemented with several more digits so that the number of digits in the telephone number and city code is ten.

Various operators

Services long distance communication in Russia it is represented not only by Rostelecom. To determine how to make long-distance calls cheaper, you need to compare the prices of operators. They depend on the distance between subscribers, the costs of a particular operator, the degree of development of the communication system, etc. Concluding an agreement with one of the operators significantly reduces the cost of communication.

International call

In order to connect to a subscriber located abroad, it is not necessary to have access to 8. It is enough to pay and purchase a single payment card. It can be real plastic or virtual. To make a call, you need to dial the number shown on the card, and then follow the instructions of the call center operator or sequentially execute the voice menu commands. In both cases, you will have to dial the PIN code or tell it to the operator, dial or say the number of the called subscriber in international format.

With the advent of various telecom operators providing international and long-distance communication services, intercity tariffs will decrease in accordance with the laws of the market.

Today we’ll talk about how you can save on long-distance communications. Almost everyone has friends and relatives who live in other cities of Russia and in near or far abroad. Not everyone has the opportunity to meet regularly, so telephone conversations Sometimes significant amounts of money go out of the family budget, because you really want to talk longer with friends, family and loved ones. But long-distance costs telephone conversations can be significantly reduced.

Save on long-distance calls Can different ways. Here are the main ones.

1. Call in the evening and at night.

Most landline phone providers offer much cheaper calls in the evening and at night. Take advantage of these offers.

2. Make calls using calling cards without using a computer.

You buy a phone card of a certain value and can talk on the phone up to that amount. To make a call, you first need to dial the number of an intermediary, an operator who provides cheap communication and through him you will be connected to the desired subscriber. Such calls are, of course, cheaper than calls through fixed-line operators, but you still overpay the intermediary for the connection.

3. Call using specialized services VoIP or IP telephony.

This is by far the cheapest option for long-distance communication.

What is it?. Surely many have heard these names or are already successfully using this type of communication.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or IP telephony -This Voice connection through the Internet.

When speaking, our voice is transformed into digital signal. This signal, in the form of a compressed data packet, is sent over the Internet to the other party. When the data packets reach their destination, they are again recoded into voice signals.

IP telephony is used primarily for making cheap or free long-distance and international calls. To do this, you need to choose a suitable IP telephony provider and you will be able to call from a computer or regular phone. The most famous VoIP company is Skype

The main advantages of IP telephony.

  • 1 Very cheap communication (2-3 times cheaper than regular communication via telephone lines) or even free communication is possible.
  • 2. Availability anywhere in the world where there is Internet.
  • 3. Safety and good quality signal.

Calls can be made

  • via computer
  • via laptop
  • via mobile phone
  • via a regular phone.

All these devices must be connected to the Internet.

When connecting from computer to computer, the call will be free.

And with other communication options, for example, when calling from a computer to a telephone (landline or mobile), the cost of the call will depend on the choice of IP telephony provider, because Different service providers offer different rates.

The most well-known providers for making Internet calls are as follows.


The most famous and most widespread in the world, allows you to call regular and Cell phones. For conversations you need to install special program. There are versions for mobile devices.

FREE from computer to computer. Very cheap from computer to landline and mobile phones. You can call to all countries.


Russian provider - makes cheap calls to landlines and mobile phones throughout Russia and around the world. There are mobile applications for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Java.

To talk, you need to have a special phone, or install a special program.

SIPNET offers very low rates and the highest possible call quality.

But you can call for free. Free calls are made between SIPNET and Skype users from computer to computer.

In addition, the provider allows you to make free calls to landline phones in various directions. Network users can communicate for free via the Internet from any city in the world with subscribers of city numbers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, some other Russian cities and CIS countries (a list of free directions is on the website).

To make free calls you need have on personal account not less than 5 USD, total duration of free calls – no more than 1 hour per day, number of calls – no more than 10 per day.


Betamax is a German VoIP provider that presents a family of VoIP programs: FreeCall, InternetCalls, Netappel, SipDiscount, SparVoip, VoipBuster,

Voip provider comparison service Betamax will help you choose the most profitable providers for your destinations.

All these programs allow you to call landlines and mobile phones at low prices.

To make calls, you need to download the application from the website of the corresponding program, install it on your computer, register, make a test call and top up your account (at least 5 euros)

Main advantages of the programs Betamax.

  • Possibility to make free calls to certain destinations, i.e. certain countries and cities.,
  • Ability to call from a landline phone at provider rates.
  • Cheap rates for international calls.
  • Within 120 days from the date of payment (minimum payment - 5 euros)in all BETAMAX VoIP telephony programs You can call to all directions that are marked as "FREE" for free! But so far no more than 300 minutes in the last 7 days. This service allows you to make four months of free phone calls to many cities around the world on landline phones, as well as to Moscow and St. Petersburg.


VoIP service from Megafon. Allows you to simultaneously receive calls to your computer and mobile phone, send SMS and make calls to regular and mobile phones in Russia at low rates (money is debited from your mobile account). Supports free video ligature


VoIP service offers low rates and the ability to call directly from the website or from mobile application, no need to install any programs.


IP telephony service plus virtual PBX. You can make very cheap or even free calls abroad from your mobile phone and make free calls via the Internet to 25 countries around the world to landlines and mobile phones. After registration you receive 30 free minutes for calls to any of 25 countries of the world. Next you can use up to 330 free minutes within two months (for this you need to top up your account in the amount of RUB 313.5. This money never expires, you can use it at any time either for calls to paid destinations, or after free minutes expire).

How to choose the cheapest option?

You can evaluate and compare tariffs for IP-Telephony services from different operators and choose a profitable operator for yourself.

The biggest savings usually come from using multiple providers that provide the most favorable rates for certain directions.

In addition, many operators provide the opportunity to make free test calls to evaluate the quality of communication. You can use this for free communication.

How to make calls via the Internet?

To use IP Telephony, you need a computer with sound card and a microphone connected to high speed internet. You can purchase a telephone headset to improve sound quality.

There are several operators in Russia that provide communications in the country and outside its territory. The largest are Rostelecom and Interregional Transit Telecom. When calling a number located outside the subscriber's locality, you must first select one of the telecom operators, for which, when connecting, after the number eight and the beep, the Rostelecom or Interregional Transit Telecom code for intercity is dialed.

How to choose the right operator?

Using a specific code is not only a technical dialing procedure when making a phone call, but also a choice of the company that will provide telecommunications services. To get the desired level of service and acceptable tariffs, before dialing the numbers corresponding to a particular operator, you need to inquire about information about the company, prices and technical capabilities. It is better to look at the official prices and conditions of long-distance communication of Rostelecom and Interregional Transit Telecom directly on the companies’ websites. It is also worth asking for user reviews.

The presence of several companies in the market creates healthy competition, which benefits the consumer. Long-distance communication between Rostelecom and Interregional Transit Telecom is licensed and meets all necessary parameters. It is important to correctly navigate the offers and choose best option. First of all, this is important for those physical or legal entities who constantly use long-distance and international communication services. There are not only different price offers on the market, but also a number of other factors that are worth paying attention to.

From technical capabilities and the branching of the communications network directly affects the quality of communication. For example, dialing on the first try, good audibility without delays, echoes and additional noise. If the cost-effectiveness of calls comes first, it makes sense to use the services of both companies, choosing the best tariffs for a particular case. This is technically possible, although not as convenient as automatically connecting through your default carrier.

Dialing rules for long-distance calls

Regardless of the telecommunications company, there are two dialing methods:

  • Hot Choice – selection of a telecom operator directly upon connection;
  • Pre-select – connection through a pre-selected operator.

When dialing using the Hot Choice method, the two digits that come after the eight indicate the company through which the subscriber prefers to make a call. The long-distance communication code of Rostelecom is “55”, and the Interregional Transit Telecom code is “53”. In addition to these operators, a number of smaller companies have a license for similar activities, such as Arktel with the intercity code “21”, Comstar – “23”, Orange – “54”, Sovintel (aka Beeline) – “51” and others.

Most often, subscribers are interested in how to make a long-distance call through Rostelecom (RTK) or Interregional Transit Telecom (MTT).

A long-distance call via MTT looks like this: 8 – 53 – area code – required number. An example of dialing a landline phone number in Moscow: 8 – 53 – 495 – 249 73 25, where 495 is the Moscow city code, and 249 73 25 – phone number. An example of dialing a mobile phone: 8 – 910 – 249 73 25 to contact a number within one region or 8 – 53 – 910 – 249 73 25 for numbers in other regions.

Intercity access via Rostelecom: 8 – 55 – city code – number of the called subscriber. An example of dialing to a Moscow landline phone: 8 – 55 – 495 – 249 73 25, where 495 is the Moscow code, 249 73 25 is the telephone number. Example of dialing a mobile phone: 8 – 910 – 249 73 25 to contact a mobile number within one region or 8 – 55 – 910 – 249 73 25 for mobile number another region.

You should pay attention to the difference in dialing the long-distance code of Rostelecom and Interregional Transit Telecom to mobile phones of your own and foreign regions.

Pre-select connection is intended for those who prefer to receive services from a single operator. Usually, an agreement is concluded with the selected company, and all calls are made automatically, omitting the code for the long-distance Rostelecom, Interregional Transit Telecom or another company. In this case, the user receives a simplified dialing option, which for long-distance calls through Rostelecom or another operator looks like this: 8 - city code - required number.

If the communication company is not selected and not previously agreed upon, then when dialing a short number, the services of Rostelecom will be provided by default.

Advantages of Rostelecom long-distance communication services

Rostelecom is one of the largest operators in Russia on the market of long-distance and international calls.

Company advantages:

  • competitive prices;
  • a wide selection of tariffs, packages and special offers;
  • fast connection;
  • high quality of services;
  • simplified set;
  • stable connection even with the most remote settlements;
  • free long-distance calls within the Rostelecom network;
  • choosing a convenient form of payment;
  • ability to manage services via Personal Area on the company website.

The company has the most extensive and extensive telecommunications network, covering all corners of Russia, even those where communications from other operators do not work. High technologies ensure quick dialing to the desired subscriber. Connection on the first attempt indicates that the system is routing the call via the shortest and most unloaded route. this moment communication channel.

The operator offers special packages for home, office and corporate phones, designed for each category of users. It is recommended to make long-distance calls from a Rostelecom home or office phone by first selecting one of the tariffs taking into account the number of calls required.

Using the correct tariff allows you to:

  • reduction of subscription fees;
  • receiving additional services at special prices or as a bonus;
  • one-time setup of several services.

If it is necessary to disable Rostelecom intercity communications, it is recommended to visit one of the company’s offices and send an application to e-mail or contact the department for advice by phone technical support. There is also the possibility of suspending the provision of services for a specified period.

Telecommunications operators in Russia provide telephone communications within the country and abroad, but only a few leading companies have high level and comfortable connection speed. If you want to use the services of Rostelecom, before making long-distance calls, you need to make sure that the dialed code corresponds to this particular operator. You can also use a simplified set. Which option do you prefer?

The gradual disappearance of national roaming from the services of mobile operators did not lead to similar changes in tariff plans for stationary devices. This is why users are now forced to look for tariffs for long-distance calls from their Rostelecom home phone.

The telephone company offers customers a number of different tariff plans that have their own distinctive features and characteristics. Therefore, in order to settle on the optimal solution and connect a profitable connection, you need to study each proposal presented and compare the available conditions. Additionally, you should remember about the personal requirements and wishes that the connection must meet.

Currently, 8 tariff plans are offered to existing and new clients. For clarity and convenient comparison of conditions, they are presented in a summary table.

Tariff planSubscription feeCost of a minute of long-distance conversation (in rubles)Packages and limits (in minutes)Peculiarities
Unlimited Russia520 0 Unlimited callsSubscribers are provided with 200 minutes of calls to mobile phones monthly
St. Petersburg – Leningradskaya0 From 2.5 depending on the place of residence of the interlocutor0 In other regions of the country, the tariff names and conditions will be different
Long conversations0 Ruble from 3 to 30 minutes, the rest of the time - 2.450 Rates also apply to intra-zonal communications
Limitless communication490 1,9 200 per dayNone
Limitless Communication (Basic)140 1,9 95 per monthNone
Unlimited communication (optimal)240 1.85 for Rostelecom numbers, 1.9 for others165 per monthNone
Pre-selection0 From 20 The cost depends on the region of residence of the interlocutor
Choice when calling0 From 2.10 The price varies depending on the call conditions

More detailed conditions are specified in the tariff description on the official website.

The cost of long-distance calls from a Rostelecom home phone

In several connection options presented above, it was indicated that the price of calls is subject to change. Users should be aware that the final cost is affected by:

  1. distance to the subscriber’s region of residence;
  2. the presence or absence of additional options.

The “Favorite Intercity” option will especially significantly reduce the cost of calls, regardless of the Rostelecom long-distance tariff. It reduces the connection cost to 1.5 rubles. to all landline and mobile phones in a certain region. The subscription fee for the option is 30 rubles. The number of simultaneously connected options of the same name, subject to payment for each connection, is not limited.

How much does a minute of conversation from a landline phone to a mobile cost?

Cost of conversations with smartphone owners and cell phones. Surprisingly, it is also tied to the distance to the recipient’s region of residence. According to the basic conditions for making calls, users should focus on the following prices:

  • up to 1200 km. – 3.5;
  • over 1200 km. – 5 rub.

The exception is the “Unlimited Russia” tariff. Here telephone communications with subscribers of mobile operators is 1.3 rubles. But it is important to remember that these figures are subject to change, since the provider reserves the right to change conditions and prices.

Cost of a call from Russia to Kyrgyzstan

International communications have separate prices, which can be clarified on the official portal or by calling the call center operator at 88001000800 (toll-free). At the same time, the company left customers the opportunity to reduce prices using the “Call to other countries” option. Its cost is 45 rubles. Below are the prices for calls to the most popular and in-demand countries (price in brackets after activation of the option):

  1. Ukraine – 16.6 (8.5);
  2. Belarus – 29 (22);
  3. to Kyrgyzstan – 18.8 (8.5);
  4. Kazakhstan – 18.8 (4);
  5. Uzbekistan – 18.8 (5);
  6. USA – 29.9 (5);
  7. Germany – 13.3 (5).
  8. China – 73 (2.5).

The cost of calls to mobile phones may differ from those indicated above.

How to make a long-distance call from a Rostelecom home phone?

Knowing the tariffs for long-distance calls from Rostelecom, it will not be difficult to understand the features of making a call. At its core, this procedure is no different from making outgoing calls to landline numbers from a cell phone. The caller will have to dial the area code, followed by a telephone number. If you cannot cope with the task, you should consult with the contact center operator.