For some reason, digital television does not show. For what reasons does digital television not show? Old TVs will not work

More than once users have asked themselves the question about the service life modern TVs, but first we need to discuss what is meant by the term “TV lifespan”.

I've seen numbers between 50,000 and 100,000 hours, with plasma often on the higher end of that scale compared to LED/CCFL displays. Although, in my opinion, LED-backlit displays would have a longer lifespan than their fluorescent counterparts. The opinion of familiar experts also puts plasma at the bottom, but the numbers that I found in manufacturers’ statements show the opposite...

How much of this is true?

The first thing we need to discuss is what manufacturers mean by “lifespan”. This does not mean that after a certain number of hours of use, the TV will simply stop working. This rating also has nothing to do with TV parts or warranties. Most manufacturers don't even mention life expectancy on their websites and accompanying documentation!

When discussing TV lifespan, manufacturers talk about brightness levels. A common method for measuring the lifespan of a television is the number of hours of use until the television reaches half its brightness level, based on when it was new (the meaning of the term “half brightness”). The TV is still watchable, it's just that the brightness level isn't as high. Almost all of today's new TVs are very bright, so they will still be largely watchable at the end of their stated 'life cycle'.

But still, the fact is this: all TVs lose brightness with age. How many years it takes before image quality is affected depends on many factors, but a few generalizations can be made. On the one hand, the brighter the TV image, the shorter its life. By controlling the backlight of your TV, you can extend its service life (and reduce your electricity bill). But will a dim TV provide you with viewing pleasure for 30 years? Most likely not, but you can easily achieve this figure.

Which TV technology has the longest service life? Hard to tell. Plasma is often the only technology that simply states life expectancy, and it is almost always a stated 100,000 hours. The CCFL fluorescent lamps of LCD TVs have the same service life as any other fluorescent lamps, and I've seen them rated to last between 30,000 and 60,000 hours (sometimes more). The “white” LEDs used in LED displays will also dim over time. There are few published data on LED lifespan (and companies don't talk about it), but it is assumed that this value is similar to the lifespan of CCFL lamps.

There are no figures for the highly anticipated OLED TVs that have just begun to hit the market (~July 2013), however, the lifespan of blue LEDs has always been one of the main factors holding back mass adoption of the technology. But according to OLED TV manufacturers, the lifespan of blue LEDs is now on par with other LEDs in TV technology, which is why we're only now seeing OLED TVs hitting the shelves instead of the same thing five years ago.

Now let's look at what these service life numbers mean? Well, if we calculate that you watch TV every day for 5 hours, the plasma will reach half its brightness in about 54 years. Even low-rated LCD TVs will only reach half the brightness in 16 years. If you watch more TV, the math will help you figure it out too: even if you leave the TV on 24 hours a day, you still have more than 10 years of plasma life at half brightness.

Keep in mind that with LCD displays, it is the backlight (CCFL or LED) that ages. In exceptional cases, there is a loss of properties of LCD crystals, but still, this is mainly a backlight problem. Technically, you could replace the display backlight assembly, but I highly doubt it would be cost effective. It's better to just buy a new TV.

It is quite possible that my next conclusions will be called into question...

Plasma and LED/LCD TVs are reliable and long-lasting. Is their lifespan comparable to CRT TVs of the 70s? Maybe yes, maybe not, but why do you need these particular numbers? Ten years ago, flat screen TVs were incredibly expensive and showed terrible picture quality. Today they are cheap and great. Imagine the amazing 70-inch 4K OLED TV you'll be able to buy in 10 years. TVs are getting bigger, cheaper and better every year. So, even if your TV has only been in use for seven years, you can replace it with a more modern one for much less money than you would pay for it today.

In other words, there is no need to worry about the life expectancy described above being problematic.

New technologies allow you to view central digital television V high quality. By using TV tuner T2 even analog models gain contrast, clarity of outline and depth of colors. Watching digital channels is possible on TVs of different generations: modern ones come with a built-in tuner and allow you to control the equipment with one remote control management. But it is not always possible to configure equipment for digital broadcasting. Let's consider situations in which the TV does not find channels.

Regardless of the type of TV, the frequencies are adjusted according to the same scheme. What in modern model Samsung, which in older devices - the principle of operation is almost identical. First of all, there must be matching antenna, capable of receiving a signal from a television tower broadcasting digital television. If the device catches the signal, the adapter will offer to add it to the menu. After connecting it to the receiver, the setup will be carried out as follows.

If you are careful, there are many tips in the TV menu, but it is important that the signal receiver is installed correctly and the T2 set-top box is connected.

IfTV doesn't get channels, can be used alternative methods of connecting digital frequencies using cable or satellite box. To search in the first way, you need to connect the cable television wire to the antenna connection connector. In the settings, by selecting the auto search menu, a new window will appear. If you need to connect digital television, you must select “other operators” rather than cable TV. In the cable TV preset, click on the “Full” item, which will allow you to select the search for only digital channels. Using the control panel, you can sort the channels and put them in the right positions.

RF OUT connector on the receiver

Using satellite equipment , connection is made by two types of cable. For these purposes, a high-frequency cable is connected to the antenna and connected to the receiver via the RF OUT connector. After connection, you can connect the equipment to the network and start auto-searching for channels on the receiver. The search will end when information about the absence of a signal appears. The receiver is connected to the TV using a low-frequency “tulip” cable and the video mode is turned on. Then, through the menu with the “quality” and “signal strength” sections, you can adjust the dish. If the connection was made correctly, the found channels will be played back without interference.

Reasons for the lack of digital television and ways to eliminate errors

If at automatic start find digital channels failed, errors may have been made. Why doesn't the TV find digital channels when setting up? This is the most common user question that arises when trying to set up a modern TV with many built-in functions. Let's look at the main causes of the problem and ways to solve them.

Checking equipment capabilities

Owners of new TVs equipped digital tuner DVB T2, can watch modern format broadcasts without resorting to additional equipment. Other TV viewers need to connect a set-top box with a similar decoder to receive EDTV on their TV.

Make sure technical capabilities your TV receiver in the following ways:

  • refer to the documentation of the TV and clarify which formats are supported by the device;
  • search for the information you need by specific model TV on the official website of the manufacturer.

Attention! If in technical specifications The TV receiver indicates support for the DVB T2 format, which means that the device is capable of receiving EDTV multiplexes. Otherwise, you will need to purchase a special set-top box. A satellite receiver will not be suitable for receiving digital broadcasts, since it works with a different format, DVB-S.

Correct connection

There are models of TV receivers and set-top boxes equipped two different antenna sockets: For receiving terrestrial and satellite signals. For such devices it is important correct connection to the signal source. We check that the cable from the all-wave terrestrial antenna is connected to the appropriate connector.

TV set-top box connects via HDMI cable or tulips. You should check the correctness physical connection and selecting the appropriate port on the TV. If any shortcomings are found, you should correct the connection and select the desired signal source (Source button on the remote control).

Timeliness of software updates

The cause of problems with setting up reception of multiplexes may be outdated software receiving equipment. On modern Smart TVs, the software is updated via the Internet, and if the TV does not receive digital channels, then you should check the update and run an automatic update.

Set-top box software with DVB T2 tuner may also not work correctly, causing problems with digital signal reception. Installing a software update solves the problem. On thematic forums and in the instructions for a specific model, you can find information on the procedure for flashing a TV set-top box.

Setting the signal quality from the antenna

Problems with the lack of digital channels may be related to the antenna setup. Diagnosis of the malfunction is carried out step by step.

  1. Conduct an audit condition of the connecting cable and contacts. If cable jams, damaged areas and poor connections are detected, the defects should be corrected.
  2. Ensure proper operation signal amplifier through trial tuning of radio and TV signals.
  3. Adjust the antenna position by small turns to achieve the best performance indicators of signal strength and quality- from 70% and above.

On January 1, 2019, it is planned to fully transition to digital television. This plan was developed by the Ministry Russian Federation on safety. To build television towers that will broadcast the signal, the authorities spent several millions. With the help of new towers, television will work even in the most distant regions. In 2019, analogue television will not be switched off in Russia, but municipal funding for it will not continue. Since funding for towers will cease, some channels will be switched off due to lack of funds. When the screen operates using an analog signal, it will be indicated by the letter "A".

Many countries around the world have long moved away from analogue television. Russia has not yet participated in this refusal, but that should change in the near future. Digital television can be used at the expense of the state. Municipal authorities report on what television will operate in 2019. Until the official announcement, both options will function.

The positive qualities of digital television include:

  • The highest quality and speed of signal transmission;
  • Images are not distorted and maintain HD quality;
  • Signal compression. Thanks to this, you can connect more channels, the quality of sound and image has increased, and this is very important for modern widescreen TVs. Can transmit and receive channel information;
  • Long distance of transmitted signal. But for now, digital TV cannot work in villages and small towns, but in the near future, with an increase in the signal range, everything will become accessible;
  • There is no need for a tuner that picks up the signal. All old TVs were equipped with them and may stop working. Modern TVs will continue to function normally.

To make the transition to digital television in Russia in 2019, you need to configure your TV to new signal using the remote control. In the settings you can select the channels you need, some will have to be paid for. IN free list there will be about 20 TV channels. Lists of safe channels have been compiled into sets, or “channel packs.” These are channels with both entertainment and news. The list included: NTV, Russia-1 and Russia 24, Muz-TV and STS, Zvezda, Mir, as well as many similar channels.

It will not be possible to cancel analogue broadcasting and switch to digital television at once, since not all transmitters are working yet, but in January 2019, when all facilities are completed, a complete transition to an improved system will be possible. The process is lengthy, because restructuring all settings and communications is not easy. For those who do not have enough money for new TVs, there is the opportunity to buy a set-top box. With it you can connect to digital broadcasting. They cost from 600 rubles, which is not very expensive.

The analogue television shutdown in 2019 could leave many poor people without their old programmes. If you don’t buy a TV, you can buy and connect a set-top box. It will pick up a new signal and ensure the operation of free channels. Most of the population with good new TVs can watch 2 channel packages, which include 10 TV channels and 3 radios. On this moment 5011 stations have already been built. It remains to complete the construction of 17 broadcasting stations in Crimea. The entire population of the country should have access to new broadcasting.

Start of broadcasting

Once the network starts operating, 98 percent of the entire population will be covered, which is about 19 thousand people. In approximately 190 settlements it will not be possible to receive a signal. Municipal authorities did not intend to install antennas in distant regions, since the number of funds is limited. But they rebuilt the previously existing stations into more modern ones. Problems with the transition will arise mainly among old people from distant settlements, who obviously will not buy a TV for 20 thousand, and the network and those for whom a receiver for a thousand is very expensive. In addition, no one will make a purchase just to watch the news once a day. Older people clearly do not understand modern innovations.

Digital TV connection

Muscovites are interested in what needs to be done to switch to digital television in Moscow in 2019. First, you need a TV that supports DVB-T2, an antenna, a special set-top box or tuner. The required components depend on the equipment that the owner has and his Money. Set-top boxes have almost all the functions of a TV, they are very easy to connect and last a long time. You can watch videos through your phone by connecting via wire or Bluetooth; there is a function for recording a program, turning on music and photos from the device. To choose a tuner for your TV, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics in advance, or better yet, consult. Antennas are also good way out from the situation, they come in different sizes and radii. It depends on the distance to the tower. There are antennas with and without amplifiers, in any case they must be directed towards the tower. How many channels it will find depends on the quality of the antenna and set-top box.

The shutdown date is planned for January 15th. They wanted to carry out the replacement already in 2015. There were funds for this, only users who did not have modern televisions interfered. Over the past couple of years, production has reached a new level. TVs are produced with DVB-T2 support, which means that they are digital.

The question of whether there will be analog and cable TV next year is quite controversial. No one can forcibly turn off cable, because this will cause a large number of discontent. The President only said that government funding would stop, and that it is very expensive to maintain the channel on your own. It follows from this that companies themselves will refuse such work. Connecting a new television has both pros and cons. For modern society and generation this is of course a plus, but for older generations it is not very convenient.

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Yes, this does not mean anything that from January 1, 2019, they will switch completely to digital TV. For us, these “transitions” last for years. So I wouldn't recommend throwing away your old analog TV.

But along with this, it’s still worth thinking about purchasing a “digital” device.

This is not entirely true.

Old TVs showed and will continue to show, the digital format will simply not be available.

But broadcasting will remain as it was.

That is, there will be a restriction, but TVs will still be shown.

TVs will work. You just won’t receive a signal if your TV does not support the dvb-t2 digital format.

However, for example, I don’t watch broadcast channels anyway. Satellite and IPTV decides.

Moreover, dvb-t2 is also supported by many old TVs from ten years ago.

In any case, you can buy a penny set-top box for $20 and continue watching your favorite old zombie box.

Starting from the new year (2019), a transition will be made from terrestrial analogue television broadcasting to digital television broadcasting.

Old TVs will still be shown, but you won’t be able to watch the channels without a new digital set-top box.

The analog antenna will not pick up channels from the new year (according to the plan from the fifteenth of January).

yes, that’s right, now from the New Year, TVs bought five years ago will supposedly not be shown without a set-top box, at least that’s what an article from the official media says

Very original idea. Moreover, the authorities do not know how much Russian residents are willing to spend on additional equipment.

It’s very rude to people, it means I bought the TV 5 years ago, but it turned out to be unusable

We did it because communications are developing, now we will watch Malakhov in improved quality, who needs this, one wonders. And this is called a New Year's gift, it's a pity, you can't refuse it

In fact, this is so, from January 1, 2019, old TVs will work. And their owners should now worry about purchasing a set-top box. It will not be ruinous; its cost starts from six hundred rubles.

All Russian television is switching to digital channels completely. In order to watch digital channels, you will need a TV in DVB-T2 or digital set-top box on an old TV.

And if owners of old TVs do not purchase a set-top box, then otherwise they will not be able to watch some federal channels.

From January 1, analogue television will be completely turned off and you won’t be able to watch it with a regular antenna.

Really. This transition in our country is scheduled for January 15, 2019, immediately after the New Year holidays. We are not going to change the TV, ours is quite new, we hope that the image will be good, bright and clear. There will be exclusively digital television.

It is high time. Well, why hold on to this old analogue. In my region, there were and are only two analogue programs (Channel One and Russia) and that’s all, the quality leaves much to be desired. I have 30 km to the TV tower. It’s been three years since the first multiplexer was launched, 10 super channels. I watch it on an old TV with a kinescope, I bought a digital television set-top box as soon as they appeared, and took it for another 2,500 rubles. Now such a console can be bought for 700-1000 rubles. Therefore, I don’t see anything other than advantages.

And a little deception, they promise that there will be 20 channels, they also launched a second multiplexer, but with such power that after 30 km I don’t receive anything at all (that is, this is only on paper). I have a good antenna, a wave channel of 15 elements at a height of 10 meters. I tried turning it on with an amplifier, but it was no use. So only 10 channels.

And the second deception in digital television set-top boxes, I don’t know how they did it, but exactly a year later my firmware starts to become “stupid”, the set-top box does not turn on for 30 minutes, as I understand this, I double-checked all the stuffing, replaced all the electrolytes, stabilizers , then they told me on the forum that it was all a matter of firmware, I reflashed it and everything worked immediately like new. And so it goes every year. Do you understand what this is for? After all, not everyone will pay 1 thousand rubles for repairs if a new one costs that much. That is, a year and a new one. I can’t speak for all models, but my ORIEL825 is like this. The firmware is available on the Internet, the procedure is not complicated, download the firmware onto a USB flash drive, go to the menu on the console, go to updates, click UPDATE and that’s it. (Just don’t forget to include the flash drive in the console, otherwise it won’t find the update).

Regional channels may lose viewers when the country switches to digital television

Starting from the new year, state funding for analogue television broadcasting will cease in those settlements where fewer than one hundred thousand people live. In this regard, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications expects that regional and municipal authorities will help the population painlessly master the new kind TV broadcasting - digital.

They won’t leave the outback without multiplexes

Without going into technical details, the essence of digital television is that not one channel can broadcast on one frequency, as in the analogue era, but 10 at once - “multiplex”. At the moment, two multiplexes have been formed, with 20 television and three radio channels. The only cost is the need to purchase additional equipment for owners of outdated television receivers.

The country has been switching to digital terrestrial television for 10 years, and now more than 98 percent of Russians can receive it. How can we make sure that in January 2019 the remaining two percent of citizens do not end up in front of screens with “white noise”, and local television companies do not have an audience? Senators discussed this issue with representatives of regional television companies and the deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexey Volin July 24.

According to the official, his department ordered a large sociological study of several tens of thousands of participants, which will provide a snapshot not only of the Russian Federation as a whole, but of each of its subjects separately.

“Then we will understand how many of our residents use analog television today,” Volin explained. - One of the difficulties is that asking a person directly whether he uses analog or digital is pointless, because he does not know. Therefore, we will find out everything through a complex of different questions. For example, how many channels are received, are there any paid channels.”

1,4 percent of Russians live outside the coverage area of ​​digital terrestrial television.

According to preliminary estimates by the ministry, approximately 1.4 percent of Russians live outside the coverage area of ​​digital terrestrial television. “So that they have the opportunity to watch digital TV, last year we agreed with major satellite television operators. So, in Yakutia, when instead of one satellite operator there were three, prices were reduced threefold. For residents who are registered in settlements outside the digital broadcasting zone, operators will make a preferential offer,” the deputy minister said at a meeting in the Federation Council.

Preferential conditions will include a 30 percent discount on a set of equipment. Also, residents of such settlements will not pay subscription fee for using the services of Tricolor-TV or NTV Plus. This is about basic package from 20 channels, Volin explained. “I do not rule out the possibility that already in 2018 a similar requirement for satellite service operators may be fixed at the legislative level,” he noted.

Here the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is very important to help local authorities, especially at the municipal level. “We will ask them to compile lists of subscribers and help people organize for centralized ordering of equipment,” the official informed.

For residents who are registered in settlements outside the digital broadcasting zone, operators will make a preferential offer.

Senators will help connect regional authorities so that they inform the population through their structures, promised the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. “It is important for us that remote areas are not left behind,” she told the Parliamentary Gazette. “We need to study the state of affairs in the regions and propose a suitable solution - somewhere by laying optical fiber, somewhere by purchasing special devices.”

Some subjects, for example, the Astrakhan region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, have solutions that other regions can use, the legislator recalled. “Of course, we need to pay a lot of attention to informing the population about what awaits people in the near future. Without this, it is difficult to navigate, especially for older people. If they start showing explanatory videos only in October, then it’s probably too late,” says Lyudmila Bokova.

The “21st button” problem has not yet been resolved

The senator from the Omsk region drew attention to the problem of the so-called “21st button.” This is a mandatory public channel on regional television, which, however, did not make it into the top twenty free TV channels.

“People are accustomed to regional and municipal channels, and the feds understand perfectly well that without state support, on advertising alone, they will not be able to exist... If we do not now defend the right of the regions to free broadcasting, then in a few years we will be forced to spend much more money, recreating the local television network,” the legislator stated.

In her opinion, the Western model, when local television companies operate “on cable,” will not work in Russian conditions: “We have cable networks in three or four districts out of 31 in the Omsk region. It turns out that without our regional television the region will be cut off from its news.”

First Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber Commission for the Development of the Information Society, Media and Mass Communications Alexander Malkevich In support of Elena Mizulina’s fears, he cited the example of a republican television company in Karelia, which had to be created “from scratch” at great expense after the previous governor refused such a resource several years ago.

It is necessary to give the opportunity to regional television companies that have the status of mandatory public access to replace analog signal to digital, says the general director of the Penza shopping and entertainment complex "Express" Stepan Parfenov.

“That is, to allow the use of radio frequencies for digital television broadcasting of the DVB-T2 standard,” he explained. - The key criterion should be the absence of the possibility of multiplexing, that is, adding other TV channels. In other words, one frequency - one obligatory public TV channel of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.”

There are several ways that can be seen “head-on,” the senator from Sevastopol is sure.

“The first thing is to include a regional channel in the first multiplex, sacrificing one of the existing ones. You can also reconsider the composition of the channels of the second multiplex, almost all of which are entertainment and commercial channels. After all, television is the tool for communication with the outside world that the older generation uses. The next question is related to the organization of the third multiplex. It is not yet clear at whose expense it will be implemented; here we come down to finances. The third option is to try to solve the problem through telecom operators, but then we are moving away from the legal requirement that there should be a single provider of television and radio communications services,” Timofeeva listed possible options.

The final decision was postponed until the fall in order to calculate each of the options.