Why doesn't download master download from youtube. Download Master does not download videos from YouTube

You can watch videos from popular video services!

Supported video services

Watching YouTube videos is easy. Add an upload with the address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and in a few seconds the video from YouTube will be available for viewing.

Downloading videos from Metacafe is easy. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from Metacafe. Using the player built into the program, you can watch videos downloaded from Metacafe.

Download videos from Break.com in 2 clicks. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the file will be downloaded from Break.com. Using the built-in player, you can watch the downloaded video.

VKontakte partially

Download VKontakte videos using Download Master. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from VKontakte to your computer. Watch the video using the program's built-in player.

It's easy to download videos from Rambler Vision. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from Rambler Vision. Using the built-in player you can watch videos downloaded from Rambler Vision.

Video bigmir)net

It's easy to download videos from bigmir)net. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from bigmir)net. Using the player built into the program, you can watch videos downloaded from bigmir)net.

Video PLAY.ukr.net (video.ukr.net)

Downloading videos from PLAY.ukr.net is no different from downloading from other video services. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from PLAY.ukr.net. Using the built-in player you can watch videos downloaded from PLAY.ukr.net.

Services from which you can download videos from DMBar for Firefox


It's easy to download videos from RuTube. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from RuTube. Using the built-in player you can watch videos downloaded from RuTube.

[email protected]

It's easy to download videos from [email protected]. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from [email protected]. Using the built-in player you can watch videos downloaded from [email protected].

It's easy to download videos from Corbina.TV. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from Corbina.TV. Using the built-in player you can watch videos downloaded from Corbina.TV.

It's easy to download videos from Google Video to your computer. Add the download address (URL) of the page on which the video is located and the video will be downloaded from Google Video. Using the player built into Download Master, you can watch videos downloaded from Google Video.


Please download only those videos, music and other files that have been authorized by the copyright holder. The developers of Download Master are not responsible for possible violations of the rules of use of services and sites used by users of the program. For any possible violations associated with downloading files, users who downloaded these files are responsible.

Problems, questions, suggestions

Discussing downloading streaming video.
If you have problems downloading streaming video, have questions about this option or suggestions for adding new video services.

Downloading videos from DMBar for Firefox

How to download videos from YouTube to your computer without programs

3 tools for downloading YouTube videos that I have chosen are, in my opinion, the best on the web. They are simple for beginners, easy to use, and do not require many operations. I have included probably almost all types of free applications that are used: directly for Youtube, through other websites and through browser extensions.

There are, of course, thousands of similar tools for downloading videos on the Internet, and this list is not exhaustive. But I hope that these simple tools for downloading YouTube videos will help in solving this problem.

List of TOP 3 tools for downloading videos from YouTube.


Web extractor, an extension for Firefox that downloads everything, everywhere!

If you use the Firefox browser, which is already used by millions of Internet users, then a super add-on for YouTube - DownloadHelper - will help you.

You can use it to store your favorite videos on your hard drive and watch them whenever you want. And note, you can download videos not only from YouTube. You can download videos from other sites that offer streaming videos. Personally, I use it for a long time. I'm really glad, because until now I always and everywhere download the required video without any problems.

All you need to do is install it in the Firefox browser. After installation, an add-on icon will appear on the main navigation panel of the browser, by clicking on which you can download the video you liked.

A very good addition, it works flawlessly. If you use Firefox, you can download the latest Russian version from this link.

No. 2 – Savedeo

This is an online service that is most often used to download videos from YouTube. Working here is very simple: copy the video address, paste it into the window and click on the yellow download button.

After this, several options will appear: download videos with different resolutions and formats - not only video, but also audio.

#3 – Savefrom

This is one of the most popular services for downloading videos from Youtube.
There are several ways to work with the service:
1. Open the website using the link, copy the video address, select the format and click on the yellow download button.

2. Copy the video URL into your browser. After www and a period, before youtube, write two letters ss and press enter. On the site page, select the video format you need and click on the download link.

In addition to Youtube, this site gives you the opportunity to download videos from many popular platforms.

I often get asked the question “how to download videos from YouTube?”. The topic has long been worn out, I may not say anything new, but if you have landed on this page, then the question is still relevant.

At first, I couldn’t understand why download a video from YouTube if you can watch it online. However, when I had a child, it became necessary to download cartoons to my phone in order to show my child (not always in the area wifi actions), that’s when I also wondered about downloading videos from YouTube.

There are many different options for downloading videos from YouTube, but I’ll tell you about four proven and very convenient methods that I used myself. You can choose the most convenient method for you.

Download videos from youtube using youtubebyclick.com ( NEW)

This service appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity due to its wide functionality. Eat free version, which allows you to do everything that the vast majority of users need (download videos and music from youtube, rutube, vimeo, dailymotion, facebook).

The paid version (premium) is suitable for more “professional” users and allows you to download an entire playlist or channel with one click, convert videos to different formats, download private recordings from Youtube and Facebook, download subtitles, add ID3 tags to MP3 files and much more.

In order to use this method, you need to be on a computer. After installation, open the program, select the folder into which you will download the files, select the format and quality, insert the link to the video, and a new task appears in the download status window.

If you need something more, for example, to download the entire channel (or playlist) in one touch, then you can buy a subscription to the paid version, it is inexpensive and will best choice for professionals (for example, if you want to make your own channel with compilations of jokes, cocks, etc., choose the premium version).

Download videos using the ByClick online service ( NEW)

I admit, this is my favorite way to download videos from YouTube. The simplicity of this method allows you to download videos in any browser, without installing extensions and add-ons.

To download a video, you need to open the video you are interested in and address bar, To youtube add symbols to at the end to make it work youtubeto.com instead of youtube.com as in the screenshot and press Enter.

After clicking Enter you will be taken to a website page in which you will see a link to the video source, the duration of the video clip, its name and, most importantly, buttons for selecting the quality of the saved video. You will immediately be prompted to select three download options: MP3 (only audio from the video), MP4 (video in normal quality) and MP4 HD (video in HD quality).

Select either MP3 or MP4 (video) in the desired quality (for later downloading the video to your phone, I choose normal quality, this is quite enough), we save it on the computer. After this, we will see a message that the video has been saved.

As you can see, a very simple and convenient way to download videos from YouTube.

GetVideo download service ( NEW)

GetVideo is another very interesting service for downloading videos from YouTube, Vimeo and VKontakte. In addition, the site has a link to download the application for Windows.

Using the service is very simple: you copy the link with the video address, paste it into the form and immediately receive a list of possible formats and resolutions for downloading.

Please note that in addition to the video itself, you can separately download the audio track from the video, and in several formats.

And another interesting feature from the service: the ability to write the name of what you need directly in the search bar instead of the video address. This is especially true when there is no time to search for videos on YouTube and frantically copy/paste their addresses (and at this time children “stand dressed in the door”).

Well, one last thing. In addition to the online service, there is also an installation option free application GetVideo, which, unlike online service makes it possible to download several videos at the same time, download videos in 4K resolution (with sound), and has a built-in download manager.

Download youtube videos via SaveDeo

A very cool service for downloading videos from YouTube! To get the download link, you need to go to the website SaveDeo and paste the link to your video

then press the “ Download” and select the download format you need

A huge plus of this service is a large number of formats in which you can save the video.

Download videos from youtube using a plugin

This method is not as fast as the previous ones, but it is the most convenient. If you often use downloading videos from YouTube, then this method is just for you.

Because I mainly use Firefox browser, then I’ll write how to use this browser and plugin Download YouTube Videos as MP4 You can very conveniently save videos to your computer.

And so, open the browser, go to plugin link, install it. After that, open any video on YouTube and pay attention to the “” button that appears. Download

When you click on it, you will see links to videos of different quality and format

As you can see it is very convenient!

Hello! I installed the Download Master program and wanted to download videos from YouTube using it, i.e. - clicked on the blue plus sign - add download, then copied the video link to the special. line in the window that appears in the Download Master program and click on “start downloading”. Then the message “bad gateway” appears (and so on with all the videos). How to get rid of this gateway? How to upload a video?

Andrey | 18 February 2015, 17:15
The same crap happened to me. IDM used to download from YouTube, but one day I gave up. It gives an error like "You are not allowed access to this server"It is YouTube that blocks downloads because it is not profitable, it needs views.

Igor | November 25, 2013, 10:13 pm
YouTube doesn’t allow you to download just like that... DM will not take the link directly - only through a proxy server, and judging by your letter, it is not configured. Install the program (available on this site) and it should work. Good luck!

Azer Binnetsoy | November 23, 2013, 6:20 pm
Hello. Ya reshil pomoc tebya. Znacit tak, www.youtube.com otkrivaem, smotrim video rolik, esli ponravilsa xocetsa zakacat rolik, zdelaem tak na verxu qde www.youtube.com vot tam srazu pered youtube, postle www. pishim ss i srazu enter najimaem www.ssyoutube.com i vsyo dalshe sam uvidesh, vsyo ocen leqko

Anton | November 22, 2013, 15:02
- good program, and (IDM) is even better. But she doesn’t download videos from YouTube either. This is YouTube specific. To download from YouTube, you need to install the appropriate extensions for downloading from YouTube in your browser. I only use Opera (the old one - the latest 12th versions), for which there are a great many similar extensions. These extensions range in size from a few KB to several tens of KB and install in seconds without rebooting. There are no problems with downloading from YouTube, your Download Master will download everything. In addition, you can select a video - MP4 or FLV, select the resolution (often in HD quality), or download only the audio track from the video in MP3. There is another option - this special programs for downloading from YouTube, but I don’t like them, because... you need to take the URL to the video, enter it into the appropriate line in the program, etc. There are many such programs and it is not at all difficult to find them.

Father | November 22, 2013, 09:18
Tube is constantly improving its methods of preventing video downloading. The number of views is the main criterion for receiving money from producers, so those programs that successfully downloaded videos a couple of months ago may stop doing so today. The only way out is to periodically visit the site and check for updates to existing programs and new ones that have appeared for downloading from TyTruba.

The easiest and fastest way to download videos from YouTube to your computer is to use one of several hundred online services available on the Internet. They are all similar to each other, but Lifehacker prefers those that have stood the test of time.


Other proven services

If for one reason or another you are not satisfied with the previous options, then you can use numerous alternatives, for example:

  • Getvideolink.com (attention, there is content 18+).

Some of them offer additional functions like downloading videos in Full HD and even 4K, but the general principle of operation is the same for everyone:

  1. Copy the link to the YouTube video.
  2. Paste it into the appropriate field on the service page.
  3. Select the parameters of the downloaded video (quality, format, etc.) and download it.

How to download YouTube videos using browser extensions


You can add a video download button directly to YouTube interface. To do this, just install the SaveFrom.net extension for your browser.

Firefox, Opera and Yandex Browser are supported (choose the version for Opera). To add it to Chrome, you will first have to install the Chameleon extension, and then select the version for Opera.

YouTube Video Downloader

Google does not allow extensions for downloading videos from YouTube to the company store, so YouTube Video Downloader you will have to install it manually.

  1. Follow the link, click the Download for Chrome button, and then extract the downloaded archive.
  2. Next, in Chrome, open the “More Tools” → “Extensions” menu and turn on the “Developer Mode” toggle switch.
  3. Click "Download Unpacked Extension" and select the YouTube Video Downloader files folder in your downloads.

To download a video, use the extension icon on the toolbar or the buttons under the video. A choice of quality is available, as well as a separate download of audio in MP3.

ClipGrab (Windows, macOS, Linux)

ClipGrab will be a real find for fans of the all-in-one format. There is a built-in YouTube search, automatic recognition of links from the clipboard, extensive settings and download management. Everything is simple and reliable, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t work with playlists.

Softorino YT Converter (macOS)

This application is for those who don't like to bother. No, it allows you to select the quality and download only audio tracks, but its main feature is downloading videos as quickly and easily as possible.

In just a couple of clicks, the video can be downloaded and immediately transferred to an iOS device. Read more.

How to Download YouTube Videos Using Android Apps

Google's policy regarding loader extensions for Chrome also applies to Android apps. Google Play. Therefore, it is preferable to look for them on the side. This is dangerous, so carefully look at the address of the site from which you want to get the APK file.

Lifehacker has collected proven applications that will allow you to download videos from YouTube to smartphones and Android tablets and will not harm your data and devices. This official pages projects. Choose any of the applications, but only to the addresses listed below. Downloading and installing from other sources is entirely at your own risk.

How to download YouTube videos using iPhone and iPad apps


Starting with iOS 12, you can download videos using shortcuts. First install the application itself, and then add the corresponding shortcut from this link.

SaveFrom.net + Dropbox

Another workaround that has to be used due to iOS limitations. Using the above-mentioned SaveFrom.net service, we can get a direct link to a YouTube video, and using the Dropbox extension, we can save it to a cloud folder.

The operating principle is as follows.

This file manager for iOS has a built-in browser. With it, you can go to any online video download service (guaranteed to work with SaveFrom.net) and insert a link to a YouTube video.

The downloaded video will be in the internal downloads folder file manager. From there you need to move it to the Photos application folder. After this, the downloaded video will be available for viewing in the gallery along with other videos you have shot.